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I knew Gypsy and Dee Dee. I worked at a movie theater in Springfield, MO, and they'd come in all the time. We talked every time they were there. They always got in for free, because hey, struggling mom relying on charity to care for her child with very special needs? Of course we weren't going to charge them. Gypsy was always sweet and smiling, and Dee Dee never seemed like anything but a devoted parent rising to meet the challenges associated with her daughter. We had no clue anything weird was going on. The night of the murder, my Facebook feed was blowing up as the story unfolded. First she was missing, so my coworkers were all crossing their fingers that's she'd be found. Then the story was that she had been kidnapped by someone from the internet. Then we found out that it was a secret boyfriend. Finally, news of the murder broke. The story kept evolving over the course of five or six hours. We all got sent on an emotional rollercoaster as we went from concern, to fear, to confusion and shock. Seeing the story play out in the media has been wild. Almost anyone would be driven to extreme acts to get out of a situation like hers. I hope she can reclaim some semblance of normalcy and have a real life, but it's going to be hard.


I don't know if it's still public but you could still watch everything unfold as it happened on Deedee's FB. Very creepy.


Holy fuck. "That Bitch is dead!" is still on there!


Well, yeah. Who would delete it


Idk. I thought maybe it would have been privated or deleted after the trials.


šŸ˜³ itā€™s even creepier bc itā€™s a legacy page now and has the little blurb at the top to say ā€œwe hope this helps remember Dee Gyps Legacy lol šŸ˜±


Can you share the li k to her fb?


Look her up on Facebook as 'Dee Gyp Blancharde'.


Against the subs rules


I never even realized the fb could still exist and be viewableā€¦ It was pretty unreal reading the comments on that post


Oh, I definitely remember. We watched it all happen in real time. We initially thought that someone had killed Gypsy and was posting to her profile, since we thought she had been kidnapped.


Just checked.. and yes, still there. Crazy to read it like that.






Holy shit, I had no idea about that part. Wow! Managers would give us "Wehrenbucks" to get concessions and such with if we did something above and beyond. I dont think they had that task anywhere on the Wehrenbuck chart.


Was curious which movie theatre? I also worked at a movie theatre during that time and was trying to triangulate things. I worked at the regal downtown.


Different theater. I worked at Campbell 16, in the south part of town.


WEHRENBERGā€¦Wehrenbergā€¦Wehrenbergā€¦ Ah, memories. I lived a stoneā€™s throw from that theater.


Not so relevant comment, I know: But all I can see in the pics of the mum is how she resembles my last boss. Same smile and general aura. She seemingly had no limits on how far she would go to cover up mistakes, and it took me a long time to realize that the gaslighting *really* impacted me and I still do not expect to be believed when I say something. Everything turned to absolute shit in the end, in a way I had never expected and I've been enjoying PTSD-like symptoms, my career in my field is probably over (crushed my interest and spirit) - my health gone for a few years now. It really is hard to assess beforehand who can hurt people badly. I felt bad vibes from the start though, but it seemed so unlikely that something really serious could happen. I like to let people prove themselves bad before I assume, but I guess one should try not to get stuck with them.


This is why Reddit is the coolest social media, people who know very intimately always show up in the comments


>kidnapped by someone from the internet. As someone from the internet, I found this phrasing to be particularly piquant.


"I'm from the internet too! Did I kidnap someone without realizing it?"


I'm afraid so--you've kidnapped my heart. <3


Impressive, and I was aiming for your kidney.


What a sad and fucked-up story... That poor woman.


I honestly wonder if the mother could have just gone to jail for tax evasion instead.


She couldve (shouldve) gone to jail for fraud and abuse lol


Yeah, she committed lots of fraud, especially with all the applications for public benefits.


And getting her kid a stomach tube for no reason.


The bitch got some of her salivary glands removed. Also no reason.


It wasn't just for show. The tube allowed her to drug Gypsy more easily.


Hm I guess that falls into both. Defrauding insurance and abusing her daughter.


Probably not because sheā€™s six feet under.


It's actually just beginning. TikTok has been fiending for her to be released so she can start posting there. She's going to continue to be exploited, just not by her mother.


I really do feel bad for her. Imagine a life of unimaginable abuse and thinking youā€™re severely disabled, finding out youā€™re older than you think and your whole life is a lie. Then being arrested in connection for murder of the only person you ever knew as a caretaker to escape the abuse, going to prison, and being released in your early 30ā€™s only to have to discover TikTok with only having limited exposure to the internet before you went to prison.


Man imagine going right from AIM and MSN messenger to tiktok...


Dude she went to jail for 7 years, not 20.


I really hope she got good therapy and prison and they set her up with a therapist and community supports upon release


As is standard practice with all US inmates... /s


I mean I know thatā€™s why I said hope. Her case and abuse was world wide so itā€™s a pipe dream of mine that the prison did it to look good.


Youā€™d think so, but remember that huge family of kids that finally escaped their abusive parents and were worldwide news? Youā€™d think such a prominent case would have a lot of oversight. Nope, they stuck the kids with a well-known abusive foster carer who tortured them all over again. It was insane.


Lmao fuck no she didn't, what, you think the prison industry in the US is paying for personal *therapy sessions?* Here, in the good ol US of A, they don't exactly do "reform & rehabilitation" as much as "punishment & dehumnaization".


