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Italians certainly don't make up 75%. I think it's a little over 15%, though it's still a large share of those with white-European ancestors. Those with Scottish descent make up maybe 1% of the state's population (less than 100K people). I think the county with the most is Hunterdon, but even that's only something like 2% of the county.


My Last name according to this website has 21 NJ residents, with the most ( 6 ) Living In Ocean County, interestingly Bucks County In Pennyslvania which borders Hunterdon has 13 people. I was wrong though It's only the 4th largest, with Texas 3rd, Pennyslvania 2nd, and Washington 1st. I could live in Washington or Jersey, seem like Scotland,


If you're looking for dreary Scottish weather, Washington is the place for you


Believe me I Love everything about Scotland besides the cold, I have a hereditary illness related to body temperature regulation so it's more torture, partly why I now live In Australia, either gonna go home or find another place to stay, Jersey Is quite nice looking and I Dont get why all the Yanks i know shit on it.


NJ is wonderful in so many ways. Cultural diversity The best food in the country We have everything from beaches to farmland to mountains to forests, you name it All 4 seasons Women still have autonomy over their healthcare and the LGBTQ+ community still have the right to enjoy their lives. What we don’t have, but should is Universal Healthcare. It’s only fair to let you know there’s no such thing as the NHS in the US. With a hereditary illness you may be better off going home to Scotland.


NJ Family Care is a good option for Healthcare Also we have trees, lots of them We have trains, them too. If you intend to have plants or a garden, it will grow, this is the Garden State after all. Did everyone mention the food? Just wow.


It's not life threatening, It just makes Cold weather very unpleasant and forces me to wear gloves constantly among other winter clothing. my only concern with NJ is having Mafia goons beating me up, and stealing my protection money, is this a valid concern or has US tv brainwashed me.


This has to be a troll post.


You must be trolling


I’m not trying to be unkind to you but would you be happy if someone came to the sub for the place where you currently live and ask if it was like what they saw in the movie Braveheart?


It is a valid concern. I am a mafia don, and if you come here, my goons will beat you up for protection money. I employ 75% of Italians in NJ, so don't expect help from anyone.


Unless you're involved in criminal activity, your chance of having a run in with mob types is close to zero.


You wondered into the wrong sub. Trolls generally hang out in r/AmITheAsshole This sub is for people who want to learn about NJ or those who already live here and want to share knowledge and experiences Use the search function and you’ll find where you belong


It wasn't a Troll, Is Crime actually a big issue






Wtf no


You’re gonna have a bad time here if you mouth off in person the way you have in this post.


See, if we tell everyone how terrible it is here, maybe it will discourage others from moving here.


Is it ever a Welsh name? Pennsylvania had some Scotts mixed in with the Welsh population sprinkled between Appalachia and NJ in Pennsylvania. I don't remember the history of the area but there are a lot of Welsh place names, and the line between South Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania is not very solid.


No, My last name Is 100% Scottish, It's from the highlands and has something to do with very early Celtic Christianity. aside from that my Last name was also used as an Anglicized form of an Irish Surname which is also quite rare


There are more Colombians than Italians in Morris county This isn't as specific but gives a good breakdown of the state https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/tpknmq/largest_racial_minority_in_the_us_by_county_oc/


Italian is the most commonly reported ancestry, even if it's not an overwhelming 75%


Kearny, NJ used to have a large population of Scotch. I believe the demographic has shifted to Portuguese now.


There’s still a great Scottish market there! https://www.stewartscottishmarket.com/


I used to buy scotch minced meat pies there


Very cool, I work in Kearny, thanks for haring.


There used to be a great Burns’ Night celebration at the Argyle in Kearny, which closed post Covid.


Couldn’t you just say Scottish instead of “Anglo, British, and non-Irish Celtic”?


because I'm also Interested in the demographics of other british-americans aside from Scottish-Amercians.


Mass immigration from the UK was a long time ago (in American terms) so the descendants of those people all now have mixed ancestry.


Exactly this. My 23 and me says I’m over 50% OP’s criteria (the other half being mostly Irish) but my ancestors immigrated at least 4 or 5 generations ago for all I know. 


