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Use coconut cream


OL .. I make it iced. I put two on ice with milk, brewed as espresso shots. I'm guessing you have VL?


try the concentrated extraction mode. surprised as to how many people don’t know the vertuo machines can do this! basically you double click the machine and it brews any nespresso coffee with less water which kind of mimics espresso but I would double check to see if your machine needs to be reset to factory settings (not sure why). I find it makes a huge difference when you brew this way because the coffee isn’t as watered down, and it tastes especially delicious with the coconut pod!


Yep. I brew it over ice and it just ends of a watery mess.


Brew it normally then shake it with ice and strain. That's what I do.


The key is to brew over milk, then add ice and shake.


Brew it in a hyperchiller so it doesn’t get watered down! It’s how I make all my iced coffees.


I brew over ice and it seems fine, but I brew it over a full glass of ice. some others brew it ahead of time and put it in a sealed container in the fridge (glass jar, etc).


I brew it into my metal milk frother cup. Fill a glass with ice, then dump the espresso onto the ice. The ice doesn’t melt nearly as much.


Same. And I will usually add a scoop of white mocha powder per shot and top with oat milk.


I love oat milk iced lattes but find that the oat can be strong and overwhelm the drink so I tend not to use the flavored capsules with it. Will give it a try!


where do you buy this?




SAME. I was so excited to get it and I brewed it over ice and added almond milk and a splash of coffeemate for sweetness and it was watered down and bland.


I’m tempted to try it hot. It has to better than watered down.


It is much better hot!


Yes, I think it might be one I only have hot. I'm glad I got another one of the summer flavors for iced.


I’ve only tried it hot ( I’m not a huge ice coffee fan) and I love it. I also usually put coconut oil in my coffee anyway so this was a delight.


I only drink it hot, I’m a heathen.


Also think it’s way better hot from my OL. Had it iced at the store from a VL and found it just disgusting


Okay so I thought this at first. It’s literally my favorite coffee capsule now! It’s creamy and delicious, although I do NOT brew it over ice!! I prepare this capsule multiple ways: 1. Brew it normally into a jar and stick it in the fridge overnight or until chilled. Pour over ice, I use my homemade coconut creamer and milk. Super delicious. 2. Double tap your button to change to expert mode. The light will turn teal and it brews as a double espresso. I prepare it the same way as the normal method except I brew it over any little syrup I’m using. Today I used coconut syrup on the bottom, brewed it in expert mode, and poured milk / creamer, topped off with ice. It’s SOOOO good. If you don’t want them, I go through these so fast so now I’m out 🥲 I’ll take the coconut capsule from you!


I’m sorry… expert mode? What am I missing?


What machine do you have? You may need to update if you have the vertuo next. I have the vertuo pop+! Put a coffee capsule in, double tap (turns teal) and turns it to a double espresso!! So good!!!


I have a machine I got from Costco. It’s made by Delonghi. I tried the double tap and I think it went the opposite way. It seemed like it wasn’t going to stop!! lol I had to push the button to stop it when my mug was almost full


Oh no 😬 yeah the delonghi doesn’t have that


I don’t know what machine I have, I guess I’ll just have to try it. I’ve never heard of expert mode before!


I just realized I commented from the wrong account 😃 I’m @ brookelynlikesespresso !


Funny, I literally am trying the Coconut over ice Vertuo pod right now but trying it hot. I usually do it iced and enjoy it but I saw a post on her stating from Nespresso that you can enjoy it hot or iced. Hot it is just as good in my opinion.


The trick is to chill it before ice if possible. Either let it cool on the fridge or use a hyperchiller. The taste is so much better, though I’ll add I use OL exclusively and the VL may not be as strong or flavorful. My typical cold recipe is 2 pumps of sugar free vanilla syrup, 2 packets of sweetener, brew then chill the coffee (I usually have 2 to 3 shots), then half extra creamy oat milk and half sugar free coconut creamer (I just eyeball these so I dunno how much exactly), then I add the ice and stir it up.


Brew some, pour into ice cube tray and make cubes. Then brew a hot cup on the coffee cubes and add milk.


Yeah I hated it. Starbucks used to have a coconut milk mocha macchiatos on the menu I loved and thought I could recreate it with the pod but it was awful


Mmmmmm sunscreen.


Refrigerate overnight! Helps make it water down slower


I like it! How I do it: Brew it on expert/concentrated mode over your syrup in a separate mug. Let it cool for 30-45 seconds and then pour into cold cup. Add milk on top and then ice. I think it is much better suited to the concentrated brew style


Expert mode and make a latte with it!


I usually brew it the night before, then mix it with (Ripple) milk + stevia sweetener and pour it over ice. But my personal little trick is that I make ice cubes with coconut water (I already drink a lot of coconut water, did not go out of my way to buy some just for this) to use for the coconut pods so that when the ice melts it doesn’t water down the coconut taste too much.


I liked OL coconut as s cappuccino but also with a cube or two of ice.🧊


Coconut 8oz is awful. Coconut OL espresso is decent


What if you changed the extraction level?


I will only drink it if I make it in expert mode on my machine (2 shots). otherwise you are right it tastes watered down and nothing like coconut. Given I’m obsessed with coconut so I have coconut syrup that I add to it lol.


I never brew the full mug sized flavoured ones as a full mug - just as a double espresso and either add water for Americano or milk for latte. Also never brew over ice! That definitely waters them down. Either brew and chill in fridge/freezer before using or get a Hyperchiller (I use a Roku iced coffee maker which is same idea but has gel instead of water etc) You can also make ice cubes with them and just add milk/whatever other things you like to your glass with the cubes.


Mine was so watery and doing a factory reset on my machine fixed it up. When you brew it is it medium to dark brown? Mine was like light brown/amber before resetting the machine.


I actually really love the coconut vl. I brew it over ice, with almond milk vanilla creamer, and a little extra vanilla syrup.


It comes out creamy and delicious in the Plus.


I'm not thrilled with it and love coconut. I brew and put it in the fridge to chill. Then I put it over ice with some cold foam. I don't like oat milk but tried with that and it was okay. But, I won't order again.


I thought it was just me. I guess I’ll try it hot now


Gotta cool it down before putting it with ice. Brew it with cold cream/milk and ice. Use mocha syrup or your choice. Simple.


Yeah, we don't care for it either. I gave ours away. A lot of people do like it, seems like a polarizing pod!


Try it hot with some evaporated milk and any sweeteners…. I have one mug of hot coconut coffee after dinner every evening until the peppermint pinwheel comes out so I stock up on both.


Just get a good Coconut syrup to get that flavor. 


I brew it over ice and it’s my favorite!


I only like coconut non dairy milk if it's paired with rice non dairy milk too,i don't know if you have it where u live but here in Portugal we do, try it !