My friend's wife was a therapist at a prison, but that was in California and they believe in communist things like human rights and mental health.


People are gonna lose interest in her pretty quick I think. In the immediate aftermath, sheā€™ll have a reality show or two, get a big pay day for her exclusive interview with Oprah, release a tell all book written 95% by a ghostwriter, beyond that sheā€™ll be tabloid fodder for the rest of her life and not much else. In a perfect world the court would mandate her to undergo extensive therapy and counseling as a part of her parole, as thatā€™s about her only hope of having a normal life at this point, but it looks more likely sheā€™s just going to chase after the quick money that comes from being exploited. Regardless, I donā€™t anticipate her story will have a a happy ending.


She already has a book and a big documentary/interview from behind bars thing coming out in the next week or 2... She says she did group therapy in prison, but I agree she needs hardcore ongoing therapy now that she's out. Supposedly her father, stepmom, and half sister are supportive and helpful though and have apparently spent time with her husband she married while in prison to make sure he's not abusive too (though only time will tell, unfortunately).


> Supposedly her father, stepmom, and half sister are supportive and helpful though and have apparently spent time with her husband she married while in prison to make sure he's not abusive too (though only time will tell, unfortunately). I feel super sketched out by the husband thing. People who fall in love with prison penpals are normally a bit off to start with. The fact he was a special education teacher and pursued a younger woman raised as an infantilised special needs child, who's subsequently been in prison for her entire adult life...? I'm dubious. I hope her family will be a solid support system and keep her safe.




She doesn't have to chase after the money. The money will chase after her. Opportunities for interviews and whatnot will be literally pounding on her door. After what she's gone through, it's probably in her best interest to accept some fairly easy cash to get her life restarted.


Sheā€™s going to need the cash to change her name, move far away, and get trained for a proper job.


It's straight up just cynical speculation. Some people really think being cynical is the same thing as being intelligent.


Holy fuck what a cynical take and TWENTY SEVEN upvotes? She's no longer under that evil woman's control. Already a happy ending. Listen to what she said "prison is the most free ive ever been". She gets to experience life, grow her social circle and not be under whatever emotional, physical & spiritual abuse her mother had her under. Maybe she wll attend therapy. Maybe she won't. Maybe she did in prison Maybe, she doesn't need therapy as she's just gonna focus on moving forward and experiencing life. I could keep going, but the pt I was trying to make was you sat and imagined scenarios all ending badly. Try to imagine the good ones,too. For her sake&yours.


This girl spent how many decades of her life completely isolated from society at large? No formal education, no opportunity to learn social skills, or any kind of life lessons, and she gets thrown from that immediately into nearly a decade in prison? I wish this girl well and hope for the best, but if she wants any chance at all to live a normal, well adjusted life, she needs to start by basically doing [the opposite of everything she is currently doing](https://www.tmz.com/2023/12/28/gypsy-rose-blanchard-release-prison-pickup-ryan-camera-documentary/)


Trixie Mattel, a drag queen I usually like, recently did a performance as Gypsy Rose. Even though drag is often all about pushing boundaries, that felt really gross and unnecessary.


I'd never heard this story before. When I saw the photo, I presumed Gyspy Rose was the larger woman, and Dee Dee was the frail, elderly looking person. In reading the details,I see the frail person is Gypsy Rose. What a terrible life her mother subjected her to. Multiple unnecessary surgeries (WTF doctors?), beatings, being lied to about her health, and even her age. Interesting to read that Dee Dee's father flushed her ashes down the toilet. The same article says that the family suspected Dee Dee contributed to her own mother's death, and may have tried to poison her stepmother too, so hardly surprising.


I didnā€™t know any of this stuff about her own life and upbringing. I donā€™t know a lot about Munchausenā€™s by Proxy, but itā€™s clear Dee Dee was a psychopath first, everything else was secondary. I wonder what other mental illnesses and personality disorders are usually comorbid with Munchausenā€™s?


Apologies for TMI, but my father was diagnosed with Munchausen (now known as factitious disorder) but also had a diagnosis of borderline and narcissistic personality disorder. Though not the exact same, it's honestly insane to me how similar Dee Dee felt to me after everything that came to light. I wouldn't be surprised if she had My dad took his own life a few years ago but he would constantly ask me to help him kill himself. He forced me to be his caretaker, he would walk with a cane when he thought people were watching, he faked seizures (I have epilepsy/seizures and watching him fake them was embarrassing), he would shave his head and an old scar he had to make it seem like he had recently had surgery. When I was 15, he began giving me opiates after I had brain surgery, and got me hooked on them (something I now recognize was abuse). Before he died, he told us he had cancer, Alzheimer's and dementia, and a few other things. He had a locked safe full of medications because he used to doctor shop until he'd find a doctor willing to give him the medications he wanted (many of which caused significant side effects). Simply dealing with a person that fakes being sick is tiresome... I used to stay up at night praying he'd hurry up and die, even though I didn't truly want him to die. I just wanted to not have to suffer the pain and uncertainty of each day. Imagining the torture Gypsy went through before making her choice makes me want to vomit. Obviously I can only speak for my own experience, but I would not be surprised if Dee Dee had a commorbid diagnosis as well.


Cluster B disorders probably.


