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Last night he let the liquor talk


Liquor's calling the shots now, Randy.


I’m mowing the air Rand


What is "drunk"?  Some guys can drink and drive, some can't.


Drinking isn’t a hobby ray


You tellin' that to the guy in the chair?


Fuckin way she goes


Way of the road, Bubs.


Hot hamburg sandwiches? Hot pull the fuck over!


Friends of the road, Bubs.


Got a friggin' muscle spasm in my back, gear slipped, air brakes were shot to hell... there was nothing I could do. Boom, right into the post office.


I mean what is drunk? Is drunk goin' all over the road?






Shit hawks are coming bubs


Randy, I am the liquor


I can’t remember everything I threw off that rooftop


He made sure to pick one of the chairs no one was sitting at


Oh baby baby someone down there’s getting hit by this chair


I've done a lot of drinking and never threw a chair at anybody.


If you've never been chair chuckin drunk you ain't never drank


I came to make the same joke thinking how original I was. Alas I wasn't


He drank against the grain of the liquor, that was his first mistake.


Oh That’s his song, fucking hate it


>An arrest affidavit says the chair landed about 3 feet (1 meter) from officers, who talked talked to witnesses and reviewed security footage. Witnesses told officers that they watched Wallen pick up a chair, throw it over the roof and laugh about it. What a dumbass.


Damn, in another world that chair hits an officer and Morgan goes away for a while as a cop killer.


His base would’ve been SO conflicted.


They weren’t on Jan 6.


And if no cops were around, nothing would have happened.


If a chair falls down in a forest and no cops are around to hear it, does it make a sound?


If a bear shits out a whole chair in the woods, do you call the cops on him?


Hell no that’s a valuable bear


Chair bear


I like the one with the rainbow.


Depends, was it a minority who made the chair fall?


Seriously. I've had enough of this reckless, selfish dude bro culture. They give men in general such a bad name. I'm sure he will whine about woke ideology or gays or women as his justification for why he absolutely deserves to be an asshole and fucking needs to be worshipped for it. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Loser.


Now now, we haven’t heard his side of the story yet. There was probably a good reason to toss that chair off the roof. Maybe it wasn’t ergonomically appropriate for those with sciatica, for example, and he saved someone from immense pain. Possibly there was a nest of killer bees mounted to its underside. It could’ve been hacked and compromised by KGB agents. You just don’t know! /s


He getting so pumped up in his little echo box telling him he’s the man. Dude probably feels like a superhero, the cognitive dissonance is crazy.


His mugshot is insane. He’s smirking. He doesn’t give a fuck.


I mean in fairness he is drunk and rich so it’s not going to harm him


I had never heard of him until today. Anyone doing this type of bs needs to be punished.


Few years ago he was also caught on tape drunk as fuck dropping the n word a bunch. Should've ended his career then and there.


But of course it's Pop/Bro/Stadium Country Music so it actually helped his career. Jason Isbell donated some of his songwriter royalties for a song of his Morgan covered to the Nashville chapter of the NAACP.


He's fairly big in the country scene but he also gave me the impression that something like this was bound to happen.


I'm still pissed that SNL allowed him back on as a musical guest after he bitched about observing safety measures during the pandemic.


You know it. If some random people had been standing there instead and called the police… they’d probably *still* be standing there waiting for the cops to show.


I’m dying at the conservative country hero attempting assault on a police officer…


Well, you see, he did this in a large town, so it's all good. Had he performed this in a small town, the results would be far different.


It’s because the buildings are shorter, right?!? /s


He didn't make it very far down the road either way


I don't even know who he is


Got famous for covering a Jason Isbell song and then more famous for being a drunk.


Fuck I'm old.  I don't even know who Jason Isbell is.  I grew up with Brooks and Dunn and Diamond Rio.


I don’t even know who Diamond Rio was. I grew up with Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash.


I don’t even know who Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash are. I grew up with Gene Autry.


