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1) Stop MoH cutting $100mln in two months. Doctors aren’t working overtime because they want to, fucks sake. 2) Stop Shane Jones having the potential to bypass the courts and legislation to restart mines that have been blocked by the court 3) Get off TikTok


4. Fix the Dignity for Landlords mistake.


Don't give me a tax cut and spend that money on social services.


Nooo but the tax cuts help poor low income kiwis like me 🥰 /s (I'd get $4 a fortnight)


Actually I almost envy you. I am too poor to get a tax cut but am receiving an effective benefit cut. For those that don't understand; Benefits will now go up by the rate of inflation which is calculated on a basket of goods, some of which increase in price slower and others faster. E.g. food is going up faster than the inflation rate and new car prices slower So someone that buys the same items as that basket will experience the quoted inflation rate. Someone struggling to survive and paying a higher percentage of their income for food experiences a higher inflation rate.


That much ,what to spend it on , lol.


What tax cut are you getting? The bracket changes due to inflation are years overdue and help to move the burden of income tax away from the lower end


>move the burden of income tax away from the lower end Is that why beneficiaries are getting literally fucking nothing from them, then?


If you would like benefits to attract income tax, be my guest and campaign for that 😂😂😂


...they already do.


Too late — the damage has already been done. Even if they immediately stop and reverse course, this government will never live it down. Luxon's time as PM will have everything he says or does get followed up by comments of "got to protect our landlords" (full on sarcastic mode), or "how long will it take for them to realise that it is an awful idea, completely embarrass themselves, and then reverse it and re-live all the embarrassment again?" Actually the only way that they could "live it down" would be to make an even bigger mess, to the point that we forgot all about the landlord tax break saga.


5. Put the smoking and assault rifle bans back in place.


King of Tiktok


1. More back pocket boosts. 2. Remove more racist Maori privilege. 3. Introduce depreciation deductability for landlords. 4. Remove climate obligations to agriculture. 5. Promise to increase police numbers by 1000 in 18months. Actually, dont do any of the above, promise nothing, lay low, let greens/labour/NZF and Act implode.


Stop inspiring negativity. Quit the blame game and grow a set. Take responsibility for YOUR OWN policy choices. Priortise NZers, not foreign Corp. Learn how to communicate. Pay our frontline services, not landlords. Find a better source of inspiration for NZ than the utter failure called Tory Britain.


This is the most real take. Negativity works when you're in opposition, and is your only option in a second term when your first wasn't great. These guys just got in power and there is no hope or optimism at all. There's no reason to think that things are getting better if you're in their base. No one here is going to be happy with national regardless of what they do, but they're also not inspiring the people that actually vote for them.


Maybe, like announce a policy that shows you actually care about people and not just money?


So, lie to us? How is that better?


Yeah I would take “stop lying and trying to gaslight us” heh


He’s a former businessman and current politician. At least half of what people in those careers say are either lies or manipulations of the truth.


At least if they lie it shows they care.


Also a policy that shows he understands economics and the government’s place in that. Instead of stupid ideological policies that have proven to fail over decades.


He's not capable. He's a money hungry little cunt


Stop making cuts in he health system. Jesus christ its just not helpful.


He could start answering questions honestly and show some understanding for those less fortunate than himself - that’s most of the country’s voters.


I think we need to keep things within the realm of possibility. This is the National Party we're talking about. They don't really do empathy or compassion, unless it's "tough love" - punching you in the throat because it's for your own good. Besides, anyone with less than seven houses isn't really a proper person. They're just grubby serfs. ACT are basically National with a debilitating brain injury. And NZF are whoever they need to be at any given moment in order to get past the 5% threshold. None of these miserable specimens are big on either understanding or honesty.


He called them bottom feeders. That said everything we needed to know. 


Yeah mate. I am trapped between the healthcare system and the benefit system. I took that one personally. There's nothing he can do, he's an irredeemable cunt who allows other irredeemable cunts to do what they want without impunity. I've never felt so adversarial to a government.


Oh come on. Think about how he feels. He got a 50k payrise and has had to throw 2500 people onto the streets


He’s mad he got pressured into not claiming his entitlement of another 55K to live in his house


Give straight answers and thought out explanations which don’t require back tracking Get control of the coalition Stop the inane tax cuts and the spending cuts which will resolve no problems and just deepen the hole we’re in Follow due process instead of acting ‘under urgency’ because the investors want their pound of flesh. At least make them fight for it. Stop running the country like a businessman and use the position to be a positive influence rather than just enriching himself and his mates.


He lacks empathy and understanding. I don’t think there’s been a PM so wrapped in his own world, totally incapable of imagining anything outside of his own experience, in quite a while.


How about stop with the constant “Labour left us a FiNaCiAl MeSs” rhetoric, accept that Labours handling of the pandemic was widely approved of, the financial situation is a global phenomenon, and start working on things that might help *everyone*. Which, I know, is an anathema to a National party but one can hope.


yeah but it got them voted in didnt it ?


