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Drafting a Running Back, then drafting a… Running Back No complaints for the draft, that was just the ‘wait, what.. umm, whatever, fine’ moment




Yeah, not against it at all. We shall see… it’ll be sorted out in training camp competition.


I think fans are really taking for granted how much that rule is about to change the game.


Do you mean they don't think it will change it as much as it will or they think it will change it more than it will?


I think it will change the game more than most fans think.


I think it has more to do with the remaining pool of vet FA RBs. I thought it was a smart move, tbh. Breece is obviously great, but Izzy looked pretty bad last year, imo. Maybe he'll be better this year, but those were the only two guys on the roster. I'd rather draft an extra RB than sign a guy that we already know is washed


The guys you drafted are both great at pass protection. Jets self scouted and agreed that Dalvin Cook sucked ass in that department


I have no idea what these kickoff rules everyone talks about is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


At least the early rounds picks made a lot of sense


That was a bit strange wasn't it. I took it as they wanted a third person to replace MC and then also have a more permanent option with a returner. It's also always possible they are worried Israel might not be the guy to back up Breece.


You guys seem to have a type at running back and it’s about 6’0 tall, 215+.


Can't think of anything really. Pretty normal draft for the good ol' Falcons.


Speak for yourself- personally, I couldn’t believe they took Zion Logue at 197


Stole the Dawg from the Eagles! Ha


Still flabbergasted we got the 2 stud dbs in the draft, can't wait to see this D in action


Could be argued we got the 2 stud db’s 🎣


You know a franchise has been roughly used when they don’t even comment on getting a surprise Penix.


>surprise Penix Yeah usually that's a Brett Farve move


also know as the watson surprise


Favre *was* drafted by Atlanta...




You guys are already the butt of every “worst meltdown” post. Now you’re the first thought in “draft blunders” posts. Your tickets can be purchased with Kohls cash. You’re a full meme franchise now. Welcome.


I am an incompetent piece of shit. EDIT: I'm talking about myself as a person, I'm not talking about the Falcons organization, who clearly aren't aggressively pursuing a clear shared goal.


This is one of those, it looks like genius in 5 years or they look exceptionally dumb; there aint much middle ground. If they are a defensive piece away from being SB contention the next few years they have only themselves to blame for this.




There are certain posts where you just have to imagine the OP silently screaming "Falcons fans get in here!"


Honestly after hearing what your teams guys have said about their reasoning I don’t hate the pick. If you have the chance to draft a guy that you think is gonna be him at QB you take it. It’s worked out well for the Packers so far.


Jordan love was 21 at the start of his rookie season. Michael Penix will be 24. I don’t hate the logic, especially if you take someone young and raw, but Penix is the opposite of that. 


Penix will be nearly 30 at the end of his rookie deal. That's nuts.


If you think about it through the lens of a career, Penix can still play 10 years for the Falcons and be under the age Kirk Cousins is right now. If Penix starts before his 4th season and works out, it's still a massive W for the Falcons. IMHO.


My concern with Penix isn't his age. Like you alluded to, if you get a franchise quarterback for ten good years you are ahead of a lot of teams. My concern is durability. Matt Ryan missed three games total in 14 years in Atlanta. Over the 8 seasons before last year the only game Kirk Cousins missed was because the Vikings sat him for a regular season finale with their playoff positioning sewed up. A lot has justifiably been made of Penix having four consecutive season-ending injuries. Last year he took a hit in the first Oregon game and played through injury the rest of the regular season, but didn't look right. For this to work he has to be on the field and I think that's a viable concern. I think the structure in Atlanta can help cover up some of his weaknesses (struggles when he gets sped up, our o-line is pretty solid) and there will be weapons around him, but he's just not a guy who has been able to stay on the field.


Trading back twice and not selecting anyone in the first round was pretty surprising. I think it turned out to be better in the end, but it was really annoying staying up until midnight for nothing on day 1.


