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A couple of rocks along your border to stop any vehicles from driving over it. And cameras for when some idiot drives over them and wrecks their vehicle. May be worth researching some good lawyers just in case. No need to contact them, but preparing a list of ones to reach out to in case things start escalating.


Cameras, smell fence/rocks to stop them from driving and have them both formally trespassed.


Cameras and documentation. Our NFH hate our cameras because they like to accuse everyone of wrongdoing. We get knocks at the door asking if our cameras picked up this or that. If you have a community resource officer like we have, you can give them updates and essentially build a file of complaints. They don’t have to come out and can give advice on how to handle things legally. Ours has been a great help and served as a witness in our defense when the neighbors accused us of harassing them. It was found in our favor that they were harassing us.


Rocks are good on the property edges, check local ordinances for how far a fence has to be off the property line. Sounds like the pet situation turned sour and they let it brew for too long. NDN had juvenile reaction to the meeting. Just keep to yourself, document and report anytime they trespass on your property. Record and photograph all damages. Good luck.


The idea with the rocks is the best idea block that section so that they can’t drive through it. I have neighbors who have been bullying and harassing me for over five years.. the only way I could get them to stop was to complain to the guys wife’s work as she has a code of conduct clause that includes the neighborhood in which they live. Only then did it kind of settle down, but the husband still occasional acts up because he knows I live alone. Police won’t do anything unless he threatens you, hurts you or damages any of your property. They have to actually have a physical charge. Take care of what you need to do for yourself and your family. Don’t even bother to try to patch things up because that’ll likely go nowhere. They sound unreasonable and selfish. I put up a fence last summer and was threatened with two lawsuits on either side. Meanwhile, it’s both their fences that are over onto my property. 10 inches on the north side. And we are actually inside the property line 4 inches on the south side, and their fence is into my yard by 8inches. My neighbor was “still going to contact Her lawyer”. I told her that when it’s deemed that she’s in the wrong she’d have to pay all my legal expenses as well, is that the route she wants to take? That shut her up. Good luck and try to ignore them as much as you can! Oh and do also get a video camera just to cover yourself. Im hopeful it’ll blow over in time. Maybe the Son will move out soon.


Aren’t you worried about adverse possession? You’re the one paying taxes on those 10 & 8 inches which you could eventually lose.


To me the small amount of land isn’t worth fighting with people. I have to pay property taxes anyways. When I sell the house I’ll let the new owners or I’m hoping developers they will do what they need to do to have the lot properly surveyed and marked, and at that time I’m sure they will be the ones to tell the neighbors their fence/gate which are over will have to go or they’ll be removed. I am taking care of my elderly Aunt and this is her home. She’s been here 63 years and her current neighbors are nothing but selfish aholes. She was always generous to them all the while they’ve lived here and now because I’m here caring for her and they can’t take advantage of her yard and driveway anymore I’m the problem. Lol. I don’t care about a few inches of weedy grass enough to let it get me all hot and angry. I had to call the police on my south side neighbors as they wanted to get handsy and they were trying to shove me out of my own back yard. People these days are so mean and unreasonable. All the while my Aunt is 102, actively dying for the past 6months and all they care about is not even a ft of weeds and a fence that never belonged to them. 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️🤯


I second the rock idea. Came here to suggest this.


This is specifically why you do not "mingle" or get involved with neighbors. Things can start off well, then this happens, and you are basically stuck in a tough situation. I would not communicate with them whatsoever going forward. Not a single word, not even eye contact. It will be awkward at first, but likely blow over and become the norm, eventually. Do not react or communicate with them at all..this is KEY. If you do, you are back at square one. If they are destroying or encroaching on any part of your property, call the town/city/police/attorney etc. Do not try to enforce anything yourself at any point. You have no authority. Get someone who does have authority to take care of it if there is in fact, a violation. Do not let them continue to do what they are doing. If you have to make a police report, ask the officer to speak with you outside of your neighborhood and not at your home to avoid causing a scene. Neighbors are neighbors, not friends. An occasional neighborly wave is all that is needed. Become friends with people that you do not live so close to because shit like this can happen, and you are stuck. Don't communicate w them. *Get a home security camera system and record everything. Report them. Who gives a shit if they don't like your fence. It is your property and you can do whatever you want to it. Put some nice big decorative boulders in the patch of grass. Don't let your dog go into their yard and vice versa. Do not communicate with them at all even if they initiate contact. If they try to gas light/harass you, make a police report. Make sure to record everything. This is what I would do. Good luck.


Thank you for this! We are getting advice from family members to wait a few days and try to reach out to mend things so we don’t seem like bad neighbors. I’m 6 months pregnant though and don’t feel comfortable trying to reach out to someone who told us never to step foot on his property again and that he’ll knock my husband’s teeth out.


