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I started watching football around the time of his nearly record breaking season, and didn't fully appreciate what he was doing. By the time I really understood what I was watching, he had already started to slow down. But damn, prime AD was an unreal combination of strength, burst and top speed.


Second best Runningback i have ever seen, and maybe the last truly great of its kind, unless the rules wil stop favorising the pass game so much.


From the first game he played, you knew he was special. And he just continued to exceed expectations. Very grateful I got to watch the entirety of his career.


My dad knew his dad in college. He said that he used to line up basketballs along the key, then do a drill where he'd grab one, pivot, jump and dunk, and then grab the next ball on the other side and repeat. The dude was only like 6'. He was a beast, and AD definitely got those genes.


Excellent blocking, every guy in the second level was picked up making it easy for him to bounce outside and find a ton of space


The only blocking I can see is u/nfl blocking the video because they fucking suck


It’s excellent blocking, if you bounce outside by clicking the link it’ll take you to YouTube where you can watch it


The turf monster of principle is going to trip me up before that goal line, but the analysis of the play was fantastic, thank you


Robert Quinn (#94) on this play goes unnoticed, but he'd be nearly in stride with Adrian Peterson if he wasn't 5 yards behind at the start of the breakaway


His running was always so consistent he never had to branch out or switch it up.


I expected him to be holding a knife after reading the title


He was thinking about how he’s going assault his son and bruise his fucking nutsack again….