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" his supporters responded with dozens of violent online posts" Gonna be honest, "dozens" is actually waaay better than I feared. 


That's how a lot of these articles are. "People on Twitter outraged over ______" And then it's like, one tweet. You can find with pretty much 100% accuracy any bullshit opinion you want to write about on social media. It's just for clicks. A few dozen people calling for violence is basically nothing. I could probably find a hundred people calling for violence because a season of some show got delayed or some big restaurant changed their bread recipe.


Dude just go to any video game subreddit and you will find hundreds of people frothing at the mouth over trivial shit


Liesuresuit Larry is the best game of all time!! 


Nobody would disagree with that though


But they would crucify him for spelling it wrong.


I already started the tar boiler, don't worry


People on the Helldivers subreddit acting like a weapon getting nerfed is the end of the world.


>any video game subreddit If you don't want to wade through any positive content, you could go straight to the equivalent Steam Community forum. Video game subreddits are pretty tame by comparison.


I remember a few years back a slew of millennials were going off on GenZ for trying to “cancel” Eminem. There was even one VERY cringey 30 year old suburban white lady rapping about it to the beat of Forgot About Dre. And to this day I have not seen a single person trying to cancel Eminem. I convinced it was like 5 tweets total and the rest of the internet ran with it


>"People on Twitter outraged over ______" >And then it's like, one tweet. Even if it were hundreds, it feels like the media conveniently forgets how small a number of people that is, and on an extremist website at that. There are over 300 million Americans, if 500 of them say something on Twitter, that doesn't mean anything. I can find 5,000 people who will insist the Earth is flat, that doesn't make it true, or even relevant that they believe that. But then the media will insist that if 5,000 twitter users believe it, there must be something to it.


When they use all these over used verbs I know it's gonna be bullshit. So and so OUTRAGED So and so DEMOLISHED So literally every single video Brian Taylor Cohen has made fits the description well. I get most of my videos from news stuff on YouTube and honestly I've found the best way to get the news is to look at the length of the video, divide it by 5, and don't watch past that fifth.


Same and I'm pretty tired of the hyperbole titles.


There’s dozens of us! Dozens!


They should join forces with the “never nudes”.


The only thing that really protected us from a serious insurrection is laziness. 60 year old men with grey goatees who spend their entire political life cycle on their couch have difficulty justifying getting off the couch You will not see conservatives out in numbers like BLM


Plus it only took killing one Conserative Terrorist, Ashli Babbitt on January 6 and it broke the will of the rest of these cosplay losers. Conservatives are spineless rubes.


Man was it surreal to hear the people yell *Medic!* as if this was just some video game.


If only someone had a stimpak, she may have survived.


Unfortunately for her, no one was playing support that day. They all wanted to be DPS.


Queue times too long, that’s why I stayed home


To be fair. I think I'd rather have the caps from selling the stimpack to a vendor, too.


The most surreal part for me was hearing them say they needed fresh patriots up front.


And the wildest part of that for me is that at all the left aligned demonstrations and protests, that would have actually had a street medic show up 


Should have quick-saved.


That's honestly the real reason they keep trying to make her a martyr. That was a serious unexpected blow to their movement. Holy shit, authorities were authoriting?


Shocked to find that someone wielding a gun wasn't on their side..


Ashli Bobitt was a terrorist that was shot while trying to destroy my country.




Laziness sure, but also underdeveloped cognitive ability. Had the 1/6 crowd contained more think it through and follow a plan types, that could've been a more serious insurrection.


The ones with brains tend to stick to think tanks, grifting online and preying on the insecurities of their kin. It's the completely unhinged lone wolves that one has to worry most about.


Imagine threatening civil war over a conman, and not - Jobs/Wages - Costs of healthcare, housing, prescription drugs, education, childcare - The solvency of Social Security/Medicare - A political system/government driven by the Wealthy/Corporations - Record wealth in the top 1%, and trickle down never materializing


They're mad as hell, and they are going to take it some more!




I watched the verdict on FOX, CNN and NBC all at the same time to see how they would respond. And it was exactly what I thought it would be. Opinion on the right(FOX), somewhat middle (trying to state facts, CNN) and left opinions holding back their joy(NBC). I was actually uncomfortable watching FOX go after the judicial system and the jurors. I know they are MAGA talking points but if I was a juror and someone that didn’t choose to be there. I would be afraid for my safety.


Threatening a juror should land you a one way ticket to a place on par with gitmo. Considering you often don't get a choice in serving, jurors should have the highest level of protection.


>They're mad as hell, and they are going to take it some more! They're mad as hell, and they are ~~going to take it some~~ ***begging*** for more!  😣👎


Because they believe the conman will fix all of the above Yeah, they think the conman with golden toilets is still trying to be president to help the working class.