I knew about it but I had no idea the full extent of the abuse. You know all the meds fucked up Gypsyā€™s teeth so bad that they all had to be removed by the time she was 18? She didnā€™t know she didnā€™t have cancer till her lawyer told her. None of her loved ones even knew she could walk till she walked into the court room. Killing her mother was terrible but Jesus that woman did some heinous shit. She was so awful that her family argued about who would be stuck with her ashes.


Speaking about her name specifically, isn't it so odd that way before this Gypsy Rose was even born, there was a Stephen Sondheim musical (eta: it was based on a book) about a little girl also named Gypsy Rose, and the plot was a similar premise to the above story? I mean, wtf?


Could be where her mom got her name from lol


According to her father in the Buzzfeed article from 2016 that really pushed the story into the larger consciousness of the internet her mother liked the name Gypsy and the Rose came from him being a Guns N Roses fan. He said he had no knowledge of Gypsy Rose Lee and didnā€™t think Dee Dee had either, it was just a strange coincidence.


Given infinite time, a monkey at a typewriter would write Hamlet by Shakespeare. So it's always possible the name was just a coincidence.


Gypsy Rose was so malnourished and frail that she actually gained weight after getting put in jail instead of losing weight like people normally do.




My husband's cousin got big in jail, like you said, sitting around munching on commissary snacks. His friends and family kept his account topped up so he could always get snacks.


I made the same assumption until I saw your post!


"Why didn't she just go to the police?" People who are commenting this: She *did*. As an adult, she escaped and ran away from home. When police found her, she told them the truth. DeeDee said she was a sick minor. So the police gave her back to her abuser. This girl tries every legal avenue she could before stumbling into the one (illegal) way that finally worked. Sometimes, that's your only option. It sucks, and it's morally grey, but it was her only way out. If the person doing this hadn't been her mother, but a stranger, she'd be a hero who helped kill the person imprisoning her. Because it was her mother, she's a murderer. Make it make sense.


Gypsy was also inspected by a doctor who proclaimed that her legs were just fine and there was no reason she "couldn't" walk. Gypsy confirmed this and Dee Dee apparently got very mad and stormed out. Doctors are **mandated reporters.** I'm not sure if the doctor failed to report it, or CPS failed to follow up, or if this was under their original names (prior to Hurricane Katrina) and was therefore lost in the shuffle but still.... How many times is a victim expected to report, expected to escape! and still just wait around suffering years of permanent abuse until CPS has the resources to send someone over? Also, Gypsy says that DeeDee would grab objects around the home and beat her with them any time Gypsy went against the ruse or tried to tell people she wasn't actually sick. Gypsy would also commonly be given medical devices that would obstruct her ability to communicate or even hear others and Gypsy was not allowed to leave the house. It's a miracle she was able to report this even a single time! and every time she reported she did so at great risk to herself and no one listened.


Iā€™ve been listening to a podcast about munchausen by proxy and itā€™s something that happens more than people expect and is difficult for the system to identify and ultimately protect children. It takes more education/awareness for doctors, CPS, legal system, and general public to get children out of these situations. Perpetrators are typically mothers and people donā€™t want to believe that mothers can medically abuse their own children. Doctors rely on parents to provide information about their childrenā€™s health and work to find medical treatment that addresses symptoms, children are influenced by what their parents tell them about their health, and it all becomes very difficult to identify the abuse and when they do, it may be too late or it ends with a decision from CPS/legal system that donā€™t see the real issue that it is (whether through medical jargon or disbelief that mothers inflict this abuse on their children). I highly recommend checking out the podcast ā€œNobody Should Believe Meā€ if you want a much more in depth discussion about this type of abuse and the complexity that surrounds it.


CPS is notoriously bad at their job. My mother works at an elementary school and has reported multiple parents for abuse, some in extreme and unhealthy situations, and CPS has done nothing every time. They went for a welfare check at one house and left when the abusive mother told them to go away. Over 20 years of hearing her stories about kids being abused and her reporting it every time not one has had their situation improved by CPS being involved. Anecdotal, but says a lot.


CPS is extremely underfunded, as are any kind of social programs that would PREVENT the home situations that would require CPS involvement. Workers are spread so thin that many times they have to direct their resources on the kids in the most danger.


I absolutely agree. Its not like theyre given any power like law enforcement have and god forbid anything in America for the public good be funded. Just frustrating hearing "there's nothing we can do" when criminal negligence and abuse is involved, especially related to kids.


She was also tied to a bed for like two weeks or longer once for trying to escape. Her mom would literally drug her to keep her compliant. Like her mother was doing everything she could to control Gypsy :(


People underestimate how hard it is for teenagers to get away from their abusive parents. Evenmoreso if the kid has a mental health diagnosis which the parents can just use to say oh she's crazy.


Even worse, she was not a teenager but in her early 20s, and her mother had her declared mentally incompetent and was given power of attorney over her.


That's what the police do! When I was a teenager, one of my friends ran away and came to my house. Her face was bruised because her dad hit her in the face with a 2x4 he had outside for rebuilding their deck. It chipped her teeth, she bit her tongue - she was really injured. My parents weren't home at the time and we hid in my bedroom. Her dad called the police and came to my house, banging on my windows demanding she come out. When the police showed up, they gave her back to him despite her telling them she'd been abused. He also threatened to kill her little sister if she didn't come home - she and I both told the police he said it. BUT we were just two teenage girls and she was a runaway who had been reported - beyond closing the report out, they didn't give a fuck about her.


