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It's crazy how we as a society continually are fighting these "wars" on each other. Gender war, race war, religion, whatever to divide us so we don't fight the real war... the war on class on quality of life...


I think there is some truth to the mega rich wanting us to fight eachothers instead of uniting to fight them. I always thought it was some conspiracy thing, but the more I hear about it the more it makes sense


It's simply our history. When workers were unionized and striking you bet your ass companies would bus in disenfranchised african americans to break the strike. Our divisions can and will be used against us. It's not even subtle when one side is doing their best to control how our history is taught.


I was on strike in 2021 working at a company in an industry that historically and honestly still to this day employs mostly white people of recent Eastern European extraction, and I didn't see a single white scab. I know they were trying to use racism to turn us. They bussed in a bunch of local Black people contracting through temp agencies and a bunch of Latino people from a company in Texas whose entire purpose is providing scab labor. I wanted our strike to work but I couldn't hate on the scabs. I'm a former contracting temp technician, and I get emails from the temp agency still. I was sent an email recruiting for the scab job at my company and I saw what they were paying. It was almost twice what I made working at the company. They would rather pay untrained techs 2x a skilled union wage for months on end (and put up a bunch of Texans in temporary housing) than give us the 5% raise we asked for, after we hadn't had one since 2014.


I just read The Jungle for the first time in decades. We forget why regulations and laws were originally needed when we’ve reaped the benefits of their protections for so long.


More people need to read it. I think about it often when I’m reading something related to workers rights.


Have you read Native Son? It's another book I think about a lot these days.


Hell, I find myself thinking back to the Grapes of Wrath


Same goes for vaccines, sadly.


> you bet your ass companies would bus in disenfranchised african americans to break the strike Ohohoho, wait til you hear who Canadian companies brought in. Here's a hint: rhymes with Yahtzee.


The movie *Matewan*, about West Virgina coal miners, had a great line about the black workers brought in by the company > You think this man is the enemy? Huh? This is a worker! Any union keeps this man out ain't a union, it's a goddam club! They got you fightin' white against colored, native against foreign, holler against holler, when you know there ain't but two sides in this world - them that work and them that don't. You work, they don't. That's all you got to know about the enemy.


Instructions given by the military departments to our troops before the Normandy invasion reminded soldiers that “The Nazi slogan for destroying us…was ‘Divide and Conquer.’ Our American answer is ‘In Union there is Strength.’” We must summon that unity to surmount this crisis—confident that we are better than our politics. — General Jim Mattis, 2020 (denouncing Trump & polarization)


It's exactly how the Romans were able to defend their borders for centuries. Pay one tribe to fight against another, and keep them at each other's throats. It was when the Empire weakened due to infighting that the tribes were able to unify and take down the most powerful institution the world had ever seen.


And it's not even necessarily an organized conspiracy, just a bunch of rich and powerful people looking out for their own self-interest in a way that happens to benefit other members of that class. The "invisible hand" in action.


There is a very active class war going on in most western countries. It's just being fought with dollars/pounds/euros and votes instead of bullets.


It's not a conspiracy. It's business. I've done some work in the industry and firms are hired for the express purpose of sowing discord amongst the plebs. They're called "public relations" firms but we all know they're propaganda firms.


Its not even a conspiracy it's just how the world has always worked


Look up the graph that shows the amount of race and gender articles before and after occupy wall street. Race and gender issues are very important, but they don’t mean shit in the grand scheme of class warfare.


Wealthy people are waaaay bigger on class solidarity than non-wealthy people.


Conspiracy? Don't look at a history book..


It's literally the premise of socialism. The prescriptions of socialism that have been tried in the past aren't something I agree with entirely, but the idea that the monopoly men are exploiting us all and pitting us against eachother using race, unbalanced competition and religions is not a hard concept to grasp. It is as they say; in the material interest of the capital class (vast property and share holders) to ensure there is division amongst the working classes to ensure they don't "eat them." If you do scratch at that itch of curiosity though, remember Sartres words: "Antisemitism is the socialism of fools." The rich will always have a scapegoat, and you can see examples in how culture is shaped all the time. The conflating of Israel with Judaism (making Jewish people globally unsafe to protect an ethnostate and continue making Raytheon billions), western countries redirecting people's frustrations with failing infrastructure to nonsense issues like "wokeness" or imaginary litter boxes in classrooms. People will literally make up pseudo scientific reasons to murder eachother rather than admit capitalism might be the culprit for why things are getting worse. It's the whole foundation of how the nazis rose to power.


