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Oh, you want to design the network? You want to deal with ever changing and contradicting requirements? You're going to fix it all when what they say isn't what they mean? Good luck chatbot. I'll be in the pool with my beer.


End user: “My WiFi is spotty!” ChatGPT: “please try resetting your router, I am having trouble connecting to the internet.”


*ChatGPT receives no response.... close ticket* Problem solved. BoFH style


U took that from SNOW/BMC


"AI, the Internet is slow, fix it" "I'm sorry, I didn't understand that. Can you try again?" "AI THE INTERNET IS SLOW FIX IT"


"Here's 5 ways to improve home internet speeds that I lifted from an article published 15 years ago."




*"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"*


I tried asking ChatGPT a couple Cisco related questions, stuff like “if I do this configuration will it be service impacting” and “do I need to run this command first or this other command first for this configuration” and when I checked its answers, it was wrong. It seemed like it was biased to how I phrased it (“can I use X command or will it only work if I use Y command first?” And it would tell me to use Y command because it confirmed my assumption) I guess it might be fine to spit out a config I know works, but we have templates for that. I can’t find much use as a network engineer for something that is so inaccurate that I have to check its answers every time. Worked pretty well for writing a letter to my mom’s landlord though.


I hate that so much "here's my initial idea but if there are any alternatives I'd love to hear them" *Proceeds to only tell me what my initial idea was and actively downplays any idea of an alternative until I tell it to just tell me alternatives* Hell I see people doing DnD campaigns and I wonder what they're doing because it actively makes sure you never lose and whatever insane idea you throw at it, it rarely tries to push back, it's the ultimate yes man...but it does give results so whatever


AI DM? Is it consistent with the rules or is it more for RP?


I was doing it back in 3.5 so I had to remind it a bit of my skills at times, but other than that it was...mostly good. It felt more like RP but there was enough adherence to the rules it worked. It actually got mad at me once because I wanted to see if I could break it and did stupid stuff. I'd say run a quick campaign and see, it's probably much better on 4o and I haven't tested yet


Sounds promising, can you link me to the model/blog?


It generally tends to give a loose interpretation of networking and communications standards. It does quite a good job at "explain me this command/error/protocol" and makes a good troubleshooting framework (supporting overall process, do not trust specifics).


I tested it on Azure questions and it was straight up wrong several times, even after telling it why it's wrong.


Would love to see AI make custom cables


My tendinitis says fuck custom cables. I’m to the point where I’d rather slap a keystone on it and use a patch cable than to terminate a cable to an RJ45 plug.


Saying this as a joking jab but when all you can think of that the AI can’t do is the easiest thing that anyone can pickup in minutes. The meme above is very real.


As in AI replacing network architects is real? Finally someone to handle all these tickets lmao


Do you think network architects do that? Oh no.... Is that what a network architect does? No... That's impossible


An AI do network architecture? LOL Good luck with that.


Lmao, Meraki has a better chance of putting you out of a job than AI at this point


Can’t wait to see what kind of absurd rates Cisco charges for DNAC with AI integration


It already has “AI”. Not the ChatGPT kind but the analytics kind. They specifically call it AI though.


Yeah, I assumed it’d be more of a context aware analysis sort of situation rather than a chatbot


Need to make a lot of popcorn first and later prepare to clean up mess after shitload of AI's fails.


Remember when convergent appliances were coming for all our jobs.. then cloud... This is a next gen problem. As in, if u gonna retire in next 20 years, u good. And if u are not? See "convergent appliances "


Wait is it really a danger for network architects ? Because I literally started my bachelor in computer science to study networking. I find the job incredible 


I don't see how. It would need to be AGI or something that is not an LLM. Also why go to college when you can just get the certs. I have been working as a network engineer for 8 years and never touched college.


