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Martha would absolutely have broken Donny’s ankle to keep him around.


I'm glad someone else felt the same comparison! Literally said to my partner the performance was giving me Kathy bates in misery vibes. Amazing performance.


Jessica Gunning was amazing! Had to look up her name after watching.


There were definitely similarities, she did a great job. The "tag" scene unnerved me 


A coworker recommended that baby reindeer only telling me, "It is dark, but it is good." I haven't seen either, but when I saw the poster (the one with the guy in the glass), it instantly reminded me of Misery (I have seen clips of misery with laugh tracks added and had read a short summary a few years agp). When I told them what Misery was about (they hadn't heard of it) they told me I had the vibe right


The absolute best performance I’ve ever seen. Her and the director/main character. Absolutely phenomenal. Like they both were playing the part of the person who actually experienced the events within the story. I understand he did, but she in her own respect, was also incredible. I’ve never experience so many emotions (personal and purely empathetic) in one sitting


Or chopped his foot off with an axe :) Totally had Annie vibes while watching Martha


Huh, looking at these comments, did it become popular to hate on Stephen King or something? Been years since I last heard anything about him.


Nah King is awesome. He just very vocally trashes Trump and his supporters so naturally people are going to come back with a lot of bad faith arguments against him


There are some celebs that are vocal against Trump that Reddit really likes to push for some reason, like Stephen King, Mark Hamill, Mark Ruffalo, etc. I actually agree with their opinions but literally only hear about their political opinions and nothing else (with the exception of this post I guess) so after a while I just sort of roll my eyes at it. They probably have a lot of other things to say that don’t make it to my front page which is the problem I think.


To be fair, Trump is the biggest political disaster in our collective lifetimes, so it makes sense that these celebs would want their messages about him to be the main thing people are talking about. It's upsetting that so many people don't recognise the danger of putting a vindictive & venal, sociopathic rapist into the most position on Earth, again. He trashed the economy and had a disastrous response to a global pandemic, and tried to overthrow a free & fair election last time - and he'll definitely be worse this time. It could even turn into a civil war, so yeah, it's definitely important to keep up the pressure. I can't fucking wait till we never have to talk about him again. Sure, there'll still be some fascists in government, but none with an idiot TV-fame following and the particular appeal of Trump, so they can't do as much damage.


The problem is witty remark after witty remark comes off as smug after a while when it’s all you see from these people and it ends up having the opposite effect where people start to ignore it, and it’s not “keeping up the pressure” at all.


I disagree, but to each their own.


That's a fair enough point about the negativity aspect. Thanks for putting it this way. I do agree and I definitely don't like Trump at all. And I'm not a Republican. Fair point. Perhaps it's an exhausting way to go about the articulation of something that is still true? I really appreciate this. Thanks.


Maybe you should do a better job getting informed on the news side of things. It's coming down to an election for keeping democracy or allowing the winner to become the country's **first ever** authoritarian leader. Please read up and do your civic duty and vote.


I have no idea what this has to do with my comment but ok


sorry if it came off as somehow discourteous. I think it was your words "roll your eyes" triggered this old fart and I just went from there.


Sounds like Trump is living rent-free in your head .


He absolutely is, as he should any person that actually cares about the future of America. He's an existential threat.


Oh I didn’t know that, but 90% of his movies and tv shows are so badly made, such good ideas executed extremely poorly, under the dome started off so well and turned into ass quick


MAGA hates him.


This is it. King is still fighting against MAGA on Twitter.


Fighting the good fight


And a little with Elon 


What would they be doing on Reddit, though?


You must be new here. (quickly checks user profile) Yup, 3 years. Well, during the run up to Trump's 2016 campaign, there a subreddit here called The Donald, and it was a proper cesspit that eventually got banned. Those users didn't have a clubhouse anymore, but plenty migrated to the Conservative and Conspiracy subs. There's plenty of fascists here on reddit, they're just in the minority.


Another leftist dimwit who doesn't realize fascism is a leftist ideology. If Trump is indeed a fascist then he is one of your own.


