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Together they can muster the economic might of a rural gas station that’s closed on weekends.




We really screwed ourselves on the Cuba thing. Cuba + US would be the shit.


Turns out that when you refuse to lift a decades-long embargo on your neighbours because the Soviets tried to set up nuclear weapons on their turf sixty years ago, said neighbours aren't gonna like you very much.


Thank Trump for that one


Ehhh, we can thank good ol' capitalistic exploitation of the early 20th century first tho.


Yeah this is true but Obama iirc was tryna start fixing that situation. Didn’t he open up travel to Cuba again? I could be wrong. Definitely woulda been cool af tho


He opened diplomatic relations, but there was still a lot of work to be done, travel was still highly restricted I think.


And portions of the trade embargo I believe. I don’t think it was ever fully lifted though. 


Cuba + US= Hialeah Florida AKA Lil Cuba


If 'Rumple-orangeskin wins, they won't need money. They'll have their new lap dog.


A rural gas station with missile manufacturing capability actually.


Pfft a missile is just a tube with a guidance system.


Oh shit! Not missiles! If this was the Cold War that would be super impressive and intimidating.


We can laugh sure. Not sure the Ukrainian’s would be laughing though…


You mean the people currently bitch slapping Russia with our hand me downs? They love a laugh at Russia’s expense.


You mean the same conflict that has killed half a million Ukrainians? I don’t think anyone who’s actually involved in the war is laughing at anything; likely too busy fighting a war and burying family and friends. War isn’t a game.


Is Putin seriously sucking up to the military who sends poop balloons over to South Korea?


Well when they make all of your artillery shells, yes poop balloons or not, they are gonna be fast friends.


Don't forget the slave labour


How the hell can North Korea crank out more shells than Russia? Or is it just convenient to buy them instead of manufacture?


North Korea basically uses slave labour. Can't get cheaper than that


Well they get what they pay for, dud rate of 50%!


along with what others said, they have shit quality and production controls. NK probably isnt sending brand new shells, just like how other countries arent sending their latest and greatest shit. They're sending existing stockpiles then replenishing their own. So on top of shit tier assembly, they've also been sitting around for decades, potentially.


Well NK isn't actively shooting thousands a day like Russia is, they have a stock pile to sell and have the ability to produce at whatever 100% is for them. Russia is absolutely making their own as well; and at a faster rate* than the Nato countries who have sent their reserves to Ukraine. *could be pure conjecture, I recall reading this, but I could be mistaken. Correct me if I'm wrong!


considering how the US and other countries are sending stockpiled munitions, it wouldn't be a bad guess to say NK (who still needs to maintain a high readiness level as a part of their whole facade) is doing the same thing.


Well the whole hasn't been there in 24 years thing was a global statement: I don't go to you, *you come to me*. My how the turntables...  That must have been a fun phone call, "Oh! You want more artillery rounds? Sure! ...*come and pick them up yourself*."


Or he’s just happy to leave the country somewhere without getting arrested. Acting like he’s defying the international arrest warrant. Could possibly be a middle ground for a secret meeting with China or something.


>poop balloons He's there for the weapons expo


That might have been nk secret opposition sending intel under the cover of balloons. I want to imagine that nk bossman has opposition that's working with sk.


Are you suggesting South Korea needs to check the shit for messages?


Trump saluted their military,  ofc putin is friendly with them


Russia once had a seat at the table with Western Nations, now they sit in the garbage pile.


Extra pathetic that it isn't Kim going to Moscow. Instead Putin is groveling at the hermit King's feet for ancient Soviet era shells and maybe some voluntolds for the meat grinder. This is the man conservatives spent the entirety of Obama's presidency worshipping.


Kim visited Russia recently


He didn't come to Moscow though.


Which is an absolute shame. Russia and her people could have so much going for them except for their piss poor leadership. I've often pondered what might've been had the White Army prevailed over the Bolsheviks during the civil war. A democratic Russia would have changed the course of the previous century in so many good directions. Even a return to Tsarist rule would have been preferable to the USSR.


Two of the biggest assholes on Earth hug each other.