They don’t believe he’ll fix anything, they like him because he tells them who to blame/hate


>They don’t believe he’ll fix anything They think things will suck no matter who's elected but things will suck more for the people they hate if the right person gets elected.


I think you're right because if these people were trying to fix anything we would see some kind of positive result Any kind of positive result ...sigh


They are voting for *MORE* of all that shit. I never thought I'd see a day where politicians would talk openly about killing Social Security, and the rubes on Social Security would cheer for them, but here we are.


The rubes always append "...for the people that don't deserve it" to everything their team promises to destroy.


Something something leopards faces


It used to be called the “political third rail.” No one dared touch it. The fact that the Rethugs figured out a way to twist the truth sufficiently to make SS a viable target is just horrifying. Right along with making Americans willing to kill off our democracy. Just astonishing. But then that is what cult leaders are capable of. A huge swath of the U.S. population is now under the control of people who are outright evil. We’re going to join the list of historical evils: American slavery, Hitler’s massive killing camps, Jim Jones in Guyana. And so many more. The current Republican Party is yearning to turn the U.S. into a massive killing field where they can enthusiastically slaughter everyone who doesn’t bend the knee to their dictatorship.


If we all realized we have the same enemies, what a reckoning we could be.


Hell I'd love to just see public debates on the real issues that got us here to begin with. Trump is a symptom but not the disease.  You get rid of Trump, and the problems that made people willing to listen to extremist ideology is still there.  Like corruption at the top is a big factor, reps voting in favor to benefit their campaign contributiors rather than the country as a whole.  Shrinking of the middle class and well paying jobs for the average Americans, endless interventionist conflicts, infringing upon our constitutional rights, feeling powerless to change things due to our limited options on ballots.  Enough people fall through the cracks and things don't get better for the average person then people will eventually make you feel their pain. Instead of debating really important issues in depth they just focus on those passionate wedge issues that they don't want to solve.  If we are going to get anywhere we need some forward thinking people not beholden to the status quo of the big 2. More and better options for leadership will give us a better healthier country in the long run


Worse… he’s the most obvious and stupid conman to have lived. THAT is the man you want to die for!?


Do it, you cowards. Go to jail with your orange crime-sicle.


They’re all talk. I’ve been hearing rumblings of civil war and that they have all the guns. Start shooting and see what happens!


There will never be a "Civil War" again like the original, the world is very different today, and military would absolutely shut it down. However, sporadic, isolated storms of violence I would not write off. It's going to be less an organized "war" and more just potential increases in domestic terrorism. Handfuls of angry gun nuts here and there lashing out.


I remember the video of the dumbass that got herself killed and how as soon as the shot rang out, they lost all motivation. Collectively they are cowards and not a threat.


Yep. Went from "LET US IN!" to "Oh my god, you shot her. Why did you do that?" in a millisecond.


lol “why did you do that” got my laughing pretty hard. “Because we fucking told you not to” -Capitol Hill guards. I can’t believe how quickly the air changed when the shot rang out. Then all the pancake batter brains swarming her with cameras. It’s like all of a sudden it became real to them which is interesting because to everyone else what they were doing was very real.


Group who says they have a right to shoot home intruders on sight are shocked when they are the intruders in America's House and get shot for trespassing. I guess the irony is very lost on them.


There was even a guy who cried out "MEDIC" Like he was playing Battlefield


This. It made me cringe. They're just a bunch of bigoted dorks, trying to cosplay as a soldier.


I honestly think they'd all had so much privilege in their lives that they could not comprehend that consequences could ever be dealt out to THEM


The guys screaming MEDIC! Like their at home on their couch..


I'm honestly surprised that video doesn't also include audio of someone screaming "WERE WE SUPPOSED TO BRING OUR OWN???"


There's a billion variations but Meal Team 6 isn't exactly effective.


As much as there might be regular soldier who side with MAGA terrorists, Jan 6 showed that the military's leadership don't support MAGA at all because they can see what kind of useless despot he'd become. And the USA has gotten really good at toppling those kinds of dictators (when it suits them). The worry, of course, is that some *might* support a more useful despot.


This was the whole point of preventing all those military promotions: so they could place maga loyalists in those chairs if trump got re-elected.


It was Tubbervile, a republican, that held up those promotions over a snit about abortion. Those promotions went through once he ended his tantrum.


In chess the pawns go first.


See how strongly their belief in the "thin blue line" holds out when it's their neck that the boots stepping on 


Less eligible Trump voters for November. Oh well 🤷‍♂️


>orange crime-sicle That's a good one. We need to add it to /r/TrumpNicknames


Lot of bluster for the orange man. Still not sure why.


It's because they've been conditioned to incorporate trump into their identity. Trying to separate trump from their constructed identity is an affront to their beliefs. He's not a person, he's their savior.


