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Hello friends! See update from OP below! Stickying and distinguishing this so everyone can see / read!


I checked the results of the poll and lmao this sub is so socialist, the majority of people voted to distribute as much money to as many people as possible. In all seriousness, good work comrades. 🫡


OUR neopoints


I mean, having more winners means more chances of every individual person of winning hahaha I would say it's even more selfish, why would you want only one person getting 150M when chances are it'll not be you lol


Yeah I voted for 30/40/50 cuz I can’t imagine coordinating this with 150 people and felt like 30-50 is even pushing it. 😅 But I guess OP offered that as an option so they’re willing to do it. 😮


Literally love this for all of us :)


I love this, like no one NEEDS 150mil nps, but 150 people could most definitly use 1 mil nps! Its only logical haha




This is why I picked 20 or so. I couldn't imagine trying to contact 50+ people, definitely not 150 people.


Yea, I picked 30. I would love to see us all get a few NPs butttt I definitely don't want OP doing all that work.


👀 this is true


One person winning 150M nps is just insanity LMAO


That would be an incredible shopping spree for sure!


I would literally spend it all on stamps for my stamp album


My thoughts exactly


Haha it might be because the average age most of us are and all the shit we’ve seen 😂


Yeah this is easily the kindest sub I've joined recently, good job all


🥲 ILY reddit


You should buy some random stocks too & let them rot/grow for your return ;P


Oh do this for science!


I regularly buy stocks and never sell them


I do this just because of the avatar lol


After many many hours of effort, I was finally able to trade for my top dreamie, a burlap Kau called Weshrold. Its sounds like "Westworld" (the tv show) if Sean Connery said it, so I'm now working on a Dolores custom 🐮


Oh, what a fun name and idea! Congrats on your Kau. Weshrold sounds surprisingly nice all together.


Thank you! It’s a unique name but I love it :)


The votes so far are pure. I love that were all a little soc


what a great community this is


i don't think that's it. i think people want to maximize the chance that they win something. that's not necessarily pure.


Year is going pretty well. Currently 36 weeks pregnant and sick, so that's less fun, but I'm excited to bring a new addition to the family! Also, I'm bummed to hear that such a generous soul is leaving neopets. You'll be missed!


What a nice idea! I totally get the ADHD thing lol. Good things - I hit my goal weight this year! It was a long challenge but I like how I look in clothes now. 😄


I wish I had this will power.


Congratulations! Well done on the hard work and the results


So last summer I became completely bedbound with severe ME and other comorbidities. I turned a corner and this year I’m doing a little better. My quality of life is still probably inconceivable for a healthy person - but most people who get as ill as I did never recover any health, so I am incredibly grateful for the health I do have now. Being able to converse with my partner and sit up in bed during the day is a gift to me. I hope things keep improving! Returning to neopets has given me a sense of community and joy which I haven’t had for a long time now - just being around positive energy on here and the discord is amazing. So thank you for being a part of that. I’m sorry it’s not fun for you any more, but I’m a firm believer in being proactive about finding things that *do* bring you joy and fulfilment. I hope you find both those things, but neopets is here if you ever decide to return like I did!


I have ME/CFS and I think I qualify as severe despite not being 100% bedbound yet. I lose functioning and don’t get it back. This illness is hell. Glad you’re seeing improvements. You should join the facebook group ME/CFS Brain and Spine


Hey, almost the same story here! I got sick with ME and friends in the summer of 2022 and fortunately was never completely bed-bound, but I’m still not able to go back to work or socialize much, so neo has been a real lifesaver and source of community for me. I wish you newfound energy and refreshing sleep. <3


Sending love to my fellow ME/CFS Neopians! My baseline has been reducing significantly recently but Neopets is my fave low energy escape <3


Thanks for doing this giveaway, that’s very kind of you!!! I’m training my puppy how to whisper with mixed results. My biggest goal is to continue to work with him and train him on self control.


