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This is probably the nuttiest suggestion I've read in the last 24 hours


>We all know that Harris has major issues as a VP candidate. We do? She has major issues as the top of the ticket, see the primaries, but not as a VP option. Secondly, replacing a brown woman VP is absolutely not the fucking move to get better polling. Your compromise for showing that this admin is competent is dropping the young, brown, female VP that's served for four years, and not Biden. That's utterly incredible. And I don't even think Biden should drop out. Seriously, what is up with this subreddit.


For Dems who lack to spine for actual self-flagellation, you come here


I'm asking myself the same thing What's the weirdest is that seems to all be old accounts with the bad takes and intense dooming. Like old old accounts, all 3-11 year old accounts. I don't get it, one bad debate and everyone and their mother wants to bail


"One bad debate" lol. It's everything that led up to the debate and Joe "proving" it to be true. Not everyone and their mother wants to bail. There's an equal amount of people posting on reddit "VoTe BlUe No MaTtEr WhO". Can Biden survive this? Maybe. He really should have just stuck to general policy comments and shitting on Trump for 90 minutes. Joe has beaten Trump in a debate before and it was a great showing. This debate will go down as the worst in American history and it's not even close.


Genuine emotional trauma from the ‘16 election combined with being terminally online if I were to guess. Going to need the auto mod to start posting the suicide hotline because these guys do not have the stomach for a full election cycle in 2024


All the worst parts about replacing Biden, combined with none of the benefits. Normal voters barely know who Harris is. They did *not* pay attention during the bad primary she ran (strategically) and Harris is more than capable of actually governing and speaking coherently.




Why is everyone taking crazy pills?


"Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman. Always." Let's blame the younger, more articulate woman of color for Biden's bad performance. Makes sense. If you're in the hair-on-fire camp and insist that Biden needs to be replaced with "literally anybody", then next in line is Harris. If you want to complain that Harris "isn't electable" then congratulations, you've uncovered the bind we've been in all along. There isn't a replacement candidate that anybody can agree on because it turns out nobody is sincere when they say "literally anybody but Biden." "Anybody but Biden, but not her. Or the rat faced gay guy. Or the sleazy guy from California..."