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I'm convinced this is actually a samba lesson and not an actual football drill


TIL the tweakers outside QuickTrip in the afternoons are just practicing Samba


You guys get tweakers outside of your QTs? QTs where I grew up were always the best place to avoid that because there was always atleast cop there (I think they give cops free coffee and donuts or something).


I gave a beggar $2 bucks walking out the store, and he pulled a gun on me for ONLY giving him $2. The problem was quickly resolved when the rest of the bachelor party got out of the truck.


Homeless people by me have gotten real aggressive lately too. They used to just stand there with their sign and look sad. Now they walk through the aisles and bang on people's windows and flip you off if you don't give them money. Kinda crazy. Depend on someone else to give you free stuff and then get pissed when they don't. 


I was about to say, wow, for the wrong side of his body, the fluidity of his movement is insane. Then he flipped and threw the wet noodle of a ball.... Eh hopefully he can keep resting that rocket of a right arm he has


The Ben Dinucci Special


It was reported yesterday he was having shoulder soreness so this gets him reps on footwork without hurting his surgically repaired arm


How does this get him reps on footwork when they're for the entirely different side of his body? Not trying to be sarcastic, but that makes the opposite of good sense. It makes sense to have him practice just to get timing/rhythm with the offense, for sure. E: Goddamn. I get it. I'll watch the video when I get home to realize why he's practicing backwards. He seems like an idiot though. /s


Watching the video, he does about a 10 second footwork drill oriented as if he's going to throw righty, then at the end he switches his feet and throws lefty. The throwing part of it seems to be an afterthought and not an important part of the drill.


Crazy how people comment so emphatically without watching the video


I will remind you, good individual, that this is Reddit.


And then people complain about click bait headlines.. That's why people use them, cause no one watches or reads anything past the headline


Thank you for saying “good individual”. Not because it’s gender neutral, but because I’m just so tired of seeing “good sir” all the time on this site.


Fair and valid point, good sir.




Because he is also a good sir, good sir


I prefer a good “m’lady”


I prefer the gender neutral, "you fucker". It's so versatile, and usually necessary.


Dude, is the best gender nuetral informal term. According to the shared wisdom set down in Good Burger (home of the Good Burger).


I 100% also go with this train of thought but "good dude" didn't have the poshness in tone I was going for.


The narwhal bacons at midnight, good sir


And 200 others who also didn't watch it upvoted him lol


Even crazier is the amount of upvotes those comments get.


Crazy how many people upvoted him, did anyone watch it?


I get that he's doing footwork as if he's throwing righthanded, but what's the sombrero for?


Looks like he was just itching to throw but couldn't throw with his right arm.


Seems like they should just not throw at that point then


I would encourage you to also watch the video. He's doing all of the footwork the right way, and then casually tosses it with his left hand towards the coach one time. He's not practicing left handed, it's literally just a single casual toss to get the ball from him to the coach.


I don't know seems like a quarterback that could switch and throw lefty everyone in a while could confuse the hell out of some defenses.  


To be able to throw at an NFL level with both arms would be near impossible. Even if you were naturally ambidextrous, your reps and muscle memory would need to be focused on one arm.


Nope...what about switch hitters in baseball....they have a natural swing from both sides of the plate.


I don't think it'd be as much of an advantage in football.  You're not interrupting a pitchers rhythm in football by doing that, and if you tried to pull off the switch in the middle of a snap I think you negate any advantage you have. I think the main difference in throwing lefty vs righty is what part of the field you can easily see and throw to based on your stance. If you're taking the time to change your stance, you might as well just keep the same stance and pivot. My point being I think it would mess with the qb more than the defense, unlike baseball. 


Well plus...switch hitters advantage is for themselves to have a better angle of the pitch. It's not really to deceive the pitcher. It's more like saying you'd throw lefty because the route heading to that side favors the qb. In which case to your point isn't an advantage at all


It would help with plays where you’re rolling to your left, not enough to justify all the work of course.


I think that depends entirely on play schemes. If you have a guy who can, everything else considered equal, throw with their non-dominant hand, you use sparingly but effectively in ways that keep a defense honest and guessing.