I got quaint seat on the moon so I'm pretty happy, now just need a cybunny to sit in it! 😊 ~~morphing potions crash any day now, you can add codestones to the quest you can add this too plz tnt~~ my un is xxlozfanxx


The cybunny MP inflation is insane, I had to stop looking and start being thankful for what I have. 😥


Awh bless you! This is so kind of you!! So far this year my proposed topic for my masters dissertation was accepted so now I’m one step closer to completing my degree! Whoop whoop! Now I just have to write the thing…


Oh man, the ADHD burnout is \*real\*! Sending you lots of love and rest, I know how it can be. So... I started the year on my dream trip to Japan. It was absolutely everything I wanted it to be, and more. Pretty much been in a major funk since I returned, though – normal life feels so bleh in comparison! It is finally getting easier, but it's been a tough couple of months, particularly since winters in the UK are so dark and rainy.


I've honestly been having a pretty good year so far! last week I got a modded 3ds in the mail and thats been stealing my attention away from my neopets lol. a little break is good for me though. i hope you have fun with whatever you do next!


A modded 3ds??! I feel so old not realizing this exists, but thankfully being old means I have money to get one of these THANK YOU


YW!! and i just learned recently! btw, if you have any doubts, it's SO easy to use and install apps (you can install them with qr codes or from a 3ds app, so without even using a second device). it's absolutely worth it


I finally got into my old account last night! I can feed my pets and find out if any of the junk in my sdb is worth anything. Though i do have to decide which account is my main now, which is hard, I'm too happy about having my old pets back to be bothered.


Hi! It’s funny how my brain never shuts off and yet when it comes time to say something interesting here, nothing comes to mind 😂


Hanging in there. Thanks for doing this!


my year has been really hard so far and it's probably going to be tough for a few more months at the very least, but i got a project accepted into a conference in a few months and i'm getting my second paper published in the fall if all my hard work pays off!! thank you for doing this 💖


I'm sorry things have been hard, but also--way to go on the project being accepted! Keep moving forward. I believe in you! 💕


2024 has not been very kind to me so far. So, have a fun fact instead: Sea otters hold hands to prevent losing each other while they sleep in the water.  Thanks so much for doing this.


Thank you for the adorable fun fact 🥺💕 Hoping that 2024 turns around for you very soon!


Glad you enjoyed it 😊 and thank you! ❤️ I hope so too


Thank you for doing this OP!! Hopefully this doesn’t get too chaotic for ya xD


Thank you for doing this! By the looks of the poll you’re going to be doing a lot of trades! Lol My year is going alright! I’m currently making a hatsune miku x 90s Taco Bell drawing after weeks of art block lol I also found a hello kitty dvd at the thrift store yesterday that looked really cute! As for neopets I’m still working on getting brave enough to start trading pets in the pc again!


Years going well, finally getting spending under control to save up for my family. Neopets has been my adhd fixation for years and years lol. Thanks for being cool and hopefully you'll be back on soon or into more fun things, I know the dread of attention burnout.


I've just started playing neopets for the first time since like 2005, I'm so impressed with the new updates and how much more user friendly the site is! I'm having so much fun customizing my pets and planning what to save up for!


I liked the pie chart at the end.


I’m having a good year, going on honeymoon soon! 😁


the coolest thing for me is that this year will be when i pay off my car 🥹


Love it omg


I love this community so much and I hope to eventually also be able to do giveaways and such!


I'm having an ok year, could be better, hope the art program pays off


This is very sweet of you! I totally get the burn out & i took about a 2 year hiatus from Neopets at one point. Real life can get a bit hectic! My year is going good so far though! Taking up new hobbies (crochet & clay sculpting) and going on daily 1 hour walks with my lil doggie. Hope yours is going well as well, have a wonderful day 😁


Neopets-wise I've been playing for the first time this year since 2010/2011 so that's been fun! Cool to see how things have changed and also stayed the same. IRL I've been off sick this week which is a bummer! Good news is I can rest and binge some tv. I've got a big trip coming up in 2 weeks so hopefully will be back to normal then This is so cool and generous of you. Hope you enjoy taking a break


Well if you are leaving Neopets (hopefully only temporarily) you certainly are leaving with a bang! Thanks for the generous giveaway and have fun with whatever catches your interest next!


