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And he will get a job the next town over


Sheriff Ivey in Brevard County, Florida will take him with open arms.


That idiot has basically said "if you're bad enough of a cop to be fired, I want you."


I’m pretty sure he openly invited Dereck Chauvin of 2020 George Floyd infamy to come work for him.


I can't tell if this is a criticism or a job offer.




I have been saying that for years. Even with a truck driver, there is a state authority with the power to suspend or revoke a drivers license.


Exactly! There are dozens of easy to find examples where cops are held to a lower standard with training and licenses.


Also, the ever present threat of losing a nursing license or drivers license encourages better adherence to professional standards, set by the State. If their professional license is lost, there goes not just the person's current job but the real possibility of not being hired anywhere else in that particular field.


Lawyers can be disbarred. Show me the equivalent for cops. When your profession is being outclassed by _lawyers_ in professional accountability, the Thin Blue Line needs to take a serious look at themselves. Not that they will, of course.


Yeah me too. Two great examples Korea and British have one police force. Korea you have to get a degree to be just a patrol officer if you want to be a detective you need a higher degree.


>Even with a truck driver, there is a state authority with the power to suspend or revoke a drivers license. Not only a state authority but federal DOT also.


Individually carried insurance, or out of pension fund. make them care about their guys responding in the right ways.


Wtf are you actually serious? Hair dressers are held to a higher performance standard then police? I repeat. Wtf.


Yeah. It varies greatly by state though. But go look up the hours of training needed to become a barber/stylist vs to become a cop.


Something tells me that the extra training isn't what stops barbers and stylists from slaughtering their black customers though...has more to do with racism. Positions of power attract racists.


Not wrong with that statement. I think it's also because police generally attract the least educated candidates but I think that's also play a part in racism.


They also require more training in most states.


I giggled at that but it actually makes me feel sad


That very thing is what police reform needs to address. Get the bad apples off the streets


1) Zero immunity schemes and a national minimum of a $10million private bond paid from the officer's salary. 2) Any judgement not paid by personal bond comes from the police retirement fund. 3) Any judgement not paid by the retirement fund comes from the department budget. 4) 90% of the police problem solved.


https://www.nlead.gov/ The Biden Administration's Executive Order #14074. If you want people to be aware of this, maybe add it to your comment for visibility.


Congress can easily do it by passing a law defining that you need a license to be in the militia, then only licensed people can have guns.   It is no different than forcing registrations and IDs to vote.  


> commit manslaughter What an odd way to say 'murder.'


Not once the military is done. This dude's career is *over*, and that's assuming they don't put him in prison. This is the police department covering it's ass so they dont get dragged any further into what's coming.


> Not once the military is done. we thought the same with Nazario in Virginia, that the military would come crashing down on those cops since Nazario was active duty don't think it turned out that way now, obvious difference is Nazario was pepper sprayed vs Fortson actually being murdered, but still when it comes to cops I am extremely pessimistic


You’re comparing apples to nukes my dude lol. I hope you’re wrong 


> I hope you’re wrong  so do I


i like your optimism but i would be shocked if after a whole month they decide to charge him. people like derek chauvin were arrested a few days after the incident. and that was for something that happened after an actual crime had been committed, not after an officer had killed a man exercising his rights.


Former airman here, I’m betting that OSI charges the cop for (at the least) destruction of government property. The military has got to be coming after this dude.


Contrary to popular belief military members are not “government property”. OSI also does not have jurisdiction to charge him. He is a civilian, not working for the DOD, and the incident happened off post.


They can press federal charges.


Military has no authority over civilians.


That’s not a factually correct statement [see here](https://ucmj.us/can-a-civilian-be-charged-under-ucmj/#:~:text=You%20might%20think%20you're,behind%20this%20potential%20legal%20crossover) OSI can still press federal charges as well. Same as NCIS or CID.


