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Cornerback named Finger


I can’t escape r/okbuddychicanery


For real how the fuck did it end up here lmao


I'm a huge fan of BB and BCS and it wasn't until the last couple episodes of BCS that I learned about /r/okbuddychicanery . Felt like I got hit by the FOMO truck.


I cant see the name Walter the same way anymore without reading it in the voice.




I didn't know this sub existed. I only saw the "kid named finger" jokes on Facebook


Grab his dick and twist it!




You’re assuming he wouldn’t like that 😏


Man I really want some player to straight up come out and call him out for being a piece of shit. I’m sure it will never happen tho.


Following this, he literally said "it's good to see him back." Players do not care.


And why would they? Players move around a lot in this league. Can’t call out a player for what he’s “allegedly” done if there’s a chance you could be teammates at some point - the backtracking would look worse than just not saying anything at all.




You’d hope everyone on the planet has morals but in reality people put their self interests first. It’s naive to expect football players (or anyone for that matter) to do what you deem as “moral”.


As much as I would like it, this isn't their job. It's the league's job, and they've done horrifically obviously.


It’s nobody’s job to have morals…you just either do or you don’t


But even this is simplistic. Everyone has morals about certain things. But not everyone feels impassioned about everything. And there’s no governing body on morality. Then you add in things like “by todays standards” vs historical standards and it’s the definition of moving goal posts. It’s completely possible, and moral, to think what Deshaun did was horrible, but not feel the obligation to call him out.


What about going out of your way to say you're happy he's back from suspension?


I think they're saying it's the league's job to speak up about it and do something about it. Not the players responsibility.


It’s no one’s job period. It’s about whether a person or organization thinks it’s worth talking about.


No, it's not. It's the criminal justice system's job to investigate crime and punish offenders. They declined to do so, twice. If grand juries with access to all the evidence say there isn't enough evidence to indict (where the evidentiary standard is "more likely than not"), how can we expect the NFL, which doesn't have access to all the evidence, to do more?


Well first of all, you fundamentally don't understand how the criminal justice system works if you think grand juries are given all the evidence. They're literally just given whatever evidence the prosecutor decides to present, and the prosecutor has no legal duty to present all evidence/specific evidence. For all we know, the prosecutor brought next to nothing to the grand jury proceedings. In fact, this is almost certainly what happened with the Watson case because if they had even just presented what was publicly available at the time, a grand jury would likely have found probable cause to indict Watson.


What charge(s) do you think they should have indicted him on?


You can't be serious. A brand new, fresh out of law school prosecutor could have gotten him indicted for sexual assault and other sex crimes solely on the basis of publicly available information. And the prosecutors almost certainly had access to the same evidence that the league presented to an actual judge during the discipline hearings, which the judge literally said objectively proved that Watson did the things he was accused of.


I was just curious what charges you thought were appropriate. Sexual assault/misconduct makes the most sense to me too from what we know. I'm not a lawyer or anything so this part of the process always confused me the most that he was able to catch 0 charges. We hear about the side of the victims but we still have never heard the defense side of the case and i don't know if the grand jury gets to hear any of that to make their decision or not. I'm just still so confused how we got to this point where there's such a gap in information and assumptions and he's already playing football again. I always thought we would have way more answers before he was able to touch a football again, much less get $200+m guaranteed if people still assume a grand jury/prosecutor blatantly missed a slam dunk case with so much publicity.


Millions over morals for most folks though. Sad as that is.


A lot of people have to pick between standing up for their morals and losing their jobs.


Also I'm sure that many players are ok with the fact that their athletic talent gives them special status in society up to and including immunity from consequences of their shitty behavior. Not all NFL players are bad guys but I'm sure 95% enjoy the privileges of the position.


Not only that. But they move around and socialize in the same sections. A lot of these guys went to top camps together in high school. Went to colleges together and or played each other. Went through the draft process. Some have trained together. Or they just hang out in the off season. It’s more than just a possibility of working together. It’s the fact that these guys know each other so there going to be more skeptical. Even if their wrong.


I wouldn't back track shit, even if we're on the same team. I'd tell him to his face how much of a piece of shit he is. Then I might pull out a piece of shit and tell him to his face how much I respect that piece of shit more than I do him.


Can't really talk shit about your coworkers


Just gotta make it trash talk "In excited to play against Watson. He's not ready for this assault. We're gonna pound him without consent."


