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With revenues like that, you realize the Cowboys' decision to opt out of the collective marketing of the NFL was a genius move despite them having to pay a solidarity payment to the other 31 franchises.


You can say a lot of things about Cowboys fans but they are committed to the financial stability of their franchise.


Yes, poor Jerry, we need to help him afford his lifestyle.


I mean the man probably needs millions just to afford the salt for his McGriddles


Jerry saw that old salt mine meme from years ago and just salivates at it. He bought that mine.


Jerry Jones made a nice dollar from Texan residents just after that blackout. I always assumed he retired from the energy business, because of his age and influence in the NFL. Why bother having to spend his last remaining days paying attention to that stuff too. Guess i am the fool today...


If you subtract their expenses what does it look like? The title is confusing revenue and income, then doing an analysis on the less informative one.


Forbes has us as the most valuable sports franchise on earth, which would account for expenses


Or they just make it up, like their net worth lists.


Awesome, so what are they and how do they compare to the rest of the league?


[https://www.forbes.com/teams/dallas-cowboys/](https://www.forbes.com/teams/dallas-cowboys/) Feel free to click through the teams


I don't doubt that one bit, but why not display that information? It's more likely to change ranks towards the middle and end of the list than the top. It may also close some of the gaps.


Because this a graphic to show top line revenue of the teams, which would signal most money from sales of tickets, merchandise, etc. It's not supposed to be a graphic measuring profitability of each team. Why does it have to be? There's a reason revenue is its own line on the P&L.


> Why does it have to be? Have you ever run a business?


I'm just trolling you man, it's just a graphic showing revenue. I'm a certified accountant, yes I understand quite deeply the difference between revenue and expenses.


Thank you for clearing that up. I thought all merchandise revenues were shared equally. This solidarity payment, how much was it and how often does it have to get paid?


Holy shit I didn't know the Raiders made so much. Is this after the move?


Yeah. Ticket prices in Vegas are significantly higher given tourist demand to go to an NFL game. Pair that with a higher propensity to spend in Vegas on merch + concessions


Jerry Jones' decision.*


I don’t see the point in making that distinction, like yes obviously the team’s decision was the decision of the owner of said team


Because he gets enough negative said about him but when it's positive it's the Dallas Cowboys.


Sure but people don’t hate Jerry because they think he’s bad at making money




FYI these are estimates since NFL teams are private organizations except the packers


Which makes them worthless


Pretty much. Team owners will never disclose that partly for tax reasons.


Tax reasons? You think that NFL teams don’t have to report their income and expenses to the IRS, and that publicly releasing it would somehow change that?


You’re all welcome, esp the 3 poverty franchises we share the NFCN with 🧐


Yeah I think Forbes use public info from the packers to gestimate revenues for other teams


Shut up! I wear this barrel as a fashion statement!


Though, It does look good on you.


The charred oak really brings out their eyes.


Packers are going to need that extra money to overpay Love with


Over pay love is such cope


Better than overpaying JJ and eventually overpaying McCarthy who can barely get the ball to him.


Lmfao what? If he can barely get the ball to him then they won’t be overpaying him (or paying him at all) in 4 years will they


Dude went from talking shit to hostile as soon as another NFCN member said anything somewhat bad about the Packers. Packers have kings of the NFCN for awhile but apparently the Bears, Lions, and Vikings have a rent free timeshare in this dudes head.


He’s just salty because the packers owned the North for the last decade and didn’t do shit in the playoffs except choking.


> Better than overpaying JJ and eventually overpaying McCarthy McCarthy *is* JJ. :D


I'm actually completely surprised the Lions are dead last, but this is the 22/23 season so I'd imagine if it was last year it would be higher. 


What exactly is the reason for the gap? The other three fan bases aren't small either. Ticket prices? Merch sales?


Correct. And this is revenue, not "take home". The Packers "owners" take home 8-80M a year, depending on what stadium upgrades are on the docket. It costs a helluva lot of money to run an NFL team.


Well, the public subsidizes them and pays for their stadiums and gives them all their stuff, we just don’t keep any of the profits, those are private.


I knew the Lions would be low on the list but I'm surprised we're dead last.


