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"A shooting outside a grocery store in [Fordyce, Arkansas](https://www.foxnews.com/category/us/us-regions/midwest/arkansas), on Friday around 11:30 a.m., left three people dead and eight others wounded, Arkansas State Police Secretary of Public Safety and Director Mike Hagar said in a Friday afternoon press conference.  Two law enforcement officers were among the wounded, but their wounds are non-life-threatening, Hager said.  [The shooter is in custody](https://www.foxnews.com/category/us/crime) after exchanging gunfire with state police.  Hager said the victims' wounds range from non-life-threatening to critical.  "It’s tragic, our hearts are broken," Hager told reporters.  A witness, who works at Holt Builder's Supply across the street from the shooting at the Mad Butcher grocery store, told Fox News Digital he heard "several rounds" and saw victims being medevaced from the scene.  The employee said, "multiple agencies were down here trying to figure out what was going on. We saw policemen running around the pharmacy, which is right next door to the Mad Butcher." He added, "It was pretty hectic around here between 11:30 and noon" and that he saw a medevac land at the local hospital's helipad.  Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee-Sanders said on social media that she had been "briefed on the tragic shooting in Fordyce, and I’m in constant contact with State Police at the scene. I am thankful to law enforcement and first responders for their quick and heroic action to save lives. My prayers are with the victims and all those impacted by this horrific incident." A witness named Odis Allen told FOX 16 he has lived in Fordyce for 60 years and was completely "shocked" by the shooting.  "I never saw something like this happen in Fordyce, Arkansas," he told the station, adding he was scared for his children and grandchildren.  Another witness told FOX 16 that the shooter had "destroyed a community today." "I wish people would spread more love instead of hate," he added.  David Rodriguez, who was getting gas nearby, told the Associated Press he at first thought he had heard fireworks. Rodriguez said he then saw people running from the Mad Butcher grocery store into the parking lot, and one person lying on the ground. "


I literally forgot "Gov. Sarah Huckabee-Sanders" was a thing and thought I was reading satire. What a timeline we're in.


Same! Ugh


Holts Builder’s Supply Mad Butcher Grocery Store Gov. Sarah Huckabee-Sanders It’s almost a SNL themed story line but no, sadly it’s just a another horrible shooting that doesn’t make sense


>"My prayers are with the victims and all those impacted by this." She continues to be as useless as ever.


Genuine curiousity, was she the worst white house press secretary we've ever had? She went like 6 months without doing her job at the time and now she's an embezzling lump of apathy. She might just be the most useless political figure alive that I've heard of.


I remember thinking it couldn’t get worse than Sean Spicer. Looking back on he and Scarramucci was actually kind of hilarious times.


Spicer literally hid in bushes to dodge reporters lmao


What’s that song lyric? You only know the good times when they’re gone lol [Found it, Macklemore and Kesha](https://youtu.be/1yYV9-KoSUM)


Got some amazing SNL skits outta 'ole Spicy


Moose! Lambs!


Both got fired for taking attention from Trump!


She was the worst in the sense that she was the most craven, shameless liar. The WH press corp let her abuse them relentlessly, without a whiff of good faith in her spin, and then basically celebrated with her when she left. I lost so much faith in journalism after that. They forgot that their job is to report the facts, not to present the facts within the context of a broader, more marketable narrative. The kid glove treatment of trump despite just unbelievable scandal after scandal is killing us.


Definitely up there as the most useful idiot to ever sit in the position.


Imagine having a job where you'd be lauded as one of the best *in recent history* just because you actually showed up and did the bare minimum while keeping your mouth shut


Can't blame her, she had multiple directions to pay attention to at the same time o|0


I just took in a baby rabbit just 2 days ago that's less than 4 weeks old that is better at paying attention to two things at once than she is.


Am I the only one that thinks it’s weird she refers to it as an incident? Like an unavoidable occurrence?


Well, her entire party refuses to entertain the idea that we could try anything to prevent it, so I think that tracks


I'm stunned every time I'm reminded that she was elected governor. People really said "yes more of that, please", after her time in the White House?


I do believe it was Jesus that said Faith without works is a dead thing. So if she is praying instead of doing something then we can reasonably extrapolate how Jesus would feel about that.


Makes sense because Jesus would absolutely *despise* the modern Republican party


The modern Republican party would absolutely despise Jesus 


What, you don't think Republicans would welcome a brown Middle Eastern man who says the rich should give all their money to the poor, everyone should pay their taxes, and everyone should have healthcare?


They DO despise Jesus. All that horseshit about love and clothing the poor. Fucking commie.


