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Who t f is filming lol


Looks like CCTV


What an a$$hole


Right? What kind of fucking name is that anyways


I don’t know who this CCTV guy is, but they always show up in the most dramatic videos. Something fishy about it. Maybe a conspiracy?


They have this knack* at being in the wrong place at the right time! Never an arrest!??! *Edit spelling




CCP's fortunate son. Nothing we can do, unfortunately.




Always filming the action. Sometimes even when nothing is happening. My only issue is he can’t seem get a clear image when an alien or Bigfoot shows up. Performance anxiety?


Maybe Bigfoot is just blurry.


The CC stands for “Conspiracy Causer”


Must be one of Elon's kids




All my homies hate CCTV


China Central Television


How? The camera is shaking like crazy


Someone is filming the cctv footage with their phone.


Well why didn't that person do anything?!?


You see it quite often. A lot of older systems don't have an export video option. So for most people the easiest way to share the video is to point their phone at the monitor playing back the footage. 




Who tf is playing piano and violin while she drowns lol


Well, the musicians of the titanic for one




That made me snort laugh. Have an upvote!


I hope Your Heart Will Go On.


Phil Collins?




Phil Poolins


The original video's been cropped. The family dogs also try and help haha, one was trying to climb the stairs. https://youtu.be/RrHg_5CQz1E?si=DqyKA1ifaxMhns07


From that - *Gavin’s mom, Lori Keeney, told KAKE that she has seizures almost daily, and that Gavin often steps in to help. This, however, is the first time she’s been able to watch her son take care of her during a seizure.* I hope someone has now suggested that having seizures daily and swimming alone is not a good combo.


yes, my father was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2022, first thing doctor did after diagnosing him in the ER, was say, you can't swim or go in hot tubs.


Makes me think of the old joke, I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his 300 passengers.


300 passengers? Dang Grandpa earned his Pilot's License? The original version of this joke was the same, except the grandpa was implied to be driving a car with 3 passengers. I don't know whether it makes the joke darker for it to imply that the grandpa accidentally killed his family in a car crash, compared to the joke being that grandpa accidentally did a 9/11 and killed a lot more strangers. ... That joke is a lot Darker than I ever realized, now that I think about it. Either way grandpa goes out with a slaughter. But you can't spell "slaughter" without "laughter", so there's that. "Laughter" is such a ridiculous word btw, why can't we just spell it "Laffter"???


Originally, the word "laugh" comes from Old German "lachen," pronounced "la-khen," with a guttural sound, like the Scottish "loch," before morphing into "laugh" with a guttural "-gh" sound. However, over time, the "-gh" was softened to an "f" sound, while the "-gh" spelling stayed. All that's to stop people from changing it is popularity. A different spelling becomes vastly more popular in all circles and English-speaking cultures, the new spelling could become the preferred one and dictionaries would have to be changed—possibly.


My doc also told me no swimming alone when i was first diagnosed. If the lady felt like I did, you kinda don't mind the idea of maybe...you know lol.


If she has seizures daily I feel awful for her. Idk how you guys live with it, I get what you mean. From what I have learned it fucks with your brain big time for some time after the seizure.


I was kayaking with friends and we stopped to go for a hike. One friend stayed behind because he didn't feel up for the hike. In hindsight our friend was experiencing "aura". When we got back some soaked high school kids were surrounding our friend, who they had just pulled from the water. Everyone was fine, but if those kids hadn't finished the hike right when they did our friend wouldn't be here today. Seizures and water are a bad mix. It still blows my mind how close that was. Thank you strangers for saving my friends life!


That's actually one of the first things they tell you if you are epileptic or have seizures - swimming is off limits.


at the very least wearing floaties or a life jacket seems sensible


Also to maybe not expect your pre-adolescent son to feel the need to be constantly on the alert to save you at a moment’s notice


Also that maybe if your literal child is helping daily it’s perhaps time to be coming up with a different plan….