Yes, but I still don't see how they'd have any jurisdiction in this. This didn't happen in a base. Cop wasn't embedded with our forces. There is no wartime executive orders at present. He didn't kill an entire battalion of soldiers (hard to argue his being military had anything to do with his murder), he wasn't a contractor subject to ucmj. Military can charge a civilian, but you also need to be a massive and often ongoing threat to current operations and/or troop health. I don't see military directly touching this. Now they mean lean heavily on the relevant federal authorities, but that's about all I see them doing if anything.


Difference is Chauvin was a reaction to a city being rioted and this guy probably being handled through normal channels.


>Not once the military is done. What do you think the military is going to do? They have no authority or jurisdiction over civilians off base. They can assist in an investigation, they can also conduct their own investigation. But they don't have the authority to arrest civilians.


Air Force OSI can technically bring any federal charges deemed appropriate. Deprivation of rights under the color of law would be the most likely. But I think the odds of them doing that are about zero.


The crime would have had to either occur on a military base or be perpetrated by a military member. Even then, if a civilian is involved, AFOSI can't arrest that civilian. They'd be violating the posse commitatus act. They could work with FBI, who does have jurisdiction over civilians. However, this isn't a case the FBI will likely take on. I think a lot of people watch NCIS and believe military LE authority is broader than it actually is.


You are incorrect. AFOSI (Now just OSI) has civilian Agents specifically to arrest civilians involved in their cases. The civilian agents are federal agents and go to CITP, etc. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/9377


Thank you for the law. Those instances when a military special agent can arrest civilians is very limited in scope. Section c outlines this. They would not have authority or jurisdiction over this matter. I included civilians on base in an earlier comment. I should have kept that in the others. When military members are victims of crimes off base, the military doesn't get a whack at them because they don't like the outcome. Nor do they have the authority to take over an investigation (ala NCIS tv show). CGIS is an exception to this rule as posse commitatus doesn't apply to USCG. They often pursue cases against civilians for maritime violations of law.


The Air Force isn't going fuck all about this. I live 30 minutes from Eglin and have friends and customers who work at both Elgin and Herby and the attitude from big AF is "be safe and be mad if you want but do it out of uniform and off base"


>Not once the military is done ? Military has no jurisdiction.


> Not once the military is done. This dude's career is over, and that's assuming they don't put him in prison. This is the police department covering it's ass so they dont get dragged any further into what's coming. See, now this finally makes something I didn't understand about this make sense. I've replied in another thread re this case that: > "A sheriff’s internal affairs investigation released Friday concluded that, “Mr. Fortson did not make any hostile, attacking movements, and therefore, the former deputy’s use of deadly force was not objectively reasonable.” Outside law enforcement experts have also said that an officer cannot shoot simply because a possible suspect is simply holding a gun if there is no threat." > Do not underestimate the significance of this. This is new. > How authoritative it is going forward remains to be seen, but this is different than the status quo ante, and that's not nothing. This is the first explanation that makes sense why this case is different. We've had legal gun owners answer the door armed during a raid, and get shot with no responsibility taken by the involved Law Enforcement Organization. This is the first time I've seen a Police Dept NOT see _answering the door armed_ as an immediately capital crime. Couldn't make sense of it until now. Thank you.


We have a national database to make sure shitty pilots can’t get jobs once their incompetence has been documented. Why can’t we have the same for police? They get the best pensions and can retire in their 50s, why the fuck can’t they be held accountable to do their job well?


“Shoot first demand gun be dropped after? You’re the most qualified candidate in our department.”


But first he will sue for wrongful termination, win, get his job back along with backpay, then retire with benefits, then move onto the new job in the next town over with probably a promotion.


Currently working in the area, and from the looks of it this is not the case. The base is pissed, and the locals are appalled, this is a big military area


Maybe not. They may rehire him for a single day and give him a full pension for "PTSD". Been done before. 


How is he not in jail. This was straight murder based on the video.  He even hid out of the view of the peep hole. 


