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A 38-year-old man has died days after he was hit by a roller coaster at an Ohio amusement park, officials confirmed on Monday. Arntanaro Nelson, of Wilmington, Ohio, suffered a "traumatic injury" Wednesday night at the Kings Island theme park in Mason, according to a Mason Police Department incident report. Nelson had entered a restricted, fenced area near the Banshee roller coaster "and is believed to have been struck by the ride" around 8 p.m., a spokesperson for the park said in a statement. The park's safety and first aid workers responded at the scene, and the man was transported to the hospital in critical condition. He died on Friday, according to Justin Weber, the chief investigator for the Hamilton County Coroner's Office. A cause of death is pending investigation, with the final autopsy results expected to take eight to 10 weeks, he said. A witness said Nelson told a park employee he had lost something on the ride and needed to go back to get it, according to Cincinnati ABC affiliate WCPO. The employee reportedly said he would not be able to do anything until the ride closed, but the man continued to wander in the ride's vicinity and eventually passed through a restricted gate, WCPO reported. The witness told WCPO the man had been dressed in clothing similar to park staff, so some had thought he was an employee. The Banshee roller coaster temporarily closed while officials investigated the incident, the park spokesperson said. The ride reopened on Saturday, according to The Cincinnati Enquirer.


8pm? Bro, he was like 2 hours away from getting his keys or whatever back at closing time when the ride gets shut off and they could be safely retrieved. What a doofus.














The amount of girls my teenaged self fell in love with in lines at Six Flags is criminal. 


Considering how the rest of the comments before this are mostly deleted, it's absolutely wild trying to figure how tf we got to here from there


It’s such a mystery ! I wish I knew what was said


Yeah, but nowadays she’s looking at her phone. Sometimes I wonder how anyone meets anyone. All my gfs were chance encounters while both bored somewhere. Now you never need to be bored again.


Funny, because I feel like a lot of people constantly complain about being bored. Which I cannot fathom, phone or no phone.


Instead, two hours killed him. :(


This is really solid


I wonder what other stupid things he did but survived? He was almost 40 and thought this was a good idea.




This guy really needed to stay away from fairgrounds.


Shouldn't be too hard now...


>Nelson said he believed the men were going to fight him so he got into a fighting stance, which is when he was stabbed, Smith wrote. lmaoooo what


Never bring fight stance to a knife fight


Did they have his keys?


"Nelson’s intestine came out of the wound" So he just used up his 9 lives I'm guessing that's totally what we are dealing with.


Holy shit that’s definitely him and he be making decisions. Also 2015 was 9 years ago, damn.


I shouldn’t laugh, but this guy seems to not put himself in the best situations…


Haha wtf how did you find this


Not exactly a common name is my guess.


It feels like the programmers of the simulation are getting lazy.


Apparently some prophecy said this guy had to die in an amusement park accident.


Haha, that’s amazing. This guy was cursed to live an eventful life to say the least. 


Unreal!!! That man was bound to die at fairgrounds


The man lived his life a county fair at a time


No, no, no, you are NOT telling me this is the SAME GUY.


It's not like the park hasn't heard or someone losing an item on a ride before.


Absolutely, Which is why they have a procedure that they will go get whatever it is at closing time.


Which is also why they have cubbies where you can put your stuff before you get on the ride. It would suck to lose something and have to wait around until close. Your plans might require you to leave before that time. Use the cubbies people!


I guarantee his family will sue the park for failing to keep him out of the fenced-off area.


