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The thing is that the actual plea deal describes the extent of the abuse and it was much more severe and went on for longer than it had initially appeared. This wasn’t simple emotional and physical abuse, it was full on torture and it was inflicted on both children. The details are harrowing and I truly wish I had never learned them.


Please tell me that the plea deal still involves her going to prison for a few decades and not getting out easy with a slap on the wrist because she’s “sorry”


I’m sure it will. The kid who finally was able to get help literally climbed out of a window and had open wounds and duct tape on him.


Sentencing both both of these scumbag women is in February. February 20 I believe. They both pled guilty to 4 counts. Each count is 1-15 years. The nice thing is, each pled guilty and agreed that their sentences will be served consecutively. This means the minimum they will serve is 4 years which is highly unlikely. I think the judge will throw the book at them. The details of their crimes are horrific. They tortured these kids for a long time. It wasn’t just something they did one time.


I hope they get the max


Incoming “I’m a good christian” defense and the judge agrees and lets them off light


Maybe I'm just being too cynical here, but I feel that however long they get set to prison for, they'll be released early for "good behavior" too...


No kids to torture in prison


“Good behavior” or “good time” is highly dependent on the sentencing enhancements, and to some extent is out of the judge’s hands depending on jurisdiction. Some crimes you can earn good time and shorten your sentence by half or more, some your sentence is your sentence.


I don't know about that one. According to the article: "Both children, the agreement states, were told they were possessed and that the abuse was a result of their disobedience. They were also indoctrinated to believe the abuse was a form of repentance for their actions, according to the agreement."


Telling the children they're possessed and that they need to repent? They're definitely Christian.


Mormon I think? Jodi hasn't gotten as much airtime as Ruby because Ruby is the famous one, but Jodi seems to be the "brain" behind this. Jodi was a mormon-approved therapist for a while, the Mormon church would send people to her. If you look there are horrible stories, especially of her couples therapy centered around shaming men and convincing wives that their husbands were perverted sex-addicts whose presence endangered their lives and their children's lives. But the worst is a family member of Jodi's was convinced by her to send her "out of control" daughter to live with Jodi. Her story of abuse is heart-wrenching, but it also lines up almost exactly with what they're accused of(and now convicted of) now. And yeah, it was all religious-based. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKXxYmXOdNw J - Aubrey did an indepth video on this, well-done and fascinating but some of it was really hard to watch.


iirc this crime carries a mandatory minimum so the judge cannot sentence to less than one year per offence. So there is no way barring a pardon that they serve less than four years.


Their judge is Mormon too, unfortunately. I really hope that doesn’t give them an advantage.


Can you give a synopsis?


Made two of the kids (preteens) perform manual labor outdoors in excessive heat with no water or sun protection until they were severely dehydrated and their skin was peeling off. Would restrict food. Would hog tie them until their wrists and ankles bled and then wrap the wounds in duct tape and hog tie them again. Would mentally torture them saying they were evil and needed punishment.


> Would hog tie them until their wrists and ankles bled and then wrap the wounds in duct tape and hog tie them again. Even worse than that, they’d first dress the wounds with a mixture of honey and **CAYENNE PEPPER**, then tape over it to make sure it stayed on before tying them back up. I do hope these witches get completely wrecked in prison.


And when the kid escaped to the neighbour who called 911 apparently the wounds were so deep you could see bone




Thank you for allowing me to know the extent without the explicit details, I hope these woman go away for a long time


Parents who abuse their kids for internet fame should rot in prison


Does "deepest regret and sorrow" and pursuing “personal growth and rehabilitation” mean nothing to you, you ice-hearted cynic? Thankfully she'll be out in 6 months and touring as a motivational speaker in 7, no thanks to merciless people like you, though. If it was up to souless people like you Jack Unterweger would never have been released.


To me that just reads as "I got caught, the facade broke, so now I'm shifting tactics because I still need people I can emotionally feed off of and manipulate. I can't use the stick, so time for the carrot." It's what manipulators do when outed, their abusive bullying power was taken away, so they reach for other types of manipulation. Since this is so public, it's basically the combination of false-apologies and [Hoovering](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/hoovering)


As always, people who do these kinds of things aren't sorry they did them.... they are sorry they got caught.


How dare you? Next you'll be saying that guilty people who only display remorse in court once it's clear they're going to be found guilty do it to get lighter sentences.


