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The real monster is his brother in the red shirt behind him


Fedor had good work ethic. Alexander was more naturally tallented- barely trained at all (as can be seen).


>Alexander was more naturally tallented- barely trained at all (as can be seen). That's the first time I've ever heard this hot take...


I do believe its something Fedor said himself. Saw a video a little while ago where Fedor said his brother would come to the gym hung over and throw guys around while everyone else was training constantly and sticking to a diet.


>I do believe its something Fedor said himself. Saw a video a little while ago where Fedor said his brother would come to the gym hung over and throw guys around while everyone else was training constantly and sticking to a diet. Fedor is so humble that he would have said that his brother is better even if it wasn't true. Maybe it is though. Do you have a link to that interview? No worries if you don't.


I dont have it. It was a youtube video essay about him and had some commentary from Fedor. I think their relationship has broken down in the last few years because Alexander has been in legal trouble, so the commentary is 10 or more years old.


[Here is a video essay saying what you are all discussing ](https://youtu.be/I1DO9Cx176Q?si=Bns2tDYStfw25ZfJ) Many people think if he took it more seriously, dude would have been one of the best.


A reminder that being blessed with insane physical gifts can't get you all the way there. Real champions almost always have the insane work ethic to take what they were given and make the most of it.


Sure…but he was 3x combat sambo world champ and did not have the work ethic. I’d say that’s all the way there.


Not bad for rolling out of bed hungover… Growing up with brothers, most of my training happened when we didn’t have shot else to do so scrapped with each other and had play fighting games that we spent hours and hours playing Indian wrestling, wrestling, taking turns slipping and slapping, fast hands games, all those things we did as kids translate to winning fights like this. But it was never work, always fun, so we put in hours and hours each and every day


A quote I remember hearing from my days playing lacrosse. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.


Can confirm. I’ve heard the same thing in shounen anime/manga.


their relationship broke down because alexander associated himself with Kadyrov, the chechyn leader, whos dabbling into mma. fedor spoke out against child mma promotions in chechnya which Kadyrov was endorsing some time ago and in return fedors daughter was assaulted on her way home from school. alexander also still fights in mma and does obviously rigged fights as an old fat dude if u wanna see i linked below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86LxI4uQnt0


Alexander is a straight-up rapist. He did prison time for rape in Russia, which is like being too much of an alcoholic to be in Metallica: almost unthinkable.


> Metallica: almost unthinkable. Did you include the almost because of Dave Mustaine?


"legal" trouble is a really gentle way of saying he's a fucking rapist.


legal trouble is putting it mildly


I mean he looks like he has some serious Russian/Eastern European prison tats


Yeah, I know the stars on the shoulders are Russian prison tats, I didn't catch the others.


Me neither. Except the gigantic grim reaper on his back, which would be a bit cliche on anyone else, but on him it's absolutely terrifying.


Russian mob, I believe, not necessarily prison tats, but I’m not certain.


Yes, he has been in prison.


It was Ivan that said it, not Fedor. He said Alexander was the best of the three brothers. "Without question Alex was 'by far' the most talented." Or something like that.


Fedor was rather humble about his abilities. He also spoke well of his other younger brother, there are three Emelianenko brothers, having the potential to be better than the pair of them as well, but that was never proven. Here's an image of the three brothers, [Fedor is in center, Ivan is to the left and Aleks is to the right.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Fedor_Aleksandr_Ivan_Emelianenko.jpg) His brother has faster hand speed, and maybe slightly better technical boxing but athlete wise Fedor was way beyond his brother. His defense was also a lot better, there's old videos of them sparing and Fedor weaves his brothers punches really easily even with Alex going fast. It's not just technique, his speed is really fast. You can see some of Fedor's legendary speed in the Andrei Arlovski fight where he weaves and deflects near anything Andrei threw at him. If you look at their fights and compare them it becomes clear Fedor is much faster overall in terms of explosiveness, weaving and movement in all aspects except maybe boxing. When you see Alex fight he kind of plods over towards you, Fedor doesn't he weaves towards you. Fedor was also the stronger of the two brothers, he tossed around people you'd think he couldn't do. Other underrated things is Fedor's flexibility, hip movement and ability to generate power from the ground and chin, for non-fight fans that is his ability to take hits. Alex went down from hits that Fedor would eat. Even an older and washed Fedor would escape things or roll out of subs in what can only be described as an anomalous fashion. Alex couldn't do the things Fedor did and Fedor wasn't just massively skilled. He had freakish genetics. The story of Alex being untapped potential just makes for a good story, a bigger Fedor? Imagine what he could've accomplished? And for sure a better trained Alex could have done way better than he did. But in reality he physically lacked a few things his brother had, and discipline alone wouldn't have given him that.


