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7 months. I really wanted to try and stick it out until a year, but a combo of factors (husband’s snoring and constant movement in his sleep, baby girl growing so fast (out of her bassinet at 4 months and almost out of her mini crib at 7), and the dogs coming in and out of our room at night, etc) made it so that giving her room a shot earlier made sense. And she slept better. No matter how quiet we tried to be, she’d feel us come to bed and wake up. Her number of night wake ups dropped in her own room. For a while, I’d sleep in her room with her when she went down. Then, I started putting her down, then leaving and sleeping in my bed until she woke for the first time, then I’d sleep on the bed in her room the rest of the night. Now, I put her down and leave; when she wakes, I put her back down and leave again. We’re at 10 months and she either sleeps through or wakes just once.


I’m starting to wonder if we’re disrupting our son’s sleep. My husband has been pulling his hair out because our son has been almost-waking up (I.e. still half asleep and whining/moaning because he’s rolled over and doesn’t like it but isn’t awake enough to roll himself back over) every hour. It’s not enough for me to wake up, so I only wake up if he’s actually awake and hungry. My husband was just gone overnight for the first time and was glad but also a bit perturbed when I said that we both slept through the night both nights he was gone. Sure enough, he’s been back for two nights, and our son is waking up again. We’re definitely thinking about moving him into his own room now.


I’ve wanted to test this theory with a camera but never did. We just moved her to her room and she sleeps better


About the same for us. We thought we were supposed to for a year. Our pediatrician said the science really isn't there for staying in room past 6 months and baby and us would all sleep better in different rooms, and there is plenty of science about importance of sleep.


Omg the dog. My poor dog. She made everyone’s sleep terrible so now she sleeps in her crate. No more barking at the nocturnal animals outside, no more click clacking nails all night. No more stealing my entire side of the bed when i check on baby. No more stepping on her in middle of the night.


A year is what's recommended in my country due to SIDS and that's what we have done so far. She just turned one, so we are prepping her room to begin doing naps there and, of everything goes well, do nights there from 13 months onwards.


4 months. She was outgrowing the bassinet and she was beginning to roll. She kept scooting into the sides and I could hear her scratching on the mesh all night. We’ve all been getting better sleep now!


Does she still scoot to the side of her crib? My LO has to have his face mushed against the side of his bassinet and I’m worried he’ll do this in his crib too…


I’m not who you asked, but mine did it constantly in the bassinet, but doesn’t at all in the crib


Mine doesn’t move or wiggle in her crib at all - only bassinet. It’s so strange.


My baby did this constantly in her bassinet but never in her crib. Super odd but maybe the wood bars are not as comfy as the mesh in the bassinet lol


Lol, once the scratching started that was it for me. I miss looking over and seeing him next to me in the bassinet but it is so much less stressful now. He was 4 months at the time too.


Mine does this too! She’s almost 3 months. We just moved her into a pack and play in our room and she doesn’t move now. I’m not ready to move her into the crib overnight yet


2 weeks. Due to the baby blues that developed into severe.post natal anxiety, I woke up to every sound she made, therefore I literally never slept. We moved her into her room which is next door to ours. The baby monitor is on and she's still so close I can hear her cry without the monitor. She's now 12 weeks old.


We did the same. While mine wasnt due to PPA, our daughter never took to her bassinet and preferred her crib. Her room is also right next to ours and I use a monitor and keep both doors open to hear everything.


I could’ve written this exact same thing. 2 weeks to another room because I just did not sleep with the baby nearby, like, not at all.


My plan was a year, but I may do it earlier. He sleeps through the night pretty consistently, he’s 14 weeks old, but I’m anxious about moving him to his own room cuz it’s so far away, it’s on the second floor and we’re downstairs. We have a Nanit but idk, my momma heart just doesn’t want him to be that far away. So we’ll see.


I felt similarly, our bedroom is downstairs and the nursery is upstairs. Around 3.5 months she outgrew her bassinet. She would move a lot in her sleep so she’d get stuck sideways or would be smushed up against the walls. We didn’t have space for anything bigger than the bassinet in our room so we moved her. I was anxious with her being far away too, it was tough at first but we got used to it pretty quickly. She sleeps well in her crib and we’re able to hear and see her clearly on the monitor. It’s harder on our knees more than anything else 😂 Just wanted to provide a two story house success story!