Watsons a terrible guy, but r/nfl needs to take a look at itself, unless of course you think “nothing says ‘I hate sexual assault like constantly making jokes about it’”


I see your point. But someone in the NFL organization should be bringing attention to it. I'd expect at least a vet who already got their bag to be able to do it. Also, we all deal with bad shit in different ways. Mine tends to be really bad and inappropriate humor. Like I'm pretty sure I made jokes about my dad's heart attack right after it happened 2 years ago (those memories are a blur). I definitely do today. (That's not for sympathy, just an extreme example.) Also, this is why I'll get on my soap box and say it matters that the league, owners, announcers/media, and players say and do something. Their attitudes and culture trickle down. And then guy have little kids with their favorite players, heroes, and role models being people not at all deserving. But since no one who could do something gave a shit, it doesn't matter


The owners protect each other (except Dan Snyder) and are always happy to have a moral compass with the players. There's no culture of accountability in the NFL.


>‘I hate sexual assault like constantly making jokes about it’” Making jokes about NFL brass and silent/complicit players isn't the same as making jokes about sexual assault.


Yes this thread where people are saying “I wish ravens players would after a sack” is calling out the owners / players and not joking about sexual assault at all. Reenacting their trauma is a sure fire way to send a message. Orange helmet bad, downvote all you want, but making jokes about rape or assault is not the move.


Your earning potential is massive, but only available for a couple years for just one company, and the leadership of this company has said that it's fine with this person. The same leadership has also retaliated against people who are outspoken against the company. You can speak out, but you jeopardize your lifelong dream and your one shot at generational wealth. The only people who can reasonably speak out without these constraints are dudes like Rodgers, Brady, and Mahomes (as well as a few other non-QB greats, of course), who have the bag already locked up and who would get employed regardless. This is maybe more work for the the other players than they deserve, but it is at least what I think is a reason why they wouldn't come out against Watson.


one of our D-linemen tweeted out support for him in his first start. pretty fucking awful, not only do players not care, some players are on his side.


Some? I believe there are more on his side than those that aren't. The only players I've seen call out Watson are retired. Meanwhile I've seen multiple active players support him.


Sounds like culturally it's pretty hard for active players to criticize, at least according to some of those retired players that have spoken on it.


It's easy when it's Drew Brees and kneeling, but not the rapist.


Shit this is pretty stark. To be clear 100 percent in favor of BLM and calling drew out (and he responded well). But speaks volumes about players reaction re gender vs race.


The hypocrisy doesnt help either. They are all highly selective in what cause they champion or care about. Michael Thomas went on about how he was in tears over Bree's comments on kneeling, then turned around and was one of many defending DeShaun Jackson's anti-Semitic tweets. Many of them are supportive of the likes of farrakhan which is counter productive to standing against racism.


They’re not against racism, they’re against anti-black prejudice. Most of them are extremely racist


source: trust me bro there’s a vocal minority that is anti-semitic but saying saying most of them are racist (which being anti-semitic does not make you) is such an unsubstantiated leap


lmao comments like this are why reddit exist 30+ people upvoted this bullshit


Why do we care what athletes think in general? https://youtu.be/NNOdFJAG3pE


because, right or wrong, athletes are very influential on people, especially the youth who look up to their perceived success. This makes what they say and do matter. That said, Barkley will always be one of my favs for that bit^ he was completely right. More people need to break from giving too much worship to athletes and celebrities. Really, one should never worship or overly follow any individual. People are right, people are wrong. We're often both depending on what the topic is. We're all imperfect. People need to be able to praise and find inspiration in people when they do or say right, but still be able to stand back and think for themselves and not blindly follow others on anything. Idolatry is never good, in any form.


Its on the parents ro be the role models for kids. The only kids who hero worship athletes are kids who have dogshit parents. And by that point the kid is already fucked and no “good athelete” will be enough to save them. Almost all this comes back to parenting. Everyone is able to pop out a kid so u have a ton of people out there not fit to actually raise children with multiple kids. Real life idiocracy in effect. If your kid is looking up to athletes for guidance u did a shit job as a parent. Mfs would rather let the ipad raise their kid tho than actual be responsible and set a good example for the children they decided to have LOL


Was he actually accused of rape?


He was accused of forcing a woman to perform oral sex on him, which legally is rape.


A number of times.




Sexual assault is rape. He was accused of sexual assault. If you’re asking if he was accused of violently raping someone then no, he was not.


Sexual assault is rape!?


>Sexual assault is rape. Bro what? Words matter. We should use them correctly. No need to muddy the waters on this.


I think you were misinformed and are simply back treading. “A number of times”. I’m not defending the man but ppl on this site are smelly echo chamber ghouls who spew misinfo that’s repeated over and over. He asked girls giving him massages for a blowjob and they gave him what he wanted




Imagine defending a rapist lmaooo


He was never accused of rape tho ?


It’s easy when you’re doing what your billionaire boss is instructing you to do in order to keep making millions of dollars.


Well there's always the chance you end up on his team...


Probably because there are players doing the same dang thing he was doing. At least I certainly wouldn't bet against it.