I read somewhere that insurance requires this in some cases. I remember something went viral a few years ago about a grandmother suing her grandson over a broken wrist. Turns out it was actually grandmas insurance company suing on her behalf because the grandson broke her wrist through negligence. It may end up that the family sues the park, but most likely that would be the mans life insurance suing. Insurance companies dont like paying for someone elses negligence, and would try to argue the park hadnt prevented the trespass enough.


https://fasigbrooks.com/blog/aunt-sues-nephew-the-rest-of-the-story/ Per the article: “Here’s the rest of the story: When the injured party (the aunt) sought to have her medical bills paid by the homeowner’s insurance policy, she was offered $1. In Connecticut, where the injury occurred, state laws require that people who file injury claims must take the responsible party to court, not the insurance company. Because of this, she was required to name a minor child in her lawsuit to recover damages.” For those wondering she lost her case.


What's the premium on a dude that gets stabbed, has organs go from internal to external and leaves the hospital the next day?


Unlikely to win this one. The man knew it was a restricted area, was told it was a restricted area and went anyway. Stupidity always finds a way.


iirc there was a similar incident years ago where a man entered a restricted area and was killed in the same way. The theme park just settled with the family out of court. Essentially it's just faster and easier for a very wealthy company to go "Take this money so we don't have to bother with a court case." idk enough about Kings Island to know how much they make, but I think the other one was Six Flags. I'm trying to find it now but all my searches just pull up this guy who died :/


More than just the court and lawyer fees, they likely settle just to make it go away from the news cycle ASAP. Even if the theme park and it’s employees did absolutely nothing wrong in cases like this it hurts business because of how people can think “it’s unsafe” even if they are more likely to be injured traveling to and from the park than in it.


I dunno, the danger was kind of a selling point for Action Park.


>idk enough about Kings Island to know how much they make, but I think the other one was Six Flags As of today, Kings Island is owned by Cedar Fair, a chain that is similarly sized to Six Flags. That said, Cedar Fair and Six Flags are set to merge in 7 days.


Does someone smarter than me know why they do an autopsy in these situations? I mean….the cause of death seems pretty obvious?


To have an official cause of death from a certified expert. Probably required or requested by the insurance companies.


It’s straight up ridiculous how many times this has happened. It happened at my local theme park when I was a teenager. Dude lost his hat on the ride and climbed over the fence with many warning signs to get it. It was one of those rides where the rider’s legs hang down underneath. He got kicked in the head by a rider and was killed. The rider’s leg was broken. I’ve heard similar stories a few times since then. 🤦🏻‍♀️


8-10 weeks for the autopsy, does he need reassembling?


I know you are being facetious to make a joke, but it does legitimately take that long. The actual autopsy happens in a day, but then they need to review their findings from the examination, send blood/tissue off to labs for toxicology reports, compile everything into a final report and review it, etc... All while doing the same thing for umpteen other bodies at the same time, with all the disparate steps for all those different bodies mixed together, such that there could be days or even weeks between each step of the process for any given one body.


He’s clearly not the only deceased person they will be autopsying. People do die, and there is indeed a ‘line’ for this kind of thing. He’s not skipping to the front because he won a Darwin Award lol


Clearly didn’t shell out for the autopsy fast-pass


darwinism works in mysterious ways




Kids were there and reportedly begging him not to go into restricted area.


Common sense skips a generation I guess


This is heartbreaking.




No, the official Darwin Awards website specifies that people who have children are still eligible to win, as they are removing more chances for their genes getting into the gene pool.


I used to work at Six Flags and I swear half of our yearly training was “here’s how to not be a dumbass who got hit by a roller coaster.” 


Step 1: Stay behind the big ass fence.


Also step 2, 3, 4, and 5. 


Step 6 : Read step 1 through 5 again.


Why are you taking that many steps? Now you are in path of roller coaster!


Built fencing around and in an amusement park recently. A coaster test dummy got launched off a coaster during testing and broke through two surrounding fences


Nice! Where?


Through two surrounding fences


To shreds you say?


What about the wife?