The year analyzed is 2022-2023, not 2023-2024  It's a year behind


Still surprising given how loyal the fan base has been despite decades of hardship. Would have expected the Panthers or Cardinals to be last myself


Loyalty doesn't really corelate with billionaire spending.


When your team sucks you don't wear as much merch. After last year this number will be much higher. People won't be ashamed to rep the team.


Houston is high up on the list and were worse than the Lions that year. A lot of it has to do with media market size.


It is less loyalty by the fans and more revenue sharing agreement amongst 31 of the NFL teams (Cowboys opted out and are the only team not part of it). So jersey sales for say Patriots, or SF, or whatever, get split amongst all teams.


Yeah I’m surprised at the eagles seeing as they have such a large dedicated fan base and generally pull in some of the highest viewing figures. 


I also figured the Steelers would be higher. I'd say I'm surprised about the Raiders being #2, but their gear has always sold to people beyond football. I remember kids wearing Raiders hoodies at school who never watched a football game in their life. They also do have a dedicated fan base.


I’m shocked we’re not dead last.


Ya beat me to it. Also shocked were so close to the middle of the pack really.


I'm gonna give Minshew and his mustache the credit. Yeah he didn't play for you last year. But he's that powerful.


This is technically from the year minshew did play so you may be right


Minshew was a back up on the Eagles that season.


Whats interesting is teams like 5-32 are all within the 500-600 range which is pretty damn close. It's just the top few that are really out there.  The cowboys are like double everyone else 


Lower than the Ohio teams doesn't make a whole lot of sense and there's very little variation between teams, which is also kinda weird. 5 teams are between 545 and 544mil?


The NFL shares the majority of revenue so I'd expect all the teams to be fairly even


Ticket sales (60% of gross) Concessions and parking, which are split between the team and stadium ownership Corporate sponsorships with the local team Non shared revenue for reference. I think Cowboys don't share their merch revenue so that's why they have such a big number compared to the rest


Cowboys are able to make their own merchandise licensing agreements however they are required to pay a royalty payment that accounts for 16% of the merchandise revenue split in order to do so.


I mean yeah, but this is like .1 percent. One sixth of the data is within .1 percent.


I feel like the guy in burn after reading "The *raiders*?"


This just proves that you can treat your fans like shit and be a completely incompetent franchise and still profit


The Raiders have very strong branding and fan culture. I know of a couple people who went to Vegas and ended up buying Raider merchandise just because it was "cool" despite not being NFL fans. Being based now in *the* premiere American tourist destination will generate a lot of revenue just due to how loose people are with their money in Vegas. Also, a lot of Raiders fans aren't in Oakland, so them leaving it for Vegas probably didn't completely alienate the old crowd either.


I come from a Raiders family and moving to Vegas has helped a ton. Going to games in Oakland sucked. The men’s room in the stadium would be flowing with piss by the third quarter due to plumbing. The new Vegas stadium is awesome.


It was a shithole, but it was *our* shithole. I miss it.


I don't miss it at all. Pee shoes and not a lot of shade.


My son was 7 when the Raiders moved and he told me “daddy we’re staying Raider fans!” When I asked him what he wanted to do (and while I was born in Oakland, we’ve lived in seattle his whole life). Raider Nation is a family!


Also the Raider unlike some other teams, seemed to actually really attempt to stay in Oakland.


Yeah say what you want about the Raiders moving but it’s no where the A’s level


Would be interested to hear where they ranked in Oakland.


Bottom half. Mark Davis was going broke due to a combination of low ticket sales, bad contracts, and various California things. There were teams that had less revenue, but they usually had less expenses too and/or their owners had other businesses.


Your mom was incompetent for not swallowing


Treat your fans like shit?


Yeah but the *fucking ~~Russians~~ Raiders?*


That's probably because Raiders have a lot of fans in LA so they get to double dip. Though Rams probably are probably going to take over as younger fans start to get older and LA actually becomes Rams territory.


Rams have a history in LA. It's not all new converts like the Chargers.


Y'all realize that chargers fans don't all live in San Diego right? A lot of us live in the IE and orange county, so them moving to LA didn't really add travel time to games.




Who the fuck are the chargers?


Supposedly the afc west has four teams? Is that new?


