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TIL he's still in the league


He was suspended for 5 years, he just got reinstated


What the fuck gets you a five year suspension?


weed lol


Rape is 10 games.  Weed is 5 years.   Got it good job league.


If you kill two people, they even let you stay in the Hall of Fame!


Killing two people is a golden ticket into the HoF


Tbf I believe that was the record for an NFL player at the time


> at the time. I beg your pardon?


Aaron got 3, and the pack had a serial killer at one time, but I don't think he was on the team at the time


So when is Aaron Hernandez getting inducted?


[If a Jury's guilty verdict never came, you stay in the Hall of Fame](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/jt3eAomCUHPeE7qOmGy3LDAixM_o4DVd_zU8xdvJuoox53Uwjc3mbU7Iazxi37qSIVGmbflQgb5nV0Q4GCrwyYbXj5i8wZLTUAOjSSuY-GTGTulPtSk_Dg)


If you base your case on a racist perjurer's testimony, the jury doesn't have many options.


Not nothin for nothin but... https://youtu.be/HOa-Vr610UQ?si=XUGniMf_4rYCIENo


Henry Ruggs gotta step up his game then!




Not that it makes it remotely better, but he was suspended indefinitely, and could reapply after 1 year, I believe after the 2019 season. Theres no official record (that I know of) that he applied to come back earlier. But I think it would be insane if he didnt. Martavis Bryant was playing in the XFL, CFL (Kinda, got cut before camp), Indoor Football league. No shot he was doing that and willingly just not applying to go back to the NFL.


He actually did apply once as soon as he was able https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/steelers/2019/07/15/martavis-bryant-suspension-ex-steelers-wr-applies-reinstatement/1739974001/


Ah there it is. Makes sense - Like I said no logical reason for him to keep trying to stay fresh in lower leagues if he was eligible to try for the NFL again


Actually, weed is (was) 4 games. Weed the second time was a season. Weed the third time after being conditionally reinstated (the condition: 'You better not do weed again') was indefinite


It took multiple failed tests to even get to the 4 game suspension too.


Calvin Johnson was fried before every game. NFL was still very pick and choose when it came to drug testing.


If you pass your test when the window for testing opens in April, you won’t be tested again until the next season. Getting in trouble for weed in the NFL was really an idiot test.


I didn’t know the actual bylaws, but just looking it up, [seems like THC is tested on some PES test](https://nflpa.com/active-players/drug-policies#dates) I just can’t figure out what causes NFLPA to test for THC in this case. Do you have to fail the yearly test to be on the PES list? Edit: link didn’t work as intended but here’s what I’m referring to “All players receive one annual test under the PES Policy. A percentage of annual tests under the PES Policy will also be tested for THC.”


Reminds me of commercial fishing and coast guard searches. They can only board and search twice a year. We always have weed. We see them coming on the radar and tuck it by our nuts.


This. If you know the schedule, you can blaze all season with no issues. Fwiw, in 21’ I met a dude claiming to be Bryant’s brother hawking merch at the tailgate before the Bengals-Steelers game at Paycor.


Bryant was not suspended because he smoked weed a few times lmao. Pat and multiple players have said it’s extremely hard to get suspended for JUST weed unless you get caught an ungodly amount of times.


Double murder is 0 games.


Damn, who got convicted of a double murder and didn’t get suspended?


Did someone get convicted of rape and only get 10 games? Was Martavis convicted for marijuana? Try to keep up. You probably think OJ was innocent too lol


>Did someone get convicted of rape and only get 10 games? That's the point genius. Almost like the NFL hands out harsher punishments the more sure it is something happened. Martavis failed a drug test. That's cut and dry. What player was even a suspect in a double murder and didn't get suspended? I can't think of any.


That wasn't the point. The point was how unbalanced the suspensions are. Murderin Ray Lewis was charged with murder, felony murder, and aggravated assault. He did not get suspended. Some have been accused, not charged, of rape/SA and been suspended multiple games. Can't believe I had to explain that but the public school system in Baltimore is shit so.