Been there, it sucks lol. I still like watching the draft no matter what but the year we won the SB I watched the whole first round just for us to trade out of 32 so the Ravens could take Lamar, couldn't believe it.


It sucks even more when your team traditionally picks more towards the end so you have to stay up the entire time to only see them trade back. Trading back can be great, just let me sleep man.


However, it did lead to one of my favorite press conferences ever. [Keon Coleman, expert shopper](https://youtube.com/shorts/OcKajG3aRZo?si=GG1XXNBMPBttHfMp) [Keon spots cookies.](https://youtu.be/oj4hGYyxHk4?si=wU0pCzBAUTckagtF)


It's kinda wholesome that he still shops for clothes with his mom.


You gotta shop two seasons ahead.


I love this kid man. He’s got that childlike wonder in his eyes when he’s seeing all his new teams stuff. Seems like a very genuine person. He’s also a beast on the field too. Happy for y’all


I am so glad we got him, feels like we have someone who gives us the childhood like candor of Tre White before his ACL.


instant fan, but he only needs two colors now


Yeah, he can donate the yellow one.


I was so confused, the Bears had a totally lit first round then I realized you have two flairs


Opposite issue for me involving that trade. I was at the draft but due to an issue with people I was with had to leave early. I thought oh well Panthers don't pick til tomorrow and I'm coming then too. Then I saw the trade up happen at my in laws basement instead of at the draft lol.


We did that in 2012 when we drafted Courtney Upshaw, and I remember being kind of annoyed that I stayed up so late to see our pick for nothing. If I remember correctly Hightower was who Ozzie wanted, but the Pats traded up a few picks ahead of us and sniped him.


We did this two years ago and ended up drafting a dud in Logan Hall at 33. I can remember being so pissed staying up late to see who our first was just to get nothing.


Only taking 1 WR is more aggravating than the trading back. We’re gonna end up giving Mack Hollins meaningful snaps for a bunch of games.


I thought so too. But in the end I'm happy with the draft. I think Keon, Curtis and Shakir are going to be a good main group. Then the team must see something in Hollins and Shorter. Plus they picked up Cephus. I think the WR room will be just fine.


Bills truly are the new Patriots


Our first two picks weigh a combined 702 lbs.


They probably don’t wanna sit on a porch swing together.


Or share a rowboat 


"Could a rowboat support these players?" "....no" "Damn it Phyllis"


They *want to* but they shouldn't


And our fanbase is losing their minds over areas of need.


I think people really wanted some flash with a WR but I am glad we filled holes on our lines. Once we signed Ridley I was expecting we pass on wr. Recent comments from cally on Burks potential is also great to see


What do you guys feel you missed out on? We need a DT, and chose to address the secondary a bit more. Which I won’t complain about.


A loud portion of Tits-Nation is upset we drafted JC Latham over Odunze since WR is still a need, and Latham hasn't played LT since high school. They thought we could wait and draft a tackle in the second round and Bill Callahan would coach him up to be a perennial All-Pro. Even if Latham doesn't work out at LT, RT is still a position of weakness and getting a high quality starter at either position is a win in my opinion. With T'Vondre Sweat they're upset because we didn't draft a WR in the second round, and he has character concerns (needs to lose some weight, recent DUI). Reality of it is our GM is trying to build through the trenches and it's what the team needs more than anything. LT specifically has really been the biggest issue, and with Alt going to San Diego Ran Carthon (with Bill Callahan's input) took what they thought was the second best tackle prospect. Also with no third rounder (Levis trade up last year) they took what they thought were immediate impact players.


LT is so hard to draft, o line in general is. You have to have the staff and personal for it both for the mental aspect but also to balance the weight they need with the personal discipline. We had to fucking trade for our anchor LT bc we kept missing on every swing. After watching Watson (prior to what we now know) go down during his rookie year that was infuriating bc it was a oline disaster. Trenches have to be built. It wasn’t a sexy pick but you have to protect Levis. Did you guys pick up any udfa wrs? Edit: grammar updates


Casual fans just can't seem to comprehend how important it is to prevent your QB from getting ass blasted every play.