Why get another job when you can just ride the Kyle Rittenhouse hate wave? I’m sure this guy will be dog whistling on podcasts before the month is over.


If he used "unreasonable deadly force" then he needs a trial. I accept that given his job and circumstances it might not be a murder 1 or 2 charge but a manslaughter charge must be the minimum.


I think he'll get charged with criminaly negligent homicide or something equivalent.


The criminal investigation is still ongoing so criminal charges could be next.


You know, as a courier, I had guns pulled on me 3 times, and we're all still here. Well, the third time was two dudes robbing a bank, and they're in jail now, so not exactly "here," but still alive!


Right. Like, that’s a long way of saying murder isn’t it?




Do you not understand the difficult punishment of having to extend your commute to the next towns police station??


At least he got fired. If the victim weren’t in the military the police would have sprinkled some crack on him and called it a day. 


It’s called “unreasonable deadly force” when a cop does it apparently.


Till the DA files charges. The police would never ever risk angering the union by an allegation like that that isn’t soon to be followed by an indictment


> Till the DA files charges. So, never, then.


The military can apply a kind of pressure we rarely see in these cases


Sad that a normal US citizen would never have that privilege.


Article says they expect to file charges.


He won't spend 1 day in jail


obviously theyre planning on charging him too


The police precinct can't prosecute for crimes, they did all they can. It's up to the DA now.


Can we also talk about the woman who called police and said there was a domestic dispute in the apartment that was getting out of hand? He was alone in the apartment.


It bugs me how quickly she just disappeared from this story.


If she was on the other side of the wall and the noise from him being on a video call with his girlfriend bothered her enough to call police, well, I wouldn’t wish death on anyone.


Could have been someone's TV OR she could have made the allegation up


She basically swatted him.


If some HOA lady / Karen level shit has taken place, there needs to be some serious follow-up on her behalf.


I’m actually surprised her name isn’t out there yet. Florida has sunshine laws so it’s all releasable. If none of the news agencies do a FOIA request by next week I’ll do it.


Him being on a video call does not mean there was not a loud argument going on, tbh.


Let's nor deflect the blame. There's nothing wrong with calling the police if one thinks there's a violent act occurring. In fact, it's the proper thing to do. It's nor her fault a bad cop responded.


Are you new to this country? Calling the police is very much asking for more trouble, even if there already is some. Knowing you’re calling them on a brown person is a dice roll with that persons life. Especially in Florida.


The report is up on [wsbtv.com](http://wsbtv.com) Lots of names are redacted. I gathered a lady called on-site leasing office to report a possible physical dispute. She was advised to call police. She did not call police until after she heard gunshots. So, perhaps leasing office called police...I have not read entire report yet.


Yes, the leasing office called police initially based on the original neighbor contacting the office.


At least 3 neighbors said they heard arguing and yelling from that apartment on several occasions. It's entirely possible he was arguing with his girl over Zoom or yelling at a video game. One neighbor was 120000%, sure there was a kid and woman also living there. Obviously, that was incorrect. But the point is people heard things and imagined what those sounds coincided with. They were wrong. However, this would be an entirely different story if they were right and didn't call police.


The real punishment is that he has to drive an extra 10 minutes to work- to get to the department down the road that re-hired him.


At least the taxpayers will pay for his cruiser and gas.


Maybe he’ll shoot an acorn next


mafk couldn't *hit* an acorn


Murder, and you get fired LOL fucking disgrace.


Interesting. It seems to me that if one of the rest of us killed someone who we shouldn't have killed the punishment would be more severe than losing a job


Any normal person would be sitting in a jail cell awaiting trial. It's despicable that this guy roaming free just because he is a cop.


Incompetent fucking idiots never cease to amaze me. RIP, Airman.


2nd Amendment supporters and NRA members go ballistic as man is shot by police holding his own pistol inside his own home. Nope. Scratch that. Wrong skin color.


