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I don't believe the "Netflix top 10 in ____ country". I think it's BS and totally decided by Netflix as a means to make you watch certain things.


I think also people just decide to watch whats new on the platform with a famous face then it appears on top list and bam more people watch it cause oh its on the top list and we have a downwards spiral up the toplist.


100% agree. The crap I've seen recommended as "# whatever in ____ country" is astounding. They have a ton of great old shit that I'd rather watch but I don't even know that it's there...


I was wondering if they pay Netflix to show up on that list to “promote” their movie


The scene where the girl grabs some headphones, slow runs to the elevator - looks back at the camera, puts the headphones on the floor of the elevator and slow runs back to the switch room was wild. Some of the funniest acting for a “stressful” moment that I’ve ever seen.


Lol I thought the same thing about that scene..the whole movie is hollow tension. There's no believability


i went back and watched that ridiculousness a few times. it was great comedic relief from the otherwise painfully stupid movie.


This!!!!! I was looking for this comment


THIS!!! and if it's all a prank like why TF is she acting like that? so bad it's funny


Not to mention Mel drenched in sweat and slow running in the hallway


I just finished watching this and I lost it at that scene for this exact reason. Thankfully I took an edible beforehand.


I'm on a flight and googled "on the line worst movie ever" and found this old ass thread. The comically slow running was the physical cherry on top of the absolutely ridiculous dialogue. Unreal how terrible that shit was


I saw the title of this post and thought you meant the Lance Bass and Joey Fatone movie from the early 2000s. That movie is also terrible, but certainly not the worst I've ever seen and certainly not worth a rant post lol


Hah! Omg yesss I remember the ads for that one.


This movie was pretty bad, I kept telling my husband how it felt like everybody in the movie didn't have much acting experience. Mel Gibson's character was such a dick I was hoping he'd die at the end. The whole prank ending felt like when things end up all being a dream at the end of a movie. After the prank reveal when the kid fell down the stairs I told my husband, "I bet that's a prank too." Go figure... I think the only reason why I didn't hate this movie more than I should have was because I watched it in a hotel room after a 5 hour drive. I told my husband that the ending was terrible, but still not as bad as the ending of The Signal.


Yeah when the dude fell down the stairs and “died” I was yelling they all deserved it lol. The first “prank” wasn’t even a prank either and could’ve gone sideways so fast had the newbie actually started shooting (assuming the security guard’s gun wasn’t fake)


Yep. Horrible movie and to top it off the whole thing is a prank???


The signal was ok.


It was fucking horrible.


The worst!!!!


When I first watched it, I thought the acting was terrible. After a little time passed, I’m now thinking maybe that was intentional? Since it was a prank and they were playing people who were acting. God I hope so. I can’t believe I actually watched the whole thing.


Mel Gibsons rants about “dealing with a mad man” we’re so over the top I choose to believe you’re right. It was a bunch of shock jock characters acting out drama so they theoretically shouldn’t have been good. Whatever the movie still sucked.


I saw it was #2 in the US and I figured "with Mel Gibson it can't be terrible. I started with a 3.5 on letterboxd when the action was building up. It was kind of unique being led all over the place and the person seemingly building the suspense. BUT then it was getting to the end and I saw the first twist and thought "what the hell is this" and it went down to 2 stars. Then the next twist and it was already overplayed to do the game again.. I left it with a 1.5 on my letterboxd. It could've been good. But they ruined it and wasted my time with it when it's all said and done.


Yeah it’s an interesting concept but fumbled in basically every single way


I’m surprised you were even considering a 3.5. I was already planning to give it a 2.5 at best with the horrible acting/dialogue then dropped it to a 2 after the ending


Just finished it; the movie was insane. I keep going back and forth on whether I actually enjoyed it or not. To have it all be one big prank at the end was on another level of WTF.


Yeah, I agree on not being able to decide… in the middle I looked at my husband and said, “why is Mel Gibson a bad actor now? All of this acting is awful.” But then when I figured out the prank, it was like “oh, he was acting a bad actor so it was good acting?” I think the double prank kind of killed it.


Did anybody else think that he/she was talking about the Lance Bass movie from 2001?? Nobody? Just me? Oh well….


Haha I thought they were talking about the John Travolta movie about playing a lineman (the trade not the football position)


i just wasted 2 hours of my life


I have never felt this strongly about a movie before. I HATED this movie. It’s probably THE WORST movie I’ve ever seen. The main character was the worst main character, I disliked him from the beginning and I almost stopped watching. The ending is so stupid and awful. These are the worst twist endings I’ve ever witnessed. I would like my time back


BRING BACK GOOD MOVIES. Not this bullshit script, seems like they didn’t even try. Netflix is just pushing bullshit out. Worst movie ever. Pissed off that I stayed to watch to the end… to say the very least…


I'm 15 minutes in and I can't get any further. Wretchedly bad.


Yea it was a bizarre movie - full of shitty acting and dialogue. It almost seemed to poke fun of itself at some points like when Mel said “what kind of B-grade movie bullshit is this?” .. and then I thought about it - this movie was about bizarre shitty pranks right? So what if this movie itself is actually like a prank on the audience?


I highly suggest you watch the new Adam Sandler spaceman movie then you might hate it even more. I despise that movie with a passion it's so stupid


Spaceman was great, this movie sucked


I did watch it and can’t get past the stupidity of sending one person in this mission and having some magic way of avoiding delays in communicating back home


Seriously I had to fast forward through so much of this rip off of interstellar. Adam Sandler is just awful now I don't understand how he got so much money from Netflix to make so many terrible movies but this one I thought at least might have potential but my God was I hating this movie by the end


Its based off a book And i think your summary of the movie is a bit shallow :/


Comedic actors are always meh for me. Especially the ones who've ever paired themselves up with women who look way out of their league. So basically all of them.