Sure but it also makes life harder on your teammates. I feel it would be a wash.  Your left tackle and right tackle would need to both be really good, or swap on plays where you're going to swap stances Your receivers would be catching balls spinning opposite ways every time which could trip them up too


A big reason why switch hitters exist is to capitalize on the advantage that R-handed batters have against L-handed pitchers (or vice versa). Most teams like to have a semi-even split of batters from each side, and having switch hitters on your team allows you to flexibility to have more flexibility in that. Very few switch hitters are actually hitting at an MLB-proficient rate from both sides of the plate. Most are actively better batting from one side, and only mildly acceptable from the other. For example, last year, the *best* switch hitter in terms of Batting Average was José Ramirez. Among players with 100+ plate appearances, right-handed José would've been 16th in the league for BA. Left-handed José was 247th and had a well below-average WAR.


throwing a football is different. pocket protection, footwork, throwing mechanics, and the WRs being used to the spin of the ball are all factors. plus how hard it is to be an NFL QB throwing with their best arm. Theres such a limited advantage/scenarios where throwing lefty would "throw off" a defense. whereas theres an obvious advantage to switch hitting every AB.


Or even more rare, and perhaps more impressive, the switch pitcher!


I don't think it's that casual. Switching involves moving the ball over and flipping your body around. At that point you'd be better just pivoting and throwing righty. The advantage comes in what part of the field you can quickly see and throw to while in a lefty / righty stance, not the actual act of throwing with a left or right hand. 


There’s some high school kid that pops up on my IG sometimes who can throw really damn well with both hands. There’s no way whatever college coach he has will allow him to do that, but I do wonder if there will be a truly ambidextrous NFL QB in the future. It’s bound to happen. And that dudes gonna break the QB contract market. Edit: his name is Mikey Gow. Lamar tweeted about him


So he should just walk around with a ball all day? He’s just tossing it back to the coach after the drill.


I've seen The Program. Walking around with a ball all say is absolutely a valid training tool. /s


That's the running back drill.


Why not just have him do the footwork and not throw? Seems silly to do the drill pretending he is right handed, the footwork is completely different.


You try watching the video first?


I tried that the first time. I'll try again. Okay. Why is he throwing at all of he had surgery on his arm?  


Okay that makes way more sense. I'm at work and can't watch the video. Thanks fan


He did all the footwork on his throwing side then switched at the end. Hes not doing this drill to work on throwing


Just click that play button, buddy.


You’re very opinionated for not watching the linked video


Couldn't even be bothered to watch a 21s embedded video clip ☠️


Right lol it definitely took them longer to type that comment than it would have to just watch the clip 😂


The video shows your answer


To be fair, it still is pretty weird.


Lazy af


I was desperately hoping it's because they are trying to turn him into a double direction roll out QB. Fuck you Irsay for ruining my dreams.


Wait, his surgically repaired arm is ALREADY hurting??


They do that when they haven’t been used in a while


This guy is hurt again?


Naw just recovering lol


Yeah just recovering from having his whole shoulder joint sheer off his clavicle 💀


>Lefty, not righty Comrade Richardson




I hope he heals up and lights it up. He was a lot of fun to watch when he wasn't hurt


I want him to succeed so bad and I’m not even a colts fan.


Same. I'm a Gator so I root for AR but dude is made of glass. Hopefully the trend does not continue.


Why can't we have nice things?


We traded all of it for 2007, apparently. Ever since then the football gods just find new and creative ways to inspire hope before dashing us on the rocks.


Worth it. I got to see an Indy title before I die. God knows the Pacers aren't ever gonna get one.


And what a title run it was too. That was one of the most entertaining postseasons I’ve ever watched. The AFC field was absolutely stacked.


u had manning into luck???


And we broke them both


My dude, you had a HOF player for 13 seasons, 2 superb owl appearances and 1 win. I’d trade my first born for that.


Probably because your owner crushes them into powder and snorts it


Doesn't your owner play for the Jets?


He may be signed with the Jets, but there is no evidence he plays for them


There’s the play or two preceding his injury…


aDdIcTiOn Is HiLaRiOuS


Luck fell into your lap and you guys squandered it.


Load balancing in June is not a good sign. I said the same thing about Burrow.


