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This dipshit needs to focus on his brain worms.


Poor things starved to death...


Everytime this comes up I'm still dumbfounded that no one but me remembers the TV series [BrainDead](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4877736/) in 2016 where politicians had their brains eaten by aliens. Truth is at least as strange as fiction.


Isn't that like the ONLY thing that would make sense that you'd use Ivermectin for?


Albendazole and Praziquantel, maybe steroids too. Ivermectin is typically used for different worms and scabies.


He killed them with heroin.


RFK was actually a political mastermind until the brain worms. shame, really.


How so?


it was a joke that fell flat lol I'll take the L.


Your previous comment should be a prime exhibit as to why a sarcastic font needs to exist


I don't believe in /s or specific fonts. the best sarcastic comments don't need them. this is more of a failure on my part than the readers.


Robin Williams famously said to avoid sarcasm in print. If Robin Williams is had problems with sarcasm, you can rest assured knowing this isn’t your fault. 🫂


TBF there have been live interviews where Robin has issues with sarcasm. Nothing major but it was either a joke that was so subtle it flew over everyone's head or it just fell flat.


Yep. I’m reassuring the commenter that no matter how tactfully he can communicate, even a master of communication has issues with sarcasm. It’s very unlikely anyone in these comments is better at communicating than Robin Williams.


Argument from authority much?


Sarcasm relies far more on vocal inflection than context. That’s why the /s is pretty necessary on Reddit because there’s so many crazies it’s genuinely difficult to discern sarcasm from a serious comment.


Better luck next time.


LiKe We DoNt AlReAdY hAvE oNe


Naw... the person you responded to is just a twit


Sir/maam, no jokes allowed on Reddit please. Most of our minds are too simple to understand them.


Got some evidence to back that up?


The brain worms told him.


This is the most downvote-happy sub I've ever been on. Oh yeah, it's a default sub. That's why.


You can visit the Conservative sub and probably get a ban for saying "Hi"


I'm surprised I'm not pre-banned from there. I'm already perma-banned from the cop sub.


your quality of life will improve tenfold once you stop caring about downvotes


I was making an observation. I actually forgot I said something about it.


>The court separately refused to hear a challenge to Connecticut’s 2021 elimination of its religious exemption for school vaccinations. The move, which Connecticut says was a needed response to declining vaccination rates, made it one of six states without a religious opt-out. I'm all for religious freedom. But public health is one area that should come above that in specific instances. We've had about 100 years or so of exceptional vaccine rates where we take for granted our amazing health and super low mortality rate from infectious diseases. Take a look in your own family's history and see the great uncle you never knew because he died at age 4. Modern medicine is truly a miracle, a gift from God, if you will.


Reminds me of the old, loooong joke about the person praying to god to save them from a flood. But the TL:DR of it is is the faithful seem to expect god to pull out whimsical miracles while downplaying the actions of their fellow man. *A devout follower prays in his yard for god to save him when the rain begins to pour as the floods are soon coming. He’s stopped by a man driving by, asking him if he’d like a ride out of town in his truck, but the man refuses, saying god will come to save him.* *The flood waters begin to rise, and he prays on his balcony fervently. A local riding by on his boat offers to take the man to safety, but the man refuses, claiming god will reward his faith.*  *The waters rise even more, and now the man is pouring his heart out in prayer on the roof. Rescue arrives in a helicopter, offering to take him away, but the man refuses, knowing in his heart god will reward his piety.* *The waters rise, and the man drowns. At the pearly gates, god meets him. The man, confused and annoyed, demands to know why he was not saved. God replies, “I tried! I sent three people!”*


I think there are about 100 versions of this my mom use to use a job for the analogy. Guy prays and ...ad comes on for a company hiring....prays, friend asked him for a resume says he doesn't have one...etc He just wants "God" to hand him a job right in lap


I think I've seen a version of it with Zeus. But really, in any religion that tells you to help other people, which is to say pretty much any religion, it's really weird to then take the position that you're not going to accept help from other people. "Help someone else first," is one thing, but, "I will only accept direct miraculous intervention," is an ego problem. And to quote Jesus, when Satan told Him to jump off a roof because obviously angels would save Him, "Do not test the Lord your God."


My grandmother had eight children. Six of them got to grow up. Meanwhile, the most recently I've talked to anyone who had polio was in the early 1990's, and he was ancient. I've never seen anyone with measles. I'm not even sure what mumps or rubella is. I had chicken pox as a kid, but my kid won't because there's a vaccine now. And my favorite little vaccine fact: It's now June of 2024, and I have either never had covid, or I had it and never noticed. The vaccines worked.