Oh, someone is filming the video with their phone, as it's playing on a screen.


they zoomed on a security camera………


Its a security camera that was edited to pan directly into certain shots you dolt. How the F do you not realize that?


Dolt is a much under used insult


The cat


It's fairly clearly someone filming a video recording off a monitor, so this was some kind of home surveillance.




You people get triggered too easily


Tf you mean you people


What do YOU mean you people?




What do you mean by What do YOU mean you people?


A monster


It looks like a phone is recording a screen of the video.


Old security cam footage filmed by a phone on a monitor.. see aspect ratio.


The year 1998


VHS mounted to roof




The dad at the end, recognized the boy needed a hug too ❤️.


If I remember correctly that's actually the mom's dad, and that's his grandson.


That just makes it more wholesome, at the end!


I’m not crying, *youre* crying On a separate note, damn man, everything makes me tear up now that I have a kid. What’s happening to me?!? 


Same...welcome to parenthood, where you can't help but imagine these scenarios, but it's your child involved.


Robin Williams said it was like wearing your heart on the outside of your body. He was right!


Fuckin right he was


That man was a national treasure.


He was an INTERNATIONAL treasure 🥺❤️


One day we will reach a level of awareness that *every person* is someone’s child. In the mean time, I think it’s cool to feel this way about your own kid.


I’ve teared up more over things in the past 5 years of having my two kids than I did in the 28 years prior. And yes, that includes the times I’d cry or tear up as a child lol


Duuude same. You tend to view the world differently as a parent.


For me it’s just all the time and effort and love that goes into a single child that now when I see mass atrocities and stuff, it hits way different than it did when I just saw everyone as, basically, NPCs 


I can't watch stuff where kids are victims anymore. Like my wife loves true crime shows. The ones with kids as the victims or where the kid is a witness never really bothered me before having a kid. Now if one of those comes on that she wants to watch I have to leave the room. It'll fuck me up for days hearing a kid on a dispatch recording needing help or something like that.


Empathy is a powerful and valuable response mechanism that selectively evolved for us to survive as a species. At least until now.


Hahahaha....get used to it. Wait til the first school assembly your child is in, you're going to bawl!


Spent the last two days at my niece’s graduation activities. Cried nonstop. All those fresh, hopeful faces grab me straight in the feels.


I don’t even have a kid and I’m crying, is it the plastic in our balls? (Kidding) this really is a pretty moving video


Yes, the description of the video also says exactly this... >Gavin Keeney leaped into action to save his mother who was drowning just after having a seizure. He jumped into the pool and carried his mother in his arms, kept her head above water and took her out of harm’s way until his grandfather arrived. Brave boy! 💪🏼


bro! you can read? How are you doing that?


He definitely reddit


Still a dad


That was 110% a big dad hug he gave her.


And 100% "dad save me" hug she gave him. Fk made me tear up.


Big bear of a man makes everyone feel safe.


Yeah, and I think the woman is the original poster, iirc. She pointed out in the video as things happened what she was experiencing, and it was super scary. And the son afterward was amazingly gracious.


