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The acting and ability to pull off the character is always more important than the look. I will remain skeptical but optimistic about Hemsworth as Geralt.




I think the armor looks a little ill fitting but he's got a more lithe and accurate shape of Geralt. Was hoping they'd give him some new armor to avoid even more comparisons


It’s pretty clear they’re re-shooting old scenes from Season 3 for continuity here, I’m sure there will be different armor once they move forward


Looks like these are re-shoots, and Geralt will have a studded leather jacket going forward. Just like in the books, which is reassuring.


I think they overemphasized his shoulders to try to make him look a little more like Cavil, but otherwise he looks great




Tbh, from the back, Liam's size and shape as Geralt resembles more like the Witcher from the Games than Henry did. Henry was great of course but just too bulky.


Yeah, Henry Cavill was too muscular


Henry cavil was just right




He look nothing like Geralt from the video games or books


Really ? You mean like half the characters portrayed in netflix series ?


Or any movie or TV show


Just optically speaking he looks good And I could imagine that he performs really good and would be I really really good Geralt. The only thing working against him rn is how beloved Cavill was. I wonder if he can step out of his shadow in this short span of time. I would certainly give to him


He looks better than I expected now he's actually costumed and made up - but he still has a hell of a pair of boots to fill


Exactly. At least the first battle for him was won, which was the looks. He looks way better than I imagined, I expected him to look way goofy.


His face is too boy-band-from-90s to be good Geralt.




There is a brutish quality and intensity that Cavill brought the role that I don't think Hemsworth can imitate - Hemsworth Geralt will feel more generic, less menacing.


I was thinking the same. I think when it comes to the acting and voice is where the real separation will show


Which is funny because you'd *assume* that speaking in a soulless, monotone voice would be simple, at least in theory, but in practice it's make or break for a role like this. I was never against Hemsworth but he is more of a goofy fun actor by comparison so I definitely raised an eyebrow at how this all might play out. He looks the part though and I feel that the show is back on the rails now.


This could be a wild turn of events. If he can nail the voice. He has the look. If he somehow acts well who knows


I actually cannot wait to watch this new season with my husband, he is a bit face blind, I wonder how long will it take for him to notice that the main character is played by a new actor.






He looks good as Geralt of Rivia.


Yeah he does. His voice will be the next surprise… looking forward


“Oh streuth that’s a big one cobber, And the farkin mages won’t help”


“That’s not a knoife! This is a knoife!”


That would make it 10 times as watchable for ne


True its more the emotional journey fans been with Henry cavil's portrayal


Agree, he actually fits how I imagined Geralt to look (going by the book covers and comics where they draw him lean and not overtly muscular). I think he will nail the voice, wait and see until then.


I enjoyed Liam in Pokerface deffo sets the right tone for geralt imo - a lot of people still see him as Gail from hungergames


If we had Liam from the start, I wouldn’t have minded. There’s unfortunately no good way to handle an actor switch in a main role.


Actually there is because it is a big topic in the Witcher books. The whole Nimue/Condwiramurs arc is about that there are always different versions of the story and that nobody really knows what the protagonists actually looked like because no portraits of them survived. And it's obvious that they are going to use this angle as they have cast Nimue and she will appear in S4E1 since her actress was in the reading room. If they do it well, it can work.


Which would be great, except that he’s the ONLY one to change 😂


Yes, but they could change the others' hairstyles and other things? Like give Jaskier the blonde curls as in the books 😂 (I hope not). Liam doesn't look that very different as Geralt either.


I just don’t personally think that would work well. Changing the entire face vs as someone else mentioned yennefers cloak colour or similar. Although I appreciate they’re not going to be able to reach a good enough solution (for me personally anyway!) as I would prefer for nothing to change. I also feel like again, while it’s a clever idea in theory, it’s ruined by the fact that everything has been Cavill’s Geralt so far. It’s not just that the conclave and Vilgefortz fight was a retelling or similar, it’s everything up to that moment. So Geralt when he meets Ciri as a child, Geralt and Renfri, Geralt and blaviken, Geralt and Yennefer meeting, all these significant moments are Cavill’s Geralt. Are they going to refilm some of those key scenes also to tie in the change in any way?


Why don't you just wait and see what they are going to do? It might be good and make sense. But, of course, it might also be stupid and unconvincing. The potential in the novels is there. Whether it will work well or not, we will find out next summer or so.


Because the story is mainly about him and his journey. Also, there are Multiverse in this world, if they opt to literally be honest and tell this is another Geralt from elsewhere, they could pull it off imo. I think the scar on the face is a huge giveaway they might try to push this Liam's Geralt as another version.


