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Did the passengers have to stay on it for 24 hours? Surely not...


She’s off the beach and afloat.


I think this is a great opportunity to build the Cook Strait bridge, finally.


Tax cuts for landlords are more important.


This is NZ. We don't build important stuff anymore.


Did KiwiRail execs not get kickbacks from the Hyundai brand new ships deal so broke it? Why would they do it? Seems like a lot of leeches in seats of power.


It's almost like we need a new boat. Or two.


if only we could afford them


$2 a week too much for you? Not a problem, I can instantly pay for it with a single change to landlords dignity. And I’d have spare change.


You mean the tenant tax? Your supposed landlord dignity tax corrections are 2.9bn a year, divided by a population of 5mil is $580 per year, thats more than $10 a week, and thats before we remove children, people on benefits or people on super, so its more like $20 a week, do you still want to pay it? I mean technically tenants would be paying it, but are you willing to pay it?


Do you think I want the tax cuts for landlords for some reason? My suggestion is that by removing the tax cuts for the landlords we could have paid for the ferry upgrades with cash to spare.


You mean the tenant tax? So your happy for tenants to pay approx $20/wk more in rent for it to cover the interislander? seems like a waste of money


I have no idea what you are talking about anymore. Also, *you’re


Yeah, basic econmics isnt as easy as people seem to think


Tell ya what. The most scared I’ve ever been on a boat was taking that Interislander south through some HEAVY seas to Picton in ‘05. I just closed my eyes and assumed everyone knew what they were doing and there was no actual danger. We got there just fine, so I guess they did! But 😰!


Preliminary thoughts are this is a ship failure not a human one. Yes your 05 experience would have had highly competent crew as they do today. These boats were still relatively new back in 05. Now we’re just flogging these poor elderly horses


A ship failure is a human failure, just not necessarily any of the crew's.




Looking forward to an update from u/Captain_Snack


Got woken up at 2am, directed to our vehicles at about 2:50 and the the door opened at 3am. Apparently the ship is still broken so wasn't aware of how they moved it. Everybody on board was pretty silent. Sleepy and tired of the waiting game. Everyone was safe though, and no injuries. That part about the life jackets is untrue. Didn't see a single person or crew wearing them.


Wow so you managed to drive off? That's good, sounds like trucks might still be stuck. Scary stuff!


Not sure why news outlets are saying it was a frieght only trip. I'm not a truck driver and there were other passengers on board too. Yeah glad to be off and make take bluebridge home on the return hahah


how many passengers were on board?..keep seeing the news mention 8 passengers?,surely there was more than that. "Duncan Roy spoke to media at Picton Marina this afternoon after the eight passengers onboard and 12 of the 39 crew had disembarked." [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/kiwrail-and-interislander-bosses-to-front-media-after-vessel-runs-aground-in-south-island/ZTI5DATV6VBYHD6664YZTKRDDM/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/kiwrail-and-interislander-bosses-to-front-media-after-vessel-runs-aground-in-south-island/ZTI5DATV6VBYHD6664YZTKRDDM/)


There were more than eight passenger cars. I counted more about 10-12 from a glance while we were waiting to board. [Car deck](https://postimg.cc/ThvBZqvX) Not to mention there were probably walk ons too. Where I was sitting for the trip, there was a dude behind me, in front, and a family far to the right. Two guys on the way past deck eight hallway. Three guys sleeping on the couch next to reception. The other deck had more people on it too.


So they assume you are driving a commercial vehicle, which doesn't have to be a truck?


Captain Snack got off with their vehicle in the early hours this morning, so the actual passengers must have gone long before the 8 truck drivers. Poor reporting, definitely sounded like everyone was stuck til lunch time


> Captain Snack got off with their vehicle in the early hours this morning, That’s a neat trick given it is still aground a couple of miles away from the wharf.


Yeah weird, right?


yea I just realized the 8 they kept mentioning were truck drivers, Cheers


Can't even get trucks across the strait safely, but this government wants to re-start live animal exports.


You know they dont go on the same boat aye?


There's a lot to criticise this government over when it comes to ferries. But this point is completely irrelevant. The government has nothing to do with live animal transport beyond allowing it. It's not like they're state owned transport vessels piloted by National MPs.


Weird how there were no passengers on board but according to OP they have placed some there in life jackets.


Tell me you comment on Reddit titles before reading anything without saying it.


That's in the headline, there are something like 8 truck driver passengers on board, one has commented on their experience a few times in this thread


Nicola will have the answer 😂




Yep they were already floating the idea and have mentioned it again today


Not a bad idea, a private business wouldnt let this happen


Like [Boeing](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw00l7d2ljno)?


I was thinking more like PaknSave


Almost looks a deliberate act, sort of steered straight into a fucking big mountain. Is the captain a Nats C lister supporter.. ..


Nonsense thing to speculate.


He was laser focussed on those rocks.