I feel like offensive line pick excitement is the mark of a decently knowledgable fan. I’ll never turn down a high OT pick, EVER. Of course our previous gm could only hit on the first round so I’m curious to see how Casserio fleshed out our depth.


Exactly! It's not an exciting pick. Never gonna see 'splash' plays so to speak. But damn if I ever feel it's a wasted pick. More often than not they can at least add depth.


This is what’s happening with jets fan rn , they wanted the flashy pick with bowers but cmon , we have a qb coming off a achilles tear and had one of the worst and injury prone OL the last couple season, taking fashanu was the best pick


I love CJ stroud so much I would be fine if the whole draft was OL. I think any team that loves and wants to protect their Qb is going to think that’s a sexy pick. For a long time Tunsil was my favorite Texan after the trade. I follow him on IG and think his fashion sense is cool. Those days where we had him and nothing else.


Anyone that’s actually watched a single year of football should know it. Every damned year there’s at LEAST one top QB prospect drafted to a garbage OLine. Which makes sense since those guys are typically going to teams that finished towards last. And most of those guys get brutalized.


Literally a good tackle or two is a force multiplier for the rest of the offense. Detroit is a perfect example of it now


Your got yourselves some big dudes.


That's exactly the weight of the three girls I dated in high school when I saw them at the 20 year reunion!


Good for them they lost weight since you dated them


That's only because they went on the Biggest Loser, thank you Jillian.


I went to high school with a biggest loser finalist. He legit lost like 250 lbs and was a fairly normal weight. Based on his FB profile, he's fat as fuck again and might weigh more than he did in high school


i think that's common for folks that participate on the biggest loser unfortunately. edit: actually looks like most of the champs kept off the weight, didn't google hard enough to figure out what happened to the "non winners" though


The members of Queen would need to change pants after seeing them


Probably that the Patriots just did what was expected and drafted areas of need on offense.


I’m surprised we didn’t trade down more


Only the one trade down, right? I’m conditioned at this point to expect us to trade down literally every single time we are on the clock.


Correct. Effectively traded Ladd McConkey and Tarheeb Still for Polk and Baker. Which is a deal I'd make any day.


It’s gonna take a while for both of our fan bases to get used to actually picking instead of trading down and taking someone who was expected to go 40 picks later.


Ready for the future but it doesn't feel right without Pete and Bill


They are my football dads and I miss them every day.


We kinda did that anyways with Trerice Knight. That dude was a consensus 6th. But at least now we're reaching in the 4th and not in the 1st


With 4.5 QBs already on our roster, one of which we drafted in the mid-rounds last year, I wasn’t expecting us to take another this year. Then again, 2 of those QBs are Peterman and Mond


Is Petermeme really a QB?


Is Carr or Haener our .5 QB?


Was going for Taysom since he’s half-QB and half-basically-everything-else. But really the 0.5 can be any of them


You know what they say, if you have 4.5 quarterbacks you really don’t have any.


Peterman somehow having the lengthy career he's had is kind of incredible. His career rating is literally worse than throwing the ball into the ground each down.


In reality it’s closer to 3.5 with Peterman and Mond on the roster.


I ain't mad. Rattler has a TON of upside potential, and the risk is virtually none


Nor am I, he’s a steal for a fifth-rounder. It’s just a pick I wasn’t expecting us to make


Genuinely nobody would have bet on us staying at 15 and having our pick of the entire defensive class. Not so much about the Colts, but the start of the draft overall.


AD Mitchell falling to 52 was insane to me


I thought for sure the Bills were taking him at 2.1.