Well that’s what it says in this post lol


Yup. It says it right in the description


This reminds me of a scary moment I had with my wife and daughter. When my daughter was just about to turn two, my wife was cutting up grapes for her and she managed to grab one off of the counter before my wife could cut it. My daughter was fairly adept at eating at that age, but I think in her excitement of thinking she duped her mom into “stealing” a grape, she threw it in her mouth. Trying to quickly get away with grape theft, she accidentally swallowed it without chewing and started choking. My wife noticed immediately and took a few quick second to see if the grape was still visible in her mouth, but once she realized it was too far down she panicked and shouted for me. I ran over to the kitchen and quickly asked my daughter to cough for me to see if she was really choking… This next moment will never leave my memories. The grape had sealed off her throat so well, that even though her mouth was open and she was attempting to cry, her cries were muffled like someone was trying to silence her with their hand over her mouth… it had been about 10 seconds now since she ate the grape, and she had tears coming down her face with a look of fear, panic, and desperation that a two year old should never have to experience. I’m still astounded at how fast the adrenaline hit me the moment I saw her panicked face, probably because that was the moment I realized there’s a chance I’m about to lose my daughter if I don’t do something… As quickly as I could, I picked her up, put her across my knee, and started semi forcefully striking her upper back a few times with the lower palm of my hand to force the grape back up. In the moment, I couldn’t remember the age where you stop doing the across the knee tactic, so I just went with it first, but it didn’t matter. Because after about 3 or 4 hits she coughed the grape out and started bawling. I instantly started tearing up in relief and took her to the couch with me to just hold her and tell her everything was ok. In the moment I wasn’t even thinking about my wife… but as soon as she came out to the living room and I saw her teary eyed as well, I reached my arm out. Her and my daughter cried as I held them both for a while. I felt so bad for my wife because I could tell she was blaming herself, but we talked enough about it afterwards and she was able to reconcile with any of the guilt she still had instead of letting it burden her. Anyways, sorry for the novel 😅 this video just resonated with that strong memory of mine, and I felt like sharing it!


Oh my goodness. I'm so glad it worked out. That sounds so frightening. It's crazy how it takes just a split second for the crap to hit the fan!


It really is a reminder of how fragile life can be. When the memories of it quickly flash back to me from time to time, it’s more of a somber moment where I just quickly reflect on it. But when it was actually happening, those few seconds were some of the most intense moments of my life thus far…


I feel you. My wife choked on a piece of pork chop and striking her back didn't help, the heimlich didn't work, and she was becoming much less animated. I decided that when she passed out I was going to have to put a hole in her trachea and figure out a way to keep it open. Her very last chance to cough it up was partially successful and allowed her to inhale just enough to follow with a more forceful cough and it came out. We were both very emotional about it. The next day I ordered a choking rescue kit and an emergency airway kit.


Is there such a device for people who live alone? My grandpa just died this last Christmas, from choking. It scares me now, when I choke a little bit, because I live alone, I worry this could happen to me. This would be a great invention for people who live alone.


There are 2, I looked for you. Life Vac has like 62% success rate and DECHOKER has about an 82% success rate. I am so sorry for your loss, it's awful losing your Grampa, you have my sympathy


You're supposed to fall into the back of a chair. It'll hurt but it beats dying. [abdominal thrusts](https://www.mayoclinic.org/first-aid/first-aid-choking/basics/art-20056637#:~:text=maneuver%2C%20on%20yourself-,To%20perform%20abdominal%20thrusts%2C%20also%20called%20the%20Heimlich%20maneuver%2C%20on,do%20in%20a%20choking%20emergency.)


I can’t imagine how my wife would have been affected by the situation if my daughter ended up losing consciousness. I feel for you and your wife, and I’m glad everything ended up be ok in the end for you guys!


This reminds me of when I was around 3 - 3 1/2 years old (it’s one of my first memories in fact lol), and I was at Walmart shopping with my dad. I was sitting in the child part of the cart and eating smarties. My dad had turned around to look/grab something off the shelf which is when I started choking on a smartie. My dad instantly turned around and still the same smacking on the back maneuver which dislodged the smartie. I proceeded to puke all different colours cuz of the candy onto the floor lol. I was thinking about this incident last year and was like, did that actually happen, was that just a fever dream or something? lol. So I messaged my dad to ask him and this was his reply: “true story. i had to slap your back . first time id ever seen rainbow projectile vomit. clean up in aisle three.” ☠️


It definitely must of put you in a big enough panic for you to remember it at 3 and a half years old lol. I’m glad you’re still here though to tell the tale! My daughter is 5 now, and I’ve asked her if she remembers it at all, but she doesn’t. I’m kinda glad she doesn’t though because it was extremely stressful haha Also, happy cake day!


Bruh when I was like 6 or 7 in primary school a meatball tried to take me out the same way, I ran back and forth choking infront of dinner staff and coughed the meat ball out myself in the end. Crazy times, I have not put a not sliced in half meatball in my mouth ever again. Unless, you know.