Thank you!!! We have a travel crib we’re going to use when he outgrows the bassinet, that’s the idea anyways. I think once he sleeps through the night EVERY night, we may do a trial run of having him upstairs. It just seems sooooo far lol but obviously he’ll be up there at some point, so might as well test it out!


We have almost an identical success story. Master on the first floor & nursery on the 2nd. We moved our son at 3.5 months because he was quickly outgrowing the bassinet. He was also a very loud sleeper and was waking us up a lot. Within a month he was sleeping 11-12 hours at night. In the last 2 weeks he started sleeping on his belly and I think that has me more stressed than the initial move did. Overall, moving him so early has been the best for all involved. He has a fantastic sleep schedule in his own space and my husband and I get a full nights sleep.


My plan is a year, but honestly, I like the noise of her sleeping, so I know she's alive. I'm very paranoid, and I'm sure part of it is postpartum anxiety. But I also need to clear out the spare room and that's a struggle.


lol I also like the noise of baby sleeping


Me too! Sometimes I wake up and I find myself saying “come on little man make a noise of some sort!” Haha


Same! You're not the only one! Our LO is often stuck at the edge because he rolls around now and it is much easier for me to help him every time XD


8 weeks and everyone including him slept SO much better!


same and same!! baby was waking up every 2-3 hours when he was in our room, and as soon as we moved him to his room, he started sleeping 5-6 hours at a time


I seriously think we just woke each other up haha. I’ll never forget the first night, every time I looked at the monitor he was somewhere else in the crib 😂 the move a LOT and I bet I was thinking he was waking up and trying to comfort him but really he was just adjusting


I think so too. baby does this thing where he grunts and squirms every so often, and when he’s in our room, this escalates to crying and needing to be picked up. when he’s in his own room, he just falls back asleep after the grunting/squirming spells. so I think it went something like: baby grunt/squirms > parents wake up > baby wakes up > parents try to soothe baby without picking him up > baby is like “wtf is this nonsense, pick me up immediately” … repeat indefinitely


Yes!!! Same!


Same here but at 12 weeks. I think he was waking me up and I was waking him up too. Had no idea until I almost crashed from exhaustion and my husband asked me to move out and he stayed in the couch that night with the baby monitor.




Same here! It was so much better for everyone


The crib has a better mattress that i noticed she was sleeping better naps in the crib vs bassinet


Omg same haha like I don’t blame them 😂


6 weeks..I was at my wit’s end and none of us were getting any sleep (my guy is both a noisy and a light sleeper). I called my uncle who is an old school pediatrician and that was the first thing thing he told me to do. I got a video monitor and I frequently check on him and watch him breath lol. No ragrets


No regrets? Not even one letter?


So glad someone got that reference lmao


Haha! I love that movie! Thanks for the giggle.


5 weeks here and also using a Nanit monitor so I can keep a close watch on LO without being right next to their cries all night.


6 weeks here also and it was the best decision for all of us. He loves his room and crib, slept better in there immediately.


Same! 6 weeks!


They say in the UK they should sleep in the same room as you until at least 6 months


We are putting a bed in the nursery so that one of us can sleep there and the other can sleep through the night


I won’t be moving him until 6 months is my plan. He wakes up so frequently during the night wanting me to just rest my hand on him or give him his binky again that if he were in another room it would be way too much to constantly get up and help him back to sleep. Sure we may sleep better if he were in another room, but he sleeps better next to us


11 weeks. She decided when she wanted to sleep in the crib, because she started to refuse to sleep in her bassinet.


Our baby moved to her own room at 6 months 3weeks. I felt comfortable with this because she's a great sleeper, she's a bit advanced for her age and we have a baby monitor with video setup. Baby is able to roll stomach to back and the other way around. She's also crawling a bit and standing. So I'm less worried about SIDS.


3 months


I sleep in the nursery with our 1 month old. We have an excellent video monitor system and have been letting her take short naps in the space so she gets used to us not being -right there- but slowly. I’m hoping that softens the transition later on, but with SIDS risk I am likely to be in here for quite some time.


We had our LO in their room from night 1. With our pets this was the safest option for us and worked out very well.


Our cats wish we did that, cats got booted from our bedroom at night for the little guy


We won’t be moving our son to his own room until he’s a year old. That’s what is recommended where I am from to reduce the chance of SIDS and I don’t think I’d be able to sleep if I couldn’t see him. You’ll eventually get used to how much baby moves around in his sleep.


