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Every year, growing up in school, someone had a "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" bulletin board. That's how normal it is for it to be windy in March. Someone wrote a poem about it and everyone used it as a bulletin board in the early 90s.


Thank you. Next these fuckers will be perplexed by April showers.


And the May flowers.


Then the Pilgrims


And my axe!


I hope we don’t get April Showers. It was dumping rain every day of March.


Idk why you’re being intentionally obtuse. I have lived here all my life and it’s rare for it to be so windy that my house shakes and trees are knocked down for almost the entire month.


Lol, I'm not being intentionally obtuse. I've also lived here for my entire 50 year lifespan. March gets windy. Every single year. Sometimes, we've had Marches when it was even windier. Sometimes less. That's the way it works. This month is one of the windier ones. It happens. I had a year my entire shed blew away. This year, that hasn't happened. Does my anecdotal evidence outweigh yours?


[I was right, it is getting windier.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-worlds-winds-are-speeding-up/)


Holy fuck, you're right! With a .4 mph average increase over the span of a decade, no wonder your house is shaking and trees are coming down. Oh, and did you read the entire article? This uptick is coming after decades of decline, meaning we're moving back to what winds were in the 70s and 80s. It was windier in the past - this isn't abnormal.


The mental gymnastics you go through to deny that it’s in fact, getting windier over the past couple decades. It is a large increase for the entire earth. Jeez aren’t you a miserable old coot. 😂


You referenced trees being uprooted and your house shaking and then backed it up with a figure of a .4 mph increase over 10 years as your proof, but I'm doing mental gymnastics. Weird, somehow I didn't feel the need to pass any kind of judgment on who you are as a person, but you needed to resort to some uninformed attacks about me. But I'm miserable. Got it.


I'm not familiar with how they measure this stuff but I'd assume it's similar to how they measure global temperature increase, and it'll look like a smaller number but since it's an average that means that there has to have been a significant increase somewhere or at some point in time during data collection that would cause that so it's more significant than it looks, but again I'm just spitballing I just wanted to point that out


And still now in mid-April.


My 6 year old son came home the other day and said "This is lion weather." I had no idea what he meant at first, and then he recited that and I instantly remembered those lessons and boards.


Literally last week I said to my roommate “this weather isn’t very lamb like”


Omg I haven’t heard that phrase since I was in elementary school


But we're at the end of March


Maybe we should charge the weather a late fee. Since weather is so reliable lol


For the past 10+ it's slowly moved later and later into March.


If it came in like a lamb then it’s out like a lion I don’t make the rules


March was always the best time to fly a kite.


I've heard there are nine different countries where March comes in like a frog and goes out like a Golden Retriever. [*RIP John Bellucci*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znFY7PYomEA&pp=ygUec25sIG1hcmNoIGNvbWVzIGluIGxpa2UgYSBsaW9u)


I always think of this every spring. Are there more besides March, April, and May?


Good question. Not that I know of...


I never knew what that phrase meant until just now (recently moved) and now it makes so much more sense. I always just thought of March as "it's about to be summer" month


Yeah, but it’s been windy for the entirety of March and now going into April. Not just in the beginning. So windy that tree branches are regularly ripped off of trees in my neighborhood and my house kind of shakes. Definitely a lot worse than how it normally is in March/April.


Working at a school where we have to watch the wind because our playground is surrounded by old, rotting trees, it is way more windy way more often than you have been noticing.


Actually, it is getting windier everywhere— not just here. I knew I wasn’t imagining it. I have lived here almost my whole life. I’m aware of the poem but I’m talking about exceedingly windy conditions beyond the norm. [Source](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-worlds-winds-are-speeding-up/)


I’m no meteorologist but as I understand it, windy conditions come from changes in temperature (and air pressure and humidity). We have those warm days and frigid nights in spring so that moves a lot of air around from convection.


Glad someone provided a real answer instead of some elementary school rhyme, lol.


AKA change of seasons.


My hair is basically permanently stuck to my mouth at this point.




Welcome to March in NJ


March, in like a lion, out like... also a lion, idk.


March just kinda like a lion


I feel like it’s been in like a lamb and out like a lion for 10+ years now


Evaporation and when a front leaves the area. It takes a good 48 hours from the front, leaving before the wind dies down.