I don’t know if you are right, but I appreciate the breakdown


If you want a good illustration of this I suggest watching Alex vs Cro Cop and then Fedor vs Cro Cop. Mirko Cro-Cop was one of the best HW MMA fighters in the world at that period notorious headkicking power led to the phrase "Right leg hospital, left leg cemetery". I could write an essay on the legend of this dude. He was also ferociously strong from the clinch despite being relatively small for a HW like Fedor. In his fight with Alex you can see some of the deficiencies physically Alex has that I mentioned in my comment above. Alex can't keep Cro Cop down despite his size advantage and is getting overpowered in clinches, in fact he gets tossed at some points. He's slow and finds it hard to engage Cro Cop, before eventually getting caught by Cro Cop's notorious headkick. In Fedor's fight you don't just see his experience. He is on Mirko's ass the entire fight, and Cro Cop cannot overpower him from the clinch like he could Alexs. He's getting outmuscled by Fedor the entire fight. You see a lot of the things that Aleks couldn't do vs Fedor. edit : [Of interest here's a video of Fedor watching his brother lose to Cro-Cop,](https://old.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/f4fjja/fedor_watches_his_younger_brother_get_knocked_out/) he is displeased to say the least. He's mad at Cro-Cop for knocking out his brother, but he's also mad at how bad Aleks looks against Mirko.


Fun fact: Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipović enrolled in a martial art (forgot which one, could've bee kickboxing) because he kicked down a wall his father built. Not once, but three times. Father figured it was cheaper to have the kid train someplace with a structure of some sort, than kick down walls he needs... And yes, actual walls. Mirko's father built a thin-ish brick wall to separate something or expand the animal barn. Mirko was bored, so he'd practice front kicks on it. After a while... the wall fell. Build, rinse, repeat.


Cro-Cop took up Taekwondo first in his youth, then later Karate. He didn't start training traditional kickboxing until he joined the Army. His Commander allowed Mirko to train with the National Croatian Kickboxing team, basically letting him set aside a career in the military to pursue it. Fast forward a few years and Mirko Filipović would emerge into the Kickboxing juggling a career of being part of the Croatian Police's Anti-Terror Squad as a commando, and going out and fighting in boxing and kickboxing. He would earn the Cro-Cop nickname because of this. It wasn't till after some frustrations with K1, the kickboxing league, and its pay that Cro-Cop joined Pride FC and realized his talents in Kickboxing could serve him well in MMA's ruleset as long as he plugged some gaps in his skillset. Mirko proved quite able to do that, and was one of the best heavyweights of his period and was by far the most feared standup striker specifically because of those legs of his. Had he lived in an era that didn't have Big Nog or Fedor he'd have probably been champion. But he was still elite.


>"Right leg hospital, left leg cemetery". Jesus Christmas cookies imagine this on your tombstone. Phenomenal.


I think I hard he would disappear and come train like 1 week before a fight or something ridiculous.


really? I've been watching MMA for like 20 years at this point and I've heard people say it a number of times, Fedor had the combo of natural talent and work ethic, while Aleks was more naturally gifted physically/athletically but gave zero fucks about putting in the work and would rather just get drunk and do drugs and was still winning fights.


The drunken master


This is the first time I've heard of Fedor's brother.


I've heard of him and seen several of his fights but Fedora is naturally talented as fuck and I never heard anyone say otherwise except for the guy I replied to.


I had seen some documentary on YT claiming same: Alex was more talented, just mentally unstable and became a criminal. Fedor kept to his path of light and just outworked it.