"The Rape of the Mind" by Joost A. M. Meerloo delves into the psychological mechanisms of thought control, brainwashing, and menticide used by totalitarian regimes. Here are the key points of the book: 1. **Menticide and Individual Submission**: Meerloo discusses how psychological manipulation can lead to the destruction of individual free will, transforming people into passive followers. Techniques include isolation, reward and punishment, and the use of fear and propaganda to control and condition individuals. 2. **Mass Brainwashing**: The book explores how mass brainwashing is achieved through techniques such as repetition, the use of media, and the creation of a culture of fear and conformity. Institutions and media play a significant role in molding public opinion and suppressing dissent. 3. **Technology's Role in Indoctrination**: Meerloo highlights the role of technology (like television and radio during his time) in facilitating indoctrination and mass manipulation, making individuals more susceptible to control by overloading their senses and reducing opportunities for critical thinking. 4. **Weaponization of Fear**: Fear is a central tool for totalitarian regimes to maintain control. Techniques include surveillance, propaganda, and creating a climate of fear and suspicion among the populace, which discourages resistance and promotes compliance. 5. **Resistance and Resilience**: The final sections of the book discuss ways individuals and societies can resist authoritarian tactics. Meerloo emphasizes the importance of education, critical thinking, and fostering a culture of open dialogue and diversity to build resilience against totalitarian influences. Meerloo draws on examples from Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and his personal experiences, providing insights into the psychological impact of totalitarian practices and offering strategies for safeguarding mental freedom and democratic values.


I would also recommend Eric Hoffer’s “The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements”. It’s an oldie (written in the 1950s) but goodie! Described the psychology of those who willingly follow mass movements, and perfectly describes why someone would follow a hateful scam artist and make him their exemplar: he articulates their own frustrations, gives them a sense of power and belonging - particularly to those people who lack any sense of self-worth otherwise. A couple of quotes: “The gifted propagandist brings to a boil ideas and passions already simmering in the minds of its hearers. He echoes their innermost feelings. Where opinion is coerced, people can be made to believe only in what they already ‘know’”. … “A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people’s business.” … “The less justified a man is in claiming excellence for his own self, the more ready he is to claim all excellence for his nation, his religion, his race, or his holy cause.”


I just downloaded the pdf from archive dot org, thanks for posting about this book.


I don't know what's scarier. When people like Hitler purposefully use tools like this in service of a very specific (and evil) plan or when an idiot stumbles into the same success with absolutely no plan and not enough intelligence to think beyond his own selfish desires.


Yes. The worst thing about Trump isn’t even Trump, it’s that he laid bare every weakness in our Republic to the point that if he we’re even in the least bit competent, he’d already be the dictator. Even when he was losing Supreme Court decisions he was allowed to go “yeah, let’s see them enforce it”. A problem that has gone unfixed since Jackson, mind. If a demagogue gets enough support from his party, he can do literally anything and the whole system will bend over backwards to accommodate him. If even someone as dim and petty as Ron DeSantis had traded places there’s a real risk that the civil War conservatives have wanted since they lost the last one and Trump is trying to stoke purely to save his own ass would already be underway. We don’t need to stop at defeating Trump, we need a decades long campaign to take every “gentleman’s agreement” he violated, every giant loophole he exploited and codify them into law. We cannot be a nation where those in office are policed only by each other. A code of ethics you write and enforce for yourself may as well not exist. If I’m 70 years old looking back and the school kids aren’t complaining about having to remember all the amendments we passed in the interim, I doubt the republic will still be standing. edit: auto correct turned "Republic" into "republicans." Fixed it.


I almost feel bad for anyone who makes their politics or religion such a core part of their identity, because to me, it makes me think that there wasn't much there to begin with.


That's pretty much the answer, sadly. I say "sadly" because there's no real way for a person like that to magically gain some sort of self-awareness to get off that path of misery. They're either too delusional, selfish, or low-IQ to grow beyond it. The only way out is for someone else to share empathy around them and to lead by an example. That compassion might enlighten them...but that's damn nigh impossible. Not too many helpful people can endure the abuse of such sour personalities and assist those that are constantly upset. Thus, the void grows deeper and wider.


Yeah, in the world of identity politics, there is no political identity as powerful and overwhelming as identifying as Republican. People will put that identity ahead of their race, religion, gender, economic status, and every other possible identity in overwhelming numbers.


Evangelical Americans have replaced Christianity with MAGA.


The guy made a blatant money grab with the Bible.


The economic system is rigged against them, but the people who are rigging it, want Trump in power so they can take that inequality to the next level. He gives voice to their anger, but he's only going to make it worse for their lives. They can't see that unfortunately.


