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Missouri was hit too. I’ve been up all night weather watching. Had several within 25 miles.


It's been terrifying this year. I thought last year was bad but this is just crazy.


It’s starting again for me rn.lol so many tornadoes 🌪️ this year.


You honestly think they report anything that happens here outside of politics? Nope. Even when its national news worthy.


I just read 5 were killed including children. We about 30 miles south where it hit.


It’s 7 now. 2 in a trailer, 3 in a home, and 2 kids who were thrown from their house into a pond.


Arkansas had lightning for three nights (last night of it was night before last) that looked like a strobe light. Baffled the meteorologist I was watching. He ended his livestream with, "uhhh, so there's no tornadoes and I've got to get off of here." Those storms fried a lot of modems, including mine. Came in through the dang coax cable.


> Came in through the dang coax cable. When I did tech support back in the day, and we had a storm area, we'd get all these calls with people saying "But I unplugged the modem!" Of course they just unplugged the power, which 9/10 was plugged into a surge protector anyway. They never unplugged it from the phone line, where the surge came through. "You know on those old phones when you'd have a close lightning strike and your phone would 'ding'? That's a surge on the phone line, and that's what fried your modem.


> You know on those old phones when you'd have a close lightning strike and your phone would 'ding'? That's a surge on the phone line, and that's what fried your modem. Now you will have to explain to modern humans how old phones had actual bells in them


Modern humans took me out. 🤣 now I feel old.


They also run on 48v current for constant power and ramp up to 60v when ringing. You can actually make a dongle to plug into an old POTS line that'll charge your phone (albeit kinda slowly). In many cases these old circuits will still have power after an emergency or disaster where utility power may be out.


I had exactly zero clue this was even remotely necessary, never even heard of it tbh. Is it necessary to do this for every storm? My home is older and the last fucking thing I need is *another* thing to fix.


It's not an issue with fiber, since it doesn't transmit electricity. Even cable internet uses fiber nowadays. If you're rural DSL, it will be an issue


I'm city cable but it's also very old stuff the ompany can only charge me bare bones prices bc they can't do better.. So might be a good idea just in case.


Damn. Have we ever had this many tornadoes in May?


Seems higher than usual. Could be I’m just paying more attention.


No, [it is higher than usual](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tornadoes_of_2024). I think its cos of very warm SSTs off of the Gulf of Mexico


Thanks for the info. Wow, 2011 sure was a crazy tornado year.


I knooww wtf. I was just reading about the heat creating turbulence for planes, and now I'm reading about a tie to an increase of tornadoes. Idk.


Has anyone looked into the global warming thing? Think it’s legit? Seems legit. I’m getting a little concerned that maybe we should be doing more


Look no further than home insurance rates to see the impacts of global warming.


Or that those companies are just noping right out of markets.


Lol. We won't do shit until it's too late.


As I understand it’s already too late and the urgency right now is to mitigate


Lol, "urgency". I've walked this earth almost 5 decades. Reality has made me cynical. Here's how this plays out: Nothing major will change until a bunch of people die or a bunch of rich folk lose allot of money.


It's gonna take a lot of people dying before something is done. Unless it's just a few rich people dying.


It’s not a binary thing. The more we continue to add CO2 to the atmosphere, the more the earth will warm up. The longer we wait, the worse the warming will be.


Hopefully it’s just in time like all of our super hero movies.


Uhh I think it's already too late unless someone invents some kind of miracle device


Thoughts and prayers....


Don't worry, the corporations will just pump chems into the air to cool the earth artificially. Then they don't have to slow down production!


What if they are wrong?


Then they’ll keep pumping chems into tornadoes, hurricanes etc etc until they *are* right..


Then we'll all get on a giant train circling the earth.


Ok but I’m not eating the bug bars.


When has a corporation ever done anything wrong! They only want the best for us! /S


Nahhhh. Global warming, it’s not a thing! It’s not like there are record tornados, sea level rising, doomsday glaciers, increasing global wildfires and floods, heatwaves, hurricanes, nothing to worry about at all! All clear sir, go about your day!


Oh good. I’ve been waiting for someone to tell me it’s ok.


Venezuela lost its glacier caps. It’s the first country in modern history to lose its glacier caps. and it happened way faster than it should’ve.


Yes, the global warming thing is legit and has been looked into & warned about by scientists for decades… It is just insane how everyone lives in their own personalized bubbles of information and beliefs. Worsening hurricanes, tornados, wildfires, flooding, crop shortages are all on the immediate horizon.


Mine wasn't a bubble it was a 115° dome, thank you very much.


Ever since I watched the inconvenient truth over a decade ago I've been a believer. Now we're watching it all come to life.


Too late to worry about it now. May as well enjoy the ride down.


It's way too late to be doing anything. We haven't even felt the effects of what we've been doing for the last 30 years and we have been significantly ramping up since then. Shit's completely fucked


But are you super cereal? Ready to make a deal with Manbearpig?


What is the deal with Manbearpig?


Well at least the Gulf of Mexico isn't getting any warmer, right?