For the curious out there, imagine [this](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/EJe7EaN0LIhlJdLsBrwov6XMoz4=/0x76:765x506/1600x900/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/51549783/1065317028.0.0.jpg) waiting for you in a jail cell...


This doc https://youtu.be/I1DO9Cx176Q?si=AiKD4rvnMsyZKub4 states the same and refers to their other brother saying that Alex was more naturally gifted. He won some Sambo championship basically without ever really training the sport seriously. Also notorious for not preparing for fights (unless you count binge drinking). No source for this other than the doc above so take it as you will. Sounds fairly plausible tho just looking at his career in retrospect.


Thought he also picked up a blood disease which made him unable to fight


it is like you know about Dave Franco, but not about James Franco.


You gotta check out this guy Frank Stallone—his family must be so proud!


Clint Howard is the most talented Howard.


You must of not been following MMA for long. This was a well known fact. Alexander was one of the biggest MMA what IFs


All russians know this, but when you drink that much...i mean, at some point Sasha started to act like white Mike Tyson on coke. Couple of DUI charges here, couple of rapes there, couple of broken jaws, stolen passport, inducement to use drugs and now this beautiful gentleman is losing to some body bags in trash MMA. Sick transit... he was ill-minded. Might be we've already lost him.


The fact that this is upvoted is both fostering and hilarious. No one but no one becomes a top pro by not training, and to say Alexander was more talented than a man woods considered by many as the GOAT is beyond stupid.


In fairness, there ARE some parallels. Notably John Daly vs Tiger Woods. Different sport, sure, but there’s a somewhat infamous incident at this point where John is having some drinks after a round, Tiger walks by, John invites him for a drink, Tiger declines saying he’s on his way to workout. Couple hours later John and a couple other players are still going and Tiger walks by again. John repeats the invite; Tiger declines again saying he’s gonna go hit the range to work on some things. Another couple hours go by and John’s still there drinking. Tiger comes through and John repeats the invite a 3rd time. Tiger replies “John, if I had half the natural talent you have in your little finger, I wouldn’t have to train so hard to beat you!”


There's a pretty good 30 for 30 about John Daly. Overall it's a pretty sad story about an alcoholic or maybe he's just a heavy heavy drinker but he could have done a lot more in his prime.


Agreed. If he'd adopted a work ethic similar to Tiger's I think he'd have either beaten Tiger or at least been right up there in 2nd place for a hell of a lot longer giving Tiger a better run for his money in his prime. Very few have that level of natural talent at their chosen sport. Recognizing it and capitalizing on it is one thing...honing it for life is another entirely. Daly seems to have accepted the hand he's been dealt though, going through periods of sobriety, etc, yet still seems to be happy and enjoying raising his son. And the Daly family beat the Woods in the father / son tournament, so at this point I'm just enjoying the hell out of the two proud dads watching their sons play. It's some seriously wholesome moments to see their mile-wide smiles and you can tell it's some of the best moments in their life.


since when has trained most his life turned into barely at all? what you can see is someone that doesn´´´´t use roids like the opponent.


Fedor was obviously one of the greats but Alex is “the real monster” of the two. Probably would have had the better career if he’d spent more of it training and less of it breaking legs for the Russian mob and going to prison for rape.


Gotta follow your heart........ I guess..


Dare to dream


Yeah those tattoos on his shoulders are Russian mob tattoos…


Not just mob tattoos. I’m no expert but those mean more than just *he’s connected* ...


Those are vor stars, no less. He had to cover them up once he decided to be a real competitor, which signified him breaking ties with that life. Don’t ask me how I know it…


How do you know it?


Wellness check. Are you ok u/not_a_llama? Please respond.


The number you have dialed is no longer in service. Goodbye.


Correct! The ones on his chest mean he’s part of and participating in illegal stuff. We can see his full hands so we don’t know what he’s got there but that back piece I’m almost positive means he’s a killer. The ones on his shoulders are rank. There’s some more tattoos but I can’t really see them. Another tattoo culture is the gypsies. And their super tight lipped about theirs but I lived right outside Baltimore and kept seeing white trash with the same tattoos and just thought it was bad choices until I started working in construction and a guy explained to me it’s not a coincidence they all have some of the same tattoos.