This part of the situation just depresses the hell out of me. The reddest parts of my state that I've been to are absolutely depressed pits. No good jobs, no real opportunities. Even if you had a good education, you'd almost certainly have to bounce to get a decent career, if only because the net is too crappy for remote work. They're right to be angry about their situation but it's so horribly misdirected.


I despise the Republican Party and Conservatism as a whole, but if there's one strength of theirs that I have to begrudgingly acknowledge as a strength, it's their uncanny ability to convince the poorest of how the richest of us(<1%), are somehow, on their side AND how social programs they desperately need are the work of the devil.


Yeah one of the many unfortunate parts about all this is they legitimate anger about legitimate issues. The huge problem they are applying that anger in almost all the wrong ways.  They do at least recognize that organizing/riling up public support for political action is a step in the right direction. The execution beyond that simple concept is unfortunately doing more harm than good to them and all the other  non rich Americans. 


He validates thier hateful worldview.


Also it is a cult of personality >A cult of personality, or a cult of the leader, is the result of an effort which is made to create an idealized and heroic image of a glorious leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. Historically, it has developed through techniques of mass media, propaganda, spectacle, the arts, patriotism, and government-organized demonstrations and rallies.


More a case that he provides a target for all their problems. It’s a tactic is as old as time. Tell people their problems aren’t down to themselves but instead are down to X group whether it be Libs, Mexicans or Immigrants etc etc. It’s much easier to blame someone else for your perceived hardships than take responsibility for them yourself.


He also lets them feel like they can be as hateful as they want to be in public and suffer no consequences. Their formula for “win”: always attack back 4x as hard, never admit you’re wrong, never apologize.


Awful, awful people. They treat everyone Iike crap. Never apologize.


Which is insane! Because this country is amazing and beautiful in so many ways, and people take it for granted sometimes. We have it pretty good than many other countries, and I feel like Trumpies do not realize that


They’ve wrapped up so much of their personality, identity, and time in him that without him they don’t really have anything left. It’s what the cult leader does. Without him they have nothing


Followers wage holy wars. No one fighting in a holy war has a good grip on the ‘why’.


because asking questions is heresy


They’d rather continue to support him than admit they’re wrong.


They claim theyll destroy the country if they dont get their way. But its all bluster and fake minus a crazy idiot here or there. They are as addicted to the conveniences as the rest of us. They wont be destroying the infrastructure that gives them their conveniences.


He’s the “Great White Hope.” Obama triggered these people and they want to wind back the clock.


8 years with a black President melted these peoples brains.


to be fair, they were melted to begin with.




Calls for it and doing it and facing the consequences are two different things... they've proven they like to talk, but their insurrection proved they aren't the majority.


Tribalism and politics replacing religion. You pick a side, you give your blind faith to it, you find a community in it, you refuse to acknowledge any alternative.


It’s the same people who mindlessly follow religion. They’re pre-conditioned to cultish thinking 


Like, wtf are the actual policies these idiots like that he's done/claims he will do? Are there any actual reasons for support of this fuck face that aren't completely based on lies and misinformation? How fucking stupid do you have to be to think stopping Russia from steam rolling into Europe is bad, that refusing to pass a border bill backed by the literal border patrol is bad, and that refusing to move into renewables is bad? I can't fucking handle how goddamn fucking stupid republicans are. It's just impossible to believe. This idiot is so glaringly obviously full of shit and they can't stop lining up to deep throat him. How in the fuck are people this stupid? Edit: Here's a fun (incomplete) list of insane things Trump has done from my other comment, which a Trump supporter (unsurprisingly), refused to rebut. * his pardons of his former campaign staff for lying to federal investigators about their dealings with Russia during the Mueller trial * his blatant lies about COVID * The fact that he's currently promising oil and coal execs that he'll halt progress on renewables if they'll support his campaign. * his attempt to incite a riot to prevent certification of a democratic presidential election * his threatening calls to Georgia SOS to "find the votes" * the fact that Mueller publicly said Trump was only not indicted for obstruction because of the memo but then he had Barr mislead the public on the investigations findings * the fact that multiple people in his 2016 campaign were charged in the Mueller investigation * the fact that he is now literally a convicted felon 34 times over * the fact that he will not stop lying about the results of both of his presidential elections results despite his own team of investigators stating that the 2016 election was the "most secure in modern history" and every lawsuit filed about 2020 election fraud failed to hold up in court. * the fact that he stopped investigations in PPP loan fraud, which is now considered the largest fraud in American history. * The fact that he appointed people like Betsy Devos, Jeff Sessions, KellyAnn Conway, Ben Carson, Stephen Miller, and Michael Flynn to high ranking positions despite them clearly being fucking terrible people and/or utterly unqualified for the positions. * The fact that he was paying to fuck a goddamn pornstar while his wife was caring for their newborn son. * The fact that he refused to say that Russia interfered in the 2016 election even after our intelligence told him they definitely did interfere. * The fact that he once held a press conference to claim he was handing over his businesses to his son's and his "proof" was a bunch of stacked manilla envelopes filled with blank paper. * The fact that 6 foreign nations spent a total of $750,000 dollars staying at Trump's DC hotel while he was President. * The fact that he gave classified Intel to Russians during a meeting in the Whitehouse. * His blackmailing of Zelensky * The fact that he held classified documents at mar a lago. * The fact that he is currently claiming that the raid on Mar A Lago was Joe Biden attempting to assassinate him. * And for fun, why you think it's fine that he refused to release his tax records despite promising he would and lied to the public about why he couldn't release them. I think we all know why he wouldn't now. lol. He's been committing tax fraud for decades.


