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>Blanco County Sheriff's Office found her blood alcohol level was nearly three times the state's legal limit. That level of intoxication might cause you to accidentally reverse onto a lake.


Well that puts an end to the morons thinking she was murdered in a conspiracy theory


If you knew morons, you’d know this changes nothing. It only adds to the mental molasses churning in their collective heads. Edit: Jokes on the fake conspiracists responding to this comment. I’m a Russian troll, hired by the deep state. I have sent your data to Shillary Clinton. Keep your mockery coming. You will be Jewish space lasered!!


Clearly the conspiracy goes deeper (state) than we thought! They® got to the medical examiner! 


No no no **no**! *Clearly* They® held her at gunpoint, force fed her alcohol, *then* tampered with the Tesla to make it unsafe (Mr. Elon would never allow such a thing in his creation), and finally pushed her car into the lake. You just have to connect the dots, man.




They planned it in her emails.


Why on earth would you kill someone **without** making it look like a drunken accident?


To send a message.


Speak for yourself! I still insist she was killed by Big Alcohol.


Have we looked into Big Tesla? 👀


If only


How? I haven't heard anything about this, but if you think she was murdered then her BAC is just evidence of a possible alternative, not evidence you are wrong


The beautiful thing about conspiracy theories is that all evidence further confirms the conspiracy. Blood alcohol triple the legal limit? Obviously whoever could pull this off could pay off a medical examiner. Or spike her drinks with super alcohol. Or Jewish Beer Lasers.


I mean if someone got hired to kill a billionaire I really don’t see how ‘oh turns out she had alcohol in her system’ really disputes that. Like it would almost make less sense if she didn’t have any.


Over a .24? Damn yeah that'll put literally anyone who is not an alcoholic in a state of can't-do-shit.


But please, don't let this stop you from filling up the comments with insane conspiracy theories.


This is playing out like a British murder mystery comedy where it turns out the churlish old drunk killed themselves by accident.


prob the next guy ritchie film.


Dew me a fayva?


Do you know what nemesis means?


In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary... come again?


Shit up and sit down you big bald fuck!


tony, look in the dog


Why the fuck do I want a caravan that's got no fuckin wheels?!


Remember, you're going down in the fourth. And this time I *do* mean it.


Dew ye like dags?


Oh, dogs. Sure, i like “dags”. I like caravans more.


The next Kenneth Branagh. 


Do you like dags?


The next knives out movie. An inverse Murder on the Orient Express. Everyone present DID make a murder attempt, it's just that all attempts missed and the victim just happened to accidentally kill themselves.


Knives out 3


Midsommer Murders.


I just saw a movie where this was the exact twist, except that character was played by Pete Davidson.




Too late, I already know what murder mystery movie Pete Davidson was a part of! Guess I should have watched it before it got to Netflix.


The greater good!


>But during a three-point turn she accidentally reversed the Model X SUV into a pond. That is an aggressive AF three point turn. >A friend, Amber Keinan, told detectives Ms Chao had called her at 23:42 and said the car was in the water and she was trapped inside. >"Chao told Keinan the water was rising and she was going to die and said 'I love you,'" the report says. "Chao then said her good byes to Keinan." Having seen that episode of Mythbusters where Adam tries to escape the flooded car, that had to be absolutely terrifying. Adam STILL talks about how that was one of the worst myths for him, on many levels, they did


To clarify Adam waited for the car to be submerged before trying to get out. Because that Teslas windows glass is pretty much impossible to break she should have immediately opened the door or wound down the window


They also tried breaking the windows as well. In fact Adam has stated on Tested that he gets like one or two stories every year or so about how that episode saved someone. He also says how while he seemed very calm he toned down just how petrified he was during that episode and that was WITH a safety crew Remember. Adam had to do A LOT of takes for that episode which is one of the reasons he said he never wanted to retest it again. But that "common knowledge" of what to do many people just do not have. AS a former lifeguard the amount of misinformation people have about the OCEAN and drowning in general is a damned shame.


Oh it was a great educational episode and in my opinion an important thing everyone should know. I blame TV and movies. People see James Bond easily escape from a sunken car and think that's how it works. But I often see people link the video of Adam for the wrong reasons. As stated at start he waited for the car to be submerged before trying to get out. One should immediately open the door or "roll" the windows down and swim out. People think that once the car hits the water you are doomed.




Link? I’ve never seen it but If I drove into water the first thing I’d do is roll the damn windows down. 


I am unable to do it right now search "can Adam escape a sinking car" Myth busters in Youtube


What are some of the common misconceptions people have about the ocean?