Woo, good luck with your next game you play!!! This year has been really fun so far, I got all of my dream pets!! A mutant kacheek, a wraith usul, a striped shoyru, and a stealth xweetok. People are so kind, now I'm trying to help my bestie get her dream pets! Good luck to everyone~


It’s been a rough year so far. Neopets and the guild I’m in are what keep me getting out of bed everyday. I didn’t have that motivation before I came back to neo so I’m taking that as a win.


Today is supposed to be my lucky day. Let's test it out. My year is generally pleasant for me. I got braces. Ate Indian food. Teaching my cousins about my line of work. Eating hard. Working out not as hard. Ate a lot of nuts. Lost weight. Getting back into skincare. Played tennis. Passed out in a bar. Got the perfume that fits my skin. Taking care of dogs and turtles. Had shabu shabu for the first time. Constantly playing neopets.


Have been really enjoying playing neopets after a looooong break. Real life being real life, it’s such a nice escape lol


Hard same on the ADHD, I go through cycles of being obsessed with something and then suddenly losing interest for months/years. :C I second /u/25buckeye's suggestion of buying some stocks!


We're about to move at the end of the month but we're also still waiting to see about a job my husband applied for, which may or may not start before we move and will require him to live 4 hours away for 5 months. So let's just say Neopets is my happy place right now.


Good luck everyone!


totally get the adhd burnout, wishing you all the best!


Thanks for your generosity! This year has been really stressful at work and I am possibly moving to a new city for a new job which has got me feeling anxious about starting anew. But I'm also trying to see it as excitement about starting fresh!


Thank you so much for the generous giveaway! I hope you find your way back to neopets one day :3 it took me 15 years to come back, but I’m rejuvenated in my passion for it (at least for the moment 😅). Good thing that has happened - I’m in France on vacation and picked up a shocking virus when we landed that is now in recovery so I can properly enjoy all the pastries on offer 😂


Good luck all!


having a good year so far, preparing to graduate my masters program! thank you for the fun giveaway!


Thank you for the giveaway :') My year's been going well! It'll be better in the next few months hehe, been waiting on this DLC for this game I like to release for over a year and it's finally almost here


I voted for the options I think will be easiest by having it be under the 2 million trading post limit! You are very generous! I hope you have a good break away and come back if/when you want to :) My year is a mix of good and blah. But neopets helps add to the good 


What a lovely idea! Thank you for doing this. I agree with the idea to buy some stocks in case you decide to come back. :) My year has been going pretty well so far. I've enjoyed the return of UCs and am hoping to get a RB Cybunny once they come out!


My year has been going great! IRL, I’m completing a Masters in a career that I’m finally passionate in and I recently rejoined Neopets in the first week of January after a decade-ish hiatus, I’ve been hooked ever since!!! I *just* did a job interview this morning for a summer position that might really help me move forward in what I want to do in the future so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for that. Wish me luck!!


Love to see it! I chose a few different options in the poll :)


This year has been good so far! Had a great annual review at work and have been playing a ton of Baldur’s Gate and going on walks with my husband and chi 😁


Oh, my word. I just voted for the 150 split... then thought about my dearest family member with ADHD... she would HATE to do anything 150 times. Bless you for doing this!!!


Thank you for the generous giveaway! I hope your burnout will soon lessen and you'll come back to Neopets. If not, I hope your new hobbies will bring you great joy! So far my year is a bit better than the last, in part thanks to Neopets:). I started drawing again and writing stories (so far only in mind). Helps me care less about my dead end real life job :D.


Thank you!


Thanks for the opportunity! This is very generous! Hopefully you’ve had a good year so far! Mine hasn’t been bad. Hoping to start going on walks outside so it helps alleviate my depression a bit. I work remotely so I’m inside basically all of the time lol. I hope you enjoy your time away from Neopets and should you ever return, we’ll be here!


Thank you for your generosity! My year is going alright, I switched positions at work so I'm not constantly having stress nightmares. My company is a covid based company...so we're not doing GREAT, but I'm making the most of my new role. Other than the current political climate which gives me anxiety, I've been working on doing less doomscrolling.


I can’t fathom 150m NPs. My account is 23 years old and I was proud of finally hitting 8m recently 😂


My year has been very meh so far, lots of stupid irl stuff going on that Neopets has been a nice distraction from. Thanks for the opportunity!