> Like, wtf are the actual policies these idiots like that he's done/claims he will do? He doesn't have to *do* anything as long as he "sticks it to the libs" Republicans are the Party Of "Nuh-Uh" now


Ever since they started using the phrase #ownthelibs and #winning they’ve done nothing but lose. Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of self entitled assholes.


The party of "nuh uh" and also the party of "no u"


Reminds me of this Key & Peele sketch from a while back about Obama negotiating with republicans. https://youtu.be/B46km4V0CMY?si=Z8hwOQqWUZhLbM9y


I hate it when comedy becomes future documentary.


The key policy is grievance. Look at Trump's three key talking points in 2016. "Kick out Muslims, build the wall, arrest Clinton." The goal is to hurt people they don't like. And the list of people they don't like has only grown over time. This is how you get things like promising to deport students for protesting on campus.


> kick out Muslims, build the wall, arrest Clinton And he failed on all three.


Spoke to some supporters. They mostly just yell things out like "Price of gas!" "Freedom!" "Hunter Biden's Laptop" "The Economy" "Plandemic!" "Trade War" "Inflation" Social issues don't matter. It is whatever looks like it benefits you the most. Ukraine? Palestine? Israel? Nope, don't care other side of planet. Reproductive rights? pssh, like I have a womb? or don't be a slut! Trans rights? Why should I care, i'm not trans. Social security nets? Student loan forgiveness? Why should I pay for your bad decisions + this causes inflation! Pointing out things like how the economy is doing better, or that the price of gas is less than it was pre-covid or that the US inflation is lower than other western countries is met with derision, "Ok but I'm still paying X for eggs!". Pointing out that a trade war increases the price of goods actually makes them think beyond the shallow at least "it puts more money back into our own economy" but when I say that's how aid to Ukraine works, they completely forget about it. It really isn't about Trump, it is that he says the things they agree with and has an R next to the name. There is also this feeling that he isn't afraid to say whatever he wants and that it is better to be outright sleezy than it is to be pretending to be decent. It also isn't enough that problems are solved, they must also be solved in a way that they felt makes sense. Trump is not smart, and makes obvious moves, the ones that any Joe Schmo would come up with. "It just makes sense!"


Is Hunter Biden a politician or someone important? I hear American right wingers whine about him a lot but I googled him and he is just sole business man, didn't seem he had any involvement with US politics. Why do they hate him so much and view him as relevant to politics. Does he donate/lobby to the Democratic party or something? Does he influence policy? Cause I can't see how he is relevant to the US political discourse yet he gets bough up all the time.


He isn't a politician, his father is the president and loves him. So the assumption is that Joe is covering Hunter's crimes and is using his own influence to help out Hunter's businesses or known criminal activity and thus acting illegally and abusing power. They are legitimate questions, but there is no evidence that anything happened. It is similar to how we say things about Jared Kushner receiving 2 Billion from the Saudis, we don't know what happened or why he received that, but we can certainly imagine. It is worth noting however that Jared was in office and was put in charge among other things with peace in the middle east.


They see Hunter as being someone to torment the president over. The best example of "Weaponization" of the government has been the Hunter Biden laptop. He is a private citizen and son of Joe Biden, so they have been adamant about locking him up. Acting like Joe Biden used his power to put Hunter in a job. Is it a crime? No. At best it was a impeachable offense, but even then republicans have been on this for 6 years if not more and even 4 years in a GOP majority house, they cannot even get the votes needed for impeachment, because the rest also see this as a non-issue. The reality is, there is no actual crimes committed on that freaking laptop. Not to mention the laptop came from a sketchy story, the hard drive handed to Rudy Guiliani during the time they were attempting to blackmail Ukraine for dirt on Hunter Biden. Rudy then made copies of the drive to give to others. Even if there was actual crimes committed and logged on a 2016 HD that supposedly came from a 2015 macbook. The entire chain of custody was ruined the moment Rudy got his hands on it. No actual prosecutor that cares about their future would touch such a case. Who knows what was added/removed from the drive while Rudy had it. Even most experts weighing in on it, pretty much states it's just some iOS files that probably came from a hacked iCloud account. I don't think anyone has been able to forensically examine the drive to even prove it came from a macbook that the shop owner claimed it came from.


