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*”Too much talent to pass up for a sixth time.”


Just like Tom.


Michigan QB picked in the sixth round...shit writes itself


Hey, I've seen this one!


I find the story deflating.


Wait til you see the bootleg video


i'll tuck it away


damn man you guys have got 28 of these things I could only ever come up with 3


I wonder if Arch Manning will get drafted and refuse to play until he gets traded to NY


28 should be more than enough


Sherman's face looked deflated when he saw that one SuperBowl losing int.


Their combines were virtually the same too


“…Have you ever heard the Tragedy of Darth Purdy the wise?”


It's a late round QB, and backups are good to have. There's nothing else here. He does have an absolute cannon, however, just not very accurate.


So the Michael Bishop/Rohan Davey/Ryan Mallett experience again? Lol


Rohan Davey. Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.


If I needed a Hail Mary in Madden (05? 06?), I subbed out Brady for Davey.


I heard he's still in the Navy, And probably will be for life.


And the waitress is practicing politics,


As the business man slowly gets stoned


I have a very strong memory of Davey coming in for a Hail Mary in real life but don’t see an obvious candidate in his career game logs. Does anyone know if that actually happened or if I’m misremembering?


It was Michael Bishop that came in for Bledsoe to throw a Hail Mary.


How can you not think of 2x SB Champ Rohan Davey and his 8 completions for 88 yards, 0/0 TD/INT ratio? Lol FWIW, he’s a high school coach in LA now


> Rohan Davey That's two-time superbowl champion Rohan Davey


Is that how Cards ownership pitched it to the fan base when they signed him in 07? Lol


No, we knew he wouldn't see the field since we had two-time National Champion Matt Leinart!


That’s actually pretty cool. Not sure what he made in his NFL career but he’s probably comfortable and having fun.


Signing bonus of 330k, salaries of 225, 300 and 380k in 2002-2004. Unsure what he made in AFL, with the Cards or with Berlin, but either way, being smart with money would have netted him 1.2-1.5M minus taxes two decades ago. A great start to life if nothing else.


He was really good at LSU though, he was an elite game manager (which is not an insult there's more than 1 way to play QB).


elite game manager who threw for 540 yards on alabama


Alabama wasn’t very good that year but Davey was a good college player.


I saw Michael Bishop when he was still in JC. He hung 40 on us and only threw the ball like 5 time in the conference championship game.


Back-to-back NJCAA champion!


Ryan Mallett. RIP. 😭


Pretty much, lol




Scantron, you absolute heathen.


I have this theory that it’s a good idea to have QB competition pressure on your round 1 pick. Like, now he knows that if he doesn’t perform, the org will have his replacement chomping at the bit to take his spot. It’s good competition. Could be very easy to ease off too much after getting that first big contract. 


Now you understand why the Falcons paid Cousins


*Champing* at the bit


And Milton played at Michigan. The next Brady confirmed. /s




He just needs his own hype man.


Oh, don't mind Sidney, Bart. He's just speaking in backwards phonetics today.


Ivan Eht Nioj?


Trab pu Kcip! Trab pu kcip!


Ah, trab gninrom doog (ratavA morf sneila eulb gib eht rof gnitiurcer er'uoy sselnu) navy* :tidE


Joe Milton might honestly be my very last choice among NFL rostered QBs to be the backup. Third QB spot just to get him in the building and see if we can get anything out of him? Sure. Primary backup? Hell no


Brissett / Maye and Zappe are the 1st three QBs on the roster


Zappe is getting cut 100%


I’m not convinced at all Milton takes the last QB spot over him, I think Zappe could hang onto his roster spot


We are likely only keeping 2 QB's on our main roster. Milton to the practice squad. Zappe just wastes a roster spot.


Good thing then that he’s the third backup to Zappe.




Well yeah I know that. I was directly replying to the “backups are good to have” part lmao


Well that's perfect because he's competing with Zappe for the third spot. Brissett will probably be the starter and Maye the backup.