Rams played in orange county for years before they left for St. Louis. Raiders, 49ers and Cowboys had a bigger following even when the Rams sort of played in Los Angeles before moving. Gap just got worse and will take a couple generations to recover.


Is that what happened? As a person living nowhere near Cali, that's sad, because Rivers, LT Chargers were one of my favorite teams, looking back (Hated them at the time as a Colts fan)


I'm sure that a chunk of that is from fans of other teams travelling to Vegas to watch their team play (I know I did a couple of years ago).


how you gonna be an LA rams fan and dont know that half the city is probably raider city still


Raiders are a clothing brand with a football team, they sell stupid amounts of merch cause everyone looks good in black and a skull has an appeal to certain types even if they have no idea it’s even a football team. I live in the UK and see raiders merch literally 10x the amount of every other teams merch combined.


What skull?


Look I’m aware it’s not actually a skull but it’s pretty much a skull and crossbones, it’s clearly designed to be similar to it


Yet Davis has been crying poor for years


Raiders and Rams made out on their moves, Chargers not so much


Even in San Diego, Raiders fans would fill Qualcomm up.


I saw a number of games at Qualcomm… it didn’t matter which team was playing it was pretty much always mostly visiting fans.


In SD I always saw plenty of folks walking around in Chargers gear, though. Never even once in LA.


Honestly I’m pretty sure most of the raiders revenue is in merch sales, see a stupid amount of raiders merch in the UK on people that don’t even know it’s a football team, black with a skull on it has a pretty global appeal


I’m trying to figure out the conversion from 577 million dollars to cheese so that I understand the currency


Atleast 2 cheeses


OMG I love Packers fans. Y’all are a unique breed. :)


The fact that my beloved Washington team is still 16th out of 32 says something. I get that visiting fans probably boost the number but a QUARTER CENTURY of dysfunction of a marque franchise and we are still 16. Goodness, wait until the team Is good again and then moves into a new stadium. The Danny can suck his thumb in England like Prince John.


Imagine having a revenue less than $499 million.


That’s two Deshaun Watson contracts dude chill


Why is this data from 2022? (Not being argumentative; honestly curious. Do we not yet have revenue numbers from last season?)


Data for the 2023 season will be released after the Green Bay Packers release their annual report in mid-late July. Typically takes a month after that.


I'm actually not sure why they say 2022, if you download their source it says 2024. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The table in that link says 2022-2023


I wonder if the Lions took in relatively more revenue in 23-24. Ticket sales sure were different!


Really? Because ticket prices didn’t change until this offseason


Fiscal year for 2023 doesn’t end until September 1 or September 30, 2024 I think Not saying that’s how they’re measuring it, but it could be a factor


It's also a guess. Packers is only accurate number. And that's a maybe. I'd have to look at financials. 


bUt MaRk DaViS iS pOoR??!?!?!


Vegas was a smart move


Compared to the other owners he is near the bottom when it comes to wealth.


In retrospect Mark Davis positioned the Raiders really well. Much respect to him


100%. Al would be damn proud. Only cost them homefield advantage :(


We still have two home games a year.


Didn't Al want to move them to LV more than once? lol


Probably, he wanted to move them all over the place. LA was definitely the first choice but that wasn't possible.


The Raiders could rename themselves the Las Vegas Jeffersons because damn, they moved on up!


Does this prove that Mark Davis is smarter than he looks?


Business wise, there should be no doubt.


Yes. That's not a super high bar, but yes.


As long as the Cowboys keep brining in that type of money, Jerry won’t care whether they win or lose no matter what he says


Jerry wins his super bowl every year. It's just not one that we the fans really give a shit about


Oh I believe Jerry wants to win. But it has to be his way and on his conditions while they rake in money. If the choice is between control, money, and success, he's going to choose the first two over the last one every time. He'd rather the team lose as often as they win for a couple decades and become uber rich. It's only now that he's getting old and running out of time he's feeling the pressure to win, and even now he holds too much power.


>even now he holds too much power. As a totally unbiased person I disagree, Jerry's got all the answers and the cowboys should be run by only him!


*checks flair* *raises eyebrow in suspicion*


No no, pay no attention to my flair, I want only the best for the cowboys!


*squints eyes*


Big fan of the Boys myself. Some good times had in that stadium.