Can’t argue with those results.  But the question was how do they get those voters back.  Turns out the voters expected National to act on the issues, and expected magical fairy wand-waves to fix everything, and are mad it didn’t happen.


People were to angry at Labor to vote rationally. I don't vote Labor or National but when I watched the debate, I thought Hipkins slaughtered him. There was a complete and utter detachment from even the commentators, who praised Luxon when he failed to provide answers and evidence. They literally just spoke about how well composed and well spoken he was. An utter farce.


He’d have to pretend the auckland lockdown never happened then




100% this


... and leave NZ, and take that muppet Seymore with you.


bonus points if he causes the coalition to implode or gets the government dissolved on the way out


If my read on the mood of the nation was accurate they were elected on A. Cost of living and B. Crime and justice. They have arguably made cost of living worse and done fuck all on crime. The 3 strikes law is just dumb policy. I'm sure criminals will be shaking in their boots knowing the get the kiddy gloves twice first. Not to mention the cuts to police, corrections and justice are only hurting their efforts. You can harp on about "laser focus" and "6 years of financial mismanagemnt" until youre blue in the face, but you staunchly campaigned on addressing issues you have proceeded to ignore in favour of prioitising lanlord and business interestes.


Not only that but poverty is one of the leading causes of crime, by making the bottom line suffer there's a very real possibility of an increase of crime due to this government, it'll probably just be years away and they'll blame it on whoever is in power at the time, as they always do


Made my cost of living worse, now paying RUC for the car and the kids bus fares have gone up. Rates will go up soon to cover the shortfall for three waters.


Realistically, he's not going to any of the things people are saying. As someone else stated previously in another post, he's a transitional CEO here to deliver specific results to a specific group (not you), then he'll trot back to the private sector. If you've ever been part of a big company merger sometimes they get messy, so the board brings in a new CEO whose job is to do all the dirty work for profits, then leave so a new 'popular' CEO can take over like nothing happened. He's here to roll back as much progress as possible in 4 years.


People used to say the same thing about John Key. They went wrong. Just a corporate bagman. Of course, NACT voters tend to valorise this behaviour and consider it a good thing vis-a-vis “career politicians”.


The difference is that people actually liked John Key for some reason.


He would need to take a 180 in his approach to win me over - and that's not going to happen. I was expecting a government which focussed on different things than the last, but not one which wanted to undo every activity of the last and every decision is based on how much profit can be realised (with no consideration for the environment or the people impacted). As far as the average person, they need to stop hearing about how the government is cutting things they approve of. The average voter might not be brilliant, but they are smart enough to understand when the government promises they are going to cut everything *but don't worry it won't affect you* that you are being lied to.


they obviously were not smart enough leading up to the election.. thats how this clown show got elected.


The protest vote (or the protest refusal to vote) was significant this election.


wasnt a protest so much as an expectation the tax cuts would make everyone wealthy..


Not trying to be a dick, but why did you expect anything different from them? They campaigned on A) Not Labour and will undo everything that Labour tried to do, and B) Tax Cuts. That was essentially their entire message.


This government isn't like previous National governments. They seem meaner and more cruel. Even if they are doing some of the same things, Shane Jones seems gleeful in his position to harm the environment and Seymour is revelling in the opportunity he has to gut the oversight and regulations keeping us safe in society (and both of them are in those positions because of National). I guess the fact they didn't campaign on anything other than those 2 things didn't mean people felt they would literally do nothing except those things (and promoting smoking).


Do they really not seem like previous National governments? Really? One through line that I see in successive National governments is their tendency to bring in policies that adversely affect the people who are least able to advocate for themselves - the chronically ill and disabled, children, especially disadvantaged children, the mentally ill, low income workers - and then underfund, deprioritise, restructure and otherwise stress the people who would advocate for them to the point that they can't effectively protest on their client's behalf. So many of this government's shitty policies are recycled failures - boot camps, beneficiary clampdowns, charter schools, cutting public service jobs. The primary difference is the speed and lack of subtlety with which they are doing it.


I think previous Nat government was just smarter. A lot of people agreed that what they did wansok because it was financially necessary. I think with this lot their messaging and everything is so bad that they come across and mean and inept. Also cutting this many jobs early into their first term was always going to look bad. Like they haven't even tried anything else.


meaner and more cruel ? you obviously didnt live thru the Bolger/Richardson fiasco..




Winston and David would be fighting each other to be his Second


televised and streamed on the steps of parliament.


You’d win us back by quitting you pompous evangelical twat.