From the stuff that happened to me: - Often people from land locked states (especially the Midwest) would come and ask when the tides came in. I'd give them the time and they would ask for a heads up to get their kids out of the water. I thought someone was playing a joke on me but I had no less than 3 dozen people do a variation of that and realized they thought it was a big wave that came in and BAM! high tide. - If it's dead it can't hurt you. No...there's a lot of shit that dies and washes up that can still hurt you (jellies, sting rays, etc). If you're gonna poke shit, poke it with a stick not your finger and don't pick it up if you don't know what it is. We had a dude pick up a dead sting ray, managed to stick himself with a barb. Didn't go to the hospital like we told him to. Needed part of his hand and three fingers amputated all while on his 3 week vacation (or maybe it was a honeymoon). - Riptides can be STRONG AF. i don't care if you're only in knee or thigh deep water. If that current is strong enough it'll pull your feet from under you. Also if it does dont' fight it. Let it take you out then swim parallel to shore and then swim back. Also learn what riptides look like and don't go in them. - The ocean/beach floor isn't flat nor is it always consistent. Some beaches you can really far out and it's only waist deep and then you can have a HUGE drop off. If you aren't familiar with the area, don't "explore"....and stay the fuck off sand bars if you don't know when high tide is coming. - GO THE FUCK INSIDE if it's lightning. If you hear thunder....that means lightning. Often on the beach you are the highest part sticking out of the water. That can make lightning like you a lot. Oh and just because you're in the water doesn't mean it can't fuck you up. I could go on.


> Riptides can be STRONG AF. i don't care if you're only in knee or thigh deep water. If that current is strong enough it'll pull your feet from under you. Also if it does dont' fight it. Let it take you out then swim parallel to shore and then swim back. Also learn what riptides look like and don't go in them. Related: the rip tide is often the part that looks calmest and has fewer waves. The part that looks safer and calmer is actually the part that will carry you out to sea.


It looks calmer and CAN have fewer waves but it's a different color than the surrounding water due to sand/silt being stirred up. Here in S. Florida its kind of easy to see b/c the water is either clearer or bluer and the riptide is browner. In Myrtle Beach the water looks snot green often times and it could be a bit harder to tell but it was still a different color. About 6 months ago I was at the beach before the guards showed up and a dude brought his daughter and son. The sea was ANGRY that day my friends. And I kind of minded my business but kept a casual eye on the kids b/c the dad was too busy setting up a tent. I could see the son getting a bit too brazen near a riptide (he didn't know) and so I started taking my watch off and ear buds out" and in the time it took me to put those in my bag I look up and couldn't see the son. The daughter was screaming at the water and I knew shit hit the fan. The dad could barely hear the girl b/c of the wind and waves. As I'm running to the water another guy was looking at me and said "That's not good right?" and I said "Nope if you can't swim don't get in just stay here" By this time the daughter had gone in the water to "save" her brother but was caught too. Thankfully I was able to swim past them and to a raised section of sand, got behind them and was able to hold them in place long enough for the other guy to help out and for both of them to catch their breath. A gaurd came running, still in his shoes, and had his bouy and as soon as he gave the girl the bouy and the other guy had his board for the son, I floated back a bit and swam out of it and back to my chair. Poor lifeguard was shook and apologize profusely and I was like "hey man any day someone can walk out the water and alive is a good day. Focus on the next one, not this one. Me and that other guy had you on that one. Don't live in this today because you'll miss the next one" I go that beach regularly and every time I'm there that lifeguard comes to me for a fist bump and a quick "how are things" and goes back ot his job.


Damn, that's crazy. Thank you for sharing.


Holy shit that's scary. Thanks for saving those kids. As someone with young kids this scares me terribly


Yep. Grew up by the side of the ocean, love it, will never leave it, terrified by it generally. There's also nearly zero visibility only a few feet down, and zero right below that. You can be a champion swimmer in a pool and be exhausted within minutes, swimming in the ocean, if you don't know what you're doing (and even if you do). It's severly cold even at the warmest temps. Rocks, man. Know where the rocks are. I could go on.


One of the scariest memories of my childhood was getting pulled out to sea by a riptide. Nobody had taught me about them, so my nine-year-old self just kept trying to swim to shore until I was completely exhausted and barely keeping my head above water. I remember thinking "I'm going to die". Kinda hard to forget really, even all these years later. Luckily a lifeguard spotted me and rescued me. When I have kids, we're going to have a serious talk before every beach trip.


LOL, I was swimming at a beach in Bermuda, big signs saying "Portugeuse ManoWar on beach, stay out". My dumb ass did not, and promptly got stung. Whoops.


I think I remember him talking about filming that. The car they used when they went for the full run through was owned by a smoker, so when the car submerged and turned upside down it filled the car with a cloud from all the smoke tar or whatever, and the random unexpected blindness made him panic a bit. I remember he said he had to stop himself and said to himself "calm people live, panicked people die"


Words to live by, excuse the pun.