Brissett is a good backup, it would be stupid for him not to be that backup to help Maye. I see a lot of people saying Milton is gonna be the backup and I find that hilarious. Two rookie QBs sounds like a recipe for Tank Season


Not just the accuracy. The decision making is atrocious. Hopefully he can handle the pace of an NFL level pass rush.


Not wishing it on you guys, but the old Shanahan Redskins got laughed out of the off-season for taking RG3 and Cousins and that ended up being a pretty call. Worst case scenario, got two QBs on the roster on rookie deals. As long as one of them are good enough to start and do well, it's far from a problem.


Low key excited to see him play in pre season lol


When he throws up a bomb in preseason that's pulled in for a TD, you'll see social media go wild.


Everyone knows that all you need to do to fix that is [buy the guy a pair of glasses.](https://media4.giphy.com/media/g0Hm6KAtYjZqQzrflt/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952hr9ftwesyejn8xxlv2kivhc5cg6d0cpzqwuynoho&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)


Great movie.


He’s 6’5, 240 and is very athletic. There’s a lot to work with here.


You just described Kevin OConnell.


We've drafted a number of big armed late round guys over the years. A lot of teams do this. Have the Vikings been doing it? I can't recall ever seeing Kliff play, so no idea on him.


No, I mean, KOC as a player… for your team, as you were implying. The Patriots drafted a big armed QB named Kevin O’Connell.


That guy was a terrible QB, only good at standing on the sidelines. Wonder what he’s up to these days.


I remember we drafted him, but I'd forgotten he actually played for us. Then I looked it up and it was the Brady injury game...explains why I blocked KOC playing for us from my mind.


Easier to train a cannon to aim than to make an accurate duck fly faster.


The NFL's version of you can't teach height.


Hey, Kyle Boller had that cannon and talks about accuracy as well. He could throw the ball through the uprights from the 50 yard line down on one knee, and he started in 47 games ^^^With ^^^a ^^^20 ^^^- ^^^27 ^^^record


That's a fair point, actually. I never want to Joe Milton III starting for us, however.


Is this the guy that threw like an 80 yard bomb at the combine?


6th rounders are very rarely impact players. You're happy if your 6th or 7th rounders become consistent special teams contributors, so to use that pick on the dude with the biggest arm in the draft isn't a bad idea. Worst-case scenario you wasted a pick that's typically wasted anyway. Seriously, Joe Milton has a goddamn rocket


Ideally wouldn't want to carry two rookie QBs in a QB room, with a new coaching staff as well though.


I feel like you actually might want to with how the league is going. No idea how you'd actually get away with it though, not to mention justifying giving Rookie 2 the practice snap and coaching work to actually have a chance to develop and evaluate him.




This is what happened with Brock Purdy. We had 3 QBs with guaranteed money rostered, but after he showed out in training camp we decided it was worth eating Nate Sudfeld’s deal to keep Brock around.


This was Brady too. Ended up having 4 rostered QBs in ‘01 because he showed out early. Obviously Milton = the next Brady (or Purdy, which I’m also ok with)


worked out ok for Julie


I’m not sure his college coach telling a story that ends with Milton \*\*hitting the rafters of a dome\*\* is as impressive as the coach thinks. It was a post route, not a beam route.


I'm a Vols fan, and let me tell you the arm strength was, imo, more often than not a negative. Some of the "drops" and accuracy issues are actually due to Bazooka Joe not being able to dial back the velocity. Normally, you don't need to throw a perfect ball to complete most passes, especially at the college level. You need to distribute the ball and allow your atheletes to make a play. That is basically all Bo Nix did at Oregon, for example, and he was one of the best players in CFB last season. The problem is that Joe was incapable of throwing anything other than an ICBM, and makes it *extremely* difficult for the reciever to make a play unless the pass was right on the money. He'd fire balls on screens or slants where the reciever could get their hands on it, but it was often just too hot to handle. This resulted in a lot of drops and charges of inaccuracy, but I personally think a lot of it was just he was throwing too fucking hard. This was especially frustrating when, as often happened, we'd schemed the guys open enough that a softer, slightly less accurate ball would have resulted in moving the chains. You can also appreciate this difference if you compare Milton's performance with Hooker's the previous season. Hooker didn't have near the arm Joe does, but he was 100x the qb because he threw a highly catchable ball.