And it’s not that big of a stretch when phrases like “The gay agenda” was invented by a Fox News* host.


Fox News did not exist when the phrase “[The Gay Agenda” was invented](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_agenda#:~:text=%22Gay%20agenda%22%20or%20%22homosexual,heterosexual%20sexual%20orientations%20and%20relationships). Fox News = 1996 “[The Gay Agenda](https://www.cornell.edu/video/jaime-grant-the-homosexual-agenda-revisited)” = 1992 Not spending 5 seconds to fact-check a claim— spreading false information instead—is *exactly* what UHNWIs expect of the lower classes. Information is POWER which the rich & powerful know that better than anyone. To paraphrase the comedian Ronny Chieng: “Before you die for your country, try doing your homework for your country.”


It's a real tactic. Divide and conquer. They have done and do try to keep us fighting among eachother.


A lot of people hate others. Those are also real wars


We see only parades for pride, race, religion because a parade of poor people is a revolution.


To be fair, people in those parades aren’t looking to change that aspect of their life. Poor people would ideally not stay poor in a society that actually cares for all its members of society. There are only a few religious groups and tenants that uphold being poor and frugal as a point of pride. It is typically not something most people want to be (or we should want for anyone).


beneficial decide ghost birds terrific rob pen scale relieved scary


You can’t fight the class war if you are busy fighting the culture war.””


It's kinda our things....we are really good at divide, classify and arrange stuff.... We are like the autistic OCD in the animals world lol 😅


Learn how to provide first aid for traumatic injuries, and learn to defend yourself if necessary. There are lots of LGBTQ groups that can prepare you to help save your own, or someone else’s life, in the event of an attack at your local pride events.


Alphabet mafia 2a practicer with years of training here. They really underestimate us.




Black Panthers armed with long guns created school breakfast which expanded to school lunches. They followed police in black neighborhoods to keep them honest. When you see white nationalist functions with polite cops at a distance, it's because the WNs are visibly armed. The NRA took a huge hit when cops killed a permitted CCW driver who followed all the rules, and the NRA did nothing. 2A people, in general, aren't racist or homophobic. If LGBTQ+ protect their people, they will only congratulate you for wising up.


If that's the threat that prevents more violence, then it'll have to be that way. We've had to arm before to protect voting rights.


When did we arm up to protect voting rights?


All the time in the pre-civil rights south. Until the movement got big, if you were black, into politics, and weren't armed, you were asking to get lynched. A NAACP group once got into a gunfight with automatic weapons with the KKK over colored kids using a public pool. You just don't hear about that because there was a big PR push to make the movement look non-violent to win over the apathetic white middle class and as a compromise for Democrat support at the national level. Hell, Dr King was a bona-fide gun nut. He had to warn visitors using furniture that they are loaded guns in between the cushions because he got attacked that often. If he wasn't armed, some of his escorts were. I highly recommend reading "This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed" by Charles E. COBB Jr. It's a real eye-opener to how hard they had to fight for civil rights.


Don't forget Robert F Williams - as head of an NAACP chapter in North Carolina he organized armed self-defense against the Klan's attacks https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Williams#Black_Armed_Guard


I think they might be referring to the Black Panthers, but I’m not sure


Undermine? Think you mean underestimate. I hope to support my local pride too!


r/transguns is good people and very supportive and some good crossover with r/tacticalmedicine . If available take a Stop The Bleed class. I'm afraid it's going to get worse before it gets better


Learn first aid and get strapped up. First aid is nice, and being able to defend everyone is nice too.


I really don't see how wearing a strap-on is going to solve anything. /s


Great way to tell a shooter to get fucked if you can get close enough!


One way to negotiate with an asshole.


I’m sure the people who love Freedom will step up to protect people who want to go out and wear what they want and dance. Because I hear all the time about how important Freedom is. Freedom of speech is paramount to Freedom loving Americans - so I’m sure they’ll say “you know, just like I have freedom of speech, I will support others freedom of speech to wear and sing and dance.”


