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You think Mexico has a crime probem?


And yet you still see people trying to buy drugs from these thugs when on vacation down there.


People love drugs.


We do, and I love to smoke as well... But when I go there, usually twice a year, I choose to abstain. Not only can it be dangerous, it also feeds that beast. I know it's only a miniscule piece of their income, but every purchase pays for a bullet.


So don't vacation there? Your food budget probably goes entirely to them.


If they're going twice a year I'd assume it's to visit family


That would be your choice...


Do you know most of the drugs sold by the Mexican cartel are actually sold and bought in the United States? People buying drugs on vacation is not the problem.


Ya I was wondering if someone was going to tell them




Are you seriously asking why drug addicts don’t just boycott their addictions?


Yep... I do know that. We can only do what we can do.


So why are you caught up in the few ppl who buy drugs while on vacation? That misrepresents the problem and shifts the blame to one side only.


I mean, you can’t buy illegal drugs from non-criminals.


That's how most of the other developed world thinks about the states.


Nah, the planet has a huge human problem.


Would be great if the Mexican government could completely destroy the cartels and get their country under control. It’s a beautiful country with a rich culture but the cartels have turned it into an active warzone.


The cartel is deep rooted in their culture. You end one cartel and another pops up.


It’s not rooted in the culture. It’s organized crime responding to the never ending need that Americans have for drugs. It’s rooted in corruption and money.


The Cartels make the minority of their income from Drugs nowadays. It’s all in resorts, farms (avacados, corn, etc), extortion, and human trafficking. They have their fingers in every industry in Mexico and if they don’t, they’ll kill everyone in their way until it is.


They absolutely do not have their fingers in every industry in Mexico. Mexico is a giant country with 130 million people, with millions of small businesses, huge manufacturing and industrial sectors, the best scientific institutions in Latin America (as well as universities), and so on and so on. Millions of people live their lives having cero contact with the cartels. Im fucking tired and BORED of everyone thinking Mexico is nothing more than cartel land.


Are you stupid? Mr Cartel fought Mr Ford and the cartel now runs the factory in Mexico


What the fuck is your problem?


I thought it was an obvious joke…




I mean, it’s Reddit. I don’t know why I bother. Everyone thinks Mexico is sepia toned and nothing but a never-ending season of Narcos.


Imagine blaming ruthlessly violent gangs on drug users lol. Guys if you stop doing drugs, people will stop forming organized crime syndicates.


Imagine reducing an entire country to just its organized crime problem.


I can’t and I didn’t.


That’s what the comment I was responding to did.


It’s organized crime because it’s illegal for a pharmaceutical company to sell it to the US. If everything sold was legal there wouldn’t even be a conversation and Mexico might not even have the opportunity to sell anything anymore. The issue is supply, not demand. Every country has demand.


I think the last president said something like “hey, I’ll just leave them some so they can leave us alone? People gotta work, amiright?” Lol


> Gunmen have killed the female mayor of a town in Mexico just hours after the country celebrated the election of Claudia Sheinbaum as the nation's first woman president. Did they expect that women would stop dying in violent crime in Mexico after the Presidential election or something?


Nah something extremely odd is happening but nothing will be none.


By definition, nothing is already none.




Yeah I got that, I just thought the typo itself was funny.


Fuck. We're not doing well are we? I don't mean in Mexico or any country, just in general. We're really fucking this whole thing up. Well, it's a good thing climate change is going to make sure we don't fuck it up further.


We'll survive, things are just going to be even worse.


Do we have to? I don't mean killing off the entire human race but 80% I'm good with that. The only problem is that the generations that follow aren't prepared for what's coming. I'm pretty sure we're past the point of no return and the weather events are going to get really bad in the next 20-30 years. My kid is going to have to prepare for it, I live in a state that should be getting regular snow storms and we now get mostly rain. If we do get a snow storm it gets cleared out by rain within a week. We all have some amount of micro plastics in us and the ocean is filled with them. I'm hopeful the planet will survive but we're going to pay the price to repair the damage.


So your solution to one mayor getting killed is to kill 80% of the human race?




Wow, you are heckin' mad, and I agree! The world is full of friggin meanies and I can't stand it! Maybe if you wring your hands some more or post more angsty melodramatic reddit comments, things will get better. I mean, geez. The world used to be such a happy and safe place, and now it's just heckin scary! I miss when everyone was civil and respectful of each other's rights. Like in the 1100s when Genghis Khan killed 40 million people. Or when the crusades happened or the Spanish Inquisition or the Salem Witch Trials or slavery or WW1 or the Holocaust or the rubber trade in Congo. Humanity is definitely going downhill, and 2024 is the worst year of all time, though.


The problem is the 5-20% that "survive" will be the richest and worst humanity has to offer... but yeah, our race has doomed itself.


Can you wait til an actual news story about climate change or do you need to doompost in an unrelated story?


Stop hailing this as some big progressive win lmao. A bunch of candidates murdered, a cartel stooge elected. Western media are true fools.


Correction, first cartel sponsored woman elected leader.


Is there a previous Mexican President who was secretly a woman?


Worse than being a drummer for Spinal Tap.




So brave lol. You'd be angry and do what? You will die if you go against the cartels. 




No you won't. There are plenty of people and politicians in Mexico that live their lives and navigate through the cartel rule. It's easy to be brave and tough on the internet. Harder to be when cartel members abduct you/your children/your family members and put a gun in their mouth. 




Correct. There are thousands of politicians in Mexico that are actively not dead. You got anxiety from your neighbors making noise at night and didn't even have the courage to speak to them directly. Stop pretending you would stand up to cartels on the internet lol.