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I'm genuinely surprised they pulled that off without a kid in the hallway triggering it early by smacking a box.


I thought the same thing


Says alot about these kiddos, Look at the excitement in their hands at what they are witnessing. Pure joy and its beautiful. They probably put in a lot of teamwork to make this happen.


Also says a lot about the teachers and how they both motivate and keep the kids in check.


Yeah that’s the “Next F’in Level” here


You can say fuck on the internet, it's okay


Hey hey… watch your language. We may have Fucking Kids in these subreddits!


Nah they’re all busy setting up cereal boxes like dominoes


My thoughts exactly 😁


At 1:10 you can see there was a kid that was either too excited or was intentionally going to be malicious. Teacher just blocked the mfer in lol




At one point in a sect of the hall there was a teach that looked specifically “on duty” and staying in between a couple kids and the boxes, my guess is they knew which ones were the troublemakers lol!


I imagine they had each kid and teacher bring and place one or two boxes of cereal. Seems like a very small, insignificant thing on its own, but when everyone in the school did their part correctly all working toward the same goal/project, they achieved something huge and significant. Very fun way to teach a powerful lesson to these kids.


That is a lot more than one or two boxes per student. That was an expensive undertaking.


Maybe the cereal boxes were empty. They could have told the kids to save the cereal boxes for a year just for this project.


Nah, I'd bet anything this was a food drive. What a fantastic way to motivate kids to bring food in for the local food banks.


That's literally like a semi-truck full of cereal. There were *thousands* of boxes. It just kept going.


Maybe, but they didn't fall as though they were empty.


I think an empty cereal box would be too light for this.


And then I bet they got to take it home and eat it so it’s too good things teamwork /planning and feeding the kids


Yeah, 2 big boxes of cereal... Like around 15 bucks these days.


Idk there were like 20 boxes of froot loops in a row, I think maybe one person might have done that. Could be coincidence though.


I’m guessing they got some donations from the manufacturers.


also gets set up really fast.


But there's always at least one little shit who has to ruin everything.




I guarantee you the children they would have issues with are still in the classroom or they have a one on one attending them


Me too. Very well behaved kiddos!


My thoughts exactly. This took 2.5 minutes to fall, must’ve been hours to set up and not one of those little shits did it? Very impressive.


If they built it the way experienced domino makers do, then they left gaps in the line at regular intervals while building. That way if it's accidentally triggered, it only runs up to the next gap then stops. Once it's all built (and all the kids are sat down), only then are the gaps filled in.


This guy dominos 


I don't. I just absorb a lot of surface-level trivia about healthy people's fun hobbies through my crippling reddit addiction.


If that many kids all helped they could set this up pretty fast. The problem would be coordination.


I think *because* the kids helped set it up nobody was an asshole and ruined it. That’s a trick I learned when I was a teacher. If there is a dixkwad in the class, 9 times out of 10 if you give them a little responsibility (something as small as being the person to hand out the hall pass, collect materials at the end of class from other students etc) they behave much better. I bet all these kids helped prop up a box. They had a stake in it and didn’t want to see it ruined.


“I put a box up, Dad!” I can imagine my kids saying, knowing that that effort helped create the beauty. Seeing those kids clap and shout really touches the heart.


Well it probably happened, but you quickly learn to yank out a box ahead of the collapse to stop the chain reaction. So you would only need to reset a few meters


Faith in humanity is restored a little bit


Except for the guy filming vertically in the gym.


You can't have it all I guess ;)


Seriously. This next generation of kids are amazing… hopefully they can bring back horizontal phone filming.


Who then missed the shot of the big structures falling in the gym because he was too focused on the circles …


Yeah, that dude needs more cardio too. Had trouble keeping up with the line at times




They usually leave a couple of holes they fill in at the last minute.


This guy herds cats. There's always a trick 


Ur a fuckin hero.


I never considered that, but it makes perfect sense.


Leave gaps in the line so if that does happen it only ruins a small segment. Source - dad to 3 boys


I was holding my breath when some kids reach out for those boxes.


It’s way slower than regular dominoes. This probably happened but it’s so easy to stop and just rebuild with these cereal packs.


If my brother had been there, I assure you that’s exactly what he would have done.


Somewhere in this school thare is a ~~bottomless pit~~ room, where they contained the trouble makers while doing this.


Even the English teacher donated her favorite cereal box.. Synonym Toast Crunch..


And the math teacher....Fruity Parabolas


And the PE Teacher....Weetabix


And the music (specifically guitar) teacher, Shreddies


And the wood shop teacher just likes grape nuts No pun there, just kinda funny to picture my old wood shop teacher getting down on some grape nuts


Well, as long as he’s not getting down on YOUR grape nuts.


hey, this is a wood shop, not a confessional.


The cheerleader coach, well of course, Cheerios.


