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Eric Lindros’ issue wasn’t his ego, it was his concussion issues. When he was healthy, he was unstoppable.


His only issue was his dad but you can thank him for helping bring all those cups to the nords/avs


His issue was Scott Stevens


Paul Kariya understood that reference.


no he didnt💀


Which was because he skated with his head down all the time.


He’s numbers were almost identical to forsberg at the end of the day. Lindros was a better goal scorer. Avalanche had some stacked teams. Both of them got shafted by injuries. Eric Lindros: • Seasons Played: 13 (1992-2007) • Games Played: 760 • Goals: 372 • Assists: 493 • Points: 865 • Points Per Game: 1.14 • +/- Rating: +215 • All-Star Games: 7 • Hart Trophy (MVP): 1 • Pearson Trophy (Players’ MVP): 1 • Stanley Cups: 0 • Playoff Performance: Notable for leading the Flyers to the Stanley Cup Finals in 1997 and multiple playoff runs, although he never won the Cup . Peter Forsberg: • Seasons Played: 13 (1994-2011) • Games Played: 708 • Goals: 249 • Assists: 636 • Points: 885 • Points Per Game: 1.25 • +/- Rating: +238 • All-Star Games: 7 • Hart Trophy (MVP): 1 • Ross Trophy (Top Scorer): 1 • Stanley Cups: 2 • Playoff Performance: Twice led the playoffs in scoring and won two Stanley Cups with the Colorado Avalanche, demonstrating his clutch performance in critical games .


Ehhh. I knew someone who worked for the brothers and their ego/attitude was pretty bad from what I heard.


No doubt his ego was big and bad, but I think the point they were making is *that* was not the reason for decline, concussions were...


More than likely. But he was also a glutonous pig on the off season who drank and smoked too much and didn't take care of his body at all. That can also take its toll on the body.


That was pretty much all nhl players in that era though.


However, drinking and smoking doesn't give you concussions.


Uh huh. But it can play a role in your physical decline as you age.


Cool story but it doesn't apply to Lindros at all so what is even your point


Lemieux smoked a lot too


Which one? Was it the one who ignored his teammate raping a woman and later bought a team or the one that was a head-seeking missile?


Kept his head down too much and paid for it, repeatedly.


I remember in an interview Keith Jones screaming at Lindros seconds before Stevens tagged him


His ego was what sent him to Philly where he didn't have as solid of a front office as Colorado so that would make a good argument for hurting his overall career. But I'm all for it, that trade was the bones of the franchise for years, much rather have it than a guy who never learned to keep his damn head up.


He hit too much


He got hit too much.


Got hit in the head too much


watching Konstantinov dominate him in the ‘97 final was enjoyable. Forsberg was twice the player Lindros was.


Brother I like Forsberg and that Colorado team as much as anyone but prime, healthy Lindros was something else. They’re comparable but I give the edge to Lindros. 


Healthy Lindros was as close to Mario as there was at that time. And that player was unstoppable then.


You mean Lidstrom and Murphy? They were matched up vs the Legion of Doom.


>Forsberg was twice the player Lindros was. Either you didn't watch both of them play or you got too many head injuries yourself. What a moronic statement


Forsberg wasn't half the player he gets credit for being.


Say what you will about other stuff, but Lindros was a VERY good player when he actually was able to play.


No one has ever doubted that. Certainly no argument from me. Him and Lemieux were the only 6’4” 240 lb players who moved throughout the ice like Gretzky


66 was 6’5 I think. He was absolutely the most talented player to ever play the game. Craziest part is that he was never at 100%, maybe 75% at best. He came into the league with severe back issues, then had a surgery which led to an infection in his back. And later we all know about the cancer of course. Only player to score 5 goals 5 different ways in one game, something that will never be repeated. One time he did a radio interview prior to the game and asked the DJ if he would donate money to his charity if he scored a goal off the face off in the next game, then he went and did it. He made Ray Bourque look like an amateur when he passed the puck to himself in between Ray’s skates, something not many can claim. If you ask and goaltender in his era who they feared the most, it was always 66. Playing only 915 games, and currently at number 8 all time with 1723 points, he is the only player in the all time top 10 with less than 1000 games. Yzerman is number 7 with 1514 games and only 32 more points, and Sakic is 9th with 1378 games and 20 something less points. To give you an idea of how great he was, the next player on the all time list with less than 1000 games is Peter Statsny at number 42 all time, 977 games and 1239 points. Mario was simply the best to ever do it


Played the same day he got chemo. Or the next day. Whatever, it was crazy. What a player.