Chargers should have never left San Diego to play second fiddle in LA. Dean Spanos is a football terrorist


Jaguars are worth $4.0B, Chargers are worth $4.2B. Spanos defenders can never again say they doubled their value by moving to LA.


Chargers should have went to Vegas & the Raiders to LA. But that would have hurt Kroenke's feelings, not being the most popular team in his own stadium.


That is a fact


How is this possible. Seems incredibly low for an nfl organization. After paying salary, marketing, travel expenses, etc the owners are at absolutely most taking home roughly 200 million??


Unless you are Jerry Jones you aren't taking home near that amount. Here is a summary of the Packers financial statements for the last few years and they make more revenue than the average NFL team. Season | National Revenue | Local Revenue | Total Revenue | Player Expenses | Total Expenses --|--|--|--|--|--| 2022 | $374.4 million | $235.9 million | $610.3 million | $294.2 million | $541.6 million 2021 | $347.3 million | $231.7 million | $579 million |$280.9 million | $501.3 million 2020 | $309.2 million | $61.8 million | $371 million | $219.9 million | $409.8 million 2019 | $296 million | $211 million | $507 million | $226.5 million| $436.6 million 2018 | $274.3 million | $203.7 million | $478 million | $243 million | $477.2 million 2017 | $255.9 million | $199 million | $454.9 million | $212.7 million | $420.9 million 2016 | $244 million | $197.4 million | $441.4 million |$192.5 million | $376 million 2015 | $222.6 million | $186.2 million |$408.8 million| $165.7 million | $333.7 million




Thank you


Wait so that means they only made $69M in revenue 2024?


Nah, it's saying 69M in profit.


They made $610M in revenue, with $541M in loss. Thus have a profit of $69M. Revenue - Loss = Profit


I like how our revenue closely matches Mahomes's contract


Texas football baby


Wow..... Bengals attendance exploded after 2021 Superbowl run and we're second worse? How bad would we have been if it weren't for that?


I’m a little surprised the chiefs are that low. I figured with all the additional “Swifty” hype, thought it’d be more.


This is for 2022-2023. 


Makes more sense then


Chiefs season tickets is a bargain and not even sold out now


...are you saying there isn't a waitlist for Chiefs season tickets?


Yes, though last I checked it’s only bad seats or single seats.


How it works is that they charge significantly higher on the first year so people just take the worst seat for the first year and move down in year 2


Nope. No waitlist or seat licenses but pricing for first year holder is higher


"Bargain" Kansas City has the 2nd highest cost of going to an NFL game meanwhile Kansas City is one of the lowest cost of living (meaning lowest median income for fans) of cities with major sports teams.


We are talking about season ticket price go. It’s really cheap compared to other teams and no seat licenses. Also I don’t trust your source. KC and Buffalo always have the lowest price on resell market for Playoffs tickets in the last few years.


https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2023/09/06/nfl-ticket-prices-2023-cheapest-most-expensive-prices/70722888007/ > Leading the NFL in ticket costs is the Las Vegas Raiders, which has an average cost of $582 per ticket. Behind the Raiders are the Super Bowl 57 contestants: the Kansas City Chiefs at $578 and Philadelphia Eagles at $559. > Here is the average price for the cheapest ticket for each NFL team: Houston Texans: $49 Atlanta Falcons: $54 Arizona Cardinals: $59 Tennessee Titans: $60 Tampa Bay Buccaneers: $62 New Orleans Saints: $65 Jacksonville Jaguars: $68 Cleveland Browns: $71 Indianapolis Colts: $74 Carolina Panthers: $75 Los Angeles Rams: $81 Baltimore Ravens: $82 Washington Commanders: $91 Los Angeles Chargers: $100 Seattle Seahawks: $106 New York Giants: $116 Denver Broncos: $118 Detroit Lions: $123 Minnesota Vikings: $123 New York Jets: $125 Chicago Bears: $126 San Francisco 49ers: $128 Cincinnati Bengals: $131 Miami Dolphins: $135 Pittsburgh Steelers: $143 Dallas Cowboys: $143 Green Bay Packers: $159 Buffalo Bills: $168 New England Patriots: $170 Philadelphia Eagles: $171 Kansas City Chiefs: $204 Las Vegas Raiders: $209 https://www.businessinsider.com/most-expensive-nfl-tickets-by-team-raiders-49ers-eagles-packers-2024-1 This list has them at "just" 6th most expensive behind Chicago, New England, Green Bay, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Las Vegas


Most of them just tuned in to see Taylor. A lot of Swifties who did buy merch probably did not buy jerseys through the NFL since there were a lot of Taylor's Boyfriend or Swift gag jerseys instead of anyone actually on the team.