Dude has off the field issues being rumored


Never heard a peep about AD having issues his entire time here at UT. I think he's just not a platitude spewing, say whatever you want to hear to get the job type of guy. And guess what? Most guys aren't. They just pretend to be someone they ain't so a team will draft them. I do think one thing that might have held him down was teams asking about his on-field effort. AD has gone on record saying he doesn't give 100% on every play so he's fresher as the game goes along. That might have struck a nerve with some scouts/GMs. Of course, if you watch his tape he doesn't need to give 100% effort because his routes are so goddamn good he just gets open anyway. Seems like this happens every year. Some niggling nothing-burger thing gets amplified and a guy falls in the draft and then ends up being a hoss for whatever team was smart enough to not give a shit. Dude is 6 foot 2, 200+ pounds. Long arms. 4.34 speed. 40" vert. Runs NFL caliber routes already. Catches everything and is good in high pressure situations in the endzone. This dude had double Worthy's TD rate on 20 less catches this past season. Colts got a steal.


[and our GM had a great response to that](https://youtu.be/YkDJRj3faFQ?si=elD9wk7TKcY5DVqA)


Same. I can't believe our defensive head coach got his number one guy at 16. 


I didn’t scream at the tv in hatred


AP and DQ had a plan and strategy and went with it. Even if certain metrics or analysts disagree, they weren’t flailing or making inexplicable decisions. We have no idea how things will turn out, but this is the first draft I remember that looked competent and purposeful, without the team making head scratching picks or trades.


ngl I'm scared of yalls potential for the first time in my adult life.


As much as I was surprised we went Punter in the 4th, I had went into the draft thinking Odunze wouldn’t fall to us at 9. The front office believed it was a 50/50 shot.


I’m so used to the Bears wanting a player and missing out by 1 pick (see: Aaron Donald). It was a pleasant surprise when the board fell our way for once.


I was pumped we took Taylor. Gill cost us a ton of field position last year in close games. It might be a bit rich for a punter but he’s probably going to net us 200-300 yards of field position over the season compared to Gill. Even with us hopefully punting less he’ll have more net yards per punt and in total is my guess.


Gill definitely cost us somewhere between 2-5 games over the last few years with his dinky final drive 20 yard punts. I think I'm happy taking Taylor so high because it essentially confirms that Gill is cut. Any round lower and we have to have a pointless punting "competition" between a rookie and the 32nd ranked punter in the league. Just overdraft and call it a day lol


Gill was one of the worst in the league and I’m not sure why people thought replacing him with the best punter in college was a bad idea just because it was a later 4th round pick. Taylor will make a massive immediate impact which 99% of 4th rookies do not.


I was very happy we went Punter. If you want your defense to succeed, put them in a good position.


They are very important to the success of the team. It's just football guy bigotry


Punters are people too!


Bears had a borderline perfect first 4 rounds.


I’m not mad we took Nabers, but I think in the long run Odunze will be a bigger difference maker. Not as flashy but clutch and a big body target.


Any team would have been happy with any of the 3.






All roads lead to Rome!


The Great Rome Empire


Best of luck I was bummed the bears picked him, even though everyone knew they would. If the jets don’t succeed this year the bears are my second team for sure


I got no love for Rodgers, but you Jets fans know our pain. Barring injuries, Jets should be really exciting this year and can really compete within the division.


I didn’t expect the Kool-Aid guy to fall into the second round. So I definitely didn’t expect us to trade up for him in the second round. But I’m not complaining, it does make me wonder if we’re moving on from adebo or lattimore tho. I feel like he’s adebos replacement since he’s probably gonna ask for money after this year.


He was commonly mocked to us at 29 along with Rakestraw who we sat and pi ked at 61. This draft was wild if CB was a need for your team. Legitimately perfect draft for us as CB was our one truly WEAK position thar needed to be addressed.


Probably taking a linebacker and a guard before taking a CB or DT. The Payton Wilson pick made sense, but I really didn't expect them to take McCormick in the 4th.


I’m still a little pissed about the Wilson pick. Dude was a fucking monster at NC State. He’ll thrive with y’all.