Jesus, where to even start with this one. If you literally google "fascism definition", this is what comes up from wikipedia, and I'll bold the bit you seem to be having trouble understanding: "Fascism Political ideology Fascism is a **far-right**, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition..." I imagine you're thinking "hurr durr then why were the Nazis called the National *Socialist* Party then?!", not realising that one of the primary tenets of fascism is to lie your fucking arse off about every goddamn thing you can, and to use doublespeak to hide your true intentions. For other examples of fascists messing with word meanings, you can look to the current North Korean regime, the full name of which is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), but it sure doesn't seem to be a democracy run by the people now, does it? Stop supporting fascists, ya fascist! Edit: [this clip](https://youtu.be/xDyPSKLy5E4?t=142) supports my argument, and backs it up [with literal quotes from an interview with Hitler](https://youtu.be/xDyPSKLy5E4?t=762), where he effectively states that "our socialism is a nationalist stance cos we're fucking garbage".


Oh, it's on Google? My bad, it must be true. Of course it's on Google you indoctrinated twit. Leftists have a way of usurping the language and I have to admit they've been very successful at it thanks to the MSM and the illiberal education system. Here's a quick primer for you: the political spectrum is a straight line. On the far right is ANARCHY. These are NOT the anarchists that you know (and probably love) like you see in Portland and Seattle. I call them 'anarchists for a bigger more intrusive government'. No, these anarchists want little to no government and the maximum amount of individual freedom. Freedom from the state. As you move to the left you encounter libertarians and true conservatives (not the posers with an R next to their name in Congress). Once you cross the midpoint you have most Republicans and further left you have Democrats (aka Socialists). Marxism, Communism and Fascism are even further left. All the way to the left is TOTALITARIANISM (think N Korea). So now ask yourself this, is Fascism closer in ideology to Communism or Libertarianism? More gov control=left. Less gov control=right. It's really not hard. Back in the day Commies hated Fascists and vice versa and the Commies were successful in branding Fascists as 'right wing'. There is NOTHING 'right wing' about Fascists. A dictator is NOT right wing. It's just your perverted definition of right wing. BTW, there is NO right wing in the US today. The closest we have is libertarians. As for Trump, he was a Dem his whole life until he moved slightly to the right and called himself a Republican. I hate to break it to you but he's still a leftist, just not far enough left to please you. I'll end this post with something we can agree on: Trump totally botched the covid response (although something tells me we disagree on why).


> Once you cross the midpoint you have most Republicans and further left you have Democrats (aka Socialists). Marxism, Communism and Fascism are even further left. **All the way to the left is TOTALITARIANISM (think N Korea).** Who the fuck taught you social studies?! You're just making things up out of whole cloth. None of what you wrote makes any fucking sense, but I can't offer you a source you'll accept, because you won't accept *any* that doesn't parrot your own insane ideas, which you presumably adopted based on some inane screed from Tucker Carlson. Go tan your balls some more, and maybe you won't need so many boner pills, eh? One last thing though, regarding this horsehit: > Oh, it's on Google? My bad, it must be true. It's the wikipedia definition that Google quotes, and if you take the back-breaking effort of clicking on their link, you'll see that it's well-sourced from academics, historians & scholars, not from impotent twats yelling into the ether like yourself. You're on the wrong side of history.


Your well sourced academics, historians and scholars put their name on a crock of shit that said 'right wing dictator' which is an oxymoron. It's literally impossible. A 'true' right winger (not the fake right wing definition you've been taught by your leftist teachers and drummed into your head by the MSM) is for small government and individual rights and freedoms. The exact OPPOSITE of a dictator. You think N Korea is right wing?!? Continue to wallow in your ignorance and keep telling yourself that you're SO different from a fascist when in reality you're only a shade of gray away.


OK chief, good luck rewriting the fucking dictionary. I can't wait to see you on YouTube failing to convince a policeman that you're a sovereign citizen, or some other horseshit that requires similar levels of delusion that you've expressed here. Have a shite weekend.


Those losers will cry about cancel culture all day, and then turn around and try to cancel someone that has an opposing opinion as them.


Republicans were the original cancel culture too. Remember Christian right trying to get Harry potter, South Park, gta banned?


I'm older and I remember the push for Mortal Kombat ban which led to the ESRB rating to be created.


I’m even older and remember when they were burning women they thought were witches. Crazy times.


Don't forget how they tried to ban teaching evolution in public schools and also caused prohibition and banned alcohol and have been the main reason marijuana is still banned. These motherfuckers stupidity is only outweighed by how gullible they are.