It's not the Trump's policies that they're for, it's Democrat policies that they're against. The current GOP only stands for "stopping Democrats from doing anything."


Republicans haven't had a real party platform for awhile now. As for why people still vote for them, propaganda is a hell of a thing. For decades, these people have been told that only people with an R next to their name are trustworthy and everyone else eats babies. With enough time and repetition, it becomes ingrained in their personality. A neighbor of mine has had a let's go Brandon flag draped over his front door for four fucking years. I can't even imagine holding onto a political grudge like that for so long. These people are mentally unwell and thoroughly brainwashed.


Their platform has been emotional appeals made against strawman opponents for the last few decades.


He has hurt — or promised to hurt — the people they hate.


He hates the same people they do: people who are not straight, white, non-Hispanic Christian men.


Made the mistake of turning to Fox “News” last night. It was an endless cavalcade of “I don’t understand why red-blooded Americans haven’t taken up arms and marched on the capitol yet?” type stuff. It’s insane to me that a TV station can so overtly be a Russian op, calling for armed insurrection against the government; but we do nothing because they phrase it as a question rather than calling for it directly. That station is literally a 24/7 disinformation show.


Trump's fans are completely unfazed by the fact that Fox News just begged to settle out of court to Dominion because of their year long lies about the election and only pay $800 million rather than the $1.2 billion dollars they were sure to lose in court. That's insane to me and if this were a broadcast network rather than cable news I feel like there would be some criminal charges.


Also Fox News if someone or some group did that: They were obviously liberal plants, another Democratic conspiracy…


>“I don’t understand why red-blooded Americans haven’t taken up arms and marched on the capitol yet?” Haven't they tried that already? What I don't understand is how a group of people who supposedly support "conservative" and "Christian" values are defending this asshole. He is a married man who paid a porn star for sex, then committed fraud to cover it up. The guy is a fucking criminal.


Because he got three conservative justices on the Supreme Court to get roe vs wade overturned. That’s enough reason for them to love him. Fucking around on his wife? That’s his personal problem. Meanwhile, innocent fetuses and zygotes aren’t getting murdered by pregnant women and children who simply hope to stay alive.


>“I don’t understand why red-blooded Americans haven’t taken up arms and marched on the capitol yet?” Because the people who do that got jailed because *Trump didn't pardon them*. People act like Trump is transactional, but he what he really does is betray people and let then down. His recent conviction is because *he committed crimes*, but also because he abandoned his fixers. I listened to Cohen on MSNBC and one of the things he was pissed about was his bonus being cut. If Trump had just tripled the bonus instead of turning on Cohen he could have gotten away with it. I'm amazed people keep thinking it won't happen to them. Trump is the scorpion who keeps finding frogs to give him a ride, while the previous frog is being stung to death.


The first audiobook I bought was Al Franken’s “Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them”. That was over 20 years ago and they have gotten so much worse since then.


Their reaction to Hillary, who has not been indicted for her emails: “lock her up” Trump, the indicted, twice impeached, 34-time guilty felon: political witch hunt, we are going to riot for him. They should be asking for Trump to be locked up instead. 


Anything that they don't like, it was fake, a fraud, rigged. Anything that they do like, was the best, the truth, ordained by God.


Remember when Trump said a president under a felony indictment shouldn’t be in the WH? That it “would grind the government to a halt and create a constitutional crisis”??? How quickly folks forget 🙄


Party of Law and Order and Family Values: “We’ll kill you for enforcing the law on the guy who paid off a porn star he cheated on his wife with”


Donald Trump, leader of the “party of personal responsibility”. 😆 The man literally goes to church and refuses to ask God for forgiveness. He has never taken responsibility for anything bad he’s done unless he thought it would actually benefit him (see: killing Roe v. Wade).


>Party of Law and Order and Family Values: “We’ll kill you for enforcing the law on the guy who paid off a porn star he cheated on his wife with” All the while claiming to be "true Christians" and upholding morality.


Good luck. If they are rotting in prison they won’t be voting


Well a lot of those calling for insurrection are in congress, the supreme court, and board rooms. So I wouldn't underestimate them


If we can prosecute the president for crimes then we certainly can prosecute supreme court judges, board members and congress people. Drain. The. Swamp.