It means nothing to me 👍


Not sure if missing /s or just in need of professional help.


If a half-hearted admission she'd been "lead astray" into "a distorted sense of morality" and a plea bargain after she'd been caught bang to rights isn't enough to convince you of her deep and genuine remorse maybe her lawyer's statement will: “Ruby Franke is a devoted mother and is also a woman committed to constant improvement,” Franke initially believed that her co-defendant Jodi Hildebrandt “had the insight to offer a path to continual improvement,” but said that Hildebrandt “took advantage of this quest and twisted it into something heinous.” The woman deserves so much more than just jail.


If they forgot the /s, they should have picked a better example than Jack Unterweger. He's not exactly a household name in the US.


Why stop there? Parents who abuse their kids for anything at all, whatsoever, should rot in prison.


Jodi is an evil person. She should rot in hell (if it existed). She abused more than just these kids. She was in bed with the Mormon church to force many people through her “program” for porn addiction (as in if you ever looked at porn ever, you were addicted) that ended marriages and ostracized and abused adults. She took money from the Mormon Church and from the poor people that were referred to her through the church. She lost her license after she retaliated against one of her clients and broke HIPAA laws exposing him to BYU which caused his expulsion through the Honor Code Office (BYU’s Mormon Gestapo office that encourages snitching). I hope she rots in prison for all she had done to hurt people.


The honor code office is a universally hated place by the students and a lot of staff. It causes more problems than it fixes. Once had a roommate report to my landlord (who are required to report to the honor code) that I had a girl in my room, out of spite. They can kick you out of school, even when the church itself wouldn’t.


People who have their chosen religious tome shoved so far up their ass that they can’t think rationally and coherently should not be taken seriously by society. Your experience is a shining example of this


Actually the example is alot worse and more common. the roommate didn't necessarily believe in the tenets, they chose to weaponize it against someone they don't like.


Luckily the landlord and I were close so they just texted me saying someone complained so don’t do it again. The school also controls housing at (BYU-Idaho and BYU-Hawaii) but not at normal BYU. So they can get you kicked out for not following the housing rules


Red flags all over the place with that one…Jesus I’ve generally had a dim view of Mormonism after a Mormon lady berated me for ordering a cup of hot tea….at a coffee shop. She promised that I was damned to hell etc etc and it wasn’t until I got home that I discovered that Mormons have this weird ass thing against tea and other hot drinks TLDR: Religion is a plague


Oh I remember hearing about that one with the tea. Their book is just like "yeah no tobacco or hot drinks." So you're telling me hot cocoa is a sin?


And if that's the case then cold brew must be fine.


No hot drinks. Except hot cocoa and herbal tea are ok. It's not the caffeine because soda and energy drinks are ok. But iced coffee is off limits. Iced decaf followed with a caffeine pill is technically ok, but they generally don't because of the "appearance of evil." It's arbitrary because if they can make you follow nonsensical, meaningless rules they can make you follow bigger things, like paying 10% of your income and other "fast offerings" to the church, devoting your time and energy to the church, and donating your estate to them when you die.


It’s been “clarified” to mean tobacco, marijuana coffee, black or green tea and any alcohol.


Oooooh this is a fun one! My credentials are "Lived and grew up around SE Idaho and Utah Mormons my entire life and they are both MORE fanatical and not. Its weird." No. Cocoa and herbal teas are not a sin because they're usually not caffeinated. You cant drink coffee or black/green tea because its caffeinated. "But Miscellaniac" you say "That means caffeinated sodas should be a sin too, right?" Nope they are not a sin because they are not hot (rumors have it the church has stocks in CocaCola...) Its hot drinks that are a sin because they damage the body. In fact across the state of Utah are "dirty Soda" shops which provide all the souls of Utah, the squeaky clean pure souls too, copious amounts of caffeinated, bubbly sugar fluid further modified by various syrups, creams and sprinkles! You cant get hot cocoa though. You can buy frozen cocoa. Should be noted: no purchase of any drink from these soda shops will result in your temple recommend being revoked. But it will if you drink iced coffee or tea.


One of my high school friends was Mormon and her family never had caffeinated soda in their house. They had a variety of non caffeinated sodas so it wasn't a problem. I think they were okay with hot cocoa, tea, hot cider, and other non caffeinated hot beverages as well. They just avoided coffee and teas with caffeine. But then, they weren't that extreme compared to a lot of stories I hear these days.


