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If they're obstructing a curb cut, bus stop, sidewalk, driveway, fire lane or hydrant, it's something you should call about. If someone's safety could be at risk it should be a no brainer. I've had to email parking enforcement (with photo proof so they couldn't escape the ticket) three times this year so far over people parked so shittily I was forced to walk in the street or couldn't easily pass them with a mobility device.


Call. God forbid there’s a fire.


Call and post the tow truck.


Call and get it towed, you would care if your house was on fire!


Absolutely not! Call and report them. Their car could likely be towed. They are obstructing public property. Absolutely not an ass to call!


But you just said you don't care if they block it. You care if they're blocking you. You should always care about a blocked fire hydrant.


Poor choice of words, edited my post.


If the owner doesn't care about the safety or lives of the neighbors on the street, make sure you call and get it ticketed AND towed ASAP! Why should you feel bad about having them towed, after weeks apparently, for being parked in front of a hydrant, because they obviously dont give 1 shot about the neighbor's lives or properties?! God forbid a fire starts and that car stops them or slows them down from getting to the water they need in a hurry, what if it was YOUR HOUSE?! See what I'm saying.... FFS if you feel bad about calling, DM me the address and make/middle of the car an I'll call myself... Blocking a fire hydrant or Fire Lane because it's convenient parking for you is one of the most ignorant things someone can do, not to mention selfish and overly entitled! Those ppl must not give 2 shits about anyone else's well being or property if the blatantly park there! That's just as bad as some lazy assholes taking the handicapped parking spots that don't have a placard, just because it's the closes spot?! Nahhh, don't do that to ppl, thats slimy AF!


They tow cars parked within 15ft of a driveway in my city. Will tow at owners expense for blocking the fire hydrant also. Don’t tolerate this, should’ve bought a different house if the current one doesn’t have enough room in the garage or driveway.


Update: I called non emergency a few hours ago and nothing so far. They said they’d send an officer.


“Who is in charge of water hydrants? 🔥🚒 Some fire departments choose to maintain and test the hydrants within their communities, but ma**ny water utilities t**ake on this responsibility along with the costs.” Wouldn’t hurt to contact those individuals as well and let them know the plate number, make and model of the car, keep photos on record to prove the pattern (I assume you’ve already done that). Usually, the fire department takes such things very seriously and is pretty responsive in my experience. Any updates? If police still didn’t come, I’d call back and check with them, let them know no one came to your knowledge the day before and it’s still an ongoing issue.


Report it to the Fire Department? They take it very seriously!


Call and have them towed. In NYC I saw fire fighters bust windows on a vehicle and put their hose through to get it white they needed to to put a fire out in a building. They won't wait for no tow truck! I'm waiting the fire dept here comes out and bleeds the hydrants once a year and the holly bush is about to grt them a ticker cause it's about to start growing over the hydrant and they are the worst bush ever! My neighbors are super lazy and it's clear based on the fact they've allowed the bush to get that bad, or letting their ivy destroy our driveway cause the plant is technically in our area deemed an invasive plant due to the destruction it does to property and live trees/ vegetation. Any time someone blocks a hydrant and it's clear its on purpose and for long periods of time I'd have them cited and deal with the fine. Same for your driveway, you have a right to be able to enter or exit your driveway and if they are blocking it or making it difficult then yes it can be reported. The street is a public roadway, but you cannot obstruct driveways or hydrants.


Definitely report it


So it’s been 24 hours since I called and nothing. Do I call again? Call the fire department?