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In the abstract, a court is only as strong as its ability to enforce its orders. [20 years ago](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/jul/13/law.features11) the ICJ was shown to be ineffective. And the ICJ doesn't have any mechanism to enforce it orders. Certainly not over countries that do not participate in the ICJ. Making the order to leave about as impactful as a [random city in California's resolution to do the same](https://www.vpm.org/news/2024-04-02/richmond-city-council-public-comment-ceasefire-gaza).


Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr. was one of the most influential, American Supreme Court justices of the 20th century. He was on the court during the time they heard the Richard Nixon tape case where the court ordered nixon to turn over the white house tapes. He gave an interview I saw once, where he relayed a story of a lunch he had with a friend. The friend was a French lawyer, and had asked him how the court would have enforced its order if nixon refused. He said something to the effect of "Well, we have roughly 20 or so federal marshals and he has access to the 1st infantry division. You do the math. Our system only works when those who exist within the system agree to play by the rules." Nixon, for as terrible as he was, was a Duke educated lawyer. He would've fully appreciated what ignkring the court order would've meant. He was someone who did care about the country in his own, weird way. Rather than drag the country through that mess of an impeachment, he resigned. We've seen examples since then of when the system breaks down because of people not wanting to play by the old rules.


And here I thought Nixon resigned to avoid formal inquiries and prosecution. Ford was interesting though, Burdick v. United States will definitely come up again I think.


shorter example trump refused to call in the national guard to stamp out the riot he incited to stop congress from certifying the election. congress relies on the president to protect it and instead he tried to kill it.


Don’t worry, SCOTUS granted him temporary immunity so states can’t remove him from the ballot, even though the 14th Amendment disqualifies him.


Nixon sabotaged Vietnam peace talks, sent thousands to their deaths, and what does it matter if he cares about his country if for him that meant indiscriminately killing Vietnamese and Cambodian civilians. This is a man who regarded black people as monkeys and emboldened racist attitudes in mainstream politics through the southern strategy, so how much did he really care about the people who make up huge part of his country? I understand the impulse accept a sanitized version of the past in comparison to today but no no Nixon sucked he sucked. The system he was supposedly willing to play by the rules was a supremacist, genocidal one. It matters what the rules are, following them in and of itself is not a moral act.


I don't think they're trying to paint Nixon in a positive light or anything, more just pointing out that EVEN Nixon had lines he wouldn't cross. Weird lines that don't make much sense when compared to other lines he crossed almost gleefully, but still lines lol. It's not wrong to look at presidents as a mixed bag. Nixon was a giant piece of shit that did SO many things wrong, but he also had a few things that he did right. Not many lol, but the point stands. Except Reagan. Dude did nothing right and fuck that guy.


> Nixon sabotaged Vietnam peace talks, sent thousands to their deaths, Dang. Is Netanyahu Israel's Nixon?


Like in US history. If I remember correctly, the Supreme Court ruled against the Indian Removal Act (trail of tears). Andrew Jackson, as president, went against that ruling and carried it out anyways.


And he got punished by being printed on our currency. I remember a time when Harriet Tubman was gonna replace him on the $20 bill. How time flies.


You are wrong. It is impactful. It shows the facade that the rules based international order has become. It highlights the dangerous waters into which we are plunging. These are dark times and getting darker.


Sadly, laws are only as good as how well they’re enforced. Always thought that international law struggled with having teeth for this reason


Came to essentially say this. It doesn't matter what the ICJ says in regards to Israel. ICJ: You are ordered to halt your operations in Rafah IDF: lol no


Not necessarily true. The US Supreme Court has no ability to enforce orders and has been like that since 1776. One famous case, Andrew Jackson was committing some genocides (Trail of Tears) and the court ruled against him, and he said something along the lines of “ok good luck with that” A court’s power comes from people’s respect of it.


It really proves the adage to not give orders that you know won't be obeyed. It just makes them look comically out-of-touch and reinforces the authority they *don't* have.








I suggest reading the court order, they deliberately didn’t order the complete stop of any action in Rafa, only actions that can cause the destruction of the Palestinians.


There's nothing the ICJ can do to force any country to do anything, there's no enforcement agency that can see the court's orders go through.