That's terrible. What happened to her? I always give some side eye when I see friends posting on Facebook about "Please help us find my friend's / coworker's / relative's kid, they ran away!" Uh huh. I want to know WHY first. I want to know that the parents deserve to have their kid back.


Her father told her she wasn't allowed to talk to me anymore, or he would hurt her favorite sister. She told me at school a few days later and she was scared. After that, she never talked to me again, she wouldn't even look at me. I saw her when I was about 30 and waved to her in a store, she turned her nose up and then turned around quickly to ignore me. I don't know what her life is like now, I know she married her first cousin and they had a bunch of kids together - that's the last I heard of her.


This is such a horrible story, and I have no problem believing it. Children are the only people left allowed to be physically harmed legally, and are often forced to obey and return to their abusers by the law. People (rightfully!) now feel horrified about one of Dahmer's victims being given back by police. But how many unknown victims are given back every day, because they happen to be the children of their abuser?


On your final paragraph, we see that in lots of other ways too. Itā€™s a really weird phenomenonā€¦ Take a woman that kills her abusive husband. It doesnā€™t matter if it was an arranged marriage she couldnā€™t get out of. Or if heā€™s been raping her. She is his property in that situation. She will go to prison anyway. Now take someone who kills their kidnapper, like you said. That would be clear self defense. For some reason when there is some kind of legal precedent or established relationship, people donā€™t see it as kidnapping and nearly as badā€¦ even though the beating or rape or whatever is just as horrific whether you knew the person beforehand or not? I really hope there is clear revision and more support for victims that kill someone they know in self defense. And in particular I hope the world over evolves laws to protect victims and recognize that being married does not also mean that they cannot essentially still be trapped or treated as slaves. We donā€™t have any negative reaction to learning a slave has escaped their captor. Why arenā€™t victims that are the exact same as slaves protected by self defense lawsā€¦ like that woman that killed her rapist husband for trying to force pregnancy on her recentlyā€¦ thatā€™s just a sex slave killing her rapist captor?


You can shoot someone who attacks you on the street and it's self defense. But if you shoot your pimp who has been traffiking you that's murder if he wasn't attacking you at the time. I have no doubt that there have been kidnap victims that are spending time for murdering their kidnappers, it's just that most of those victims were being traffiked or were in a relationship with their abuser..




Yep. Itā€™s why Iā€™ve always been sympathetic to her, she tried legitimate avenues and they failed her. She had no reason to believe that calling the police again would work.


People who havenā€™t been around someone this manipulative really struggle to comprehend it, I find. I grew up in a less severe but similar situation, with a parent who would now be diagnosed with FDIA (factitious disorder imposed on another, the new term for munchausen by proxy). I had unnecessary surgeries. I was hospitalized after being poisoned with intentional drug overdoses. I was portrayed by my abuser as being mentally ill, and once people think youā€™re mentally ill, nobody believes a single word you say. She even once confessed to a mandated reporter that she had beaten me severely. The mandated reporter did nothing to help me and comforted *her* instead. I had access to resources Gypsy Rose did not, such as relatives who were unwilling to directly confront my abuser but still helped me in significant ways. With their help, I was able to get into college and physically leave. Once there I was able to learn to drive and get my license (my abuser claimed I was ā€œtoo mentally illā€). It was really hard, but I persevered and got a degree that has led to a lucrative career and financial independence. Many years down the road I am a successful professional, happily married, with friends and a family of my own. And you know what? *She is still stalking me and trying to harm me*. After more than a decade without contact, she has made efforts to try to discredit me professionally. She has defamed my husband and I to countless people to make us seem like incompetent parents, in an effort to have our child taken away. She has insinuated to people that I am a danger to my child. She is also stalking and threatening anyone she perceives as ā€œhelpingā€ me avoid her, or relatives who she believes keep in contact with me. Her own siblings live in fear that she will ruin their careers with defamatory claims about them being ā€œmentally illā€ like she makes about me. Iā€™ve had to make multiple police reports, involve attorneys, move states away, cut out mutual contacts. She still cyberstalks me regularly. She will probably stalk me for as long as we both live. People donā€™t get it. The only reason I was able to get away and build a good life was my circumstances were better than Gypsyā€™s. I had help and opportunities that she didnā€™t. I donā€™t condone what she did, at all, but I do understand her desperation. And I do certainly understand knowing at a deep level that an abuser is going to try to prey on you for the rest of your/their life. I wish Gypsy all the best. I wish people would stop speculating about whether sheā€™s a master manipulator or whatever. She was a child, then a young person caught in a trap she couldnā€™t get out of, to her knowledge anyway.


From what Iā€™ve read, Dee Dee gave multiple dates of birth and different names across a few different locations, making it fairly difficult to trace what was fake and what was real in terms of her actual birth date and age.


People are intentionally ignoring the insidiousness of what this woman did, especially law enforcement. I think people see a mother and think that they're beyond reproach and that even when they reach the zenith of evil the way this woman did, they still need to be treated with deference. It's a cultural thing. Women do not go to prison for the same crimes as men. Look at the kid Gypsy got to do the killing. No one even remembers his name off hand. He will never leave prison and he will die in obscurity.