I guess, for me, that explains his apparent lack of any concern during the fight intro


Ya I was going to say lol don’t fuck with the Russian covered in prison tatts. You’re gonna have a bad time.


He had them covered up after going to prison


Prison is where he trained.


People cheering on a convicted rapist... What a world we live in..


Mike Tyson is on the Disney channel.


To be fair he has been caught on camera crying how he’s terrified of one day turning back into the person he used to be. It doesn’t undo any of the harm he’s caused people nor does it make it okay but the difference in character between coke head Mike Tyson and stoner Mike Tyson is a world apart. I gotta say though, if he victimized me that would be pretty retraumatizing to see them on TV in any capacity.


True. Fedor was something else. Tough as shit and extremely well-rounded. Beat CroCop on his feet and Nogueira on the mat. Insane.


Fedor was crazy. Could pull wins from nothing. His could be defending all match. His opponent having the upper hand. One opening. One mistake Fedor would win.


Sigh... time to start watching Fedor highlights or matches if I can find them


You will definitely not be disappointed. Most entertaining fights imo


The GOAT of MMA for me, still holding strong.


No Alex is really a monster, like needs to be in prison for the rest of his life monster


He has the eyes for it. What did he do?


Is a member or at least affiliated with the russian mob. Was also in jail for rape.


I think that’s what the tattoos on his shoulders signify, some crime status symbol. He now has them covered


I’m looking at this guy and realizing, “shit, he really does have vory tattoos doesn’t he?”


No it’s Alex. He’s a rapist and probable murderer.


Alexander's tattoos (vory) mean very specific things in the Russian criminal world and you can only get them after gaining respect through having committed extremely violent crimes and being tested by other murderers and mobsters in prison. Most of them are only given to 'thiefs in the law' which is a specific rank that can only be earned in Russian prison. Basically, any Russian with Alex's tattoos is guaranteed to be a real deal violent mobster (or someone who did it to look cool and has never been to Russian prison or dealt with mobsters.) Alexander has definitely been incarcerated at least once in Russia and he would never have made it out alive if he went in with fake vory tattoos. Any skull like the one his back specifically references murder from my understanding.


Eh Aleksander is a convicted rapist, safe to say he’s a monster.


Maybe in the ring but in real life Alexander is most definitely the monster Emelianenko was accused of assaulting and raping his former housekeeper Polina Stepanova on 2 May 2014, as well as stealing her passport. Emelianenko pleaded not guilty and claimed the sex was consensual. Prosecutors asked for five years in prison for Emelianenko. On 19 May 2015, Emelianenko was found guilty of sexual assault and sentenced to four and a half years in prison along with a 50,000 rubles ($1000 (US)) fine.[


I randomly met Fedor in an elevator. He shook my hand and I asked to take a picture with him. He was happy to…and still was scared of him the whole time. Dude gives off pure assassin vibes.


Imo he’s still a top 3 of all time, if not number 1. I don’t count his way past prime loses against him. He was a monster that didn’t lose for a decade while fighting in a weight class when he could have cut like most other fighters.


This whole story looks like it's been pull out from anime. Can someone give me full context I don't know anything about anyone.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xphoQbVQjsE) video talks about the differences between the two of them. It doesn't go in full detail about what happened between the two of them but im sure there's videos covering that also. The only thing you really need to know is that Fedor is one of the GOATs of MMA and Alexander is a big question mark because he was undoubtedly really talented and good but always fucked up in one form or another in his personal life which eventually had them falling out with each other.


Guy is a rapist


Yeah, he was a total thug. After the USSR collapsed all those extremely well trained sambo fighters, wrestlers, judokas, just fell into organized crime. Some like Fedor or Karelin stayed mostly straight and got out, but many others just became legbreakers for the mob.


Those 2 star tattoos on his chest or also Russian mob tattoos. You can’t just get them if you haven’t earned them in Russia. They said debt collector is his job, most likely for the Russian mob. And those prob aren’t the most easy debts to collect. So no wonder he looks bored. There is a ref and he knows his life isn’t in danger is would is his regular day to day job lol..