It directly orders them to stop their offensive in Rafah, why are you lying? By votes 13-2 it orders Israel to "Immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;" [https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240524-ord-01-00-en.pdf](https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240524-ord-01-00-en.pdf) page 15


"which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part". Why do you ignore that part? is destroying tunnels could bring about the the physical destruction? is destroying rocket lunches hidden in cemeteries will bring the destruction of Palestinians? The court compromise, you can go and read what every judged wrote. Judge Auresco clearly stated that the order doesn't prevent the IDF from conducting military activities in Rafa. [https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240524-ord-01-03-en.pdf](https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240524-ord-01-03-en.pdf) There wasn't an agreement between the majored judges so they compromise, they could have say: Israel must cease all and any military action, but they didn't. Same thing happened with the whole "plausible" debacle last month, even academics just read a headline or ignore part of the text.


"The court also ordered Israel to keep the Rafah crossing into Egypt open “for unhindered provision at scale of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance.” " Uhm Egypt is the one who keeps the crossing closed, not Israel. What a political witch hunt. Infuriating.


Why is this upvoted? Do you and other redditors seriously believe you know more about this than one of the top courts in the entire world? A simple Google would tell you that Israel took control of the palestinian side of the Rafah border crossing a couple weeks ago and has been holding up aid shipments. Plus before that, ever since Egypt and Israel signed their treaty, while Egypt has official control over the crossing, all imports must be checked by Israel and given permission by Israel before they can cross. So Egypt does not have full control of the crossing and never did. Egypt has had to send aid via other crossings because Israel has shut rafah over the last few days. If Egypt didn't want to send aid or keep the border shut they wouldn't have made an agreement with the US to get extra aid in at other crossings. Use your brains for fucks sake. There's so much misinformation out there and you're only making it worse. Sources https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-hamas-war-05-07-2024-113bf4ee5dad87dc5c003d76ed2785bf https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/food-bound-gaza-rots-sun-egypts-rafah-crossing-stays-shut-2024-05-24/


To be honest with you I don't know why my comment has been upvoted as much as it had... I don't think I know better than the ICJ about international law. I agree that Israel took control of the Palestinian side of the crossing. I disagree we are the ones that are keeping it closed. The ICJ agrees with me on this as it says that Israel Must keep the border open, which means Israel already does. We just need to keep it open from our side. Also why would we close it when we allow aid and goods to flow from the Kerem Shalom crossing. Aid and goods that arrive from Egypt btw. Your sources say the crossing is indeed closed but they don't specify who is responsible for closing it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafah_Border_Crossing Check the closure of the border chapter, 2021 to present: The crossing was seized by Israel in 2024 during the Rafah offensive.[63] In reply Egypt closed off the crossing and rejected an Israeli proposal to coordinate the reopening of the Rafah border crossing insisting that the crossing should be managed only by Palestinian authorities. [64]


Are you deliberately lying? Israel took control of the crossing on Palestines side and won’t let anything through. You are spreading misinformation and propaganda, you should he ashamed.


I take great effort in making sure what I say is truthful and aligns with reality. While Israel did take control of the crossing from the Palestinian side, we are not the ones blocking aid from entering gaza. For example, goods and aid are flowing from the Kerem Shalom crossing. A border crossing fully controlled by Israel from both sides. The only border crossing that isn't operational right now is Rafah. The ones that refuse to open it are Egypt. Wiki link (check "closure of border, 2021 to present" chapter) and relevant quote: "The crossing was seized by Israel in 2024 during the Rafah offensive.[63] In reply Egypt closed off the crossing and rejected an Israeli proposal to coordinate the reopening of the Rafah border crossing insisting that the crossing should be managed only by Palestinian authorities. [64]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafah_Border_Crossing


I mean, they also ordered Russia to stop invading Ukraine. Not sure why anyone even reports on what they say.


Why would they stop when Hamas is still operating in Rafah and that is where the rest of the hostages are likely held, not to mention where the Hamas supply lines run under the Egyptian border


Even if Rafah is reduced to dust, Hamas will keep fighting. This isn't how you win an asymmetrical war.


