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The Houston Oilers haven't won a game since 1996 Explain that one, nerds


The Dayton Triangles haven't won since 1929


Shit is fucking rigged man


Straight fax coming from DYT


They have in the DFWC. My dayton triangles threepeated therešŸ˜†


Nonexistent special teams


Haven't lost one either.


Money ( in Mr Krabs voice)


Whales - Hail Mary Mallon


Money on my motherfucking mind, cop 5 haircuts at the same time.


Rigged? So the NFL rigged the playoffs so that small market team Pittsburgh could win 6 times? Or the Packers? Or the Chiefs? Or is it more reasonable to understand that your preferred team is not run very well. Food for thought.


Steelers and Packers both won before the nfl became the money machine itā€™s been in the last decade


2009 Steelers 2011 Packers (against the Steelers) Are you honestly claiming there was no money in football in 2009 - 2011(hint it was a billion dollar industry even then)? Hell, Big Ben just retired and Aaron Rodgers is still playing. The NFL was a big money industry (adjusted for inflation) ever since Big money TV deals came into the equation back in the 60s/70s.


Itā€™s not the same as it is now


Money (lex luthor voice)


So they say (David Gilmour voice)


The NFL is rigged to make sure my team doesn't win every year




ā€œItā€™s rigged whenever my preferred team losesā€ ~ People who whine about the league being rigged Seriouslyā€¦ the amount of people needed to be involved to rig games, you honestly think NOBODY would ever blow the lid off the whole thing?






AB doesn't have to know, though... all it takes is refs making judgment calls with questionable judgment, right? I'm not saying it's rigged or anything, just hypothesizing how. The 2002 WC finals in basketball though... that was rigged.


100% agree. With today's social media and cameras or camera phones so readily available and numerous, plus logistics...it would be impossible to fix an NFL game.


Nothing is scripted, but you could put your finger on the scale just enough to have an effect without it being obvious or provable


I donā€™t know why people think this. Think about something like Santa Claus thereā€™s millions of children in this country who 100% believe Santa is real, even when a parent does ā€œblow the lid offā€ and tells the kid itā€™s not real or kids figure it out, it has zero affect on the ones who do believe. The stores are involved, local news stations, TV, movies all play along. People are really susceptible to being lied to. You wouldnā€™t even need that many people involved to change the outcome of a football game.


Comparing a bunch of *children* believing in Santa Claus to the NFL covering up rigging games, where there is potentially a shitload of money at stakeā€¦ Yeah, totally equivalent


lol you think the NFL makes more then Santa Claus.


My brother in Christ, getting a bunch of young children to believe in some fairy tale is not remotely the same as trying to cover up how massive of a conspiracy it would be to rig nfl games. You think someone like Antonio brown is going to keep his mouth shut?


You think someone like Antonio Brown would drop a ball for a million dollars? Do you think if someone like Antonio Brown came out and said the whole NFL is rigged everyone is on the take and then every commentator, tv personality, player/coach in the league said Antonio Brown is crazy, heā€™s off the meds. Would anyone would believe him or would everyone think heā€™s crazy?


Okayā€¦ how exactly do you rig an nfl game?


I think saying is full on rigged is ridiculous. But to not be suspect of the idea of NFL and sports betting influencing games through refereeing in some slight way to try to get preferred outcomesā€¦


Especially since betting apps have taken off.


Its rigged only when someone's favorite team loses or the Chiefs win


It's not rigged. The WWE is factually rigged and they fuck up and botch things constantly. There's no way that that many people could effectively pull off a stunt perfectly every time for the exact desired outcome. Also every NFL fan: Every time my team loses, it's totally rigged against my team!


A good take??! Mods, this man is on the Goodell payroll! Seize him and rip his nuts off.


It's rigged for gambling


Because money. NFL makes more money if big stars win and big name teams are in important games. Lions Ravens would not bring in as much as Mahomes & Taylor Swift beating one of the most storied franchises. I know this post is supposed to be a joke but the NFL really makes it seem like it's rigged sometimes.


And yet, many of the largest market teams kinda suck.


Yeah the clearest indicator that the NFL isnā€™t rigged is how long itā€™s been since the Cowboys were in the Super Bowl


The single most powerful owner, the most valuable team, largest NFL fanbase. Can't do shit in the playoffs. Hella rigged šŸ˜‚


Because the Cowboys earn regardless if they win or lose. Some markets need a little boost to extract the most out of them.


NY could use a boost for both teams...


Yeah we should be seeing New York teams dominating instead of whatever the Jets and Giants are doing.


Same with Chicago and Atlanta lol.