I grew up Mormon, and it’s literally brainwashing. My wife and I managed to get out of it and moved away from Utah to be far away from all of the cult toxicity, but it messed me up pretty bad. The problem is, my family are all still very Mormon and I’m doing my best to not completely cut them off. My mom came to visit over Christmas, and acted as if she had failed as a mother after I had a cup of tea. It’s completely ridiculous. So yeah. I agree, religion is a plague. How about we focus on just being decent human beings and less on worshipping mystical invisible men in the sky?


I had a friend get out. Just her joy in buying pretty underwear for the first time was shocking.


It’s about power. Always has been


They're religious police, like they have in Iran and Afghanistan.


My friend was kicked out of BYU Idaho because she and her husband confessed to their bishop that they had pre marital sex when they were engaged. They did NOT kick out her husband, though. They are no longer Mormon


Yeah, the church wants you to work on your sins, but the school doesn’t care at all. There is a big disconnect and some bishops will fight for you and others throw you under the bus. I remember going through that process and my bishop wanted to go about it one way while the girls stake president (dude above the bishop, who has no say in the process). He wanted us both out and wanted my name to convince my bishop too. It’s dumb and a terrible process


Why go to a school like that?


1. It's cheap. 2. Many Mormon parents will only subsidize BYU or like colleges. 3. If you plan to remain Mormon, it's almost guaranteed you can find a spouse there, which is a huge part of being an active Mormon. 4. They get a lot of returned missionaries as students and even the BYU honor code seems light handed after being on a mission. 5. If you live in Utah or Idaho and plan to remain there, a BYU education on a resume is often more valuable than an Ivy.


Cheap and the program honestly wasn’t terrible. The nice thing is the classes were small so knowing your professors on a personal level really helps with getting letters of recommendation for more school. I did enjoy the psychology department and learned a lot, but if I didn’t have the roommates I had for the last 2 years I would have gotten kicked out for the stupidest stuff.


It still has an overblown academic reputation in the intermountain west - and often, kids will be told that their parents won't cosign for financial aid anywhere else. So. They've worked their asses off to get in, and then they can't work out the financing to go anywhere except BYU or community college. Also, a lot of kids from outside Utah probably don't understand what BYU is like until they get to the campus as freshmen.


> as in if you ever looked at porn ever, you were addicted I had a church elder tell us that when you look at a pornographic image you'd never be able to forget it. Dude, there's some porn I wish I remembered better, thank you very much.


"Especially if it was gay porn. Those writhing abs and biceps will haunt your thoughts forever. You'll never look at a woman, or a man, the same way again. Stay away from gay porn!" -- Pastor Mark


I mean pulsing abs and biceps on any gender is pretty alluring.


I'm not gay. I'm deeply closeted. -Norm Macdonald


Promises promises…


It should be noted that one of the men she maliciously targeted and the one referenced above is one of the most famous Boy Scouts whistleblowers. Boy Scouts of America was a de facto arm of the Mormon church for decades with all boys having to join.


All Mormon boys joining Boy Scouts, not all Boy Scouts joining the LDS. Which meant if you were in a low Mormon area, Boy Scouts was fairly normal.


That said, the Mormons also drove a lot of the CSA in Scouting. I'm glad I had a very agnostic troop that mostly focused on the positive aspects of scouting, but I know a lot of my fellow scouts were not so lucky.


Yeah, I was fortunate in the same regard. I was a Scout in an area where the majority weren't any flavor of Christian and it was actually pretty fun.


I guess I’m with the two of you. My scout group *was* Christian but it wasn’t too heavy-handed(like maybe a prayer here or there) It was a positive experience and I wasn’t even aware of this relationship between scouting and the Mormons.


As an Eagle Scout and a current Cubmaster I am super glad the Mormons left. They were holding back the progress on girl membership and LGBT membership.


Oh my word, yes, so much progress was made once they left. Scouting in the US made like 20 years of progress in 2 years after that happened, it was great.


Fairly normal is a perfect phrase here as a former Boy Scout. I never encountered Mormons but you always knew what leaders were in it because of the Christianity that runs deep in that org.


Loved the stuff we did, hated the religious horseshit. I ended up quitting. I just wanted to learn how to camp in the woods, learn how to identify shit, and just stuff like that.