If you see a vision of a roller coaster crashing and you are on it.......don't get on the roller coaster (and proceed to find some padded wall room because death will come back for you)


Sidebar, the whole padded room thing never made sense to me. You're telling me that Death can bend the laws of physics to blow up airplanes or make logs fly like missiles, but killing a single person who's checked themselves into an asylum is out of reach?


that was actually covered, death could get to them, but they were not living in any sense so death didnt care until they started living again, then it started up the games


Killing them is probably as simple as blowing up the building, but Death probably wants to avoid collateral damage. It's after them in the first place because they didn't die when they were supposed to, the rules probably apply to not killing others before their time too.


True. Death is much more poetic than that. After you check yourself into the asylum and become committed to the padded room, the vent pipes for the ethylene oxide instrument sterilizer in the laboratory next door malfunction, leaking into your room. Somehow you know this happens so you start banging at the door, trying to warn everyone, trying to save yourself, but they just think you're crazy.


Also since OP is a worker: only go inside the big ass fence if the ride is locked out tagged out. Never trust some manager who says "don't worry we won't turn it on"


I was at an amusement park (can’t remember if it was Six Flags or Universal) and some teenager had lost her cell phone on a coaster loop. We were waiting in line when she barged through us and before we could ask her wtf she thought she was doing, she went over the fence and started looking around for her phone. They shut the ride down… which thankfully (for *her* at least) was still on its way up the initial incline, and a couple of dudes in polo shirts roughly “escorted” her away. She was yelling that she had *just* seen her phone “right over there” and was furious they wouldn’t let her go to get it right then and there. I think they did that just to make sure she didn’t get what she wanted, so perhaps she wouldn’t pull that particular stunt again. Nothing like a 70MPH knee to the head or torso with several thousand pounds of force behind it… (it was a hanging coaster) which could have shattered some poor rider’s leg and killed her outright.


It's pretty bad what happens when hanging coasters fly over someone in the restricted area. There's been cases of feet of riders actually decapitating the person. That would give lifelong emotional trauma and probably a badly shattered leg and hip. 


I worked for 3 years at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg and we never got "How not to get hit by a coaster." training. I guess they just had that stuff on lockdown and you really only needed that training if you worked directly with a coaster.


Sounds like you were expendable


It must seem like it's pretty far off until it isn't


Also it's suspended, so you assume you have more room than you do because you're not on a track. Then someone's foot kicks your head off. Oof.


I remember when a ride attendant got killed by a coaster at six flags because she slipped on the track as it was coming in to park. It was only going like 6mph.


Yeah, lock out/tag out procedures exist for a reason.


Except this wasn’t a worker. This was an idiot customer who trespassed into an area. This wasn’t a lock out/tag out situation.


Yeah. I worked Cedar Point rides for a couple of summers and that’s pretty accurate


Imagine being his family and having to cope with this guy being a complete moron in death. It’s awful.


From the sound of it, they had to cope with him being a complete moron in life too. Dude was an asshole to the staff and throwing a tantrum


Most definitely. That was not the kind of thing you do when you’re being a first time moron


Imagine being in the front cart!


Well I didn't until now. The fuck.


So he knew he wasn't supposed to be there. He knew he had been told to wait until the ride closed. He knew the roller coaster would be in the vicinity and he still managed to be hit by it. How does a roller coaster sneak up on you exactly? How could this person have had so little situational awareness that a fucking roller coaster hit him? So many questions.


Just need to walk through a grocery store once to realize that most people have absolutely zero situational awareness and high self entitlement. Unluckily for this dude, it cost him his life this time.


I work at a grocery store and can confirm this.


costco is the fucking worst for this.


Three carts, shoulder to shoulder barreling straight at you. One's a distracted mom, one's on the phone, the last one is staring at you and decided now's the time for an ego check. May god have mercy on your soul.


My personal favorite are the people who get 1' past the entry door and just stop


And right when you go to pass them, they decide ***now's the time to move***, then make a sharp turn to cut you off without even glancing around. Good fucking god, this is why I have public anxiety.