Hooker seems like a very good backup qb for the Lions, just probably will never start between Goff and a guy 9 years younger than him, he's 26 already, way older than Sewell. 


He’s one injury away from starting.


I love Goff but I'm excited to see hendon play hopefully he gets some time in the preseason


Oh he will. He’ll play most of pre-season and it will be fun to watch.


“Joe was incapable of throwing anything other than an ICBM” I didn’t know the Vols had “[Nuclear Gandhi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_Gandhi)” as QB!


This is what I hated about Colin Kaep. He had zero touch. Everything was as fast as possible.


So what you're saying is they should draft Joe Milton #1 overall in professional 500?


What I'm saying is that he was a big loss for the University of Tennessee astronomy department, because he was a convenient way to get stuff into low earth orbit


They haven't been the same since they lost the passtraunot


I saw a report that said if you needed an 80 yard pass he'd give you an 80 yard pass. If you needed a 20 yard pass he'd also give you an 80 yard pass.


To be fair, the coach did show him Google Maps right before the throw, showing a nearby mountain range, and told him: “you see them there mountains? Throw it over em”.


Wait till you see why he can do to an orange


Accurate, but it was somehow a *positive* for Anthony Richardson to hit the dome.


They really just wanted to bring him in to entertain all the media and fans during OTAs while they stash Maye away in some side field to work on his footwork all summer. Fan: hey where’s Maye at I want to see how he’s doing on his footwork. Team: why would you want to watch that when you can watch Milton throw an orange 100+ yards


Meanwhile Maye is in the lab where Brady is plotting on how to switch bodies with him to play for another 20+ years


If they had the ability to swap Brady into another body then wouldn't Milton be the choice while Maye is the distraction?


Too much horsepower, Brady already knows all the answers so why give him a bunch of tools he's never used before?


Brady only had 50% of the arm Milton has, and that's not a slight on Brady.


Just imagine him trying to hit a rookie receiver, throwing full power based on his normal timing and taking a random coach's head off


Do you want to know the awful truth? Or do you want me throw it over them mountains?




why is he so adamant against eating fruit? it's good for hydration and to get necessary vitamins and minerals. he throws perfectly good food away. really far.


He’s throwing it to the fans in the 300s


oh that's the malnourished fan section. at least it's going to a hungry boy


We be staaahving up here


They brought him in just to make Paul Perillo cry.


"I mean, believe me, we *wanted* to pass up on him. We all really dislike him, on a deep and personal level. Awful guy, revolting even. But, well, too much talent, like I said."


~ Jimmy Haslam


Football IQ of a turnip. Need proof? Watch the end of the Ole Miss game in 2022.


I will never forget when they put him in at the end of the game. It’s 0:00 across the clock and Tennessee was down 5. He ran out of bounds instead of throwing it to the endzone.


He’s gonna make our defense so confident in practice lol


Tbf it’s a patriots defense. They should always feel confident. Now the offense on the other hand…


Well, most of that was BB, right? He's not there anymore


Well our new DC is our prior DL coach under Bill. Our new HC is a former defensive player under Bill who coached defense under Bill. Our new LB coach is a former LB under Bill. So in that sense there should be a lot of continuity. How they do things without Bill there will remain to be seen, obviously, and it wouldn't be surprising if there were some regression. But there is still a ton of continuity (and very little player turnover) on the defense.


This will be an interesting side note for the season. I'd like to see if that pans out.


Don't follow CFB, so didn't know about that. Read "Football IQ of a turnip" - figured it was a bit hyperbolic. Then I read your comment - and googled the [video](https://youtu.be/Z_GC1x4v7mw?t=336) ... *sigh*


i mean he's what QB3/4 rn? either he hits the books and can actually do something with his arm stregnth or he doesnt and its just another 6th round pick that didnt work out


I like the part where the defenders stand around waiting for the next play for a moment, since their default assumption is that there's zero chance anyone would run a few yards and duck out of bounds if that ends the game, therefore the game isn't over. (A little known fact is that all football players are Bayesian)


They also don't show Heupal. I'd love to have seen his reaction.