Camping was fun. I quit after being forced to say grace before a meal.


I mean, honestly I was in boy scouts as the only non-mormon (well, my brother and I were the only 2) in the troop, and it was still fairly normal. Learning stuff, going camping, getting merit badges.


Allied not an arm. When I was in it we had a lot of Hindu Scouts as well as Muslims. BSA decided to sign a deal with the devil and work hand in hand to boost numbers but was still independent. They also did other heinous crap though I will admit a lot of the stuff did help me in life.


Take a look sometime at how many members of the BSA's Board of Directors lived in Utah, and for how many decades that was the case.


And she used his trauma against him. Telling him he was a molester because he was molested.


Jodi is genuinely evil. She truly believes in and delights in torturing people, especially children. The church is complicit in her crimes as she never could have harmed so many without the church's influence and support.


> Hildebrandt said that her methodology is based on three core principles which she claims are a pathway to healing any and all destructive behaviors, including addictions of any sort: **impeccable honesty, rigorous personal responsibility and humility**. And to no one's surprise, this is what she pushed.


Funny how she espoused character traits that she herself did not possess.


She could have. She knows what makes a person decent, she choose not to be decent.


>Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. \- C.S. Lewis


The few times I've been in a Christian bookstore, I've always come across The Screwtape Letters. I laugh every time.


100% agree on both your points.


I saw some literature from her little program and another "problem" she could help you with was feelings of lust for your spouse. Please, I'm begging you to help me stop thinking my husband is sexy!!!


Both pleaded guilty to avoid all their evil deeds being exposed in open court


Completely agree. May she feel all of the pain she has inflicted on others throughout her “career”.


On a side note you’re a bitch if you can’t mind you own business and snitch on a fellow student. Had a friend who went to BYU and his “friend” snitched that he was sleeping with his own fiancé right before graduation. Got kicked out then later turned into a suspension that lifted a week right before finals so he was completely unprepared and tanked. They were due at the time to be married after graduation.


I follow /r/ExJW, but is there a similar sub for mormons? Im fascinated with fringe religions.




Coulda guessed... thanks.


It’s amazing how religion attracts the easily manipulated and those looking to manipulate.


I know eventually Mormonism and things like Scientology will eventually fall apart due to abuse and corruption and taking matters into their own hands. I just hate that so many people still need to be saved from this abusive lifestyle that we don't know about




The difference between then and now is how easily and readily information is in comparison. It takes a lot of mental gymnastics to stay ignorant these days.


> It takes a lot of mental gymnastics to stay ignorant these days. "It don't bother me" is often enough to get many passed these organizations. If someone thinks they're in the "in-crowd" or just generally not affected, then they don't care.


It’s adorable how you think people won’t do those mental gymnastics when the past six years especially has shown us how many prefer to stick their heads in the sand rather than question things they want to believe.


Yeah staying in denial and entrenching is more "I won't get off my mental couch' than engaging in mental gymnastics. It's literally the lowest-energy least-effort way.


Catholic Church has been around for 1500+ years, with abuses that make both Scientology and the LDS look like child's play. I ain't holding my breath.


I dunno. Cults this big aren’t just gonna disappear


She also convinced women to leave their husband's and join her cult. Not only leave their husband's, but also psychologically torture their ex-husbands and use their children as pawns to aid in the torture.


let's shout out the real villain here. the mormon church recommended her services for years. they stood behind and promoted her treatment style. they knew what she was doing and they were ok with it. if it wasn't for jodi, it would be someone else... so who are they recommending now?


Average US religious behavior. I'm glad the national discourse is finally picking up on how fucking toxic these people are. More evil has been perpetrated in the name of God than good, by leaps and bounds. 10:1


The guy who got kicked out did an episode about it and Jodi on the Mormon Stories podcast. I forget his name but it's a really messed up story.


There are many names we can give to an abusive narcissistic parent who torment their own children while hiding it behind a wholesome public facade... many diagnosis we could give, many clinical terms we could try and describe them with. I really only need one though - *monster.*




She won't actually get a sentence at her sentencing hearing on 2.20.24. Utah is a bit unique in that the judge will determine if sentences are consecutive or concurrent. Then the parole board will ultimately determine when they will initially consider her for parole. The min is 1 year for each count - so 4 years and the state has a max of 30 years (except for homicide) for the combination. It could be anywhere for 4-30 years. THere's also a fine of about $20k for each count so $80k total.