It's been a really rough year, but I'm really hoping things turn around soon. Neopets has given me something to hold onto, and the community has definitely been a big part of that :)


This is so nice of you! I’ve been having an ok year, can’t complain :)


Ahhh I love this. If I win it will go towards my mootix goal! Well I've made more friends this year, so that's great. Other than that I'm really just hoping for change, in both a figurative and literal sense. :) If you ever want to come back you make sure to let us know! 😁


WELL my big news is a year after destroying my ankle on a mountaineering trip I've finally been cleared to start running/doing other high-impact workouts again (this week!) YAY


Hey thanks for the giveaway! This week has been a bit rough so messing around on Neopets has been a fun distraction lmao


i made a dream pet last night so im pretty happy! also its a rainy friday so im just snuggled up


Year has not been kind to me. Sickness after sickness. Looking forward to brighter days


Hope your health improves and you feel better soon


Hi! Thank u for doing this. There is this new ice cream place that opened this week and I’m DYING to try it. Apparently they sell the BEST vanilla ice creams and I am a sucker for a good vanilla (yes I am probably plain and boring but whatever). You can put some fancy toppings on the ice cream like Nutella, chocolate sauce, caramelized popcorn and cookies! It looks absolutely fantastic and I’m salivating writing this. They also sell a milkshake with Irish liquor that apparently pairs perfectly with chocolate so that is another thing in the menu for me to try!! That is it! 🍦


Hi! Thanks for a crazy giveaway!! I started a new wfh job this year and it has been great! I get to spend more time doing things I enjoy, which includes playing Neopets. :)


Got back to Neopets after having some free time outside work. Currently training my pet up and enjoying my OCD kicking in to check right after the training finishes. Good luck to everyone participating. Thanks so much for this giveaway!


Hello! I'd like to say you're just so generous to be doing this, dude; and I'm super grateful for the opportunity to enter. It's been a long few months, and I lost two pets just a month apart between December and January, so being able to win any of the np at all would help me to hopefully complete my memorial neopets. I hope you have a wonderful day, and whomever wins the np gets to do something cool with it! ^ - ^


I finished my baby Kau’s customisation which I thought getting the background for (relaxing soak in the bath) was gonna end up costing me an arm and a leg (and it didn’t 💃🏼)


Complete understand the burnout. I get that with all my games and end up starting a new save instead of continuing the original one when I get back into it!


my year is going alright, i’ve been a bit lazy but trying to finish off university. on neo im close to achieving my main pet goal, and its been amazing with nc uc tokens! ty for the opportunity:)


Ok I love this community even more for voting to distribute the funds as far and wide as possible 💖 I love y’all!!! Random things for people reading: - happy international women’s day! - lemon float in water but limes sink - the longest word in the English language is 189,829 letters long and it’s the technical name for a protein that was nicknamed titin. It’s technical name would take 3.5hrs to pronounce.


I am kinda jealous that you're leaving Neo. I feel like I'm in too deep to quit :P One thing I'm super excited about this year is that I got a new PC and now my old PC is in my home gym. I can watch any fitness video I want!!! I honestly hate exercising but I'm having fun finding all these different channels of 10 minute workouts or dance fitness.


I’m hoping there’s Wendy’s coupons in the mail today.


I feel ya on the ADHD burnout, I’m getting close to that too 😆 thanks for your generosity!


entered! it's been a dream of mine to get a plushie paintbrush but they're so unbelievably expensive (especially for a newbie like me) thanks for doing this and I hope you find another interesting way to spend your time!!


Year is going. I’m a non-trad student and I don’t really know what I’m doing with my life LOL. School is getting me down a lot atm because all I have left are pretty advanced classes and it’s just a lot. I’m on break now and I’m hoping to do some fun hikes with my dogs. 🐶


I got a lot of my dreamies this year! I recently painted a usul halloween which was a big goal of mine. I returned in January and I'm having so much fun so far. Good luck to everyone!!


