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MOSCOW, June 16 (Reuters) - Russian special forces freed two prison guards and shot dead six inmates linked to the Islamic State militant group who had taken them hostage at a detention centre in the southern city of Rostov on Sunday, Russian media said.


I’ve heard of Rostov on Don, but Rostov on Sunday is a new one.


The ISIS militants took hostage the Russian special forces at a detention centre?


So basically 2 special Islamic force members came to free the captive ones, held 2 guards hostage while trying to get the captives out but Russian forces came in guns a blazing and killed the hostages and the people who came to save them


Ah, I see Russian tactics hasn't evolved any since the [Beslan School Siege.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beslan_school_siege) What to do when terrorists take an entire elementary school hostage? Fuck it, shoot the building with a thermobaric bomb! Don't have to negotiate about hostages, if there aren't any left!


I wonder what, if anything, really happened. Because let's be honest, everything out of Ruzzia is lies and smokescreen.


Nah they probably did. People forget that ISIS still exists in a lot of places, and they still wanna take out everyone. We don’t fuck around with ISIS, we still help the Taliban with them. We still let Russia and Iran know when attacks are being planned. After they both ignored massive ones, they likely stepped up operations against ISIS.


Eh this one looks legit, the jihadists actually posted videos of themselves with the captured guards. Theres not really a positive spin on posting/showing the world that your own prison guards can get over run by a couple guys with a pen knife and fire axe?


I'm guessing they killed everyone including the guard hostages. They're trying to show that if they were in control that Hamas would be annihilated.




Considering how the last big hostage crisis in Russia went down, and, you know, the war; there's every reason to doubt the word of the Russian govt.


Lol. That was "the ukrainians" according to Ruzzia.


Ruzzia lies but Russia would never it’s a beautiful country which is as close to a Utopia as can be! Now comrade please take a look at the beautiful land by the open window on the 28th floor


give it a day, they'll blame Ukraine, as they always do


If they really killed 6 Islamic State militants then it’s a good thing irrespective of circumstances.


sounds like for whatever reason, the hostage taking actually happened, or the guards got bored and summarily executed all six people and slapped on the ISIS link just to make an inconsequential execution.


I was about to give a rare shoutout to the Russian army. Upon reading the article, it was in Moscow and Russian hostages. At first glance, I assumed they took a break from sucking off Asad to do some good in Syria, this makes more sense.


with how Russia treats hostages and their own soldiers what were those guys expecting?


Gotta cover up the evidence


The stupid pieces of shit though they could just take two hostages and Russia was going to let them walk out of the prison lol