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Ahhh to be young and invincible. Props to Eddie for not falling.


Nice to live in the mirror universe where he didn’t fall…


The universe where he fell is the one where Al Gore won the election and subsequent legislation prevented the global financial crisis, better democrat management prevented 9/11, and the Dark Knight doesn’t exist because the war on terror did not inspire Christopher Nolan to make it. Also, Trump went to jail in New York for fraud before he had any dreams of running for president.


There would also be no Facebook because there wouldn’t be a dire excise to spy on the masses to prevent terrorism.


Myspace is worth $2T with over 1B users


Tom becomes the 1st leader of the unified world government.


MySpace is rebranded to OurSpace which subsequentlly eradicates all poverty and halts the climate crisis in its tracks.


“Add a ‘the’ to the front. ‘The OurSpace.’ It’s cooler.”


The good place


Isn't this thread just the plot to Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure? Edit: Wyld Stallyns !!!!


Who wouldn’t vote for a friend?


It's cute you think they wouldn't want to spy on us anyway.


I misspelled excuse to spy on the masses


And Harambe didn’t die.


Neither did Cecil the Lion


David Bowie survived due to his cancer being detected early because al gore instituted universal health care.


Ah yes, The Bernstein universe


You got a cornucopia on your tighty whities too?


And Dolly has braces!


I hate George W Bush and his evil cronies more than any politician and they should be found guilt for crimes against humanity for what they did in the Middle East. However, to think that Al Gore wouldn't have implemented the Patriot Act is complete nonsense. Both sides would have done the exact same thing. Obama put the NDAA into law on the eve of Dec 31 so that news outlets wouldn't cover it. That was the biggest violation of civil rights up to that point. https://www.aclu.org/issues/national-security/detention/indefinite-detention-endless-worldwide-war-and-2012-national




Still baffles me that someone can think "My party, that has made up half of the government for over a century is fine, it's the other party that's entirely responsible for the corruption and ineptitude in government." I can almost forgive a citizen of a small European country for believing so, but to actually believe this regarding the USA is mind boggling. Stop reading the slop printed in newspapers and just read ancient/modern history. It's why I actually like the tribal nature of sports also. Far better to be a deluded supporter of your local sports team than a political organization that is thoroughly corrupt.


>better democrat management prevented 9/11 I mean, I know this is a hypothetical, but there's absolutely *zero* reason to believe this would have happened. Firstly, Al Gore contested an election in *November 2000*, just 10 months before 9/11. Neither Bush or Gore even had the *time* to really change intelligence community activities before 9/11, even if they'd wanted to — big institutions make change slowly and after many months of review. *Even if* Gore had dramatically changed the staffing of these intelligence organisations from Day 1 (no evidence to suggest he would have), those appointees wouldn't have immediately changed internal policy, either. If you want to blame management of intelligence communities for 9/11, you would blame the *previous* administration. Secondly, the US government had plenty of warning signals of 9/11, but there's a common fallacy here to assume that this therefore means they were simple to pick out from the noise. Intelligence communities receive constant warnings about *everything*, and they have to make decisions about which intelligence to trust, which to pay most attention to, etc. It's not a huge advantage to receive warning that Al-Qaeda might be planning something with airplanes if you're also constantly receiving intelligence that they're building truck bombs, receiving military arms training, etc. There's no particular reason to think Democratic appointments to these intelligence communities would have processed the incoming information in a markedly different way. Also: >and subsequent legislation prevented the global financial crisis Al Gore's economic platform was centred around extending on Bill Clinton's policies — it's *extremely* unlikely that Gore would have unwound the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (or enacted contrary legislation), which was a key contributor to the GFC. There is absolutely zero reason to suspect Gore would have pre-empted the GFC. He might have even made it worse. Democrats in general manage the economic well, but *both* parties were absolutely responsible for the systemic structures that led to the collapse.


Harambe is also alive and kicking. Well he was until the incident with the tricycle.


I read that as A i Gore


> better democrat management prevented 9/11, You know you're on reddit when you read stuff like this. The Clinton administration made a huge point about how foreign policy was not a priority after the cold war. They permitted a horrific genocide. They ignored Osama Bin Laden (and this is what Sandy Berger destroyed during the 9/11 commission investigation). When Gore refused to concede the election and tried to reverse its outcome, the Clinton administration did not properly brief or transition to the Bush administration, causing months of difficulty with the Bush administration. A problem that literally ended on September 11, very early in his administration. Thats not to say 9/11 is Al Gore's fault. Entirely at least.