Why are you planning on reaching back out? Your NDN made it pretty clear how he feels about y'alls "relationship". Leave it alone ffs and follow the advice you've been given


We aren’t planning on it, that’s just what some of our family has recommended we do. I completely agree with you that we need to just ignore them and let that become the norm.


Absolutely ignore them!! Your family doesn't have to live by them lol! Good luck!


Ug, yes, please don't listen to the family on this one. Build your fence between your driveways, install cameras, and happily live your lives. btw - you don't sound like the nfh at all.


They don't want you on their property, then you make sure their son can't drive on your grass, or driveway. The son is the problem here, you enjoy your own property and let them be miserable.


The boulders are a good idea, my mother had a similar issue with a neighbor and she got boulders put where they were driving on her property and it put a stop to it. Just make sure before you go that route that it's okay to put the boulders in your yard and it's not against any ordinances or anything.


Plant a small flower bed. Put large rocks as a border.


Don’t reach out-NDN is a bad neighbor. Sounds like the trouble started when their son moved in?


That’s seems to be when the trouble started. Prior to that our neighbor was very friendly and we got along very well!


Something going on with the son definitely. Family problems started, or fired back up. Keep to yourselves, enjoy your family. A rock barrier and garden is a great and attractive idea.


I get that you catch more bees with honey, but it does not sound like your neighbors are the reasonable type if they threatened to knock your husband's teeth out..... I would have reported this to the cops..sounds like you are being too nice, imo. Your family is advising YOU to not seem like a bad neighbor, and your neighbor is the one threatening violence against your husband. Seems a little ass backward. Don't be too nice, is my advice. But this is just my personal opinion.


Yes, a family of people pleasers it seems.


Do NOT contact or communicate with them. Get some boulders or put up a fence where they're driving on your grass. Get security cameras and stay away from them like they have the plague.


🤣 🤣 You are waiting to reach out to people that pulled guns on you. Wake up.


We aren’t going to! I agree with you. Some of our family is suggesting we reach out to settle things, but we aren’t comfortable doing that.


> This is specifically why you do not "mingle" or get involved with neighbors. Things can start off well, then this happens, and you are basically stuck in a tough situation. Sadly, even when you don't mingle with neighbors, they still decide to make you their personal pet project to torment. I know this has happened to me multiple times despite rarely speaking to them beyond a simple "hi" before the trouble would begin.


Document everything. Keep a log. Keep pictures. Install security cameras and save footage. Hopefully it won’t come to needing it, but some people cannot help but escalate. I really hope that’s not the case with your NDN, but if it turns out to be, the documentation will be essential. Also, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what you said to the other neighbor. At all. That said, I’d keep the information you share with them and others in the neighborhood to a minimum. Just in case someone gets drama hungry and feels the need to insert themselves into your business. Short and sweet hello, goodbye, “nice weather” etc. All of the above is said from experience. Wishing you all the best and that it blows over in time.


Big boulders, cactus and blackberry bushes


Build more fencing between the driveways


We did the neighborly "share a big common yard" thing once. We'll never do it again.


We’ve learned our lesson for sure. Only causes problems! The guy who lived here before us was all about letting anyone and everyone to whatever they wanted in his yard, so I think all of the neighbors around us had the idea in their mind that they could still do that stuff when he moved out.


File for a no trespass order then cameras and have them arrested if they violate it


Decorative boulders on that patch of grass. If they want to trespass on your property because their tiny egos got hurt, they can pay dearly for it. Odds are you were perfectly fine neighbors for them as long as you didn't get in the face and were the....doormats as it were? But when you decided to do something for yourselves without their go ahead or "consultation" they took mighty offence to that. So, file a police report. Do have the cops come out. What's your neighbor gonna do? Get security cameras. No ifs and or buts about it. Make sure one is pointed at your back yard so that NDN's son doesn't toss something over the fence. But for that 10 foot line, get some decorative boulders, or cement posts.


Restraining order from neighbor for pulling guns in you cameras everywhere with night vision sound block their path from driving in your property


Take it from my lesson learned. Call the police to the house. Have them physically go to the neighbor and talk to them. Intried playing the nice guy and now, 14 police calls later, my neighbor is still an A-hole. The prosecutors don't help. My neighbor has 4 pending tresspassing cases and 1 malicious destruction of property that's pending. BTW call the cops, have the cops issue an official tresspassing notice immediately! Get a survey if you haven't. Mark the corners with large stone or something. Make the property line known. That way if he drive in your yard you can at least get the ball rolling. Your not the a hole neighbor. Your neighbors are and they're now learning to have to respect people's boundaries. Forget about the neighbor complaint g about you building a fence. That's your right and want to do so. When you talk to them. Make it clear. Your property is YOUR property, NOT theirs. Unfortunately the only real answer may be to just keep to yourself and eventually move in a near future. From my experience, once a NFH rears their ugly head. There is no associating or dealing with them.