Oooh I know this one! From roughly the 50's through the 80's Kearny NJ was a predominantly Scottish town. It was made home by Scottish immigrants and served as a first port of call for Scots coming west where they either stayed and became part of the community or used it as a jumping off point before moving on to Canada. At one point there were Scottish owned butchers, bakers, groceries and chippies on pretty much every block. Source: am a first generation born to a Scottish immigrant who owned one of the previously mentioned businesses.


That sounds really bloody cool!, I hear alot about Irish Towns, Italian Towns, Chinatowns in the US, but never scottish towns, i always assumed It due to immigration happened so early, was there any mass scottish immigration to the US around the time other ethnic groups came in circa 1880s ?, not counting ulster scots of course


Just to add about Kearny: there is both a [Celtic Supporters Club](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066552427659) and [Rangers Supporters Club](https://www.facebook.com/groups/115539968533994/) within a 5 minute drive of each other.


I think the Argyle was a Rangers bar.


Wouldn't surprise me with a name like that. As a big time Celtic supporter, I wouldn't really know though. I just knew that both clubs had supporter clubs near each other.


Scottish ancestry here. First ancestors came to the US in 1752 to fight for England in the 7 years war. After the battle of Quebec City, he went to basking ridge NJ to wait for the paperwork of land grant. Long story short, he was a loyalist and fled to Canada where my family has been until me. It’s like we went full circle


The answers to your question are in the data presented, among other places, in the following: https://data.census.gov/profile/New_Jersey?g=040XX00US34 https://uscanadainfo.com/race-and-ethnicity-in-new-jersey/


thank you,




he’s asking a valid question


The colonial period saw a lot of settlement by Presbyterian groups. They founded Princeton University, for example.


And what became Rutgers was founded by Dutch Reform church


Yes, once New Netherlands was annexed by England, the renamed province of New Jersey (which had been a part of it) was divided into two crown colonies: English-dominated West Jersey and Scottish-dominated East Jersey. Northern parts of East Jersey continued to be mostly Dutch until much later, so early immigration from Scotland overwhelmingly went south, where Jersey shore begins today. Its capital was Perth (Perth Amboy) and had major settlements like Aberdeen.


I mean, if you're getting your genealogical information from the Sopranos, don't be surprised when it isn't accurate.


They were the majority for the first two hundred years, but the numbers didn't compare to the masses of others in the 19th and 20th century years, and then intermixing became a major factor. A lot of people with Irish or other ancestry probably are also descended from those Anglo-Scots (especially anyone with Revolutionary ancestors) but have more recent immigrant ancestors from elsewhere and so those cultures are fresher and more relevant in the family history


The European American population in NJ is mostly Italian/Irish/German, a mix of all 3, or European-Hispanic. Italians/Irish definitely have the largest cultural influence though.


I feel like there are a ton of Brit’s out in Morris county


I've run into a fair amount of British sounding people coaching soccer.


Mon The Hoops ! YNWA!


Have you been to the Tartan Day Parade in NYC? My friend goes every year with her dad who’s 100% Scottish. They live in Bergen County.


Irish used to hole up in Kearny and Harrison, dont know if it's still the case but some of those black Irish guys were wild, some just cra. Thistle fish and chips is where you should vist.


My mother’s parents were both Scots who emigrated in the 1890s. They lived in Essex County which at the time had rich Scottish presence. My grandfather was a member of a Scottish social club. I can remember going to Burns Night dinners and Scottish games in the 1960s. After we moved to Morris County my mother would make the trek to a Scottish bakery/butcher in Kearney to stock up on meat pies, and all kinds of pastries.  My parents retired to Ocean county in the 1980s and there were quite a few Scots in their 55+ community – mostly transplants from farther north. For long time there was store in Brick that sold Scottish goods but they never reopened after COVID.  




this comment is a guy who doesn't know the history of Italian Americans haha


My ancestry includes Scots. But since those ancestors came here a couple hundred years before I was born, I am a mix of five nationalities. My grandchildren will be of seven. That’s how it works here in general and in NJ in particular. The cultural things of each group are melded in with the newcomers and we all enjoy the outcome and celebrate the newcomers. Kearney when I was a kid still had some distinct traces of Scottish culture but you won’t find a lot of restaurants or shops focused on those specific things. So yes, I identify as having Scottish heritage and can remember the bagpiper & beadle at ceremonies in the Presbyterian church where I grew up, I haven’t seen that in decades. If you are looking for that, you will be disappointed.