"We love Freedom... for us"


Freedom to act in a very narrow view of "acceptable behaviour"


I think part of the reaction to queer people really is that they don’t like that we are more free than they are. Like there’s so much shame about sexuality and gender norms in this world. Yet they see queer people living outside of that shame and loving themselves anyway. Letting themselves express themselves in a very true and free way. And honestly I think it makes a lot of those people jealous and angry. Actually I think it triggers their shame in a visceral way and that turns into hate. Like the man who learned highly conditional love based on how traditionally manly he could be, who had to shut down parts of himself to fit into that stereotype, then sees a gay man being super feminine and still receiving love from his friends and family, creates this feeling of jealous shame that turns into pure hate and rage. I genuinely think that is part of where this hatred comes from. Like I know bigotry has many incarnations, but I think a lot of people who grew up in toxic worlds of gender/sexuality conformity see queer people and just get angry that the shame they are bound by does not touch them. They want their freedom to be the true freedom, so they must extinguish those who are “too free”.


“That hate us for our freedom.”


"People being gay takes away my freedom to not have to see people being gay"


"I don't mind gay people, but why do they always have to shove it in your face, by EXISTING!"


There’s an online marketing guru who screamed so much about MY FREEDUMBS that he has packed up and moved his family to Dubai. His reasons are that America isn’t free anymore because “blue haired alphabet people” exist and he has to see them. Also, something about women in tight clothes at the gym offends him. But… FREEDUMB.


Oh, they won’t. These assholes wanted gay marriage to be illegal, they aren’t going to defend free expression.


Good news! We are out there. I own a gun(s). And I'll definitely be out defending my rights and supporting others trying to do so as well. The left isn't unarmed and we need to make sure they know it.




I just don’t understand the religious fanatics from all faith’s obsession with homosexuality. All of the 3 major faiths (Christianity , Islam and Jewish books) have said homosexuality is a sin, fun fact in Islam being Gay isn’t a sin, but actually acting on the physical act is a major sin sin punished by death. So if the Bible and the Quran and Tora have said pre marital sex and other behavior like stealing and killing is also a sin, why is there this obsession with Homosexuality?


> why is there this obsession with Homosexuality? Because until recently, gay people appeared to be a very very very small group of people with zero political power who were unable to organize because of the intense social stigma. This made them easy targets for people looking to oppress others - so evil religious men seized on it. Nowadays, it doesn't fly so easily because it turns out that a high enough percentage of people are gay that everyone has a loved one who is gay, and we're organized. So the oppression is evolving - they realize the gays are no longer the easy target, so trans people are the new targets.


>gay people appeared to be a very very very small group of people And as the LGBTQ+ community gained more support, more people have felt comfortable about being open about their sexuality. I'm sure there were dozens and dozens of closeted people, from all times, that hid it because it wasn't acceptable in their society


> I'm sure there were dozens and dozens of closeted people I mean there's probably still thousands now


Millions even when you consider the countries it’s illegal to be gay.


Yeh actually now I think about it there's estimates even in western countries that about 10% of people are in some way closeted about their sexuality. So even that is millions. You add the 60 or so countries where it's still illegal and might even find your way up to a billion closeted people in the world right now. Doubt there's any real way to tell but I think the number of people living like this is way way higher than people think.


I personally believe that "gayness" is a spectrum and everyone is on it. Everyone's a little gay whether they know it or not imo


The religions that have proliferated the most are anti-abortion, against the use of contraception and generally homophobic. This is a very simple practical concern, you want your religion to have lots of followers, your existing ones having kids really aids this. It's no different than enshrining handwashing into a religion or avoiding foods that are more likely to be tainted. The worry is that if being gay is ok, people will be gay and have less children and your religion will flounder.


No, their homophobia isn't "a very simple practical concern." It's bigotry. No one is crunching the numbers and thinking "Golly, the gays are slacking on their children quota! That's the only reason why we're against the gays!" You don't see the vitriol, violence, legislation, and boycotts lobbed at childless couples. Please let's not make excuses for the homophobes. They should be called for what they are.


I think they are just saying that is why these religions have messages against homosexuality in their scriptures. In modern times of course it's more about bigotry and trying to find a group of people to look down on in order to feel some sense of superiority. The scriptures just give an excuse to target a marginalized community.