> It's now June of 2024, and I have either never had covid, or I had it and never noticed. The vaccines worked. I have had COVID once and have had all of the vaccines (reminds me, I need to get a booster). 0/10 do not recommend If you get it and need paxlovid, get Lifesavers Wint-o-green mints - the only thing that helped with the paxlovid taste


> I'm not even sure what mumps or rubella is I had mumps in the mid-80's. There was an outbreak in my town due to a batch of ineffective vaccines. It sucks. Generally not life threateneing, but not fun either.


Unfair. I’ve had all the Covid shots I’ve been eligible for…still had Covid twice and it absolutely sucked both times.


Mutating viruses suck.


Very much so. The last time I got a booster was Halloween 2023…then got Covid the last week of November. Pretty infuriating.


> And my favorite little vaccine fact: It's now June of 2024, and I have either never had covid, or I had it and never noticed. The vaccines worked. Same here. My family stayed indoors, social distanced whenever we had to go out, and the moment the vaccine became available we got it and the boosters every year. None of us caught COVID - because we weren't idiots and did what the CDC said to do.


I had mumps as a kid in the 60’s. I was four or five years old. I still remember the pain from the swelling. You do not want mumps.


Humble brag,  I was in the Pfizer covid vaccine study. Proud of myself and everyone who got right onboard. Vaccines save lives 


Lucky. I caught COVID right before my area had any of the vaccines in stock. I was the sickest I had ever been in my entire life, by a wide margin. 2 weeks of pure hell and suffering. Got my vaccine as soon as I was able to after I'd recoveredand got the OK. I just wish it had come before I got sick. I did everything right. Wore my mask, tried to stay away from everything/one. Hand sanitizer, etc.


I know a guy in his 80’s who got polio as a child. It ruined the development of his legs. They remained small, and grew to different lengths. He walks with braces but is slowing down more in his 80’s. Has a wonderful life, two beautiful kids, grandchildren and amassed a small fortune. He had a great life and lots of luck — both the good kind and the bad kind.


I've only had it once, August 2023. I did all the right things and am fully vaccinated with the boosters too. I'm immuno compromised and I'm pretty sure the reason I caught it was due to a med I take making the mRNA based vaccines less effective in me. And to echo another poster, if you take Paxlovid you need some sort of hard candy. That stuff tastes like rotting pennies.


There's also nothing in Christianity, the dominant religion in the US, that prohibits vaccines. Any attempt to rationalize a religious anti-vax philosophy requires a lot of disingenuous, twisted thinking.


No major religion rejects vaccines. Even both Jewish and Muslim leaders and scholars have said the pork gelatin in vaccines is acceptable for the benefits of communal protection.


Religion only exists in people. If followers reject vaccines, the religion rejects vaccines.


One of the crippling problems of mankind and sentience is no one stays alive long enough in places of importance and prescience to steer societies as wholes away from the precipice of self inflicted disaster. We take too easily our safety for granted that was originally created by vigilance, compromise and acceptance.


Another way to put it, when it comes to vaccines, is it's been too long since a **whole lotta children died quite commonly** from what are now preventable diseases. People have simply "not experienced" what the alternative is. But I guess if they keep it up, they will.


My favorite one to ask anyo-vaxxers: "When is the last time you saw someone with polio, and how old were they?"


And the only person they can probably conjure up that they *know of* who had polio was FDR, and then you ask why no one today has polio. Because we eradicated it. With vaccines.


Unfortunately, thats not how they would argue. They would say its due to better hygiene that people nowadays dont get sick of these diseases, which also increased tremendously during some periods (not all) where vaccines were rolled out. A clear case of correlation != causation, but its harder to argue against it because you need more information to prove them wrong.


It's pretty enlightening to look at the vaccination numbers by grade level in CT. In the 20 to 21 school year, 4% of preschoolers were getting religious exemptions, while only 0.9% of 12th graders had religious exemptions. Then, the number for 12th graders ticked up 0.1% each for 21 to 22 and 22 to 23. Then, the amount of religious exemptions slowly increases as you go backwards towards pre-k, with the exception for when the law took effect, and pre-k drops from 4% to 0.2% [https://data.ct.gov/stories/s/School-Immunization-Survey-Data/n5kk-6ext/](https://data.ct.gov/stories/s/School-Immunization-Survey-Data/n5kk-6ext/) (a little over halfway down is the chart) It's pretty easy to see that parents not vaccinating their kids really started kicking off in earnest somewhere in the 2005/2006 timeframe, which puts it right in line with the whole vaccines causing autism bullshit gaining wider traction thanks to Facebook's blow up in popularity in the same years. I fucking love it when you can see cause and effect in real numbers.