IMO his cancer season is the greatest personal achievement in all of sports. He had 160 points that year, in 60 games. Won the scoring title by 12 points.


Holy shit


66 was always better than 99 and always will be. Hes easily the greatest player to ever live. "But Gretzky and records and" shut up. Actually look at the numbers and realize Mario had a better career.


Both Lindroa and Lemeiux were faster than Gretzky.


There are moments Byfield has that look. He’s a big dude but has crazy finesse and scored that [insane goal last season](https://youtu.be/03uebX0RCpo?si=ycrgVyrEL9HPrcIm)


66 mins as 6’5 I think. He was absolutely the most talented player to ever play the game. Craziest part is that he was never at 100%, maybe 75% at best. He came into the league with severe back issues, then had a surgery which led to an infection in his back. And later we all know about the cancer of course.


Lemieux was always listed as 6'4 his entire career.


He had a great career, but Philadelphia lost that trade.


Philly lost it for sure, but I also think they still don't win a cup during that stretch without it anyway


I mean it was cut quite short compared to his potential he really didn't have a great career


His issue was that he was always the biggest strongest player on the ice in any league he played in so he never had to protect himself from other top tier players…until he got to the NHL.


Crazy deal, other than one player, Philly completely lost that trade, hard. They literally traded a cup contending core group for one guy.


But Lindros is the reason the Flyers got their new arena. He put people into seats. I remember him, Leclair and Renberg were the absolute shit for a couple seasons.


Lindros 6'4 240 Leclair 6'3 233 McCarthy 6'3 223 Odjick 6'3 220 Tochett 6'0 210 Brind'amour + Berube 6'1 205 Keith Primeau 6'5 220 Renberg 6'2 235 This team was built big... lots of huge players, Not to mention Manderville, Desjardins and Hull


Crazy 8’s. Recchi Fedyk and Lindros. Dominant


Tbf we’d of probably won a cup if Lindros could’ve just kept his gd head up.


Yeah, he thought he was untouchable. Was never the same after that.


Every time that “this hit ended an NHL players career” pops up in my YouTube recommended I stg…


Shit the gourd?


Swear to Ganesh


Stab the ginger


> we’d of  ☹️






"we'd of" Something only the world's dumbest people would actually say


Eat my ass nerd


The crazy thing is Lindros looked like he was worth it the first few seasons.


It was an inability to adapt to the era. Hits to the head were not penalized the way they are now. In junior he could go across the middle with his head down and he was fine. Going up against an NHL trap defence with that style of hitting was always going to cause more problems for him he got caught. I feel bad for the guy but he would also instigate some things as well. I hope it didn’t affect him to much after


Also didn’t help that he was in the same division as Scott Stevens and saw him so many more times than he would have if he stayed with Quebec/Colorado. A great ‘what if’ is do the Nordiques move to Colorado if Lindros doesn’t get traded? Roy doesn’t get traded to Quebec then as well.


No, the Nords were moving regardless of Lindros refusing to play. Lindros playing there wouldn't have changed the weak cnd dollar, lack of corporate sponsors, made other NHLers want to play there or created someone willing to buy the team, build a new arena and keep them there.


Flyers would have won a cup in 1996 if they got even ok goaltending. If Lindros doesn’t break with concussions they’d have gotten one.


97? Detroit Swept Philly and it wasn't just goaltending. Philly only scored six goals in the four games.


Yes. Flyers went 12-3 in first three rounds and then gave up 14 goals in first 3 games in finals. Hextall gave up 12 goals on 87 shots. Meanwhile, Vernon gave up 6 goals on 108 shots. It’s hard to say the goaltending wasn’t a major difference. Lindros had 26 points in 19 games that postseason. He was only 23. Who would have known it would be his last deep run.


Goaltending was a major difference. But even if Philly got better goaltending, they still couldn't put the puck in the back of the net.


Well, yeah that’s also partly due to the Red Wings goalie playing very well. And much better than the Flyers. It was an unexpected collapse in Philly after cruising through first 3 rounds in 5 games each.


1993 picks were good picks too. 94 not so much


Good trade. Would make again






I just relistened to good ol’ Steve talk about this trade tree. Makes me happy every time.