The 3rd biggest religion is actually Hinduism. It isn't against homosexuality, it [affirms and recognizes homosexuality.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_and_LGBT_topics#:~:text=Numerous%20Hindu%20texts%20have%20portrayed,women%20engaging%20in%20homosexual%20acts.) In fact, Judaism is the 10th biggest religion, and most other religions in the top 20 besides those 3 (like Buddhism, Shinto, Sikhism, etc.) either support or are indifferent to homosexuality. What the three you mentioned have in common is that they are all Abrahamic religions. They all descend from a common ancestor that they inherited core beliefs from, and one of those core beliefs happens to be that homosexuality is a sin.


I get it, it’s not until recently relative to time , homosexuality has become a taboo. It was ok in Rome and parts of the Middle East. The invention of the Abrahamic faiths lead to this


a lot of the so called homosexuality in rome was actually pederasty. men can’t get penetrated but they penetrate slaves, boys, women etc.


It wasn't ok in Rome. It was seen as highly disgraceful and you were weak if you took in the ass. The family and hierarchy was very important to the Roman's.


Only receiving homesexual acts was seen as disgraceful. As long as they were partaking as the dominant one in the sexual acts, it was ok.


So you can pitch, just not catch?


>So you can pitch, just not catch? Roman sexual morals were largely based on social status and power dynamics. A free, adult man taking a subordinate role in sex was seen as disgraceful. Julius Caesar was frequently mocked over the course of his life for rumors (which he vehemently denied) that he once bottomed for the King of Bithynia. By contrast, sex with male prostitutes or slaves wasn’t considered too remarkable in the Greco-Roman world. And these attitudes extended beyond homosexuality. Performing oral sex on a woman was *extremely* taboo for a free Roman. A man who did so was considered weak and effeminate.


> It was ok in Rome and parts of the Middle East. Yes, to a degree. If you were on the giving end, it was accepted "in moderation". If you were a receiver, it was very much seen as disgraceful and taboo.


This gets debated so much on r/christianity that it's essentially turned into a gay discussion forum. It's pretty hilarious


Lol…. Current top post in that sub is SummoningSalts Tetris World Record Progression video. You love to see it.


/r/Catholicism is full of gatekeepers and haters. I am a Catholic, though more liberal (as many from the South Side of Chicago are), but I really cannot fucking stand these people. They literally said that Ireland can't be a Catholic nation anymore because they allow abortion now (because a mother died from Sepsis and couldn't get one).


Most Catholics are pretty liberal in my book. People think Catholics are super strict and stuff but they are really thinking about stereotypes than how it actually is.


*A mother died from sepsis *because* she couldn’t get one, if we’re both talking about Savita Halappanavar.


Their worldview presents a hierarchy that benefits them. Anything that runs counter to the hierarchy makes the hierarchy less impactful.


It’s basically the otherism of people. It’s the ability to isolate people and judge them. For their own personal gain


It’s something they can still leverage for status and power.


I’ve long believed that if you can convince people to give up a fundamental piece of being a human, namely sexuality in all its forms, you can convince them to do anything. By and large we have a few major drivers of behavior (eating, drinking & sex). People have to eat and drink to live and, generally speaking, people have sex to feel fulfilled. Religious folks of all stripes try to control all 3 of those drives in some fashion. If I give up control of all 3 (no coffee, no ham & no premarital sex) what else would I be willing to give you? Everything else compared to that is small.


Because most of them know someone who has had pre-marital sex, and they can see that they're good people, even if they don't approve of their sex lives. Most older people in conservative circles could go their entire lives without meeting anyone out of the closet. It's easy to hate someone you believe you'll never have to meet.


Because they need an enemy, and gays are easy targets. Its not more complicated than that.


Because humans are fickle. We pick and choose what we want to believe because it serves our own interests, not because we believe it.


How does the presence/existence of gay people undermine someone else's best interest? Its a shameful ignorance and kind of stupidity/group think to let yourself be marshaled into irrationally fearing a demographic that has zero influence on your life or hating someone whom you have never met personally as an individual.


judaism now- ei reform judiasm, etc except for orthodox jews accepts homosexuality openly. a note- there is no concept of hell in judiasm so it’s not “being gay will send you to hell”.


Yeah. I saw that and was like…. even most Orthodox Jews accept gay people on a personal level. There are some hold outs but I think the shunning and ostracism is a lot less than it used to be.


Because leaders can point to LGBTQ and say "this group is why your life sucks" and people will believe them. It is similar to the phrase "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket".


Because most people aren’t gay so it’s a sin they never have to worry about committing. 