I had forgotten how active 2011 was. Either way you can clearly see an increasing trend even with that outlier year of 2011. Not looking good for the near or far future.


That 2011 line, I remember that year. [Late April was absolutely insane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Super_Outbreak)


Is there an actual increase of tornadoes or have our efficiency of detecting tornadoes increased?


I'm in Iowa. We just broke our all time record. Greenville literally got leveled. Small town but 158 houses destroyed according to the news. I've seen videos, this tornado just wiped an entire town. Shit is scary. I've been through a lot of extreme weather events in my life but the past few years have been crazy compared to the past. They're more extreme.


I've made this comment to other people and I just get told it's not global warming and it's always been this way. I've lived my entire life having never seen any truly bad weather. There was a big flood in the 90's and again in 2016. Bad, but nobody was in danger of dying. But in the last two years, I've been caught outside in two tornados and just recently, had a third warning with one dropping down directly over my house (which is a trailer). All I could figure to do was move to my shop which has 6x6 timbers and lay on the floor. It thankfully sputtered out. I've had straight wind storms delete my entire farm from existence last year and had my roof ripped off by another storm. All in 24 months. I used to love storms and now I've got out of control PTSD. If I had the money and secure employment, I would move to another state and take my parents with me.


That’s scary. Could you imagine having to deal with that multiple times a month for multiple months in a row? We’ve made earth angry.


The PTSD is so fucking real and I’m sorry you’re going through it. I’m in the same boat after living my whole life in tornado alley and having one wreck my city and touch down down the street from my house back in December. Now every time we get severe weather (like right now we’re in a tornado watch as these Texas storms hit us) I am immediately freaking out remembering being huddled in my tiny hall closet crying while I could hear the thing down the street. This year has been so much worse than any I can remember in 37 years.


Extreme weather events are becoming insupportable on the Gulf Coast.


Yup and I spent most of my childhood in Florida on the Gulf. I used to go play in hurricanes as a kid lol this was the 90s.


I’ve seen that video. Absolutely devastating.


Good luck in June, neighbor


Yup we literally had a storm that rolled down 80, hail and I guess someone reported a twister (small tornado for anyone who doesn't know) that rolled across the highway. I alerted every single person at the gas station for like 2 hours. I do Highway patrol for the DOT. I'm a safety guy, I just trying to help people fix their car and get out of danger. So yeah, it's definitely not been fun but today I felt like I helped a lot.


I heard on a news report recently that the average at this point of the year is around 200. But we’ve had about 400 so far. Not good.


Not good at all. May only get worse as summer heat sets in.




April and May are usually the most active months for tornadoes in the US. For instance the may 2011 outbreak that went from may 21 - 26 spawned 239 confirmed tornadoes.


Idk about the rest of the country that experiences the most, but here in Ohio we exceeded our record before the "season" technically started a month or so ago. . A lot of ours are small ones in very rural areas, so I'm sure the better ability to recognize them has increased the total. We've had multiple smallers ones in the Columbus metro fringes and I was anxiously watching a decent sized funnel hovering 100 feet above densely populated neighborhoods less than a mile north of me earlier this month. Not exactly the usual for us.


Nebraska is already at their 2nd worst outbreak ever by the end of April and their traditional tornado season is May-June


On the plus side, there have been some AMAZING videos this year from every storm chaser.


Totally normal, no climate emergency here 🙄 /s


God seems angry at these states. Wonder why?


Bible Belt irony


is it just me or is this year been a bit more severe then most years when it comes to tornados hitting small towns? i swear every day there is another town that just got obliterated with these storms... Hurricane season is also predicted to be extra strong this year.


Well, in tornado Alley there's a lot of space in between towns and cities. So the likelihood of a tornado hitting towns is smaller on that metric alone. However, due to climate change, severe weather is more common and tornadoes are more common so, it's just a matter of more chances for tornadoes to hit towns now. EDIT: yes, please downvote for the controversial statement of "more tornadoes means more chances to be hit by one"


My sister and brother in law live 5 minutes from where they hit last night. The gas station on the corner was wiped out! At least 7 now confirmed dead.


Its up to 8 including children. This has been a terrible spring, its been outbreak after outbreak. And later today is when the real shitshow starts the storm prediction center is showing even worse conditions. [https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/outlook/day1otlk.html](https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/outlook/day1otlk.html) just mouse over the categories on the top left of the map


My hometown took a direct hit in NW OK. The entire town is without power and it looks like chaos up there.


So sorry. It was just north of us, looks awful. Hope you’re all safe at least


With each passing year, our tornadoes will become more numerous and far more destructive, same for hurricanes. Global warming is heating up this planet and it is heat that drives all storms. Soon enough, insurance companies will either price themselves out of business or simply not offer insurance. Those who fight to keep us burning oil, are the ones destroying earth.


When are we moving into the vaults?


If you didn't get the invite you're too late


Return to caves?


NWA area 4 different tornados touched down in the span of an hour here


Rogers got fucked


Yeah I was just driving through there an hour ago to pick up a friend for work. Couldn't get into her neighborhood and they closed our restaurant for the day.