Opening the doors on a sinking car is HARD because you have to push the water out of the way. Your best bet is to try and lower the window and climb out


Would power windows still work once th car is in the water? Genuine question, I don’t know shit about cars, water, or electricity.


I saw a video that said if your car goes into the water you have about 30 seconds to get your seatbelt off and those windows down before the water messes everything up.


Hmmm. Good to know! Whatever the case may be, seems as though you gotta act hella fast if you wanna have a chance to live.


Surprisingly in the myth busters episode they found power windows worked but not the roll down ones. Totally thought it would have been opposite.


Laminated front and side glass on that Tesla makes it almost impossible to break from the inside. The glass will shatter if you use a sharp tool but there's another layer that holds the pieces together.


Yeah, before that I never thought about how hard it would be to stay calm enough to undo your seat belt and wait for the pressure to equalize to open the door. Thats even if you’re in a situation where you didn’t crash into the water without injury.


Don’t wait for pressure to equalize lol. that’s ONLY if you don’t open it or the windows in time. In the first dozens of seconds of hitting the water there’s enough time to open your door. If you miss that opportunity then you need equalization


> undo your seat belt and wait for the pressure to equalize to open the door. Literally do the opposite, open a door or window as soon as you hit water.


Yeah they tested all the methods in that myth and IIRC the best chance of survival is to immediately open the window or door and try to GTFO before you drown. If you wait to open the door or window you don't know *when* you'll hit the bottom of the body of water you're in. Adam survived because of a safety crew + testing it in a swimming pool. But if you're waiting for a 20 ft drop in a lake, you might drown before you hit the bottom. If, for some reason, your windows or doors won't open then you need to use a special safety tool to break the window. IIRC nothing broke the window in time besides one of those window smash tools. Probably worth having such a tool with you, since you never know when you might need to smash a window open (kid/dog trapped inside a hot car for example). Wonder if the episode is still easily available out there. I kind want to rewatch it for science.


This is the second time I've seen a very specific reference to having to wait for the car to hit bottom before an 'equalization' can happen. I'd like to point out that the only thing that causes this equalization is there being as much water one side of the door as the other. No need to wait for the car to stop sinking. Open the doors as soon as possible.


.23 BAC I’m impressed she could even start the car


It’s a Tesla you just have to get in


If I was a billionaire, I would definitely avoid going under water. There seems to be a trend.


You could pay someone 300k a year just to be your 24/hr chauffeur/driver and never bat an eye at your billion dollar bank account


They finally found something they're good at, so let's not discourage them.


Trump isn't even a billionaire and he's about to go underwater.


900 acres but she found the pond.


That really is *so* much land. 9 acres is a fair bit (a crazy amount is you're used the 1/5 acre lots in town). 90 is pretty huge for just a personal residence. 900 is fucking wild. That's 1.5 square miles.


When I was 9 my parents bought 5 acres of land and we as a family started clearing it off to build a house. After half a year of almost daily work we got 2.5 acres cleared off and declared it done.


Well yeah. “Billionaire doesn’t die” wouldn’t be much a of a story.


When you’re three times over the limit, you are fuuuuuucked up. Spoken from experience


You are pretty close to blackout drunk


Depends on how often you drink. Not a big drinker, yeah you’re sleeping. Actual alcoholic, you might not notice… my roommate in college was a full blown alcoholic. I had to pick him up from the drunk tank, he got a drink in public during a football game and blown something north of .3. He was drunk but not incoherent. I had an intervention the following week…


15 billion dollars and death still came for her.. really makes you wonder what the point of hoarding all that wealth is, other than just making sure other people can't have it


Going to Pitbull concerts, apparently.


She got rich by marrying a billionaire twice her age who died a year later.


Bro death didn't find her, she hunted for it.


The point *is* hoarding.


When I order Uber I sometimes get a Tesla and even sober I haven’t really figured out how to use the doors. Guess I need to look it up now, what a way to go.


As a mechanic who occasionally gets Tesla, it’s super fucking confusing and almost to a point it’s frustrating to operate. Everything about it feels like they tried to reinvent everything, wiper operation, popping the trunks, even just unlocking the doors or starting the vehicle is vastly different. You never think about it but it’s really nice that most manufacturers follow a general model with things like that. We don’t need every manufacturer to have their own “unique” way of operating basic things inside a vehicle.


> Everything about it feels like they tried to reinvent everything, wiper operation, popping the trunks, even just unlocking the doors or starting the vehicle is vastly different. It's like trying to live in a normally functioning house with my roommate who wants everything new, new, new You can't even touch the light switches anymore without fucking something up. If you want to turn off the light, you have to talk to the fucking robot, and half the time you talk to the fucking robot, she doesn't do it right.