Ditto. I flew into an uncontrollable rage at that pick. There were like 5-6 LBs already taken how tf did he fall to 98?! 😡 Damn you Pittsburgh


I have been pretty refreshingly surprised at how opposite our draft strategy apparently is to the textbook analytics “hoard lots of mid round picks” approach. Instead we trade all the picks for a couple big shots (or established vets like Hockenson) and appear to be leaning heavily on future free agency instead. It may not work, but at least we are zagging in a world of zigging.


Zaggy Wilf


Agreed. Biggest surprise was getting McCarthy at a "discount" resulting in second first round pick to snag Turner. Second biggest surprise was Atlanta grabbing Penix allowing Turner to fall in the draft!


Brett Veach convinced two teams that the Chiefs have regularly eliminated from the playoffs to trade with him so he could get the guys he wanted.


In the 49ers' case there's evidence suggesting that Kyle and Lynch were very interested in Roger Rosengarten but the Ravens snagged him, so they traded that pick to you guys to give themselves some extra time to decide the next move (for whatever reason they apparently weren't super high on Kingsley Sumataia).


The 49ers trade back is whatever, if they didn't want Sumataia whats the deal here?


Kingsley Suamataia is a raw prospect. I actually thought he would have been a great pick for San Fran as he was part of a Zone Read offense at BYU, so he is familiar with the concepts.


If they didn’t have a plan B, C, D, E, F, and G lined up before draft day they’re goofs. They’ve had 12 months to prepare for the draft, I would have to imagine they aren’t reevaluating talent or making those types of decisions in 10-20 minutes lol


It’s more likely their next guy on the board after Rosengarten wasn’t likely to be picked for a bit and they were comfortable moving down I doubt they had to “think about it”. Like you said, they’ve been prepping. They might have their flaws, but roster construction isn’t really one of them (outside of OL I guess)


"Okay now that we traded the pick, we have time to think. Who we picking next" "What about Kingley Suamat- aaand he's gone too."


I really think the chiefs didn't need to trade up in the first for worthy. Looking at what other teams took/the kind of players that teams drafted, I don't think anyone in that range was going to rush to get worthy


Niners literally went WR right after


And the Panthers traded up for Legette


The Panthers were very openly in on Legette. Buffalo probably traded with them because they were comfortable assuming the pick was Legette.


Pearsall, Legette, Coleman, and Ladd all went from 31-34 then Polk went at 37. That includes the Panthers trading up 1 to make sure they got Legette with a 5th year option at 32. The Bills were primed to trade back that 28 pick already, as they traded back again at 32, someone could have absolutely taken him before KC with a trade to the Bills or 29-30. The 49ers were mocked by Jeremiah and others for Worthy. I’m not blaming the Bills or 49ers trading back, they should never turn down extra picks no matter who from, but I don’t think Worthy especially was guaranteed to be there at all. A lot of the times teams trade up say for 1 pick like Chiefs did with 49ers at pick 63 for 64, it’s because the 49ers are also talking to other teams and if they give that pick in a trade to someone else, your guy may very much be gone.


The weird thing to me is that none of the teams involved gained or lost picks, they just changed positions of multiple picks.


Was a pretty easy deal for all sides. Chiefs traded up a pick or a few and guaranteed they got the guys they wanted round 1-2 and Bills/49ers barely moved back while getting trade ups in mid-late rounds.


This. Sure, we could’ve stood by and gotten a receiver at 32, but there was no guarantee it would be Worthy. Based on all of the buzz leading to the draft and how much Worthy talked and had been associated with the Chiefs, I have to believe Reid and Veach told him they would do everything in their power to get him.


I’m done feeling bad for the Bills. When Worthy scores a 75 yard TD to seal the Chiefs comeback win against them in next years divisional round, they’ll have only themselves to blame. 


We took the BPA


Yeah the Raiders making a sensible 1st round pick was not on my draft bingo card.