Yeah. That made me tear up. I’m at the Great Clips just waiting and I look silly. But man, got me in the feels.


"You did good, boy."


My favorite part. Kudos to gramps


yeah it got me good when he extended his arm to the kid. i was already getting the vapes but when they hugged and the Dad looks like he realizes what could have happened and looks like he feels guilty and thankful at the same time. kid grew up a little there.


This whole thing made me cry…especially when he reaches out for the kid to hold him too.


I'm not crying, you're crying! 🥲


That extended arm is how men say “You dun good boy” 


Yeah big man giving little man a hug made me cry a bit. Good people.


I've seen this one a few times. I always tear up at that hug for the boy at the end.


How do people not realise this was filmed by cctv, not some random fucker watching from the window, common sense has truly become uncommon sense


But reddit has taught us that random fuckers watching from a window is the most common method of filming.


I definitely have seen enough dumb shit in videos where the thought that someone was just filming it crossed my mind.


Reddit is angry at everything.


Highest concentration of autism on the internet


The horrible quality wasn't enough to give that away to these morons?


Redditors love to be the first to point out if something is fake to feel smart. Doesn't matter if they have to ignore common sense, they have to feel good and get those fake internet points dammit.


Honestly I'm surprised more people aren't familiar with the "filming a screen playing CCTV footage" look. So much content is like that.


I hadn’t thought about the filming at all, but it’s filmed vertically, the camera pans, and it’s shaky. It’s not that hard to see how people might think a person recorded this


Poor kid must have been terrified.


I'm sure he was, but the way he responded makes me think he's likely seen this many times in the past as the mom has epilepsy. Good on him for the quick response!


I hope that’s not the case. You shouldn’t get into a pool unless you’re medicated and seizure free for at least a year, according to my neurologist. If the kid has seen this many times then in no world should she be in the pool.


Even if seizure free for years, it is possible for seizures to reoccur with med changes, stress, or other health changes...but it's also possible that the mom took a risk she shouldn't have. I can't judge either way since we don't have those details.




That's a grand mal seizure and if she's having them daily, they all know she shouldn't be swimming. She shouldn't even be in more than a few inches of water. This is just a fucked up situation where she traumatized her son.


Not swimming at all or not swimming without a couple of adults right next to her?


Not swimming at all, it doesn't take that long to drown or cause brain damage from drowning. Sure, it's easy to say "just always have an adult nearby", but clearly we can see even with grandpa relatively nearby it could easily go bad.


If she's having them daily and then no swimming at all. The shaking can turn into swinging and she could easily knock out one or more people. Her subconscious isn't even there until she is trying to get to the edge and that's where her brain is when the video ends. Seizure disorders suck when you can't get them under control. There's a lot of things you are supposed to do within 6 months of having a seizure.


That’s some huge responsibility on other people’s shoulders. If I were asked to be in the same pool with such a person and keep an eye on her, I would be stressed the entire time. It’s probably better not to go in the pool for others’ and her own sake. Imagine if the boy wasn’t able to save her, he would feel so guilty for the rest of his life.


Exactly, or she may have pulled him under or thrashed enoughfor him to inhale water. Hard to understand why she puts her son in this situation.


That explains why the boy was already in swim trunks.


My point is if she was seizure free for years he shouldn’t have seen this ‘many times in the past’, which, I agree with you, it looks like he has!


So I've lived through this, my dad had seizures, and took medicine for it, however through my early years, he'd have breakthrough seizures. By the time I was 12 I saw a few, and knew what to do to keep him safe. We thought the medication finally got it right, until one time the medication was formulated incorrectly. This was discovered while driving 60mph through St. Louis. Luckily everyone knew the signs of it coming on and got the car to the side of the road before it fully hit. You can be seizure free for years, and still have seen it many times in the past as a young kid. His seizures are actually some of my earliest memories even 40 years later.


