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I'd also consider recalling it just for having "all you can eat" on bite sized plastic toys that resemble food.


So we can’t eat it?


Just because you can doesn't mean you should


So we can?


Scientists elsewhere: “Why do these kids have so much microplastic in their bodies?” 


Hardly bite sized


“The recall involves the “Make it Mini” sets which contain resins that, when liquid, can cause those injuries and irritations to young children and adults alike” Jesus they were including resin in the sets? No wonder!


Everybody who collects these knew it was gonna happen sooner or later They at the very least should’ve provided gloves or something


Ever since resin crafting got popular people have been way too casual with it. UV resin and epoxy are both toxic/irritating and should not be used regularly without good ventilation and respiratory protection


The biggest issue is that you can easily become sensitised to acrylates (the chemical in resin) if you don't use them correctly. Once you become sensitised, you literally have to avoid ALOT of things. Most skincare products contain them, safely, but once you are sensitised to acrylates from the resin - you are sensitised to all acrylates. It's a common occupational hazard for nail techs (any of the products which are cured with UV contain them) or people who work in the ink industry. I used to work in the ink industry and if we even got a little on our gloves, we had to change them because you could spread it around without knowing.


My kid got one of those sets for her birthday. I had zero idea it was full of resin. My kid started playing with them in our poorly ventilated kitchen. The stink was overwhelming, and it lingered for hours after we disposed of everything. Not to mention that my kid ended up getting resin all over their hands.




It literally says do NOT EAT…not for consumption etc…all over the inserts it comes with many times… not sure why every one is so illiterate..or why parents buy their kids stuff without looking at it first 🙄 I collect these but I also have experience with resin and knew it was resin-immediately!!!…. Not one time has it “stunk up my house for hours” or even at all. It’s hilarious when people over exaggerate shit. The ignorance is staggering.




Luckily there’s warning sheet inserts inside the package 🤷🏼‍♀️ buttttt let’s ignore that..lol




The kits allow you to make your own hard plastic miniature food and drinks using UV resin that can be cured with sunlight or a small UV lamp/flashlight. As far as I'm aware, there's not really a better alternative to UV resin for this kind of application. UV resin craft kits are pretty common, but they usually come with squeeze bottles of resin and sticks for safely mixing/manipulating the liquid resin. The recalled kits feature "realistic" designs, so instead of using a squeeze bottle and a stick, you scoop resin from little jars with a tiny spoon or you dispense resin from a miniature soda machine. It's very fussy and complicated. Even an experienced adult will probably end up getting resin on their hands. Neat concept, totally impractical execution. I honestly can't believe that they ever marketed this product to children ages 8 and up. It's *explicitly* marketed to kids in collectible blind boxes like those Lol Surprise dolls. I can't imagine any 8 year old being able to use this toy without getting resin all over their hands (and inevitably in their mouths and eyes).


21 million plastic toys straight to the landfill with the unsold funkopops


Makes me wonder how much we actually produce. As in, Funko pops, I've never bought one but damn have I seen them sit on shelves for a long time. Is that company still producing at the same rate or higher? How much longer will Funko pops remain a thing? I consider that brand as I do Beanie Babies.


I mean, you could at least play with Beanie Babies. Lord knows I did as a kid. Funko Pops don't really function as a toy. They are both pretty dumb in my personal opinion. I have one Funco Pop of Boba Fett that was a gift. I would maybe buy more if I had a dedicated space to display them like a man cave or gaming room. Unfortunately, I don't, so they'd look really out of place.


they’re also ugly as sin


I saw someone touched up a toothless funko pop on the httyd sub years ago. He looked cute. But normal funky pops with their soulless eyes are terrifying. The only appeal I see to them is if you have a not popular favorite character, you can probably get merch of them in funko pop, and they are cheap. I don't think I'd ever buy one, but if given to me as a gift I'd keep it.


I have a single one that's of an "anniversary edition" bulbasaur. in reality I was wandering through target, saw this little guy abandoned on an empty shelf, and decided to take him with me. (this is not the first "lonely toy" ive decided to buy this way 😅). Don't have a picture of mine right now, but [this](https://realpopmania.com/cdn/shop/products/16_622032d6-9e87-4de2-9fc0-50344dba3a1a.png?v=1668002493) is what he looks like.


I think the silver makes him look a bit better, doesn't have the black eyes!