Sensible 2nd rounder too


All my irl raider fan friends were livid.


It’s not the sexiest pick, but it’ll end up paying off


In a lot of ways I feel like it *is* the sexiest pick. Taking Bowers when you just drafted Mayer is like eating your dessert before your vegetables. And then throwing the vegetables in the trash.






It happened in 2022 🤷‍♂️


And 2000


Brady went in the 6th round.


Okay, and? You think he's better than Tim Rattay?


Just gotta regress Brady to the mean… Then keep regressing. Then you have a point


"On top there's Joe Montana. Then Steve Young. Then there's regular quarterbacks." "That's Tim Rattay." "No. There's Nick Mullens.  There's CJ Beathard." "Oh, then then then there's Tim Rattay." "I'm getting there, I'm getting there. There's Shaun Hill. There's Blaine Gabbert. There's Trey Lance. Then there's Tim Rattay."


Pratt is unironically my sleeper pick to maybe turn into the next Kirk Cousins. Little annoying y'all got him but at least if Love stays decent he'll go somewhere else in 4 years


Cooper DeJean was surprising but equally if not more surprising was being able to just sit at 22 and have our pick of CBs, thought for sure at least 2-3 would be off the board by then. I'd like to thank the psychos at the top of the draft for flipping the board (you know who you are) as well as that run of eight straight linemen right before our pick that saved Howie from himself, because I know he wouldn't have been able to resist.


To me, that was surprising in the same way as 9/11 was surprising


Sir, A second CB has hit the Lions


For the most part same. Yeah we traded up 5 spots for Arnold, but getting him at all was insane. I mean hell, Rakestraw was a popular mock to us at 29 and we just chilled and got him at 61. I cannot believe I watched our position of most need fall that hard.


The most surprising thing is easily not drafting an offensive tackle.


They actually made logical picks and didnt take a rb with a high pick


We took Coleman and I’m kind of happy about it


I love him. What a gem. I hope he gets all the Wegmans cookies and Macy’s coats on sale.


That dudes press conference made me love him. I hope he stays that way.


After the press conference I hope he’s everything Kelvin Benjamin was supposed to be.


That we were able to stsy put at 51 and still get frazier


Similar to the Eagles, it was a surprise that 2 of the top 5 rated corners were available for the Lions. I think the most surprising thing was drafting a 6'8", 350lb offensive lineman who ran a 4.9 40 out of British Columbia. I'm not sure anyone could have seen that coming.


the luxury of having a competent FO. All teams have needs, but the ones that are well built don’t have many and can afford to spend higher capital on projects. Manu’s measurables are insane and there might not be a better place than Detroit right now to learn how to play on the OL at the NFL level.


Getting to learn from 2 All-Pros, a Pro Bowler, and two other above average players is a pretty good deal. It's still weird to think about how absolute dog shit our oline was during the Caldwell days. He hired his friend to be the oline coach and it went from a pretty good unit in 2013 to dogshit in 2014. After Caldwell was fired, it came out that the oline coach had a terrible reputation around the league and players hated him. He became a small college's head coach and almost immediately had a bullying scandal on his hands for how he treated his players. The two best things Patricia ever did was hire Hank Fraley and Ben Johnson and that is about all I'm thankful for from that time.


Zeke is our starting running back and or center 🙃


I'm kinda shocked the Giants didn't make some kinda move for Rattler or Pratt in the later rounds


And glad we didn’t - we already have multiple back up qb’s. Now we need a starter


Are Giants fans considering the possibility of Drew Lock becoming the starting QB at some point next season?


In our shit show of a qb room anything’s possible. I am hoping to see the Daniel Jones that glimmers through time to time for the whole season, but I’m pretty sure we broke him.


It just shocked me that the Giants picked skill players for every Day 1 and 2 picks- everyone knew DJ wasn’t working with a lot of weapons and y’all’s secondary is still developing- but I thought that most of his issues at QB were from how many pressures the OL gave up. If they keep him upright for enough time and on the field, I think he’ll do better. I just remember the Drew Lock clutch job he pulled against the Eagles last season on primetime; he might be the secret to beating the birds.