From RNZ: >The ferry will not be refloated this morning >Marlborough mayor Nadine Taylor says more work needs to be done to assess the situation. >Taylor, who is acting as spokesperson for the harbourmaster, says given the next high tide is this evening when it will be dark likely the the next attempt to refloat won't happen until next high tide on Sunday. > She says divers will head out again this morning to get more information about where on the bottom of the vessel the ship is grounded. > Authorities are now coming up with a plan for getting the passengers off the vessel safely.


Oh man, if only we had a bunch of new ships on the way to replace the fleet we have that are past their service life


They would have been some years away, doesn't excuse not maintaining the safety of the current fleet.


I agree to a point. But you can't fight entropy when it has the increasing upper hand.


At least it would only be some years away, and not infinity away.


Why is there no live stream of the refloat


You mean cause it hasnt happened?


Aside from the fact that it would be fucking boring, it’s also not till tomorrow.


We've just been directed back to our vehicles. Departures are inbound.


Are you a truck driver?


Nope. Just paid for vehicle transport. There were about 12 other passenger cars.


Kiwis can't have nice things, we are only allowed old second-hand dungers and stuff done on the cheap, NZ has low self esteem.


‘Roughing it’ settler mentality remains strong


Least it didnt happen halfway across the strait


Ironically that is precisely when you want a steering failure to occur. Large open spaces allow you to steer by main engines away from navigational dangers and you have time to fix the fault. Near the shore is the worst time to have your engines or steering fail.


do we still have those big as tugs, ordered after the Wahine disaster ?


After the last Interislander incident, harbourmasters in the area started calling for some decent sized tugs that are capapble of working in open water. They were very concerned that we had so much large traffic moving across and through the strait without tugs capable of helping them out if they get in trouble.


Are the big tugs in use now?


Not as far as I know. Would cost a lot of money. [https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/490509/mv-shiling-highlights-lack-of-ocean-capable-tug-in-cook-strait](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/490509/mv-shiling-highlights-lack-of-ocean-capable-tug-in-cook-strait)


I guess the oil and gas industry tugs are cheaper.


Managed to get a cabin, who knows how long I'll be on here. You can almost hear the beginning of a horror movie starting.


Hi. I'm from the current Government. Can you please pass on to reporters that everything is fine? Thanks.


And that you prefer to receive small tax cuts with increased costs consuming that cut rather than working infrastructure? Thanks.


Cool and Normal™


Stern Comments appreciated. Take a bow.


Doing well, everybody is trying to sleep or seems a little restless. We even have some snorers, so we've adapted well I'd say.


The one Kiwi Ferry experience that isn't sorted by a warm pie and a healthy smattering of watties.... They will have you refloated in a couple of hours!  Think good thoughts for ya mate.


This is why we can’t have nice things!


Beached as bro.


time for some ice creams


Sounds like an inside job to me 🤷


what a way to start a holiday


Taking my time, feeling a little chilly


Just seen on NZ Farming that high tide was 930pm, with low tide still three hours away at 230am. Can't imagine that's ideal.


Could be worse


Apparently the passengers are all okay but God I hope there aren’t any trucks with poor sheep or anything stuck on there.


Reports are they are going to try and refloat it this morning, so fingers crossed, toes crossed, eyes crossed, hair crossed.....  it will work and they tow it back to Picton and unload.


Latest news is not till Sunday am now.


fuuuck surely not sheep massacre on ferry


Black sheep 2!


Brown said the Government was committed to a resilient Cook Strait service but ministers also wanted to see KiwiRail maintain its existing ships to the appropriate standards. “Which has been a significant issue that we’ve been highly unimpressed with coming into Government”, he said. Simeon Brown working overtime to make it the last governments fault. Who cancelled ferry contracts again?


The cancelled ferries have nothing to do with this, do you think the cancelled ferries would have been here by now? look at the company that just serviced the steering (if the steering is found to have been the issue)


How does Simian Brown know that the maintenance of the Ferries is such he is "unimpressed by it" The maintenaqnce of the ferries is subject regular and on going inspection and approval by, for instance, Kiwi Rails P&I club, essentailly shipowner's mutal insurance clubs, Marine surveyers such as Llyods for safety inspections, market value, etc. Maritime New Zealand regular flag state inspections And there is also Kiwi Rail's own highly qualified and experienced Captains asnd Chief engineers. But hey Simian Brown can tell at a glance the maintenance is "unimpressive" and pour shit over all these professional mariners. Why the fuck isn't the media asking Brown how he knows the maintenance of the ferries is sub standard?


Maybe he reads the news? https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/489310/preliminary-inquiry-into-ferry-s-engine-failure-finds-kiwirail-did-not-follow-part-manufacturer-s-advice Everything you've said is contrary to what went on prior to that part failing..


The Kaitaki was built in 1995, she's nearly 30 years old. She's been on Cook Strait since 2008, that's 22 years. So you have a very old ship operating on an intense timetable in one of roughest short sea routes in the world. Moreover she's been operated by four previous ferry companies under the names, Isle of Innisfree, then Pride of Cherbourg, Stena Challenger and Challenger. She's had a serious vibration problem from launch day which is why she's passed through so many hands. Who knows what maintenance requirements have dropped out of thye system over the years as the Engineers scramble and improvise to just keep the ship running.. Anyone with experience of managing ships will have every sympathy with the management, Captains and Chief Engineers, trying to keep that old ship in service. . Certainly they don't deserve criticism from an upstart, short arse shore sider like Brown. He wants to have someone to blame when the Kiataki's primary drive chain collapses completely in the not to distant future and no replacement is available.. A 30 year old ferry on Cook Strait, jesus wept.