My brother put Alexas all over his crib. I didn't know how to turn on the TV or turn off the lights. The worst part is that each room is named. So if you don't know the name of a room, it won't do shit. He told me I was dumb. I told him Alexa was dumb. He wanted to see my try and turn off a light to see where I was fking up. I said, "Alexa, turn off the light in this room." And guess what, Alexa couldn't understand which room. My brother then laughed and told me I should be a tester for these companies, while never admitting I was right. Fk Alexa and all those smart speakers. Fking creep ass technology.


You've just described my personal hell.


Billionaire Submarine 2


Electric car bugaloo


Now with 2,33‰ blood alcohol


Imagine having a billion dollars and being too cheap to hire a designated driver. She basically turned her Tesla into a store-brand OceanGate Titan.


> hire a designated driver. You mean "designated diver."


It’s not the destination at the bottom of a lake, it’s all the friends we made doing wordplay along the way. 😸


I don't understand. Why didn't she simply pay the water to not drown her?


Nobody wants to work anymore, not even the water.


Or pay Pitbull to drive her


Her friend must be traumatized. I cannot imagine taking (or missing) a final call.


I remember friends getting calls like this back during 9/11. This shit doesn't leave you.


I forgot about those calls. This really took me back.


She died doing what she loved: endangering everyone around her.


My 68 year old parents saw Pitbull at a casino.


This never would have happened if she had just driven a golf cart, like other silly people.


So Succession sort of?


Ask yourself, if you reversed a car into water and drowned with a blood alcohol level that high would your local media describe it as an “unfortunate accident.” As someone who has lost a friend to a drunk driver this is insulting.


So apparently it was alcohol, not the car driving her into the pond. Also, if you were sober, could you actually ever get to the point you could drive yourself into this situation like this unless you were just being dumb and stupid?


Yet people manage to get themselves into unbelievable situations behind the wheel sober everyday. Worked as a volunteer firefighter for a little bit. Someone backing up into their pond on their property doesn't even register on my scale of "How the fuck did this happen?!?".


Yep, if you have first responder experience, this is mild








On the positive side she might have saved a child or even a whole family by removing a dangerous driver from the streets. Yes, it's personal. I am out of sympathy for drunk drivers.


The only child or family she saved would be those who were trespassing on her property. I hate drunk drivers as much as anyone, but if you want to drive drunk on your own property, go for it. Just stay the fuck off public roads.


Sic Semper Billionairanus




Wow that’s crazy she became a shipping billionaire and her older sister was US secretary of transportation. Nothing fishy going on at all there. Should have never drove drunk that’s unfortunate I find it hard to feel bad for someone who has all the money in the world to pay for a ride service


The Chaos were billionaires far before Elaine was secretary of transportatio


> The Chaos were billionaires far before Legit thought you were making a Warhammer 40K reference until my brain started working correctly


FWIW- I believe she was going from one building to another on the same 900 acre ranch. She certainly shouldn’t have driven at all while drunk, but I don’t think I would call for a ride in that situation if I was sober.


Golf cart > Tesla


I love how they report on this like I’m supposed to feel bad for someone who’s so rich they have to DRIVE back from the guest house but they’re still magically supposed to be smarter than the rest of us and still end up driving drunk into a pond anyways.




I think I need some butter, might have to get to the grocery store soon


Seems like Tesla is irrelevant to this, other than clickbait.


>.233 BAC So she was basically stumbling blackout drunk. Hmmm


Angela Chao's sister Eliane Chao (Secretary of Labor under GW and Secretary of Transportation under Trump) and Mitch McConnell (Elaine's husband) abused their positions repeatedly for the advantage of the Chao families shiping company Foemost, which Angela Chao was the CEO of. https://www.govexec.com/oversight/2019/09/house-investigating-transportation-secretary-elaine-chaos-possible-conflicts-interest/159914/ Chao’s father and sisters own a shipping company called Foremost Group, which has a fleet of foreign-flagged ships that transport materials to and from China. The committee cited reports that she allegedly used her role in the U.S. government to boost the company’s status, which federal regulations prohibit. It cited 2018 and 2019 budget requests in which her department wanted to cut millions of dollars from programs that support U.S. ships and shipbuilders. The committee believes such decisions could have been made to benefit Foremost Group. “Given the decline in the number of U.S. flagged vessels in foreign trade, [the Transportation Department's] approach to these programs may threaten national security by increasing the likelihood that our military will be dependent on foreign-flagged vessels during times of war or emergency,” the committee wrote.  Foremost Group has received hundreds of millions of dollars in low-interest loans from the Chinese government for its purchase of ships, according to the committee. Also, Chao has appeared in media interviews with her father, the founder of Foremost Group, with the Transportation Department’s official seal behind them where her father, “touted [her] influence within the U.S. government and boasted about his access to President Trump.”