If youre interested in nerding out on seasonal weather patterns there’s a lot of cool studies that go back as far as the days of trade by sail (society itself used to rely on our understanding of weather patterns). Just give a search for NJ seasonal weather patterns or NJ prevailing winds. From October-April our prevailing wind is out of the north west. From may-September prevailing is southwest (think hurricane season). Keep in mind these are just trends: the change is gradual and happens at a different time every year. Notice how the air temps have been fluctuating over the last couple weeks. And consider the ideal gas law which describes the relationship between temperature, pressure, and speed. PV=nRT Changing air Temps= changing air pressure= changing air speed (wind) In other words: If the air temp was always the same: there would never be wind! During the time when the prevailing winds are shifting the wind is more prevalent. Right now we are in a bit of an early transition from winter to summer winds. For the rest of the season notice how the winds will gradually turn to the south as the weather gets warmer. once we reach our stabilized summer temperatures of 80s&90s the wind stabilized too. We end up getting a nice sea breeze out of the south, typically in the 5-15 knot range. One interesting thing about the south wind is that it’s very cool. So on days where there is 10-15 kts of south wind on the beach it’s is usually much colder than it is inland (because the wind gets broken up by the shoreline.) On days with minimal wind, the wind pattern are driven by local weather conditions (rather than massive regional or global patterns like thunderstorms and hurricanes respectively). the daily changes in temperature from nighttime to day time will be enough to generate a faint sea breeze felt only on the coast. This breeze usually kicks on in the late morning when sun has brought the air over the land to critical temperature. The temp difference between cool air on the water and warm air on the land is all you need! That’s why we love to sit on the beach in the summer, free air conditioning! Sorry for the long winded reply, but one last thing: this is an El Niño year. If u want to get really nerdy about the weather you can find a good YouTube video describing El Niño vs La Niña and the North Atlantic Oscillation!


Another interesting thing is the marine air mass along the coast tends to be more stable. If you watch on radar the strong/severe lines of thunderstorms roll in and then interact with the air mass and rapidly weaken. If you watch for a while you will see that this happens over my fucking house because I love thunderstorms and whatever the God of storm's hates me. Another cool maritime effect is if we have an east wind during figure weather we can get ocean effect snow. Those are fun.


🫡 fellow weather nerd Few things are as humbling as watching a thunderstorm blow out to sea. Puts this crazy world into perspective. Almost the season!


I can't wait. Just sitting in the porch watching the storm roll in while looking down to flip between reflectivity scan and the velocity scan. Throw in a couple echo tops for shits and giggles. It's the best.


Wow cool stuff!


It’s because there’s air, so the air moves around, and sometimes, it moves fast.




March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. Also, April showers bring May flowers, so be ready for that, too.


And what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims.




hahaha... but they last soooo long!


Welcome to the East Coast.


Sorry, my bad. I’ll get right on that


Live in the south for a while and you’ll be grateful for this.


I hate it so much. But it’s normal for this time of the year I guess.


We didn’t opt-in on the NJ Wind Reduction Tax… but it’s coming soon anyway.


I'm a pilot. Meteorology is part of my job. Peak wind in this area is during March and out of the W-NW. I can probably dig it up in one of the EWR pubs.


The trees are sneezing.


This is traditional normal March weather. In like a lion (roar = wind) out like a lamb (bah = nice breeze). Did this stop getting taught in elementary school? I remember learning it in the mid 1980s. 


Differences in air pressure, created by different temperatures. The greater the difference in air pressure, the stronger the wind.


Hasn’t been a normal March. We have had around 8 inches of rainfall for the month which is twice as much as we usually get, with more rain coming this week.


March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb (altho a little late this year) 💨


March winds.


Lived in NJ almost my entire life and no it has never been this Windy. We barely ever had a ‘tornado warning’ let alone an actual tornado and yet we’ve had a bunch touch down and a big increase in warnings in the last couple of years.


Lived in nj for over 20 years past few years the wind has increased greatly


da weather be like dat sometimes


It's called weather, turns out the outdoors is not climate controlled. You should start a club with the people confused by why it rains


It’s because of the weather


From what I understand it’s because Pennsylvania sucks and New York blows.


There is nothing normal about New Jersey's weather, do not trust those that say otherwise.


The additional winds are generated from the collective velocity produced from passing the numerous campers on the left lane of route 287 north this week


Sorry, I had Taco Bell last night.