The advice is 6 months where I am for the same SIDS risk issue and that’s the minimum I’m going to go with but hoping to go longer.


My son is 5 months old. Because he wakes up and because he sticks his limbs through the crib and gets trapped still-he’s sleeping on a bassinet in a room with a parent or parents until 8mo- a year. They say don’t let them sleep alone too young because it’s believed being able to fall into a very deep sleep is a risk for SIDS. I got used to the rustling by week 6, you start only waking when the rustle has intent or they whine. Also-there has been too many time I’ve had to shift him so he could breathe properly in his sleep when he was smaller. I would NEVER be comfortable leaving him to his own devices at that point, no matter how much I needed sleep. The idea of walking into a baby that won’t wake up is enough to make me adapt.


We moved her at 6 months


I moved my baby at 3 months and had her switched over from a swaddle to a sleep sack by then. That was my main anxiety, the potential for the swaddle to come apart and wrap around her.


We recently moved her at 3 months. The bassinet is getting a bit small for her, and the crib is too big to move.


For both my kids, it was around 10 weeks. The first one was because someone at work suggested doing it to help her sleep better at night and it worked wonders. The second because he rolled and he was out growing his bassinet pretty quick. It also helped him sleep better.


After a few days because she hated the bassinet. I have a bed in her room so slept in there so she could get used to crib for a few nights. I should also note we live in a small house and her room is 10 feet away from my bedroom door. I’m not sure I would have felt comfortable if it was further!


My daughter has always been in her own room. She was in the NICU for almost 2 weeks so she was used to being by herself and she sleeps better in her own room. Our room is too cold anyways, but it works for us! Not one thing has gone to plan since her birth, so we’re winging it! She’s also a very active sleeper and I wouldn’t be able to sleep with her in my room along with my husband’s snoring.


We moved him after a month. Everyone was so much happier! He absolutely hated the bassinet and did much better in his crib.


My baby is 9 months old and I have no plans to move him unless we start to keep each other up at night. Right now we are all good sleepers. 


Baby will be 9 months on the 10th and have no plans to move her to her own room. She sleeps between my husband and I and we can respond to her needs really quickly. It’s winter here in Australia so it’s very cosy for the three of us. Can’t imagine her alone in a cold room 😓


That sounds so cute and cozy😊 Our baby is soon 9 months old, too (on 15th) and she sleeps in her crib on my bedside. I just can't imagine moving her to her room just yet. She is a pretty good sleeper, but still, I feel I have been kinda sleep deprived for months. But seeing her sweet smiling face in the morning when she tickles my arm to wake me up.. That's the best thing in the world. Then I take her to our bed and we sleep a lil longer. I can feel already how much will I miss these moments❤️


Sounds like you’re enjoying all the amazing small things ❤️


Our plan was moving at 3/4 months but we moved him at 2 months. We all slept better once we moved him; turns out we were waking him up in the early morning hours just as much as he was waking us up. For context, his room is about 6ft from ours and we can hear everything but also kept the monitor on loud and right next to us.


We just put him in there for the first time last night & he’s 7 months today 🥲


He moved at 2.5 months. It actually gave us peace of mind and some much needed rest as I was able to see him clearly on the baby monitor and figure out if the noisy sleeping was active sleep vs an actual wake up.


We currently still take turns sleeping in the nursery with baby (on a twin bed while baby is in crib). We were going to switch to having her alone at 6 months (she is currently 6.5m), as she does mostly sleep through the night. But she still has night wakes occasionally (not every night, and usually just a quick pacifier pop-back-in, but still). So my husband and I both really like having every other night to be guaranteed to not be woken up (the off-duty parent sleeps in the main bedroom). Plus there was the struggle of wondering if we would be able to hear her even with the doors open and her room not being far, or should we use a baby monitor but then that might be overly sensitive and wake us up when she’s just loud sleeping, etc. I’ve heard too many stories of failed baby monitors to want to rely on that alone either, so we’d still want to leave the doors open if she were alone in the nursery, and then our cat is annoying af at night sometimes and would wake us if the door is open 😭.


8 months! We feel like she told us it was time. I wanted to keep her in our room for a year but she just wasn’t able to sleep deeply. She would end up in our beds after waking up from us tossing and turning or using the restroom. The first night she was in her room, she only woke up once from 7-7. Just a few days later, she refused to nap anywhere but her room as well. I will miss our contact naps and having her in our room, but she seems to be doing a lot better now.