Kid didn't lock the door towards the south and the inflow blew open the door. 2 dogs outside before I could even realize what had happened. Thankfully they came back inside after yelling at them. Trash laying around but no real damage. Sad to hear others we not so lucky.


Thank the Messiah Trump Global Climate Change is a Liberal Hoax, or things could get really bad. /s


You got it all wrong. These tornados are caused by all the gays, obviously.


its because the wind doesn't blow straight, isn't it.


Just fire nukes at it!


Yup, I live in NWA and just missed the damaging winds/potential tornados by about 2 miles. Friends house got fucked.. everybody is just now figuring out the damage.


My area was hit pretty hard. Been out helping all day. l'm taking a short break before a planning meeting tonight with a disaster response team I help lead. Luckily, my family is ok and our house wasn't hit. We have power and Internet too, so we're fortunate. Not everyone was though. Doing what I can to help.


Only gonna get worse people. Time to start investing in underground/windproof designs. The time has come.


Been looking at the aftermath in the tornado subreddit. It’s heartbreaking. It’s been a very active and violent tornado season this year


Man. The weather is getting more extreme and the atmosphere getting everso warmer every year. Oh well, let's keep drill baby drill for more oil, and blame minorities for all of our problems /s I feel bad that people died.


It will continue to worsen


How come this isn't front news ?


Not a problem. Abbott will just make tornadoes illegal and Texas and the problem will be solved.


It's God punishing them for worshipping Trump! /s Probably the opposite of what I'm sure many evangelical pastors say.


Abbot will find some way to pass the cost onto those affected.


Climate change folks. I have been researching and teaching this in college for years. Last year’s July 4th weekend was the start of a new phase in relation to how things are going to change.


Why is God so angry with them???


Don't worry. It's unrelated to climate change.


How ironic that the same people who suffer from these out-of-the-blue weather travesties the most are also the ones that deny science/climate change all the time! The world would be so much better if religion and conservatism didn’t exist. :|


Hmmm. Maybe they could drop a nuclear bomb into the tornado.


Great. Here we go with the “give FEMA bucks!” again.


I mean....yeah. That's kind of the purpose of FEMA.




You know in Biblical times this would have been seen as a divine warning.


A selective rapture. This is just god sucking up all of the true believers, I’m sure. That must be why all of this extreme weather is happening in God’s country, a climate crisis definitely has nothing to do with it. And if it does, maybe things would have been different if these states followed Florida’s lead and just banned climate change.


This is poor taste, with people losing their lives and all.


I feel bad for the people who lost their lives/homes. I have zero remorse as a whole for the oil Mecca of the western world. Tornados are not new for these states, but the rate and severity are insane this year, and it will not be getting better any time soon. It didn’t have to get this bad, that is a hard truth. Nothing wrong with a little bit of dark comedy at the expense of no one in particular.


Comedy requires people to laugh... a child losing their life isn't funny imo. I myself see the same problems of our world but can set aside my "boo America bad" mentality and understand that disasters like these are tragic and cause so much death and destruction without anyone being at fault.


It's at the expense of several people that literally died last night. I'm all for no limits on comedy if it's actually funny. Yours wasn't. It was simply in bad taste


Let’s hope you have the same response when Christians blame the gays for these events.


I’m gay, and I think you’re acting like a dumbass. Still.


The internet is full of opinions. Just know that I will always remember yours the most.


You don’t speak for us. Whatsoever. I fucking hate that anytime a natural disaster happens in a conservative part of the country you clout chasers come out saying shit like this to “support our community.” News Flash: There are PLENTY of liberals in conservative America, shit is not black and white. Principled people don’t celebrate death regardless of politics. If you disagree with that you are completely beyond help.


I’m speaking for me. And I don’t disagree, but I’d hardly say I’m a “clout chaser”. That’s a pretty aggressive perspective. No one here is celebrating death.


Honestly I see way more people like you saying this than the crazy evangelicals. It's in literally every single post about a natural disaster. You think it's a unique and clever statement but it's just regurgitated brain rot.


Brain rot, I don’t think so. Existential dread is more like it.




I really loved the part where you said those things that really happened. Your input was about as valuable as mine. We are but fodder for AI.


https://www.reddit.com/r/energy/s/JUAqAFAlxe Oh look, more sarcasm directly related to this exact story.


Jesus, you're still on about this? Just because other people are saying things related to the storm doesn't change the fact your comment wasn't funny. Move on, dude


Your comment was both not funny whatsoever and in bad taste.


We are definitely taking your feedback into consideration, we’re always striving to do better. Thank you and we hope to serve you again in the future. Have a nice day.


> Nothing wrong with a little bit of dark comedy at the expense of no one in particular. That has to be the most apathetic thing I’ve read in a LONG time.




Yea this seems to have been really bad. The hosting company for my site has their data centers out in Dallas and they couldn’t even get the backup generators up. Site has been down all day. Also I don’t mean to make it about my website. I know people died from this storm and that’s a lot more serious than some websites.


Since climate change is a myth, it still must be the gays' fault s/


Neither of those things are the cause?


Heat is still killing way more people than tornados unfortunately.