No, no it isn’t? It’s about Ciri and her journey. That’s also not how it works. Would you then be telling me that Liam’s Geralt is not the same Geralt that fell in love with Yennefer? Who picked up Ciri as a child and brought her to Kaer Morhen? He’s not the Geralt that met and killed Renfri? That he’s essentially a stranger Geralt? They’ll be changing his appearance through the tales of Nimue, who discusses that there are no known true portraits of any of the people in the story, not even Ciri, as the surviving portrait is of the fake Ciri. But in that instance, she wouldn’t know how any of them looked, so they would logically all be different visual variations. But they’re not, it’ll just be Geralt that changes. Which in my opinion, doesn’t make sense.


The story is not about Ciri, she is the focus due to her nature and her powers, however her story is basically told about and from Geralt's perspective. She is the '' protagonist '' in the world because of her ancestry and impact of it, but as for us spectators, it's clear that it's a story about Geralt. It's even more clear to understand that if you also get to know the books, the first book is entirely about Geralt. The second is entirely about Geralt and Ciri pops up very briefly. Ciris might be the plot focus of the story, but Geralt for sure is the Protagonist.


It’s a third person narrative. It’s not from any perspective really. Regardless it doesn’t change my initial point that only changing Geralts appearance is a stupid thing to do if they’re going to heavily focus the change on Nimue.


As stated, there is no **GOOD** way to handle the change. Condwiramurs, framing device is the worst choice imo. I'd have preferred no explanation at all.


I agree, I'd have preferred that too. But the 'real' Witcher fans are crying for book accuracy. Only that not everything about the books is good, like this boring frame story. But maybe it will be better in the show than in the books? We'll see next summer or so, I guess.


Most fans are ok with changes as long as they are good and respect the source material. Just not what they did in S2. LOTR and GOT S1-5 had huge deviations and omissions from the source material, but those are still the greatest fantasy adaptations of all time. If it's good and hits the major beats and themes, fans will rally behind it. S1 was good. I loved Yennefer backstory, and had they had 12 episodes to properly adapt A shard of Ice, A little Sacrifice, A grain of Truth and **SWORD OF DESTINY** it might have been one of those great adaptations. Alas, I'll watch the rest of it, but the mood has soured, and the goodwill has been squandered. We'll see then, indeed.


I liked some of the changes in S2. Some were stupid, I agree. A little sacrifice will be in the anime spin off.


THE main role too.


George of the Jungle 2 would beg to disagree


Interview with the Vampire just did it successfully. They had a slide before the first episode started saying the role would be played by this actress and then starts the episode. It doesn't have to be a big deal.


>Interview with the Vampire just did it successfully I agree that it doesn’t have to be a big deal but I really don’t see your point here. Adding a slide/whatever else isn’t going to solve the key issue for a lot of people, which is that immersion can suffer pretty significantly when the character you’ve been following suddenly looks considerably different


Unless you’re on Doctor Who.




Look man, I'm just gonna say it - size wise at least, he looks more like a Geralt than Cavill did.


I don't think that's a controversial opinion at all.


I mean, I don't think either one looks like Geralt per se because Geralt is not supposed to be particularly attractive. [https://unleashthegamer.com/netflix-witcher-games-books/](https://unleashthegamer.com/netflix-witcher-games-books/)


Geralt was rough-looking but definetly not unattractive. Sabrina Glevissig actually said that he’s a handsome man.


This. The book mentions he has a scary smile but literally gets fawned over he’s not ugly he just has a weird smile because he probably hardly ever does so and he’s pale and scarred but not ugly.


Anyone who have read the the books knows that the only person that sees Geralt as hideous is Geralt himself 😄


Sounds like Angel Densetsu synopsis


Huge fan of cavill but I never bought it for him as Gerald


I think so far this bodes well. he has the stance, mannerisms, approximate body size/type (he may be a bit less “built” than Henry, but it works??), everything looks down pat. granted, at this distance it would be hard to tell, so this is just what I’m seeing so far from a handful of low quality images. we’ll see when we get promos but I’m actually super excited and feeling quite optimistic about it 😊


He can do it. He’ll be great. It’s just weird to jump from Cavill to anyone else. Tough spot for everyone to be in.


both actors would have done an incredible job as geralt, the problem was never the choice in cast, it was always the writing, they didn't even have to follow the books, just tell a few seasons of compelling witcher adventures, they just needed writers with the talent of whoever wrote hearts of stone. Perhaps the writers had the talent, in which case the blame falls on leadership or some combination of both, as with most things this was a failure of scope, if you couldn't create a world as realized as GOT then don't try, tell smaller stories with tighter scripts and budgets and don't try to do the epic, a lot of fans of the 3rd game love the side plots over the main quest


What do you mean by "witcher adventures"? If you mean Geralt slaying monsters, there's hardly any of this in the main Witcher saga which they are adapting. It's not a game adaptation and was never intended to be one.