It laid the groundwork for so much team success, it was amazing




I wonder why they don’t do cash deals in trades now a days


Salary cap.


Thank you


Salary cap sucks ngl


Yeah sucks having parity in the league.


Problem is this system is litterally rigged as it doesn't compensate for places where taxes are higher. Salary cap should be based on net salary, otherwise it's trash.


Maybe the owners want tax cuts for the rich?


The owners don't make the law.


That plus a closed league actually make the competitiveness kinda wonky. But as long as ”the show” goes on it’s ”fine”. American sports in a nutshell.


The Leafs love parity


Parity is a nice thing, yes. But under a salary cap, so many moves need to be made for cap reasons. It really makes building and keeping a consistent team for more than a couple seasons impossible. For fans who just want to be able to follow things with their team, it's miserable.


Not allowed anymore. The 15M was more than Quebec’s player salaries the prior year.


We basically do still. Salary retention is essentially a cash payment


It’s cash, but MUCH MORE IMPORTANTLY, it helps with the salary cap.


Lindros sure helped the Quebec Avalanche by refusing to even wear their jersey upon being drafted


Lemeiux did the same thing on his draft day. The difference is that Lemeiux didn't want to force a trade, he just wanted a contract that was befitting the best player to ever play junior hockey.


To be fair *pause* Lindros had a problem with the owner, not the team or the city. Or so he says.


Ive been a Lindros fan since he played for the Generals. For my money he was the best all around player to ever play the game when he was healthy. The Flyers definitely overpaid, but I wouldn’t be a Flyers fan if they didn’t.


I caught a game he played in London against the Knights. Place was packed to the rafters.


As a devils fan that 2000 flyers team was stacked and got robbed… even the 95 flyers were a cup contender and probably could have beaten the wings that year. The goaltending was always the issue and just running into a slightly better and sometimes luckier devils team in 95 and 00.


Well said


This was 32 years ago?!? Now I feel old.


Yeah. No shit. Wanna know how old I am? I grew up watching Bobby Clarke and his bullies.


Quebec won that trade with Forsberg alone, with the Cups to prove it.


Exactly what I was thinking. Everyone here is fawning over how dominant Lindros would have been if he had just stayed healthy, but that's the risk when you put all your eggs in one basket, as Philly did. Forsberg dominated for many years and went on to lead his team to more than one cup. The funniest thing about this trade though, is that the Nordiques wanted to cancel it for what they thought was a better one with the Rangers (I disagree). The league had to intervene and the deal with the Flyers was enforced. This story actually says a lot about the Quebec GM at the time, and why Lindros didn't want to play there.


Considering he didn’t even play the final two rounds of the Avs’ ‘01 playoff run, I wouldn’t say Forsberg “led” them to that Cup win. Plus, those teams had some other all-time greats that did as much, if not more, of the heavy lifting in both of their cups runs. I’ll also add that Forsberg’s time as being one of the best players in the world lasted about as long as Lindros’ did.


Forsberg didn't get the spotlight in his earlier years because he was playing with the team's 'star' Joe Sakic, who was loved by the fans and the press. IMO, he was a better player than Sakic and just about anyone else who played on those teams. Folks who followed them regularly, as I did back then as a rival Habs fan, knew that Forsberg was a superstar from his first years, way before he was a big name. As for missing the last few games of the seaaon... obviously the team had enough other talent and coaching to get the job done without their star player. I still think you need to consider the whole season, and I doubt anyone would say that Gretzky 'led' the Oilers to only 3 and not 4 cups, if he had had to sit out one final for injuries.


He didn’t just miss a few games during the regular season; he missed the Western Conference final and Stanley Cup final. And on a per game basis, Forsberg may have been better than Sakic, but the latter managed to stay healthy more so than the former, and health is a skill. Sakic led the entire playoffs in scoring during both of the Avs cup runs, and he and Roy each won a Conn Smythe. Not taking anything away from Forsberg as he’s one of my all-time favorites, but during the Avs two cup runs, he simply wasn’t the team’s best or most important player. Also, Forsberg won the Calder his first season and finished 5th or 6th in scoring the next year, so there wasn’t really a time when he wasn’t a big name.


Agree to disagree, but the Conn Smythe almost always goes to the goalie or the Captain. The second-tier or role players rarely have a chance.


No, it really doesn’t but ok. And again, Sakic outperformed Forsberg in’96 and Roy outperformed him in ‘01. That’s not even debatable.