> When Gore refused to concede the election and tried to reverse its outcome He tried to get the 61,000+ votes that the machines straight up missed recounted, as should have happened because of how close it was, as did the Florida Supreme Court. All evidence & an actual thorough recounts that have occurred since show that an official recount was truly needed, as the majority show that he would've won, while some confirmed a close win still for Bush. For something so important, we really should've know the accurate answer. I hated the guy & didn't vote for him, but let's not act like he was out of line for requesting a recount. Any election this close should trigger an automatic recount, even without the accidental 61k+ uncounted ballots being a factor. That just makes it more obvious it should've taken place, no matter who you preferred for that cycle.


Yeah that one's wishful thinking. I have absolutely no idea what Al Gore could or would have done to prevent 9/11 without assuming effectively perfect foresight.


All of this presupposes that the United States political class isn't all beholden to the same owners lol


We must be in the universe where there's only that one mic.


It's nice to be in the universe where it wasn't just a weird hallucination


Glad he didn’t rest his head on a pillow made of concrete.


My friend’s older brother had a band in high school… new freshman shows up wanting to jam and is promptly told “no, you punk-ass freshman” and that punk-ass freshman was Eddie Vedder Edit: it was actually my friend’s friend’s brother, and the story was likely embellished to some extent


Missed opportunity. I'm sure he doesn't beat himself up about it at all. 


You would be surprised. Many of history’s greats have some “villain origin story” of some moment of rejection in their youth that fueled them to be the legend they went on to be. Being a rockstar/conqueror/legend/etc. requires the right blend of psychosis, obsession, and talent. If I had to guess, he remembers that moment vividly, and it fuels him to this day.


Love the story of Lynyrd Skynyrd and their name. Summarized by GPT >The band Lynyrd Skynyrd got their name from their high school gym teacher, Leonard Skinner, at Robert E. Lee High School in Jacksonville, Florida. The members of the band, including Ronnie Van Zant, Gary Rossington, and Bob Burns, were often in trouble with Skinner due to their long hair, which violated the school's policy at the time. Skinner, a strict enforcer of school rules, sent the boys to the principal's office on multiple occasions. The naming of the band was a humorous homage to their disciplinarian gym teacher. Initially, the band's name was a playful jab at Skinner's strictness regarding their hair length, which led to their numerous suspensions. Eventually, they decided to adopt a variation of his name, creating "Lynyrd Skynyrd," which became an iconic name in Southern rock history. Interestingly, the band even used a sign from Skinner's real estate business on the cover of their album "Nuthin' Fancy," leading to an influx of prank calls to Skinner's business.


lmao he must've hated them boys


"punk ass freshman" is now forever engraved into his soul. Sometimes he wakes up saying it in a cold sweat


and your friend's older brother ? ..his name was Bill Gates


Until it zoomed out I was thinking of the giant 100 foot tall stadium stages. Him climbing up and not falling is still impressive, but definitely less suicidey looking with the smaller stage.


From that height, he would only be slightly mamed. 


[1992](https://www.therock.net.nz/home/rock-news/2024/02/-all-about-the-now-eddie-vedders-reasoning-for-his-wild-stage-climbs-make-them-even-better.html) > Years after, Vedder reflected on his hooliganism performances, pretty much saying it just felt right and he was playing with house money. > “I was channelling something different," he told Revolver. “I got to that place you hear about where the mom lifts the car off the two-year-old kid.” > “It was that kind of adventure. At that point in life and having at long last the opportunity to play for bigger crowds, I really and truly felt like I had nothing to lose.”


Also, drugs!


Eddie Vedder was always known to be pretty minimalist when it comes to drugs. Maybe pot and the occasional acid is all I’ve heard of, but mostly he talked shit about drugs, I would assume because there was a lot of heroin in the grunge scene. Drugs might help, but don’t underestimate the power of a young, in-shape rockstar to do something like that just because it’s rock and roll!


Also don't underestimate the massive amounts of adrenaline that come from being on stage in front of a huge crowd. One of the main reasons so many rockstars end up with drug problems is from trying to keep that rush going after the show ends.