I had a similar issue, my neighbors were using my driveway for the exact same reason, to not move their cars. It was their daughter who was doing it and she kept overshooting my driveway onto my grass and running over sprinklers and other things (she wasnt the best behind the wheel). I eventually put up a fence and called it a day. Neighbors dont have to be your friends, but you do have to be civil. Make sure any convos with the neighbors going forward are recorded. Depending on the state both/all parties might not be required to know if the convo is being recorded to hold up in court. You should also install cameras, my parents had a sort of similar issue where they needed to put up a fence and the neighbors hit it with a beater car to try and knock it over. Make sure the fence is legally entirely on your property also, or you will be required to remove it if court gets involved, you can hire a survey company to steak the line (get cameras first), and install the fence one to 2 inches inside of that


My favorite barrier are those large half oak barrels. Fill 2/3 full with 1 inch crushed rock then the top 1/3 with potting soil. Put climbing vines like clematis on trellis' stuck in the dirt. Beautiful, hard to move, and the plants are hardy - you only need to water every few days.


Get a lawyer. Make sure the lawyer lets them know that THEIR son was the force to make you put up the fence, and has been the one causing problems, and with this attitude, you want them to stop causing problems, stay off your property, and if they don’t, you will take this to court, and you might include the cost of the fence you had to put in, as well as repairs/replacement of the fence, and the stability of your land. Sounds like he’s already cost you a lot of money, that he could be forced to pay due to his son. If you don’t already have cameras, put them up. I also wonder about your dog “biting” him. He may have provoked your dog, and it’s very possible that the dog never bit him, he just wanted you to give him money.


Thank you!! We agree on the dog issue. Our dog has never bitten a person and has never been aggressive at all. Every person we’ve told about this that knows our dog says “really? That dog BIT someone? That doesn’t sound true”. I had seen him yelling “GIT!” at her when she would bark and kind of kicking her away, so if she did actually bite him he very well could have provoked her.


If your dog had any injuries or illnesses after this started, it’s very possible he didn’t get the memo about the shared yard and was trying to force your dog out of his yard with kicking or hitting, or other violence. If anything happened to your dog then, document it.


I don't have dogs, but my neighbors do, and even when they witnessed their dog bite my daughter, she didn't get an apology. I got cussed out. They decided to drive in my lawn and destroy my grass in retaliation. All I did to fix the problem was put a post right next to the survey marker. They called the police on me, yes, however, they haven't touched my property since. The post I got was a bird feeder, $25 at Walmart. They're putting up a fence on their property now. No, we won't sign the papers to have it be a shared fence.




Our dog has not bitten anyone before. This is why we were surprised when he said that she bit him, she has never been aggressive toward anyone before.


Sorry if I'm missing something but why would you be the bad neighbors here? You didn't do anything so who is telling you you're the bad neighbours? The people next door?


During the altercation we had with NDN he told us that we have a “bad reputation in the neighborhood” and we have “no friends here”. And when we told some family members about this whole situation, they told us we should have never brought up these issues so we could “keep the peace” and that bringing this stuff up makes us bad neighbors.


Bad reputation because of the situation you detailed? Are your neighbours manipulating the situation when they discuss it? Or are your neighbours just mad you aren't being best friends with all of them? Your neighbours sound like assholes one hundred percent but I'm lost as to why you'd be the asshole in the situation.


Everyone around us has been here for 20 years or so I think, so they all know each other very well. We are also significantly younger than all of them. So I think NDN is going around to all of them saying how crazy we are and changing the story, etc. We have also had issues with loose dogs getting into our fenced in yard and chasing our dogs, which we have brought up to other neighbors because we feel this is a problem and people should be controlling their dogs within their homes or yards (once is a mistake, but this is a common occurrence with the same dogs). Neighbors feel that this is not an issue and if we see a loose dog we should be helping it get home rather than being upset it got into our yard. I’m sorry but I’m not going to go up to two German shepherds in my yard that I’ve never met and try to get them home, especially not while I’m 6 months pregnant. So, these are the reasons we are told we are bad neighbors.


Get. Fence for the front yard!


We can’t unfortunately because our HOA doesn’t allow fences to be too close to the road. We will likely be putting in some rocks so they can’t drive through.


Rocks and cameras. What is so sad is that when I grew up we literally went in and out of each others homes constantly.


Sounds like your dogs are or were the problem and activated this man’s mental illness so you’ll have to get cameras and barricade where he’s driving. Do your dogs bark a lot during the day?


We let them out a few times per day, only in the fenced backyard, and they will bark if another dog is outside or someone in a neighboring yard. But if we hear them barking for more than a few minutes or so we will call them back inside. They don’t bark inside the house unless someone comes to the door.


Wait wait wait… are you my neighbors?


Did you threaten to knock their teeth out?


If you are the NDN, then why do you think it’s ok to drive through their yard? Those property damage charges can carry up to three years in prison in my area.