No. God said I’m allowed to bring back polio.


100% and I got into the field after people decided the public health was now not to be trusted because of the poor messaging/choices of the CDC over the pandemic. There is so much success with vaccination but it only takes one spark to re-fuel the flames of the anti-vax movement and now it's gotten to wildfire proportions.


"I'm all for religious freedom. But..." Pretty much sums up much of the last decade.


Plus, whose religion freedom are we talking about: the parents or the kid? Seems like it is normally the parent's religions that cause harm to the kids.


If your religion or bodily integrity is so important to you, stay home. The only people who were forced to take a vaccine were prisoners.


Everytime I see anything about this guy, I just shake my head about how huge of an idiot he is. He seems like he's just as stupid as Trump, if not even moreso somehow, except he's a literal political nepobaby, so he doesn't even have the excuse of not understanding the government/politics. So glad this clown never got any sort of momentum for the election.


Trump is an idiot but has low cunning. THIS guy is bonkers


He was one of the dozen people most responsible for Covid/vaccine disinformation during the pandemic. His disinformation led to people dying. >At the outset of this research, we identified a dozen individuals who appeared to be extremely influential creators of digital anti-vaccine content. These individuals were selected either because they run anti-vaccine social media accounts with large numbers of followers, because they produce high volumes of anti-vaccine content or because their growth was accelerating rapidly at the outset of our research in February. Full profiles of each are available at the end of this report. >1. Joseph Mercola >2. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. >3. Ty and Charlene Bollinger >4. Sherri Tenpenny >5. Rizza Islam >6. Rashid Buttar >7. Erin Elizabeth >8. Sayer Ji >9. Kelly Brogan >10. Christiane Northrup >11. Ben Tapper >12. Kevin Jenkins https://252f2edd-1c8b-49f5-9bb2-cb57bb47e4ba.filesusr.com/ugd/f4d9b9_b7cedc0553604720b7137f8663366ee5.pdf


Oddly enough, he's the only name on that list i recognize.


RFK jr is a mediocre failson whose life has been given relevance solely due to who his dad was. American political families all just suck and the nation would be in a better place if the kids of famous politicians were barred from office. No Mitt Romney, no Andrew Cuomo, Bush jr or JEB!, RFK Jr, etc.


I would argue this guy is more stupid than Trump. At least The Donald understands some things, even though he’s a whiny baby. RFK is an all around nutjob.


> At least The Donald understands some things What “things” are you referring to? Because I can’t think of any.


Trump believes COVID is real and got vaccinated and encourages others to get vaccinated (until they boo at him).


They were saying boooooooo-^ster.


Trump became too left to be Trump?


Trump tends to understand how to say the things that people want to hear, that’s how he became a conservative populist. He might not understand *why* said people want him to say those things, or what they really mean, but he at least knows the words.


He doesn’t know how to say things. People’s attraction to Trump isn’t a characteristic found in Trump, it’s a characteristic found in the people.


criminal activity and how to grift.


Like the commenter below stated, he at least knows Covid is real and encouraged the vaccine research to speed up.


He understands populism and how it relates to votes and getting TV ratings too. He understands quid pro quo and how it relates to getting funding for his campaign. He said he didn't think it was a good idea to nominate Supreme court justices to overturn Roe v. Wade. That the Republicans would end up hurting their own positions if that happened. And he was right. He also said he'd do it anyway, because he needed the support to get elected. He understands some things. Respect for human dignity not being one of them.


It’s a mistake I’ve seen a few politicians make, where they get an initial boost of popularity because they seem like a viable option that isn’t trump or biden, but then they try to appeal to the MAGAs based on policy rather than feelings. Trump is successful, partly, because he has no policy. This is the secret sauce, because MAGA views are often contradictory and feelings based, so you can’t build a policy around them. It’s like building a car by picking and choosing parts you like, and at the end you have a mess that was never designed to actually work as a car. You can’t give them the blueprints for a cohesive vehicle, because they refuse to pick fundamental principles that they don’t personally agree with.


His family agrees with you.


A former friend announced recently that she and her husband were voting for him and they didn’t want to hear anything about it. This after voting democrat for years. But then again she’s changed a lot. Got mixed up in drugs for a while then got sober and became a crunchy, health nut, raw milk drinking, anti-vaxer. I guess she doesn’t want any needles unless they’re the kind that getcha high.


