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Hey /u/29PiecesOfSilver, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 3**: Your post is a common or recent repost --- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/29PiecesOfSilver&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/xja5p6/the_rnextfuckinglevel_of_stupidity/?context=10\)))*


My ass clenched so hard, I shat diamonds. I'm rich now, thanks OP


If you're normally shitting coal, you should get that checked out


Only after chipotle.


This hit real close to home. I added queso last night


*this shit


So you have yellow/orange diamonds now?


read this while chewing chipolte steak, god damnit








Lol and he still managed to hit Enter. What a chad


They hit enter by accident when their body hit the ground.




Don’t worry, it’s just a plug


Graphite unfortunately the softest form of carbon 😔 💩


I think the popular term is to roll coal.


My hands sweated so hard my phone slipped and smashed. Thanks OP


Are you knees weak too?


Suddenly I’m hungry for spaghetti


There's vomit on my sweater you can have.


You think he’s nervous?


No. He’s calm and ready.


To drop bombs.


Was he already forgetting?


My hands did not sweat at all. Why? Because this was not a situation where I was actually afraid for the person in the video because they CHOSE to do something dangerously stupid. So if they fell to their death? Well, their choice really. My hands sweat if I see a video of a squirrel dodging traffic, but not this guy.


This comment here🤣


Hey, now that you're rich, you can do stupid stunts like this guy!


I crushed that stone in my urethra like if i were chewing gum


My only question is why


Adrenaline junkie maybe I just go on a rollercoaster for that lol




Probably lol


I almost had a heart attack and I'm at 5s...


I know watching this type of stuff contributes to more people doing it, but it’s so hard to look away once it starts




I couldn't complete the video. Too much for me


In terms of adrenaline addiction, this is the equivalent of switching to fentanyl because you have built up too much of a tolerance to Heroin. END COMMUNICATION


Lol in treatment right now for that but that’s the only real comparison. The things we do to feed our addiction most of time it kills us


i just got out of a treatment center 11 days ago. big ups to you for asking for help brother. prayers 🙏🏽


Just feel lucky you're not the one who needs this for an adrenaline hit. That's how I think about it.


This checks out.


Forgetting to take the bins out is enough for me.


Shit, today is Tuesday! Thanks


Nothing like racing the garbage truck. lol


this guy has a death wish. no other explanation.


Nahh. Lack of fear reception combined with a very high level of skill and confidence.


Same, but I just stand on the 4th rung of a ladder.


That guy needs to watch that video of the Chinese daredevil Wu Yongning.


I still get the horrors when anyone mentions that vid. At least this guy has a mate with for whatever thats worth.


He goes by olegcricket. Russian professional rooftopper. https://www.redbull.com/ie-en/oleg-cricket-has-no-fear


Most pro careers are very short I am guessing?


Might as well just do drugs at this point.


Like you mean they are shooting Adrenaline into their wretched vessels?


Ok hear me out. I kinda feel like this might be fake. Filming was only from the one angle. The idiot only interacted with essentially two beams and a wall right? Feel like you could rig up something in a gym. Cover it in green fabric or paint and shoot the stunts then film the location and combine the two. Calling captain disillusion.


I believe this to be real. The ships in the back are moving overtime.


You can do moving backgrounds in a green screen easily. Not saying it's definitely fake, but that's not much of an indicator.


It's unlikely to be fake. There's a whole bunch of guys who do this stuff regularly. I think there's more than a few have died doing it too. Real Darwin award stuff.


Yeah that Asian kid fell to his death after he was too weak to pull himself up. All for clout


In case others haven't seen it, the kid was really good at this stuff and wasn't too weak to do a pull-up... until he had done like 10 other pull-ups then let himself go all the way down, and couldn't do it any more.


It doesn't help that the wall of the building he was holding on to was smoother than other buildings so he couldn't get a good grip with his feet to push himself up like he normally would do.


Wu Yongning?


Yu Falling


Yeah, watched that on yt. Found myself speculating on what thoughts he would have had when he realised he wasn't going to make it back to the ledge. Wondered something similar watching that Russian zorbing accident too - the poor souls who bounced off the slope and down the mountain.


It's difficult to think of these things. We all end eventually, just enjoy the ride I suppose


I think in that case there was a 10,000 yuan(?) reward for someone who successfully did it. I read it on the post so that could be bullshit.


Parkour! Pretty intense static transitions into the death drops though.


Of these types…just far beyond stupid…that pull this level of idiocy…what percentage end up as a red spot on concrete


Shadows are consistent, and the camera is moving. There is no distortion between him and the background. If it's fake, it's Hollywood budget fakery.