Now do the Dems...KKK...voted against the Civil Right Bill...Jim Crow


You might want to read this and educate yourself on what actually happened in the civil rights movement. Which is when a lot of the major party flipping started. Barry Goldwater is a pretty important Republican here. https://www.studentsofhistory.com/ideologies-flip-Democratic-Republican-parties#:~:text=In%201964%2C%20Democratic%20president%20Lyndon,to%20a%20final%2C%20decisive%20switch. If Lincoln was a politician today do you really think he'd still be a Republican? Lol y'all's only defense is talking about how over a hundred years ago you had the moral high ground despite knowing your current party is literally full of people who want to resurrect the Confederacy and the fact that the parties in the south literally flipped in the 60s. You guys fucking support Trump, McConnell, MTG, Boebert, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, Newt Gingrich, Ron Desantis, Joe Arpaio, etc man. The party is a who's who of the worst motherfuckers alive right now. Shout out to republicans for making citizens united a thing, blocking healthcare changes to protect corporate profits, being against transitioning from oil and lying about climate change in order to support corporate profits.




How is it hypocrisy when the supporters of those things switched parties 60 years ago...? And again the "Democrats" weren't for those things and "republicans" weren't against them. It was way more of a north vs south thing than a dem vs Republican thing. Then the anti civil rights folks all became republicans. What party removed a bunch of civil rights era shit over the past decade? lol. What party pushed extreme nationalism and xenophobia and garners votes with "immigrants are mostly bad hombres who wanna take your jobs" and "they are trying to destroy Christianity"? What party used the Bible to fight gay marriage and interracial marriage? What party fought tooth and nail against any progress in the energy sector and publicity denied climate change was real for decades while raking in donations from oil companies? What party fought tooth and nail against making our healthcare system less predatory and more affordable while raking in donations from insurance companies? What party has fucked the supreme court so much that the majority of Americans no longer have faith in the institution? What party's president asked a Georgia SOS to "find more votes" while trying to steal an election? What party is forcing rape victims to carry the child to term? What party has a governor who is banning lab grown meat for no fucking reason at all aside from catering to backwards idiots who are afraid of every single step towards progress the country makes? “an ideological agenda that wants to finger agriculture as the problem.” he called it. Republicans are always fighting positive advances in our society. What party banned stem cell research out of a misplaced idiotic religious perspective on it? What party's president pardoned a bunch of extremely corrupt pieces of shit who were found to be working illegally as foreign agents and cooperating with Russia to influence a US election? Democrats are somewhat fucked up and there are of course greedy opportunists on both sides of the aisle but, my fucking God is it blatantly obvious which side is by a massive fucking margin the least morally good. The issue is republicans purposefully have catered to fear and stupidity and manipulated with identity politics and us vs them rhetoric. Republican voters seem incapable of comprehending the nuance of any complex issue so it's comically easy to manipulate them.


Budweiser. ![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm)


Honestly, TIL


Stop crying MAGA at everything u don’t agree with


Yeah lol what's with the hate


Mouthbreathers hate that he has morals and calls a spade a spade.


If you try to keep politics out of it, King is definitely a hateful person.


Examples, please. Honest request.


Looking at his comment history he’s just another butthurt Trumper. Even pretending to not be in some of these comments like his prior ones don’t exist.


I've never heard that sentiment about him, what makes you say that?


Pay them no mind: https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/1b7ao56/anyone_pay_attention_to_the_chemtrails_everyday/


Is it because of the chemtrails? https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/1b7ao56/anyone_pay_attention_to_the_chemtrails_everyday/


He almost started a civil war with his microwave salmon recipe, does no one else remember this?!


I like King, love his books, and mostly agree with a lot of takes. I just laugh at recent praise of his because he was in the wave of random lauding for “The Flash” last year leading into its release. Along with a lot of other randoms, like Tom Cruise.


You think 3 comments are "hate"?


Yeah 3 of 4 comments, not a big deal


It exists outside of this thread. Educate yourself.


Stephen King is still very much around, although I only know his work secondhand. If you look him up in IMDb, you'll see a half dozen adaptations in 2023 alone. I personally think that his roundabout "horror" ("Stand By Me," "She Shawshank Redemption") films are much, much better than his out-and-out ones ("Pet Sematary," "The Stand"). As for Trump, he is such a polarizing figure, people can only have strong opinions on him. I was actually a supporter when he first started campaigning (2020), appreciating that he would say things a politician would never utter, but after a while, his true nature came out, and it got to the point that I couldn't even talk to one of my coworkers about anything that was not strictly a matter of business. Last year, when, at the end of an hour-long conversation, my best friend, who had joined the cult of Trump (and that is what it really is, there is little reason or logic in that group), stated that the Nazis were justified in exterminating six million people (it was self-defense!), I knew I could never talk to him again.