Those three faiths are all just different versions of one another. They all came from a single religion, which is the reason for the similarity there.


Dude, you can not "reason" your way through a religion. The rules are made up and the points don't matter.


Louis CK said it best about anti-gay people: Why do you care? It has no impact on your life.


Social control. It's about controlling culture. They use extreme social pressure to enforce conformity. However, the civil rights act helped define protected classes, and religious fundamentalist conservatives absolutely hate that. It prevents them from legally using extreme social consequences to sculpt behavior when it comes to things like age, sex, religion, and race. They feel like life should be made very difficult or dangerous for people who deviate from accepted norm by choice or biology. Fundamentalists would prefer to flat out use government power and laws to outlaw "others", but extreme social pressure had been their go-to as a backup. Once slavery was banned, they enacted laws to make black lives miserable. When those laws were struck down, they used extreme social pressure like ostracization, negative collusion, discrimination, and terror. Now, they rally for "freedom" to bring back social terror until they can finally remove legal civil rights protections for out groups. Homosexuals being able to live without legal discrimination and fear is the perfect representation of the ground fundamentalists have lost when it comes to controlling culture and society. They're the latest to be protected and they're the frontline for conservative culture wars to roll back progress. Trans then homosexuals then immigrants then anyone non-white then women then non-Christians. They're currently fighting battles in numerous fronts against everyone which is extra scary.


They don't really make any secret of it, either >The Taliban is going to ban abortion, vaccines, and gay marriage… maybe we were fighting on the wrong side for 20 years. -[Nick Fuentes](https://www.codastory.com/newsletters/american-antivax-taliban/) Or how [American Evangelicals are pushing the global "kill the gays" movement](https://globalaffairs.org/commentary-and-analysis/blogs/unholy-relationship-between-ugandas-anti-lgbtq-law-and-us)


Nick Fuentes apparently just live streamed himself watching gay porn… on accident.


Nick’s blaming this on a hacker who allegedly works for the IDF while his fans are going one step further and blaming Jews outright for his Freudian slip


I like how he pretends like the IDF or anyone besides his groypers and the RNC people who have to kick him out of their conventions constantly give a shit about him.


Nick Fuentes knows very little about Taliban it seems.


They're the same picture.


Ya’ll Queda


This is pedantic, but my grammar enthusiast self would like to correct that to ‘Y’all Qaeda.’


I appreciate the heads up.


You’re welcome, I hope I wasn’t rude or anything.  I tried to phrase it as a joke so it wouldn’t come off too serious.


Vanilla ISIS.


Gravy Seals


Two consenting adults?! Absolutely not!


My mother calls me to shriek that Muslims are the soldiers of the left, and will topple the US. These people are fundamentally insane.


House Representative Ilhan Omar must really want to topple the US with Islam by helping people crushed by student debt, improving public education, and criticising Islamic extremism in places harmed the most by it.


> It's weird how much the goals and hatred of foreign terrorist organizations and the ~~far right~~ Domestic Terrorist Organizations are in alignment. Let's not restrict ourselves to kind words for people that would see me no longer around.


The only difference between far right Christians in the U.S. and far right terrorists elsewhere in the world is the color of their skin.


Conservatives are all the same ideology, they just praise different gods.


Honestly, someone needs to say it: if someone is that much of a bigot that they’re trying to attack you for existing as you are, lay them out. Get other people to help you too. I’m tired of the world being like this.




Yeah no shit. Some countries give death penalties to non-hetero people


We wouldn’t even have pride today without violent civil unrest to quash police brutality. We’ll bash back! happy pride to all. Be safe and have fun! 🏳️‍🌈✨🏳️‍🌈 Furthermore, know your pride history. Remember Stonewall 🧱🌈🧱


It's crazy to me people say you can protest, but then only accept a very watered down version of protesting, then chide it because it isn't effective. Change isn't won by peacefully sitting in a little square of grass, holding signs and not making a fuss. Just as all the labor rights we enjoy today we born from blood spilled by machine gun fire from government and private security (like the Pinkertons, a subsidiary of Securitas since 1999), and the 1964 civil rights act were sign as a result of riots, change comes from disruption.


Nationally legal gay marriage was achieved by voting in a liberal Supreme Court. Gender identity and sexual orientation were added as protected classes by Obama. We got so many gay rights the boring way: politics and voting.


Not mutually exclusive. Disruptive, civil unrest gets the spotlight and attention of change makers.