> This isn't how you win an asymmetrical war. Isn't it exactly that? Most of the failed asymmetrical wars we've seen have had a key characteristic that the militant organization can retreat to a "safe" area that the other side can't go to, famous examples being Taliban hiding in Pakistan and Vietcong in northern Vietnam. In both of those cases, it has been considered to be the decisive advantage by many analysts. On the other hand, successful asymmetrical wars like the one against ISIS in Iraq and Syria have not had that aspect, and were basically won by attacking positions until there's no enemy left to fight, much like conventional warfare. Past history of asymmetric conflicts would certainly suggest that accepting the core premise that Israel can't attack Hamas in all locations in which they exist in Gaza would essentially mean dooming the whole war, because no one has really managed to solve how to win without that ability.


You seem to be leaving out a very crucial detail: local support. The people who lived under ISIS rule saw Iraq and Syria coalition forces as liberators.


Eh, local support was initially mixed at best. There was a general sense that ISIS was bad, because of the whole crazy suicide mission thing and being so extreme, but there was also general concern about the coalition forces, who had taken in many Shiite militant extremists to counter ISIS, and the predominantly Sunni population was very concerned about being governed by hardline militants from the opposing side of the wider sectarian tensions in both countries. In that sense, it's actually very similar to the current situation, where Gazans are presumably not very happy about being strapped into a suicidal war, but also don't have a lot of love for Israel to go around.


Support for Hamas must be at minimum 70% on the latest polls. In fact this war has increased support for them and probably also recruitment  It was very unpopular before October 7th. Just like Hezbollah, attacking Israel is good for business. Their own support has increased  And yes, without local support or ethnic cleansing, insurgencies are impossible to defeat 


No, its not. It baffles me that people never actually ask themselves where hamas came from or how it recruits. The more palestinians you kill, the more enraged and vengeful family members emerge and the more join Hamas until really our only choice is genocide. Which israel seems like its going to choose.


> It baffles me that people never actually ask themselves where hamas came from or how it recruits Hamas steals aid and forces poor families to give up their boys to the cause in order to be able to eat.


They're teaching children to hate Jews in UNRWA schools, so I think it's you that doesn't understand how this works. Also, get a dictionary and look up the word genocide. Or don't, I really don't care, but nobody who matters will ever take you seriously if you can't be bothered to understand the words that come out of your own mouth.


You also don’t win it by letting a terrorist group run its own country for decades, using the education system as indoctrination for a primarily young population. Since they seized power Hamas has had 20 years to brainwash Gaza freely


They will fight even more intensely. Hamas has been able to recruit more members faster than ever before, according to the Biden administration. And I don't understand how anyone is surprised by this. When people lose all of their family at once, see their whole neighborhood flattened, watch their neighbor's dead body still on fire from an airstrike, they are gonna want to resist as they have nothing to lose anymore.


Israel will hide behind the excuse of targeting Hamas until there’s not a single palestinian left alive.


It didn't happen in the rest of Gaza strip during the last 7 months. On the contrary, civilian casualties rate was unprecedentedly low. So on what basis would Rafah be different? However, I have an interesting observation about the intensity of legal efforts about various random countries in the Gaza subject: the more pressured and troubled Hamas is militarily, the more active they are. No such correlation with humanitarian aid ( now it's in the peak volumes, especially after US pier became operational) or actual specific events of civil casualties (e.g. Khan Yunis offensive operation). Just how cornered Hamas is. Quite a peculiar correlation. Just like if SA was a sort of Hamas "legal department.




35K is the number published by Hamas that includes ALL the casualties. ALL - civilians and militants together. For some reason some people take this number for a face value, so be it. How many militants do you think are there?


So you're arguing that in all these months the IDF is deliberately trying to kill every single Palestinian? Under 40k deaths out of over 2 million? They're not very good at it, then.


You’ve got it, but backwards All of that is true. That’s why they were ordered to stop there.


Wait so the United Nations is committing some giant conspiracy to ensure Hamas win the war?


Don’t try to use logic with these people, you will only frustrate yourself 


Suuure. Got anymore of them conspiracies?




It's because Isreal told the civilians to flee to Rafah to avoid being bombed. Then those that could fled to Rafah. Isreal proceeded to then bomb a majority of the Gaza strip besides Rafah, so now Rafah is the only place left standing. Those that are trying to flee Rafah have nowhere else to go. Everything is rubble. You don't need conspiracy theories to understand why bombing the only place a civilian population has that hasn't been bombed is bad.


