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"Multiple sources told CBS News there was no evidence to suggest that a specific targeted attack was planned, and U.S. officials said there was no imminent threat to the homeland."


“The FBI uncovered that the individuals were in contact with bad actors with potential ties to ISIS and investigators obtained a court-authorized FISA warrant, two of the sources told CBS News. Investigators also conducted surveillance of the men. FBI agents were aiming to unearth a broader terrorist network, two senior administration officials said, and intelligence gathered by the FBI pushed the Bureau to alert the Department of Homeland Security. This prompted ICE to pick up the men over the weekend of June 8 in New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia.”


Hanging out with bad actors should def be illegal. Gary Busey included.


Sure glad the FBI has not classified Trump as a bad actor. All of those folks around him convicted of felonies and going to prison could not be classified as "bad actors." So all of Trumps past buddies, who are US convicted felonies, are not bad actors? And the guy convicted of 34 felonies is a great actor !


Israel said the same thing right before they allowed a shitstorm to take place.






You know, I have always been curious to know what these people will think will happen provided an attack is a success. After 9/11, Americans on both the left and the right wanted blood and it kicked off an American occupation in the Middle East which lasted for over a decade, during which Al Quida and the Taliban were driven underground. Like do they not expect the US to retaliate?


I’ve got two thoughts on this, first, ISIS and other religious zealots seem to want to die serving their god, so I don’t think they care about the fallout of their actions. And second, I can think of at least two groups who would be absolutely thrilled if the US was pulled into another 20 year multi-trillion dollar war campaign in the Middle East.


Defense shareholders and Congress! (They are the same people)


Being a defense shareholder in the US has to be easy money


*Checks $BA chart....*


Russia and China


Israel and Saudi Arabia


Almost any American with an investment account is a defense shareholder lol


the second one - people still don't get it


They want a holy war to bring on the end times. They're a slightly different flavor of the Evangelical nuts rooting on Israel in hopes that conflict triggers Armageddon. Normal rational people don't want to cause mass violence or start wars.


TIL u/Piano_Fingerbanger does more than just troll CFB fanbases.


I’m waiting for the Fingerbang but I don’t see it coming.


Revelations is so much more metal than Yawm ad-din.. If we’re comparing mythologies.


This begs to be turned into a cards against humanity question.


Zur en Arr.


I’m confused? You talking about Isis or Maga?


Both it sounds like. There is a belief in some circles of Christianity that Armageddon and the second coming of Christ will be triggered by a big war in Israel and the building of the third temple.


"In some circles" being the Christian Nationalist/Evangelical movement in the US. Most other denominations are not quite so dogmatic in their eschatology. Simplified Context for people who do not know: Basically, this politcal activist/lobbyist/pastor who once was the head of the Moral Majority and founded a weird semi-secret society/think tank called the Council for National Policy named Tim Lahaye wrote a series called "Left Behind." The propaganda piece got so popular among evangelicals that it's strained and very obviously incorrect interpretation of Revelation and other prophetic books has become the default belief system for evanglicals. Pre-Trib Reapture Theology existed before, but it was invented in 1800s and only became really popular in the early 1900s among fundamentalists, and then became the default for all evangelicals around the time he wrote those books. Anyway, the book takes an unusally literal view of the prohpetic books, and essentially asserts that all of the imagery in them is just a human struggling to describe real events, rather than being coded language. (Which is almost certainly what it actually was.) So they assign certain prophecies in the Bible to potential real world events, and in that view Israel has to be in some kind of massive war against the world at some point. That is part of why fundamentalists joined in the original zionist movment to unilaterally declare part of Palestine as a homeland for Jewish people. They did not so much care about creating a Jewish state as they did trying to get them into that specific area to trigger the end times. In essence, they wanted them there so Jesus would come back and kill most of them. When I was growing up in the evangelical church one of the things they always told me as a reason that the Bible was true is because, after almost 2000 years, the Jewish people had their homeland back like God promised, which proved that all of the prophecies were true. It only occured to me that they intentionally forced that to happen when I hit my teen years.


Yes, I think.


Thank you. So many forget the Evan Nuts...many in our congress...who believe in that nonsense.


They want a holy war in the Middle East and to impact lives in countries like the US, and in the case of the War on Terror, it's hard to argue that they didn't get what they wanted. The US came out of it all looking like the bad guy, much of the Middle East has been left in various states of governmental collapse, and Americans ended up passing absurd laws that curtail our own freedoms simply to "stay safe".  They wanted the US to retaliate. That was the goal. 