I don’t even know who Gene Autry is. I grew up on the Skillet Lickers.


I don't even know who the Skillet Lickers are. I grew up on Jason Isbell.


I don't even know who Jason Isbell is. I grew up on Morgan Wallen.


This reminded me that I was in a Diamond Rio music video as a child 😂 oh the memories. I'm the computer geek kid in their "Stuff" music video. 😂 Oh, thanks for the random memories today.


Isbell isn't super mainstream. Super popular with some of the alt crowd along with a few other singers for their "murder ballads". Singers like him have seen a resurgence as pushback against the mainstream 'bro' and ' merika!' country, especially lately with a rise in people attempting to gatekeep it again like they did after 2001.


Yeah, right after the Dixie, chicks got all that hate is pretty much when I tuned out of country for good. And just enjoyed the old shit


If it helps, supposedly Isbell donated the royalties he got from Wallen's cover to the NAACP after the N word incident got out.


A couple country music Instagram pages posted about it... he's being very well defended in the comments that I read




just boys being boys. rough housing stuff like that. It was a joke, can't you take a joke, etc. *ad nauseam*.


It was just a locker room chair.


Let he who is without sin chuck the first chair.


He was probably drunk again. It wasn't that long ago when he drunkenly got caught on camera using the N word. Might be time for rehab.


>Might be time for rehab. That’s the title of his next song.


He shoulda left them broadway chairs alone…


Words cannot express my distaste for that song…


The entire purpose of that song is just Wallen going “I know I said the N word, but look I’m doing a song with a black guy, see I can’t be a racist.”


that is like peak "im not racist, i have a black friend"


Oh shit he's the one who said the N word, I knew I'd heard his name somewhere from some other controversy....


Dudes bout to stream a billion shitty songs because of this


Aimed that chair at a cop, six stories high, Watched it soar through the air, reaching for the sky. Letting out frustration, letting out a cry, Just me, that chair, and a rebel's battle cry.


You better copyright this, because I promise you, somebody will be on the corner of Broadway and 4th singing it this weekend.🤣


I like this but you didn’t mention your pick up truck or beer at all so I best I can do is a C+


Or a girl in tight cutoff jeans that fit jus' raght.


Try that in a small town!


Can't because none of the buildings are tall enough. 😔


Best I can do is a grain silo smh


Checkmate big city folks. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some snacks and beverages to go purchase and shoot because that one group I don't like because the tv told me they are bad guys said it was good one time.


Only the water tower is


Pfft that's city slicker stuff, in God's Country we only drink well water contaminated with agricultural runoff


And extra heavy metals for flavor


I thought that this guy was the singer of that song because of this comment, after googling him I've never heard of him.


He's famous for using the n-word on video and getting his SNL appearance canceled for partying during the height of covid. I think he also sings


Yep, and his streams+popularity went *up* after both these incidents.


No such thing as bad publicity.


The worst modern country song ever made and I'll stand by that. Love me some Aldean, but good god that song is horrendous.


Another billion if he throws in a racial slur


My feed already has a ton of positive posts regarding this event


Your feed sucks


It does


New truck Got drunk Threw a chair off a six story bar New boots Ol’ gal Never liked city livin’ anyhow


Y’all motherfuckers want a key change?


no shirt, no shoes, no jews.... you didn't hear that sort of a mental typo


I walk and talk like a field hand But the boots I’m wearin’ cost 3 grand


I could sing in Mandarin  You'd still know I'm panderin'


I write songs for the people who Live in towns I'd never move to


“Thematically meanderan, fuck your ears I’m panderan.”


"y'all stupid* mother fuckers want a key change?"


He’s lucky he didn’t seriously injure or kill someone. Dude definitely needs some rehab or AA meetings


AA is weird, cause they force people to become religious. That's the biggest issue my brother had when trying to go through the program.




Thank you for this.


This is how I did it after many attempts with AA. To each their own, but I was able to wrap my head around this program.