Most people don't understand what it's like to live with someone with epilepsy, even those with epilepsy. It's just a different experience and view of the condition. You just go into work mode when they have a seizure as you go through all your steps to make sure they're safe. It's not really a lot of feeling during this. It's a lot of doing. Those feelings don't really hit until later. Obviously, you feel something at first, but those are kicked because they distract you. It's just pure adrenaline. These dangerous activities are only done because you're there. You give them room to live life as they otherwise never could. I don't blame them for taking that opportunity. Not once do I blame them. We live as eternal witnesses. We are the people who hold hands. Guardian angels.


While that may be safest, I think with active supervision, the risk is pretty low and swimming has many health benefits. A neurologist is really only looking at this from the safest perspective and not from a quality of life perspective.


Thats because the health benefits of swimming has alternative solutions, but the risk of having a seizure in a pool can be anywhere from brain injury to death that can’t always be mitigated as what almost happened here. There is zero reason to take this risk.


I worked as a lifeguard in high school, I was super surprised to see a 10 year old boy do a proper rescue haha. Lots of memories coming back to me right now. Seen full grown adults that can't do that.


He’s a little hero! He was used to mom having seizures, iirc, so he was ready and prepared. But actually having to face it in water? I’d have been absolutely terrified.


Good for him. Shitty on the mom for putting him in that situation. Wear floaties or have adult supervision or something if you know you're prone to seizures and going in the water.




What detail do you think would change my opinion of the situation? She has a history of seizures and went in water without taking any measures to reduce risk. It's one thing to put yourself at risk without having a kid to worry about, but to do it with a kid you'd be leaving behind (especially if they have to witness it), is irresponsible. It was a stupid thing to do. I get people don't always make the best decisions and it's not like it makes her a bad person or mother or anything, but it was a poor choice.


Right. What if the kid had needed to go to the bathroom at just the wrong moment? She'd be dead and he'd be (further) traumatized for life. Please just don't put kids in those situations.


I’ve only cared for a dog that had a seizure and it was very difficult and scary. I don’t know how people do it with human beings.


Guarantee it. My son witnessed me have a seizure 8 years ago when he was 3. He asks every day if I've remembered to take my meds. It scared the hell out of him, he will never forget it.


The original video was from a security cam. Then someone filmed a laptop screen playing the video, making it shaky. Then someone else cropped that video which gave the appearance of moving. You can see the laptop [here](https://youtu.be/RrHg_5CQz1E?t=5). (Actually it appears more clearly around :35)


Thanks for the link! This is worth more up votes! You can even see another little hero there, who draws the father's attention with his barking.


Thanks for sharing that. Somehow far more impactful being able to see the whole thing.


The way she reached for her father like a little daughter was so sweet. I have a little daughter and I hope she always sees me like that. Edit: that is the grandfather of the boy. The woman is his daughter.


When he can’t pull her out, so he just holds her….. legend.


For a seizure though that’s actually the best thing for them and the safest place to have a seizure


Exactly! I was a trained lifeguard at a summer and weekend camp for critically and terminally ill kids. When it was epilepsy week they stressed to us that if they seize in the pool, KEEP THEM IN THE POOL. We just had to use the buoy to keep their head above water and wait it out. Way safer for them than on the ground.


Agreed. My only worry was mom's head smacking into his.


Their brain is literally rebooting from blue screen. She doesn’t know where she is or why she’s there so you can imagine the terror of floundering in water and trying to escape. A loved one can be the biggest grounding force because they always remember that first. Some of the first words my wife has said to me coming out of a seizure is “I love you” and it breaks my heart every time.


She woke up feeling like she was drowning. Kid kept her alive but she was for sure inhaling water in that state.


What a damn legend, remained so calm the whole time too.


my mom used to have seizures all the time when I was a kid, one of the most terrifying things to ever see as a child


Me too. This kid obviously knows the drill. What a little champ.