And the light looks consistent across all of the elements.


People actually do this, for whatever reason. It's real. There's a video online of a guy who died doing this, he fatigued and couldn't pull himself back up, and he ended up just hanging there until his arms gave and fell.


If it is fake this would’ve costed a lot of time and money to make look this good


https://instagram.com/olegcricket?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= this is the guy he has more videos like that. Not saying you are right or wrong, just trying to provide some context.


Not fake, it's Oleg Sherstyachenko.


Get viral on yt or tiktok probably


this video is older than tiktok its for adreline rush


Somebody please tell that guy there's more to life, and literally talk him off the ledge.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


Stupid rich boy got bored? (I say rich because of the swimming pool..) Subsidiary question: Why he didn't jump ?


For the rush you need to love to feeling to understand i guess


This isn't r/NextFuckingLevel, it's r/NextLevelStupid.


a new sub Reddit, goodbye productivity!!


Reddit in general is a black hole for productivity... and im here everyday 😭


imagine how stressed out you'd be with all that free time and motivation on your hands if you were not here. Constantly worrying about what to do next, what to study, what to accomplish. Be glad you can chill out and decompose here with us!


Aaaand we're back. Not much there.




I just hope he doesn't hurt anyone else when he eventually hits the ground.


That's what I thought. His life to throw away (and you can read about some guys throughout the years that have died doing exactly this) but hope anyone else wouldn't get hurt.


I saw a video of a guy who was doing that and then couldn’t pull himself back up and lost his grip. That must’ve been scary as shit.


I saw that video, unfortunately. You could hear him as he fell, it is the only "gore" related video I've ever seen, and hopefully it stays that way. That video lives in my brain and hurts me to think about. For anyone wondering, i forget his name, but he was live streaming the world's highest pull up or something off the side of a building. He got down into pull up position just fine, but he was too tired, whether it was soreness or anxiety related, he couldn't pull himself up. He held onto the ledge for a minute before you can hear him crying, knowing he is at the end of his life. Then he falls, and you can hear him screaming/wailing and hitting a wall or the pavement. He is dead, and everyone who saw that video and are as queezy as me are now traumatized


Damn, sorry to hear that. Yeah, just one video of shit like this is enough to get traumatized for a while. Link?


Oh my God thats disgusting. Where?


There are so many of them! Which one?!


We Yonging. Chinese stunt devil


Wu Yongning.


In a way I’m glad to see this finally broke into western viral video circles. For a long time it felt like I was holding a dark WeChat secret. Super disturbing


I dont have the link, and I don't plan on finding it. I can, however try to find you his name


I've seen that video and while it is horrifying and I feel sad for the guy... he had to know the risks and still continued doing this stuff. Everyone is free to choose their actions but if there is even a somewhat of a silver lining to his video, it's to remind everyone what is at stake and what could be the consequences. And to me the answer is that it is not worth the risk. Same goes for bungee jumping and skydiving for me at least. I would want to do them, they seem so much fun. But the risk is too big. Sure, with the 99,9% it goes all and well, but it's the 0,1% risk that is too much, no matter how thrilling it would be. Because if it just so happens to happen to you that things go south when it is you who jumps, nothing will save you at that point anymore, it's over. And sure, you can't go all your life avoiding dangerous situations but these ones are completely unnecessary, unlike driving to work etc. Just my take on this matter.


Can’t compare the risk profile of this stuff to skydiving


It's not as high of a risk but the consequences are the same. If it fails, you are dead. Is the thrill worth risking your life? There are safer hobbies/activities out there.


You need to investigate the risks more thoroughly - complete failure of both main and reserve parachute is unlikely. They can malfunction in various ways which means you hit the ground harder and you will be injured, but it’s not a straight forward case of death if your chute doesn’t open


And even 0.1% risk of death is quite high. Imagine an average football game with 40,000 other people and at the end they suddenly locked the gates and said they were going to randomly pick 40 people by seat number for summary execution. Yet, somehow you had advanced knowledge they would do this. Would you still go to that game? Would it be worth the risk just to watch a simple game?


Dude bro wasn't too tired because he did one pull up, he did a bunch of them and couldn't pull himself up on the last one.


Yeah after the first one I was like ok great you did a pull up now get off the edge. You would think he would’ve figured out how many he had the strength to do ahead of time.


Especially because he was alone.


Oh yeah that too! I was like why didn’t he have a friend who could pull him up? This could’ve been easily avoided (ya know aside from not doing it at all)


Or he could have worn a damn tether? I have a real hard time feeling bad for someone who so blatantly threw away their own life, especially when there was so many options at hand for him to still be alive


Saw that video too. I still wonder what his first thought was when he realized he couldn't pull himself back up.