Dying at one of the top comments > Milton heard “don’t throw things on the field” and thought it applied to everyone


That actually doesn't look that bad to me. No one was open, he thought he could run it in, and got caught. He couldn't pass it because he was beyond the line of scrimmage.


I was going to say maybe he's good for an end of half or game hail mary play but then I saw this comment and saw the video lol


He had several other just as absurd moments last season as the starter.


Luckily you don’t need a very high IQ to read playsheets and run the scout team


They might have drafted him to be scout team Josh Allen 😂


That’s my theory. Along with all the other mobile QBs.


He couldn't hold the job at Michigan - we aren't exactly a QB powerhouse...


I mean, the last qb the pats got from michigan in the 6th round turned out to be a decent pickup.


What a fucking mess, from all ends lmao: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z\_GC1x4v7mw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_GC1x4v7mw)


I’m from TN, so I get more exposure than I wanted about him. He’s the exactly same player from a couple years ago. He didn’t improve at all during his college years. He’s 24 now, I doubt he will ever get any better as QB. He’s athletic enough maybe you can turn into a tight end or slot receiver, he would also work well with weird plays.


He was always gonna get drafted late by someone who thinks they can fix his horrendous accuracy.


Even Daboll wasn't up for this challenge


I honestly expected someone to draft him higher because they thought they could fix his deep flaws and utilize his great strengths.


Who is your favorite Volunteer who made it to the NFL?


I think the CBA actually requires you to pay everyone in the NFL.


Not Cheerleaders!!!!


Cordarrelle Patterson. When we got him from Oakland, I thought we got another Randy Moss. He never developed into the WR that could be, but he was very humble, did everything we asked of him.


Dude still in the league, and has transitioned into a RB. Never would have thought that in a thousand years. Dude is one of the few remaining players from the 2013 draft.


He was great for us, carried our putrid offense in 21 and was great again in 22, man I love CP


>man I love CP Phrasing


I'm sure the fbi has our sub in the radar after we signed him 3 years ago lmao


Domino's knows it is really your love for cheese pizza


He's the best return specialist since Devin Hester, so it makes sense he's still around.


Funny thing it was with the Pats when he first started taking straight up RB snaps because their backfield was so injured that year. He was just the last healthy body, so we said fuck it, you're a RB now.


Mayo was also a Volunteer 👀👀


That defense with him and Eric Berry was legit


Didn't Peyton play there too?


As a Vikings fan, I thought he should've became an RB way back with us. Dude could not run routes but was electric with the ball and a big guy


Eric Berry, next question.


The dude that coaches the Patriots.


Eric Berry for me


Most people top 4 would be Peyton, Berry, Patterson, Culquit


Was hoping someone would have said Reggie White eventually...guess not. 😭


The problem with him switching positions is despite being a laughably giant human he is so averse to any contact he’d have no chance of making it as a TE.


how many QBs were actually successfully transitioned to tight end? logan thomas has 2k career yards and he's the most successful one i can think of in recent years dude is a QB and unfortunately he's not an NFL caliber one


Matt Jones Arkansas QB played 4 years with Jaguars, caught 15 yds and 2k yards. Not bad production but never played again after a drug arrest and suspension.


He played WR though didn’t he


Looks like maybe, but I think it was kinda hybrid. Wiki says he was 6ft6 240 at the draft so definitely TE shaped


His accuracy got *marginally* better on short/intermediate routes, but aside from that, yeah, he didn’t improve. He still: * overthrew receivers at least once a game * underthrew receivers when clearly trying to take some power off of his deep passes * threw way too hard on passes not accurate enough for his receivers to catch them (normally on crossing routes and things like that) * had very little pocket awareness * took way too long to make decisions in a very quick offense


Strongest arm in the draft.