The first two books are monster slaying adventures, but the show cut most of that, too.


Yes, they only used a few of those stories but I guess that's because the plan was from the start to adapt the main saga. Which has very little to no monster slaying. The short stories lack cohesion and would be difficult to put into a bigger story arch. They could have done a monster of the month thing or something instead and only used the short stories. Maybe that could have been interesting, I don't know. Personally I liked the main saga better than the short stories.


Did they? Now that they're doing the animated movie based on "A Little Sacrifice" the only short stories left unadapted will be "A Shard of Ice" and "Eternal Flame". The only monster featured in these is a doppler and the show did feature one (although in a pretty pointless role). With seasons 2 and 3 they've actually added a lot more monster slaying than was featured in the books.


They technically adapted many of the short stories, but in many cases they cut most of their content. If you look at Sword of Destiny, the first three stories didn't get in at all, Sword of Destiny got rewritten completely, and Something More got totally butchered, so it's almost like the whole book doesn't exist. And while they're adapting A Little Sacrifice now, it's still cut from the show.


Shard of Ice features a Zeugl, one of my favorite monsters, with a theme of environmental damages of human urbanisation.


My bad, you're right. Haven't read it in a while. 


Which is why the comment you are replying to suggested NOT to follow the books.


But it was planned as a book adaptation from the start. I see nothing wrong with that. As far as I know they do not have the rights to adapt the games or stories from the games. Maybe someone will somewhen in the future.


You brought up the games, u/Alex_South and I never did. I commented that your reply to u/Alex_South comment totally missed his point. He said that it might have been better from the start not to try and adapt the saga and instead keep the scopesmall and the script tight. Instead of trying, and failing, to create an epic story in a complex world with multiple storylines. It might have been better to make a simpler show. For example, Witcher, monsterhunting adventures. You replied that there is hardly any monsterhunting in the saga, which is correct but irrelevant to the point he made, which is all I pointed out in my reply.


I think he looks great.


He Looks good


Anything with more resolution?


Toss a dollarydoo to your witcher


I'll still watch it because I love the Witcher


The picture should be updated to show Liam and his stunt double - we are really getting 2 new Geralts.


He actually looks good and I’ll absolutely watch this season. Unlike a lot of people, I didn’t start watching the Witcher because of Cavill, I started watching it because it was the Witcher series. I’ve loved Yen’s actress and the music in the series as well, so for me Cavill wasn’t the only positive


Same here. I think show, book and game should be separated and judged on their own merits. I started watching the Witcher because I loved the games. I enjoyed the series for what it is, and started reading the books. So far I'm immensely enjoying those as well, but I see no reason to bury the show just because it's different from the books. And I especially don't understand these people with a boner for Cavill just because he's a "nerd" or Witcher fan. People hate that they changed Phillipa's race but don't care that Cavill is a giant mountain of meat, when Geralt is described as skinny in the books? Makes no sense to me.


Hope the writing takes a step up from the previous season.




The shot with Anya... she's not wearing the purple cloak but a black one! I wonder if they're really doing a soft visual reboot using Nimue's story... (I'd... be ok with that because the visuals have been one of the most inconsistent things in this series) Also... Liam looks more like my headcanon Geralt than Cavill, so at least looks wise I'm happy




This looks promising. I actually think hell be better suited for Anya. I always felt that her and Cavill didnt have any chemistry and paired together always seemed odd since he’s obviously much older and bigger. I think Liam next to her is much more suited, but well see how well they interact.


He’s a better actor than Henry, so at least there’s that.