If you’ve got situational awareness, you probably realized the fence was because the roller coaster could be coasting too close in that fenced area, and then you probably said you didn’t need the hat that bad


Might not have realized how low the coaster got (about five feet from the ground at that part) and didn’t realize how fast it was approaching Misjudged and got slammed in the head by a solid chunk of metal going 68mph, which apparently hit him hard enough to get blood over the people in the front row.


holy that must be traumatizing


The entire thing just seems so tragic and traumatizing. People on the ride in the front row experiencing that. (According to a worker, they had thought they struck a deer) The park workers and EMTs who saw him afterwards. Apparently his kids were telling him not to go. And for fucking what? It was 8pm, the park closes at 10. Worst case scenario, he's gotta wait a least two hours for them to close the ride an get his keys, and he has to deal with the traffic getting out of the park. Yeah, it sucks. It's not worth dying over.


My older brother lost his keys on a ride at Geauga Lake when i was a teenager like 25 years ago... They told us we had to wait until after close. He had his girlfriend's parents bring his spare key up to us. We still had to wait like an hour after close for them to get there, he ended up going back the next day to get his full set of keys.  A couple years later at Cedar Point his gf lost a bag with their keys in it on a ride... Luckily it was early in the day and super easy to find so we got the keys back pretty fast. I think that's the last time i went with him to any amusement parks because the only times he ever lost anything on a ride was when i was with him.


I'm surprised he didn't die on impact, jfc.


It probably barely clipped him.


They move so fast. I assume he (wrongly) chose a moment where he felt like he had time or was even in a spot where he didn't think he could get hit? Insane to even try. I feel so bad for anyone who was on the roller coaster in that moment or was nearby and saw. Scarring!


You need to just look around you, you don’t have to look too far to find candidates. These people can get driver licenses and carry guns, ponder that thought for a moment.


When this was first reported, one of the first comments was, if only he had something to occupy his time with while he waits. >looks at amusement park


Blinded AND deafened by his own temper tantrum at being told no by the ride operating staff if my only guess.


Question: Do they sell alcohol there?


At Kings Island? Yes they do, actually. There are a few spots to grab drinks, plus currently having a Food & Wine festival there. Quite nice experience, was there a couple days before the Banshee incident.


Yes, but I’ve never tried getting the level of Drunk to do something this stupid, to know if they cut you off or not


I worked lost and found at a six flags for years. The amount of guests who would lose their minds at us for not having their keys was astronomical. Its was almost always middle aged men screaming at teenagers.


I was a ride op for 6 years. I was yelled at about once a year and it was ALWAYS a middle aged man with kids in tow. Often over something I had no control over or something really dumb. Three I had control over, two of which were not reasonable, one was.


My favorite was a man who accused me of stealing his car keys and threatened to call the cops. Jokes on him, I could easily radio one of our police officers over to talk to the man. When I offered he grumbled and left.


I was a games op for 2 years. I don’t think I had a single customer to whom I didn’t need to explain the rules posted on the obvious sign. I think that there’s something about amusement parks that makes people leave a portion of their mental faculties behind at the ticket window.


"I paid to get in here so I can do whatever I want" mentality.


Whatever he lost it wasn’t worth losing his life for, not a cell phone, a wallet or car keys


It was his keys. He was planning to leave and couldn’t without them. I’ve been following this story since I’m kind of a roller coaster nut and I was actually surprised he survived the initial impact. He reportedly was hit as the coaster was traveling at its maximum speed of 68 mph. He was transported to the hospital with a severe head injury. He could’ve either waited until the park closed or gotten an Uber to go home and his kids would still have a father.


Were any of the riders hurt from the impact?


One parking employee says that all four riders in the front row had cuts and scrapes on their legs from the impact and one had blood on his face but the park refutes that statement, so I don’t know for sure.


Many moons ago I heard of an incident at some theme park where a guy died in a similar fashion. Except that the ride was one of those legs-hanging-out roller coasters. The guy got hit head kicked off and the rider lost a leg after the incident.