We "can" do a lot of things, but this whole timeline has presented clear as day that there is definitely a two-tier system, and you get to a certain level of wealth and/or power and you basically become untouchable. The only reason we've made any progress on Trump is because he lost 2020, but if he gets back in 2024, you know all of his legal problems will magically vanish, and he will extend protection to all his friends. Even as unreal as it is to actually be prosecuting a FORMER (and not CURRENT) president is one thing, but *good luck* ever putting an *active* major political figure on trial. We've already had examples of "you're subpoenaed / indicted / whatever" "okay, so what, I just won't show up", and you're going to need some major strong-arm personalities that can actually put serious teeth to legal challenges. And deal with the fact that people with wealth/power have way too much ability to cause suffering to any would-be do-gooders. None of that is to say we should give up trying, but we need to completely drop the "founded on goodwill that people in these positions will act with decorum" mode that has clearly shown it no longer works. And worst of all, they know it. They're becoming increasingly brazen because they know the pitchforks and torches are not coming for them. They're at best supported, at worst met with "well I can't just stop showing up for work" apathy.


Insurrectionists gonna insurrect, no surprise there. And when they get arrested, they'll call them antifa actors or some nonsense like that.


I think the difference is they have a major political party, including multiple state governments, congress people, senators, and supreme court judges, on their side gearing up for insurrection. They're not just a bunch of cranks online. There's significant political power gearing up for war here so they shouldn't be underestimated


They are being legitimized by powers in place. I live in Texas and all of our top state leaders were quick to call this a travesty of justice. It’s insane.


Respectfully, I believe they are the ones doing the underestimating.


Agreed. I think they really underestimate how many progressives are armed. Yes, our side wants gun control but that doesn't mean we're not on board with self defense. They have this mental image that progressives are all softies that will piss themselves and roll over at the nearest sign of conflict and that's just not realistic.


Get these babies their binky


I truly believe at this point that if Trump came to a presidential debate with a swastika tattooed on his forehead it still wouldn't deter the majority of his acolytes.


The only thing he could do to elicit boos was tell them to get vaccinated.


it would prove that trump is sincere


A man actually took a D.C. pizzeria hostage at gun point demanding to see the basement because he actually believed the Q lies like the one that said Democrats were raping and then eating babies under pizzerias. Remember how he said that if he shot someone on Fifth Ave his supporters wouldn't care? He's right. I feel like if he ate a baby on Fifth Ave live on TV they would say the baby must have had it coming and Trump must have had a good reason. I sincerely doubt many of his followers would care.


I always said that he could kill and eat a baby on live TV and they would ask what the baby did to deserve that, and it doesn't matter because that's just a normal weekend for all Democrats.


"He could murder a man on the front steps of the White House and I'd still be with him." - actual Trump supporter The worse he is, the better, because it gives his base the comfort to be openly awful too.


Make sure to bring your phones again, take lots of self-incriminating photos/videos and leave GPS footprints.


Tell us you’re in a cult without telling us you’re in a cult


Fucking do it, cowards. I wanna see them behave worse than any BLM protest ever was and freak the fuck out of suburban white women. Fastest way to erode support.  Doubt they will, though. Half these morons couldn’t even make it up the Capitol steps without having to take a break. 


The guy who owns the army surplus booth at the flea market is gonna be busy this weekend! If he’s lucky, maybe Scott Baio will stop by and pick up some Kevlar before joining his comrades on the front line.


That’s cool, I remember what they said should happen to BLM protestors. I’ll get my car keys.


Would be a shame if rioters got arrested and were barred from voting this fall.


Trump supporters should get the mental help they desperately need. Fucking lunatics.


That's because Trump supporters are violent, anti-American and, above all, incredibly stupid.


When is MAGA not calling for riots and violent retribution?


The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. Let that be the thing that gets you mad.


Imagine claiming to be a Christian & still supporting tRump. Literally, the Bible warns of an entity like him, & I don’t need the Bible to tell me that.


I wonder how much of this is being deliberately stirred up by foreign powers.


The "Trump Humpers", as I like to call them, are by and large the most ignorant and uninformed group of people you'd ever hope to not come across.


I call them trumpets because they get played and are loud.


Sure, become felons too.


They are not going to do shit. J6 was their chance, and they all got called ANTIFA by Fox!


Yes, calling for OTHERS to riot. They saw what happened to J6 rioters. Nothing’s going to happen


So is the Civil War II SCHEDULED yet? Is it going to interfere with the playoffs?


I guarantee the FBI has a list and these people are now on it.


What exactly would they be rioting for? Was it unjust? No. Was it politically motivated? No. This was an election interference case where he was found guilty of trying to steal an election. The J6ers want another J6. Yeah, we know. Fascism is crazy. Never thought I’d see so many in my country want another Nazi era.