I'm thankful that you found something that worked for you. I'm also thankful that you weighed in. Be well, strangers!


There’s a secular AA or Agnostic AA programs. I agree that the standard AA really leans in on monotheism and an all powerful all knowing god.


>Agnostic AA programs Also, sometimes they'll show up to help if you get a flat tire.


That's good to hear, I wonder if they have a chapter in my area. Thanks for the heads up.


And on here there’s r/stopdrinking. I’ve been sober for about 6 years and that sub was a huge help- one of the most awesome and supportive communities!


Thanks! I'll make a note to refer back to this. Also congrats on your sobriety!


The non-religious AA programs can be quite helpful. The support of other humans with your experience is extremely beneficial. Regular AA? God let me become a worthless drunk in the first place, now I'm supposed to think he gives a shit?


My father in law who has been an alcoholic for the entire 20 years I have known him LOVES AA(non religious) and has completely gone sober for almost 2 years now just because of hearing everyone's experiences completely changed his perspective. It was court ordered for 6 months, but conintued to go because he loves it so much, I think he joined 2 additional ones too! Crazy how helpful it has been for him. He's a Big old harley davidso, long beard and long hair type dude who loved dive bars at 7am in the morning and now he swims at 7am!


I've thankfully avoided addiction issues but I'm still going through some difficult times right now. (For anyone about to hit that get help button on my profile, don't worry, not anything to do with self-harm) I try to post updates regularly for my family to let them know I'm OK. There have been some positive updates lately and one family member keeps praising their deity of choice. I just want to ask them why they think their deity put these struggles on me in the first place? Why do they think their deity killed my amazingly sweet and loving mom with cancer more than 20 years ago instead of my shitty asshole father? It's just so fucking insulting. If someone needs it to get themselves out of bed in the morning, fine, I respect that. But trying to force it upon someone else is fucking shitty.


Yeah I get what you’re saying and one of the reasons I stopped with AA. While they added “God as you understand Him” to step 3, everyone in the states seems religious and uses the Christian God. I got their idea of it, but hearing everyone use Jesus as their god really just got old. I grew up in a mega church so safe to say I have my own issues, but I didnt want God to be tied into my recovery.


plenty of agnostic AA meetings out there. they use the concept of “love” or the universe in general as the higher power.


Had a former friend go down the fundamentalist rabbit hole when he became "born again." I don't know what it is with some people that do the whole "born again" thing, but I have seen people become the most judgemental assholes I have ever met. Not all get like this, obviously, but it is not uncommon, in my experience. ETA: Not all of those that do AA get like this, as well. Obviously.


They call it 'zeal of the convert'.


That’s why I didn’t go to NA meetings when quitting Heroin. I couldn’t find meetings that didn’t constantly talk about god.


With how crowded it gets around there, I'm amazed it didn't hit anyone.


He needs to go back to being a nobody.


It's almost like he isn't a great guy.


I'm thrilled I have no idea who this person is.


I genuinely love that for you


Same. He was coming to STL not too long ago and this was very shortly after a lot of disgusting shit he'd done/said that put him in the news. But there was still **so many** people going to his concert. I have always believed that Cancel Culture is bullshit and stupid. But for once, I was pretty disgusted that this guy barely faced any repercussions at all. It shouldn't really be that surprising. The demographic of his fans probably don't give two shits, or rather, enjoy that he did/said that shit. "You can appreciate the art and not the artist" yeah I get that for some but saying that about this guy is a cop-out. Guy fucking blows in every category.


He’s such an ass. You’re a 30-year-old man acting like a 19-year-old. He should take a deeper read on the lyrics of the Jason Isbell song he covered.


There's currently a wikipedia edit-war were Morgan Wallen fans keep changing the wikipedia page for "Cover Me Up" to say it's a song by Morgan Wallen. One edit I saw said "Previously in 2013, Jason Isbell recorded the song on his album Southeastern." Didn't mention the fact that, you know, he also happened to write it, just that he'd recorded it a few years before Wallen.