Yet they were talking about Thompson when referring to a the debt collector


IIRC this was posted a while ago - Thompson was a "known" debt collector who had a reputation mostly for intimidating guys into paying, hence the ruthless stare and feral roar at the start. Emelianenko on the other had was "strongly suspected" to be a debt collector for the Russian mob because of both reputation and the shoulder tattoos. Different M.O. - guy literally beat the crap out of people for a living, and when the announcer was saying "Just another day at the office..." he was alluding to this.


Thompson was such an odd duck. He was known for his shady dealings, but he also ran a blog a while back where he shared his thoughts and philosophical musings on mma and he comes off as a shockingly thoughtful and intelligent human. Humans are complex I suppose


I feel you have you be a pretty nuanced and lucky individual to be able to fulfill these roles for an extended amount of time. I think anyone who isn't usually gets shot because they're too predictable, or shot because they're too unpredictable. I don't know shit tho


You’re correct my bad. Nonetheless those mob tattoos the Russian has have to be earned. You can’t just get them without repercussions over there.. but yeah didn’t hear it right lol..


From what I’ve heard they mean that he’s a shot caller in prison. Basically, he has rank.


Yeahhh had me confused after reading this comment. Somewhat related, there's an episode of VICE called "UK'S SCARIEST DEBT COLLECTOR“, one of the craziest episodes I've ever seen .... Dude talks about going to collect a debt and his mates fucked the debtor in the ass while the other held him down taking Polaroids.... Guy killed himself a couple months later. Link: https://youtu.be/TUzlmWWdjEQ?si=mYVM8m92fyrYLEW0 *Edit: IN the arse .... And months, not weeks.


~12:30 if you want to watch just that part? What accent is that (I know it's English but which city?) Small edit: he says the guy killed himself six months later, so not weeks but obviously still horrible


> You can’t just get them if you haven’t earned them in Russia. You can travel somewhere else and get them in any tattoo parlor, though


I think the implication isn’t that they are hard to “get” but having them visible while in Russia would lead to bad things if they weren’t earned


Exactly, if you have them and your peers see, they'd know if you earned them or not. So if you didn't, then the question is, which competing group let you get them or did you get them yourself. Both seem bad for a persons health.




Yeah, _you_ can get them anywhere. _He_ couldn't get them without a bit of history, to put it politely.


The thing is showing them not getting them


You want to display them publically - then live in Russia... Yes, easy to get, certainly; worth the repercussions in that era of the Russian Mob reach, I'd say nah.


He was an interior decorator. He killed 16 Czechoslovakians.


….His house looked like shit


I was just wondering if I had seen too much TV. That being said, John Malkovich has a movie about a Siberian prison tattoo artist, Deadly Code. Always wondered how accurate it was.


I am not sure about what was in that movie, but I can assure you that it is worse. How can I make such an absurd claim? Because I have noticed that whenever the prison culture is explained to Western audiences, they do not explain all of it, because of a simple reason - the West would not believe about how exactly rough it is. The systematic rapes, the prison guards giving prisoners cameras so they can record rapes, placing victims in cells with 5 rapists who have been given a clear mission... It is... I'd kill myself.


>After the USSR collapsed all those extremely well trained sambo fighters, wrestlers, judokas, just fell into organized crime The dissolution of USSR happened in 1991, Alexander Emalienko was born in 1981. Fedor is born in 1976, so its a stretch to say that he was extremely well trained and stayed straight.


The integration of the sports system and the mafia lasted for years past that point. Fedor was already given a Master of Sport medal by 97, so he was well integrated into the Russian combat sports system by that point. Regardless, as I said. That culture stuck around for a long time.


“Putin‘s judo club” is a very interesting Wikipedia page for anyone interested.


There is no article like that in wiki


It fell out of window, comrade


> After the USSR collapsed all those extremely well trained sambo fighters, wrestlers, judokas, just fell into organized crime. I don't have good info to back this up, but I feel like they didn't really "fall into" crime. Or at least they didn't fall into it because of their fighting ability. After the USSR fell, a bunch of people in the military and intelligence services used their connections to set themselves up as oligarchs. A lot of them were into Judo, Sambo, Boxing etc, but that was partially because it was associated with their military training, and partially because they were into macho shit in general.