It's about bloody time.


He's turned into an unhinged lunatic, much like Rob Reiner. I still enjoy some of his books, though.


Found the Fox news Grandpa.


Lol. I forgot this sub had turned into r/politics.


Why refuse to look in a mirror? It's not the sub. You have become an extremist, friend. If you make that realization you can begin to work towards a better life. It can't be easy carrying that around. I sincerely wish you the best.


When morons invoke Fox News, it's the sub. Regardless, Stephen King is unhinged.


Which opinions are unhinged?


Explain how King has turned into an "unhinged lunatic" without mentioning politics


I told someone at work "It's the opposite of a feel good movie or tv show" It was great but I don't want to watch it again.


I couldn’t sleep after the “ abuse “ episode. You can read and hear things like that happens in Hollywood but seeing that scene was so real that now I do understand the damage those rapist do to vulnerable/ innocent people. In fact one of my coworkers after discussing this movie said one of his class male from college got raped while drunk and felt sleep in one of those college parties outside camp. I still in shock about all this. Guys be careful while sleeping , drinking in places with new pp or friends etc .




I tend to agree, sir.


I mean coming from someone who just read Misery, it makes sense since Martha is similar to Annie Wilkes


Apropos of nothing. I just finished BR and immediately started 3 Body Problem. I hate the casting in 3 Body Problem. There’s not a single shred of authenticity to any of the characters (except maybe Benedict Wong’s character) BR should be a lesson to producers. Authentic casting is an essential ingredient to a great story.


The casting for 3 Body Problem is so shit. I blame the exec producers. "Hey we turned a bunch of nobodies into stars last time with Thrones, why not do it again?!" It's crazy how they spent so much money and time on that series and never thought about how bland their cast would come across. 


Interesting. I wasn't a big fan of 3 Body Problem (it had its moments), but of all the critiques I've heard, inauthentic casting was not one of them.


Yeah I agree about 3 Body Problem. Its problem is that it reeks of a “produced” TV show. Kind of like The Haunting of Bligh Manor and all those. Reminds me of TV productions I used to see on cable whereas Baby Reindeer seems gritty and very human. Great writing.


Regardless of what King things, it’s a very good watch - but some themes are very distressing so watch with caution


Yea agreed, a good watch but not a comfortable one.


I’d say… intentionally uncomfortable. So, still good!


Art is meant to evoke emotions and I think I experienced just about everyone one while watching that series.


Yep, it’s one of those things I’m glad I saw, but I’m sure I’ll never get the urge to rewatch. It tackles some complicated questions in a really unique way, but that leads to a fully uncomfortable experience that never ever lets up. Awesome performances all around. I think it’s a valuable watch, but it’s a tough one to get through. Especially when you finish one episode, you’re feeling depressed, and your wife is like “wow, wanna do another.” I need some recovery time, dammit!


Yeah I can binge almost anything and I regularly watch a ton of horror, but this was a lot. I had to break it up over the week, even though I wanted to know what happened next, it was just that uncomfortable. Even the start of episode 4 when I could sense where this might be going…took me a few days to start it up again, process that, and then binge the last few episodes. I recommended it to my husband but told him I won’t be rewatching.


Was episode 4 the one that was mostly flashbacks? I think we actually did take a break after that one, same as you. I don't mind heavy topics, gritty dramas, or horror in general, but there are some topics and some degrees of intensity that will definitely find my limit. It was the same with Handmaid's Tale, especially the first few seasons. My wife would be ready to watch 3 in a row, and I'd just be like "No, I'm just gonna sit and recollect for a few. You watch another and I'll catch up."


I aknowledge it’s quality but personally hated it.


Has anyone had any luck getting around this paywall?




Thank you!!!


Doesn't work for me. I have scripts enabled but get endless recaptcha https://i.imgur.com/IxnbbES.png I tried 10 times, it always resets back to asking for captcha. I'm not using VPN.


That looks like a cloudflare problem.


No, trying so hard right now lol


What a disgusting piece of shit website. Ah I see, thetimes.co.uk . Nothing of value was lost.


I hated it. The main characters are both insufferable.


i think that’s the point. they were both unwell and needed help. Donny just happened to be the narrator.