>Utah is a bit unique in that the judge will determine if sentences are consecutive or concurrent. Can they make an exception and make it logarithmic?


Utah has indeterminate sentencing. She will be sentenced to 1-15 years for each count (and the plea is for consecutive sentences), but her actual served time will be decided by the Board of Pardons, not the judge. She also won't serve more than 30 years regardless, as that's the max for consecutive sentences.


That's weird, and very unsatisfying for the victims.


I don't know how anyone can even read that article much less what actually happened that we don't have to read and think yeah she deserves something less than the absolute maximum. like this isn't oh you snapped one night and killed someone this is sick and twisted patterns of abuse and someone who is a consistent danger to the public


Well that was heartbreaking and disgusting to read. Those two women are soulless and they deserve no pity or any leniency whatsoever. How can they do anything to hurt those children? I watched a YouTube video about her a little bit before she got arrested. She forgot to edit a part out of one of her videos where she’s yelling at her kids and threatening to punish them. The 12 year old son looked sad and worn down. Hopefully the children will be cared by loved ones and will heal with time.


Lots and lots of therapy.


Maybe you can answer a question I've had while reading through the comments: Where is the father?


Ruby kicked him out a year ago to “fix the marriage” because Jodi said to right before they ramped up the abuse. He was still there for a lot of it though. He should have known to get those kids out.


It should be noted that even before the abuse ramped up, the household was still extremely abusive. Ruby was comfortable telling her viewers about letting her 6 year old go hungry at school, everything they’ve done to Chad, how the youtube channel lead to the children having no friends, taking away Christmas for the two youngest for not being good enough (these are young children, what could they have possibly done that they specifically wouldn’t get presents? But they still got to watch everyone else have a great Christmas, that won’t given them a complex about being bad people.). The dad didn’t step in during the years and years of Ruby making a living tormenting their kids and violating their boundaries.


I hope she gets the maximum sentence so she can’t hurt any other children. 60 years sounds appropriate.


Consecutive sentencing is relatively rare and legal journalism does a terrible job at pointing this out.


They both agreed to consecutive sentencing.


Also, very unlikely for a first offence. Not really the case if you believe her niece (and i 1000% do), but in the eye of the law she’s never been convicted.


Monsters should not be let off easily simply because it’s their first conviction….that only invites said people to reoffended and hurt even more people in the future if they are let off easily


Part of both of their plea deals is consecutive sentencing, that has already been decided.


People like this, who are actively harming others with their abusive, psychotic grifting are almost never locked up and sequestered from society like they should be. Instead, we keep people in prison for a little drug use.


Umm, we have an ex President running again that fits this MO.


Mormon church strikes again


It's weird/creepy--pretty much every mommy vlog or family social media channel is explicitly Christian in some way.


Performative piety.


And also the MLMs You can't work yet you need something to keep you engaged.


It's weird how they went all in on the YouTube family trope. Weird shit.


It's the religious extremism that's the issue, not the specific flavor of it.


How many more YouTube families are abusing their kids? I get the feeling it's rampant, always chasing the in thing and being more extreme than anyone else.


This. There is no doubt so much shit happening to kids who are put on YouTube, and people don’t care, they just keep watching.


Cut from the Lori Vallow cult cloth.


If I remember correctly she started out Mormon too.


My mom followed the Lori Vallow case pretty closely; I've been following this one. They both started Mormon, and then ended up in side fringe-cults. Tiny branches off the Mormon church are EVERYWHERE in the Arizona/Utah/Idaho strip and they are genuinely some of the scariest people I have ever met.


Hah. I grew up in Salt Lake. It was not unheard of for some dude who'd been a pillar of the community for decades to suddenly just disappear, often without his family, and then you'd hear a month later that he'd joined "one of the polygamous cult groups" out in Manti or somewhere. (That particular example was a teacher at my elementary school).


I'm glad the boy escaped. He's a full-on hero in my book. Hope he gets therapy he'll need to make it thru the trauma. Jodi & Ruby are evil, evil people that went unchecked. Good job Mormon Church. You created a couple monsters. If I were the investigators, I'd look into LDS. They essentially created them.