This. There's been studies on why it's so common for them to die of drugs, and it's exactly this, they become addicted to the adrenaline rush of 10,000 people screaming their lyrics at them. Only way to replicate that feeling is to do drugs, or you know, long distance running.


I've played in some very small bands and even the feeling of half a dozen people in some unsavoury boozer can be an emotional roller coaster. I can't begin to imagine what some of these guys have to deal with.


>Only way to replicate that feeling is to do drugs, or you know, long distance running. Or fencing and flying jumbo jets...


Not everyone is Bruce Dickinson


If more were, I am sure the world would be a better place.


Ben Gibbard has entered the chat.


Or it's the opposite, they use drugs to come down. I can't imagine how hard it is to sleep after a massive show.


Some people are also just like this sober!


Also, yes please!


It was just kinda one of those things that was unique to this scene in the 90's and what not: They could climb like fucking monkeys. It almost didn't feel like a proper big name concert **without** at least *someone* doing this shit. I think if I were a stage manager, my anxiety woulda been fucking **spiking** through the roof watching a dude with no shirt on, jeans/cargos, and vans wobbling and swinging the top of the stage frames. [This shit was even done at the VMA's and they all just kinda said "well, okay, I guess. Anyway though...](https://youtu.be/OEhT0GRfF8o?si=Ydizt7i8OZ8r6548)


I too miss being able to get away with the dumbest most irresponsible shit possible. That was back when god still liked me, I think


Shortly after this he was diagnosed by some stupid fuck


I think the only line between next fucking level and facepalm is luck... And whoever designed/constructed that structure


Teenage me: Fuck yeah! Now me: Fuck no!


I swear I’ve seen every comment in this thread before and their replies, in the same order, the last time this was posted. Especially the one about him trusting the wire


[I'm Still Alive](https://media1.tenor.com/m/C7rERh0dNcQAAAAC/pearl-jam-alive.gif)


He's still alive, yeah


Bet he burned his hands. My GF has told me she would straight up cheat on me with him and I was like, me too


I would cheat on you too


I've been cheating on this dude for years


Does that mean I get the gf?


She’s Eddies now


Fight to get it back again. Yeah yeah yeaaaaah yeah


I would cheat on Eddie for you.


Weird Al wrote [that song](https://youtu.be/SEQycU_fk3s?si=6CDw9YZs00Aplgev) about you?


THANK YOU!!! I really enjoyed that😂


She’s knitting him a sweater


Damn thats pathetic


It’s interesting that over a thousand people have liked this comment yet only a few have thought this comment by my GF was the cause for some existential crisis. Or that it’s perceived as anything but lighthearted and honest.


It would be hilarious if your GF just happened Eddie Vedder tonight and we got to read your post about it on r/relationship_advice tomorrow.


Eh I perceive it as lighthearted and honest, but that’s also why I wouldn’t stay with a woman that said that to me. There’d be no beef, but I’m not gonna be with someone who would cheat on me because a specific person comes on to them.


yeah that is such a shitty thing to say to your partner. I don't care if it's a joke


It really is, and more fool OP for being with a girl like that, or himself for saying it in some sort of way”proud” manner.’ “Hey guys, my girlfriend who I love has told me there’s better people out there for her than me, but I’m ok with that”


I shamefully admit that I have never been faithful to you…


I also choose this guy’s Eddie Vedder


I burn my hands sometimes by accidentally pulling a cable through my hand a little too fast. He must have been feeling like Spongebob and Patrick gearing up for some jellyfishing


What kind of flag is that? She'd throw away the relationship you two have for a guy who did a stupid stunt and could've lost his life.


He could have started a religion with the amount of faith he placed on that wire.


He had to be desperate at that point. It would have been an act of God if he had the arm strength to get back down after hanging that long the way he got up. Lol maniac.


Drugs is one helluva drug.


Tell me you don't know anything about Eddie Vetter without telling me ...


Try spelling his name correctly first, Chief.


Eddie Vetter, pet detective




All it takes is a cramp. I knew a guy in college who was the best climber I'd ever seen before or since. The guy was fully capable of free solo climbing if we wanted to. But he was a smart guy and talked relentlessly about how your muscles could easily cramp up in tense situations. He fully believed that the only people who deserve to go to hell are predators, murders, and people who pressued someone to free solo.


Like a strain? In my past 6 years of climbing pretty intensely, don't think I've ever seen or heard that being something that occurs. Unless you mean strain/injury.