Edit: I apologize for the wall of text. I wanted to make sure I was explaining my point of view well enough to make sure it's a discussion and not an argument. I'm open to being wrong in my point of view and am open to counterpoints. Not to discredit that... it may even actually further your point... but there is a huge difference between what I said and what you said, culturally speaking. In the 90's was one of the last (that I can remember) explicit hate crimes against a person for being gay that was televised, or at least made a nationally big deal. At the same time. You start having people who are gay, on TV, with gay characters. More people are being exposed to others different from themselves, enjoy shows with them in it, come to see them as someone just like them, instead of dirty, degenerate and perverts like the more conservative and religious people like to call them. They know people who act like the characters they watch on tv.. normal, average, people, like their neighbours, friends, coworkers. People, especially teenagers, are starting to see homosexuality as another legitimate human sexuality, and it paves the way for the passage of laws to give them equal rights. It didn't have nearly as much resistance as desegration, ending Jim Crow laws, or civil rights. Gay rights also doesn't have the history or the depth of hatred black people faced, and unfortunately still do face. Sure, people were murdered and opressed for being gay, but it wasn't as vast or as common, and usually not state backed. Today, it's not uncommon to find people who are racist, but also not anti-gay(not usually, but there is a segment who are like that) All that could further your point if the lessons learned from the fight for gay civil rights and equality are turned into a blueprint.. kind of a "hearts and mind" campaign for social change. But, depending on the severity / urgency of the issue, civil disobedience / civil disruption are valid options.


yeah the people trying to push fear into LGBTQ communities seem to not understand *they are the reason that pride month is valid*. All they do with this behavior is show that these *are* marginalized people who can't get a completely superficial "commemorative month" without someone violently losing their shit.


I'll get my brick ready


Also, remember, "the queers can't be harmed if the queers are armed", so said the Lorax. Invest in a firearm and proper training. Go far enough left, get your guns back.


I'm still open for suggestions  to have a federal list for people who are convicted for hate crimes like the one we have for child abusers. Make em go door to door in the neighborhood when they move having to tell people they committed a hate crime.  Should fairly get the point across that we aren't  going to tolerate that shit anymore.  We need a bill presented to congress to Treat hate crimes like pedophiles. Let's  see how long they wander the streets throwing  threats then.


I’d be all for this if it would work. The problem is, if you’re a hateful bigot already and someone knocks on your door saying they’re moving in down the street and hey by the way they committed a hate crime. You gonna lock your doors? No. The reality is, not only would bigots unite that much more easily, it would also lead to many lowkey bigots being radicalized: look Joe Jackass down the street did it, and he’s living in my neighborhood afterward! (Sex offenders, on the other hand, offend nearly everyone, which is why the element of public humiliation is effective in that case.)


Well... what we are doing  now isn't  working and they are freely  meeting  online as is and becoming extremist. Got to try something  different  and legal.


Pride festival, and parade are this weekend in my city. 🏳️‍🌈🥰


Why would your pride parade not be during June?


A lot of places don’t run Pride in June because June gets ungodly hot there. Vegas does Pride in October, Palm Springs in November. Some cities move Pride because other cities close by have their own Pride and they don’t want to overlap; Long Beach has had Pride in May to avoid conflict with LA Pride in June.


Phoenix does it in early April so people don't die from the heat!


Huh today I learned thank you!




Yeah, when we have to give warnings like this, then there's a fucking problem. Bigotry is out of control and it's absolutely disgusting.


Gonna be an ally and say that if you see harassment of LGBTQ you need to get their back and either diffuse or defend


Dont know what makes these terrorists so angry. Is it the freedom? Seeing people be happy? Maybe they are repressing their own “dirty” feelings? If it was a boxing match id put money on gay all day.


I should have guessed that Islamic terrorist attacks would return seeing everything that has been going on this year


It’s almost like the alt-right media, and conservative politicians who spout anti-lgbtq+ rhetoric know this and encourage violence. At what point does vilifying and scapegoating a population become criminal? At what point does stoking the flames of bigotry and hatred become a politicians problem? I’m so sick of them sliding responsibility for their hatred.


What are you talking about? The warning is specifically around foreign terror groups that are Islamic based.


Odds are that any attacks in the U.S. would be carried out by citizens who are sympathizers, not actual foreign combatants. See the Pulse Nightclub shooting.