I saw this when I tried to help a friend whose mother opened a credit card in his name. Cop totally didnā€™t care and kept saying his mom was trying to help him build a credit history. No, Mom just wanted to shop at shitty mall clothing stores.


Small world, Rabid Fangirl. And yes. I donā€™t feel bad she murdered her mom. I did feel bad for the boyfriend until I read more about himā€¦ā€¦.. I hope this young lady can move on with her life as much as possible. Poor love.


That alone should have freed her. She tried to leave and she tried to get help. She literally had no option.


I REALLY hope she has a good support system to help her. Poor girl has been through so much.


I think her dad seems pretty good. From what Iā€™ve seen I was really surprised when I watched a documentary about this years back. Dee Dee basically denied the dad much part in her life. Of course, I donā€™t know his side of the story very well, but it seemed like he was really there for her during a lot of the trials. Also, his wife too. The wife had also realized something was wrong if I remember correctly. But nobody took it seriously it has been a long time though since Iā€™ve delved into this. I also hope the same. I feel so bad for her. I cannot even imagine, especially about her teeth my God that, for some reason really hit me even more than the other stuff that was awful.


It's not as hard as you would think to keep divorced parents and kids apart when they are several states away and the medical shit made it easier.


He was also 7 years younger than him (he was 17 when she got pregnant at 24 šŸ¤¢) & not as good as cheating the system


That poor girl's probably gonna be hounded by the media 24/7. I hope she has the support she needs.


Well, she is releasing a memoir next month, so sheā€™s not exactly going into hiding. Her boyfriend is stuck with life without parole, does anyone know if his sentence has a chance of being commuted?


From what I recall, he received the sentence he did because of his acknowledgement that he fantasized about killing people before ever meeting Gypsy, and that he wanted to r-pe DeeDee's corpse immediately after killing her, implying that he was turned on by killing, and ended up r-ping Gypsy instead. His multiple charges for public masturbation in the past probably didn't help either. He should probably be in an institution rather than prison, but regardless he doesn't sound like someone who should be left to their own devices.


Oh shit. Didnā€™t know any of these details about him. (Been a real long time since looking into this case last)


Iā€™m glad she will be making money from her story. She missed out on the chance to get a normal education, so Iā€™m glad she will be able to be ok financially. I also am selfishly excited to hear more from her.


She might get a good chunk of cash to start out with, but I doubt it will be enough to set her up for life. And keeping herself in the spotlight puts her at risk of more problems. I hope things work out for her.


Her mother deserved everything she got


I hope her transition is an easy one and I hope she adjusts well!


Same. Iā€™m happy for her, but curious how sheā€™ll live on her own now. She went from her mother, to the boyfriend, to prison.


I think sheā€™s already married a new, older man while in prison, which seems like a bad idea


Oh. I vaguely remember hearing about that. Doesnā€™t seem like a great idea at all, but Iā€™m always wary of prison admirers that seek out people inside and ā€œmarryā€ them. I see nothing against calling her actions somewhat ā€œnobleā€, but seeking her out for romance given the context seems gross and manipulative.




This genuinely devastates me


This girl literally doesn't have a chance. Fuck that mother


It will be very difficult. She has basically no education and minimal social skills. I also imagine trusting others will also be difficult.


Hopefully the memoire she is going to publish generates income enough for her to have a safety net at the very least. The US has no/little help for prior inmates, even if proven innocent later, and the stigma will never leave them.


I know that Dee-Dee's family is supportive of Gypsy, and have basically said that Dee-Dee had it coming and refused to give her a funeral; her own father flushed her ashes down the toilet. I hope that they're willing to help Gypsy now that she's out.


Thankfully her dad and his family are very involved now. Sheā€™s close with her step mom and sisters, so she will have a lot of support. Her dad really regrets not being there or challenging the mom and just believing her.


Damn I forgot about that little tidbit. Fucking SAVAGE. Imagine when even your father is like ā€œyeah fuck that dead ass bitchā€


And they couldnā€™t get Gypsy away from her?


IIRC they tried when Gypsy was still a child. They started questioning Dee-Dee about whether Gypsy was *really* sick and Dee-Dee moved out and changed her name.


Thatā€™s terrible


You're very right-- the US basically does nothing for people leaving these facilities and transferring into the real world. The problem with the safety net of the book is that due to being detained and institutionalized in one way or another her entire life, she probably has very little grasp on adult responsibilities, right from wrong, etc. While DeeDee sickeningly made her pretend to be younger than her age for years, the unfortunate reality is that due to her circumstances she likely has the emotional capacity of someone not adult aged. Combine that with a media circus, "fans", a new environment, and people who may only have financial interests and you have a recipe for disaster. I'm hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.


Weirdly, her time in prison probably served as a stepping stone to being able to survive in the real life. Pushed her to be around other people who were almost certainly protective of her and she would have been pushed to get an education and a job ect. . . She served way too many years but I actually think a year or two was beneficial for her to be pushed into society.


In fairness if anyone has a hell of a story to write in that box and a massive amount of sympathy to be earned during a background check it's her. If anything giving her a job despite her status would be a reputation boost to a company that did.