Load balancing for a year 2 QB who’s calling card was ungodly athletic ability ^(hes fine but it’s offseason and i feel like stirring drama with the team that beat the bears in the only SB appearance I’ve been alive for)


At least you can remember the Hester return and mentally block out the rest


Shame the game was cancelled after the opening kickoff


It was nice of Prince to still play the halftime though.


That’s exactly what I do lol… and I always remember the one white guy who chased Hester down to swipe at him as he was crossing the goal line. Idk who that dude was but he’s fast as hell Edit: my flair in the bears sub has always been Hester Super Return too. My fav play of all time and my fav player


I wanna say that was Matt Giordano


Obviously. That’s where the game ended, everybody went home after that.


Steichen said he’d be playing if it were a game. It’s a non issue him having some soreness, it’s expected.


Isn't that the exact time to do this when he only started throwing some weeks ago? What do you want them to do? Force him back into practice? It's June, why would load balancing be bad now?


Nephews just like to say stuff don’t worry about it


AR is recovering from a shoulder injury. Given that he's ahead of schedule in his recovery, having a break due to normal soreness isn't concerning. Obviously it would be great if he hadn't gotten hurt or if he had healed even faster, but I'm not going to worry that he's doing normal rehab.


Yeah, probably best not to fast track Cam Newton’s career before you get to the MVP part.


Burrow’s injury heading into last season was his calf. His season was ended by an unrelated torn ligament in his hand/arm.


“Yeah, but, load balancing…” *conspiracy hands*


I know you already have enough Colts fans coping in your replies, but just some added context, AR is like 6 weeks ahead of the timetable for the injury/surgery he had. Any time you see Chris Ballard talk about Luck you can see he has PTSD (just like the rest of us) about the situation, he’s taking it *suuuuper* easy with this one.


Seems like AR is smart enough to not go *fucking skiing* during his rehab, which helps.


Wasn't he injured a lot in college too? This guy might just be a glass cannon.


He's ahead of schedule with recovery in his defense. Think July was the estimated time table


Probably taking it easy today, he over exerted himself yesterday so they're probably just reigning him in as a precaution. I'm not going to worry, yet.


I'm rooting for him. This sub bashed him hard coming out but he easily has the highest ceiling of all the qbs drafted last year


I hope he's learning to protect himself. He's dynamite to watch.


Yeah his playstyle could have him wind up like Cam Newton, but even faster considering he's already had a season ending injury to his shoulder I'm rooting for him, but he HAS to protect himself


This is why we needed to keep Jonathan Taylor. We can’t let Richardson be our best short yardage runner.


He’s nowhere near as durable as Cam, unfortunately. His playstyle needs to change if he’s going to succeed because he clearly can’t take those hits at this level. Iirc, Cam didn’t miss a game due to injury until he got into a literal car accident lmao


Yeah, speed wasn’t what made Cam a great runner. It was the fact that he was a bulldozer.


He had pretty good speed for his size, but yeah that wasn't what made him a great runner.


Broke his back and missed like 1 game lol Dude was an actual real-life tank. I remember watching that video when he got attacked at that charity event a little while ago of him throwing dudes around like toddlers, and I remember thinking "jumping Cam Newton is certainly a choice that you could make."


He’s never protected himself his entire football playing life. I love his talent but unfortunately it’s unlikely this ends up going well


this is just false, he did a great job avoiding hits as a senior despite being the whole offense. was literally asked to ease up on rushing and did it very willingly


I feel like injuries are mostly luck(no pun intended), this guy has had a bunch of freak injuries and you can get guys like Josh who truck people with no injuries


You can't chalk it up to freak injuries when they consistently occur throughout his career.


Richardson definitely needs to work on being less reckless, but he’s also got to learn from other elite QBs about drawing calls whenever he gets hit. It’s annoying as a fan, but you play that game if you can because guys will hesitate to light you up. Either you get tackled less hard or you get an extra split second to get down or extend a play if it’s a big moment.


Yeah same when he was healthy early on he was a lot of fun to watch. Really looking forward to watching him develop this year. No matter how big you are QBs simply aren't big enough to be regularly lowering their shoulder. It'll catch up to them.


He has a higher ceiling than the guy who had one of the best rookie seasons of all time?