Unfortunately the judge is Mormon. That’s the thing about all this happening in Utah… the system itself is mormon. Hopefully it won’t matter and he’ll do the right thing with their sentencing.


Oh, this is far from the extent that the Mormon church has abused children, or religions in general, really. Not only that, they will hide evidence so that the abusers can get away with it and keep abusing the kids. If I say that a religious group protected and defended child abusers, you could say pretty much any religious group and still be right, it's disgusting.


Religious nutbags can fuck right off


i want to know if Youtube was complicit on this abuse. If allegations were surfacing and youtube looked the other way, or even double-downed in promoting their parenting/family vlogs, that's super disturbing and amoral. A friend was telling me that a huge number of these "family" vloggers are Mormons who monetize their channel in the guise of wholesome fun & adventure. But it's just as twisted as those teen/tween influencer channels where parents are overworking their kids and living vicariously through their children.


People reported it to YouTube and child protective services. [Here is article](https://www.insider.com/8-passengers-youtube-drama-what-happened-franke-family-2020-6) from 2020.


That article reminds me of a lot of articles written about the Duggars before everything finally blew up.


The thing is, there was a mountain of evidence against the Both Ruby and Kevin Franke. They had over 1300 videos on YouTube. I even made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/insaneparents/comments/gwgvxm/youtube_family_vlog_8_passengers_mom_took_away/?sort=top) on the insane parents Subreddit just as these articles happened. I even managed to copy down some of the family rules from a video and post them. Some of were bizarre, try not to be alone.


No bathroom door and “try not to be alone” reek of an obsession with preventing masturbation. And it appears the therapist business partner had a “porn addiction treatment program”.


Jodi may have been the one who recommended that the oldest be sent to the Anasazi Foundation wilderness program, it's unclear.


Throw the book at this absolute ghoul. And YouTube, crack down on this shit better AHEAD of time, rather than demonetizing people for talking about dope and collecting ad revenue anyways.


They will demonitize therapists for discussing recovery from abuse, just for saying the words. But these expoloitative sadistic parenting channels are a-ok.


It's ridiculous that education channels get demonetized for showing a swastika in the context of "nazis bad" but the algorithm will go ahead and promote literal neo nazi content without a second thought.


still not a drag queen.


Not trans either ...


Where are the fathers in these situations? Were they willingly going along with the abuse?


I know it sounds unimaginable, but the fathers/husbands were typically ostracized for being morally unclean "sex addicts" if they ever looked at porn in their life, or whatever else Jodi could concoct. Jodi's method was to isolate the woman by driving wedges between them and their spouse, and as we see here their children. The children were also accused of sexual immortality. This case is full of complex psychological manipulation that was facilitated by Mormonism because it primed the family for this. It was much more like a mini-cult due to the behavioral, informational, thought, and emotional control used. These kids are going to have major trauma. Mormon Stories has some great podcasts from people associated with this case. They had one that was taken down by court order. Utah is full of therapists and mormon leaders still manipulating people about similar subjects. It's sad.


I believe the episode of Mormon Stories Podcast that was taken down by court order has recently been reposted.


There were many crazy videos and yeah, he went along with Ruby's insanity and abuse.


From what I gather from news articles, the husband was originally involved at the height of their YouTube fame, but they have been living separately for the last year. With him having no contact with the children. He recently filed for divorce and is claiming that his wife purposely wouldn’t let him have contact, but how do you not do more to fight to see your kids?


Divorce cases can get long and contentious and lawyers always advice people to be on their best behavior. Courts are slow.


Yeah, the dad is getting off easy I think. I think he was fully involved in the torture of his kids before the divorce and now he's just claiming it's all her.


Kevin never gave a shit about his kids, he was very happy to sit back and let Ruby do whatever she wanted with them as long as he didn’t have to do anything. That’s how it was for all their years on YouTube. Then Ruby & Jodi pushed him away further, and he hadn’t seen the kids for months prior to the arrests, he didn’t even try. Because he doesn’t care. So he gets to say he didn’t know the torture was going on… because he didn’t care to know what was going on with his children. If that man gets custody those kids are no better off. He made it very clear he shared the same “parenting philosophy” with Ruby that Jodi was teaching them. The over the top punishments, not treating your kids like humans, etc.


Jodi was a wannabe lesbian who kicked out husbands of her clients.