Yeah I just think Donny isn’t the saint everyone makes him out to be. Actively seeked her out and was obsessed with her too. His ex girlfriend gave him a lifeline and without that he would still be rotting in that apartment


I think people are confusing fan reaction with the intent of the writer. He purposely wrote it with a vulnerable truth that he fucked up as well. People saying he’s a saint have totally misunderstood it. If you find both characters unlikable then you’re the one that gets it. The fact that they’re both are so unlikable makes it a fantastic piece. It’s real human mistakes.


The movie did not portray him in saint in anyway.


Who's making him out to be a saint? The show literally tells us he fucked up and needed help.


How anyone can watch Baby Reindeer and think Gadd was trying to portray Donny (and this himself) as a Saint and hapless victim is beyond me.  The entire show is pretty damn unglorified and undignified toward both himself and Martha, and makes it clear how he helped create and maintain the situation, as well as his unsavory motives for doing so. It portrays him in that light early on simply to make the ultimate "reveal", as it were, all the more jarring to what sort of person he was.


I did not find trauma dumping on an audience to be endearing or brave at all. It was cringey, selfish, and I was legitimately angry at the character who was supposed to be in charge of the show for allowing it to go on.


You sound extremely naive


You sound extremely nice.


Sorry you find it difficult to cope with other peoples emotions. I thought it was a masterpiece. You could follow the trigger warnings, or watch childrens tv, but you chose to do neither, so that's on you.




Totally agree. It was embarrassing. So cringey. How do you allow this to happen for 6 + months? … abuse, stalking, sexual harassment, every day for months. It boggled my mind!


How did he allow him to be stalked for 6 months?


Did you watch the show at all? There was a whole episode about how he was raped and, because of that, he was unable to explain the situation with the stalker because it would mean having to be open and honest about being raped and all of the terrible feelings and guilt he was experiencing surrounding that. He straight up says that he's not proud of it. He's not a good guy. He was an irrational human making irrational human decisions because that's just life. There's writing advice "characters aren't people." Meaning that tv or movie characters don't have realistic depth like people because that's not their purpose in a story. The opposite is true too. "People aren't characters." Would it be nice if Donny made only good decisions and everyone lived happily ever after? Sure, but that's not the case. This was based on a true story.


Agree I do not understand the praise


Yeah it was pretty good


This is what Netflix does. Release something that gets massive hype so that people keep subscribed. Reddit has been trying to declare Netflix dead for years now.


I mean he says that about literally everything BUT The Shining. High standards this man does not have.


Yeah it’s a funny one. He is my favourite writer, but he has endorsed a lot of crap and I weirdly give no value to his opinion on good content.




Didn’t he say this about The Flash also?


When King loves it, that's when you know it's good.


This guy kind succeed in life ( carear ) by telling his story but it doesn’t mean he is not f..ked up for life. Same as pp in Hollywood that went through similar events and committed suicide bc they couldn’t deal with it .. We don’t know how Donny life will end down the road. Same as Marta her parents were not good and who knows what else happened to her when little and had become who she is today. She is always in pain and recognizes pain in people snd get attached to it that why she is a stalker. For example: Chester from Linkin park he was sexual abused when little and he was depressed, he found a carear , great band but at the end .. It doesn’t really matter he died by suicide. Remember Corey Haim the actor ? Same he was raped in a party and he never got over and committed suicide.


can anyone provide a copy without the paywall??


I thought the narrator monologue portion where he finds personal insight to his trauma and the answer to ‘why’ he hadn’t put a stop to her behavior immediately unique to dramas.


I mean let’s be honest here. It’s popular but it’s not that good is it?


Over rated show


Bruh, Micheal Jackson is creepier than I imagined


Baby reindeer is an amazing show, ruined by the ending and conclusion. It’s so fucking insincere unnecessary


What was insincere about it?


SPOILER ALERT: the ending was designed to give it a horror like ending. The circle of abuse etc. however that’s not how it ends. He goes onto having great success and a bright future. The show is so brilliantly dark and genuine that it absolutely needed that “happy” and true ending. I didn’t need that tagged on bullshit


Huh. I didn’t take that from the ending. I more saw it as Donny having a realization about how Martha got to be who she was, which is what he’d been obsessing about. He finds himself exactly where he found her: sitting alone at a bar, in deep distress, with no money, feeling intense gratitude towards a stranger who does him a very small act of kindness. I don’t think it implies he goes on to stalk the bartender; more that he understands Martha and can finally walk away from the experience.