Banshee is also a legs dangling coaster. You’re probably thinking of the incident at Six Flags Over Georgia. A teenager died in 2008 after getting hit by Batman: The Ride.


Happened near me back in the late 90s, California’s Great America. Guy was kicked in the head and a ladies leg was fractured. All for a hat.


Reading news articles about people dying can be anxiety inducing for me when its from something that could have happened to anybody. Thankfully, in this case, I doubt I will run into this specific problem


If you have common sense you’re golden buddy.


Even uncommon sense would have been enough here….


I feel bad for the park employee(s) that told him not to go.


Worked ride op at theme parks for 2 yrs now, you would not believe the number of people that attempt to do exactly what he did on a daily basis despite literally every employee warning lmao. ROs are taught to be vigilant of track area and hit the E-Stop the second we see a guest in restricted track area but trains can only brake in certain brake zones. I just hope the ROs didn’t have to witness the collision, that’d traumatize me for sure


He picked a bad one too. Even if RO had spotted him, Banshee doesn’t have a mid brake run.


So he was trying to get his phone out earlier or something? I can't imagine his poor family who presumably were telling him just to wait for closing


It was his keys. The policy is that you're supposed to come back at park close and ride ops will go get your keys. He was acting like a total asshole towards the staff too from what I've read and seen in the local news. It's sad, but it's no ones fault but his own. All he had to do was follow the rules and he would have received his keys and he'd still be alive.


8pm, so 2 hours from closing. I feel even less sympathetic.


I feel bad for the people who had to witness this. Especially the riders who hit him.


Keys. He lost his keys on the ride and wouldn't wait until the park closed so they could retrieve them (and no, someone losing their keys is not an emergency that necessitates shutting down a ride for an hour). It's unfortunate, but the area he entered was clearly marked as restricted.


Losing the keys in the first place already shows he was a dumbass. It’s not like the amusement parks don’t warn people about strange unknown phenomena like gravity.


Yeah I just can’t with people who do shit like this. Mf thinks he’s too hard for gravity. It’s not like roller coasters give you lockers and cubbies and many chances to store items beforehand…I’m so impressed by Universal Hollywood giving us touch fingerprinted lockers for free.


I read earlier he didn’t use the lockers, lost his keys. Flipped out when an employee told them they could get them but only at the end of the day when the ride closes down for the night. Guy apparently didn’t like that and got his head caved in for his idiocy. 


A lot of people in this world *hate* being told no. It could have been a 10 minute wait and he probably would have freaked out and tried to do it himself.


He found the keys to a different kingdom.


Someone in an earlier thread about this said he was yelling at staff too.


He really showed them who's boss.


Suddenly I am feeling much less sympathetic 


Ah, the Karma Special


He got himself killed by BEING FUCKING STUPID. This is NOT on the park.


This roller coaster has you positioned under the rail so that your feet are dangling under you. So did someone come into contact with him with their feet or legs? Seems crazy that you would be dangling less than 10 ft away from the ground going at high speeds and end up kicking someone.


Sounds like he got hit by the ride vehicle. If someone had kicked him at that speed, they would have certainly broken their leg in the process.


Yeah, I think that happened ~10 years ago at cedar point. Dude went to get his hat or phone or something and got kicked in the head by a rider, the guy died and the rider had a very seriously broken leg.


Can you imagine the insurance claim for the medical expenses for a broken leg? "My leg got broken because some dumbfuck ran under a rollercoaster and I could not avoid kicking him in the head at very high speed as I was strapped to said coaster train.


"Should have lifted your leg up, claim denied" -insurance company


"A medical record from 12 years ago shows you broke that same leg.......it only happened again because of this pre existing condition......"


Should have asked for pre-authorization -insurace company


This is literally an old Daniel Tosh joke. Standup, not his TV show. "I'm not sure if you've ever been in a cast, but eeeeeveryone and their grandmoth will ask, 'So how'd you do it?'."