So you're saying this court is in leagues with Hamas? Really?


Two words....civilian casualties Like what 13k kids have been killed by bombs and they wanna move to do it to another place. The food shortages won't get better. Disease is most likely to pop up Oh yea and it's fucking evil to bomb civilians that are just trying to live and have their kids grow. Not every Palestinian is HAMAS And don't give me that "oh what they supposed to do nothing" because they've done more than enough.


Where do you get that number of 20k kids from?


You can’t invade Berlin, those poor German civilians will suffer! We have to negotiate with Herr Adolph and immediately have a ceasefire!


They did fuck all to stop Russia and Ukraine how is this any different?


Did they also order Egypt to open their border for refugees? I wonder why not…


Because we all know those refugees will not be able to return. Are you just going to ignore the current head of Israeli national security saying Gazans should "voluntarily emigrate" from Gaza?


The only reasonable treatment of civilians in an urban conflict is to remove them from the battle zone.  If you can’t capture a city because there are civilians and civilians aren’t allowed to leave because you’ve closed your border to refugees, how is a military supposed to carry out an urban conflict without massive civilian casualties?  Or are you suggesting embracing and authorizing the tactic of trapping civilians in a city as human shields in order to prevent justifiable military action? That would be a very dangerous precedent to set. “If you can prevent civilians from leaving you make it impossible to achieve a military victory without violating international law, and can use that tactic to guarantee victory.”


Pretty sure they mean that once the war is over, their homes are going to belong to Israel "settlers" so why bother coming back.


Israel doesn't want Gaza. They tried to give it to Egypt for free when they gave the Sinai peninsula back and Egypt refused it. This is different than the West Bank settler situation, I can promise you Israel has no desire to occupy Gaza.


> The only reasonable treatment of civilians in an urban conflict is to remove them from the battle zone. If only isreal had plenty of illegal settlements in the West Bank they could seize for such a purpose.


It is up to Egypt if Palestinians are not allowed to return. They control the Rafah crossing, not Israel.






Are you.... aware of how borders work? Egypt doesn't control both sides of the Rafah crossing, they control one side, any Palestinians who want to reenter Gaza through the Rafah crossing would need to do so with Egyptian and Israeli approval 


Israel controls the Rafah crossing. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/why-gazas-rafah-border-crossing-matters-why-egypt-is-keeping-it-shut-2023-10-17/#:~:text=May%207%20(Reuters)%20%2D%20The,people%20in%20the%20Gaza%20war.


When has the UN ever ordered countries to open their borders?


And the US is absolutely not going to issue sanctions against Israel, even though it's probably the one thing in our power to do anything about this.


We have a rule against giving military aid to countries that blockade US-funded humanitarian aid, which the Israeli government has been doing, yet for some reason we're not enforcing this rule.


Oh really? You and what army? is what i imagine Israel thought when they heard this


The classics come back: 16 years ago, the ICJ ordered Hamas to stop sending rockets into southern Israel. 20,000+ rockets later, Hamas didn’t listen, nor will Israel listen, nor should they. Hamas started the war with 24 battalions, the IDF has destroyed 18 leaving 6 battalions left in Rafah. There is no way in hell Israel can leave Hamas with 6 battalions of terrorists.