From what I seen everyone had no doubt he'd be a great geralt but they also agreed that he'd be a great geralt in a bad script which is exactly what it was previously


I know nothing of the Witcher. Should I dive into it? This came on recommended post


Great books, games, and show


There is a series of 8 books that are great. There is a trilogy of games, the 3. Of which is being hailed as the best open world rpg of all time, it can be played without any prior knowledge. And then there is a popular Netflix show with 3 seasons out and 2 more to come, so it won't be canceled before it's concluded like other shows have. S1 is great but a bit hard to follow for newcomers due to 3 timelines going on with subtle clues as to which character is on which timeline. I loved S1 and would recommend it. S2 was controversial, some, especially show-only fans and casual viewers, liked S2 better than 1 due to the narrative being easier to follow and visuals maybe. Others, me included hate S2 and compare it to S8 of Game of Thrones from a writing standpoint. S3 is good. Some say it's the most boring because it focuses a lot on establishing character bonds and delves into wizard politics the most. TL'DR: I'd definitely recommend the books/audiobooks, the 3. Game. And S1 of the show.


Finally, a pitcher of the witcher. Sorry, I meant to say a picture of the wicture


Bring Żebrowski back as Geralt


That would have been a boss move.


I mean, it is not his fault, and he looks great with the wig. So let's give him a chance shall we


Damn he looks good, but that may be as far as that will go. We shall see. Good luck Liam!


he looks totally fine, and none of this is his fault, i'm rooting for him


I expected the difference to be jarring, but... He actually wears the look pretty well. Looks good!


Haters can hate but geralt is a dancer fighter and thin but strong not a brick house this is what geralt looks like


I can't really focus when I see Mahesh Jadu but I guess new Geralt looks more or less like the old one, I don't mind him at all.


Wonder what he's going to do with the voice. I like the grittiness Cavill's Geralt voice had


Looks tremendous. Though I would have been very surprised if they got the visual part wrong. But I'm sure Liam will do great, I'm more worried about the writing.


He looks good. All thats left now is the show being any good.


He looks great and more accurate to me. More svelt and he always looked like game Geralt in the face. I always hated that bulky armor Henry and the costume designer made. I hope they retire that thing, not happy and nervous to see him wearing it.


It will probably only be for a brief flashback or dream sequence. He didn't wear the armour on Thanedd and I doubt that he had it brought to Brokilon and somewhere stashed in a bag when he left with Jaskier and Milva to search for Ciri.




He looks fine and he isn’t the worst actor. Still I don’t envy his position.


Ok guys I was wrong, he looks more like in game Geralt for some reason, I approve this.


This is going to go so badly. Not because Liam will make a bad Geralt, tbh I think quite the opposite, but because of the casting change mid-series. I don’t what the answer is, maybe they do pull it off. Given how they fucked up so much of the story and canon from books I have my doubts.


It happened with Spartacus and I didn't even notice lol


Different actors have played James Bond, Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, etc...some better then the original, or just as good. So I'll be open minded to Liam in season 4.


Looks very promising!!!


Looks good.


The Hemsworths playing brute characters just makes sense


Nothing against Liam, think his a decent actor, but Netflix ruined witcher alrdy in season 2 and 3. stopped following lore and just milked the show for the name.


If they do a whole episode explaining this is a Witcher from another universe and etc, especially explaining the badass scar on the face, I can dig it. I think the trick for this to work out is to be honest in the Alternate Dimension Geralt and that he won't be trying to be just a replacement for Henry Cavill's Witcher, but a different Geralt with his own experience and mannerisms.


Looks good. Still needs a proper voice


I only watched the show because of Henry Cavil. I am now less inclined to watch, but still curious for the future


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/B83Brp6NfJo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/B83Brp6NfJo) Seems good... We'll see...


Wow he could put his shoes under my bed anytime.


I have no problem with Cavill being replaced, so long as they do it in good faith. What does that mean? Well, they have to answer this question: Why is Hemsworth a better choice for the character moving forward than Cavill was? This isn't about drama, or any other BS. But let's talk about whether and how Hemsworth is a better fit for the character. Anything less is disingenuous at best. Dishonest at worst. If this was a business decision (and nothing else), then come clean. I can respect that. Even if it means you are hurting the show, I can respect it. I cannot respect anything else. Be honest. Be honest. BE HONEST.


Okay, I'm definitely liking what I'm seeing so far. Now we just need to see some proper HQ promo pictures and a trailer. But it's a good start.


He might look the part but I’d never consider him a “good” actor… or even passable… so I’m still worried. Will give him a chance, though!


What's with the downvotes? Now suddenly everyone's defending Liam and saying "eh in the end it's not big deal they replaced Cavill, will still watch it"? The fuck? lmao


I think he *looks* better as Geralt than Cavill.


Let's see how he acts...


I don’t hate it… 🤔


The look for him was never my concern


This shows never gonna be as good as a witcher show done right could’ve been, but IMO it’s still ok enough to keep watching. I’m curious to see how Liam does in the role


He is just as sexy as his brother Chris Hemsworth ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)