About 4.5 months, she started moving too much in the bassinet for my comfort. It was actually good for all of us.


6 months as that's the SIDS recommendation here. Think we did it slightly shy of 6 months and my husband slept the first few nights in her room so someone was there as she got used to the new space. Wish we had done it a bit sooner to be honest. Like a lot of others have said, she's a noisy sleeper and it was not fun having her right next to me in the end.


We are planning on 6 months


We did it at 3 months and has been great for us both!


4 months. He sleeps so much better now. So do we. We use the owlet sock for piece of mind and have the monitor cranked up, he’s just as loud as when he was in the same room as us lol


We are planning to have our son sleep in our room for a year mostly because we live in NYC and we don't want to move to a bigger space until our lease is up at that time. I really wish he had his own room because he grunts and sighs in his sleep and it wakes me up constantly.


My now 4 year old stayed with me til a couple of days after her 1st birthday. My 9 month old is still with is and will also be staying til she's 1. The recommendations here are to keep them with you til they're at least 6 months. So my 9 month old is ready to move to her own room, but I'm not ready to let her go just yet.


4 months when we did sleep training. Moved him to his crib and room in one go- best thing for everyone! He was sleeping through the night by the end of week 1!


4 months - one he outgrew his bassinet


I had to do it at 12 weeks. I was so sleep deprived that I started to be sad, crying all day from exhaustion. In my case the baby was waking up so often I could not sleep and then when he slept the constant noises prevented me to fall asleep. My husband one day told me to go to the other room and he stayed in the couch with the monitor. I was able to sleep and be myself again. Play with my baby, hold him all day if needed because I wasn't exhausted. We also noticed he didn't wake up more than once that night so maybe I was also waking him up somehow? Idk. We do shifts now and one stays in the couch with the monitor volume up , the other sleeps in the bedroom. I still feel guilty about moving out of his bedroom but I was in such bad shape from not sleeping I wasn't functioning.


We were a week shy of 6 months. No one was getting good sleep with the little guy kicking his mattress all night. We have a Nanit and sleep with the noise from his room going on our phones and with him wearing the breath monitoring pajamas, so it felt like a safe decision as far as SIDS. No regrets whatsoever! I think he slept better alone as well.


3 months. I planned at least 6 months but he was outgrowing the bassinet and I had returned to work and needed sleep. I swear he is such a better sleeper because of this.


We moved our daughter to her room across the hall at around 6.5-7 months old. I could hear her but also had a video monitor to see her as well.


For baby one, we moved her to her own room around 3 or 4 months because she was waking up when we came to bed and my husband snores loudly and she was outgrowing the bassinet. She slept a whole lot better and so did we. For baby 2, we didn't have a separate space until she was 10 months old and it was miserable. She was a terrible sleeper. If she knew we were in the room she wouldn't stop crying until she was picked up. I could never sleep when we tried to co-sleep. So we literally rearranged our home to give her a room and it led to a lot more sleep for all. I'm pregnant with baby 3 and I think I'm going to buy a bigger bassinet to keep baby closer longer or potentially try co-sleeping (if I don't get too anxious about it).


As far as I knew a year. Though our son is 20 months and his room isn't finished yet, so... I guess whenever we get to it at this point. It's driving me nuts because we have him and our baby daughter and I get like no sleep. My husband is always too tired to help finish the room and since I have both kids I'm constantly chasing after them both. I'm hoping that this will change soon when he gets off work or I'm going to hit the ceiling!


Do any of you have another child who shares the room? The crib is in my 4-year-old’s room and we plan to have them share, but I don’t want to wake up my older child when the little one wakes up. Anyone in a similar boat?


From 5 months we had a plan to try and move her into her own room 1-3 times a week. The first night she completely slept through the night, thought it was a fluke 🫣 second day it happened again and we were so scared of ruining the groove we just kept doing it. She’s been in her own room a month now 😁


We did 8 weeks for both our children. My husband had two months off work so as he went back we transitioned out. I’m also a very light sleeper and woke up to every sound they made. It was better for all of us.