It's funny how this place will downvote you for failure to memorize every exonerating scientific detail of Deflategate. But mention Ray Lewis and it devolves into an AOL chat room. Eleven witnesses were called to testify and every single one of them pointed to Oakley and Sweeting as the guys armed with knives who fatally stabbed Baker and Lollar. The prosecuting attorney is on record saying that Lewis was charged with murder, not because they think he did it, but to force him to testify against his friends. But as long as people keep getting upvoted for "he murdered two guys lol" then it won't stop.


OJ was acquitted too. Ray Lewis was there the night of the murders, lied to police, and hid evidence. Sounds like something a guilty guy would do. Ole murdering Ray Ray.


> OJ was acquitted too. Ray Lewis was never acquitted. > Ray Lewis was there the night of the murders, lied to police, and hid evidence. Sounds like something a guilty guy would do. Ole murdering Ray Ray. There's no need to postulate, /u/HedoBella. Eleven people witnessed the event and told essentially the exact same story. We know precisely what happened. And it took a jury a mere two hours to declare Oakley and Sweeting innocent on the basis of self defense. The matter is settled. Lewis didn't kill anyone. He initially lied to police like a shithead but we know factually that didn't kill anybody. Unless you are a 12th witness and have been sitting on information for the last 23 years that would blow the case wide open? Please, do share.


Oh yeah right, Ray was actually convicted of obstruction of justice. A lesser charge because he was an all pro athlete. Sorry I forgot that he was actually convicted, unlike OJ. The matter is settled. Murderin Ray Ray covered it up. I mean, if it was self defense and he wasn't involved, why hide the suit?


I mean, you're also kinda missing the fact that this was probably his 12th violation of the substance abuse policy. But go on with your narrative.


Just like Randy Gregory or Josh Gordon. "Har har weed" doesn't really hold up when you realize these guys have massive lifestyle problems because Marijuana usage is laughably common, but getting popped multiple times for drug tests isnt.


The problem is the NFL enforcing any kind of weed policy at all.


Eh, not really. It's a "flagging" tool they use for the most part. Even before they drastically increased the positive test threshold, you basically had to fail 6 tests for weed before even sniffing a suspension. Even then, it was SUPREMELY easy to bypass the testing process, since players were only tested once a year, and the testing started on 4/20 (Not joking, they literally start on 4/20 every year). All you had to do was stay clean until you are tested, then you are free to smoke all season long without fear of being tested. The NFL basically treated it as "If you don't have enough self control to abstain from weed for a month and a half, then we know you likely don't have enough self control to behave in most other cases" and then would spend extra resources on monitoring these players. They also had to placate the Alcohol companies, since the alcohol industry was by far the largest advertising revenue for the NFL. Marijuana was seen as a direct competitor with Alcohol, and they had to look like they were being "Tough on drugs" to keep them happy. All things said, it was dumb that they had those policies, but at the same time it made sense *why* they did.


I don’t smoke at all but it was still dumb, even with your explanation. Though I personally never really got the stigma against weed, alcohol has always been just as bad in every respect, but like you said that was and is promoted by the league like crazy


I agree, that's why I ended my statement with: >All things said, it was dumb that they had those policies, but at the same time it made sense why they did.


Brother..."go on with your narrative"? You're not wrong, Martavis Bryant's indefinite suspension was a result of repeatedly failing to pass a drug test, not simply a first time offense, but are you seriously (and with a weirdly snarky/smug/arrogant tone) defending \*the NFL\* in how it handles cases of sexual assault? Especially with respect to how they handle smoking weed?


Should be 100% obvious I'm not defending the NFL's handling of sexual assault.


Yeah but this is Reddit, if you don't state 12 separate times in a comment like that about how sexual assault is bad then what did you expect /s


Glad we're on the same page there but to be perfectly honest, I wasn't picking up any sarcasm in your comment


Raping just shows you’re of the proper mindset to fuck people up. Smoking weed means you can’t control yourself….wait a minute


Woah woah woah, he did weed like 2-3 times. The fact he hasn't been given a lethal injection yet is astounding.


Repeated and serial violation of league policy on a drug that was illegal in many states at the time and is still federally illegal gets you 5 years, accusations with such little evidence that you can't even get charged with a crime gets you 10 games which in reality was 26 because those accusations kept you from playing the previous year. There, I fixed it for you.