That means youre well hydrated and have proper electrolytes A rock star might not be taking care of their health during a tour


Even if you're hydrated and electrolyted, if you have any chronic muscle tightness and you even minorly panic you can cramp it


Just because it hasnt happened doesnt mean it wont.


> people who pressued someone to free solo so honnold with magnus


being an avid rock climber is what made it possible for him to get up lol. He was probably about to fall and knew it so he decided to go down on the wire




I was looking for this and can tell how old you probably are by knowing that! 🤣 He was absolutely known for doing this at shows. In the MTV concert video for Even Flow he does it and drops to the crowd to crowd surf (i think, it's been a minute since I've seen it.)


yeah but rock climbers only climb rocks. This clearly isn't a rock. /s


He's not that kind of climber. For him the rock in rock climber actually stood for rock 'n roll


I came here to see if he was a climber, thanks.


Nah he was an avid rock climber. Pretty sure this was nothing for him. Sliding down the mic cable was just for effect and cool points.


He was never a rock climber.


Technically cocaine is a kind of rock isn’t it?


Alternative rock climber


He did this kind of thing quite a bit


He definitely cooked his hand lol


That's a good one.


He put a lot of trust into that cable.


Microphone cable is actually incredibly strong - it’s twisted copper, in insulation, that twisted together, and in a jacket that designed for the rigors of touring. The weak spots are the connectors at each end but doing as he did, where the cable itself is taking the load, it’ll easily carry the weight of a skinny rock god for a few seconds.


In this case, the weak spot would be where the cable meets the metal bar at the top. If it was a sharper edge, you would be in some trouble, but as long as it could hold its weight + the weight of the person on it, as well as their descending force, then no snap I guess.


I would honestly just think I'll slice my hand mid-way through, sliding down on a cable that thin.


XLR wouldn't slice your hand, it's pretty thick


Yeah, the scale made it smaller than it is. On the other hand, sliding down like that even on a much thicker / softer gym rope can already be pretty devastating.


Can confirm. In college I slid down a rope from just a second floor window and my hands were TORE. UP.




The strongest thing to go through and XLR cable is when I sing Trapts Headstrong into my 2i2


I'll take you on


Take on meeeeee.


shure is strong though


WAY more than I would.


I suppose you could say he was in a state of love and trust.


i've actually never seen anyone split a mic / xlr cable before. they're pretty fucking robust


It was a state of love and trust.


Where the fuck are the roadies? Just way too sketchy. Perhaps some confidence building chemicals were involved.


What? A Rockstar? Drugs? How could you even suggest such a thing


Next someone will tell me that high profile men use their position of power to have sex with women!? Must be an alien mind virus causing these things to happen.


ive spent 4 years in sex addiction counseling now and I still don't know what color the lady's handkerchief is


She had a handkerchief?!


The band talks about how ot seems like it was all badass and they were sitting their pants and quietly furious because if he falls all their lives as they know it are over for no reason


it's actually a scripted performance nothing to do with drugs. whenever this gets posted on reddit there are PJ fans explaining this guy loves climbing structures to entertain the crowd


Eddie is drunk at every show.


He's more of a booze than drugs guy, isn't he?


Wine guy and he is not drunk at their concerts. At least not noticeably.


Dude, in 2013 he was HAMMERED on stage. You could see how pissed Mike and Stone were.


Ok not the times I have seen them. He would bring a bottle of wine on stage and then maybe get another. Toast the crowd, share with front row, etc. Dude is 59 now so I doubt he gets out of control very much any more.


Eddie did this all the time during the first couple tours.  He was famous for it, and big stage dives into the crowd.  Usually during Even Flow (yes,, just like music video).  He isn’t a drug guy beyond booze and weed. Most rock fans my age just sorta know this about Vedder, so it’s kinda funny to see folks be perplexed by this clip.


They were probably trying to find a ladder. I’m guessing Eddie got impatient and took matters into his own hands.




here it is: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wvm9UUCNeCE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wvm9UUCNeCE)




It wasn’t an accident lol


I peed on his tree. I was working on his neighbors house and the door was locked so I had to go to the yard and pee. He has a very big back yard north of Seattle.


Amazing - I peed NEXT to Chris Evan’s in a pub called the white horse in Guildford, uk 👍🏼


Amazing! I peed myself in a theater when the Beast yelled at Belle for snooping around his enchanted flower


I shit myself at blue man group




Pfft, I got a hand job from a gilf during the play Beetlejuice.