They also had a deal with Chicago cooking at the same time. Though I don’t think that one made it to arbitration like the NYR one did.


Set the Colorado Avalanche up to become Stanley Cup champs


Colorado says thanks for the Cup, Philly


two cups, really


Thank Montreal as well, for Roy ;)


We wouldn't have won any of those without Roy.


Everyone shits on this deal, but he single handedly pulled the Flyers out of the garbage dump they were in and it lasted for almost 30 years.


Nah I’m pretty sure the flyers are still in Philly.


god DAMN


Dude wins the internet for the day with that burn.


I bow to you sir. What a burn


Oof. Talk about a burn.


I miss the days where they traded cash lol.


After this trade and during his first season, I saw him and the flyers come to Quebec City for his FIRST game against the Nordiques. That was an experience I’ll never forget. It was one of the longest games I attended since play had to be stopped throughout the game. Every Lindros shift, QC fans were throwing Penny’s, pacifiers, diapers amongst other things. Crew had to keep cleaning the ice which resulted in many stoppages but wow what an experience.


Forsberg alone is arguably fair


This was a good trade for both sides. Philly gets unfairly shit on for it but that dude was damn near the face of the NHL for years. He’s one hell of a What If too I do appreciate the multiple championships that trade brought to my Avs though. The Butterfly Effect it had on Ray Bourque was beautiful


That trade won ~~The Nordiques~~ The Avalanche the cup in '96.


Anyone know offhand who the two first round picks were?


Quebec won that trade on Forsberg alone...


How does lindros compare to forsberg in terms of overall career performance?


He doesn't 😎


Lindros would have been one of the goats if it wasn’t for his concussions


32 years ago? Fuck off, it was like 20, right?! I'm getting old, damn


Who did the picks become??


- 1993 - Jocelyn Thibault - 1994 - traded pick with Washington, but Washington selected Nolan Baumgartner


They picked Adam Deadmarsh a few picks later. It’s hard to know if they pass on a goalie and select him instead if they don’t have that pick. Also they traded Thibault for Patrick Roy


Who were the 94 and 95 first round picks as a result?


He was the 3rd most productive player during that era, only Gretzky and Lemieux was higher.


He was such a a dominant player before he started getting injured.


Wouldn’t report to the Soo in the OHL Wouldn’t report to Quebec in the NHL


The stars aligned for the Nordiques/Avs, they also picked up Roy


They traded Thibault for Roy who was the first from Philly in 94 So they basically got Roy because of this deal


Surely this ranks as one of the most consequential trades in NHL history?


I think so. But who knows what happens to Philly if they don’t make the trade


What a steal, it was worth it for Forsberg alone🤣🤣🤣


Just wondering.... did they literally deliver $15 Million cash in a briefcase back then? I like to think they sent a rep and they walked in like Money Inc. did in the WWF.


His concussions were a bigger problem than his ego. Although, you could argue his ego contributed to his concussions.


And one of those picks turned into Patrick Roy. I try to imagine that team if it hasn’t dumped Sundin for Clark.


Uh, no.


Uh, yes. The one 1st rounder was used to draft Jocelyn Thibault, who was subsequently traded for Patrick Roy.


Ok fair, wording originally had me confused.


? Roy was already in the league for 9-10 years when this trade took place


The Quebec Nordiques' first-round pick in the 1993 NHL entry draft was Jocelyn Thibault.....


Thank you for stating this. I thought it was obvious.


Same , anytime my dude 🤟


Lol Bro. Roy was drafted 51st overall in 1984.


No. The draft pick was used to draft Jocelyn Thibault, who was subsequently traded for Roy.


Quebec won that trade, hands down.


That trade tree went on for decades.


Personally I thought he was pretty middling, considering his raw talent and size. Was very lazy, tended to sulk a lot... 6'1" 185lb Cam Neely had more heart in his bad knee than Lindros ever had... so did Forsberg...


That’s honestly not a bad haul


Great year for hockey 👍


Him and Rickey Williams in the NFL are kind of similar IMO. Good players that don't get remembered for being decent because they were massively hyped and their teams traded the absolute farm to get them.


Lindros did win an MVP, take his team to the Finals, had deep playoff runs, division titles, is a HOF’er, and was the most dominant force in the NHL for several seasons. Too bad the NHL allowed head hunting then. Concussions suck and are deadly.