You have to remember he wasn’t in trouble just once lol but ya just weed I get it


Not a rapist. Not a wife beater. Probably not a child molester, nor a child beater. Smoke the weed? That's a paddlin'


Iirc drinking beer on a team flight while in the drug program after multiple weed suspensions, but it was just indefinite and he waited that long to reapply he probably could've come back much sooner.


that was Josh Gordon


Ah not budget Josh Gordon, my bad.


> Iirc drinking beer on a team flight while in the drug program after multiple weed suspensions, That was Josh Gordon and he also admitted later it was a lie and he was popping any and every pill he could get his hands on idk why people still perpetuate this narrative.


>idk why people still perpetuate this narrative I mean I got confused and thought it was an entirely different person...


Fair but even the beer story itself is a lie


It was an indefinite suspension for failing a drug test for the 4th or 5th time (I lost count)




Shit Henry Ruggs will def be back then😬unless he gets a left time ban.


Hasn’t caught a pass since 2018 lmao


He was in the XFL, 8 games 14 catches for 154 yards…. Yikes.


That sounds like chase claypool numbers


Claypool really did turn out to be the next Martavis Bryant..


Has Claypool ever caught a ball against his gooch while doing a flip? Didn't think so


I like to forget the bears ever traded for him 🤢


Lol like why are teams taking flyers? Atleast Josh Gordon ripped up that beer league


Cheap and warm bodies for practice & preseason but he must really suck if he can’t manage to put something decent together to stick on the roster.


Yea but there’s plenty of kids leaving college that have a lot more upside than a 32 year old barely was who can’t produce in the USFL.


Well tbf this was him trying to re-enter the league after a 5 year hiatus and he's not even good enough to stick around as a camp body.


I think the league is better with martavis than lesstavis


Ha same


Seriously. I had no idea he signed with the Cowboys, I never heard any news about it. He had signed with them in November from what I looked up


Same TBH


As much in the league as the Cowboys are all in.


He's got the age but is he mid enough for the Ravens


We'll see if he can hit the high expectations set by Ravens legend Dez Bryant


What in the world happened to Dez he was a real deal in this league. Then what???


Players get old and injured, nothing insane


I remember he was in his 20s still


He tore his Achilles


Dez’s game relied mostly upon his ridiculous athleticism and strength. He was never a great route runner. After a few injuries, he fell off.


Creator of a legendary meme


I'm waiting to hear that the Steelers are bringing him back so he can post a "I'm Quez Watkins replacement, take it how you want I am back!"


The front flip catch in the Burfict game too. One of my favorite all time Steelers plays, and games.


Sign him then trade him to the Bears for a 4th rounder.


Fool me once…twice….hopefully not three times.


Damn was hoping hed make a comeback, guy didnt deserve that suspension


Steelers might as well bring him back lol


Out here collecting all the WR 4/5s anyway


yup. mind as well. I liked Bryant when he was on the Steelers. My only complaint about his routes was that he could not cut that well. So all he would do was streaks... which technically worked.


He was definitely a one-trick pony (didn't Tomlin make a comment to that effect or am I thinking of someone else?) but he WAS pretty good at that one trick.


That was a comment he made about Mike Wallace


Both are very close in their route running style. The could not cut well but ran streaks like hell and Big Ben had a cannon that he could launch it down to them.


At least Wallace made BANK in Miami


> WR 4/5s You rang?


Fuck it, bring Juju back too


Send over some spare cleats, a stapler, and a week old bag of skittles and I think we can arrange something.


Gonna need that stapler to keep JuJu’s knees even somewhat intact


Gotta be better than scotty Miller


Mr. Belated Comeback


As dumb as it is, you can't violate your employer's policy over and over again and expect to continue business as usual. Dude knew what the punishment for his actions was going to be and still decided the possible 10s of millions of dollars wasn't worth giving up weed. Addiction is tough but there's resources out there, and a pro football player certainly has ready access to them.


Wasnt this the guy that was drinking when in one of those programs?