I’m a native born NJ resident and my ancestry is predominantly Welsh, Danish and English


Scots and Scotch-Irish predominantly emigrated to the “colonial frontier” so western PA, western NY, Appalachia and the Deep South. There was some emigration to New England as well.


In the 2020 census, I believe the largest European ancestry came from Polish, Italian, Irish, and Portuguese.


yea we are all italian eatin gabagool


I'm Italian and Scottish


I came over from the UK in 2013 so I’m literally British (although I have American citizenship since 2021). More precisely, English (and a bit of Irish and Scottish and Welsh, mixed bag), although I’m also half-Colombian from my dad, mainly native South American, so I don’t look stereotypically ‘British’. My wife is American but her ancestry is Scottish and English on her mum’s side and her Scottish ancestors trace back to the family that lived in Brodie Castle which is kinda cool. I’ve also met quite a few people with British accents, so I do feel like there are recent transplants here as well as people with ancestral British heritage. Definitely a loooot of Italians though, lol.


My ancestry is majority Anglo. Ancestor with my surname arrived in the Virginia colony in 1665. His maternal ancestor was governor of Va. I have a complete genealogy from the 1200s through the 1970s, that was constantly updated throughout the centuries. The Brits were good at record keeping, who I suppose followed the peerage of the English aristocracy, definitely not good with culinary skills. lol. Thank God for Italian, Mediterranean, and Portuguese for making New Jersey a culinary delight. From the time my ancestor arrived in 1665, marriages were always between English, including cousins sometimes. About 4 generations later, one Irish person appears, who is one of my 6th great grandparents. It was only in my generation and a little bit in my dad’s generation where people started to marry “outsiders”, and move away from family farms and homesteads.


Kearny use to have a large Scott’s population. Thistle is a Kearny based youth football club with Scottish ancestry that has merged with two other clubs .


A few things are going on with this. Many people here, including myself, have Scottish ancestry. It’s sort of ambient in the population. My Scottish ancestors came here in colonial times and assimilated and intermarried. So I wouldn’t call myself Scottish, even tho I participate in some of the cultural activities, and have a Scottish surname. You can find a ton of Americans who took some ancestry test and believe themselves to be related to a Highland clan, but probably that connection is tenuous at best, and they know little about Scotland’s history or it’s contemporary culture. Also, Scottish and Irish heritage are strongly intertwined here (we play the bagpipes on St Patricks Day) for reasons that would take a long time to explain. A lot of Americans conflate the two, and there is also not a lot of understanding of the differences between Irish, Anglo-Irish, and Ulster Scottish heritage. I’m descended from various people who would have killed each other in another time and place. Also, some of the people with Scottish surnames are African-American, meaning they had an ancestor who took that name over a century ago for whatever reason (they could in fact have a Scottish ancestor, or an African ancestor that was enslaved to, or worked for, or lived on a property owned by someone with that name, either here or in the Caribbean, or had some connection to a person or place with that name). Some of them take in interest in Scottish culture. All that said, I know several actual Scots because I’m involved in Celtic music, and there are in fact a number of first and second generation Scots here. People from all over the world move to NJ. You could easily find a Burns Supper, a Rugby match with Brits, a pint of Belhaven, and a British grocery and pie shop, if you came here and knew where to look. Edit: most people in NJ are not Italian, but it is a common ethnic background, and Italian food and culture are sort of mainstream here. We are, and aren’t, like the TV shows.


Interesting, We also have Saint Patrick's day in Glasgow, but it's mostly just the Ranger and Celtic boys beating the shit out of eachother.


>Scotsmen here What part of NJ were you born?


Im not from Jersey, I'm from Paisley in Scotland


Clan Fraser here checking in


Yes, we are here, but as always, hiding in the shadows. Come from a large Scottish/English Family... but many left NJ years ago, because we're snarky and there's too much to snark about in NJ


Interesting, what county and were you descendend from an early colonial family.


Anecdotally speaking, of the whites in NJ, around 20% are mostly of Italian ancestry, 20% are mostly German, 20% other, 40% are mostly a mix of Irish / Scottish / English. 


Like white folks /s?  Lol . Yes.


Italians make up 75% of New Jersey’s Spirit good sir. Edit: I will take your WASPY downvotes and smother them in tomato sauce and mozzarella.