> What exactly would they be rioting for? Was it unjust? No. Was it politically motivated?  I can’t get a trumper to answer this for me.  Do they think he was innocent of the charges?  Or do they think he should never have been charged in the first place?  Either he’s innocent of everything, or he’s not innocent but most people don’t get charged with these crimes so that makes it a selective and political prosecution.  And the facts don’t seem to say he’s innocent. Sure as hell looks like he did what they said he did.  So we’re left with the argument that Trump is guilty of crimes but we should let him off because he’s a politician.  Which is a wild take and none of his fan club will admit it. 


Crouching in their mom's basement, cleaning their AK, mumbling about civil war.


The whole world think Trumps an idiot. I know that'll prove he isn't, if we commit crime and jeopardise our own lives for the sake of a billionaire who shits himself


They aren't going to actually do shit, they're just signaling to their in-group that they belong. They know that it's not worth it otherwise they would actually go out and protest instead of "threatening" it all the time. 


If they don't like it, they can go back to where their ancestors are from. You know, their argument for anyone that disagrees with them.


Who are they thinking they’re getting violent retribution from?!?? Their guy basically admitted to cheating on his wife and paying off porn stars. With campaign money. He just didn’t admit to covering it up. So he commits a crime and you’re gonna get violent against people that had nothing to do with him choosing to do what he did? Weird.


100% If the verdict was that he wasn't guilty, they would be like "ha! There you go, see, he is clear!" Suddenly courts would be legit and not rigged n everything


Lone wolf types scare me more than dozens of supporters with flags and gold running shoes.


I’ve been really trying but I’m having difficulty convincing myself to be afraid of these people. Everyone in these photos and street interviews seem like they’ve had something wrong with them going back before Trump. They don’t look like they could strategize their way out of a wet paper bag. Even the real hardcore cops and ex-military among them aren’t a real threat, because someone’s got to be in charge. They’ll be too busy trying to kill each other. Even in the unlikely event they are able to put together some type of organization, it’ll turn out like that Canadian trucker convoy. Domestic terrorism is a worry but that would only accelerate their demise.


Let them all get felonies and see how fast they realize that felons can’t vote


Trump supporters are the biggest group of cry babies in the country. They cry more than actual babies.


Trump's not talking like a presidential candidate any more, he's talking like a violent right-wing extremist revolutionary, and frankly I don't think there's a big enough appetite for \*actual\* revolution for his putsch to amount to much except online.


Isn’t this like their 6th or 7th call for this whenever he gets caught? I remember a few when he got impeached. Last time I checked when you actually tried to back up your words, you folded like Superman on laundry day and now about a 1000 of them tearfully proclaimed you didn’t know what you were doing. These assbeefs are all hat and no cattle.


Call for, instead of actually doing. Not exactly surprising for a collection of lazy arrogant wastes.


In my own family the father of one of my inlaws went completely off the deep end with Maga. Not only does he refuse all nuance but he actually disowned two of his children for being Democrats. It's really sad to see.


Supposed party of law and order plan to violently break the law and order. 


To the surprise of absolutely no one. They are a bunch of violent prone idiots.


Let's all pray they do something stupid, get locked up and possibly lose their ability to vote. 🤞🏻


That lonely, angry, hateful base gets lonelier, angrier, and more hateful every day. Oh ignorant and willfully ignorant! Almost forgot those. Shit, anything else?


Do it. Y'all don't have the balls.


Think back to when Trump was elected and how many people were in the streets. Think of the protests that lasted his entire, short, term in office. Democrats know how to get out and demonstrate, how to be heard. Now think of when the Republicans get out, 10-15 idiots, middle-aged or older, driving around in trucks, flying flags. Who do they think they’re kidding? If the GOP tries to start shit they’re going to get a very rude awakening.


It will be fun when they find out that calling for violence is not protected by the first amendment


Aren't these the same people that were complaining about university students just camping on campus lawns.


lol red hats aren’t going to do anything because they’ll FAFO and get the Ashli Babbitt treatment and immediately retreat just like they did Jan 6th. They want retribution then they all get out and vote. Otherwise they’ll just cope.


By all means. We can lock them up, too.


So they're terrorists. Can we call them but the proper name?


But I thought Trumpers hated violent protesters and said peaceful, unobtrusive protest is the only valid form of protest.


Oh so NOW is an appropriate time to riot over the fate of one man?....cool




I expected some of this. What I’m waiting to hear from are the “reasonable” conservatives that are not Trump humpers to speak up a some point. This is your party, Republicans. Is it really do or die for THAT GUY? He’s such a sore loser. Why anyone would want to be associated with him is beyond me.


Their narcissism seethes. I had one encounter with someone who insisted it was unfair and suggested "rising up" against it. I said great because I told the National Guard to call me up specifically in the event of civil unrest and stochastic terrorism. Nevermind that she had just implied committing violence against my home, *I* was *too eager* to harm fellow citizens by apparently defending my community. These people literally cannot be reasoned with.


Riots and violence … or mean tweets from safe inside their house. One or the other.