He’s referring to a part of what is mentioned in the article. Wouldn’t come as a surprise if you read it: > The Counter Extremism Project, a New York-based non-profit group, noted that anti-LGBTQ ideas had been taken up by both Islamist and far-right extremists. > “It is no surprise that neo-Nazis and jihadis often express mutual admiration for their shared anti-gay visions," Mark D Wallace, the project's chief executive, said in a statement. Protests and threats against LGBTQ communities by homegrown US groups also have been on the increase in recent years, according to a number of experts and research organisations. > According to a report by the Anti-Defamation League and Glaad, a group formerly known as the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, there were at least 145 incidents of anti-LGBTQ violence, harassment and vandalism during Pride Month in 2023.


And people still do not believe that hate and fascism are not international diseases.


It's almost like people have figured out how to make it more virulent.


Any God that tells someone to hate any part of his creation, for whatever reason, isn't a God worth worshipping.




This is worldwide, not just America.


You didn’t red the article did you?


Its reddit ofc they didnt


Wtf does that have to do with foreign attacks.


That’s what they mean when they say “make America great again”




That’s because we are. Republikkkans are forcibly trying to drag us backwards.


Because apparently God is not powerful enough to deal with the supposed problem.


Imagine being straight and thinking about gay people this much. It’s wild


Queers for Palestine folks somehow couldn't see things like this coming. We have to stop being afraid to call out Islam when it comes to their barbaric attitudes towards gay.people.


The call is coming from inside the house


>US officials have warned that foreign terror organisations may attempt to target LGBT events around the world during Pride Month in June. The Terrorist Threats are less foreign and more domestic in the US’ case.


The instigators and organizers are foreign, the useful idiots are domestic.


Might be worth it for folks who can to get their CCW's. I got mine.


I’m an interfaith minister and hospice chaplain. Very liberal. I’ve always hated guns. I was assaulted two years ago at my polling station. Cops responded and did absolutely nothing. They fist bumped the guy who assaulted me and let him go. There were at least 8-10 people who witnessed the entire thing. They were as shocked as I was. That was my ah-ha moment. No one is coming to help me or my family. It’s my responsibility. I took a firearm class. I started going to the range and working with a firearms instructor. I joined a women’s shooting club. I conceal carry everywhere now. Florida s off the rails. It’s like the Wild West here. 😔 Edit: Relevance. I have a gay child. He is an adult. And I am so scared for him.


If we survive as a country, we need to have some serious discussions about how often police do what they feel like instead of what the law says.. A bit of discretion is one thing. What they seem to be doing a lot is not that.


problem is that discussion is going to be between politicians, with those same police standing in front of them. giving them so much power to begin with(like the FBI even existing), was mistake.


I'm not sure that I agree on the FBI. They have an intensely sketchy past, but well disciplined national police forces work well in many countries, and I would argue that virtually all of the most problematic modern policing in the US occurs at the state and *overwhelmingly* at the local level.


I'm not particularly opposed to people having personal firearms, at least as a reasonably feasible choice with the current US situation surrounding guns and relevant law. I wish we were able to flip a switch and drastically reduce the amount of guns out there across the board, but that would be difficult even presuming the entire government worked on it in unison. I more have an issue with aspects of gun culture and the machismo permeating it. A personal firearm should be a regrettable last resort option for defense and/or a tool for a harmless personal hobby done only in appropriate venues. The second someone brags about what they'd do with their gun to an intruder, they probably shouldn't have that gun anymore (in the societal/ethical sense, not necessarily a legal sense).


Not the same as you, but I have never “liked” or owned guns. Sure I’ve shot some at the range when I was in college as some of my housemates had them (one had a damn arsenal). Even before 1/6 I could smell the proverbial shit hitting the fan. I am now armed and trained. It sucks, when I bought them I thought “well when shit calms down, I can sell them”. Well…. I don’t see that happening for a while. Sincerely, white, bearded, truck driving, owned by dogs, rural dude. Hang in there.


In a day and age where police are at best unreliable in doing the bare basics of their jobs, gun ownership is absolutely a smart choice. The right to self defence applies to all.


As a visibly trans person- I for one, intend to die on my feet.


You probably are unaware the New York Pride–and the national Pride movement–were spurned by acts of revolution, the first iteration of Sacramento Pride was a response to the police raid on the Upstairs/Downstairs gay disco in March 1979. Just a few months later, on June 17, 1979, Sacramento Pride held its first parade. These are the same people that will prevent undesiribles from having guns.