It's absolutely terrifying as a full grown man too. My ex had a bad grand Mal one day in my passenger seat. I don't think I've ever been so terrified in my life. I had no idea what to do other than to pull over and kind of brace her so she didn't smack shit as she foamed from the mouth and shook violently while kind of growling. Absolutely horrifying.


Water and epilepsy can be scary. Not long after my adult onset epilepsy kicked in, I naively went swimming with some people at a lake. I was about 50 feet or so out in the water until I realized I probably shouldn't be swimming. I swear I swam like an Olympic swimmer back to the shore. Seizures eventually got controlled and I'm fine with the water now, but it was definitely one of those 'oh shit' moments.


Hopefully youre better now.. remember a very young patient with newly diagnosed seizure looked like his whole world crashed when the doctor told him he is not allowed to drive anymore. His whole life changed at that moment


I got diagnosed 2 years ago. Law in my state is 6 months from last seizure to drive, I keep making it to 4-5 months and then having another. It’s hell


Im sorry. Praying for you to be seizure free




He dropped this. ![gif](giphy|viIPr8lLxoM6s|downsized) A true King.


The real one!


This whole time I thought he was just a myth! Wow, the REAL Gigachad! ![gif](giphy|yidUzHnBk32Um9aMMw)


The boy did perfect and everything he could. Also the moment that man grabbed her she instantly became calmer knowing she’s okay. Beautiful moment! Well done young sir.


It’s her dad, he’s been her safe spot her whole life.


Thanks now I am crying again


I started crying when she started flailing to get herself on the edge and then into her dad's arms. She looks so scared. Horrible for everyone involved but glad she's OK.


Especially since she probably did that because he was afraid her son might drown because of her seizing.


I know. She was immediately thinking 'oh no, my baby. I can't put this on my baby'


Man and i dont think ppl realize how hard that is to do too. Keeping someone above water like that


https://youtu.be/M7OdbQQWKs8?si=5DQP6tc_lCxZkkup He got an award from the police for his bravery.


Solid dive tbh


Scrolled way too far to see a comment about this. Kid looked like a seasoned pro.


Man, the way she hugged her dad. They're always your little girl no matter how old they are. Good job kid.




Damn that group hug at the end really got me


I watched this video a long time ago.. the boy is a hero


Ngl, I'm tearing up. Bravo, champ


Good boy


That’s not a boy. That’s a man in the making!


Brilliant kid! Well done!


Mom, we need to discuss my allowance


Great job Gavin, you’re so brave and strong. And the grand dad hugging him to acknowledge what he did and to comfort him.


This kinda brought a tear to my eye. You can tell the family realized how lucky they got.


What a time to catch a seizure


That's some omega level superhero stuff right there. Good for him!


This video is scary but with a beautiful ending! This kid is a hero in every way possible!


This made me cry. What a good little boy, and the way she clung to her father was so touching.


Old guy who was a lifeguard a long time ago here: this young man could not have done this any better. Absolute Stud. Just for context: seizure victims *fight.* Not in the same way that drowning victims fight their rescuer, seizure victims just fight everything around them until the episode subsides. It can be very difficult to prevent them from injuring themselves. You can tell at the end he's giving it all he has to keep an arm on the ladder, keep her head above water, keep her from hitting anything; and still call for help. Outstanding. Extraordinary save for anyone, especially someone so young. Bravo.


Fair play.


He became a man that day.


As a husband to a wife with epilepsy this brought me to tears. Have witnessed my wife having seizures several times. Hope my kids won’t ever have to.


Kids a legend


A++ dive to close the distance


That ending made me very emotional


Damn the onions at the end.


Man, I have had one partial seizure in my life (due to a med withdrawal). I was home and it was unexpected and absolutely terrifying. I was nowhere near water. If I had a condition that caused regular seizures I can’t imagine going swimming. It just seems so high risk to lose all muscle control is a body of water. Thank goodness she wasn’t alone. The son seemed like he knew what he was doing, so I’m wondering if this has happened before or he was trained. However he was able to do this, it’s still impressive and he definitely saved his mom’s life.