I remember her saying she had more freedom in prison! I am so happy she is out, I was obsessed with this and watched every interview I could. I always wish she just gave her mom too much insulin to kill her instead. but yea I felt so bad for gypsy.


Good! time to live her life finally!


Good. I donā€™t condone what she did but in hindsight, if her mother hadnā€™t died she would have killed Gypsy. She already convinced multiple doctors she was intellectually disabled/stunted and had her sign paperwork giving DeeDee power of attorney over her. It was essentially self defense. Letā€™s not forget DeeDee probably also caused her motherā€™s death. Not one person who knew her found anything redeemable about her. I hope Gypsy goes to her father and stepmother and gets the support she needs. I think they should probably also look at Goodejohnā€™s sentence as well. He did the killing but he is obviously mentally challenged.


I totally agree. Eventually the procedures and unnecessary medical interventions would have killed Gypsy or left her permanently disabled. Since DeeDee also had her declared mentally disabled and was her POA, I donā€™t even know that Gypsy would have gotten very far with the police. DeeDee could probably have gotten them to dismiss everything as Gypsy was legally considered mentally disabled. So while I donā€™t necessarily condone the killing of DeeDee, I donā€™t realistically know what else Gypsy could have done to escape since all communication with her family was monitored.


I'm guessing she is permanently disabled. She had all her teeth removed, a feeding tube. Really harsh shit.


Did DeeDee do the same thing to her mother? First time Iā€™m hearing that.


In Mommy Dead and Dearest, which I think I may watch again tonight, DeeDeeā€™s nephew and I think her father, said that she was the last person with her mother when she died and she had been taking care of her. There was some implication she may have been drugging her essentially like she was doing to Gypsy.


I mean if the shoe fits.


Munchausen by proxy perpetrators quite often abuse more than one person, so this wouldnā€™t shock me at all.


> In a recent interview with People Magazine she said: "Nobody will ever hear me say I'm glad she's dead or I'm proud of what I did. I regret it every single day." You normally hear people glorify killings against abusive parents / spouses and abductors, it shows real reflection, sympathy, and possible guilt to know that maybe your actions are possibly unjust, but still needed. I hope she isnā€™t haunted by this and can move on to a normal life.


Look on twitter right now. People are calling her a queen and shit. I fully support her but ffs, this is just a horrible situation all around.


I am thankful nobody has so thoroughly ruined my life that I feel the need to murder them.


Right?!?! I have a lot of problems in my life, like the literal years of ongoing therapy kind. But I am so grateful that that is not one of them.


No mention at ALL about her rehabilitation? Just ā€œyouā€™re free now, go live a normal lifeā€ā€½


Yeah pretty much. Last I heard her dad and step mom were back in her life so hopefully they are supporting her.


"I didn't say good luck."


lmao welcome to America, try not to blow your brains out


American prisons are for revenge, not for rehab, geesh. /s


Isn't that the prison system's actual motto though?? /s I guess


Rehabilitation doesnā€™t happen in America but killing your captor and someone who tortures you your entire life, I donā€™t think sheā€™s a serial killer or threat to society.


rehabilitation doesn't happen in American prisons


Just because it wasn't mentioned, doesn't mean she's not going through therapy. Although she did all through prison too.


"I don't recall saying a normal life"


I like how her and her boyfriend were "plotting" to kill her and the grand scheme they came up with is stabbing her and fleeing the scene


She was sheltered from the real world and abused all her life and the boyfriend was autistic and thought he was on some kind of holy mission. I donā€™t think they really had much of a chance of succeeding in getting away with it.


I'm against murder and vigilante justice, but removing Dee Dee Blanchard from the earth is a public service as far as I'm concerned.


She shouldnā€™t have been sent to jail in the first place. Unless youā€™ve been a victim of child abuse yourself, you have no idea how devastating it is to a persons psyche. Hopefully sheā€™ll be able to lead a somewhat normal life after all this.


Unlike most felons who do serious time at a young age as a result of child abuse, she has no lack of opportunities to earn money as a result of her crimes. And sheā€™s probably woeful unprepared for what that morbid celebrity status entails.


As someone from the Springfield MO area, a lot of people around here will never let her live a normal life. It's sad, but she should probably move to where she has less notoriety.


Her story has gotten pretty popular on tiktok so thatā€™s gonna be a hard place to find.


And there's that entire season of a series about her on Hulu.


My kids know about her, and they live in the northeast US. She might wanna learn German and move to a country where people are less nosy and American.


Sadly the opportunity to travel out of country, let alone move, is near impossible for convicted felons. *Forget about a second degree murder conviction.* You canā€™t even visit Canada with a DUI.