Because my parents forced me to go to university 


Tell them you will be a computer plumber and they don't need college. Most people don't know that after paying off school and not working for years doctors make less than plumbers. If you're already in college just get a 2 year degree as it will help on your resume a bit. If you can find a low level physical network installer job to do on the side it will greatly help you get your foot in the door for networking. Getting the first job is the hardest part about working in networking. People want to know you won't take down their network due to inexperience so more than anything finding someone to give you an entry level network job should be your top priority. Also see if you can get your CCNA over the summer. Lots of people cheat the exam so it's not a sure fire way to get someone to trust you. Once you get a way into the industry take it to get the experience for your resume.


Disagree with this route; get your degree OP. Market is different nowadays.


100% get a degree. Are there doors you can walk through without one? Definitely. Are there a hell of a lot more doors that are also easier to walk through with a degree? Absolutely.


I can say that getting into the security side of things would be easier with a broader knowledge of computer science. Also starting out with Python experience would be a big boost so I can see where you are coming from.


All these comments in hear are so boomer sounding. Youre all the people sitting on the horse drawn buggy while looking at the first model Ford coming off the assembly line and scoffing that “well it can’t pull as much as my horses can!”. AI is going to shake this world and you can fight it and be replaced or embrace it as the tool that it is.


I’ll be happy to use it when it becomes a worthwhile tool and not something I have to check the work on more often than an incompetent intern.


You won’t have long to wait it seems.


Or AI will be heavily restricted by law for impact that it makes. So far it managed to obliterate internet content creation and this is just LLMs


Exactly. And its only been at most 2 years if mainstream use and access? Pandoras box has been opened and theres no going back. Restriction for AI will only make create groups of people who operate it outside of the laws eye. Lol at the downvotes on my comments. Echo chamber truth deniers in every sub of reddit.


Serious question past the circlejerk and rudeness, as someone in the networking field, what should I do to keep my job from AI? Just accept ill be jobless in a few years and blow my brains out now? Learn to use it? Done. Doesn't help much day to day currently.


Humble opinion, but it depends entirely on what your job is. "Network Architect" is a hugely broad job title. Some shops would have you installing and managing switches and firewalls, some shops would have you managing an existing infrastructure and working on cybersecurity, and some yet would have you helping users. (I know, I know) How much, if at all, AI threatens your job will likely depend on your skillset and duties in your job description.


In the larger corps that I've worked with, the architect is responsible for the overall design of the network. Holistic Big Picture, not configuring individual routers and switches. Like, the company wants to add some branches - rather than just being just an engineer and adding some WAN circuits, the architect would also evaluate if adding more circuits warrants switching to a new carrier for better pricing, or if the routing protocol in use is still relevant, or how does it affect the core switches and routers all the way through the path. In a bigger environment, things can be so complex that the guys doing the day to day work don't have a good overall feel for everything, so the architect focuses on that.


Exactly. It varies all the way from that to school districts hiring "network architects/engineers" and all you do is make sure chromebooks work and are connected to wifi.


Serious answer past the drawing attention to a circlejerk-circlejerk. What would you have told the horse and buggy builders of the day to do? There will be overlap, there will be be new jobs created to some extent. But for the majority, its not looking good. Recommend you push for something like Universal basic income and adopt AI into your workflow. Consider learning a manual labor trade skill as those will likely be replaced later rather than sooner.


I would say the comments are based on various levels of background of network related jobs. One thing agreed is, most if not all, the non-deterministic nature of the network. Built by different people over a long time span, missing or incorrect documentations, inconsistent IP address assignments etc. With these variables in the mix, AI could not help too much.


Bunch of boomers in here going to be jobless in ten years.


You got no experience in this matter, huh? Never seen a REAL customer?


Wire up this switch! *sad ai noises* Screw this firewall in the rack! *sad ai noises* Upgrade all the servers to the new ones! *sad ai noises* Replace that access point! *sad ai noises*


lol at the boomers thinking the way you interact with AI is going to be the same in ten years.