Add Trump and you got an asshole menage a trois.


Funny thing is Putin and Kim are the only 2 world leaders that Trump respects. Never ceases to amaze me how many ppl just love this guy.


Check out the band 'Nuclear Power Trio' for exactly this


I can’t imagine how bad that would smell


They could form an asshole-celes triangle


There is the dancing trio video out there somewhere


An asshole sandwich is what you would have.


>An asshole sandwich is what you would have. You're right...who would be the one getting glazed?


Like 2 sphincters clenching.


uhhh, they're scissoring.


Kim would run a mile if he saw Putin's work load like the only thing Kim ever put effort in apart from stuffing his face and starving his people would be basketball and political assassinations


I wonder who would win in a cage fight?  Old grizzly Putin or young panda bear? 


Two assholes rubbing against one another, smearing shit into each other's buttholes.


A circle jerk is never a power move. Putin looking weaker than ever.


read this in Paulie's voice 💀


That's like a panhandler meeting with the local crackhead to plot taking over Microsoft. Good luck with that kids.


When the person who ignored you for decades needs something.... They all of a sudden stop by to say "Hi".


And to think we have Putin cock holsters in the US.


At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Putin straight up says “elect Trump or it’s war.”


War with what, his tugboats? You don't need to worry about nukes, that won't happen.


And he has a legitimate chance of winning the presidency


Get in Loser, we're going losing together.


He probably feels tall.


Putin needs more munitions.


How the mighty has fallen. North Korea has the gdp of Poughkeepsie, NY. Truly, this alliance will doom the West and it's rules based international order.


Word on the street is Pootin is seeking a deep discount for missiles given their high failure rate under ruzzias Potato’s for Bombs trade program. He also wants to check out first hand how much you can actually starve your general population while still maintaining a strong looking army. Also while there he is apparently looking for a beachfront property in case things go pearshape at home


Begging NK to rebuild the Russian military. We are pretty close to this turning into a world war.


3rd world war more like it


Can it really be put into the world war category if Russia and NK are spearheading the effort? If / when the US and Britain decide it’s go time it’ll be over before the generals finish brewing their coffees.


These are all nuclear powers. If things boil over, we're done. Nothing will be left standing.


That one exactly.


All Putin has to threaten with are the nukes.Questionable if the antique Russian military can even launch or deliver them.


They test launch their delivery systems routinely just like we do. Even if only 1/3rd of them manage to deliver warheads on target it's still armageddon.


And they've been getting away with conscripting rural bumpkins and/or Eastern minorities. They call for a full mobilization and you've got Russian Civil War 2: Revengence.


They can launch them, trust and believe


It costs the US about $50b per year to maintain the nuclear arsenal. Russia's entire military budget is $75b and they claim to have slightly more nuclear weapons than the US.


All it takes is 1 to start a complete shitshow


Genuine Question: How likely is WWIII based on what's occurred so far?


Not nearly as likely as armchair military analysts would have you believe. Far more likely to continue as proxy wars until someone does something humongously stupid. For example if Russia were to extend past Ukraine into a NATO country or if China goes after Taiwan. Although only the first point is likely to lead to war. I bet if China went after Taiwan we'd just see another Ukraine situation where they are supplied by the west. But they wouldn't last very long I'd imagine. They'd take Taiwan, we'd slap them on the wrist and say "bad China!" and we'd all swiftly forget about it.


China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, etc. are a league of primitive and violent leaders. As such they're all shitholes. Pity the people who have to live there.


Problem is they’re beginning to form an alliance like how Germany Japan and Italy did years ago


Putin: “We need your weapons to fight the Ukrainian Nazis and the evil NATO” Kim: “You’ve been treating me like an unwanted stepchild for years. Why should I?” Putin: “We can be buds from now on. I’ll throw in luxury dacha in Crimea staffed with prostitutes who will pee on you if you like.” Kim: “Send me shipping address”


Are Dennis Rodman and Steven Seagal there as well?


Kim should have made Putin kiss his feet


But did he salute their General?


Funy part is that Kim knows that the only reason this rat is at his house is because he is cornered. He will exploit this situation as much as possible and leave Putin hanging with his pants down.