God, that poor rider! I can't imagine how painful the rest of the ride must have been for them.


And the turmoil of knowing your foot killed someone, even if you know it was their fault, not yours.


This is what pisses me off about reckless motorcycle drivers. They may not value their own life and care if they get killed, but I’m the one who’d have to deal with the trauma of having killed someone.


That's so sad to think about. They're in 10/10 screaming pain because broken bones let alone a likely shattered leg, getting snatched every which way and moving with a broken bone is screaming pain on its own, so there's the trauma from the pain and from knowing that it wasn't your fault but your horrific injury killed someone. I wish them big, warm, peaceful hugs. And I hope they know that, even though it may not have been said, the people who died wouldn't want them to blame themselves. They'd want them to be happy.


Happened years ago in Wildwood as well on one of the piers.


That happened at Great America (California) when I was in high school. Someone went to get their hat and got inadvertently kicked by a passing-by rollercoaster rider. Dude got smoked, rider broke their leg. Same kind of ride, where your feet dangle as you ride.


There were no additional injuries, per the park, so I doubt a person hit him, probably just the ride train itself.


I haven't read this article, but I read one shortly after it happened. Yes, they hit him, but they didn't know what they hit, they assumed it was a animal. They told ride operators as soon as they returned. So now you got that PTSD also on top of this.


I could see that… at 8pm it would have been dark or getting dark and the dude may have even been crouched down to look at the ground more closely.


Don’t this happen a few years back to someone at six flags in Georgia?


Twice. An employee in 2002 and a guest in 2008. Both Batman: The Ride.


It also happened to a guest at California's Great America in 1998. The coaster is a floorless inverted coaster, so the guy was killed by woman's foot (who's leg was broken).


Astroworld, 1997, employee hit by the train of the Excalibur. I think the most horrifying theme park accident though is that one where the kid got decapitated on a waterslide at Schlitterbahn, and his decapitated head smashed into the woman behind him and broke her nose and teeth.


That and the girl getting her feet cut off on the drop tower ride. Both parties were just doing what they were supposed to and crazy shit happened


Oh, totally. And the Orlando Free Fall incident. 14 year old was seriously overweight for the ride, they let him on anyway, his seatbelt didn't latch and he went up the whole time telling his friends he was going to die and begging for help, and then when it dropped, he shot out the bottom and directly into the pavement at high speed. The sound of it in the video is pretty awful.


Not only that, the operators of the ride specifically had altered the seat he sat on to allow for plus-sized adults to ride the ride, well beyond any of the designed safety measures. Check this video out by coaster college about it, really interesting/disturbing. https://youtu.be/1MpAUQlrdaM?si=ApU2pbprWyJ07eR2


The Australian Dreamworld raft accident is horrifying: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/599i7f/at_least_four_people_killed_in_horror_dreamworld/ “The victims became trapped on a conveyor belt at the theme park after a raft they were in flipped on the Thunder River Rapids ride on Tuesday afternoon. The raft collided with another raft on the conveyor system before flipping. Six people were in the raft at the time of the accident. Police confirmed four adults had died in the incident.”


This story made me think of that poor girl all over again. Didn't a cable come detached from the ride and slice her legs? So awful.


Not to be a dick to the dead kid because it's not like a child can choose their parents. But his father was a State of Kansas congressman at the time who sponsored and voted for a bill to decrease safety regulations on amusement park rides in order to be more competitive against Missouri just across town. Part of the whole conservative "regulations are bad" "business is good" political position. The bill got rid of 3rd party safety inspections and engineering reviews and allowed owners to "self certify" that rides were safe. His own actions directly resulted in his son's brutal decapitation.