They are brainwashed by religion and, thus, don’t think logically.


It's simple. They don't care.


It's no different than Hamas constantly provoking IDF knowing a whole boatload of the people they're pretending to protect will be killed. War is good for business/religion in the terrorism world.


They think they get to go to heaven


If you read OBL he had a number of goals for the September 11th attacks. Some failed, the largest ones succeded.  He wanted to draw the US into occupational foreign conflicts it couldn’t win or untangle itself from, to alienate the west from the Arab world, to cost the US such expense that it would be destabilized irreparably, and to lead to a decline that would shake its status as unquestioned world leader.  Do any of those should like they didn’t happen? Prior to 9/11 in the 2000 election we had one candidate talking about solving climate change and the other talking about compassionate conservatism. This election we have “nothing will fundamentally change” vs “American carnage”. I don’t think we get our own citizens storming the capitol if 9/11 didn’t happen. 


Dude, why are you still repeating disinformation about "nothing will fundamentally change". Biden was talking to a room full of rich people telling them nothing will fundamentally change about their way of life after he raises their taxes. We already have fundamental change in this country under Biden with the fact that child poverty has been cut in half, that people aren't paying through the nose for insulin anymore, we have the largest investment in renewable green energy and investments in other policies to fight climate change and on and on. I don't get why so many people have this need to help conservatives with spreading disinformation.


You know why he's repeating it. A lie can travel around the world much faster and farther than the truth ever can.


Oddly, every good thing you think Biden and his administration has done actually makes the American people more dependent upon government handouts instead of instilling the traits and abilities we need to be self-reliant. Our form of government was never intended to become in loco parentis for its citizens.




Bin laden was from the Saudi elite, fyi


Those wars also killed millions of people, giving generations new reasons to hate and fear us, making them vulnerable to recruitment to extremists. The retaliation is part of the plan. Will also note the Taliban never really went away and ISIS is in many ways a successor group to Al Qaeda. In some deep and fundamental ways they won.


Taliban is big as ever over there


They do not care about retaliation. And in some ways it furthers their cause if the US retaliates. Foreign Terrorism is a marketing/recruiting tool for terrorist organizations. Right now Hamas is currently getting a lot of the funding and membership that Isis was getting when they were the big bad guys on the block. People join the groups that are being “effective” and proving they can actually carry out the holy war they claim too. You might think what’s the point. Why do they care about membership ect. These organizations do sort of sell religious beliefs but they are also suedo functioning tribal states with internal economies, and are entities which produce what you could call GDP. If they are occupying towns cities ect they can generate return on investment. They also get funding from more stable nation states that want to push an agenda or destabilize nations. And nation states will choose organizations that can maintain membership. You could give 200 ak 47s to ISIS but if they don’t have 200 soldiers willing to die for allah it doesn’t mean much. There’s someone at ISIS who was probably recently thinking they are not grossing enough domestically and figured they need an ad campaign and attempted to do so via an attack.


Americans on the left didn't want blood; liberals and cons did 


they WANT the US to retaliate because every random war USA makes multiply their recruitement. US war are notorious for turning functionnal states into shitholes. a lot of terrorists are incel losers and dying a martyr gives them a purpose.


Friendly reminder that this is a core function of the FBI which republicans want to gut


The macabre truth is that if this had been carried out it would've been a HUGE pre-election propaganda boon for Republicans.


Huh... I hadn't thought of that, but that definitely tracks with the GOP's track record. I could 100% see them gutting the FBI and then blaming Biden for a terrorist attack




You just described Netanyahu and extreme far right religious parties in Israel. The only difference being, the terrorist attack took place, and when it happened, it was *far* worse then what they aimed for. Instead of addressing Palestinian violence, Netanyahu was merely managing it as means of achieving his own political ends for way too long. That's what allowed Hamas to thrive unchecked in Gaza. Bezalel Smotrich, current Israeli finance minister had this to say about Hamas back in 2015: > Palestinian authority is a burden, and Hamas is a terorist organization that no one will recognize, and no one will give it status in the ICC. No one will let them lead a decision in the Security Council. The main pitch we are playing now is international deligitimization. Hamas, at this point in my opinion, will be an asset. Let me stress that last bit again. "*Hamas, at this point in my opinion, will be an asset*." Isreal's current finance minister. Hamas is an asset, that's how ministers in Israel's government view it! That my friends reading this, is how and why that terrible terrorist attack was possible in the first place. Hamas was not treated as an enemy to stamp out. It was treated as an asset, an organization to keep on a leash and let survive year after year, by Netanyahu and his far right ministers. That's a terrifiying reality that we should not let repeat in the US. P.S. I do hope to see Netanyahu booted off power sooner rahter than later, and replaced with somebody who sees Hamas as an enemy, not as an asset.