That is not how I saw it at all. They deliberately left it ambiguous and it really pissed me off. At that point he wasn’t penniless anymore and he was getting help. So I do think they tried to imply what I thought they did. It’s a shame cause the overall show is brutally honest and amazing


He forgot his wallet.


Should he have spelled it out explicitly for you? Because to me it was clear that the moment wasn't about him becoming a stalker. It was about him finally understanding Martha. And how a random act of kindness can affect someone who's having a low moment.


But that’s your take on it and how you saw it. It is not implied that this is what happened. That’s my issue, they deliberately left it ambiguous and that really sucks. It could be either scenario and I was left with feeling that he had now started his journey towards stalking


So you did want him to beat the audience over the head with it. Well, I'm sorry for you that he chose a more nuanced approach. But *a lot* of people didn't take it the way you did. Especially since so much of his behaviour is about understanding Martha, not wanting to be like her. Which is why the meaning behind the name Baby Reindeer is revealed at the very end.


It's crazy to me how often the biggest critique of this show I see is "I'm colossally stupid and hate the ending because I misinterpreted it." He DOES spell it out for the audience. He explains in detail that two things prevented this from stopping: He desperately wanted to understand where this came from and why she was the way she was. The other was the shame and guilt that he felt surrounding his sexual assault. We see in the 2nd half of the show he comes to terms with what happened and tries his best to overcome and deal with it. That solves one aspect. The second aspect was solved in the final episode when he was sitting at the bar, alone, without his wallet, and shown an act of kindness. At no point was there any ambiguity. The guy obviously didn't become a stalker. He knows what she felt though and can empathize with how that feeling is intoxicating when you're at rock bottom without actually becoming that way. It's like if someone gets into a fight with someone else. You may be a pacifist but you can empathize with them if they had a good reason, like self defense.


Bollox, there was ambiguity and it was a deliberate cheap ploy by the makers cause they weren’t brave enough to stick to the truth which was that he pulled himself out of a very distressful situation


What part of it was ambiguous to you? Or are you just saying it at this point because you don't want to admit you're wrong? Nothing about the ending was supposed to make you think his life was over or that he didn't go anywhere. Obviously the fact that he has a Netflix show is evidence that his life didn't end in the gutter. We the audience just know that. We don't have to be told "Eventually, the main character goes on to make a Netflix show!" because.... You're watching it. It's not a "cheap ploy" you're just dumb. You don't understand it. Are you like in your 50's and need movies to end with narration like Stand By Me? "Immediately following the bad night tonight, Donny goes on to have a successful career! Culminating in landing the creation of the Netflix special you're watching right now!" If that's your preference, that's fine but you can't fault the show for YOUR lack of media literacy.


It's literally a true story written by the main character, why would he imply that he becomes a stalker haha


Well that was the implication I got from it. And to put it bluntly it IS a show a few key points were not true. In real life he was a lot funnier than it was portrayed in the show. Just check out some of his stand ups. So if they lied or took artistic licence on that, I’m in no doubt that’s what they did for the ending. Very cliched and undeserved on an awesome show otherwise.


Didn’t he also say the Flash is the best superhero movie since the Dark Knight? I don’t give a shit what he thinks of anything lol


The Flash was pretty good actually. It was a fun movie with a heart and questionable FX.


It was trash and forgettable


It really wasn't that great


That’s not surprising given that he’ll write about CP by having an underage girl get a train ran on her


I'm on episode 3...I'm not sure how i feel about this show. Is it genuinely supposed to be a "true story" or is that part of the gimmick of the fiction? On one hand, the writing feels like a thinly veiled "gotcha" targeted at men. The whole sexual assault where he "just froze and let it happen", the questions of "why didn't you report it to the police?" etc. all just seem so contrived and intended to mirror common narratives. The main character's behavior (or lack thereof) is just so over the top that he's simply not relatable. He's either miserably and helplessly passive or he's just so internally conflicted about who he is vs. what he's "supposed to be" that he's just pathetic. I'd wager that, if not entirely made up, the story is so heavily embellished (probably at the direct instruction of some netflix producer) that the truth would be unrecognizable by comparison.


It is the true story from the director's life (the same guy who plays the guy from the show). So all the stuff about his flaws is really is self reflection of what was going on with him during these events.