Like when they put peak Jim Carrey in "The Number 23" which wasn't that bad of a movie, but Carrey can't NOT be funny and it was weird.


The slow trickle of content makes for fake popularity. If they have very little new shit, people are going to watch that shit.


I watched through the first scene. Once it was revealed to be a normal thing made to look like a murder, I decided the filmmakers were just going to fuck with us the whole time. So I stopped.


When did this movie got uploaded on netflix?


Pretty sure it was added this past Friday (March 22).


That's why then. Most of the times "fresh" movies gets a lot of views after the catalogue gets stale for a while because it's "oh a new movie got uploaded, let's watch it".


It's a straight to video Netflix movie. Good chance it's gonna be bad.


It isn't a Netflix movie though. I watched it about 6 months ago on Amazon.


I read the title as "worst movie quotes" and came here expecting something about the internship


I hated it for a second after the twist reveal then I realized I loved it


The top 10 isnt rating. Its just what people have been watching the most. Whenever rhey add something new people watch it. Any turn on Netflix


I am watching this piece of trash film right now! The best part is when Mel says, 'What kind of B grade movie is this?. Seriously.


You literally hit the nail on the head with every sentence. Randomly chose this movie earlier, just got done watching it and was so angry I had to search Reddit to make sure I wasn’t the only person who is flabbergasted at how terrible this entire film was.


This movie felt like directors had to change the ending to make sense of all the bad acting and plot holes. I'm extremely ashamed that I believed that Gary was just "the bad guy" and this movie was gonna end with him dead and basically everyone else OK. When the truth was finally exposed I was surprised but still disappointed in the overall movie. It was torture to go through the first 80% and the ending did not make up for it. Also, the twist of the prank actually being on Elvis was very obvious.


Just watched this movie last night and have to agree with the theme of this forum, awful movie


The entire time I just had a bad feeling it was a comedy since the serious setting was not met with serious acting. Then the ending made sense because they were being comedic. I didn’t hate it nor did I hate the ending. It’s a bad movie night movie.


The abosukyr worst movie I’ve ever seen! And his character is so unlikeable yikes


I completely agree with this assessment


if you want to see an amazing movie that actually worked with Talk Radio, watch Talk Radio with Eric Bogosian


Reptile: Hold my beer.


I watched most of the movie on FF trying to get past the bad parts and still guessed the ending beforehand. However, I did like William Moseley.


Yeah he had the best performance imo


The ending was so obvious. Outside of Gibson's salary I guess, I can't see how the rest of the movie cost much to make. I was thinking the script was made by AI or something, it was so bad.


Really? I was looking forward to seeing that.


Jack and Jill


Most liked vs most watched completely different categories. Most watched just means a lot of people thought it’d be good, most liked means the percentage of people that watched it liked it lol Learned that the hard way w damsel


I have seen better....don't waste your time.


I've never been terribly impressed with the whole "radio dj alone with maybe 1 person in his studio has a crazy high stakes broadcast" trope. If that's a trope. I've def seen at least 2 other movies that were the same thing. One had aliens or zombies or both.


I’m 40 mins in and this was just unbearable to watch. I wiki’ed the movie and read the whole plot. Sounds as stupid even on print. Glad I wasted a few mins to read it rather than the 1.5 hrs to watch it.


Yep I got to 40min and couldn’t believe there was still another hour


So.. Mel Gibson and his crew were pranking the kid Dylan .. and all the while Dylan was in on the prank, and pranking Mel in the end by pretending to die . So no one actually was being truly pranked. Am I right ? Lol


God... My exact thought on it too. Up until Dylan "died" I thought the movie was just awful. Then for him to be alive and in on the original prank turned the movie into just straight hot garbage with nothing to redeem it. 


Looked this up to say the whole thing. It’s so fucking bad. Who approved of this plot. It’s SO stupid. Went through all this bad acting just for it be like “…and then he woke up and it was all a dream!”. So stupid and it’s rare that I find a movie to be a waste of my time, but THIS was. And the kid dying at the end is stupid. Fml Ok apparently him dying was also a prank I hate this movie


I feel like this was a movie made from a rough draft written by a drunk Mel Gibson in 27 minutes, starring a group of randos from the street, who were given the basic plot line and told to improvise the dialogue. Prove me wrong.


I watched this movie because I’m a big fan of the game Killer Frequency, and thought this would scratch the itch for a movie proper. Worst mistake of my year so far. Absolutely terrible fucking movie that is a textbook definition of wasting your time.


Didn’t we cancel him ages ago? Racist creep


Lol I enjoyed it. It was like nothing I’ve ever seen before. And that’s refreshing, even if you saw the second plot twist coming.


Cmon, it's a fun movie with some crazy twists


I’m surprised at all the hate this movie is getting on this old thread.I just finished it and shit I thought it was funny.


No it’s dogshit in every single way




Just watched it and enjoyed it. I’ve noticed lower intelligence people often have no threshold for paradigm shift movies. 


Because of nostalgia? The new Lohan movie is also way up there and it wasn’t very good. Why did I watch it? Nostalgia.


Nostalgia bruh it came out in 2022


I think they’re talking about Mel Gibson being nostalgic.




wtf you talking about? Of course it’s a thriller, but the whole thing was about the main guy making shitty jokes and pranking people/getting pranked… which were all terrible.