Full order file : [https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240524-pre-01-00-en.pdf](https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240524-pre-01-00-en.pdf) Ok,these order is just ignoring the reality on the ground. How can Israel comply with their order to "ensure unimpeded access to Gaza" when Hamas still control large part of it without millitary operation? How could Israel "Maintain open the Rafah crossing" when [Egypt is refusing to work with them](https://www.reuters.com/world/egypt-refuses-coordinate-with-israel-entry-aid-rafah-crossing-alqahera-news-2024-05-11/) and the [Palestinian Authority refuse to take control of the crossing](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-800991)? And also,the fact that Nawaf Salam is serving as the President doesn't help the concern about their bias at all. (even if we ignore the fact that he is from Lebanon,which is literially at a low intesity war with Israel right now) First,[he doesn't seem to even worked as an actual judge before he was elected to the ICJ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nawaf_Salam#Legal_practice_and_academia:~:text=From%201979%20to,Public%20Administration%20Department) Second,what he DID do suggest he was politicalized beyond any reasonable limit for a judge.He has served as Lebanon UN ambassador,during which he make statement[1](https://www.jpost.com/international/article-785552) [2](https://www.un.int/lebanon/sites/www.un.int/files/Lebanon/statement_by_dr._nawaf_salam_at_the_security_council_on_the_situation_in_the_middle_east_including_the_palestinian_question_october_21_2014.pdf) and vote against Israel.The statements include one where he said that Gaza was occupied by Israel,despite the fact that at 2015,Hamas was in full control of Gaza.While that opinion was shared by some other who think that the Israeli blockade consitute occupation,it still represent a potential legal question that may be bring to the ICJ,so the fact that he made the statement and then never bother to delete it show just how little he care about even looking unbiased.And WHEN HE IS A JUDGE,[he get the second most vote in Lebanese prime minister election](https://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/290665-mikati-named-pm-designate-with-54-votes-as-salam-gets-25).(though i don't think he actually campagined) EDIT: The comment has been locked,so this is the respond to u/nnneeeddd: \-I think when you say that the UN considered the territories occupied,you meant to say that *some UN insitution* said that the territories is occupied.The [UN charter](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Charter_of_the_United_Nations) gave the ICJ the only power to decide legal issue,and i have seen that sofar,they haven't ruled on it yet,so there is no certain legal determination on whether Gaza is occupied,as such,my point that it is inappropriate for Salam,who commented on potential legal issue that may be bring to him as a ICJ judge,before he become a judge still stand. \-Also,[Hamas](https://www.hudson.org/foreign-policy/gaza-not-occupied-says-hamas-so-where-is-the-un-) also said that Gaza isn't occupied,so it's not like the disagreement is only shared by Israel.


Oh,and also,according to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafah_offensive#Timeline:~:text=However%2C%20a%20misunderstanding,continue%20the%20offensive),up to 6 judges in the court think that the order only said that Israel must not commit genocidal act in Gaza,not that they must stop the offensive?!?! WTF is happening,even to me,the order seem clear that it at least intend that Israel must stop the offensive (Immediately halt its military offensive, *and* any other action in the RafahGovernorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life thatcould bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part) Did Nawaf Salam do some fiddling with the word before giving the announcement??




Damn looking through this comment section you’d think it was r/worldnews. Astroturfed to hell


Quit projecting, people are seeing through Hamas' bullshit more and more, and accusing people of astroturfing because you disagree with their genuine opinions makes you delusional


No generally people on every single other social media site agrees reddit is full of Zionist shit stains lmfao. Y’all are a laughing stock every single day on other socials. You’re in an echo chamber that makes you think people don’t support Hamas 😂


Israel is a rogue nation.


And Israel will continue their genocide


They would have to start a genocide first to continue one, which they haven't. Unlike Hamas




You are spamming this on different articles.


Typical israeli propaganda account.


What are you talking about? No hostages have been recovered, unless you mean corpses, and there are still hundreds of thousands of innocent people there, the population is not even close to moved out, and just straight up what are you talking about on that final point. https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/photo-does-not-show-tunnel-between-gazas-rafah-egypt-2024-05-23/


Recovering corpses for proper burial is EXTREMELY important in Judaism. Israelis also have a very serious mantra that every abducted citizen is brought back home, no matter what. Hamas knows this, that's why they took the dead bodies of the people they just massacred back to Gaza on October 7. Because they know that Israel is usually willing to pay a very high price to get them back. In 2003 Hezbollah returned the dead bodies of three Israeli soldiers and one living Israeli businessman in exchange for 430 (!) living prisoners. many of them convicted murderers. Thats how seriously Israelis take the matter of their own countrymen returning home, alive or dead. And to the guy below me who responded and then immediately blocked me: During the Gilat Shalid exchange the Israelis handed over Sinwar himself, as well as over a thousand other prisoners, of which 280 were in prison for murder. Sinwar then proceeded to mastermind the October 7 massacre. Fun fact: Israeli surgeons successfully managed to remove a brain tumor from Sinwars head while he was in prison. All paid for by Israeli tax money. Here’s what Hamas military leader Ahmed Jabari later said about that exchange: > Hamas military leader Ahmed Jabari was quoted in the pan-Arab newspaper Al-Hayat as confirming that the prisoners released under the deal were collectively responsible for the killing of 569 Israelis. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilad_Shalit_prisoner_exchange