He might have the strongest arm in all of football.


I guess and I know nfl is different from college and I’m biased as a fan of the team but I wanted them to put the freshman in over him a few games in. But yk untapped potential for a 6th rounder sure I can see it


Talent, in this case, just means "ability to throw the ball really far."


I’d also add in the 6’5 245 pounds and runs a 4.6 40 time so legit TE size and speed. Wasn’t Edelman a 6th rounder qb?


7th round and he knew that he was going to have to switch positions to stay in the nfl. My fear with Milton is that he won’t accept the fact that he needs to transition to TE if he wants to stay on an nfl roster. It’s gonna be like another Tebow situation, except hopefully he never has to play a snap for us at qb and he wasn’t drafted absurdly high.


you guys did this with another former Michigan QB that tried his hand at playing another position besides QB...I don't know if he ever any snaps in the NFL tho


I have no clue who you are talking about. It’s definitely not Brady because there was never any talk he was playing any other position other than qb given the fact he was unathletic as fuck and his arm was the only talent he had.


Devin Gardner...I don't remember if he was a late late round pick, or was an udfa


Are you thinking of Denard Robinson for the Jags? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denard_Robinson edit: nope, you were right: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devin_Gardner


He just trill checked everyone lol. Bro actually had a name ready to go that hasn't been uttered in years


I wouldn't say "hasn't been uttered in years". He's an analyst with Fox Sports now and pretty damn good at it.


And what’s your talent? Not being invited to parties?


I get it, but the knock on Milton is that throwing the ball really far was his *only* talent. He’s got a howitzer he can’t aim, and lacks the football IQ necessary for the position. I dunno if I’d even call him backup calendar. He was absolutely awful at Michigan


"I'm the man who has the ball. I'm the one who can throw it faster than fuck."


I'm not gon stop yelling, cuz that means I lost.


they’ll get him a couple of preseason highlights and trade him for a 5th


Having never seen this guy play, he sounds just like Logan Thomas: big guy, cannon arm, good mobility, questionable accuracy.


Logan Thomas’s college highlights are better than Milton’s


If the guy had accuracy, he’d be the consensus #1 pick.


Can't stop. Won't stop sadly.


I am actually in favor of stacking up on QB’s; you never know when do you get the next TB. Put them on your practice squad until you make a better judgement of their ability.


Yup, if you can get a physically talented QB in day 3. You take them even if you have one. Day 3 picks don't have a great hit rate regardless of position, but if you hit on a QB worst-case scenario, you trade them for a haul.


I liked the idea of the Broncos doing a dart throw on Milton or Pratt but effectively we've thrown a dart at Zac Wilson with a 6th/7th round pick swap.


See: RGIII and Kirk, though that was kind of wild cause Kirk was picked in the 4th


Oh we know this story..


The Patriots drafted a QB in the sixth round, which means we're going to be inundated with endless Brady jokes.


I wish Milton the best but I honestly don’t see him as a serviceable backup in the NFL. I do hope I’m wrong.


Need a dev league to give these guys meaningful reps and NFL coaching


I’m really surprised this article makes it sound like they will give him a shot at QB. I agree with the article he is a physical specimen and obviously everyone knows the arm talent, but they emphasized his ability to read defenses. I personally don’t see it. I thought he was going to transition to tight end. He’s already 24, so if you give him 2 years to try to be a competent QB, that’s 2 years he can’t learn another position. This isn’t an insult, I just think he’s still too raw at 24 in some aspects of QB. Reminds me of Tyree Jackson a few years ago who also transitioned to tight end.


I know it’s a meme at this point but I would try and move him to tight end idk if his lack of accuracy and decision making is fixable but dude is hyper athletic


Bro is truly...truly terrible.


They've had some luck in that round!


Why not? They need QBs and most 6th round picks don't even make the roster.


He is the Kirk Cousins to Drake Maye’s RG3.


Except the exact opposite of Kirk Cousins in pretty much every way.