They already do. There's a prominent Southern Baptist minister that basically left that church and wrote in a Christian publication that it was because he was getting people coming up after sermons to question Jesus' teachings as being too liberal and woke. https://onlysky.media/jpearce/christians-jesus-is-too-woke/


The most fucked up thing is that she wasn't always like this. My cousin went to the same school as her and would smoke weed together in her dad's driveway many times. They even kept speaking up until a year or two before 2016, when he said she changed for the worse.


Getting dosed with agent orange will change someone for the worse.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders is busy helping legislators funnel taxpayer money into voucher programs almost exclusively used by students of private religious schools. She isn't useless, she's willfully destructive and hateful.


Nothing worse on this planet than a Republican nepo baby. 


How about a Libertarian billionaire?


The sad thing is shits working. My old neighbors were ecstatic when they saw her visit rogers when the tornado hit. I was just mind fucked


She's gonna pray really, *really* hard this time, though.


Wow. Such a tiny town isn’t even exempt from this shit. > Fordyce, a town of roughly 3,700 residents as of 2020, is located in Dallas County. Edit: up to 3 killed 10 wounded. Unfortunately the 3rd casualty is NOT the scumbag as far as I can tell as his injuries were reported non life threatening. [Edit 2.](https://www.thv11.com/article/news/crime/shooting-at-arkansas-store-alleged-victims/91-1e2657a2-9823-4e48-b816-de3cf98a2757) >One of the victims is a 23-year-old Callie Weems was shot and killed while grocery shopping at Mad Butcher, Callie's mother, Helen, confirmed. >Callie Weems was the mother of a 10-month-old daughter and worked as a licensed practical nurse at the Dallas County Medical Center. >Helen said she has known Posey, the suspected shooter, since he was a kid. So senseless. Taking such young life. Leaving a baby without a mother to grow up with. Destroying a family.


Small towns like that everyone would have know the victims.


Yeah that less people than my highschool had. I might not have known everyone but I'd recognize them at the very least


you had more than 3700 students in your high school???


My high school was 4100 total students. My graduating class was a little over 700 lol.


My high school had 103 when I graduated with 27 in my class.


One of my old fraternity brothers was from some ultra tiny town on the outskirts of Big Bend and he had less than 10 in his graduation class and 3 of them were triplets lmao.


My dad grew up in such a small town his graduating class had 8 people lol 😆


lol my highschool was massive my graduating class alone was 2k.


Holy shit, I live in a town of 120000+ population, and our biggest elementary school only has 1900~ students now a day, they even have to convert one building into public kindergarten/daycare. Your high school itself should have a zip code


New York *City* have literally 1 million students. Having 6,000 alone for a high school is not unheard of.


New York City have several High schools easily in the K range. The largest High School in the nation, Brooklyn Tech, have a population of 6,000 students crammed in a 9 floor tower. Students are banned from taking the elevator unless it is official business, so you could easily find yourself coming out of the swimming pool in the basement and rush to your next class 7 stories away :3


Graduate of Brooklyn Tech class of 1981. Absolutely true about the stairs. There were up stairs and down stairs. If you took the wrong one, you’ll get run over. When I was there, we had over 5,000 students with a graduating class of close to 1,000. We had a four story theater and a radio station in the building. Police would come every afternoon for traffic control because the kids would not fit on the sidewalk and would spill unto the streets. Fun times


My high school was split up in two massive buildings 9&10 and 11&12, each grade had about 1200 give or take a few hundred


That didn't stop Uvalde from reelecting Abbott in droves. Small towns are more morally corrupt than you think. The "community" is a total lie.


I will always remember that Sacha Baren Cohen skit about Kingman AZ where the townsfolk are just so openly racist.


Can confirm. Most crime simply goes unreported or unwitnessed too.


Small towns are mostly just a religion based HOA.


Every time I see that TV series "Abbott Elementary" somewhere, I get this sickening feeling in my stomach I'm not surprised that Uvalde acted how they did during the massacre or the election that followed. It's a 15k population Texas City. Mos Eisley Cantina has less scum and villainy than you'll find in any given tiny Texas town


For the greater good!


*The greater good*


I just read the wiki for Fordyce and Keith Richards and Ron Wood were arrested there in 1975 for, among other things, carrying an illegal weapon. It was a hunting knife.


WTF? They were probably arrested for having long hair in Arkansas. I have family all over the place up there and I'm pretty sure you get issued a hunting knife and a 12 gauge when crossing into Union County.


Yeah. It said they were also charged with reckless driving and possession of cocaine, which they blamed on the driver. Hilariously, Mike Huckabee pardoned them when he was governor.