Yep. What people don't realise is that aside from a couple of layup days a year. The ship runs 24/7 except for Saturday nights.


Hang on, you said it had been inspected by every man and his dog, yet now you say >Who knows what maintenance requirements have dropped out of thye system over the years as the Engineers scramble and improvise to just keep the ship running.. There's a disconnect there.




Oh piss off mate. It's an article about the consequences of ageing infrastructure and this government of fucking failsons cancelled the in progress replacement infrastructure.  Whining about it isn't going to change the facts. 




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Well feel free to piss off out of this sub you have virtually never posted in before, except to complain that you don't like what's posted.




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and what, you think things get better or stay the same by sticking your head in the sand and saying LALALALA???




no one is forcing you to be here and endure the horrible politics talk they are talking about when reading a politics ridden article, fuck off mate




drop it, you didnt even read the article. > Finance Minister Nicola Willis refused to give KiwiRail more money for mega ferries soon after the National-led coalition came to power...In December last year, the Government declined KiwiRail’s request for an extra $1.47 billion for the Inter-island Resilience Connection (iReX) after the project’s total cost escalated to almost $3b.


says the person spending their morning complaining about other people conversing about somehthing they want to talk about. and im the issue?


Make what about politics? Political decision making?


No political decision making caused a boat to crash, other than whoever approved the purchase of this particular boat in 1998


Did you miss the new boats being canned? Like what are you people talking about


No, even if the new ferry wasn't canned this still would have happened. This ferry has been a lemon since day 1 in 1998. Successive governments havnt done anything about it. It's not a political decision that caused this to happen


“Successive governments haven’t done anything about it” Except can the ordered replacements “Not a political….” “Governments” If governments aren’t political then what are?????????????????


Ordered replacements and poorly managed the costs which were blowing out of control and could have bought multiple second hand and reliable ferrys for the same price Replacements wouldnt be here by now so this still would have happened.


So… politics? And I’m not sure how you’re saying in the same breath “this is a failure over successive governments” and “canning the future replacements is irrelevant because they wouldn’t be here by now”. Like do you want us to think about long term planning or not?


No, Kiwirail maintenance




Bro. Steering failure.


I made this joke because of a pun you can't do it unironically that's just no fun. [https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1dl15nb/comment/l9lo1kr/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1dl15nb/comment/l9lo1kr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


From stuff live blog - https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350319695/live-interislander-ferry-runs-aground-just-outside-picton >Interislander General Manager Duncan Roy says the Interislander ferry ran aground due to a steering failure. Seems pretty clear cut?


I think it would be nice to take the ferry across but it really seems like they're all so unreliable, which seems nuts considering how vital of a service it is.


Depends on things like * Do you think a high capacity, efficent transport system running in parallel with roads Is a good idea. If yes there needs to be some way to move rail rolling stock between the islands. * Do you want competition or are you ok leaving Bluebridge as a monopoly? * Are you ok removing the consistently profitable bit of Kiwirail from the organisation?


They make 4,000 crossings a year. They're pretty reliable considering such a high volume. There's bound to be a few issues with such old ships every now and then especially considering the route they take.


ya hit just 1 island, and you never hear the end of it....


Can't park there mate


No harm, no foul, it operates on the smell of an oily rag. Insurance will pick up the tab.


Their reputation is taking a hit. I assume more nervous potential passengers are already avoiding them and incidents once or twice a year will eat away their customer base.


Photo from Skyworks. [https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=450385034406784&set=a.218237867621503](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=450385034406784&set=a.218237867621503)


Bloody hell she's high and dry, like she is REALLY *REALLY* ashore. I was expecting her to be *almost* nosing the side of the channel maybe, but *that's* next level... here's to hoping it's low tide and she can be refloated. Lucky for no injuries by the sounds of it at least.


She ran aground just after high tide which would add to the lean a bit. Next high tide at 9am tomorrow.


She's aground all right


And it looks like it's even high tide...


That’s a sick photo


Can’t park there mate




Ur funny . Jk


go to sleep, your grouchy


Good thing we ordered new ferries to replace our ageing fleet, right? Right?


“Arent ya glad we didn’t get the new ones!?? They woulda failed!”


a lot of people who love to criticize Labour and Greens for bad optics are about to start talking about how new boats wouldn't help the pilots see better


It'll make a "steering failure", which this was, less likely.


Well tbh better optics might have helped the pilots see better...


Sounds like seeing the land didn't help in this case....  Steering failed.  Think Deadpool on the Zamboni.... "Sir, it's not that we didn't see the large chunk of the South Island, we just could fucking steer!"  


"I may have committed some *light* insurance fraud" - Nicola Willis


Lol, it would be funny if she was playing that long game this whole time.


Pretty legal