6 weeks


I planned on doing it at 1 year but we worked with a sleep consultant and did It at 4 months. We have the nanit so we felt comfortable that we could see and hear her all night


2 years with the first but she still usually beds support during the night. Her sister will move in with her once she is night weaned, so probably close to 2 years for her too


3 months old, I heard every little breath, every movement. LO is now nearly 4 months and has been sleeping through ever since transition, we have a camera and the monitor on to help with anxiety. I think we were the ones preventing him from sleeping through!


We did it at about 4 months but we are incredibly lucky to have a baby who sleeps through the night. My nonstop insomnia was keeping her up so we figured it was time and little one has slept like.. well a baby 😂 since then


I wanted to go for a year but he grew too fast and had outgrown his bassinet by 6 months so we just moved him into his nursery this past weekend. He did great and slept better and more than ever. I however, have not, I obsessively check the monitor and definitely cried about him growing up so fast LOL


We did at 6 weeks and it was the best decision for us personally - we all started sleeping better and our baby started sleeping through the night not long after Baby now 20 weeks old


I had a side sleeper bassinet and I moved my son to his own room at 6 1/2 months because he got too big for the bassinet. He adjusted pretty quickly and loves his crib (he’ll be 2 next week).


I’ll do it like my sister did, almost 6 weeks.


Recently moved him at 6.5 months and I’m so grateful we had a room to move him to! It’s a blessing lol, sleep became so much better (we started gentle sleep training at the same time though). first night - I really felt bad, I missed him a lot. Now I enjoy it so much!! Husband and I can do whatever we want and flush the toilet at night 😂


My husband wakes me up more than the baby. But to answer your questionyour question 4.5 months. She sleeps better in her crib than the bassinet with the better mattress and probably no snoring from my husband


We did it at 4 months. He outgrew the bassinet and hated the pack n play. The crib was in his room and we couldn’t move it so we had a few nervous nights but he adjusted beautifully and started sleeping through the night again. He was being woken up by our pets in our room, the creak of our bed frame anytime we moved, etc. we’re all much happier because he woke us up too trying to roll and move around. He loves his crib and his room.


Not doing it until at least the recommended 6 months. My husband and I have both had family members with babies that have died from SIDS so I'm too nervous to move her before then


My then 6 month old was sleepy one day earlier than her bedtime and I put her to sleep just to see if she would wake up or keep sleeping. She woke up at 2 AM for a feeding and never went back to sleep with us in our room. Keep in mind I had been putting her to nap on her room and crib since 4months for her to get used to her own space and crib. So she was ready I guess. She has been sleeping by herself since loves her room. Wakes up sometimes overnight for a feeding or sleeps 10 hrs straight every night. Just try out their room play a lot in there and naps for them to get used to it and should be a smooth transition. Best of luck!!


4 months. I was starting to go back to work and have to take some home calls overnight so I was worried that would wake her up. It was wonderful. Had some control of our room back and didn’t have to tip toe around in the dark….and this is coming from someone who was convinced I would let my baby sleep in my room until 12 months.


am i the only one who loved sleeping near their baby ? 😭 i low key want us to share rooms for as long as we can 🫣 maybe i’m a lil obsessed, i’m a ftm 😅


I can relate for sure! My LO is my first child and I cosleep with her cause of breastfeeding and easier to get her to sleep and to stay asleep, but I have noticed lately she is moving in bed more and I woke up last night and she has done a full 360! I am worried about her starting to roll so am considering getting her used to her own bed again. But I don't want to 😂😂I love being close to her all the time. I am probably what would be considered a Velcro mum hahaha


My first was around 8 weeks and my second was at 2 weeks old


I think we moved my LO around 4 weeks because I couldn’t sleep, and my fiancé snores so loud that he was waking her up. She is also an incredibly loud and active sleeper, grunting and snorting all night, so every noise she made was waking me up. She hated her bassinet from day one but we noticed she loved taking naps in her crib. I set up the baby monitor in her room, making sure I could see her breathing and spent the first 2 weeks sleeping on the couch. Eventually I went to sleeping in our bed, always with the monitor on and plugged in so it never dies. Even without the monitor I’m close enough that I can hear her soft cries. There will still be some nights I’ll sleep on the floor in her room though 😄


