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He’s Manchurian candidate and will become a Republican if elected. Don’t trust. He’s entirely financed by right-wingers.


Regardless of who he's financed by, he's been a staunch progressive for decades. Bowman, meanwhile, has been (and remains) a 9/11 truther who [continued to engage with and agree with all sorts of zany conspiracy theories](https://www.thedailybeast.com/squad-rep-jamaal-bowmans-youtube-page-is-a-bonkers-conspiracy-filled-trip) long after claiming that he regrets his association with them. I also am not a big fan of the calls to separate out Ukraine aid from Israel aid — I agree in principal that we should cut aid to Israel, but the plan to break them out feels like it'll result in Israel aid still passing with no issues and Ukraine aid not passing (there's significant bipartisan support for the former, and very very strong Conservative opposition on the latter.)


George Latimer is a DINO; he’s no progressive and never has been.


Jesus, really? "DINO"? Are we going to be as mind-numbingly serious as Republicans now? What's really fun is that I actually participate in a number of progressive organizations in the the county district, and the only place I hear this idiocy is online. Makes me really wonder how much is real sentiment and how much is more bullshit to split the Dem vote.


> He’s Manchurian candidate and will become a Republican if elected. Don’t trust. He’s entirely financed by right-wingers. [Endorsed by CSEA AFSCME](https://cseany.org/workforce/?p=13502) [Endorsed by Mondaire Jones](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/03/nyregion/jamaal-bowman-mondaire-jones.html) [Endorsed by the Mayor of Yonkers](https://yonkerstimes.com/mayor-spano-council-president-collins-bellamy-endorse-latimer-for-congress/) Not everyone you don't like is a Republican plant. There is a reason why the OP posted an attack from a fringe weirdo website. Because the only people Bowman has left are fringe weirdos.


Utter bollox.


I know right! Like totally not a socialist!


I live in this district and let me tell you it is flooded with some crazy AIPAC and other right wing propaganda supporting Latimer.


The amount of Latimer signs around here is kinda disturbing. It’s crazy how much supporting a ceasefire can turn upper middle class families against you.


Bowman lost my support when he pulled a fire alarm for no reason and then all of his conspiracy theory bs is the icing on top. Especially the 9/11 stuff. I won't be voting for him again.


Ahh, the second coming of George Santos


Bowman winning, especially after the state Democratic Party let a Latimer supporter draw this districts map after latimer had announced, would be pretty freaking cool.


There's nothing cool about Bowman


How is anyone supporting this guy? I really don't understand people.


Because Bowman is a nut


Yep how could ANYONE support vile Bowman.


*”Read Sludge”?!!?!??!???* Yeah, pass.


It's called Sludge because it exposes sludge, like Latimer.


Or because it’s toxic and corrosive byproduct? Let it go.


Bowman is a liar and an antisemite who is a SIMP for Islamic Jihadist's in America. If you fall for this you'll fall for anything, vote him out ! Who cares about the other guy. Islamic Jihadist in America are the most dangerous threat. To all you " But he's controlled by the Jews " You want this instead ? https://www.thisishamas.com/




Casting stones or living under a rock. eric adams chief a--wipe of NYC is a bonafide DINO dismantling the social welfare net, pushing charter schools, carrying the water for billionaires and implementing their advice, etc. And the list goes on. Look at the reality not at the photo opped picture. See what thet have done fot the lower and middle income or cutting library, museum and senior services. Maybe your words will be hard to swallow.




Besides carrying the cachet of marginalisation consider the experience and accomplishments which speak many times louder than their facade. In tne business world neither politico would be a quick hire with no track record to display. Only in politics do we play this sham game of following the vapid claims and pronouncements from these one trick grifters.