Yeah I agree!


i have one. it’s ron swanson from parks and rec, in the kimono and cornrows from the episode ron and tammy 2. i saw it at a comic con and couldn’t resist. but i honestly have nowhere to put it so it’s in a box. some people have hundreds. don’t they get dusty?


You just said they're nonfunctional and dumb, you have one, and you'd buy more if it wasn't for the lack of space. Congratuations, you like them.


Same tho. I own one for asami from LOK and have zero interest in owning another unless it's from studio Ghibli which will probably never happen. It's nice as a PC case accessory but that's about it.


[The only Funco Pop worth buying and I'll die on that hill.](https://www.ebay.com/itm/134540613891?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1el5aBxa8SiCAvVhcXwWBDA11&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=134540613891&targetid=2298712745450&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9032879&poi=&campaignid=21222258394&mkgroupid=161758600535&rlsatarget=pla-2298712745450&abcId=9408285&merchantid=644203422&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw-O6zBhASEiwAOHeGxZ_PyXDDMEnqHfyvod8k-6DCfrladhuPnBu_92tkuIRCGLAEAqeiYBoC7dsQAvD_BwE) Cheap enough I can leave it at work without being stolen, but also work appropriate.


> How much longer will Funko pops remain a thing? For as long as they don't fuck up, there are obviously new children aging into movies/tv/character and will want something like that. As long as they don't do something incredibly stupid they can stay in business forever. The biggest risk is the want for infinite growth.


The company is still producing them quite industriously. The headquarters had a renovation in the past year or two and they've got all sorts of niche product lines.


Do not taunt happy fun ball


If happy fun ball begins to smoke get away immediately seek shelter and cover head


I love resin crafts like this but they should have been marketing more to adults. Kids have no idea how resin works.


What are "resin crafts" and how do they work? I just assumed these were bits of plastic that don't do anything.


It's plastic that's held together (soup, frosting, sauce) with something similar to gel nail polish. Where its a liquid substance that's cured with uv light or the sun. I used to do a lot of gel nail polish when I was younger so it was easy to use.


The items in question are *not* resin craft kits, though. They are [tiny resin items already shaped and painted to look like miniature versions of food, bottles, plates and tiny kitchen appliances for kids to play with like doll house furniture.](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/picture5-6.png?c=16x9&q=h_653,w_1160,c_fill/f_webp) They *are* manufactured to be kids toys, not toys for adults, and making it out of toxic resin was a choice by the manufacturer based on who it was being sold to. It's like the kids art supplies from a decade back or so that were manufactured in China that were all contaminated with lead. *That didn't use lead in the manufacture of the materials.* The only way the lead could have gotten there in the quantities that it did was for it to have been added, *on purpose.* I suspect the same is happening here.


> The items in question are not resin craft kits, though. They are tiny resin items already shaped and painted to look like miniature versions of food, bottles, plates and tiny kitchen appliances for kids to play with like doll house furniture. They're though, the article even mentions the problem here comes from the resin when in its liquid state. In your picture for example a lot of those parts are meant to be put together to assemble a finished plate and it uses the liquid resin that comes inside of the little bottles (like the syrup bottle).


Wait, these "toys" seriously come with liquid resin in them? That can't fucking be real? This "toy" company is full of fucking morons that should be jailed for negligence.


Yep, there are other brands as well, there's also a Master Chef version which also includes a chef hat which is an UV light for you to cure the resin. I'm not even sure if these are supposed to be targeted at children though... [This is an example.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/62ft8CsKpS8)


And fucking idiots wonder why we want more regulations on corporations lol.


I know its fun and cute but like.. can we just ban everything? End plastic.


At least ban it in non-essentials. Then we can keep it for IV drip lines etc.


Yup, we just don't need it. I find so much fucking disposable single use plastic just everywhere. Like how the fuck are k cup pods even legal? We got along fine without them.


Shrinkflation is really getting out of control now.


Have you seen those playsets? I know that they are designed for children and I am just a clumsy adult, but they are tiny. I am also surprised -- considering they all seem to be food/kitchen items -- that more kids haven't swallowed them.


They’re for kids?! I buy them for my gf every anniversary/birthday/christmas


These sets are adorable! I’ve been tempted to buy them for myself




Kids love that and cheese


These are *not* crafting kits. These are completed toys for use with dolls.


You keep saying this so confidently for someone who's been proven wrong.


OMG.. Is that why there was no nutritional value information on the box?!