You certainly tried


Someone from the athletics department gave their fave, Cheery-Os!


Count Chocula from the math room


Sounds like a cereal killer to me..


Kix from the soccer coach


Raisin Bran from the janitor


Trix from the unassuming librarian with the Only Fans account.


Fruit Loops from the school counselor/psychiatrist.


No wonder I couldn’t find any effing cereal at the grocery store that week


CTRL-F "store" ... yup. I'm sure the grocery store owners were *very* happy about this.


As a parent that shops for groceries, I was doing the mental math of how much this 'fun' cost and it broke me 20 seconds in.


Hopefully they donated it all to food banks!


This honestly looks like the fruits of a food drive, so I’m sure they did


I bet they just ask the kids to bring in their empty boxes all year long, then do this at the end of the year. If the boxes were full I think we would hear louder noises from them falling in the video.


I tried googling to find more info about this video, but it seems that this sort of activity is kind of common and every article I've seen indicates that the food is donated to community pantries/food banks.


This video is of Clemmons Elementary School in Clemmons, North Carolina. 2,777 boxes of cereal were raised, and 2,777 boxes of cereal were donated to the local food pantry. They are full boxes, it seems.


There’s also a million screaming kids though


They did. It was specifically collected to donate to a local food bank close to the school. They collected 2,777 boxes in 2 weeks.


Damn, that’s like $20,000 worth of cereal


This is my kids school, it’s a cereal drive. All the cereal is donated to the NC Food Bank. The goal was 2,000 boxes and they got 2,772 boxes so they’re giving the whole school an ice cream party. Both my girls said that the cereal dominos was so cool they didn’t care about the ice cream lol


Just curious - did they give you very specific parameters for which items to buy? All of the boxes are exactly the same size. Did the local store donate some cases of cereal? It looks like mostly store-brand also. Very cool project, regardless.


No parameters. I think they didn’t want anyone to feel left out if they couldn’t afford a certain brand or size, so they just left it open.


Schools across America keeping cereal companies in business


That's a lot of fricken boxes.


Childhood diabetus


Literally that. The worst fucking shit to start a day with dairy, sugar and glyphosphate drenched grains. Ultra processed foods 😭


It’s all donated to food banks


Fuck you for making me feel bad about my bad eating choices. I'm gonna go eat an entire box of froot loops now directly from the box


Reddit can easily convince you to never eat anything


Which is ironic considering the average Redditor BMI is probably well into obesity.


Why would dairy be bad


It’s not.


Triggers cancer in rats or something. If you drank the equivalent of like 37 liters per day.


Not according to the data. It’s actually associated with better health, though low sugar whole grain cereals were of course the best. Here’s the met-analysis: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4188247/


I wouldn’t trust a meta-analysis commissioned and paid for by the Australian Breakfast Cereal Manufacturers Forum of the Australian Food and Grocery Council.


Considering the A.B.C.M.F. was literally made by the A.F.G.C to promote the "health benefits of breakfast cereals" and is composed of the biggest cereal manufacturers within that country... yeah.


Hmmm... maybe I wouldn't trust a [meta-analysis about glyphosphate safety commissioned and paid by Monsanto](https://beyondpesticides.org/dailynewsblog/2017/10/scientists-urge-retraction-journal-article-glyphosates-safety-surreptitiously-written-monsanto/) either.


That's a hugely flawed piece of work. It mixes a ton of studies to end up with cautious general claims. That's a clear example of sponsored science: food industry scientists writing food industry pr.


I browsed through the study and its horrible how deceiptive it is. First of all it measures "nutritional intake" basically comparing people eating cereal breakfasts to control groups who dont eat breakfast and then say something like they got more iron. Now any sane person would wonder... but what about all the sugar you say? The study immediately says that high sugar cereal eater only eat on average something like 3g more sugar a day. Interesting. Oh but children who eat high suger cereal eat almost double the amount? hmmm. The study told me one thing: its bullshit all around and tries to deceive people into thinking that modern cereal is a healthy breakfast. If people would actually eat whole grain based non sugar products it would be a different story but that is not who those studies are made for.


If only they had their Quaker Oats.


It’s funny how easy this is to disprove. How many kids have type 2 diabetes? How many kids eat ultra processed sugar like some of these cereals daily? Eating food doesn’t give you diabetes lol






You can turn your phone, but the viewer has to do the same while watching.


and a heck of a lot of sugar promotion


I don't know how companies managed to brand their sugar filled cereals as "healthy" for so many years.. Only in recent years I see more people calling them out on it.


"Part of a balanced breakfast." A very small part, and probably more harm than good.


Those pictures always had like four grapefruits and a pallet of ancient grains in them


I must be getting old. My first thought was "That must be 3 grand in cereal" Edit: I stopped watching as it entered the front doors. I get it. It was probably $3.2 million worth of cereal.