Dude, I’m getting fucked up just reading the description


You don't hear anything... no yelling or crying. I have yet to find a copy of that video that even has sound. And He's on a high rise 62 stories up so even if there is one with sound there is absolutely no way you would hear any hitting of pavement. This person is just straight making stuff up to embellish a story.


If it's the one I'm thinking of, he couldn't pull himself up because he was too tired. He had just free climbed the skyscraper to get to the top. He landed on a balcony below. Maybe 45 feet down? He injured himself from the fall. He crawled to a door, but it was locked. He was dead by the time they found him. If he could've gotten help faster (like if he wasn't alone), he probably would've lived.


That wasn't the Chinese guy, was it? I remember seeing his video, but don't remember it being a bodycam like that.


Yeah that Chinese daredevil. He was pretty popular too. The story was that he did a bunch of practice before and just didn’t had any strength left. Just imagine hanging on to the edge of a building and you know you’re gonna die. Only if he at least had someone with him.


God DAYUM that shit scary


This and the proximity runs with wing suits professionals have a rediculous mortality rate. Like the last year i looked at it each one was over 20+ each.




I suppose it would mean more work for the window washers that have to scrape hair off of the first 10 windows below, blood from the next 40 windows, and then an influx of two dozen people on the ground that suddenly need dry-cleaning services and therapy.


Its not even cool, its just stupid, he s not even making hard movés, he s just doing in a stupid place, but yall know, Darwin ll make the next move


This guy is definitely in the prelims for the Darwin Olympics, but how were some of those moves not hard? You need insane grip strength to hang off the ledge of that surface material the way he was doing, with one Fucking hand.


He's just taking the piss, of course they're hard moves, cool is subjective.


It IS hard moves. In rock climbing the difficulty grade goes up the more "exposure" you have....regardless of what the difficulty of the holds. This is because "fear is the mind killer". This guy has killed his brain though.


Yeah I hate all these videos. The level of stupidity overpowers the awe of his ability. And things out of his control can go too wrong in these environments make you realize how unprofessional they are. Like a pro tight rope walker or rock climber has all kinds of testing and gear prepared as fail safes. This wall is exposed to the elements. So easily one of these tiles he’s holding could be loose and that’s it. They have to realize more of us think this is dumb than not. I don’t get their audience. If it was just for the adrenaline then a camera wouldn’t be necessary.


>he s not even making hard movés What?


Are we sure that we're watching the same video? Oh, I agree with everything you said except that THESE are hard moves.


Like I get that you’re strong, and have good balance etc. but what I don’t get is their unending trust in construction. How can they be so confident that the one tile they are going to be holding on to with one finger isn’t the one that the apprentice did and put half the glue on, or over the last 20 years of the building hasn’t deteriorated to the point that the merest touch makes them fall off.


Exactly what I thought, but clearly he is not the sharpest tool in the shed


And shes clearly looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb




[And they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K4oym9Pw48)


This! I work in construction and some things you see jus make you question how some things don't just fall apart.


Shieet don't forget about unending trust in their bodies, if I get up from the couch and misjudge how much force I need or don't plant my feet for balance I might fall back, if he bumps the wall a bit too hard he might fall a little longer and harder.


This is my question too. Where does that level of confidence and bravery come from ?!? Just watching him, has my heart racing!


So while I can’t speak for this video, I watch a decent amount of parkour and free running/stunt shit on YouTube. All the good ones do lots of tests/pre of the environment and surfaces before filming the actual “stunt” side of things


That’s exactly what I think everytime I see videos like this. what if the surface is slippery? What if that piece of wall wasn’t meant to support 100 extra lbs? It’s fine to believe your body is capable but your surroundings are unpredictable.


That's how some of these people die and how one parkour runner almost died for an Assassin's Creed video for the release of AC:Unity. One of the roof tiles came off and they almost slipped off the building. Before covid there was more of a trend of people doing daredevil stuff just like this and as you would expect, there were some deaths. Some caught on camera too.


>Like I get that you’re strong, and have good balance etc I mean, professionals in every single sport on the earth make mistakes every now and then. Doesn't matter how much you've trained, or how strong you are etc, there are some days where your brain just loses focus for a second. Look at F1 drivers. Some of the best drivers in the whole world, and even they occasionally mess something up.


I love how I went from : “Omg he’ll fall” to “Omg just fuckin fall!”


My eyes are dizzy watching this!


I have acrophobia, and I hated every second of it.