Is Atlanta included in big market teams? Feels like we never are.


Philly always is and our metro population is about the same šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Might not be a team on the front of people's minds but I don't think anyone could argue it isn't a large market.


Yeah the huge KC market.. lol. Give me a break. If it was fixed it would be New York vs the cowboys at least once


The chiefs were good (and won two super bowls) for years before they had any connection to Taylor Swift and are a small market. Yet big market teams like the Jets, Giants, and Cowboys languish. If they were going to rig it, they wouldnā€™t be favoring Kansas City lol


From a financial standpoint, the largest market teams make tons of money win or lose, so it would make more sense to elevate the smaller market teams so they bring in money that is closer to the large market teams. However, if this were true I think the Chargers, Jags, and Cards would be the biggest benefactors in recent years instead of the Chiefs.


And do you have any idea how many people would need to be involved to rig games? You think not a single person would ever blow the whistle on it?


Refs, players, coaches for starters.


>Lions Ravens would not bring in as much as Mahomes & Taylor Swift beating one of the most storied franchises. I still think Lions/Chiefs would've been a perfect way to end the season: 1) Everyone loves a good underdog story. 2) End the season the way it began. 3) Eminem vs Taylor Swift narrative.


yep. its annoying how often people get downvoted and called conspiracy theorist nutjobs. i'm not saying i have 100% evidence, but there's nothing wrong with scrutinizing really questionable calls made at the *perfect* time that just happens to benefit the stars of the league. there's a documentary about tim donaghy in the NBA. he explains how reffing works. its really simple, it's all an unwritten rule. the commissioner never has to say a word, there's just an unspoken code that refs should be nudging calls that help the bigger stars by allowing certain calls that can instantly extend a drive that's dead. or the opposite, they can decide to enforce oscure rules, or not enforce rules to kill a drive if they want, with zero repercussions!! and the more refs do a good job promoting the star players and helping ratings, the more likely they get assigned to prestigious games and get raises and work their way up the ranks like any other job. refs are highly competitive people too. you think they don't want to work the superbowl?? you think they don't wanna get a raise every year?? you think they won't do what it takes to make goodell happy? whether we like it or not, the refs DO have control of the pace of the game and potentially the outcome. they can fuck your team any time they want, or they can bail them out anytime they want. and once again, i'm not saying this is definitely happening 100%, i'm just saying it's ok to be skeptical, and it MAY be happening. and this applies to ALL sports. humans are fallible....if you guys think refs are always going to do the right thing, you have a naive view of the world. corruption happens EVERYWHERE. just look at politics! you think sports is immune?? *especially* the NFL?


Doesn't help with all the BS tackle rules now. Practically can't touch a qb or a reciever now. These guys wouldn't last 3 games 20 yrs ago


Most of those guys didn't last 3 games. they why they changed the rule. Nfl was getting boring by week 8 with half the quarterbacks on IR


This ^ Games are so much more exciting all season long. I donā€™t wanna see guys get murdered for tryna catch a ball over the middle. When I want absolute brutality I order a UFC PPV.


A bit off topic here, but looking at this image display. Why the fuck can't the Saints turn back to "Old Gold" pants and color contrast? Heck outta here with those Khakis colors...


Gooddell hates me


The fuck is this?


Because fuck you, specifically.


The chiefs


Thatā€™s just now the go-to explanation for many to justify any outcome they donā€™t agree with.


The only time Iā€™ve ever felt itā€™s truly rigged is during the NOLA no-call. Thereā€™s video of a ref starting to throw a flag but another ref waves him off, so he doesnā€™t. Iā€™m convinced the NFL wanted the Rams in the Super Bowl and draw in that juicy LA market.


**Because they let gambling books become partners and need to control the flow of money**


0 chance the nfl is rigged because if it was owners would have to be in on it, and if you think Dan snyder wouldnā€™t have leaked that your delusional


Because my team doesnā€™t win every week of every year


If itā€™s not rigged, how has there never been any back to back rookie of the year winner.


Conspiracies are for losers


Norwood was paid to kick it wide right.


I'm a Steelers fan, and you will never hear me say the NFL is rigged. Just look at the Browns, they suck bc they are poorly managed, not bc the NFL wants them to be. And the Lions, got a new HC and he turned everything around, and now they are Super Bowl contenders.


How about rigging it in favor of the Minnesota Vikings?


Ummm.... *gestures around*


Taylor made


because it wants to see the patriots succeed and the falcons fail they hate the falcons SB51 was rigged they hate the falcons that's why they suck they hate the atlanta falcons


Im guessing your a packers fan?