His portrayal of the confusion, shame, and disgust after sexual assault is pretty darn accurate. Consider yourself lucky you can’t find it relatable.


well episode 4 will provide some clarity lol. he is called out, and calls himself, out on not handling it properly. thats what the whole show is about, how trauma makes you act weird. watch the whole show before you come to premature conclusions


Episode 4 was a difficult watch lol


If it helps, you’re *supposed* to be thinking “why on earth would he act like that” at this point in the show. It’s intentional and does get answered IMO.


Everything turns in episode 4. The show isn’t about what you think it is in episode 3. I found it brilliant, intense and difficult to watch. It is extremely well written, but to be honest I’m surprised at it appealing to the masses.


You're right, hands down. Holy crap--i'm glad I watched through and it went from "contrived and artificial" to "honest, bare, and deep." I really enjoyed it and I'm really glad I watched it to the end.


It’s terrible. It’s a show about weak people doing things to themselves and blaming others. I hated it.


That show was terrible. The Baby Reindeer guy himself was as big of an idiot as Martha


We are all now stupider for having watched baby reindeer


Calm down lol it was ok but nothing groundbreaking!


It was groundbreaking for a lot of people. I don't remember ever watching a show that really delves into what it's like to be a male victim of abuse.


I thought it was overrated. Watched because of the hype.


Care to elaborate how it’s overrated? It’s a well written story that started and finished strong


The sexual assault storyline was too much for me. I don't intentionally watch,seek out, those shows with that type of trauma.


I get avoiding those types of things, but to call it overrated because of the themes of sexual assault is a little harsh


Having been in an untreated-BPD relationship, i think it deserves all the praise it got and more


That’s one of the pitfalls of a show being overhyped. Expectations are often unreasonably high.


That was it for me. For it to be trending #1 for so long, it wasn't that great, to me. I watched all the episodes, but it wouldn't be something I would watch again. I thought Dead Boy Detectives was better.


I stopped around ep 5 or 6. So boring and the main character is just dreadful to watch. Repeatedly making poor decisions over and over again and jeopardising other people.. and this was a real life thing and the guy who it happened to is the main character? Wtaf, . I’m happy people like the show I guess for the sake of his career, but i’m surprised why in normal cases and not exceptions, he or anyone would think we care about this one person’s circumstance compared to so many other people’s potential televised biopics haha


Because it’s his experience? It’s his story to tell and whether you agree comedy is art or not, artists always pull from personal experience. People aren’t perfect and make mistakes, he was sharing how he knew he was messing up and was self aware, but people in troubled times tend to not see as clearly as an observer would. The buzz around the show and its popularity completely negates your point as to “why we would care.” Seems like a weird thing to argue, especially because his story brings forth a lot of issues of abuse, Stockholm syndrome, and more. He also performed this as a standalone act and people were intrigued so they turned it into a show. Weird arguments homie


Thats the point tho. It shows how trauma victims make questionable decisions


Stephen King is about the last person on earth whose opinion matters to me.


So why the fuck are you commenting then?


For me he's second to last, only a random commenter's opinion on Reddit matters less :'). Just kidding lol.


All commenters on social media platforms are 'random,' surely.


Stephen King's taste in TV and MOVIES is trash though.


The “leave politics out of it” brigade in full force today.


How does this comment make sense in the context of what you’re replying to?


I trust his taste in books. If he has a favorable comment on a book, odds are I will like it.


Is it? What else has he praised?


He loved Manifest, easily one of the worst cast, written, acted and most wholly derivative shows ever made. It's SO bad.


He prefers the Shining tv movie to Kubrick’s version


In all fairness the miniseries is more accurate to the book, and I can see that being a big deal to the person who wrote it


What a shitty “tv show”


I've actually had really bad luck with shows that have quotes from Stephen King praising it ...


You aren’t wrong. He loved the flash


He's also long been a prolific recommender. You see his name on the back cover of every third paperpack. "A brilliant new voice in fiction." "A stunning debut from an exciting author." After a while you wonder if he just has an intern who runs a contract job for him. Hire him over at stevenkingrecommendsyourbook.com


For what it's worth, Stephen King says everything is amazing and sells his endorsements to anybody. 


Well if Stephen King likes it then I'll be avoiding it like leprosy.


You only admire fascists, right?


He probably thinks those Daily Wire movies are the height of filmmaking.


Never actually watched any of them myself.


Hey he's written some good stuff over the years, the Dark Tower books are his best.


I am out of touch. What else has he liked that was bad?


lol that’s some snowflake shit