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ManWoman was on the TV show “Weird Homes”. I think their house was in Edmonton and it was adorned in swastikas inside and out. They wanted to show people that the swastika was an old symbol and shouldn’t be thought of as a symbol for hate. Maybe this will help you find the episode. There was another show called “Weird Wheels” around the same time, late nineties/early 2000s. I don’t remember much else from the shows but ManWoman has always stuck in my head. Best of luck with your search. 


https://www.facebook.com/share/XrooY73k94U4JnDg/?mibextid=eQY6cl for a Facebook group of memories from lots of Kootenay folks. https://organicsportsranch.com/other-activities/ the disc golf ranch near Golden - there’s a huge collection of art there. I hope you can find some pieces. Hugs.


I second the idea of talking to Infinity Solstice, the guy who runs the sports ranch near Golden.


The fact that you just mentioned infinity Solstice sent my mind spinning into the past. What a character, and what a rad place to play tennis! lol great memories


it's an old [article](https://www.cranbrooktownsman.com/news/cranbrook-loses-a-leading-cultural-light-5306310) but maybe you could attempt to contact some of the people interviewed?


That would be creepy wouldn't it. Somehow getting peoples contact info from a 12 yr old article is fucking odd...like its been 12 years its probably someone else


you're asking on reddit... plus if he's been dead for over a decade he probably hasn't been online for some time


OP: hi I’m looking for leads on someone Reply: here’s a lead OP: that’s creepy and fucking odd lol good old Nelson


Afaik he has passed away. But he was living in Cranbrook during has last years I believe. It would be worth it to reach out to local groups in Cranbrook on Facebook and see what you can piece together.


Definitely was living in Cranbrook when he died.


Yeah, when I lived in Cranbrook (2001-2006) is when I heard of them and saw them in person a couple times (never spoke to them). They seemed to have some notoriety around town.


Listened to an artist talk they gave at acad in the early 2000s and they were a vibrant and fascinating character covered in tattoos and dressed in bright colours. Talked about being a forest fire Lookout and how they spent that time alone painting their nails and pondering the restrictiveness of gender identity and finding spirituality. They fully explained the history of the swastika as an ancient holy symbol that they wanted to wrest away from the horror of the nazis. The artwork they showed was very pop art influenced painting, bright colours and humor like "Spray on God" as an advertisement mocking consumer culture. Sure made an impression. I hope you learn more.


I may have been at that same talk or perhaps one in the 90s. Interesting that you mention tattoos and swastikas but fail to note that many of the tattoos were swastikas.


Attended a similar talk at RDC around the same time with similar info. It could be worth contacting some art schools to see if they have any info about their lectures!


Manwoman- very cool! Interesting art and person. I.m sure i.ve seen a doc or news report on them. Maybe try youtube? This was in the early 90.s. I learned about them from a friend on the coast. They were influential in the alternative art scene.


"Truthpaste!" Used to date a woman who had a bunch of literature, art mags, etc about Manwoman. Haven't heard that name since the '90s.


You're probably better off asking on the Cranbrook, BC page. He was a local fixture while I was growing up there in the 70s and 80s. 2012 Obit: https://mcphersonfh.com/tribute/details/1784/Man-Woman/obituary.html


I recall he lived in Cranbrook and often wore yellow robes. He did some highschool visits and he also had a website explaining his philosophy of love and mysticism. I believe he had an alien abduction in Alberta in the seventies.


My parents were friends with ManWoman. My mom was one of the first baby bellies he painted. I ran into him and his family when I worked at a restaurant in new west. His daughter went to Douglas college. What questions do you have? I can ask my mom. I’ll message you the picture as I can’t put it here.


I met him several times living in Cranbrook in the eighties and nineties. His parents owned a jewelry store in town called Kemball’s which shut down during that time. He also had a brother who lived there and he was married to a dentist, believe her name was Dr. Sellers. Before he died he stopped wearing his all yellow clothing, at least for a while. My wife managed a small store in town and talked to him many times and really liked him. He was quite well known in town, as with many artists, people were divided about his style of painting, which was quite distinctive, but many people loved it.


It may be a myth, but I had heard in the 90’s that he had sold his skin to someone in Japan upon his death…


ManWoman commissioned some pieces of art for a fundraiser my parents use to put on in Wasa BC. ManWoman designed the posters.They ran an annual charity auction to benefit special olympics or it might have been children’s wish. I was very young (early 90’s) but I remember Manwoman lived in Kimberley at the time. My parents kept all the posters framed from the events they did. I believe I met Manwoman once when picking up the poster at their studio or house. We moved to Ontario in 2001, not sure if my parents kept in touch.


Only wore yellow clothing head to toe I remember and vehicles were also yellow, was a character for sure. I know nothing else, but left an impression considering the last time I remember seeing them was late 80’s in Kimberly.


You should reach out to the owners of Go Organic Sports Ranch just outside of Golden. They were close friends of ManWoman and have a large collection of his art. Last time I visited they gave me a tour and had a number of photos as well.


Wow! He is the cousin of my grandmother… I had contact with him via email as a child before he passed. I don’t have a ton of info but you can message me. We must be related somehow


Wow, I knew ManWoman from when I lived in Cranbrook. A very genuinely cool individual.. I can think of only one person that would have plausibly a greater recollection of Patrick’s history and who could lead you in a direction of finding more historical facts. DM me for further details.


It's odd that I haven't heard his name in many, many years, and for some odd reason I was thinking about him last week. I met him years ago when I was living in Edmonton and he was doing a tour of his artwork. My friend who is a tattoo artist and I went to see his collection and we met him there. I wish my memory wasn't such garbage so I could tell you more, but I do remember how kind, interesting, knowledgeable, and somewhat eccentric he was. We talked about swastikas and other things. I wish I'd had money back then to buy a piece of his art, because I fell in love with it the moment I saw it. I know I've got a signed copy of his book, I'll have to dig it out as I'd love to look through it again. I hope you're able to find out more OP!


I was in a group with his partner, Destarte. Message me, it was a while ago but might be able to connect you with so eone.