Richardson absolutely has a higher ceiling than Stroud, doesn't mean hes the better QB now or ever will be. Just like Cam Newton had a higher ceiling than someone like Joe Burrow ever could


People in this thread having a hard time understanding what a potential ceiling is tbh, literacy isn’t a strong suit


It's always funny when you try to word a response very specifically and then they just read it as something else. Ain't my fault other people can't read


https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/Z8jofvrtur Case in point


Bros just yappin


He still going


Anthony Richardsons ceiling is literally the best quarterback of all time. He's Mike Vick in a defensive ends body with natural pocket presence.


This is dumbest take of all time. Richardson is ass. Stroud is elite.


What they are now has literally nothing to do with what their potential ceiling is. Don't call others dumb when you clearly don't understand what a ceiling is.


I think they’re talking about from a purely athletic standpoint he has a higher ceiling than Stroud


You think he has a higher ceiling than Stroud?? That’s crazy talk, one of the best rookie QB seasons I can remember


Not sure you understand ceiling here. Stroud was my qb1 last year and Richardson gm qb2 last year. Richardson is the most athletic qb ever. He has a high ceiling due to elite physical traits


Ceiling? Absolutely. He’s got tools that no one else in league history has. Why would Stroud’s ceiling be higher?


found anthony richardson's burner


AR looked incredible when he played too though. I think ARs ceiling is maybe higher, but Stroud is more likely to reach a higher ceiling because he's shown a lot more.


He was literally sub 60% Completion


And conveniently, that's the **only** data point you need to see, no matter the sample size, to know exactly how good a QB can be in the future. And people say QB analysis is hard!


Regardless of stats, AR is the most athletically gifted and has the strongest arm of all the qbs in the 2023 draft. Hell he might be the most athletically gifted qb in the NFL. Doesn’t mean he’s going to be good, but that’s why his ceiling is so high.


If you watched the games there was a lot going into that not just him missing passes(he did miss some passes though) but through the first 4 games he played he definitely looked the best of the rookies and it wasn’t mildly close. Stroud came on later in the year when his Oline got more secure and he came into his own. Bryce never came along. Levis had 1 good game and not much else. 


Homer rival hate here


Will Levis had a sub 50% completion against arguably the worst secondary in football last year who was begging him to throw. Guess he sucks too


People use this ceiling crap too often. As a passer there were, and still are, questions about him and that puts a cap on how good he can be since throwing the football is the entire point of being a Qb. Being a great athlete only means so much. Just ask Justin Fields.




I mean, if he didn’t show more processing skills than fields it would be a massive issue


I think he has the highest hill to climb for accuracy of any of that QB class. He ranked 106th for on target rate among all fbs QBs the year he got drafted but showed some good signs in the games he played as a pro. He is young, but he needs to consistently hit the target.


Not to mention you have to stay on the field to actually be productive, which he can't seem to do throughout his football career.


That’s his whole thing, that he has a high ceiling but didn’t have much success in college w/ accuracy and injury issues. Physical ceiling is top 3 QB with seemingly a good football IQ, just has a wide range of outcomes as all do


I don’t really get glossing over the massive accuracy issue that still exists and then saying top 3 potential. He can learn to protect himself MUCH easier than learn everything it takes to be accurate. if that’s the criteria there’s probably 5 QBs per draft that could be top 3 players if they suddenly solve their biggest weakness…


If you gloss over the accuracy issues that's how you miss out on Josh Allen


I assume it’s a joke but Allen is pretty widely accepted as an exception not the rule. But maybe if you also gloss over the injuries it could work…no it never does but it could work for them!


Yeah. People just forget the guys like Blaine Gabbert or Akili Smith and such that never turned out.


If never works except for when it does. Great argument there lol AR is more athletic. Has a better arm. Is faster.


Oh, you’re serious. Lmao


Yes I am. Everything I said was factually correct


“Thousands of people have gone over Niagara Falls…but only sixteen people have reportedly survived the feat.” Let me know how your trip goes buddy! I’m sure it’ll be fine. I am factually correct that people survive Niagara Falls.


What a terrible comparison. I'm not arguing that he's going to hit. I'm saying he has the highest ceiling of all the qbs taken last year That's an objective fact Any other straw man arguments you want to toss in here?


Idk you could watch tape from his games and see that he showed improvement in the very limited playing time he had instead of just box score watching


I watched him, as long as he could stay healthy. Now what?