They're probably counting on the new O Line coach to make the guys they have serviceable. There's been some utter trash from the line that wound up being halfway decent when they moved to other teams


Yep, there is plenty of reason to believe that the OL problems these past few years have been primarily on coaching. Not to say we can't use talent there, we certainly can. But way too many guys over the years have looked like trash here, gone somewhere else, and actually looked productive there for me to not believe it is mostly a coaching issue. I mean Tyre Phillips looked horrible with us, gets waived, spends a few weeks on Philly's practice squad with Stoutland, comes back here, and actually is somewhat serviceable lol. We'll see how our guys perform this year, but I think we made our primary investment in the OL this offseason when we hired Bricillo. Bricillo got a lot of production out of a line in LV which had no big names outside of Kolton Miller. With him we'll find out if it was more a talent or coaching issue. I just refuse to believe that prospects like Neal and JMS just completely forgot how to play football once they got drafted here.


Being clutch for DJ means learning to scan the field better and reading defenses better, but going into year 6 I doubt he some sudden, significant improvement.


Honestly it surprised me that we didn’t fuck up and galaxy brain ourselves with 9


Kool-aid Mckinstry that might be the Tide fan in me but that was exciting as hell he’s a great player


We traded back into the first after I decided to go to sleep.


Baalke had his best draft. Got Trevor his outside threat, deep WR and free picks. Then filled the two biggest holes on defense. Developmental depth at Tackle and NT. And then players who should contribute on special teams, and hopefully fixed the kicker position for the next decade.  It really seems like he is listening to his position coaches and putting the team where it needs to be to compete for the division.


Drafting a dude straight off of a CFL roster


We actually made a competent pick. Though I knew Monti was better than keim, I had that thought in the back of my mind


Steelers: watching the Penix pick happen


Drafting competently.


Getting Edge Cooper while stacking two extra picks from trading back in the 2nd round.


I was amazed that we actually came away with 11 picks. I figured that would turn into 8 or 9 with Gutey’s wheeling and dealing. Instead, he nabs two extra picks for 41 and uses those to move around. I love grabbing 11 guys; it allows for a “reach” on a guy that the team is high on and see if it pans out. Impressed and excited!


The fact we actually drafted Maye. So used to Bill trading down I wasn’t really expecting we’d end up with any of the top 3 QBs. If he was still here he probably makes the deal with the Vikings that is rumored.


Punt god Tory Taylor in the 4th. Imagine you somehow stop Allen, Odunze, Moore, Kmet, and Swift and then boot master Taylor comes in pinning you behind the 5 with Montez Sweat straight rubbing hands meme style on the sidelines


Our guy TT needs to hit up Brad Maynard to practice coffin corners.


That we lead Jerry Jones to pick up Zeke


That we were deemed competent. As big of a positive shock as I’ve had in my lifetime as a fan


Brenden Rice falling to us in the 7th was surprising. I know he isn't the most refined route runner nor does he have the speed, but 7th round is wild for him. He was projected as a 4th-5th for most people. Hell, it might be worth drafting him just to get his dad to hover around practices.


I didn’t expect the Bills to trade back and still get a solid WR. I thought for sure if we did that we were taking Cooper DeJean and seeing who fell to us later. Could also say I wasn’t expecting our first pick to immediately become a fan favorite the way Keon has. Certainly refreshing after a couple seasons of “Diggs isn’t happy, uh oh”.


Not drafting a RB that will never see the field in the third round


Probably picking two DTs in the first three rounds. It wasn't a terribly surprising draft though. It went fine, we stayed put on our picks and drafted our positions of need. The fanbase really wanted us to go IOL on Day 2, we ended up picking a center in R7, but this shouldn't have been too big a surprise to people.


We traded up with the bills again.