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I never knew why it was such a big deal, politician's love to just find something and go running to the news about it. They're unclaimed and being stored properly why does it matter where it is.


Exactly. Just pearl clutching politics. Would I want a love one in the parking lot? No, but I’d also make arrangements for after they died.


What if they had no loved ones? What if they were poor and didn’t have any money to leave to pay for their death? Still a fellow human. They are dead and don’t know—but are alive and we should know better.


It's not politicians alone - CBC was the one that sensationalized this. Governments and politicians must be held accountable, but I feel a lot of the Canadian media operates in the gotcha realm. 


I still suspect a funeral home operator gave CBC a nudge because they were missing out on some business. Increasing the support subsidy to give lower-income folks the means to properly lay their loved ones to rest was not a bad outcome of this. Covering it as a story is fine. But it’s telling that they ran with it without quoting someone in that situation who couldn’t collect their loved one and it was heartbreaking. They just said that was a likely scenario.


>Increasing the support subsidy to give lower-income folks the means to properly lay their loved ones to rest was not a bad outcome of this. Definitely not but I'd sure like to see a little price transparency and know why even the most basic cremation option seems to cost roughly $4k. That's going out in a particle board box and returned to the family in a plastic one


Fully agree.


I'm pretty sure it was vocm that started the controversy with their half assed 'reporting' which was little more than "government bad" CBC gets more attention as it's for the most part a more detailed article on something that had locals talking about, and it included the government's point that it wasn't new, wasn't unheard of. But by that time, the damage was done, the locals were unnecessarily worked up, and then politics came in.


I don't know why anyone was shocked about it. Wasn't there a news article about them buying these and setting them up for temporary body storage during covid in 2020.


It matters because they are…human remains? Traditionally we have special places for the human kind, like graveyards, tombs, urns, mausoleums etc. We can’t just start leaving human remains around in random freezers willy nilly. We probably should not normalize that practice.


Next news story will be someone pissed that their loved one ended up in the temporary, inferior morgue.




Poppy should, for a time, lay to rest with the same care and respect as all the moose he shot to provide for his family over the years.




Those were the basement ones… but yes inside


When I die, I won’t care where my body is. Do you wanna know why?




I care where mine ends up.  It should inconvenience my enemies.


Crematorium would take care of that pretty quick. You’d just need a bookshelf instead. I bet Bob in Maintenance could handle that on a Tuesday morning.


Just gotta make sure they don't cremate the wrong body again.


Is the media trying to make a big deal out of this? What else is the hospital supposed to do with the bodies? Keeping them outside was a last ditch effort at least something is being done about it. They can’t just get rid of unclaimed bodies anymore. 🤷‍♀️


Glad to see the comments understanding the logistical side of this awkward issue. I work adjacent to this stuff and as long as best practices for storage of remains are followed I really don't see the issue.




Not sure if this is the case for all but pretty sure it’s a super extensive process of exhausting all potential next of kin.


I dunno. Remember that Calgary guy Joshua Burgess who killed his wife? The creepiest part was that he left her body in a Tupperware container on his patio throughout the whole winter. Just went on with his life, with her there all the while at the corner of his eye. This gives me similar vibes. Unclaimed bodies stacked up in a freezer, just sitting there in the loading bay outside the hospital where all the other materials get shipped in and out of the hospital, presumably laundry, food, maybe garbage? While staff and couriers and maintenance people are coming and going? It Is sort of… disrespectful? Hardly a place for a graveyard. It doesn’t say very much about the value we place on people. Although maybe that does help explain why our health care system is so bad? 🤔 I mean human beings do funeral rites for a reason, across all cultures for a millennium or more. We do that to show respect for human beings, for the recently dead and the still living. It’s a social good that keeps us from becoming numb and desensitized to death. It seems wrong that this is now too expensive for people to manage. A freezer in the basement is still not great, but better than being left outside? It matters where we put people! I mean the government and the media just put on a huge expensive sentimental show for the unknown soldier, yes he died in war serving his country, but still, who knows who those people were in the freezer. I hope their treatment postmortem is not an indication of how they were treated in life. It might have been, sadly.