Honestly I think he’s Trump but has said the quiet part out loud about wanting to lock up people for making vaccines and other treatments that treat COVID”


> idiot They're all just grifters - Trump, Ramaswamy, Kennedy.


This reads like something an AI would say. Worse than Trump? Really?? Can't wait until you Republicans and Democrats are in the streets bickering again. After their representatives do nothing but such for the 2nd election cycle in a row. RIP kids in small cities who will go homeless as our education funding is neglected yet again. Guess kids in Ukraine and down South are that much more important than our own, right?




> find an interview on YouTube and listen to him yourself. Oh trust me, I have recently seen a handful of interviews on youtube and other random interview clips on Facebook, since he's been all over my news-feed, dudes an idiot and a clown without anyone having to "twist" what he says. He's your classic third-party, anti-establishment, "BOTH PARTIES ARE THE SAME" type, but also add in anti-vaxx and conspiracy theories to really put the brain rot into turbo mode.




>He’s a third party candidate in a 2 party country. He was a Democrat his whole life up until a year ago. He started his presidential campaign as a Democrat as a matter of fact. Also, this is his first political campaign. He never ran for anything else before. >They both twist what RFK Jr says. “There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. Covid-19 attacks certain races disproportionately. Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.” Those are his words. No one's twisting them. > find an interview on YouTube and listen to him yourself. [OK.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HUHwoa_p8yw) [I will.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4vP4GdHhoA)


> Fox News twists what Joe says. MSNBC twists what Trump says. They both twist what RFK Jr says. Don’t fall for it. If you’re genuinely curious about the guy taking voters from bother parties (you should be), find an interview on YouTube and listen to him yourself. I've heard him talk and he's an idiot anti vaxxer. There's no reason to entertain his moronic ideas past that.




>If wanting high-quality scientific studies on the safety of vaccines is forbidden and gets someone labelled anti-vax No. Wanting that is fine. Fortunately, we already have that. Falsely claiming that we don't already have that is anti-vax. "I just want better science" is fundamentally a lie here, because the first step is always rejecting the existing science on false pretenses.




>If you’d clicked any of those three links I sent, you’d know that we actually don’t We do, and those links are videos of a person lying and saying that we don't. Listening to a person lying does not actually increase knowledge.




[How Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Distorted Vaccine Science](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-robert-f-kennedy-jr-distorted-vaccine-science1/)




> Don't believe media smears. Kennedy wants real science-based long-term safety testing. I don't need the media to tell me he's an anti vaccine moron, I can listen to his own words and actions just fine. >If wanting high-quality scientific studies on the safety of vaccines We already have these.


Why do you think we haven't? It's not hard to find him being himself in his own words. He's a buffoon. News services don't do much 'twisting,' he's pretty fricking twisted all on his own. Your unwillingness to admit it doesn't make it any less true.


It’s also not hard to find Biden being an idiot in his own words, or Trump being an idiot in his own words. RFK Jr. has good points and bad points, just like every other candidate. Diversifying beyond a two party system would be a good thing.


I mean yeah, Biden stumbles from time to time, that's for sure. Trump just makes shit up out of whole cloth *and* struggles with ideas and concepts that appear to be far beyond his ken (telling the truth, deferring to people who know more, general morality). I'm all for more options, but the options cannot include someone who thinks doing 'his own research' for vaccines is appropriate and achievable for the vast majority of voters. They have neither the education nor the access to truly dig into the research on the overwhelmingly complex subject that is vaccines and make educated, informed decisions. And his running mate is even kookier than he is! You have a better candidate? Bring 'em on, but RFK Jr. *ain't it.*


Trump thinking that a stealth aircraft is *literally invisible* will forever be one of the funniest things I've ever heard. https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/aviation/a33658771/trump-keeps-saying-the-f-35-is-invisible/


> Literally every mainstream source is red leaning, or blue. Well, reality has a well-known liberal bias, so being realistic is unavoidably biased in favor of liberalism, right?


My independent friend has been on the Kennedy train this whole time and it's honestly just as exhausting as Trumpets. He won't budge. Doesn't believe anything anyone says about him. Could never admit that he was never a viable candidate. Refuses to accept that his purpose was to attempt to pull independents away from Biden. The whole thing backfired in his face and his heels are still dug in. Go down with the ship homie. Hope your brain heals after this election.