I knew once the gel nail girlies and resin printers started talking about this shit this would be the next thing to go. developing an allergy to this shit ruins your life.


Plus turns out the UV curing of gel nails done frequently can give you skin cancer in your nail beds, through your nails.


>developing an allergy to this shit ruins your life. How so?


The allergy will make you allergic to the glue used in dentistry and for surgical procedures


👏🏽 I’m glad they recalled them! After my daughter’s water bead injury she was hypersensitive to acrylates. I’m glad advocating for the CPSC to investigate monomer issues with consumer products is protecting children ❤️. Also what is with toys being marketed like this!!! Ugh 😩


What does hypersensitivity to acrylates look like? What sort of items were you surprised to learn that your daughter needed to avoid?


I had bought my daughter water beads for her sensory bin and then saw a news article and immediately trashed them before she ever saw them. Not worth the risk


Aww that's a shame. My daughter and I love the Mini verse sets. They were so fun to create with 😭 scary how toys can go from fun to dangerous, though..we never had any issues with them.


Unless the article writer fails to mention it, they are returning at some point later in the year under a new resin formula. People on tiktok, where some people have an addiction to them, were talking about it a couple days ago


An addiction? Like were they eating them or huffing resin fumes orrr ??


Like buying an insane amount, like even full cases to open on camera. Plus I don't know if it's a mainstream thing or not but they're even combine elements from different sets to create custom recipes.


I don't recall anyone getting hurt from a Kinder Surprise toy, but they allowed toxic toys to be sold.


Well I loved Creepy Crawlers.


How that never got recalled, I have no idea


They should be recalled for the insane amount of plastic used in making garbage, worthless “toys” like this. Parents need to do better and stop buying this crap so companies stop making it.


Ugh my mom sends my kids home with little plastic shit like this, those dumb round ones with like the tiniest Disney toy inside of them. I have a 2 year old at the house too like ummmm are you trying to choke my youngest, ma? While simultaneously spending money on absolute waste bullshit?!


How many Tammy Craps dolls is that? Is it worse than 8 macanudos?


I'd been wondering about this since I first saw a video of someone making one of these and seeing that it contained resin From my limited crafting knowledge, I'd heard when working with resin you should protect your skin, have respiratory protection, be in a well ventilated area and then to see these toys just casually including it as a part??


Luckily they only recalled ones before may 21, and will continue producing them with a different formula. They may add a higher age limit. But that’s all! I collect them and they’re super cool. People all butt hurt over plastic when you’re paying roughly 50%of your income to the IRS and losing ur freedom… but ok. Let’s talk about plastic. Ignorance really is bliss! Ban straws and plastic but let the government screw ya backward with sandpaper 🤪🤪🤪


Another fine product from our friends across the Pacific.


It's an American company. They own little tikes


The choice to switch from less expensive but "safer" plastic to more expensive and "dangerous" resin should be telling you a lot about the intention behind why they made this change. Especially when they only changed the products meant for export to Western countries, but *not* products intended for sale in their *own* country.


Like putting high lead content in children's lunch boxes and no nutritional value in infant formula?


Lead was also put into cinnamon used for children's applesauce recently in South America because it makes it look higher quality. It happens everywhere not just in Asia or specifically China


What are we thinking? We are a sorry lot.


The resin in this case is epoxy, it’s in liquid form so people can “make” their own sets and the epoxy will harden.


You got down voted, but the person you're responding to doesn't understand what these toys are. They think they're all cured resin instead of being a kit that you put together using liquid resin. They're all over this post making up conspiracies based on their assumptions.


They're from California


>From October 2022 through June 2024, the sets, which were manufactured in China There's your problem...


Liquid resin isn't safe no matter what country it's produced in




I mean it’s a DIY craft. I know the little ones in my family just use them as accessories for their dolls and action figures


Yup it’s a nice little creative project that gets used in doll houses and Barbie’s. Probably should have made it clearer on the packaging that they contain epoxy.


Why would you have an article like this and not mention which country the factories are in that make these? Good to know whoever it is. Sure the parent might be US, but quality control is a factory specific thing assuming the design or specified process was not flawed. Some countries are doing better on that, others rapidly slipping.


I’d return the damn product but my eyes are burning and I can’t find the postbox. You know, come to think of it, I’ve been having trouble walking up my high-rise stairs - always got a thickly, burning cough. It’s weird - almost the same time my legs started tasting something wicked!


This is how China slow-roll conquers the world - one skin burn at a time.


American company