THANK YOU!! I couldn't get past the anti-adblock popup to see where it happened. I've got family in Arkansas.


Near the bottom it says I’ll fix it next time. Click that and it opens the article.


Looks like "they" tried it in a small town.


Jason Aldean in shambles


It's okay though, he wasn't talking guns. He just doesn't like black people.


Nah, it didn't happen in HIS "small" town (Macon GA, population 153,000) so it doesn't count


Practically an unincorporated township


Just watch "Murder in the Heartland." Every episode starts with everyone knows everyone and nobody every expected this to happen. Then the show goes on to describe the most unhinged shit, backstabbing, cold blooded murder(s). At least in the city it's usually not so personal.


Arkansas is ranked 8th (1 = highest) per capita gun deaths. Red states are the worst as you might suspect.


Uvalde was only around 15k. Sunderland Springs, 600. Not the first, nor the last small town...


Yeah Fordyce is fucking tiny and way out in the middle of south Arkansas which is very rural. My ex lived just past there so I drove by their all the time as it's where I switched off 167 going down to my GF (who lived in a even more country area). Going to have to be looking at the names as I know a few people who live around that area. :/


Why would a tiny town be exempt? All you need is 1 person + 1 gun


I remember when a mass shooting would be a national news story for weeks. If a Columbine happened today it's not guaranteed you would know about it if you were in a different state.


3,700 residents and probably 5,700 guns


NoWhere in America is safe from gun violence. It’s the guns and their owners.


As far as I can tell anywhere humans are in the US has potential for gun violence so Nowhere OK (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nowhere,_Oklahoma) is not safe from the potential for gun violence… BUT Nothing Arizona might be safe (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing,_Arizona?wprov=sfti1)


[The governor has given her prayers but not her thoughts.](https://x.com/SarahHuckabee/status/1804222875169063134)


What the rest of the country needs to understand is that she won over a MIT graduate engineer, non-profit executive, start-up champion, and preacher named Chris Jones. We are truly F-d here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chris_Jones_(Arkansas_politician)&diffonly=true Edit: Oh, should I have mentioned that he is black?


Dudes wife was an Air Force flight surgeon. What an accomplished family. His brother is a Republican and ran for attorney general of Arkansas. He might have brought the state into the 21st century.


20th century would be an improvement.


19th best and final offer.


Welcome to Arkansas: to adjust to the local timezone, please set your devices back by 150 years.




Likely not. Arkansan here, our legislature can override the governor with a simple majority. And our legislature is a long long way off of ever flipping. But I also voted Jones.


A hundred percent! The list goes on… All I did was give the guy a Dewey decimal card. The mental gymnastics to deny this qualified person to office is truly shameful.


He might have brought the state into the 20th century. The problem with Arkansas is that it’s Arkansas. Shit state that has no redeeming value


It’s value is in its natural beauty, but protecting that tends to be very low on Republican priority lists.


Protecting isn't even on the list, only exploiting. Didn't you know gubberment regulations = bad no matter what?


> Didn't you know gubberment regulations = bad no matter what? Until it's time to track minors' periods.


On top of what people already mentioned, He interned at NASA each summer, he graduated 2003 with 2 masters of science, one in Nuclear Engineering and one in technology and policy, from MIT, and a year later he was the assistant dean for graduate students at MIT and continued in that role for almost a decade! Oh, and he received significant recognitions for his work as assistant dean. Dude Chris Jones sounds amazing.


For real. A well spoken son of Arkansas who should tic all the boxes of anyone in the state, yet here we are with SHS who is a true mockery of government and treats it as sport.


> Later, Jones enrolled in a doctoral program in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning, and graduated in 2016 with a Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Planning. What a pivot. Not just your typical engineer/science person who decided to give politics a try.


Fuckabee is a perfect fit for Arkansas, one of the shittiest states in the Union. Honestly, is there a compelling reason to go there?




You could have just said no.


There's crater of diamonds national park. One of a few places where you can publicly dig for a diamond.


Loved going there as a kid. A week before we went once some dude found a top 10 carat there. I brought a pick. I was determined to become rich at the age of 9 or whatever.


I've never been, but I catch a news article now & again & the best spot to look for stones is right on the path. Most of the people that find good stones find them there.


Ah interesting. I haven’t been in over 25 years but I see the articles of big finds pop up every now and then.


There’s also the beer can at Hwy 22 and Hwy 96 intersection.


> Honestly, is there a compelling reason to go there? Have you always wanted to die in a high speed police chase?


The Ozarks are nice for a regional vacation. 


If you like mountain biking, Bentonville is pretty awesome. Other than that, not really.