Lost my job Monday, but turned out with a new job Tuesday. Feel a sense of relief so I suppose it was the right choice


Year is great! Got married recently and jumped back into Neopets not too long ago after being off many years. Glad the community is thriving. Considering premium rn


Thanks for doing this lovely giveaway! Bummer that you're burnt out with Neo especially when the community is so helpful and awesome now! I recently just came back to playing from a long long hiatus and the community is really what's making me stay!! Of course with the fact that more goals are easier to obtain as well :) I guess that's a cool thing that has happened this year for me\~ Hope you have fun IRL too and that you'll eventually come back.. Some day xD (I didn't think I'd ever return to playing neo tbh hahaha)


I am currently in South Africa on vacation and went on my first safari and it was absolutely amazing and it is going to be tough going back yo work in the next couple days


It’s so very kind of you to do this! My year has been going well! I’ll be getting married in June, so I’ve been busy with planning and everything. It’s a very exciting time. I’m having a lot of fun starting over at neo after a very long hiatus. My first goal is the lab map!


I had the opposite lol my ADHD made me hyperfocus on Neopets this year! I decided to collect every single plushie. I'm at 500 right now and I completely regret it but can't stop until the itch has been scratched


I’m having a good year so far! Taking a chemistry class for the first time in a while and it’s kicking my butt


In for a penny, in for a pound! I started playing again after getting my 2nd account unlocked after it was hacked. The original NP owners wouldn't unlock my first account and it eventually got deleted... I wish we could replay all of the stories for the different lands, etc but I don't think that will happen with how mixed up the site is now... How did you climb up to 150m+? I've been doing the daily quests, trudy quest, etc but only getting about 60k a day. I know if I had played like that for a year I'd be doing great though... What game are you moving on to?


Cool thing that’s happened this year is rediscovering my love for immersive sims like Deus Ex and finding out how much I like CRPGs like Divinity Original Sin 2


Year is fine , planning japan trip so exited for that xD


Thanks for the giveaway! :) Getting burned out at work but neopets is a good distraction.


That’s really cool of you to do a give away. Recently came back to Neopets in early January after a long hiatus. Enjoying the casual nature of the site. Main interest is battledome.


I hope that one day you’ll return to Neopets, and enjoy the community again! I just returned a few months ago, after not playing for about 7 years or so. Didn’t think I would return, but I badly needed a distraction from what was happening in my life. Now, I think I’m a little too absorbed into playing 😅


Thank you for doing this! My year has been mixed so far in the sense that it’s kind of sucked but I’m about to start a new job that’s gonna be less work and a better environment for better pay so I’m super optimistic about things moving forward 💕


Good luck OP, I hope you find a new game you enjoy! And thank you for thinking of others. My current dreamie is a Valentine Lupe or Draik. I don't even have a Draik so we'll see. I'm saving up for the PB currently! Thank heavens for dailies. And I've been trying to use my shop to gain a little profit too but I'm still trying to figure out how to make and keep it profitable. My ADHD makes it hard for me to focus on saving/strategies to get rich. I get distracted very easily. But I'm figuring out what works!


I’ve had a good year so far working on my mental health and spending time with loved ones 💚


You are so generous!! We just got a ton of bottle baby neonate kittens at work that I'm about to feed so my day is going GREAT and I hope yours is too! If I win any I'll be finishing up my Draik gallery as much as I can!


Thanks for doing this. I haven’t been having a great year so far (finding employment while dealing with mental illness is rough work), but I remain optimistic. I stopped playing Neopets when I was around 15, but I got back into it again last year with a new account. Currently, I’m saving up for a Royal Paint Brush!


This year, I started grad school. When I started undergrad, I made my neopets account, intending to not talk to anyone and grind, grind, grind on studying (and neopets lmao). I was determined to make that my life (and failed at it, due to various health issues). Now it's my spring break in grad school and I finally hit 10 million (my initial goal). The best thing that's happened to me neopets wise is that I won a giveaway for a Valentine's paint brush and I got to paint my Aisha (who is adorable!) The best thing that's happened to me this year off neopets is probably realizing that I don't have to hate my job and will be pursuing a career I actually care about.