Id really like to know what these people think about life


Probably the type that say "I love my life and all with it" while doing dumb shit like this


That's Oleg Cricket. He doesn't do stuff right this anymore but he even did some crazier stuff (like somersaults on an tilted rooftoop) and had his own red bull series. I think in the series or in an interview he said something like: "I started rooftopping because I don't have fear or a lot to lose" He said it around a longer talk about that he loves the adrenaline and only feels alive if he does stuff like this, but this one sentence stayed in my mind because I found it kinda sad. Nevertheless he stopped some time after the red bull series with stuff like this. Last video I saw was an Ad for a watch, where he drove a hoverboard on the edge of a skyscraper. He got a girlfriend and used his fame to start a career as a photographer I think. Right now it seems like he is traveling a lot. Maybe he just found something worth to live for so now the Roofing Stuff is no worth it anymore? I don't know. Even though I really liked his videos, I'm happy he found something better and didn't Die while Roofing. A lot of people die trying this stuff.


They don't. They think about likes and shares, it's all that matters.


yeee "there is a fine line between bravery and utter stupidity" in this case its clear which side we are


people have been reckless far before the rise of the internet, my friend.


Ever heard of this one: Life is too short, live it to the fullest. When you live like this, life just got a little shorter.


Even if I actively wanted to die, this wouldn't be a way I'd invite it


Ironically, after he returned to ground level he was killed jaywalking in front of a city bus.


"jaywalking" is such bullshit and I'm glad it's not a crime where I live. Like, all hail the almighty automobile, may I, the inferior pedestrian cross the forbidden asphalt territory of the cars Also: a place near me removed all crossings and made the street an "environmental street(miljøgate)" by lowering the speed limit and narrowing portions of it. It's become almost worse to cross now, so I'm not advocating against crossings, just car centric infrastructure. And for speedbumbs, they're seriously underrated


r/fuckcars is leaking.




From my undestanding you get ticketed for jaywalking the same reason you get one for not wearing a seatbelt. It's to deter you because it's dangerous. It's not super easy for a car to stop for a person who didn't cross at a designated spot. You're relying on the average driver's reaction time.. and the average driver is shit.


Why do women live longer than men?...


My Anthropology professor called it the "look what I can do" factor.


"hold my beer and watch this."




My anxiety 📈📈📈


Same. I would die without even falling just standing there


I stopped the video after a few seconds. Couldn’t finish it.


Plot twist: he's just really bad at suicide.




​ ![gif](giphy|gXgoZtOBwl2mO8TkYj)


Had to put my phone down and wipe my hands off




You can only tempt fate so many times. We hear about content creators getting killed all the time by falling off cliffs or some other tall mountain or structure. Consider skydiving. It's a very safe activity because the equipment is so advanced. But people get complacent and then they make mistakes that unfortunately end their lives. People making videos like this will eventually make a fatal mistake too.


They get tired of packing their chute properly and ball it up into a wad and then go oh fuck and pull their reserve too soon.


Fucking idiot


Could land on someone




Some people have to do this just to feel something. I’m glad I’m not like that


I have almost fallen off my bed watching this and I am currently sleeping on the floor.


One of the cases where 99% or even 99.9% accuracy might not be good enough




There has got to be something missing or disconnected in the brains of people who do this. In some ways it's incredibly cool, but it's unnatural to have that level of fearlessness.


The fearlessness builds up over time. You start off walking on a wall... then jumping off it... then running on the wall... and so it grows.


Headline: Man killed by inferior tile work.


This makes my stomach hurt.


That fucking Parker kid is always showing off!


Lol he obviously edited the bloopers


My penis has turned inside out watching this


Legitimate question out of sheer curiosity, do you think the camera person can and or would be charged with a crime if this individual were to have died?


what crime would they have commited?


No matter how good you are, the laws of probability must state that you HAVE to make a mistake at some point, right?!


I hope nothing happens to him (ever). But his antics are reminding me of this song: I tried so hard and got so far But in the end, it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end, it doesn't even matter


Why does watching this make my nards feel weird?


I hope there's a parachute hidden in that man bun




My balls have retracted so far back up after watching this that it looks like I have 2 sets of eyes. I don't do heights very well


When I was a kid, you'd just have to put a couple cuts in your wrists for attention. Man I feel old


Borderline suicidal


At the very least, these idiots should wear a parachute. They will still get their views and if it fails they have a chance at getting their lives back I guess.


Darwin Awards Contender


This made my butt pucker.


I wonder how many "suicides" are actually Darwin Awards


wow comments are very negative..


Duh. What's "nextfuckinglevel" about throwing your life around like it's a video game? You want to watch someone play with a gun aimed at their head and praise how cool they are? This is the equivalent.


Not long for this world.


And the Darwin award goes to