All I see in this picture is 2 butt hurt soft men who are emotionally damaged by how the West have “hurt” them.


What I find the most confounding about Kim is the fact that he spent his early years attending boarding schools in Switzerland. You'd think he would want that quality of life for the people of his country. What is the benefit of their system of governance or their economic model? What's the point? Is the only point autocratic power, dynasty and ego fulfillment? I don't get it.


A sign of how desperate he has become


People seem worried about this for some reason. This just shows how weak Russia actually is begging a much smaller country for arms in a war that was supposed to end in 3 days


The anti-west alignment is like some kind of axis.


Where’s Donnie? Oh he has to stay behind for sentencing.


These are two embarrassingly small men who look normal height amongst each other so they comically look at ease around each other. Very Sad!


The grown up version of being picked last in gym class


Come on CIA. 1 missile and you get 2 assholes. Easy win for the entire world.


Two shitheads the world would be better off without


I think they're both equally dumb for allying with the other guy. Probably the two most selfish people in the world - neither is going to really get what they want out of this. Inevitably Kim will do something stupid and Puttin will have to distance himself from it. And its equally likely, that Kim will expect help with SK from Putin and it will never come.


One can only hope for a nuclear disaster that will claim both of them.


Diaper Don with the FOMO today


Americans are shocked that countries heavily sanctioned by America tend to form economic and military alliances.




The real pièce de résistance would have been Steven Seagal and Dennis Rodman simultaneously doing the same embrace next to them for this photo op.


Nice to see Beavis and Butthead finally reuniting. ❤️


Seems more like desperation kicking in


When they hug they symbolically reach a combined 10% of U.S. GDP.


Do you think they're speaking English to each other?


The scum meets the slime.


It'd be a wacky turn of history if Putin were to be incapacitated in a freak incident while there


I'm so curious who's the other guy, with the glasses? He's definitely not from Korea and he doesn't look Russian either. He almost looks western. Anyone?


i'm sure the country that threatens its citizens with execution for attempting suicide will make excellent allies 


He’s desperate to start a World War, and considers himself one of the team captain’s, picking his team.


As a American, should I be worried about this? Could this end up causing World War 3?


Putin, North Korea, congressional republicans. Yes, the anti-West alignment deepens.


Good, so when we take out Russia we can take out North Korea too, China, South Africa, Hungry, Iran will join next. WW3 is starting to form, I’m excited! I’m ready to jump on a plane to Poland when it goes down. You can see whose side Trump is on, the wrong side. Team NATO! F#*k MAGA! Traitors!


This alliance is just screaming for a skull logo.


Russia has increased it's total power projection by an incredible 0.1%. It's just kinda sad. This is supposed to be the arch enemy of the west, existential threat to the free way of life. Authoritarians position themselves as the ultimate folly, strong, in control, and bathed in ultimate power. But this... it's just so... pathetic. Is this it? Is this all you can conjure, Putin?


Anti-West sentiment has "deepened", like it went from "maximally bad" to "as bad as it can get"?






I bet you are.


*Long sideways glance*




they may trade murdering tips and best spots to get throne upgrades done too!


Couple of losers who deserve each other.


Both shitty leaders. Nice job Russia for picking a dud.


Trump would love to be the orange meat in that sandwich


Putin even finished his homework of firing his military leaders and installing family members as replacements. His north korean handler will be proud.


What a couple of morons.


You see Kim, if we combine our rockets power we may get them closer to a shore or at least a reef of some kind.


"Anti-West alignment deepens" I remember my grandpa tellin' me stories about what usually came next. 😬


Why not accidentally down the jet like they do passenger jets?


Would have been the perfect time for the US to use one of those blender drones again.


KJ Un is the guy Trump saluted. Here he’s hugging Putin.


This is kinda embarrassing for Putin IMO.


Is the Dotard gonna join them ?


I hate these two part headlines where they throw their opinion in there Oh 24 years ago North Korea and Putin loved the west? Or they had only shallow anti-west alignment? It’s ridiculous and wrong.