Hi! Thank you so so much for doing this giveaway, you are an amazing person. Something cool that has happened this year is that I finally got into the masters program I wanted, so that I can become a therapist. It’s always been my dream and i’m so excited! Some sad things - I lost both of my childhood german shepherds this year. I miss them dearly and life will never be the same without them. I did get my first pet this year though, cinnamon the kitty. It helped to have my own baby to process the loss of my other pets. ❤️ anywho, i’m excited to see where life takes me next, and thank you again for the giveaway!


Thank you sooo much for doing this! You’re amazing! My year is going great so far, I get married next month! :)


I have just got back into neopets after 20 years and I am loving it. Good luck on your adventure of finding a new hobby! :)


I got my nostalgia Grey Cybunny this year so I'd say it's going pretty good :) Thanks for the giveaway!! This should be fun. I'm currently saving for a random extremely rare item for my gallery so this would help so much <3


Thanks for the giveaway! I'm trying to save up NP in order to buy the most expensive bank account option, but I'm still at 5M


The burnout is real in neopets and in life. I’ve been playing on and off for almost two years to give myself breaks.


I am having a bad year, but 150 people winning 1,000,000 neopoints will make it better!


Just got back into NP, so that’s cool. Having a blast with the BD!


Good luck to everyone.  May none of us live in poverty 


Just over here hoping for a better year for everyone this year. Not sure what it was about last year but it seemed like so much went wrong for so many people. Just hoping for good things here on out :) I also agree with the one comment about stocks <.< You should do that as well just in case you come back!


The year is going fairly well so far. Husband and I are trying to have a baby! Last year was extremely trying. This year I'm handling the sadness and disappointment a little easier. Have come to terms with the idea that we can have a good life even if we can't have kids. Thank you OP!! 💕 Good luck to all :)


Lost both my dogs a couple years between each other, but I recently got a new puppy and so far my new life with him is going great. Randomly decided to play Neopets again. And for the first time finally was able to use a baby paint brush that I’ve wanted since I was 13. Also started to play Pokémon again too. Not sure why I’m going backwards to what I used to play when I was 10-13, but it’s making me really happy. I’m even thinking about starting to draw and paint again.


I’m drowning ;-; school is hard! I’m hoping I can make it :o


This is literally the nicest thing ever! I love this community! The year is going well - trying to be more adventurous with my dogs and explore more trails near our home. Nothing too exciting to note, but trying to enjoy the little moments.


My year has been horrible but it’s getting better. This is so kind of you! I could really use the neopoints. It would make my year so much better. You are so generous! I love that about you.


I just woke up and am still half blind but excited for the giveaway lol


I can’t believe we’re in 2024 and I still don’t have the dang Snowager avatar smh


Got my dream job this year, moved to a new city, made incredible friends. Grateful for all of it . UN: pyrrokat


a good/fun thing that happened this year is that my job flew me out to Las Vegas and paid for nearly everything for a 4-5 day long work event/conference with lots of fun down time :)


thank you so much for doing a giveaway! cool thing that has happened this year: my partner and i bought a house and are completely gutting it/renovating it! it's been a hard year but we're finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (:


This is so amazing! Thank you. As a random question how long did it take you to get that much NP. I played constantly as a kid. And just got back into it and a few millions seems so difficult to get 😂 its got me hooked again and i even got my son into it too. He has a dream pet ( a muntant Kougra) that he's aiming for. Good luck to everyone!


Username: Revidove My year is so great! I have started playing Neopets again, become a Montessori teacher, and like to help others when possible. Thank you for the opportunity!


My year is going great! New job, new pets, new goals, new dreams! I’m hoping to cross-paint a few pets in the near future to keep nurturing my inner child ♥️


Year isn’t too bad, hope it slowly gets better


The year's been going pretty well so far! Work has been incredibly busy but it's looking like it will finally slow down.


This is super cool! I recently got into neopets as a way to destress because school ramped up and now I'm studying like 10 hours a day. Looking forward to being done with exams in a few weeks though :)


thank you for doing this!! also, i hope you find a new hobby or game soon that you love! 🥹🩷


I love this idea! I just returned to neopets and i am slowly cleaning out my SDB and sharing it wil people. So many old advebt items! Good luck!