Obnoxiously long rant incoming apologies in advance but in my opinion this is a REALLY under discussed problem with being a felon, I have family that have non-violent felonies for things done many years ago and they are insanely limited to where they can go and cannot ever meet with family in Japan and in many other countries due to broadly denying felons which is valid of course if they don't want felons they have no reason to allow entry even though not all felonies are made equal but I am biased given my loved one lol, it's still unfortunate though and having a more defined set of rules for who can enter or a process to confirm before spending thousands of dollars would be muchly appreciated. The bureaucracy around even figuring out if you can enter a country is hellish too I helped them get in contact with several consulates to figure out where they could even travel and the amount of "It's a case by case basis you just have to visit and find out how it goes." is staggering and frustrating not that it's the consuls fault obviously they aren't making the laws they're just doing their job. So to even get an answer on if you are allowed they often require an entire itinerary of booked hotels, booked flights etc which is thousand+ by that point to even try to get there and hope you aren't turned away at the gates which is obviously just unfathomably unrealistic is wild because no one will give you a straight answer. And to my knowledge for most of the countries contacted there is no way to get pre-approval but even getting a non-answer is a painful dance, Korea & Japan being two particular mentions for being hellishly unhelpful and Korea for being straight up rude and Singapore ghosted us which is not unexpected given the legal system there but I cast a wide net because information online is so wrong and confidently incorrect that I figured I would try to check as many places as possible and that's just for temporary vacation or meeting up with family that are too ill to make the trip much less trying to move. I still never figured out how to get in touch with China because of the political drama between the US & China has shut down consulates in several areas and most of the emails are shut down or return no helpful information other than a boilerplate email but I am assuming non-violent felonies will not be allowed entry from some things I have read the only reason I held out hope is because most online articles I read seemed to vary vastly and some even had countries listed as unvisitable that straight up told us entry would be okay so it's a wild west out there with misinformation. I think it's going to be much harder to get into Europe soon too for felons because of some new thing happening with the visa system and some of the questions required. I haven't kept up with it though I could be wrong on that (and would love to be wrong!), I just saw brief discussion around the time it was first announced. Sorry for the long rant no one asked for but this annoys me greatly as someone who wanted to travel overseas with someone struggling with this situation. FWIW Thailand and Taiwan said it'd be fine and were immensely helpful and kind, Taiwan's consul even offered to review all of our official documents to guarantee we could enter before we even make plans which no other country would do. If anyone has anything helpful to suggest I would be all ears though as it's a pretty depressing hopeless situation.


Iā€™ve got no solutions for you, but I did read your entire post any sympathize. One of my close friends started dating a grad student from Canada (weā€™re from New England). He had a DUI conviction from 5-7 years back, only criminal record. They planed a trip to drive up to Canada to meet her family knowing it was a ā€œcase-by-caseā€ basis. Essentially up to the border security agent to decide if you pass or not. My friend had a group in front of them crossing that pissed off the guard - he denied his entry and they spent Christmas/New Years in a New York hotel room. I think he might even be barred for trying to enter again for some number of years.


> a lot of people around here will never let her live a normal life I hope you mean because they won't stop congratulating her and patting her on the back and throwing her parties and stuff. Because that's what people's reaction should be.


They probably do mean it in a semi positive way but that doesn't mean it would be good for her long term mental health.


Would you want to be known as "the girl who was severely abused and killed her abuser" in the long term? Like, think about trying to move on and actually live a normal life and people always come up and go "Hey, I know you from your intense suffering in your childhood! Remember that? You're so brave." Sure, people will do it meaning well. Sure, it'll probably be nice to have people pay for your lunch and stuff. But it's probably not great for your mental health to have your identity defined by your suffering. And then you'll have clout chasers who will just want to go "Oh my god, I just saw Gypsy Rose Blanchard? Let me take a picture of her like a zoo animal so I can post it on Instagram!"


I think unfortunately sheā€™s going to lean into her ā€œcelebrityā€ status & try to be famous. Sheā€™s already publicly said sheā€™s going to try to meet Taylor Swift at a football game this weekend.


Ugh no! I understand she has a lot of support and wants to lean into it, but I had hoped she would change her name and try to reclaim the freedom that she didnā€™t have for so long. I hope sheā€™s prepared for the internet and media judging her bc there will always be those people who will say unhinged shit that hurts to read. More than anything, I hope sheā€™s in therapy.


Correct me if wrong about any of the details but this girl endured like 24 years of horrific abuse and then nearly 8 years in prison right? She's in her thirties but only really beginning to start her life. Given the choice between coming out of jail quietly and working a minimum wage job to barely survive VS getting wealthy, going viral, and meeting taylor swift? I know I'd be going for the latter lol.


She has spent her entire life in some form of captivity. She doesnā€™t know what a normal life is or why it can be good to have one. I hope things work out for her.


if sheā€™s smart sheā€™s been working on a book while in prison


I'll bet the producers of Chicago on Broadway are already offering her a role.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't think you could profit off a crime you committed. Is it different since she didn't actually kill her mom? I do hope she does well though. She sounds remorseful in interviews. ETA: Her net worth is estimated between $1-5 million so I would assume I was wrong. Hopefully she finds peace and privacy.


Sheā€™s not exactly going for peace and privacy I thinks sheā€™s going to ride the popularity/controversial celebrity train as long as she can: going to meet Taylor swift and Travis Kelce isnā€™t exactly keeping a low profile https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/crime/2023/12/28/gypsy-blanchard-released-from-prison-early-thursday-morning/72046201007/


Oh yeah, that's not good lol. I should've known. This is America.


Sheā€™s been abused her whole life and will continue to be abused by opportunists. At least sheā€™ll get money for this exploitation. I hope she does what she needs to do, gets a money manager and sets herself up for a quiet peaceful life.