She made one of the kids jump into a CACTUS. MULTIPLE TIMES. Wtf did I just read.


It's just remarkable how many of these YT/social media families are scumbags.


It's almost as if actual good parents wouldn't take away their children's privacy so they could monetize them for fame.


I really wanted to see Mormon Manson go to trial and see what other crazy things came out.


Jodis adult niece Jessie has done a couple of interviews about how Jodi treated them. Jodi has been abusing kids for a long time.


Oh I know. I’m more or less referring to the *undertones* of her throwing out Kevin, and her relationship with the LDS church


Jodi has a history of telling husbands and wives to separate. I am sure she is behind Kevin being kicked out of the home too.


I hate these women with every fiber of my being.


The cactus part got me


So many republicans getting caught and what a surprise, r/notadragqueen


None of these YouTube vloggers or personalities are normal. Who decides that making shitty content for a living is a thing.


They plead guilty on 4 counts. I hope they get 4 consecutive life sentences.


Oh no. This could impugn the ethics/worth of *all* of our wonderful YouTube influencing warriors.


Jesus Christ, bury them both under the jail.




Yep, that's why they were charged with aggravated child abuse.


I bet Jodi sits in her cell blaming the kid who escaped from the house for ruining her life


They are actually evil


Their sentences should include the same torture that the kids suffered. Jumping into cactus multiple times? Treating wounds with cayenne pepper, honey, and duct tape? Ropes, handcuffs, serious sunburns? Wtf.


How did I know these people were religious before even reading the whole story?


I’m going with her getting 20 years for all counts. This is like Ruby with 4 consecutive sentences but she’s a first time offender so 4-5 years per count. Ruby will probably get at least as much, probably 1 year more per count since she’s the mother of the victims.


Let the inmates rip them apart. Villains.


I’m so glad they’re being held to account. I hope one day my childhood abuser is too. These people might get away with it for years or decades, but eventually they slip up. Honestly, I think they’re barely different from serial killers. They’re just *barely* aware enough that murder gets too much attention. Serial torturers, maybe?


Let me guess good Christians


Mormons, actually


Same thing.


Mormons, basically the same.


>Hildebrandt had put the restraints on him, then used cayenne pepper and honey to treat the wounds. How fucking ignorant someone could be that cayenne pepper and honey are used as ointment for injuries.


Ignorant is a bit generous, I bet they knew exactly what they were doing there with the pepper.




I have some suggestions for a fitting punishment.


evil doers! Lock them up!


Read the article. I’m sure there’s more. Fuck these cunts all the way.


There's quite a few documentaries about 8 passengers on YouTube. The whole ride up until this point has been nothing short of disturbing. Never could we have guessed such grave abuse was being covered up despite there being so much information on them on the internet.


Why does the media keep referring to her as “YouTube mom”? How about “YouTube child abuser”? Why do we have to make it sound cute? Fuck this women and the person who wrote this headline. Stop making her crimes sound motherly.


For what it's worth, I assume any "YouTube parent" is a YouTube child abuser until further notice.


I don't know more than what I've read here, so I have to ask - did these kids not have a father? It appears in pictures that Franke had a husband and these kids had a father (ifnot biological then otherwise). Where is he? What's he being charged with? How could this level of abuse occur and he didn't see it?


She's a cunt, and I hope she gets the maximum. Don't forget, child molesters (she tortures) and abusive people are really really disliked in gen pop. It would also be really helpful if people could infiltrate the Mormon Church to find and out molesters.


What's the deal here... The article says WHAT they did, but didn't really have anything on WHY they did it. Does anyone have extra details to share?


Jodi was something of a cult leader. She felt she could teach people and kids to be the best, most obedient Mormons that ever could be. Part of this cult was that you had to accept that you were addicted to something: you looked at a ladies underwear ad - you were a porn addict and had to admit to it and repent. You like to go running then you were addicted to running and needed to admit that. WHatever Jodi deemed was an addiction was an addiction. She and Ruby were convinced the two youngest kids were evil and sexual deviants and needed to have that abused out of them. They of course, were perfectly normal children. Jodi convinced Ruby she needed to separate from her husband and have absolutely no contact and basically torture the 'evil' out of their kids.


Wow. That's crazy. Thanks for the background


Religion poisons everything




Fair number of Republicans facing the courts have taken plea deals in the last few months.