[Charged May 2014, Convicted May 2015, Paroled October 2016](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Emelianenko#Sexual_assault_conviction)




[Dude looks like a fucking psychopath in his prison photos holy shit](https://i.imgur.com/usWVULw.png)


Jesus Christ that's so much worse than I was expecting


He looks like that evil witch from Snow White.


Guy’s a pederast. Served six months in Chino for exposing himself to an 8 year old.


What's a pederast, Walter?


He meant pedophile


Obviously you're not a golfer


Were you listening to the Dude's story?


Shut the fuck up, Donny. --- But also; pederast /ˈpɛdərast/ noun >a man who engages in sexual activity with a boy or youth


New shit has come to light, man




What’s a pederast, Walter?


Served time for it too


Explains his tattoos.


Was going to mention the tatties - like when I first clicked I was like does no one realize those are straight up prison tattoos on his collar bones and I bet his back as well 😳 Context: https://www.corrections1.com/corrections/articles/12-russian-prison-tattoos-and-their-meanings-208QsTK7AMv7ZXOI/


Which one?


The bored looking guy


I mean just looking at his tattoos I'd say he did hard time, was a mid rank in the mafia, and probably murdered a few people. Just saying, those are Russian gangster tattoos, and he's probably a real scumbag.


Thank you. This guy deserves no spotlight. He is a terribly evil and heinous human being. That poor housekeeper is the one I always remember. Hope she’s doing ok.


Two knock downs within 10 seconds will get a ref to stop a fight. people can get knocked out and instinct take over, to avoid that they will call them quick in these types of situations


Thanks for walking us through the rationale behind the refereeing. For those confused as to why the fight was concluded, re-watch and you'll see why - homie is out on his feet. Edit: for anyone curious as to when things were doneski, slow it down 1:15 in the video or 9:50 in round 1 to see the right side of collection agency's skull get smushed in by an insanely accurate left, holy fuck!


Other than him getting knocked down easily and quickly the second time, how can you tell he was so out?


It's to the refs discretion but noticing his guard being totally down when knocked down a second time, while on the ground, probably triggered the "fuck this is going to get ugly if I don't intervene." If it was a no name bullshit fight a few punches would likely be permitted but bc the ref knew of the capabilities present, he made the right call. Was honestly impressed by the quick stoppage. It could be considered controversial.


I've watched a decent number of fights but I don't know if I've ever seen a fighters face vibrating before. Bet the ref knew something stupid was about to happen.


What also gets a ref to stop it: man about to break your jaw while you’re asleep


not just that, but the ref handle it absolutely perfectly. I was more impressed by the ref's work than anything else


I know nothing about the sport but it looked like the guy was gone after that right punch to the head and was operating on reflex before going down fully.


I've known a couple guys who did these kinda fights and both of them told me stories about how they would black out mid-fight sometimes because of one bad knock to the head. It would last for a split second, but it was enough that they basically had to reboot in the middle of a fight...which I imagine is what's happening here.


I've never fought MMA but I've been in one fight for my life (guy smashed me facefirst into an ATM and pulled a knife on me, I kicked him and escaped). I can tell you everything slows down like they say it does. The actual fight was not even 15 seconds long, it felt like 5 minutes. A part of my brain was in full screaming panic-denial mode, and another part of my brain was like "fuck this, no time to panic, I'll die if I panic." It's also true that you go numb, my face was cut open and I didn't feel it until I escaped down the street. It has to be some primitive survival instinct.


Jesus Christmas what has happened to Ed Sheeran? The years have not been kind.


Loooool. Scary ed Sheeran


Dread Sheeran


Dude is only \*23\* in this bout too. Looks like 53.


Became bored of his own songs


This looks like my Uber driver knocking out Sagat from SF2.


"Tiger? I fear no Tiger! Get out of my car!"


Gary from accounting is a bad ass


If your accountant has those tattoos he ain’t no accountant lol


Correction, he wasn't always an accountant lol


Of course, he wasn't always an accountant. What he has is a very particular set of skills.


He’s always had a passion for making sure that who he works for is getting their money.