I hate pop country so much, and Isbel probably hates that he covered it.


Isbell said that he is donating his songwriting royalties from the wallen cover to the Nashville NAACP. That tells you that 1. He is a much better person 2. He is making the best out of this shit stain covering his song.


Isbell is not a fan of that type of music. He’s far too progressive for that crowd.


He covered a Jason Isbell song? He's kind of the opposite of Jason.


He did Cover Me Up, a song literally about going clean.


Isbell also donates all of the royalties from that cover to the NAACP after Wallen was racist


Jason is a good egg.


Seeing him in Killers of the Flower Moon was such a treat, although I wonder if his character’s fate was the result of a fan of his wishing on a monkey’s paw “man I wish Jason Isbell would blow up” 


I was excited because I knew he, Sturgill Simpson and Jack White were all going to be in it. Turns out, Jack White is barely in it, Simpson has a little more to do, but not much, and then Isbell gets real work throughout, and his acting style really fits into the story. Couldn't be happier for a good man.


I am glad he is sticking around and pushing back against the negative things we have in country music. Other artists are either being quiet or moving to pop.




I had a year long stint at being 19 around a decade ago and of all the stupid shit I did, throwing chairs off of roofs was not one of them. My parents were big on teaching me not to be an obnoxious idiot.


Is this the same guy who got kicked off SNL for Covid violations?


Yeah, but he got to do it later. Then soon after he had his redo, he got in trouble for screaming racist slurs… https://youtu.be/o_k1kcS3mMA?si=U1Wkvip-o4oO-EfI


>*In 2020, he was arrested on public intoxication and disorderly conduct charges after being kicked out of Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville.* Imagine what you'd have to do to get kicked out of Kid Rock's bar.


Use someone's pronouns? Use any word with more than two syllables?


Have a paper umbrella in your drink or probably say "gay" unironically.


In addition to: >In 2021, the country singer was suspended indefinitely from his label and saw his music pulled by radio stations and streaming services after video surfaced of him shouting a racial slur. As a result, he was disqualified or limited from several award shows and received no Grammy nominations for his bestselling “Dangerous: The Double Album.” and >In 2020, he was arrested on public intoxication and disorderly conduct charges after being kicked out of Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville. Real winner huh


If you’re getting kicked out of a bar owned by kid rock that’s how you know you got issues.


3 felony charges and it landed a few feet away from police officers... he might be fucked. Just kidding, he's rich!




Dipshit thinks hes Keith moon........hes not


>Everything you’ve heard about Alice Cooper, you can believe maybe 40 percent of it. Everything you’ve ever heard about Keith Moon is true – and you’ve only heard 10 percent of it. -Alice Cooper


"What would have been my craziest day would have been a Tuesday to him. I always tell people," Also Alice Cooper


I’ve met Alice cooper before. I worked at a golf course and he played a quick round before his show. I was cleaning his clubs, got about two clubs done, and he grabbed them from me and said he had a show to catch. He tipped me $40 and I did maybe 30 seconds of work. I was a fan lol. Apparently golf is his thing now that he is sober.


I think I read that he specifically makes himself available to bands as a sober resource if they need help. Dude legit seems like a standup guy. Edit: I was thinking of how he apparently helped Megadeth and Dave Mustaine with sobriety in the 80s.


Did that have any connection to them covering “No More Mr. Nice Guy”?


Huh, I was gifted a golf book by him. Good to know he actually plays. 


He's from Phoenix, throw a rock around here and it will land on a golf course.