I actually sleep better with my newborn in her bassinet near my bed than I do with the stupid baby monitor near me with her in a different room. Idk why but everything on the baby monitor wakes me up whereas when I’m in the room with her I only wake up fully when she is actually wanting to eat. That said my husband hates sleeping with her in the room so he never sleeps with me when I sleep with her and I generally sleep better when I sleep alone in bed lol so I think that contributes. But I really do hate the baby monitor too, idk what it is about it, but every noise on it jolts me awake no matter how quiet I have it! We usually stop sleeping in the same room when our babies start sleeping through the night or around 6-7 months, whichever comes first. By then usually night wake ups are at least less and SIDS risk is much lower so it just makes sense


I'm currently sleeping with loop earplugs in because it muffles the grunts and sounds of active sleep but I can still hear when he actually needs me


My son is 20 months and I have no plans to move him in his room before he is ready. He loves sleeping holding my hand and he is only little for a while so I plan on cherishing every little bit I get. Not long before he grows up and doesnt want to sleep with us anymore!


My 8-week-old baby is in her own room, but I’m sleeping here on a rollout sofa. I was thinking of leaving her alone for the night at six months old, but I’m curious to see what other commenters’ experiences are and if I can maybe do it earlier.


8 weeks with our first…. Will probably do the same this time around.


5 weeks! She’s a loud sleeper and would wake me up with every little grunt. It works great for us.


We took her home from the NICU at 9 days and she started sleeping in her room right away. She's too loud to sleep too near me lol


4 months. Her room is right next door to ours so we were mostly comfortable with it. Everyone’s sleep was suffering and it improved so much after she moved out. We were much happier/more functional parents and after moving and a little sleep training, we had a completely different baby


We have a bed in the nursery so I slept there until 10 Weeks. Baby now sleeps in the nursery and we have the nanit app running all night. He's a very active sleeper (super active baby). He will howl when he's ready to get up!!


Four weeks. Baby was consistently sleeping 6 hour stretches yet I wasn't getting any sleep due to all her grunts and gasps that I could hear through my earplugs. Now she's 11 weeks and sleeps all the way till morning, so she wouldn't be in our room anymore at this point anyway.


We moved our baby to a crib in her own room at 3 months after discussing with our pediatrician. We all sleep better as a result, and she’s right down the hall so we can hear her if she cries during the night.


4 weeks


With my first, we waited until it was so bad my husband and I were fighting about it every day even though we agreed with each other! He was 9 months old when we reached this point, but it took an entire month to achieve this. With my second, I saw the errors we made with our first. She will be 6 months on the 10th and I think she'll be in her room for the night very soon. She takes all naps in her crib and we always put her in her crib to start the night. I usually end up going in there and bringing her to my bed when I go to bed, but occasionally I fall asleep or something, and she wakes up around 12am-1am and then I bring her to our bed.


Moved them at 4.5 months (recommendation here is 6) as she prefers to rotate clockwise in her sleep and her bassinet was too small so she was waking up angry every hour. Got a wee breathing sensor for peace of mind, but everyone has slept much better since the move!


5 months and mine moved into his own room. We all sleep much better and everyone's mood has improved. Both me and my husband are terrible snorers and noone was getting any sleep at all. The recommendation here is 6m, but he outgrew his bassinet by 4mo and we are very limited in space to be able to put a bigger crib in our bedroom. Anyways he's 6m now and sleeps like a champ


3 months and we all sleep a lot better! My baby moves around too much to be in the small bassinet we have in our bedroom. She loves her crib.


We moved our daughter into her own room around 7/8 weeks old. None of us were getting quality sleep and kept waking each other up. Once she was in her own room not only did we all sleep better, but her stretches of sleep were way longer. I was nervous at first, but we had a video monitor and it worked out well for us!


Our plan was at least 6 months, but we just transitioned him 2 nights ago at 3.5 months. We are all sleeping SO much better. Up until that point, his sleep had been deteriorating so much that he and I were co-sleeping and I was not able to put him down for long enough to even pee at night. I'm realizing now that part of that was because I was around, he does much better with me in the next room! I have a baby monitor set up so I can check on him, it has a handy sleep feature that allows me to turn off the video at night and just use audio. That way it's not too bright right in my face, but I can keep it really close to listen if he is starting to fuss. 


We moved our oldest into her own room around 5 months. She outgrew the bassinet and she was SUCH a noisy sleeper once I moved her to the pack and play. I couldn’t sleep.


Between 8-9 months. All of us were happy and were Sleeping fantastic after 🙂. First few days were tough, lots of learning for everyone. Extra full tummy for our lil one was the trick for letting her sleep better, soft relaxing music and blackout curtains.


So we can make another baby.