This is my kids school and there were 2,772 boxes. Each box we donated cost between $3.75 and $4.73. Soooo, averaging $4 a box, $11,088 worth of cereal donated to the NC Food Bank.




General Mills approves


That's like 30K dollars of cereal


Teacher with purple sweater at 1:10 stands right in front of little girl as it goes by. I relate to that kid so much


Yeah that pissed me off, like what the hell lady?!


Probably a kid without media clearance or a trouble maker lol


If you watch closely when it got near the K-1 classrooms the teachers were running active interference the teachers know which ones to guard


I was 100000% one of the demon kids that would have LOVED to sabotage this. God I was a little shithead.


That's what I thought too.


I immediately thought, "that must be one of the kids they were worried about reaching out and ruining it for everyone else"


Yeah! The kid literally started to lean out and get closer to the boxes that weren’t tipped over yet. She hadn’t reached yet but she leaned out enough for the teacher to notice and want to back her up


If you look at 1:02-1:03 you can see her stick her little arm out. Teacher points at her and comes over to stand in front of her.


I was thinking that too but then I remembered in the beginning of the year they send home forms asking for permission to film or take pics throughout the year. Maybe the parents refused to sign and they didn't want to deal with the backlash 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ that's all I could think of that would make sense other than she's just a huge bitch😂 Edit. For all the men that keep messaging/commenting me that I'm a cunt and this and that. I never once said this woman was a bitch... I was trying to give a second reasoning as to why she may have stood infront of a child because where I live, it's 100% illegal to film a child without consent of the parents. I'm sorry for some reason you all took it am I'm a huge cunt👌🏻please stop sending me threating messages.


No that move was 100% to keep the kid from messing with the boxes.


Lol seriously - as the (relatively) new dad of a toddler, this was 100% a parenting method I've used before. The kid could obviously easily see what was going on all around them... pitchforks down everyone.


That’s the one kid that kept knocking them over, this is the third take!


I notice that


This aint the impressive part. The impressive part are the kids not giving into their intrusive thoughts.




The ones who would were positioned nowhere near the boxes - teachers know their kids they know who they can and can't trust


I wondered if it was ever going to end…then I realized it was a cereal.


lol good one


The only winner here is BIG CEREAL




The only SUGAR here is BIG CEREAL?


Y’all talk like you didn’t eat this shit growing up and turned out just fine.


Growing up? I'm 42 and we still keep a minimum of 4 boxes of cereal (one always being Lucky Charms) in my household. My last physical the doctor indicated I was healthy but wanted to see me lose 5 pounds. See I've already learned he pretty much always says that so the week before I get two tubs of Baskin-Robbins Pralines and Cream and get donuts for the family 4 or 5 times. I'm easily 7 to 10 pounds above my normal weight. After about a month, I'm back to normal and the next year I've actually exceeded 5 pounds lost. Take that Dr. Ng!


Wrong. The only winner here is obesity and diabetes.


Cerealously impressive!!


Thanks, dad.


That is so impressive... the school invested so much manpower into something that cannot profit them anyway.. And everything had to be perfect... Imagine if one box was slightly misaligned or if a kid accidentally touched a box...


Maybe the school was selling cereal haha


They donated it all to a local food bank.


Negative-dwellers in the comment had me confused with the "wasting tax dollars" and "feeding kids with all the sugary cereals" because as dumb as the school system is, I doubt stuff like this can be legal in whatever part of America or anywhere else. And then when it's donated to a food bank: "Oh they are feeding the homeless sugary food ! Also, charity only exists to make people feel better about themselves !!"


What part of this exactly would be illegal in America or any other country for that matter?


Actual footage of what my two teenagers eat in a week


When landscape mode is an option….


I was hoping to see this comment so I wouldn’t have to say it. It’s nuts how the internet has basically just given up on bitching about vertical videos these days. 10 years ago, there would be an all-out bombardment of comments about “kill the camera man” specifically for vertical filming.


10 years ago, most folks were watching videos on their computers. Now majority use their phones, hence the sentiment change. I agree though, I wish they planned out the shots rather than winging it “Suzy just follow the boxes from behind, it can’t be that hard”


It’s easy to watch a landscape video on your phone, it’s harder to watch a portrait video on desktop.


Don’t know what you mean… Missing all the action due to the cameraperson frantically switching between the two points of action is the best part. It‘s almost as good as watching the empty space between two people talking to each other. I simply love portait mode. Why won‘t cinemas finally adapt to it and give the people what they all want? /s (just in case)


These comments are way too far down. The big finale was such a dud because someone didn’t think ahead about how to film it.


Yeah they couldn't capture all the things happening in the gym and resorted to moving the camera side to side nervously and you couldn't really tell what was going on at all. Disappointing ending for sure


Would have really detracted from the shakey cam effect.


My school never did anything remotely this cool.