> Apparently golf is his thing now that he is sober. If you define "now" as almost 4 decades, sure. ;)


My dad met Alice Cooper a couple years ago, he worked as a security guard for a private community/golf center and had to check him in. He had no idea he was coming in and so when Alice pulled up and said his name, my dad said “Wow you know you actually kinda do look like Alice Cooper.” He of course answered with “I am Alice Cooper” and they both had a laugh


I saw an interview with Alice Cooper once and he was talking about how this infamous story of him killing a chicken on stage came to be a similar story to Ozzy and the bat. Frank Zappa called him the next day and asked him if what he heard was true. Alice denied it and Zappa was like “well don’t tell anyone, they love it!” 🤣


Can I get a lowdown bout some of the stuff Keith moon did ?


Throwing hotel tvs out of the window and into the fountain. Pretty sure he also drove a rolls Royce into a swimming pool.


Cherry bombs put in various places


He passed out mid performance and had to be replaced by some dude out of the audience


And Keith Moon is really not someone to idolize- he was a drug addled drunken sociopath.


The only person who should be idolized is Charles Barkley.


Doesn't excuse any of his behaviour, but Wallen strikes me as having a serious problem with alcohol, and it's getting sad at this point. I'd hope dude gets some help and seriously makes a change before something worse happens.


Insincere and forced apology in 3, 2, 1…


Fans of dipshit redneck jackass dismayed to see he is in fact, a redneck jackass. This is the kind of shit that people from Nashville hate about modern Nashville. It attracts and encourages a certain type of alcoholic asshole environment and as long as big business and liquor taxes are coming in, this is fine.


At this point we’re a drinking town with a music problem.


> Fans of dipshit redneck jackass dismayed to see he is in fact, a redneck jackass. i doubt they are dismayed, if anything this will be endearing to them


Something they'll make flags, t-shirts and bumper stickers for, even.


>modern Nashville Yeah, because Nashville NEVER had alcoholic assholes in the past!


Did you know that you can get a redneck to do anything just by suggesting he's "not crazy enough to do it"?


What the guy who was screaming the N bomb drunk on the streets of Nashville threw a chair off a roof drunk? Who would have thought?


He is a piece of shit. Change my mind.


I’m bipolar and I used to be a blackout drunk, and even given that I never thought that tossing a chair from six stories up was a grand idea. I’m hoping that our esteemed criminal justice system takes this seriously, but I’m not hopeful


Guy also got kicked out of Kid Rock's bar in Nashville in 2020, to which I ask, how effing drunk do you gotta be to get kicked out of Kid Rock's bar?


Well he can’t hurl the n-word around anymore, so what IS he supposed to hurl?


Chairs, obviously!


“Last night we let the liquor talk”


He's getting better! He didn't yell any racial slurs this time.


If only there’d been some previous sign that this guy was a huge jackass


I already thought Morgan Wallen was a prick, and this confirms it.


Shitbag yet again proves he’s exactly who we all thought he was.


Dude has one of the most punchable faces I've ever seen.


This is the same guy that got more famous after he threw around racial slurs. I wonder if his "law and order" fanbase will cheer this on too. Source: https://www.ksat.com/entertainment/2021/02/08/album-sales-surge-for-morgan-wallen-after-racist-comment/ "In the week following the controversy, album sales of Dangerous surged. In some cases, the physical as well as digital album sales went up over 100% in the week following the controversy."




Garbage people buying garbage music.


Maybe he should put the Busch light down and go to rehab.


I can’t stand this dude, what a joke to real country. If you want to listen to a decent artist check out Charley Crockett, by far my favorite artist ever. Dude will become the next Willie Nelson.


I'm a Sturgill and Childers guy myself. Charley has come across my radar but I haven't scrambled the jets yet. Maybe today is the day.


I love Orville Peck myself. He did a song recently with Willie Nelson. Also both of them are amazing and Peck being openly queer and Nelson being a HUGE ally in the country music scene is great to have.


Orville Peck is great. his last two albums are some of my recent faves.


Wasn’t a huge fan of that song myself but 1000% agree people should check out Orville Peck, he’s unreal. Also recommend Paul Cauthen if you’re looking for a funkier kind of country.


I love Charley Crockett.


If only there had been any indication that he was a twat before this….