My nutty sister sent me a text message some time ago - it had a photo of her standing side-by-side with Kennedy. He even has his arm around her. He's like her hero now, because he's spreading the TRUTH about vaccines and BIG PHARMA or whatever the fuck. She's so proud of the picture. :/


Your friend isn't independent. He's full Republican with that kind of behavior.


First of all, RFK.Jr is an idiot and not even close to being anything like his father or uncle. Second of all, he is no longer approved by His Orangeness, leader of the Trumpian Golden Future, so he automatically loses in the SC. Third of all, his brain is gone and he is being controlled by the worms that ate his brain. He's still an idiot but smarter than he was before.


This guy still harping on Covid?! Christ man move on


Not just Covid, he is against all vaccines


Qanon folks like rfk are still obsessing over this shit and the 2020 elections. Conspiracy is all they have. 81% of the US population received at least 1 dose of the vaccine. Yet they still cling to the theory that it was a massive depopulation ploy or something. Sunk cost fallacy. They can't admit they were wrong.


> Yet they still cling to the theory that it was a massive depopulation ploy or something. I've yet to figure out the point of the de-population conspiracies. Step 1: kill most people Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit!


Worse are the ones that argue the vaccine was intended to kill the weak and compliant, allowing the global elite/lizard people to take over the world! But they can't reconcile the logic of a ruling class inherently needing a weak and compliant underclass to rule over, so why kill them off and leave only the "strong, free thinkers" to become a rival to them.


The thing that conspiracy theorists can never answer is: why would the government focus on depopulating the only group of people who will listen to them? Imagine you’re a malicious government and are willing to manufacture a health crisis to deliberately kill off a large portion of people. Of the following, which sounds more appealing: A. Use a vaccine to kill off all the “sheep” who willingly inject whatever you tell them to into their veins, and leave your country full of all the people who survived only because they have an inherent distrust/dislike for you? B. Use a disease to kill all the “free thinkers” who inherently distrust you and save all the “mindless sheep” who will do whatever you tell them. Call me crazy, but if I’m a murderous dictator I know which group isn’t making the cut.


I still remember when anti-vaxxers were saying that people who got the vaccine would die within 6 months or some shit. It obviously didn't happen, so they changed it to 2 years. Still, nothing happened. I haven't bothered to see if they moved the date again or if they have just kept quiet in embarrassment since.


They're saying 10 years now. Source: my anti-vaxx relatives.


I had an anti-vax relative start saying 30 years. There's a LOT that could get me in the next 30 years, including typical "old age".


Something something 100% mortality rate for the vaccinated


Technically correct. The best kind of correct.


They haven't come up with a new conspiracy to replace it yet, I'm guessing.


That's how I feel every single time I see these nuts.


Crazy that SCOTUS has now been looking over this Trump case about immunity for, what, like 2+ months now and somehow still don't have an answer on whether or not a President is freely allowed to commit crimes with impunity? I mean obviously it's strictly intended to buy him time, but holy shit could it be any more blatant and nakedly corrupt. They'll shoot it down, but the purpose of bringing it to them will have been 100% served.


So many RFK supporters are desperately backpedaling over his anti vaccine stance It’s undeniable.  RFK is an anti vaccine rube. 


Good for the Supreme Court, it's still tainted as long as Alito & Thomas were part of the decision!


So... they'll listen to wormy brained trump but not wormy brained Kennedy. They're kind of all over the place these days. Perhaps bigger bribes are in order.


Whining about COVID vaccines in 2024 is even more embarrassing than whining about them in 2020 was.


RFK Jr. looks like a Harry Potter bank goblin in that photo.


this MF wants to be President.? ..FFS He is a MAGA Trojan horse


How are cases like this even making far up thru the courts enough too even be considered to be heard at this level? We need to overhaul our entire justice system badly.


SCOTUS didn't hear the case. By refusing to hear the case they let the lower court's decision rejecting 'Children's Health Defense' suit to stand.


The answer to that is money. If you have the money to appeal, you can, all the way to the Supreme Court if that's your preference. Not gonna be cheap, though.


Which is why I'm saying that it needs to be overhauled


Honestly, it makes sense with respect to the appeals process in civil matters. Criminal matters are a different beast. And the money isn't going to the government, it's generally going to private lawyers. Fixing this issue would require having thousands of government paid lawyers help individuals appeal civil matters. For a great many things, if what you're trying to fight is worth fighting, you can actually find lawyers willing to do pro bono work. If you're trying to get money, you can get lawyers to agree to a portion of the payout if they win the case, so long as the potential payout is large enough. If you're trying to appeal a decision that most lawyers are going to say is correct, you can do it, but expect to pay a lot to do it.