I mean, why do you think they voted against the border bill? It was one of the strongest in a very long time. Now they're back to complaining about how bad it is at the border. They would rather sacrifice our country just to make Biden look bad.


Don’t worry I’m sure they’ll do a lil terrorism themselves and blame it on Biden


"Biden just shit my pants"


THEY WOULD NEVER https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Iran%E2%80%93Contra_affair&diffonly=true


Usually terrorist attacks, wars, etc tend to help the incumbent.


Historically, I doubt it. Post 9/11 was a pretty great time for the FBI and CIA. I think they’d have seen increased funding and attention, which goes against the template talking points republicans have set.


The only reason post 9/11 was a good time for the CIA was that the Middle East/arabic world analysts finally got the resources they’d been fighting to get for over a decade.


The new talking point would be how weak Biden is. They would probably also spin that the FBI is a waste of money because it failed to catch the terrorists and instead was bothering them.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was found that the GOP was funding such things.


They just don’t want their own domestic terrorist caught in the fray.


Friendly reminder that while the FBI does some good work, they’ve also done horrendous things in the past and still do. Not saying we should gut them, but we should keep a much closer eye on them.


They want to fire Chris Wray and some want to throw him in jail for "reasons". Meanwhile when he was on Capitol Hill either last year or earlier this year for the GOP's routine dog and pony show when they yell at him and threaten him, he specifically told them that ISIS is using the southern border to smuggle terrorists in. Now you would think with this information the House would, I dunno, pass a bipartisan border deal, the best one many in both chambers said they had ever seen. But nope, Daddy Trump said don't sign it and Wray's warnings went in one ear and out the other.


Honestly don't understand why they'd even bother. We're destroying ourselves just fine.


Some experts have been warning that we need to be prepared for terrorists similar to those in Russia.


Waiting to see how catching terrorist before they acted is somehow a bad thing the democrats did


Didnt they cross illegally??


Didn’t Republicans kill the border security bill at the direction of Trump?




So I keep seeing this claim, and based on the text of pages 211 and 212 of the bill (Which contains the only references to '5,000 migrants' is when it states that 5,000 undocumented ENCOUNTERS over 7 consecutive days allows them to enact an emergency control over the border. As I understand it from earlier text in the Immigration bill, Emergency Control/Action results in additional funding, manpower, etc becoming available. [Here's the link I used for the bill text as an easy-to-search PD](https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/emergency_national_security_supplemental_bill_text.pdf)F


The President already has the authority to enact emergency actions at the border. So this bill would remove the President's power until a certain threshold would be met? That is idiotic and would've made the situation worse. 


Read the article.


This is a bit of an 'old' story but all things considered they crossed and applied for asylum even with a few of them using the phone app to report their crossing to Border Patrol. So the border patrol worked as intended.


Ah shit. Here we go again








‘8 people in terrorist group plan to be terrorists’


And now they’ll wish they had read books on gardening instead bullshit terrorist propaganda


"arrested by ICE when they entered the U.S. without proper documents and were subsequently released into the U.S. with notices to appear in immigration court" - uh, let us know how that works out, geniuses.


The most surprising thing is they aren't Saudis.


Thank god for our FBI, fr.


Why would a newsman know about wiretaps?


These are the same ones mentioned many times already not a new group.


But hey, let's defund the FBI, right MAGA?


apprehended by ICE upon their unauthorized entry to the USA, and subsequently released into the states.


So deport them so they can do a better job of hiding next time? How about Guantanamo!


But ISIS & Hamas are just freedom fighters! They’re oppressed! All they want to do is gift the world with their fantastic (and woefully oppressive) religion! For shame on anyone calling these “freedom fighters” “terrorists”! For shame!


Imagine if religion were removed from this world. How many millions of people would still be alive.


Impotent old men will always find ways of vying for the power they feel they're missing in their lives, usually using the lives of younger men.


Yet the DHS just lets Jan 6 happen when spoonfed all the plans on social media.


Must be election season.


Illegal immigrants coming through the southern border and plan to do criminal activity?!? No wayyy We should’ve given more money, Medicare, food stamps, roof over their head, cell phone, plane tickets, prenatal/child care and maybe they wouldn’t act out. The tax payers should be ashamed for not giving more of their hard earned money for a somebody who broke the law. We are living in Idiocracy 🤯