She was on the screen like 30 seconds a game. Y'all need to chill.


Man, the difference between number 1 on the list (the cowboys) and number 2 on the list (the raiders) is bigger than the difference between number 2 and number 32. What the hell are the cowboys doing so much better than the rest of the league?


That merchandise deal is why Goodell will make sure Cowboys never win the super bowl. 


Number 1 having over twice as much as last place is surprising


This is really interesting. Just based on location, I’m shocked by some of the teams in the latter part of the list. 


Chiefs that low?


Cowboys way above $1B


lol no wonder the cheifs can’t afford new stuff. They poor af


The Cowboys marketing machine is unrivalled. Paying networks to constantly keep them as the main stories during the off-season (see GetUp, Skip bayliss, Rich Eisen show) even after many years of failure.


lol the raiders. Fleecing the fans with that garbage organization


This is probably also a ranking on likeliness to be fine with not having a salary cap lol


"take home" + "revenue"... deliberately misleading, or just ignorant?


How are the Raiders so high? The difference has to be local revenues. Are they really selling tickets and merch for that much? Bringing that much in sponsorships?


The stadium and Las Vegas as a destination are incredibly popular. Our ticket revenue and non-NFL stadium revenue (CFB, concerts, etc.) was the highest in the league in 2022


But the Raiders don't own the stadium. So non-NFL stadium revenue would not benefit them.


It does though. They lease from the Las Vegas Stadium Authority but the Raiders run the stadium. That includes all non-NFL events as well.


It's the same way with the Cowboys and why they are so high. Teams don't want to own their stadium they just want to control all the revenue. The Raiders used to be last on this list every year or in the bottom 5 until they moved into their new stadium. Luxury suites, stadium sponsors and other stadium events are where teams separate themselves from other teams in terms of revenue.


That suprised me too. Obvious we know the cowboys bring in billions. The Patriots and Rams I expected to be high because they own their stadiums. So they bring in all the venue from concerts etc. whether publicly owned stadiums have to share with the city or state government agency they are owned by.


I’m not surprised. Raiders are kind of like the Cowboys except they have an even longer SB drought and more bad teams.


> The Patriots and Rams I expected to be high because they own their stadiums. Same for the Dolphins, I’m honestly surprised they aren’t higher considering they host the F1 race at the stadium, plus the Miami Open for tennis, numerous Soccer games, and then concerts like the other stadiums


In the middle is decent


Dang that’s surprising


So every one I taking home about the same amount with exception of the cowboys


Does the Chargers, in the #2 market in the US and the media capitol of the world, being in the bottom five in revenue surprise anyone?


I think this should show fans just how much money is involved in the NFL. It’s insane honestly


Washington is always outside of the trends from the other NFC East teams....everyone is in the top 10 but them...(Jk)


20+ years of mismanagement will do that to a team. #FuckDanSnyder #HailtotheHOG


Low key surprised the Bills are lower than us.


Hey, we are still the highest team in New York! I actually moved from SWFL to Buffalo, it's just a small market. There is only like 1.1 in the region and unless they really start to market to Toronto better (or try to become "Canada's de facto team"), we will never have the population or economy to really pour money into the franchise. That being said, all of us have at least $2000 worth of Bills gear.




Oh jeez ya' know we do what we can with what we got.


So happy Cards are so low. The owner is shit.


Jerry Jones rakes in the cash for what’s been a middling team for ages. Yikes. And FWIW I think our owner is even more of an asshat than Jerry.


They haven’t been “middling.”


Smallest market - still in the top 1/3rd!


Buffalo only brings in half a billion? I no longer feel bad supporting that poverty franchise with my taxes... /s


That bottom 4 is so sad


Surprised the Bills & Bengals are that low, despite being premier teams for a while now.