It's pretty simple, sure they could make a public statement to please the media and a bunch of people online but at the same time they potentially cause issues calling out other players. It's easier to just keep your feelings to yourself. Because at the end of the day nobody really gives a shit what individual players think about it because they will still watch.


Which one?


charles omenihu


For reference, Omenihu and Watson were together on the Texans. Our defense called themselves the "Rock Boys", and Watson was the only offensive player who was an honorary "Rock Boy". Make of that what you will.


What i make of that is that they have rocks for brains


Who would have thought that a millionaire would be detached from reality and doesn't actually care about the livelihood of common everyday people


I don't think it's his millions that keep him from caring about sexual assault




But they played the air guitar as a celebration!!!!!


Wait, like "rock and roll boys", not like "big, heavy, and hard to move" rocks?


Are they boys that are really strong like rocks, or literal rocks that are just young? Birds of War-esque conundrum here.


I wonder if they put together a song to provide some clarity


Probably something super original like “We Will Rock You”.


Rock boys seems like a name they chose for themselves, where as the others you listed seem like they were given to the groups. choosing your own nickname…laaameee.


The No-Name Defense, Monsters of the Midway, Gang Green, Dome Patrol, and even South Beach Bullies. Rock Boys doesnt register with anything. No if they were to call themselves "i-10 eastbound to Lake Charles on day before thanksgiving defense" I would buy that shirt.


Everything else aside, Jesus fuck that is so lame. “Rock Boys”? Fuckin lol.


They also have the same agent if I remember correctly




>some players are on his side. Correction. *Most* players are on his side, and it's probably not even close.


College Teammates or not DJ Reader was loving on him like a homeboy.


They were texans teammates as well


We haven’t seen it happen with other players in the league who have done arguably more nefarious things, we won’t see it with Watson It was just a few years ago more players came out in defense of Desean Watson saying Hitler was right, than those that spoke out against it.


It’s so funny you had so many of these players taking stands on social issues and then support rapist. It’s clear they don’t actually care about social issues or anything. Kind of like how Lebron gets very (rightfully) upset at issues in America then turns around and and praises the CCP, a government and country that is extremely racist. Almost none of these players have any morals or have an IQ of 70


Easy victories, it’s the downfall of American politics. Climb on a BLM band wagon or an anti abortion band wagon, whichever your team prefers, and you never have to actually do any real lasting work


You all underestimate how many players believe Watson. High-level male athletes are taught to not trust women and to assume that they are all potential gold diggers and whores. Watson still remains very popular among his peers.


Not just this, you all underestimate how many players think that he *did* do shit but that he didn’t do anything wrong, or at least that he did something criminal


So what I’m hearing is that some of these players are intellectually equivalent to caveman. They should really play some games in Saudi Arabia, they would fit right in


Yes, a lot of football players are very stupid.


Very true. r/nfl is utterly clueless on this lol. I guarantee if you polled the entire league, 99% of players are on Watson’s side.


I think everyone basically understands that? Everyone here is saying what they wish he would do, and part of that is wishing players wouldn't just support other players no matter the circumstances which seems pretty uncontroversial?


bring charles martin back from the dead for one more illegal body slam


Watson looked lost the few times we blitzed him. Now going against a blitzing defense Ravens in a rout this weekend


That'd be nice, but we don't blow anybody out. This team is incapable of playing anything but a close game.


Hey we blow plenty of teams out… just as long as you don’t count any scores from the 4th quarter!


The closeness doesn't matter as long as Watson regrets stepping onto a football field again.




Bro [zoom in](https://i.redd.it/ecshlcafjk5a1.jpg), he's not touching his facemask I guess making up facemask penalties is better than crying for a roughing the passer call against a runner.


The irony of Steelers fans crying foul is just...astounding.


>Bro [zoom in](https://i.redd.it/ecshlcafjk5a1.jpg), he's not touching his facemask You should take another look at his left hand.


Yeah it's across his chest on his shoulderpad Literally nobody was complaining about this hit except butt hurt fans. Players didn't call for a RTP or facemask or complain, because it was neither. He got slammed to the turf, and his head snapped back and he got a concussion. Probably will happen easier for him since he just came back from one not long ago. Welcome to the rivalry, I hope Watson gets it worse. Legal, but still a hard hit. Both Pickett and Snoop should adjust their play style during these Steelers/Ravens games. Snoop needs to be more careful overall. Learn from Lamar!


Really going to hang your hat on the pedantic "he said touching not holding as I did"?


Soft. Maybe minkah can square him up for another headshot


Of course it's the Steelers guy


There's been a fair number of LBs fucking german suplexing other guys this season - maybe one of those? lol


If our performance thus far this year is anything to go by we will enter the fourth up 35-6 and end it 42-41


Hopefully you guys break him in half


As long as you get a couple egregious roughing the passer penalties, we good.