Not all too dissimilar from the Mulford Act and how it came about, actually. In that instance it was members of the Black Panther Party carrying and patrolling streets that police refused to patrol themselves, but it's largely the same sentiment.


I think that's what people are trying to warn you about the goals haven't changed they still don't want people armed that they disagree with but these days the cops just straight up shoot the people they don't agree with you are in more danger armed becuase of that.


There were plenty of armed protests in the wake of George Floyd. Funny how the cops didn't unleash the tear gas and rubber bullets on *those* protests. Almost like they knew they couldn't get away with it.


Naw, bad police don't use a lack of a gun as a reason to not shoot somebody. Plenty of black and brown people have been shot with innocuous things in their hands, or nothing at all. If the police really don't like you, whether you have a gun or not does not change whether or not they shoot you.




Thanks you filthy fucking hypocrite religious fundamentalists. You’re all fucking trash and a cancer on society.


I'll copy and paste my comment from another one of these posts. 1. ⁠Be aware of your surroundings, don't have your face buried in the ground or earbuds in. 2. ⁠Be aware of exits and the flow of people - wherever the most people entered will be where most people try to exit. 3. ⁠Plan to be hunkered down. Bring extra snacks and water in case you end up in a situation where it is unsafe to move from where you are. 4. ⁠Keep a first aid kit in your car/purse/backpack. A quality tourniquet, pressure bandages, and shears are a must. 5. ⁠Carry a flashlight. Even just a tiny pen light that can go in a pocket or purse. This would be mostly for signaling rather than illumination, but two birds and all that.


The headline makes it sound like the US is making a threat


The main terrorist states identified being Florida, Texas and most of the central and southern regions of America. Global travel warnings pending. Also avoid Russia, homophobic nations in Africa and pretty much every nation that is fundamentally religious.


Interesting how it's their job to dismantle that kind of behaviour, that was the whole point of the NSA getting away with collecting everyone's data, and yet the best they can do is say, "hey if you want to assemble, just know there are people who want to kill you that will attempt to do so." Ok world gvmts....so that's a form of terrorism, right? So i thought y'all were equipped to handle that.....no? Then why continue to collect our data and spy on us?  It's almost like the gvmt doesn't like ppl assembling.....


I think the lgtbq community shouldn’t support Hamas because being queer for Palestine means they’ll rape, kill or even harm you for being gay and that pride month doesn’t matter for most people anyway


I'm expecting plenty of Muslims and Christians to be tolerant as always 🙄


You can never count on Muslims being tolerant of gay people


I am bi but have the privilege of being perceived as straight, particularly by homophobes. Time to I Am Spartacus this bitch. Look after your neighbors and fellow people, all.


Can’t wait for something to happen and blame it on the event organizers for “harboring a dangerous space”


Sorry to act like a giant typical lib here but trump really started the worst cult that’ll leave this country damaged for generations


Yeah this article is about muslim extremists who want to kill lgbtq people. Apples and oranges i guess.




All those ‘Queers for Palestine’ banners didn’t quite accomplish the goal then I guess 


Oh christ not this take again. So do all civilians of a homophobic country forfeit their right to live? If Russia commits genocide against chechnya, will you cheer them on? Is the Armenian genocide justified because Armenia is a homophobic country?  Or is genocide just wrong, and homophobia is also wrong? Is the world maybe not black and white, but actually contains nuance?  You could have at least tried to do some critical thinking before writing that one. 


As a bi male who lives in WeHo and is going to the festivities this year..... Fuck


You have a better chance of being hurt at the Abbey than by someone at a pride event LA. (Seriously fuck the Abbey though, stay the fuck outta there). Just be smart and if someone is giving you bad vibes say something to someone. It’s a cliche but there’s safety in numbers. Fear is how these fucks win.


What’s wrong with the Abbey? I’ve only been to WeHo once and had a blast at the Abbey. I’m not saying you’re wrong, just curious


They're right. I went once and got roofied.


Omg I’m so sorry - how horrible 😔


War is business for the ones who have the power to stop it . The pre announce act of war is like “ the new war season” . I’m tired and sick of fights , there are many who don’t want to fight or stay on war, but promoting is just a way to sale the war as a regular way to live .