His FUD got a bunch kids in Fiji killed by the Measles. He has been grifting off anti-vaxxers for a long time.


People who act like RFK is a serious candidate or human being give me a migraine. I get it I don't like having 80 year olds as our only choice for president right now. But RFK is a nutty fruitcake nepobaby with no experience and a brain full of worms and conspiracy theories. The only good thing about him is that he is pulling voters from Trump.


More to the point... he's not on enough state ballots to add up to 270 electoral votes. It's literally a waste.


Something I haven't been able to find is whether it's too late to get on enough ballots. Do you know the answer to that?


As far as I can tell, he is on enough ballots for the minimum.


We should start calling him Jerry because it’s clear that the worm is at the helm.


Imagine being too unreasonable for this supreme court




>Why again does America still suck the Kennedy's cocks, collectively? They actually don't. It's the right wing media who tried to prop him up as legitimate competition for Biden only.


> Why again does America still suck the Kennedy's cocks, collectively? If they did, he would be polling outside of the margin of error.


I agree. We shouldn’t have political dynasties in America. All he has going for him in his family name, just look at the super bowl commercial he put out. It was just chanting his name, not any of the antivax stuff or the shilling for Russia because he knows he would never win with that.


The Kennedy’s have long been a family focused on liberal ideas like civil rights and unions. And the family has loudly distanced themselves from RFK jr. And no joke, they’ve suffered a fair amount for it. Two were assassinated (including RFK jr’s father) within a few years of each other in the 60’s.


> Why again does America still suck the Kennedy's cocks, collectively? You can't tell the difference between RFKjr and his father or uncle?


The worms crawl in the worms crawl  out the worms play Pinochet on your snout they eat your eyes they eat your nose the eat the jelly between your toes . . . 


RFK Jr: when your family hates you as much as his family hates him.


RFk isn’t an anti vaxer. He is vaccinated and he had his kids vaccinated too. He wants more studies on vaccines.


“Vaccines need to be better studied” is absolutely anti-vax rhetoric. Vaccines are incredibly well studied. Anyway, what you’ve said is pure bullshit, so it doesn’t even matter. Just because Kennedy uses the words “I’m not an antivaxxer”, to try to win votes, doesn’t make it true. > But that’s not true. Again and again, Kennedy has made his opposition to vaccines clear. In July, Kennedy said in a podcast interview that “There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective” and told FOX News that he still believes in the long-ago debunked idea that vaccines can cause autism. In a 2021 podcast he urged people to “resist” CDC guidelines on when kids should get vaccines. > “I see somebody on a hiking trail carrying a little baby and I say to him, better not get them vaccinated,” Kennedy said. > That same year, in a video promoting an anti-vaccine sticker campaign by his nonprofit, Kennedy appeared onscreen next to one sticker that declared “IF YOU’RE NOT AN ANTI-VAXXER YOU AREN’T PAYING ATTENTION.”- https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-2024-president-campaign-621c9e9641381a1b2677df9de5a09731


He specifically had an issue with preservatives in early vaccines such as Ethylmercury and Thimersol. Which are even stated by the cdc to not be on covid vaccines on their own website.


Then why was he saying there is no such thing as a safe and effective vaccine years after thimerosal was removed?


It’s still in some adult vaccines. From my understanding he believes that vaccines aren’t risk free but most are effective and we deserve to know more about them. He believes that pharmaceutical companies have too much influence over the FDA and wants to put a stop that. I’m vaccinated and I’ve had my Covid shots and several boosters. Even if his conspiracies about autism are wrong I think he makes good points. Supposedly painkillers were well studied and look where that got us.


You seem to believe the words he says when pandering for votes more than his actual record. He is an antivaxxer.


His record also includes cleaning up The Hudson River as a successful environmental lawyer. It was a group a mother’s that walked into his lectures and told him if he’s so worried about mercury he should look into the ethyl-mercury in vaccines.


You should just go listen to him and not let corporate media decide your opinion on him.


Ahh, that explains why you believe his lies.


Why because I actually listen to the sources instead of just reading a single quote out of context from cnn or fox? I don’t believe vaccines cause autism but he has more intelligence than both the other candidates combined.


Because you think he is an accurate source on himself at all.


Even if he has been wrong about vaccines he is right to be skeptical of anything the government does with any medication. We did have the Tuskegee experiment where the cdc gave people syphilis without telling them. It lasted from 1932-1972