Cool art museum


I love Crystal Bridges, only reason I make weekend trips to Arkansas once in a while. Eureka Springs is a nice town too


We were road tripping through and someone suggested it and I was actually shocked at how amazing it was.  Walmart money


The NWA metro (Bentonville, Rogers, Springdale, Fayetteville) seems like a nice place to live in as long as you're okay with being in... Arkansas. There's tons of good food as well as outdoor activities, and the area is a lot more diverse than you'd expect thanks to Walmart drawing talent from all over. Walmart invests a ton into the surrounding communities like funding museums, parks, and trails.


it is beautiful there, a wonderful place to do outdoor activities


I’m starting to think prayers don’t actually work.


After 2000 years...I dunno if that's enough time. Let's give it another 1000 and I'll get back to u on what I think.


It’s Arkansas, can’t expect much in the way of thoughts from their leadership.


Historically, Trump speaks straight out of her mouth.


Prayers are as worthless as her term as governor.


To be fair I don’t think she has any thoughts to give


and her thanks for the contribution to her campaign from her sponsors.


From her lectern?


Kay Kay Kay Ivy? Oops, never mind. It's Sarah Fuckabee Sanders. I get my racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic governors mixed up.


well at least neither has taken out a puppy, execution style. there's that.


The “KKK Ivy” is perfection.


She hasn't been told what they are yet.


Up next: >After a thorough investigation the state discovered they were missing their key defense. New legislation is being drafted to require the 10 commandments be posted in all grocery stores.


Imagine just going to grocery to buy some milk and getting killed but yes lets put the ten commandments in public schools. That will stop the mass shootings!


Ten Commandments now coming to butchers and splash parks near you


Don’t you know that’s the reason all this is happening? All the commandment statues aren’t around so people don’t know it’s wrong to kill /s


You /s, but there are Christians who literally think nonbelievers have no sense of morality because they don’t read the Ten Commandments.


Yeah, one of the Duck Dynasty guys famously went off on a very disturbing riff about an atheist getting his entire family sexually assaulted and murdered, but he'd have to be cool with it because he thinks there's no higher power. Like the only reason things like murder and sexual assault are wrong in their minds is because their god doesn't like it. Which says *a lot more* about their thinking than it does some about some hypothetical atheist. It's like I've told my religious family members: if belief in god is the only thing keeping them from doing terrible things, then by all means, keep believing.


Yeah, it's chilling to imagine that's all that holds these people back. I don't believe it though. I do think they believe it, but that's because they attribute that voice in their head to God.


> the only reason things like murder and sexual assault are wrong in their minds is because their god doesn't like it Except for when he does, and then they're gonna do it in his name.


As a non believer myself I unfortunately have experienced that same dumb rhetoric. People don’t understand how you can be a good human if you don’t read a bible. That makes me question their morals tbh


Which is horrifying because it means only thing keeping those people from murdering lots of people are some bronze age fairy tales.


It's also ironic because of how many serial killers / mass murderers are heavily religious and believe God told them to do these things


It's like they actively want the U.S. to backslide into a theocracy without understanding what those look like. They took one glace at the middle east, confidently declared those to be the "bad guys", and then - incredulously - began copying them.


I always find it funny that Moses' first act on bringing down the commandments was to murder 3000 of his own people.


I find it quite ironic that god killed more people and animals than satan. At least that’s what the bible says


For clarification, the Ten Commandments law that passed this month was in Louisiana, not Arkansas. Most legal experts say it is illegal, so hopefully it gets struck down, but if the Supreme Court hears it and allows it, I would fully expect Arkansas to adopt the law into their educational system as well. We live in such a shitty timeline.


Grocers should have guns.  Butchers, bakers, produce guys, customers, and kids.  Arm them all.  Only when our society is a militarized hellscape producing record profits for gun manufacturers will we be truly safe and free.


Caption under the pic at the bottom: At least three people were killed and multiple others wounded in a shooting outside a grocery store in Fordyce, Alabama on June 21, 2024, police said. Tricia Vanderzwalm West Arkansas, Alabama, what's the difference, right?










Big small town




In a state like Arkansas I would expect a good guy with a gun to have stopped this immediately.


I bet the ones who talk the most shit about “what they’d do” are the first to run and hide. Now technically even if you’re armed, you are supposed to run and hide first and foremost…but with all the tough talk you’d think there’d be more who would actively engage


Jason Aldean of the song "try that in a small town" was the singer on stage during the Las Vegas shooting. He famously turned tail and ran without even warning his band or the crowd even though most hadn't realized what was happening yet.