>Leaders can enhance their power, in the sense of securing more respect and influence, through personal characteristics that garner admiration and support. They can demonstrate expert knowledge and skills, and use reason, logic and evidence to persuade others. >They can gain power through rewarding supporters. But least effective in most circumstances is the power to punish others, which risks turning erstwhile supporters into enemies. >In theory, Luxon has access to all these [bases of power](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/215915730_The_bases_of_social_power). But so far he has struggled to mobilise them in ways that command the respect of his coalition partners. >*According to this week’s 1News-Verian poll, this is also* [*increasingly evident*](https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/04/30/poll-only-51-say-luxon-is-the-decision-maker-in-coalition-govt/) *to the public: only 51% said Luxon is the decision-maker in the coalition government.* Emphasis mine.


Stop lying, read the room, read at least one fucking policy would be a great start.


WWJD What would jacinda do 🤔


Resigning and taking this whole government with him will make me like him a little bot more.


Leak a sex tape.


Preferably one not involving him :)


Just for you, he'll give you a choice: you can have one with Gerry Brownlee or Gerry Brownlee.


Piss off Satan


Fuck a pig on live TV.


Show leadership, and not be an arsehole. What are the chances of this?


Show that the people of nz are more important to him than the lobbyists 


Snap election.


Growing hair.


i would be so impressed. he could hang with musk, who has more hair now than before.


nothing, he is a lame duck pm. The worst pm in recent memory.


He doesn't care about 'unimpressed NZ voters' or any voters at all. What a galling self absorbed assumption. His job was to get in. His job is done. He'll gibber insultingly until his term expires as the carcass is devoured in front of us.




More ciggies for kids.


vapes for lunch at schools


Resign and back to elections.... Simple.


It wouldn't be hard. It would just take doing the exact opposite of everything he's doing now. "You know that feeling in your stomach that tells you something is a good idea? It's lying to you. Do the opposite of whatever you think you should." -Reality to Chris Luxon


Stop blaming Labour and man up! 😂


Can't get me back, never had me in the first place.


Dunno, could the good fairy make Penisocchio into a real boy?


I think he needs to offer us an aspirational, positive vision of the future with some new ideas rather than just rolling out old ideas that failed last time and blaming everything on the last Labour government - who were admittedly, a bit shit.


He needs to stop treating the government like a corporation. He is not the CEO of New Zealand, he is the prime minister. He needs to stop treating working New Zealanders as if they are ordinary shareholders (the last in line to receive dividends, if any).


Get invited to an interview with Stephen Colbert.


Hair and no RBF when media ask him questions he doesn't want to answer.


Better memes. That's how last election was won.


There are four basic scenarios here: 1. the coalition keeps generating negative headlines of its own throughout the rest of the term 2. they struggle to resolve a sort of "long crisis of the 21st Century" and are simply the first government really exposed to it and have to deal with more issues like Newshub throughout the remainder of this term 3. we're in a period of pain at the moment while the government brute forces its policies through but those headlines will dry up as the country ends up on their desired alignment 4. basically the same as (3) but the realignment process induces an economic malaise (note: I am specifically not using the word recession but at least one recession would be involved) that either lingers in the memory or, worse, endures until the next election If the answer is (3), National and therefore Luxon don't need to do anything. If the answer is (1), Luxon should just blame everything on Winston Peters and promise a new road. If it's (2) or (4) they're fucked but so is everyone else.


Live in a rental in his electorate for 2 months without access to any of his assets and earning minimum wage.


Also, I have not and will not ever be impressed by this guy.


Unimpressed? How could that be ? It was implied in their policy proposals that this would happen 👍🏽


Luxon resigns and becomes the CEO of an overseas budget airline.


A PM that wasn't a vapid airhead would be a start.


I think they're doing pretty well, maybe more free market less government interference and don't listen to everyone's whinging cos there's always two sides and the majority probably isn't voting for what's best for everyone anyway.


Grow a foot taller.


Continue flooding the media with misinformation pushed by the $millions of support they get from right-wing lobbyists


Leaving govt and dissolving his garbage party would impress me a little. He needs to step down and pu locally beg hipkins and Swarbrick for forgiveness then demand his houses be used to house the homeless and his pay be only donated to help our homeless.


I want to see jobs for everyone who wants one and then for everyone who should have one.




I mean, put some effort into real jobs. We used to make so much in New Zealand and now we import it.


Honestly there is no solution that would make everyone happy that is politics. I think overall most new Zealanders care mainly about 1 cost of living (this is everything from groceries to house prices). 2 lifestyle. 3 the environment. In that order The labour government was voted out because they failed to provide for point 1. National is also failing to deliver on point one hence the unhappiness. If a government gets in and suddenly life becomes more affordable (from their actions or not) their approval will go up.


given we import 99% of everything we need in this country and the cost of living increase is caused by that labour could never change that.


The correct answer is 2 and a half years with finite screen time for the opposition within the context of a society that has an incredibly finite attention span for politics.


I don't think he needs to do much at all. If by the election the economy is buzzing along, inflation is sorted and people are feeling a bit flusher, then National will win another term. All those things are likely regardless of what National does or doesn't do.


Grow a full head of hair?