The NRA never gives shit when a black American well within their rights to carry a gun is murdered by police. This isn't the first time this has happened. The NRA is too busy getting infiltrated by Russian spies line Maria Butina to actually care.


Unreasonable use of force??? As a former LE I can definitely say this is the understatement of the day.


Don’t worry, he’ll be hired somewhere else.


And what other profession can you shoot somebody, kill them without a reasonable explanation and just get fired?


With the criminal investigation still ongoing I hope his unit along with the DoD are seeking the worst for this coward murderer. 


Some would call that murder


“Florida deputy who murdered airman in his home has been fired” Fixed that for you


Before the "not objectively reasonable use of deadly force" and "agency policy violation" bullshit, why did Duran go to the wrong apartment in the first place? "The internal investigation appeared to show Duran was told to go to Fortson’s apartment by someone from the apartment complex." is not the answer we want.


He went to the apartment he was dispatched to. The report clearly shows this. The reports about a disturbance from the neighbors was incorrect. But the cop did not go to the wrong apartment. Cops can only respond based on the information they have.


***unreasonable deadly force*** Sounds like murder to me


I expect small government, pro 2A Republicans to be absolutely furious...that the officer lost his job.


Cool cool, so what about his trial and sentencing?


He’ll get hired somewhere else. Shouldn’t take too long.


What about that pension?


“Unreasonable deadly force” is certainly one way to say “murder”


Isn't unreasonable deadly force just murder?


He should be fired... Literally in front of the public.. He should be burned


Fired. Why is this news? He should be in prison. That would be news.


Where’s the indictment?


These cops are so ready to shoot someone..


That’s a funny way to say murder.


Fired?!?! He needs to go to jail


Those are pretty words for murder.


just fired ? no jail time ?


Fired!? Not fired upon?! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!


How about instead of first, they go to trial for manslaughter


Murder a man & getting fired is the only consequence Get another cop job one town over & do it again This is America This is what happens when you call the cops


Fired. Not prosecuted? Not sued? Just fired?


He can get a job protect Trump via DeSantis special police force


For all the people saying all he’s getting is fired, no. The Sheriff’s Office fired him because that’s his employer. The District Attorney will file the charges, probably for some type of negligent manslaughter.


He should be charged with manslaughter at the very least.


Oh wow, I was expecting a paid vacation


I wonder if the federal government will sue the officer.


So why isn’t he charged with 2nd degree murder ?


Other people have to, you know, go to prison after they murdered someone...


Great. When is he getting charged?


What about criminal charges...fired who gives a fuck


Fired...he needs to be in jail.


You get fired for calling your boss bad names. You should get arrested for shooting someone in their own house minding their own business.


Unreasonable deadly force is a really stupid way to say murder


Family should bring a civil lawsuit.


The USAF should bring a lawsuit as well, given all the time and money it takes to train qualified airmen.


Took a fine Airman off the mission.


Great. How about a national database that prevents him from getting a job 1 municipality over? Or ya know, legal repercussions? If i accidentally shoot someone, i lose more than my job.


Feels bad for everyone else that opened a door with a handgun to police without knowing. Most other cases don't get justice.


this still ain't justice yet


Good first step. The next step is to press charges and try this former deputy.


people should be noted that Republican want to give police immunity to all criminal/civil charges.


Should be in jail and/or sued into oblivion


As a non-American watching everything, in the media, going on in the States I see the story of "cop kills innocent black man" happens a LOT. But now in this case the military, a significant branch of the government, is pushing for justice. Because this man was in the military. Hell yeah, go get 'em! This could also help recruitment. GENTLEMAN: you can serve just one weekend a month and if you get killed by a cop, the military will seek justice for you. Otherwise they can keep getting away with it. This is what the rest of the world is seeing.


Muhammad Ali refused to serve in the military because he reasoned, why fight for Americans rights abroad when I return and get treated like a second class citizen?


If police enter your home and you have a gun or weapon, do you have any obligation to drop your weapon and comply with their orders?