In all fairness to him... Vegas IS a *big* town... :)


Yep - exactly what happened in the Capitol during the January 6th riots to overthrow our government our and democracy. MAGA 2nd Amendment reps funded by the NRA fled and hid. They did not give any fucks for anyone but themselves. See also the Uvalde school massacre here in Texas. Grown folks with weapons and power did zero to assist the children and staff.


Ulvade has got to be one of the most fucked up scenarios in American history when you add it all up. That was so bad…I still have no words to this day. I guess nobody does. Fucking awful awful awful 😔


[The sound of children screaming has been removed.]


[News segment immediately followed by a Coca-Cola commercial.]


“We know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two.”


I’ll never forget in Uvalde when all the law enforcement and SWAT showed up with all their super experience vehicles and gear only to just kinda park themselves outside with zero intention of using any of it.


[Remember when a mom rushed in to get her kids during the shooting but the cops tried to stop her? She ended up spending two weeks in jail for "assaulting a public official".](https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/uvalde-tx-shooting-anniversary-angeli-rose-gomez/)


Actively engaging is dumb. Cop pulls up they dont know whos the bad guy, youre just 2 guys in tshirts shooting at each other.


Happened not far from here. My understanding there were bystanders returning fire also


It’s sad that my first thought was “At least it wasnt a school.” This country is fucked.


Summer break at least saves them from getting killed at school a couple months a year.


Yeah, I have that terrible realization during pandemic, I thought it’s weirdly good that we don’t see school shooting hit the news for a long while, then I remembered most US school are closed.


How dystopian that we're sat wondering where the school shootings are amidst a plague. Murica'


"Schools do active shooter drills and shit so we had to pivot. Can't not eat, so the grocery store seemed good." - person with guns having a bad day


(Insert name of your town) Strong!


3 killed, 10 injured now.


Its  Fordyce, Arkansas if no one has posted it yet 


Home of the spots


Deaths is up to 3. 8 wounded does not include two additional wounded officers who had responded to the scene.


“Don’t worry guys, we hung up “Thou Shalt Not Kill” in schools. Should solve it.”


Going to be more and more common in smaller towns. Not much left to live for and not much prospects,a boring town and no way out. It's a recipe for people to snap at any given moment.


I don’t know why they don’t just lift themselves up by their bootstraps 


The bootstrap factory is now located in Vietnam.


“Boring town” is the least of the issues that lead to mass shootings.


Not to mention increasing temperatures have been proven to make people act more violent. This is only the beginning.


Another Democratic hell hole with gun violence. /S /S /S


I hope the victims families find comfort that their loved ones deaths was a necessary sacrifice for 2nd amendment rights.


Look, I know your kid was killed or whatever but look at this badass tacticool rifle I bought that totally isn’t meant to be a substitution for my shit personality. Don’t Tread on Me and all that


"Some of you will die, but that's a price I am willing to pay."


She missed the tornado as she was at a NASCAR race out of state and only came in for photo ops as well. Awful response by a person who gives no shits for the people of this state and only cares how she can ingratiate herself.


Isn't this the same lady who paid 10k for a podium


We need armed guards at every grocery store and school and Las Vegas Casino hotel room window over looking a country concert and gay club and… /s


That worked so well at Uvalde.


Well obviously we need to lock all the doors too.   ALL the doors.


A police officer was one of the people shot. Turns out the “good” guys with guns don’t really help


Shootout at the Mad Butcher grocery store next to the Karma gas station in Arkansas. That's America...


I see Sanders offers her useless prayers


From her $30k pulpit?




As someone in this thread has shown several officials responsible for Uvalde were reelected, they don't care even if they are involved


The only way any change will happen is if the politicians’ families are the victims. Time and time again Republicans have shown that they only start to care when they are personally affected.


I mean, there was that shooting at the congress team's baseball game a few years back. Didn't do anything.


*I'm proud to be an American* *Where at least I know I'm free* *And I won't forget the men who died* *So guns have more rights than meeee*


Change men to kids to be even more accurate.


Okay I saw the coverage. Every interviewee was black and the dude was clearly white, and it was Arkansas. The vibe I got was it was a predominantly black grocery store again. I find it really suspicious how tight lipped the police have been regarding this. Think this might have been another racism provoked terrorism thing.


>Arkansas State Police responded to the Mad Butcher grocery store Now that's an unfortunate name


I lived in Fordyce as a kid and have fond memories of living there. This is horrific


Don't worry republicans the second amendment was not harmed


It certainly won’t be in Arkansas


only nation where this regularly happens


Where were the good guys with guns to prevent this?


My condolences to the victims and friends and families. May they rest in peace and/or have speedy and full recoveries.