I got a bumpkin with a perfect view of the Lincoln assassination.


Amazing !! Living da dream brother, living da dream !!


Which Chris Evans though? America's ass or TFI Friday?


The Ginger lad ..


I once dreamed I peed on Chris Cornell's car and he was thumbs up saying "cool pee, bro". My realization after waking up was... less pleasant.


oh no


He was watching and wrote the song Even Flow about you.


Eddie had a habit of climbing on stuff back in the day during the song "Porch" that has a moderately long instrumental section... which was ultimately made longer on live shows by his antics. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raSMqE-CoYo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raSMqE-CoYo)


Yeah the title is wrong. He didn’t do this to fetch a microphone, lol


If anything, he threw it up there, so he'd have something to sing into and rappel down on ;)


Yeah that’s what happened. He planned coming down on it. You don’t accidentally throw a microphone 20 feet up like this, lol. This would have been insane to see in person. He was nuts back then


I saw them twice back in the day. 1st time he was fit, jumping all over, climbing everything and it was awesome. 2nd time, about a year later, he was all swollen, drinking red wine on stage, throwing it into the crowd, and there were no cool antics.


Surely he felt like the Better Man and so Alive


That's what Jeremy said.


He spoke?


Just in class today, yeah


He had a real State of Love and Trust in that wire


i bet the prodcures loved this moment.


The prodcures are the worst!


Tell about it! Had it a while back and the only way to get rid of it was with some Ibuprofen.


If only they paid musicians enough to be able to afford an extra microphone


Oh, after Ten came out, back when people bought albums, songs from it were on the radio constantly. Videos were still on TV. Maybe im biased because I lived in seattle back in the 90s, but Pearl Jam was everywhere and Veddar was widely loved by the ladies, the guy had star power early on. They were doing just fine around this time period.




I've been whooshed, wow this is such an honor, who do I thank first? Thank you adhd and mania for making me incapable of responding to anything without writing a lengthy screed! Thank you to u/sapiolox for making this possible! Thanks to reddit, most of all for enabling my desire of validation from complete strangers.


Jesus whooshing Christ.


Rockstar move


It doesn't get Eddie Vedder than this.


This is rock as fuck.


He thought it was fun, his bandmates dreaded these antics. I saw this many times, but Drop in The Park in Seattle was the most memorable.


> Drop in The Park I still have my shirt from that show. My wife hates it so it stays in the closet.


I was at that show, about 100 feet out. Best show I ever saw. It was a free concert. It was called "Drop in the Park" and the t-shirts showed a guy taking a dump in the park. Oh Seattle.


Drugs are a hell of a drug


...but he did it sober




Don’t do drugs, kids. Or do them. I don’t really care…


I was there for that! Worked security from a similar angle but a little bit further away. Thought to myself, "that doesn't seem very safe Mr Vedder". Free concert in Seattle


Such a badass!!!


Oh I thought that was way the fuck higher than it actually was until they zoomed out lol. I went from that is probably the stupidest thing you can do to oh even if he falls, as long as it’s not on his head/neck he’ll probably won’t die.


that boy had done some serious rock climbing in his past.


Ladies and gentlemen , on tonight's episode of American Ninja Warrior we have.........


I was at that show. Really though I was about to see him break every bone in his body.






This might be why my baby's in love with Eddie Vedder.


There's a cool story in Five Against One, the Pearl Jam biography. The author was interviewing Eddie Vedder on the observation deck of the Space Needle, and Vedder remarked that it would be pretty cool to climb over the railing, shimmy out and and steal one of the light bulbs from the exterior of the Needle. The author laughed it off at the time, but a few weeks later, she got a package from Vedder in the mail: a light bulb from the Space Needle.


V0 in my gym.


Lawrence Kansas early 90's? I think I was there.


Ever seen him stage dive? He leaps into the crowd from the top of the amplifiers. It’s nuts!


If someone hasn't seen the boy hits car crowd jump from the Syracuse k rockathon, you need to see it on you tube. Just as intense if not more!


And isn't it strange that you've never seen [Chris Sharma](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBG-8bFgopw) and Eddie Vedder in the same room -- really makes you think.


This reminds me of something a stranger said in passing to me and my friend: ROCK AND ROLL! What’ch ya gunna do?