Oh the ADHD "I go hardcore until I don't touch it at all" Pipeline haha. Thank you OP for your kidness :)


Socialists everywhere!! 😜


Hi! Been having a great Friday! I’m in grad school and my experiment that failed last week worked this morning!! So happy! Good luck everyone!


This is awesome 🙌 My year is going. I am just trying to stay alive in this dystopian reality ✊


Good luck with life after Neo, the burnt out is real. I’ve just started a new job after being a stay at home mum for 5 years. Finding juggling house and work really hard right now!


been an incredibly busy year so far but hoping it all pays off next year!


Thanks for doing this! I've just gotten back into neopets and I'm having so much fun hitting goals my 12 year old self never could have imagined!


A thing I'm proud of this year is the progress I've made in my ceramics class, but one bad thing I'm hoping to fix is that my big semester project pot had the bottom fall off!! This was a twenty pound pot that I worked weeks on ;___; But hopefully I can get it fixed up, fingers crossed. Also I love how everyone wants to share the NP. Good job folks haha. I voted for the 30, 40, 50 range just because that would still be a lot for OP to reach out too ahhhh.


Years going pretty swell so far, In my final year of nursing school so roll on this year and then ventured into the new world afterwards


How awesome of you to do such a massive giveaway! Today is looking to be a good one for me cause I'm attending PCKC to visit the Neopets booth :D I'm finding the poll results to be quite interesting too, seeing how the collective thinks lol


Thank you for doing this!!


This is so nice! Hoping the burnout is mainly with neopets and not life stuff in general, I know that can be tough :/ My year is going well so far! I made some new friends, which is always hard for me when moving to a new city!


I don't think I have anything very interesting to comment, so, good luck everyone!


Thanks for doing the giveaway! I'm sorry you're burnt out about Neopets, but such is life. I've had so many interests that I've moved on from *looks at my pile of painting supplies I haven't touched in like, 8 years.....* maybe one day haha. Glad you're saving some for if you change your mind though. Neopets has a special way of sucking you back in! For me, I just want to comment that I'm having a great day at work! I'm a Prek teacher and for whatever reason, the past 2 weeks have been ROUGH. But today we did a Dr. Seuss day and my students have absolutely LOVED it. The day is moving so quickly and none of them have hit or shouted at me today haha. Definitely a big win and a good way to start the weekend! Hope you're having a good day too!


Oh this is a great way to figure out how to do the giveaway! So far so good on this year, hoping it just gets better!


My day is going beautifully, I'm setting up a new gecko tank and it's lovely outside. 


My year's going pretty badly, tbh. I'm hoping for a better March and for the rest of the year to improve further! Thank you for offering this, you're very kind!


doing ok mostly. Thanks for the giveaway UN: Ducktank2\_0


Thank you for doing this!! I’ve been enjoying getting back into neopets this year (started a new account around thanksgiving last year after seeing so many YouTubers playing! I played as a kid but can’t access my childhood account sadly). A highlight for me was painting my gnorbu toy after the toy pb deflated and getting into the battledome!


Wishing you the best! This years been stressful but I think coming back to this has been helping with the burnout aspect for me.


You are the kindest! Thank you for your generosity!


Yo, I was able to recover my np account from my teen years. I've got my OG Shoyru, who miraculously survived my absence. I had a lot of fun checking my SDB, hoping I'd find something crazy. News Flash: I didn't find anything crazy lol.


This is so nice of you! I just learned I have ADHD too and need to learn how to cope with it LOL 😳


This is so awesome!! I voted on the poll 🍓 the best thing that happened this year is that I bought my first house (townhouse, but still 🥲) it’s something I’ve been trying to get for the past couple years and it finally happened. Now I get to play neopets inside my new house and everything feels right again.


This is so nice! I love that everyone's voting for a huge number but I also hope that doesn't mean you're working on this for forever!


Voted to share amongst 60 to 80 people. I’ve returned recently and would be thrilled with a smaller share of that fortune.


This year I am returning to university. Thanks to my social anxiety, last year was awful for me and had to step back. I have been doing therapy and preparing for what is to come so this year will be better. I will go through it this time.


Thanks for the generosity. Love the poll choices!! I just came back to neopets after a decade. Perhaps you might too if its still running.