Imagine the alternate reality where Aubut doesn't make sexually charged comments about lindros' mother to her face so lindros doesn't demand a trade.


Did that actually happen??


Depends who you believe. On one hand you have guy Lafleur and the Lindros family saying it did happen.  On the other hand you have convicted sex offender Marcel Aubut saying he didn't do it.


https://youtu.be/mM7D2WTX2QA?si=1eRqg0wSgqAlfW5Z If you have 40 minutes to kill, watch Steve Dangle's trade tree video about this deal. It was more than the immediate pieces obtained.


What I got outta this is trades in the 90's were outta control. 2 firsts, several players that ended up having long careers and even threw in 15 mill. My god lol


This is so insane


He held out for a year, forcing this trade. Nords/Avs still fleeced them.


Dude was a fucking weapon when healthy


who did the two picks turn out to be?


Nolan Baumgartner (1994) and Jocelyn Thibault (1993)


Keenan had a deal for Lindros to become a Blackhawk. Hawks owner Bill Wirtz told Keenan he was a dumb MFer, that no hockey player was worth 15 million bucks, and to pound sand. Wirtz and Keenan could be heard screaming through the Chicago Stadium. Then Keenan left to coach the Rangers after that season.


...aaaaand they threw in a Stanley Cup too 🫡


Love Lindros but Quebec won on that trade just like the Cowboys did when trading Hershel Walker to The Vikings


Was this a good trade though? Yes Lindros had his career shortened, but Quebec/Colorado went on to win 2 cups largely because of this trade.


I forgot he was traded to Philly


[Hell yeah! F**k yeah!](https://youtu.be/mM7D2WTX2QA?si=mvGGEg9E2RgMEs4G)


The greatest pure talent to ever put on skates


One of the most lopsided trades ever. Philly cost themselves a cup picking up Lindros.


Oh later considerations to Quebec/Colorado = 2 Stanley Cups .


The butterfly effects of the league not letting the expansion sharks draft Lindros 1OA had long lasting effects that we’re finally correcting today, but it appears that the Colorado avalanche cup might have been one of the side effects of that decision and this subsequent trade.


Wish more 1st overall picks would do what Lindros did, just for shits and giggles


Lindros’ best move was spilling a beer on a chick’s head at Kookoo Banana’s in Whitby


And Hextall found his way back to Philly 3 years later


The Ranger actually had a deal with the Nordiques as well and the NHL had to step in decide who got Lindros . Obviously Philly came out on top.


It's hard to imagine there ever being a player as physically dominant as E was in his prime. In hindsight though, no way the Flyers make that trade again knowing what Forsberg would become. E was better peak, but Forsberg coupled with retaining those assets probably means a Cups for the Flyers.


It's really a shame he had concussion issues. I'm sure he would have been top five of all time. Maybe even top 3.


The league isn’t ready for the next Lindros 2.0


Scott Stevens has entered the chat


During the Avalanche's 2001 Cup season, there was a spread in our newspaper breaking down how the Avs (even though it was Quebec at the time of the trade) basically traded Eric Lindros for 2 Stanley Cups and dozens of lesser awards. The "family tree" of players brought to Colorado from the Lindros trade stretched ultimately to 2007 or so.


Thats a HELL of alot to give up in a trade


Bad trade, Forsberg > Lindros alone. Two Stanley Cups vs zero and more total points.


Let’s not forget they they lost Brind’Amour because of him too. Worked out great for the Canes but Lindros wasn’t with any of the guys traded for him.


I'm not saying Lindros wasn't expected to be amazing, like dude was basically the next Gretzky, but I still will never be convinced this wasn't a great deal for Quebec (i mean obviously it turned out that way, but even at the time).


That was Quebec saying, " I don't want to be in Quebec anymore."


How do you think it would have looked if the Rangers got the deal and dealt Tony Amonte, Alexis Kovalev, Sergei Nemchinov, James Patrick, Richter or Johnny V, undisclosed picks and $20M. Do the Rangers win it all more easily in 1994. The Rangers pick in ‘93 and ‘94 were terrible (Niklas Sundstrom and Dan Cloutier).


I think the Nordiques win the Cup in 93. No goalie problems with either Richter or Biz


Every time he sneezed he was out of action for months.


This trade was literally rape. I wonder if the statute of of limitations has run out yet. Although Lindros is a Hall of Famer and one of the 100 best players ever so it’s not the worst trade I’ve ever seen.