Amongst other things


That tweet was sent directly from an agent, no one wants Martavis Bryant at this point.


I don't know man, I bet he has some incredibly fresh 32-year old legs after a mere 5+ years of not playing in the NFL.


Man played in the XFL last year and had like 150 total yards on the season...


Thought they cut him in January already


You're probably thinking of Gallup


HAHA all you suckers can't even keep up with our stable of awful receiving options


What happened to him? He was good in 2019


Torn his ACL hasn’t been the same since


32 year old rec available 👀sounds like a titan


Zay Jones signing soon?


Hey, we’re all in, don’t get me wrong, but that’s just a little too crazy.


Nahhh too rich for our taste. Some UDFA Defensive end coming in


Bring him home, our WRs are terrible. If he can still win deep he could get some targets on PA


He played 6 games last year in the XFL and barely passed 150 yards. He's washed.


I’m Dionte’s replacement, not mine. Take it how you want I’m back!




Is he even a veteran? He’s been suspended more than he’s actually played


Dude has got to be one of the most wasted natural talents of the last decade. He was a lot of fun to watch in that Steelers offense.


Idk the circumstances around him but he hasn’t played in the league since 2018 and even then he put up 300 yards in 8 games. He’s 33 right now and like 5 years removed from the league. What could any team possibly get from this guy? It’s not like he’s suddenly gonna become a WR1, so why not sign a UDFA or something instead where at least there’s a chance he’ll produce. Apparently he was just in the XFL where he put up 154 yards on 14 catches in 6 games. What about any of that is attracting an NFL team


Hey… hey now. Let them have their dreams lol


To be honest, I forgot he was still in the league


he’s not.


If Bryant wasn't able to hack it in Dallas, where we have one elite receiver and then a bunch of WR3/4s, why would other teams think this is a guy worth pursuing?


Because our GM is an idiot?


Ha what GM. We just have a decrepit old pervert calling the shots. Nothing managed about it.




Looks like a Bills receiver if I ever saw one.


The number of talented Steelers WR’s whose production dropped when they left the team on bad terms still amazes me… - Santonio Holmes - Mike Wallace - Martavis Bryant - Antonio Brown - Juju Smith-Schuster - Chase Claypool - Diontae Johnson (?)


And then there's Emmanuel Sanders.


Landing Sanders and Brown in the same class while not using a 1st or 2nd is still so insane to me.


AB definitely produced while he was in Tampa lol. Plus his one game as a Patriot was solid


Antonio Brown did very well on TB. First season on TB, he was suspended half the season. But in that half season, he got 500 yards. That's great numbers. Second season he was out multiple games for covid reasons and more suspensions and then he quit on the team. So again only played half the season. But still got around 500 yards. He's just a douchenozzle that no one will touch.


Come home 10!


There goes the white tiger.


Last game I saw him playing was against the Sea Dragons


Being 6'4 HELPS a lot to at least get looked at by teams.


Are these talks just agent talking or could there actually be some interested teams? Don't see why anyone would consider bringing him in because he isn't much of a difference maker


Take it how you want, he is back


What year is it?


Wish him all the best, he was such a talented deep threat, just needed to get his mind right. Still insane we ruined peoples careers for weed when Irsay is a walking pharmacy.


Did he even play a snap last year?


Man this guy had elite speed and size. Was so fun to watch


Fucking the nfl for what they did to Josh Gordon


What, this guy is still in the league?


according to spotrac, that guy made $3.4m for his entire career.... if not for pot, he would have made 10x that easily... in his 2nd season, 2015, he had 700+ yards, but went off against the broncos in the playoffs with that great defense, for 154 yards....and he was the only wr out there that didnt suck, no brown, no bell, and heath miller's last game... next season suspended... he was going to get paid if just played...


NFL just can’t quit this dude


I can't recall the name so I assume he is trash. Also he plays for the cowboys so I assume he is trash.


The Alien


He had that one good year with the Steelers before AB went nuts


This guys the OG Claypool


Bryant actually had elite body control. I know highlights don’t matter but if you watch them he had some insane catches that claypool could never do


Eh, Bryant’s problems were weed and hands. Awesome receiver outside of that.