Because it’s spring. Same will happen in fall. Enjoy!


Except in fall it is windy and rainy in November. Cold horrible rain that hits you sideways and soaks you


The wind has been crazy recently, gusts up to 40mph is kinda wild. Fucked up my awning that the previous home owner installed. Every time it was windy, the awning was rattling, gave me so much anxiety that I decided to just take down the awning. I learned quickly that whatever is not tied down or super secure, will come loose from the wind.


Wind is the natural flow of air that is created when changes in temperature causes air to move from high to low pressure areas. As one area heats up more than another, the difference in pressure creates wind and becomes a cycle of cool air and warm air.


The earth sped up for a bit. Or maybe the right wing loonies were right when they said the HAARP was being activated prior to the eclipse, which is another conspiracy altogether  /s


lousy Smarch weather


It’s spring


It’s climate change in general maybe? It was never windy this often in the tristate 10-15 years ago.


Sorry, budget meals required beans


Must’ve been the Taco Bell. My bad.


Spring and Old Man Winter are fighting Spring is pushing Old Man Winter away Old Man Winter is fighting back Therefore, wind


Lately? There seems to be a heavy advisor every few weeks for the past two years? I can't remember the last time I was able to make a fire in the backyard without worrying about burning down the neighborhood


Same. I miss the fire pit nights.


Maybe some billionaire who has wind farms in New Jersey is causing it


Spring time. Take a meteorology course you’ll understand the patterns more


Nobody else got it right. It's because the elections are coming up this year!!!


It's March and the weather always sucks in March, it's the rules


I love it especially when it seems there is zero wind for the rest of the year unless a thunderstorm roles thru


Jesus is coming back from the heavens and it is his grand entrance.


March winds and April showers make way for May flowers


Because PA sucks


Because we live in hell


It's because of how flat the earth is.....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Mother nature is trying to push a tree into my house. Came close 2 weeks ago when a tree dropped sideways and just skinned the house.


It’s always blustery in late March and April- don’t believe me go to weathers park.com and punch in your zip code and look back year by year for March April at wind gusts and average speed.


Big wind trying to show how effective windmills would be.


Late March in Jersey? Could be beach weather tomorrow and three feet of snow on Tuesday. Enjoy!


Whenever it goes from hot to cold or cold to hot very quickly there is wind.  It's basic physics.  Hot moves to cold and cold moves to hot bc everything is always imtryung to be in balance.  


This is my fault. I wanted to get some sun over the weekend and the powers that be decided that was only gonna happen if I was willing to brave the wind 🤦‍♂️


Lots of people playing harmonica at the Garden State Harmonica Club!


I was just wondering the same thing. It has been so windy that it shakes my house. Definitely much more noticeable than previous years.


Everyone saying this is normal and it’s like this every year are tripping. I’ve lived here for all of my 23 years and I don’t remember it ever being so unbearably windy


I literally have been saying this. Not just lately it feels like the last year plus has been way more windy than ever before. And this just cements me thinking this! I also feel like the amounts of rain over the last year is def more than I ever remember. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s mid-April. What March lion are you all talking about?


Finally seeing someone talk about this. Yeah ive never seen it like this. Sure wind occassionally but 30-40 mph gusts every week for like 2 months straight?? Wtf?


Some mf said because it’s march lol. Like it’s mid April and still happening


I have to be honest, I don’t know the facts of the past but my feeling is that it has been unusually windy, a few people have brought it up as well, could be the stuff we may read in social media or just a feeling but it hadn’t been just March or April it’s been windy since November consistently it feels like🤷🏽‍♂️ I don’t know, No facts to prove it but obviously quite a few people are feeling it…


The wind has been insane this year. Much more so than previous years


Glad I'm not the only one. I've recently had an uptick in my hair annoying me. It couldn't have been this windy before. Weather is getting ready for His return.


Ides of March


Jesus said that in the end times it would be Hella windy and sinners known as dumbocrats would be crashing boats in to structures to cause chaos to the godly folk who would worship him in the form of Donald J. Trump, or something like that. Sorry, I just came off Twitter so might be a little wacky.


I agree, wind is bs...rhe wind won't die down until June here


Wooo hoo just in time for the heat an humidity.


Simple answer. It’s early spring.


The wind doesn't blow. NJ sucks.


The lies you tell


It’s a joke. You must originally be from Staten Island.


More lies