Those kids will remember that forever.


This. It's a project that everyone from the school participated in and all get to see and experience it


People say that, and maybe some will, but I remember more "events" from my son's school days than he does. Some really big ones.


These are the things that make me miss teaching. Do we know why they have so much cereal? Food drive?


They donated it all to a local food bank.


How’d they get the cereal tho? Did kids bring them in? Did the cereal makers donate it?


It’s a school food drive.. the kids bring it in


This is my kids school! They raised 2,772 boxes and all were donated to the NC Food Bank.


Can someone r/theydidthemath and tell us how many boxes were used


At least 7




More specifically, somewhere between 7 and 16 billion.


In 10 seconds I counted about 110 boxes falling over. Start: 0:11 - End: 3:11 - So about 180 seconds of falling boxes. 110 x 18 is 1980 boxes. But they had multiple lanes and those stacked thingies in the end. So pretty sure it's at least 2000 boxes. Just an estimation. No way I count all the pixelated cereal while kids scream at me.


Close enough, [it is 2,777 boxes.](https://www.wxii12.com/article/clemmons-elementary-school-celebrates-meeting-food-drive-goal-with-cereal-box-dominoes/46825996?utm_campaign=snd-autopilot&fbclid=IwAR2YDsIuGeiqabLHjL3GrvxVA0X_1H10kHqhYTOW3E09C4u1cfAribSLShM)


It’s funny. Those screams used to annoy me often and I’d tell them to be quiet. The scream laughs of joy are actually what made me tear up because now my kids are teens. They’re still loud but I miss them being little so much. 


At $5 per box that's $10 000 of cereals.


2777 boxes according to the news story https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lm1xNalJcYk


I just want to know how the hallways kept making right turns but never ended up back at where it started. This school is a frickin' labyrinth.


Kelloggs and General Mills trying to make this a viral video to happen at every elementary school


Nah, this was clearly just a local food drive.


Some of yall need to realize it's possible to not be cynical assholes


1. Local neighborhood market made serious bank. 2. No way all those kids signed the media rights form to have this posted. Incoming Karen complaint and video removed!


I'm guessing they made the parents sign the forms beforehand and if some parents refused the kids either didn't attend (which would suck) or were placed somewhere they could see the action without being filmed


"My husband abused me and my children for years, we have been hiding from him for the past year and a half, under no circumstances can my child be seen on video and posted online" *iNcOmInG KaReN!!!*


Thank you!!! There are totally valid, non “Karen” reasons to feel that way. No one ever thinks about people who are trying to stay safe. I have a friend with no online presence for that reason.  If anything, it’s the weirdos who put their kids online who have some explaining to do for their actions, not the other way around. 




![gif](giphy|xpipBcvgSTptK|downsized) Insulin producers after watching this footage:


Man, that's hundreds if not thousands of dollars in cereal. Shout out to all the families that supported this, the look of joy and excitement on all the children's faces is priceless. They'll never forget this.


Imagine being near the wave early on. It passes by you and everyone screams in excitement. The wave passes moves on ahead and round the corner. The excitement fades. The cheering slowly stops. In the distance other parts of the crowd have their moment to shine, their voices echoing from far away. For you, only toppled boxes and silence. Your moment has passed now, and all you have left are memories. You are yesterday’s crowd, for yesterday’s wave, a relic of a bygone time.


With enough to spare for random box towers for cool effect.


[It is 2,777 boxes.](https://www.wxii12.com/article/clemmons-elementary-school-celebrates-meeting-food-drive-goal-with-cereal-box-dominoes/46825996?utm_campaign=snd-autopilot&fbclid=IwAR2YDsIuGeiqabLHjL3GrvxVA0X_1H10kHqhYTOW3E09C4u1cfAribSLShM) The boxes are all from a food drive the elementary school did. They collect all of these to donate to a local food pantry. It only took them 2 weeks to collect all of this.


Wow that school is huge, how many students? What a great way to bring kids together


Stoned me is thinking about eating all that cereal


Quite a feat [feet😖] but if you brought that much sugar anywhere near a school in Oz, you'd probably be locked up


I think you might mean feat?


There are a lot of feet though




But do they fully appreciate the gravity of the situation 🤔


I was homeschooled up until I was 18, so I don't really know about public schools, but I do have the opinion that educational institutions should also include segments of fun and stress relief like this. Growing up my mom and teacher did a lot to make learning fun for me without compromising the point of my lessons. I had plenty of time to go outside, play, use the bathroom, get water, and take a break from the constant learning. Maybe it's all anecdotal, but I thoroughly enjoyed growing up how I did and I also enjoyed college and university. Learning wasn't a chore to me. It was something worth investing in. This was really neat and I'm glad to see how many kids participated in it. I honestly expected one of them to fuck it up out of spite.


I wonder if they got the boxtops