He's actually a former Russian mob enforcer, convicted rapist, and little brother to the most respected heavyweight MMA fighter ever. Alexander can rot but go watch his brother Fedor to be really impressed.


he's also [a convicted rapist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Emelianenko#Sexual_assault_conviction)


The man who tries to intimidate it the one who lacks self-confidence. I'm really waiting for the day when a guy just stares at the ground until the bell rings and then looks up.


Wasn't Fedor looking at the ground as a form of respect until the bell ringed all the time?


The Thompson guy is actually a top level humble bloke, who doesn't take himself too seriously. The serious guy is a convicted rapist.




I mean based on this video, which is the only exposure 99% has had to the man, he does seem like an insecure meat head. Guess he's not, but that's how he portrayed himself. So, reasonable "narrative" for most people


That's what Fedor Emelianenko did, no need waiting.


If Nikola Jokić was a fighter:


I came here looking for this comment. Apparently dominating sports while looking completely disinterested is a trend for Eastern Europeans.


Correct. Drinking also. You are a boss if you can drink a ton while looking sober.


[Dimitar Berbatov](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRa0Y181CAQ) always looked like a football game broke out around him during his Sunday morning stroll.


If the Ben Affleck meme was going to a fight…


Fedor was a far better fighter. Alexander is a rapist.


Alex is a gigantic piece of shit but Fedor said himself that if he was serious about training instead of doikg drugs alcohol and all his awful shit he would probably have been better than him. He was the "naturally talented" kind of guy.


That doesn't mean that it is true. Fedor tried to support his brother.


I'm not sure Fedor is the kind of guy to give compliments for nothing. I don't know for how long it has been but Fedor hates Alex and don't even talk to him anymore.


Makes me respect Fedor even more.


Roid rage will only take you so far.


Not really he was trying to act tough, in reality he was scared af to fight Alexander He mentioned this in an interview.


That was exactly what i thought i saw. You can see him tearing up a bit, dude was terrified and trying to psych himself up


pride was sooooo goooood especially Venderlei Silva and Gracie Killer


I absolutely loved Pride. We ordered every ppv and had a blast. I think the reason it was so fun was because it was the last of style vs style. Everyone is well rounded now and has a little bit of everything. Watching Cro Cop vs Fedor was a real ground and pound vs kickboxing. We’ll never get that again.


The guy is a disgusting fucking rapist. Stop posting this cunt.


The fight begins: Emelianenko: ah shit, here we go again.


Dude looks hungover


He’s Russian


So probably just drunk


Thonsons interview on JRE was really interesting and the back story to why he was all manic puts the outcome into perspective.


I remember seeing this a long time ago, thinking the Russian was the cool guy and the other guy a roid raging douchebag. Now I find out the Russian dude is a rapist mobster, and the other guy a humble dude who was just trying to make it up as he went along.


Here is James Thompson explaining what happened and why he was looking so tough. Really interesting insight into a genuinely nice guy https://youtu.be/HmC8miikKxY?si=52mLhgIAIEKyP3IO


This was extremely helpful in understanding him and why he was so amped up. Makes the original video less funny knowing he’s a really humble guy that was still really new.


Yeah someone else posted the video. His brother was sick, he was nervous and inexperienced, he purposefully imagined that winning the fight would cure his brother, he was very embarrassed in hindsight but the Japanese fans loved his energy, and he doesn't regret it because it led to further opportunities. Also seems like a very chill dude.


Chad meme vs brown-hair Ed Sheeran.


Bruce Lee said "be like water." Dude was like "Bet."


*be like vodka


If you see a russian with sloppy tattooed stars on his chest, better avoid him. That's a high ranking thieves star.


This is usually how it goes; the guy peacocking and getting amped is usually going to lose the fight. All that extra energy is just nervousness manifesting itself


I know "beware the quiet ones" tropes are pretty popular on reddit, for obvious reasons, but this isn't really true in MMA and other combat sports. Plenty of fighters are just more exuberant and expressive, while others *need* some 'nervous energy' in order to perform well. They're going into a fight that'll potentially determine their whole career; being nervous is fine, and indirectly showing it a bit rarely tells anything about their ability to perform or chance to win.


The guy’s got Saitama energy


Great stoppage


Huge POS but also great at fighting.


Alexander is evil


So much for the saying, "If you snooze, you lose."


you dont fuck with that last name