Ravens don't blitz like they used too anymore now that Wink is gone


They blitz when it's called for now, but still do it a lot, and are still exotic with it. At times it looked like Wink defense vs Trubisky


Watson has always had trouble with blitz, especially the slot corner blitz. The so call breaking sack stuff, it only happens because he doesn’t throw the ball away. The great sack eliminators, I think Herbert is one of them, doesn’t even let the defender touch him before the balls gone




A shutout is automatically a rout


Spoiler: our o-line is wet 1-ply


You guys blitzed him 3 times he was 2-3 on those plays


Shhhh don’t bring facts into this


I'd give anything for someone to drop into the happy baby pose as a sack celebration


Seems like a no brainer


So they want to make it hard for Watson? Doesn’t he like that?


The defense wants to catch him with his pants down.


Watson will throw in the towel


Did he bring his own towel, because I’ve heard he doesn’t like to use a towel that was provided.


That’s why he’s throwing in the towel. He doesn’t like it


Why does this towel smell like jizz?


Lions and MCDC are actually pretty good at doing that to other teams with their out of nowhere trick plays lol


Massage jokes


Taint no other way.


Honestly the lack of hits Watson has taken in the past two games is embarrassing


Not that he doesnt deserve but it would be the only way for him to help the Browns move the ball lmao




I hear Vontaze Burfict is a free agent…


Somewhere out there Mike Brown is having the most painful erection.


Those days are long past


He would only have to play one snap.




Man, I really wish just one player would speak out, or at the very least not treat this guy like he’s treated. It’s such a bummer to see that none of the players give a single shit.


Hey, they just need to film another shallow "don't domestic violence" commercial and wear pink for a few games and that'll make dapping up the serial sexual predator all ok.


They do, but if they say too much, they put themselves at risk.


Of what? There’s no way the NFL would fine them or anything


Maybe a fellow teammate could do something which then puts them in an awkward situation with the media when they have to answer questions. Basically, there isn’t much of an advantage for players to speak out against Watson publicly besides calling him out (which lets be honest, isn’t going to do anything if it’s just 1 guy).


There’s isn’t supposed to be an advantage for them personally, it’s calling out a terrible character for the sake of exposure. Yea, it would cause discourse, that’s implied. What’s not being said is that more players would be against calling it out than supportive. Look how many terrible things players in the league have done, some arguably worse than Watson. They don’t care.


Both retribution inside the NFL and the potential for getting sued for slander by Watson's attorneys


Becoming the spokesperson for any issue in the NFL. It’s terrible but one day you’re the hero who spoke up about Deshaun, the next you’re the guy who played next to a coveted free agent who also hit a woman or did something else abhorrent. It is unfortunately true that there’s someone doing something reprehensible in every NFL locker room or something that another player probably doesn’t agree with. And you don’t want to cause static in the locker room but now that you’re speaking about Deshaun, if there’s every any controversy in the locker room (someone voted for something, someone’s anti abortion, someone’s saying anything political at all) and now you’re the spokesman for your team, and maybe even for your race. And you also have to be absolutely perfect, not just in your actions but also what you say.


I don't think anyone is speaking out because 1. Nothing was proven 2. It was "non physical sexual misconduct" and 3. That would mean they would have to speak out against the players that actually DID physically harm someone which obviously hasn't happened historically (name your player. The super talented can easily get away with beating their kid/wife, sexual assault, whatever.) It's just the way things are.


I don't think anyone is speaking out because 1. Nothing was proven 2. It was "non physical sexual misconduct" and 3. That would mean they would have to speak out against the players that actually DID physically harm someone which obviously hasn't happened historically (name your player. The super talented can easily get away with beating their kid/wife, sexual assault, whatever.) It's just the way things are.


Just tackle him helmet to dick over and over.


It would greatly benefit the Bengals if the Ravens lost. Go Ravens though.


Watch out for your ankles, that's where he is gonna hurl the ball to


I would love for a player to give an interview like the Wes Welker Rex Ryan foot fetish interview, but for Watson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiTEIbBPvQI




Maybe Watson doesn't want it to be soft...


They don't even have to offer a bounty. This should be fun.


Not so soft welcomes are what he gives to massage therapists.


The jokes write themselves


Deshaun gonna get an unhappy ending


And an “UN-Happy” ending


Ruin his day.


Fill the visitors locker room with hand towels and flyers for massage parlors.


Sounds like my honey moon


😂 strangely enough neither will Deshaun


Deshaun loves hard contact...


Not the only thing that’s not-so-soft for Deshaun


He has to show up first