Agreed. I worry she's not ready for the mass amount of attention and she'll have a hard time distinguishing who actually cares about her wellbeing. Hopefully she makes it out okay. She's got a whole different struggle coming her way, but at least she'll have the freedom to choose.


This is America, friend. You can profit off of anything you can think of.


I'm not pretty enough for only fans mate.


Try a crime!


There's a niche out there somewhere that'd appreciate all of us


Those were called Son of Sam rules and generally ruled unconstitutional if applied broadly. The current work-around is laws that let victims (or the victimā€™s family) sue for damages in a civil suit. But sheā€™d be safe from that, since the remaining family all appear to be firmly on her side. I guess they might flip if money-hungry, but theyā€™d look absolutely terrible in the press. And theyā€™ve already lived through a media frenzy that was treating them fairly sympathetically. I canā€™t imagine living that and then *inviting* a media frenzy where youā€™d be the clear bad guy.


I don't see any reason why she couldn't use the notoriety she has gained as a way to make money. But I don't think you are supposed to profit by something directly relating to a crime you committed. I might be wrong, but I think the way it works is like this: Example 1: If she were to try to write a book or make a movie directly relating to the murder of her mother = no go. Example 2: If she were to write a book or make a movie about her life up until the murder = that would probably be ok or at least more of a grey area. Example 3: I don't think she would be prevented from making money from something like an Onlyfans page. As long as she didn't promote or advertise or have anything associated with it that had to do with the crimes she was convicted of. Example 4: If she was paid to give a talk about her early life and the abuse she suffered, she would probably be fine. Again, as long as she didn't talk about anything directly dealing with the actual murder of her mother. You can prevent people from profiting off of crimes they have been convicted of. But you can't prevent someone from earning money in other ways, even if they have gained a certain amount of notoriety from committing a crime.


That all makes sense. I hadn't considered the loophole of just discussing her life. Plus being in prison and her experience prior doesn't exactly set her up for a "normal" life. Hopefully she finds a good balance of making money and achieving some sort of privacy.


> Correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't think you could profit off a crime you committed. You can't. But it's complicated depending on the situation. If you write a book or make a movie about your crimes, the govt can take your proceeds. But if she was paid to host an event, she wouldn't be profitting off her crimes. Although, someone could argue it.


She really should though. She didnā€™t kill her mom. She convinced someone else to kill her mom. Thatā€™s some master manipulation. I think she served a fair term. Hopefully her dadā€™s family can help her on the outside.


I agree, her punishment was within the range to be ā€œjusticeā€ for her crime. If her mother had been properly prosecuted for all the child abuse, life in prison may have been the appropriate sentence for her mother. The U.S. justice system isnā€™t perfect, but itā€™s better than justifying premeditated murder.


It's not like she didn't try that. She ran away once and went to the police, as an adult. She told them everything. The police *brought her back.*


Yeah. Honestly, in a case like this... Outright murder is basically the only option. She had no legal rights, nobody to help her, and was constantly under threat. Frankly, it's self-defense even if she manipulated someone else into doing the actual killing.


The county sheriff wanted her to do more time, but he's a piece of shit, so...


Imagine her trying to have a child and raise them normally after everything she has been through. Her mother robbed her of so much.


Hope she does OK out here. she was suffering before prison and never got to live a "real life"


After reading in detail about all the horrific things that Dee Dee did to Gypsy throughout her life, the b**ch deserved it and I honestly donā€™t blame Gypsy at all for what she did. It was an act of survival after attempting other ways to separate hersekf Itā€™s interesting because if the parent was a sexual abuser or rapist, I think people would be more willing to justify the killing more.


Good. They were customers of mine across four different jobs back when I lived in Springfield, and the whole thing was just so wild to process. Gypsy deserves the chance at life her mother didn't give her.


May she have a future of happiness and love. This woman has been through so much in her life.


Hell ya! I hope she has a support system that allows her to thrive


Thqt poor child didn't deserve to serve *any* jail time. If *any* of the authorities, medical doctors etc had pushed and kept at it, this whole tragedy could have been avoided.


Hell yeah! Hope she lives a peaceful life.


Thought I was a reading a headline about the golden girls at first


People all over various platforms are treating her like a quasi celebrity, I have no doubt she's in danger of being exploited further but I hope she just moves on while seeking help and fades out of the public view.


Good. Iā€™m surprised how many people are angry that someone got released from jail when her crime was basically self defense


I genuinely hope she has a beautiful life and is able to experience the things she was denied. This was self defense. She went to the police and they returned her back to her mother. She tried asking for help from multiple people and was denied because her mom was able to convince them otherwise and she was a minor. Her own mother had every tooth pulled from her mouth. Her own mother forced her into a feeding port. If law enforcement turns you away what choices are left? She very likely would have died before turning 18 thanks to the massive amount of prescribed drugs her mom forced. Not to mention mom took every cent and refused to provide her with any life skills.




Good. Now leave her alone to finally live her own life.


I feel for her, but why does the boyfriend get life and her only 10 years if she talked him into stabbing her mother??


I was wondering the same thing and it seems that he received a harsher punishment because: a) he was the one who actually committed the murder b) she was given some leniency in a plea deal due to her previous suffering and abuse.


Maybe Cinderella can finally get home..


Home of master manipulators?


Dude that saved her will rot in prison for the rest of his life though. Hardly seems like justice.