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> Ramsey says detectives in Chico are collaborating with Bakersfield police on reports that Webster has also been talking to several minors in the Bakersfield area, requesting nude pictures and offering them marijuana, nicotine, or alcohol. Dang this guy has a lot of free time. What does he do for work?


Dark Net shit peddling CP.


Nothing now.


No kidding. He drove from 5 hours from Bakersfield to Chico to meet the girl.


Mf look like he got a face transplant. Shits way to packed together


Amazing that the bail was set so low and they let this sick predator loose on the streets to commit more crimes. His bail should have been significantly higher so that he stays in jail to face justice.


I mean, I'm not arguing in this guy's favor here and I'm not trying to demean you either, but what kind of background are you from where a $331,000 bail is "set so low" to you? I don't think I know anybody in my personal life who could manage that sort of bail, at 10% through a bondsman that's 33 grand that you have to just PAY...


Sometimes a court will let an arrestee or a relative put up their house as security. In that case, I don't think it costs anything as long as the arrestee shows up for all their court dates. Another way the wealthy benefit from the "justice" system.


In my personal experience, my grandma leveraged her house so that the bail bondsman could get me out, it still costed 30k cash in payments over the following couple months.  The house was just leverage for a payment plan on the 30k essentially.    Not related or pushing any opinions, just thought this would add a little info. Edit: bond was 300k, the 30k we paid was the 10%


Yeah, if you go through a bond lender you still pay the 10%. AIUI, some courts will let a person simply sign up their house as security for the arrestee's appearance. That is something I've heard of, but never actually looked into.


That is different. The thing about bond is if you show up to the court date, you get ALL the money back. Unless of course you don’t have the money and need a third party to help you post bond. Then they keep 10%. If you are wealthy and have 300k in the bank. It costs you nothing. If you are poor and have to borrow 300k, it’s costs you 30k.


What were you in jail for, if I may ask?


Felonious assault on a police officer.  In reality, it was more like I attended one of the George Floyd protests in my city and was beaten and tased for it. I took it to trial and won, because I was fortunate enough to wear a GoPro that proved the police were lying. 


Well let’s not phrase it like all innocent people win their case


You’re right, edited my post slightly. 


Ding ding. The wealthy have ASSETS that they can leverage. 


That's what sets a Capitalist from a pleb.


Ended up being $750,000 bail


My Sister was murdered and her husband survived in assisted living with 2 bullets in his head with a dozen witnesses, the murderer’s lawyer argued that he had no previous convictions and that his county was poor, so he shouldn’t have a high bail because he wouldn’t be able to afford it. It was set to 10k and he posted bail immediately after spending 2 days in jail and the trial took almost 5 years before he finally went to prison.


Some people don't even get criminally charged for depending on how connected they are.


Most of the US judicial system doesn't take child sexual abuse as seriously as it should. It has nothing to do with being connected or rich.


Oh really… THAT has not been my experience and I worked in Juvenile Justice for 40 years


I'm not disputing that rich people can hire high priced lawyers to get charges reduced. I'm saying that *the laws* are weak. Otherwise they couldn't plead down and judges couldn't have the leeway to reduce charges.


The reason why people wanted bail reform is for these exact reasons… then I agree with your point… but if you are not rich or have connections or remind judges and prosecutors of family members then you are screwed


Which is true in a lot of criminal cases, yes.


Am I missing something? It says he posted a **$331,000** bond. Is that low?


1) That's not how bail works 2) $310,000 is not low




For who? Do you know how bail works? You get your money back so long as you show up to court. Even if you're found guilty .


The showing up part is what the court is banking on to profit from. It’s created the entire bail bondsman / bounty hunter industry in America


The courts don't make any money off bail. If you pay a bail bondsman (who are not part of the court system) to get you out, yes that money is theirs now. But the court only set bail to ensure you come back. It's a deposit on your freedom.


I think it's actually the bail bondsman that pays the money to the court on your behalf (after you put up like 10%). If you don't show up, that bail bondsman is out that bail money they fronted you, so they come get you and take you to the jail. The court does get that money.


They get the money back when your ass is in jail. The way it works is that the judge sets your bail at $10,000. You can find $10k, so you give it to the court in exchange for your freedom while your case goes through the system. When your case is complete, you get the money back. Even if found guilty. It's not a fine for your alleged crime, just a guarantee that you will return to court when you're supposed o be there. If you can't get $10k, but dont want to rot in jail for months or years while your case makes its way through the system, you can call a bailbondsman. They will ask for 10% of your bail. In this case, $1k. That's their fee. You don't get this money back. The bondsman goes to the court with $10k and says, "I'll take responsibility for this guy." Here's the $10k bail. When your case is done, he gets the $10k back. They just made $1k to do some paperwork. If you don't show up, he now has an interest in getting your ass back in jail because he'll be out the $10k until you return. Bailbondsman are private businesses that are not part of the courts.


Can confirm. Bailed myself out of a bullshit misdemeanor for $500…got it back when I appeared at the pretrial hearing and the prosecutor dropped all charges. Still spent 5 days in county jail though because it was over 4 day holiday weekend…oh well.


My understanding of it is if you miss your court date, the court will seize the bail.


That’s what he said. They seize the bail that was held to ensure you come to court until you come to court…then they return it, even if you skipped out on court for some time in between.


Sometimes, yes, you can forefit your bail if you fail to appear for your court dates. The court will get this money, but it's not a fine for the crime, and as long as you show up for court, it won't happen.


Sheesh. Witness tampering, assault, statutory rape, giving kids drugs, this dude's going away for a *long* time


He strangled the girl, why isn't it considered attempted murder and sexual assault and child pornography. And why any bail at all?


The strangling was probably influenced by his porn obsession and not from a wish to kill her. But abandoning her in rural Butte may have been influenced by a desire that she not survive long enough to make it home.


Bakersfield is the asshole of California.


Stockton rejoices.


Stockton's the taint.


Stockton the armpit of California. Bakersfield the asshole of California.


This dude grew up thinking the Scumbag Steve meme was #LifeGoals


A sex offender? In Bakersfield!? I don't believe it.




I'm just curious: Why don't you use complete sentences?




I bread both your posts in Christopher Walken voice. It works.


Bread mmm


I hate my screen. The darn B is right above where I hit space. My only consolation is I see it hpen to others. Tiny damned keys.


Sure, blame the screen.


I mean, it's my fat fingers as well, but we don't want to get all depressing (puns of fun) now do we?


You mean buns of fun?


Loafing about is gonna be the yeast of your worries.


Complexion for the protection


Full on Mr Incredibles mutant




I don't know why people think jokes like this will land when you're talking about the rape of a child.


There’s a lot of people on YouTube setting up sting operations to catch these child predators


And that type of vigilantism tends to do more harm than good, it disrupts the due process and can harm actual official investigations. Even when they do find somebody guilty (these vigilante channels have caused a lot of innocent suicides), they often use illegal methods of obtaining evidence that invalidate any sort of official prosecution. It's far better to leave things to law enforcement.


If they catch a criminal and involve police and it leads to arrest, it’s not vigilante. It’s reporting a crime to police. Some people just seem upset that their relatives got caught, rather than be upset that a relative is a child predator


First Travis Scott and now this? It’s been a bad day for the Webster name.