Then you'd be able to see that there is potential there lol


From what? Literally, from what? He didn’t rush for many yards, just an ok avg, he’s a big guy but didn’t look agile at all, his passing was bad and was honestly worse if you watched with all the misfires, and he couldn’t stay healthy. So what did YOU watch?


Because it’s a potential ranking, if we’re talking potential then we’re talking perfect world where things like accuracy are figured out within reason and injures aren’t occurring


Again I guess I just don’t get the point then. If you apply “I assume they’ll figure the most important skills out” with no real reason to do so when he hasn’t shown improvement, what’s the difference between Richardson and any other big body QB? Are they all potential top 3 then?


I’m not sure I understand, you’re questioning how projecting somebody to their potential works? How else would you project someone’s ceiling?


I’m questioning what’s the difference between Richardson and every other prospect if you apply “assuming he gets good at the most important skills of being a QB, he will be a good QB”. That’s not a prediction “within reason” to use your words. It MIGHT happen! But there’s nothing to suggest it’s any more likely than any other QB prospect. In fact, he showed very little passing-wise in his 1 year so far, so I would take a prospect.


Looking at his own class, you don’t see how Richardson and Young have different ceilings?


Misread young as stroud in my first reply, oops Not really sure where you’re going with your Young point. My point If your ceiling is based off growth “within reason”, then it’s probably worth pointing out only Allen and maybe a couple other inaccurate QBs have overcome that? That’s not a “within reason” expectation


The “within reason” piece is in regards to his accuracy improving to a certain place, as in I don’t expect him to be throwing 70% completion, but if he brings it from 60% to 64% as he develops, combined with his physical ability and rushing TDs, his ceiling is much higher than someone like Young, but it’s all projection based on their most favorable outcome because that’s their ceiling. That doesn’t mean it’s likely to happen, it doesn’t mean they’re more likely to hit their ceiling than someone else, Bryce Young is probably more likely to hit his ceiling than Richardson partially because his ceiling is lower and is predicated on things that he was good at in college despite it not showing up on the field in the NFL. And for further context, <=64.99% is worse than 20 starters with 100+ snaps, and includes guys like Geno Smith, CJ Stroud, Baker Mayfield, Jordan Love, and Matt Stafford.


My dynasty team is praying for him


Go Gata! Miss you at Florida buddy.


Hopefully Mertz and Lagway have us set up for a few good years the position


Mertz was a very pleasant surprise and Lagway is supposed to be a studddd. Just need the defense to follow suit lol.


Maybe he'll start throwing to the left side of the field now, too.


He was just watching some clips of Colts legendary QB Carson Wentz


Buddy's shoulder falls apart like brisket from the bone.


What type of brisket has a bone in it?


The brisket kind. https://www.texasmonthly.com/bbq/bbq-anatomy-101-bone-in-brisket/


Damn, thanks for the article.


They should have cut the video before he threw it lol


He’s just preparing to switch hands if he ever injures his throwing shoulder in game 😛


So he's loosey?


countdown til hes injured for the season during otas


He's going to go down the RGIII path of rushing back from injury to the determinant of his career


He threw two passes right handed yesterday and these lefties today... How is that rushing him back?


Because he's practicing without being fully healed.


So it’s actually really good to work out things that are healing . Not always going crazy


Except he's not really throwing at all. Steichen said his arm is in a spot where if they had a game Sunday he'd play. Hes ahead of schedule and they're being overly cautious lol


Circle back to my comments at the end of the season. I sincerely doubt he'll play all 17 games, and not finish the season on IR.


What does that have to do with him doing a footwork drill and specifically not throwing with the hurt shoulder. You said he's practicing hurt, everyone involved in the situation is saying he's fine and the drill wasn't even a throwing drill Does matter we'd beat you with our backup again though


I sincerely hope you're wrong


Ah, he needs a healthy shoulder for a footwork drill.


Pls be ok Superman




Richardson is fucked. Dude wasn't accurate before he lost his shoulder, now he's gotta fight through rehab and hope to make pinpoint throws that only a handful of guys can make to begin with. 


Antuany Richardson


Seems like a good guy Has bust written all over him


Career is over. Was already a project and missed a year due to injury,