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This was news since [at least February](https://www.nj.com/news/2024/02/hotel-warns-guests-not-to-take-a-shower-due-to-legionnaires-concerns-at-building.html?outputType=amp). How is this hotel still operating?


I just called the Holiday Inn Express which is right next door, and their water is fine, and the room rate is $40 cheaper.


Their water is "fine." They ain't going to try and find problems.


Yup. No chance they go looking until a serious accusation is made


Because they charge $200 a night per room and provided virtually 0 amenities


Hasn't this been going on since February? How aren't they closed?


Seriously, who stays in a hotel room and doesn't take a shower?




I was going to say this… I know a lot of hotel reviews have horror stories, but I’ve seen more in Newark than any other place in NJ


Welp just got back from 2 nights of staying there with my daughter. I know we could have gotten it anywhere but we are currently sick with what I think is strep or covid.


Nope nope nope. I’d find another hotel in the area or just stay in my car. Edit: I found on Google Maps that there is a Hampton Inn and Holiday Inn Express right next to it. I’d just stay in one of them to be safe.


He's coming home tonight just to take a shower. His company better find him another hotel - he's working at Kean College for the next few months. He walks roofs all day that are under construction and he gets covered with tar and dust and who knows what.


Kean is like a 15-20 minute drive from the airport and you probably pass 20 hotels between there.  Maybe more. Just change hotels and move on.  There's no real incentive to staying near the airport.


He needs to tell his company they're putting his health, safety, and comfort at risk. Tell them to get him a better hotel. Not ask. I would not stay there for work.


There’s a nice hotel on 22 not far from Kean. I think it’s in Mountainside or Springfield? And probably ultimately easier to get to Kean than Newark! Edit: [Hilton garden Inn in Springfield](https://maps.app.goo.gl/HMQMEtDRmN97thRj9?g_st=ic) I drive by it all the time. It’s fairly new and looks quite nice. At best 10 minutes from Kean


Get your money back😭


According to state law, they don't have to tell you at the time of booking as long as they give you the notice (which you don't get until after you pay).


Chargeback and show the CC company this notice. Not real loss if the hotel blacklists you (or hubby's company) since their clearly a shitty hotel anyway that nobody should be staying at.


Definitely charge back the cost. Screw this hotel


I'm an airline pilot, formerly based at EWR. This more or less happens to every one of those big EWR hotels sooner or later.


what’s causing it?


It naturally occurs in the fresh water coming into the building, but if the plumbing go is done right it shouldn’t be a problem. The bacteria only multiples in room temperature-warm water. So either there are areas of the hotels water supply lines the allows stagnation or the hot water is set too cool to kill it off.


I would dispute the charge. Free room it seems until they fix it..


See if they can put him in the Homewood Suites in Cranford or Hilton Garden Inn in Springfield. Both by highways and easy to get to Kean but less Airport noise. And closer to nice towns for after hours/weekend. Homewood would be my personal pick since you get a little kitchenette. Easier to keep healthy with long term stays.


Drive or Uber 20 minutes west on 22/78 to a decent part of NJ. Springfield Hilton Garden inn on 22 is very good and cheaper. Newark is only good for Portuguese food. Even that has been shaky the past few years.


If he’s at Kean Union has better Portuguese food!


Any recommendations in Union? Grew up 1 town over.


It’s starting to shift more to more South American restaurants, but there are a couple nice places on Stuyvesant Ave near Morris. I’m actually a huge fan of all the restaurants popping up on Stuyvesant! I actually haven’t gotten to check out the newest one Pao da Casa. It’s a restaurant and bakery and the baked goods look so delicious!


Thank you!


Who in their right mind would take a BATH in a hotel bathtub?!


My in laws. They *exclusively* take baths, I cannot understand it. 😭


I thought the same. I won’t even shower in them without flip flops


I don't understand, doesn't this go away once the pipes are flushed with chlorinated water


Unfortunately it’s like the building has cancer for lack of a better term. Legionnaires lives and hides in biofilm in the pipes. The biofilm is extremely hard to remove, and sometimes one chlorinated treatment isn’t enough. The building owners also have to do routine flushing of every outlet in the building after remediation. Most buildings don’t have the time, patience, or manpower to do that. Superheating the buildings water system is another way to kill legionnaires bacteria, but that is difficult to do because the water has to be sustained at 160ish degrees Fahrenheit. That also brings a scalding risk to people in the building if the building isn’t shut down. There are also copper ionizing systems that can kill the bacteria too. They are extremely expensive and require a lot of maintenance. TLDR: Legionnaires bacteria is a very tricky thing to eradicate from a building.


Bath 🤮


Haven't we already talked about this multiple times for about a year now?


The whole conversation is scaring me. Good luck, stay safe.


He can still get clean by taking a bath. The thing about water contaminated with Legionella is that you don’t want it to become an aerosol. That’s why they’ve said no showers and suggest time in the bathroom is minimized while the tub is filling but you’re okay brushing teeth. You do not want to breathe it in. When I was a maintenance manager in California, I had to hire a temp employee every summer whose job it was to maintain our swamp coolers. Because this has gone on for so long, they likely don’t know the source well enough to treat it though I also wouldn’t put gross negligence past a hotel.


My husband is over 50, has asthma, and can't get in and out of a bath because his entire lumbar spine is fused. The hotel should at least tell guests up front so they can decide if the health risks are acceptable, though it's crazy that a hotel can legally operate under these conditions.


february tho


Fuck that. When I deployed a few years back, I’ll never forget when we arrived at Pre-Mob base for training prior to boots on ground and there was a HUGE sign on every bathroom that stated to beware showering. Stated that legionella was found in the water and that we MUST make sure the water is boiling hot when showering. How this was legal? Idk but that’s the army for ya. Run OP. This is just a big ass NOPE.


My father contracted legionnaire's disease from a hotel ventilation system back in the 80's and it almost killed him. I would stay far away from this place..


I'm sorry to hear that - my mother's close friend contracted it around that time in NYC and unfortunately died from complications. My husband is so skeeved out and pissed off that he's now commuting back and forth from Philly, which sucks when he's working this job from 7am to 7pm six days a week, weather permitting.


Well. It IS Newark.


And it's not like some airport hotels where the hotel is connected to the terminal.. you are going to have to take the shuttle.. WELCOME TO NEW JERSEY 😁


Why would you expect anything more from Newark?


People smoking weed in the parking lot? Oh the humanity oh dear god oh no how can this be!!


Or they could mean there's literally weeds growing in the lot ..


I think that’s what they meant


I think she meant this type of weed, not the smoking kind. ![gif](giphy|NhR9DvkK2hbLq|downsized)