He sure was!


check out the Hulu documentary about 'Action Park' in New Jersey, if you haven't seen it. We used to go there on field trips in my day camp and a number of us would always come back hurt one way or another 😅


Nj resident and teenager at the time of action park's high point. Like most internet legends, movies 30 years after the park, its, "OK surely this is exagerating" Its not. That movie doesn't give the insanity of the place justice. We always took 2 cars, because someone was leaving early hurt or had to go to the hospital. The place rocked though.


You might be thinking of the more recent one at cedar point. There was one at six flags but that was all the way back in 2008. >Cedar Point - August 2015 > >That same summer at the same park, a guest was killed after he entered a restricted, fenced in area and was struck by a roller coaster. >The coroner said the man, 45-year-old James Young II, was looking for a lost cellphone. He had ridden the Raptor coaster and lost some of his personal items during it. He attempted to retrieve them and was struck by a train in operation. > >Six Flags Over Georgia - June 2008 > >The sprawling amusement park outside Atlanta was famous for a Batman ride that decapitated a park guest on June 28, 2008. A passing train hit the teenager while they were retrieving a lost hat. https://www.newsweek.com/kings-island-roller-coaster-struck-cedar-point-death-1915404


Sorry if it’s rude but what a dumbass.


I don't even feel bad for him. His family, yes, but not him. He just traumatized everyone on that ride and a park employee.


Total idiot.


The Banshee is an inverted coaster. The car hangs from the track instead of riding on top of it. There are points of the track that run about 10 to 12 feet above the ground. I imagine it's possible for a person on the ground to think there is safe space to walk under the track, not realizing that the inverted track will bring the car much closer to the ground and within striking distance of a pedestrian. This is why no one should ever ignore warnings or disobey restrictions of access to working areas of a park.


The guy obviously rode the ride to lose an item on it, so he would know how close it went to the ground.


Dumb ways to die. So many dumb ways to die.


Nearly always the same story. Went into a restricted area to retrieve something. The object isn't more important than your life ffs


So, The man wanted to die? Just like... Why? Recentrly in my contry a Woman, wanted to have a selfie in FRONT of a train. In FRONT... she died.


Did she get the selfie?


Like 15 years ago Daniel Tosh had an entire bit about this in his stand up. With the story being that a guy lost his hat on a ride and jumped the fence to get it. This rollercoaster was one where people had their feet dangling below them and the man was more or less decapitated by a riders foot. This also ended up breaking the rider's leg. The punch line to the joke is that every where they go some one is going to ask them how they broke their leg.


Hmmm let me hold a card with the answer up to my forehead…. He went into a restricted area looking for (phone, keys, wallet) and got clocked by the coaster because he was being an idiot… now let’s read the details…


This has happened at Cedar Point as well. People feel like they just HAVE to trespass to the no go zones to get whatever they dropped while on the ride. I believe Cedar Point guy was beheaded.


I feel for the people on the roller coaster when it hit him. That’s so traumatizing.


That's why they put the fences up.


You know how not to get struck by a rollercoaster? Don't stand on the tracks. Yes, it is that easy.




What are you supposed to do for 2 hours in an AMUSEMENT PARK? That's 2 hours you'll NEVER GET BACK!


Feel bad for his wife and kids more honestly 




And all the folks with PTSD now because they were on that train that hit him. Can’t even imagine how traumatic that would be.


I was like, again?!? And then I see it was the same dude from a few days who finally died.


I didn’t read the whole article but I hope he didn’t hurt anyone who was on the ride.


I live in Niagara falls, do you know how many people jump the fences here to take selfies to get closer to the waterfall for the selfie, LOTS OF PEOPLE!!! Fortunately, I think they have cameras and security for this now because if you do this they come out and arrest you. If you are walking backwards towards the waterfall to get that selfie you could easily fall in, and then someone has to perform a very dangerous and expensive rescue to get the people out of the water. Or you will die. Niagara falls water moves very fast, and well, dying for a selfie is a pretty damn stupid way to die, but I think someone did die from doing this very act. There's also places to take perfectly good selfies without jumping the barriers, but some people...