Corpses of the hostages are still a recovery of the hostages. You can play word game all you want but it’s pretty sick to do so. They evacuated well over half the population in 2 weeks and and conducted this leg of the campaign with by far the fewest casualties. The article doesn’t disprove the claim of 50 highway sized tunnels found connecting Gaza and Egypt, just that the photo attached on some reporting was misleading as it was not one of them. I would fault you for taking it to mean the tunnel discovery was false, but it kind of seems like Reuters intended it’s headline reading audience to have that takeaway.


How many hostages has Israel rescued?




Hello bot, spy or troll. Let's ignore the over 10k dead children murdered by israel




[Yeah you should stop lying](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/13/middleeast/death-toll-gaza-fatalities-un-intl-latam/index.html): > The United Nations on Monday clarified that the overall number of fatalities in Gaza tallied by the Ministry of Health in Gaza remains unchanged, at more than 35,000, since the war broke out between Israel and Hamas on October 7.


Tha was debunked by The U.N a day later. They didn't revise the count that's just how israel spun it.


You can’t even keep your “facts” straight. Above you said 20K, now it’s 10K, and further up you didn’t even know Israel was already in Rafah. Just get off the article, dude.




> one of the cleanest and most successful urban warfare campaigns in history with probably the lowest civilian casualties ratio possible ***[citation needed]***


Citation: the IDF said so and I have no critical thinking skills 


https://www.newsweek.com/israel-has-created-new-standard-urban-warfare-why-will-no-one-admit-it-opinion-1883286 >Israel gave warning, in some cases for weeks, for civilians to evacuate the major urban areas of northern Gaza before it launched its ground campaign in the fall. The IDF reported **dropping over 7 million flyers**, but it also deployed technologies never used anywhere in the world, as I witness firsthand on a recent trip to Gaza and southern Israel. >**Israel has made over 70,000 direct phones calls, sent over 13 million text messages and left over 15 million pre-recorded voicemails to notify civilians that they should leave combat areas, where they should go, and what route they should take. They deployed drones with speakers and dropped giant speakers by parachute that began broadcasting for civilians to leave combat areas once they hit the ground. They announced and conducted daily pauses of all operations to allow any civilians left in combat areas to evacuate.** >These measures were effective.**Israel was able to evacuate upwards of 85 percent of the urban areas in northern Gaza before the heaviest fighting began.** This is actually consistent with my research on urban warfare history that shows that no matter the effort, about 10 percent of populations stay. >Hamas fighters, who unlike the IDF don't wear uniforms, have also taken the opportunity to blend into civilian populations as they evacuate. The net effect is that Hamas succeeds in its strategy of creating Palestinian suffering and images of destruction to build international pressure on Israel to stop its operations, therefore ensuring Hamas' survival. Citation


> Israel has made over 70,000 direct phones calls, sent over 13 million text messages and left over 15 million pre-recorded voicemails to notify civilians that they should leave combat areas, where they should go, and what route they should take ...and then they bombed those "safe zones". [An NBC News investigation into seven deadly airstrikes has found Palestinians were killed in areas of southern Gaza that the Israeli military had explicitly designated as safe zones.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/palestinians-killed-israeli-strikes-safe-zones-exclusive-nbc-report-rcna148008) Dropping flyers in advance does not justify the indiscriminate killing of civilians. There is no safe place for them to go. Your source does not corroborate your claim of "one of the cleanest and most successful urban warfare campaigns in history with probably the lowest civilian casualties ratio possible".


You asked for a citation. I gave you one. You can follow up with the author for details


Those safe zones were only safe so long as they weren’t used to stage Hamas’s rocket attacks


Are the Hamas rockets in the room with us right now? Were they in the clearly marked aid delivery trucks? Al-Shifa? Al-Jalaa?


There was literally an operation 2 months ago that captured hundreds of hamas meme r in al shifa for fucks sake


[https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/06/middleeast/palestinians-flee-rafah-gaza-fear-despair-intl-hnk/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/06/middleeast/palestinians-flee-rafah-gaza-fear-despair-intl-hnk/index.html) Killed 23 people, 6 were confirmed to be children. So about just shy of a 25% civilian kill rate. Assuming none of the other 17 are civilians. [https://apnews.com/article/israel-iran-hamas-latest-04-29-2024-28196afeb6e34c3a287770f71187cc4e](https://apnews.com/article/israel-iran-hamas-latest-04-29-2024-28196afeb6e34c3a287770f71187cc4e) 22 people, six women and five children. 50% civilian kill rate. [https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-strike-rafah-kill-13-gaza-death-toll-surpass-34000/](https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-strike-rafah-kill-13-gaza-death-toll-surpass-34000/) Three strikes totaling 18 killed, 9 of which were children. 50% civilian kill rate, again assuming none of the other 9 were civilians. Do explain how this is "One of the cleanest and most successful campaigns" with "The lowest civilian casualty ratio possible". And please provide proof.




Impressive moving of the goal post, and I note a distinct lack of evidence backing your claims. Your exact words were "civilian casualty ratio" and thus I presented three ratios. So by your own argument 25%-50% civilian casualty ratios are "Surgical." And if are going to try and argue these are fringe cases, at the time of writing Israel has killed roughly 35,000 people in Gaza (Just confirmed kills and not people displaced), and of that number about 13,000 were confirmed to be women and children. That's over a third of all kills are civilian casualties. You are absolutely correct that civilian casualties do happen, but there is a massive difference between 1-5% and **33%.** Funny you should mention the hostages though. Because you know who is begging Israel to stop bombing? The families of those very hostages: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68673960](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68673960) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/police-arrest-3-protesters-in-tel-aviv-as-weekly-rallies-call-for-hostage-deal/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/police-arrest-3-protesters-in-tel-aviv-as-weekly-rallies-call-for-hostage-deal/) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/31/israel-protests-hostages-families-negotiations/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/31/israel-protests-hostages-families-negotiations/) Because, as it turns out, bombing areas where you suspect Hamas is keeping hostages is an amazing way of endangering those very same hostages. And Hamas has agreed to multiple ceasefire agreements ever since this conflict began - It is Israel who keeps refusing them. So I repeat my request. If this is incorrect please provide evidence to back up your opinions. These "random articles" are all from different news sources all backing up what I am saying. If I am wrong then by all means, please prove me wrong. With facts and evidence and not your opinion.


You're arguing against someone who has less than a 6 month old account and does not post in any other forum except for this one topic.  Thanks for replying to them w facts and figures, but it will go unheard and they will continue to push false narratives for their own agenda.  Just look thru their post history.  It's sad and pathetic.  They can't have a nuanced opinion on the topic, just pushing agendas and their side.  


Oh I'm aware. It was just a *very* slow work day and figured I'd have some fun lol.


They have displaced the civilian population of Rafah into the desert where they are now starving to death.


You should take your pills dude, there's over 10k dead kids in Gaza since Oct. More than any military conflicts in the last ten years combined


I don't usually engage with discussions on this war but that might be the most ignorant thing I've read in the last month. Like, just sticking to the middle east alone the Syrian civil war next door had a civilian death toll of [300,000] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian_civil_war) according to UN estimates. 40,000 civilians were killed ruing the War against ISIS from [2014 to present] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_against_the_Islamic_State) The Yemini civil war from March 2015 to present has a death toll in [excess of 375,000] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemeni_civil_war_(2014%E2%80%93present)) 85k of which were just children dead from starvation. Hell leaning away from the middle east 40,000 Civilian have died in the Russian invasion of Ukraine [*on the low estimate*] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War) You can disagree with IDF's reasons and the war in general, but saying that this is the bloodiest war in the last ten years is just a lie.


Syrian civil war has been going on for like a decade. The wars you are talking about have been going on for years. The IDF racked up this kill count in **MONTHS** like. Seems like the rate at which you have people dying is an important factor here.


Where do you get that number from?


https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/29/more-childrens-deaths-in-gaza-in-3-weeks-than-annual-total-since-2019-ngo This one says since 2019 and I'm at work so might get some numbers off. But the point is it's at a number that's pretty difficult for people to put into perspective. And this was back around the start if im correct


Easy right? Just kill EVErYOnE first and then..... party?

